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AUCTIONS' CHEAP HOME-SITES AT THE LOWER HtlT'T. ■ A spkiidid Wock nf land oy the Wiiiouixhbv Kniulit Estato. Lower Unit, will be sold by auction on WEDNESDAY,, lith JfAKCH. This Sale, oifei-s >'■><> «B excellent oxiperlimity of sctaring a valuabto home-sate iii thfi'tet jiart of tho llutt The ground is pprfeetljr level, mid being high nnf! dry. is, from flood v.-mci*. It is protected from the southerly vital, 'i'liu soil is of the very best quality, hiivini; teem nswl as a. Cliinaifficn's (rerfeti. Metal roiiAs, foetpaths, 'and curbing have been formed, ArrU-ngemests have been completed U<t Bormib'ii water ,, and drainage system. The Motor Bus Service runs ta within a few hundred ym-ds oi' the Estate. The Block has been divided into i:jo--LEVEL SECTIONS-130. ' TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, ttH. atSp.m. At tho CIT.AMBKK OF COMMERCE, Customhouse Quay, Vi'dlingtoi. As this' Sale marks {.lie 'windi«it-up of the KnigUt Land Company's Estate, ■these Sections WILL UJ3 SACRIFICED. The oivbm's have put a very !ow reserve ou the pi-opcrty. UPSET PRICE FROM £1 PEE FOOT. For tho oonreiiipncp of pmtliaaei's who iv-o.iit a largo Blocfcs the buyer can ljave tho optioii of ncre-bloeks, or mow. MR, .S. GEOEGE NATHAN, Auctioneer, has been instructed to cocduet tho Sale. .. " As this is t!ie first opportunity you have ever , had of buyiiig land, id tlu'. Hutt District at a reasooaUo price, you shsiild see tlw-s? sectisM at I your early cuaveniencc. . Intending purchasers will He shuwn ovw , the property on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFfEKNGOXS, or at any other time by appointment. TERMS OF .SALE. • ■ ... TEEMS 03? SALE: 10 per cent, on the fall of the iiamnwt; 5 per esnt. in tUri'O, six, liini', and twehv hiontlss; balance in five years from date sale at 5 per cent, interest For plans ,-iud paj'tieulars, apply to the Auctioneer, Q fWAWP"!? IV vrn'tJ A M »& custojihousb quay UP.TO-&ATE DAIRY WRM. FOR SALE A3 GOIXG CONCERN. ■ ■ • 1 KA ACHES of Freehold; all in grass or crops, with esecspliott of 4 acres shelter ■Xipv bush r»Mn<i house; ali flat, pleugbaMe coußtfy, and about 100 acres havo been pleugW, Will carry SQ milking cows all year retiud. Very gtod house of S roams; built of heart of toiai'a and niatai-floors: 6-bail eflw.shel, conci'«te floor and yanl, fitted with tlninkft E.idd jlatihtaes and'Bladcstoiie thl Engine (new). Water laid onj blacksinith's Shop; ki'go lmyslirf, granary, and 2 cool henses. Well subdivided iato 14 padilocts,' all well ft'sced and Wflterid. MOST SUITABLE MR,SUBDIVISION, as has S, road fmntßgca. Within 3 minutes', walk of Eailway Station. Close to TofrSsbip and handy to W-dlinytou. i> acres at proseat in cro'ji. ! £1030 CASS KQIJIKED, Price and full particakrs on app'iicatioii to • BALGETY ANB COMPANY, lf¥sj ■ WELLINGTON. "• ■' MA€OTpI€ENT BLOCK , ■ OF SHEEP COtJNTHY. OKffK ACRES, NATIVE LEASE. Bent:, 21 y*nrs at 3s. Gd.» and 21 at 3s. ijfJl'J Cempensatioß ti.j.j to ncre for improvements; BifSo ncres EXCELLBNT BOSH, soueiwiiijft of TAW'A, PUKA'fEA, MAHD33 {or Whifiivcxjd!, IvO-\IM, ami ,n.buiidii.nte of TCITABA, with a htavy vinfegrowtb. of SUPPLISJACiv, , THE TOTAKA is a fine elass, and valuaWo timber for FENCIK6 and BUILDING; 2*5 acres hi HIGH MANOICA ami VLAX. This is considered one «f the finest l.!t?«o blocka of LIMESTONE and PAPA coHHtry brtweeh. AUCKLAND and WET,UNCTON> tire soil is a RICH BLACK WAIv vrith davk CHOCOU/TE SUBSOIL en a LMUSTOXE. ainl ' PAPA \\}™§ smti & COtJKTKY, and eswptionally eaby of access; to within KCHAJTXH of th-cW-eck by 2 good METALLKD TtOADS. SCHOOL i-niilo, HOTEL within a miles, and an teiiortant RAILAVAY ST-M'IOX only l.(i nijles. ' Tiie whole BLOCK caches the SALT BRBBXES, and the low price it is beteoftcroil at, it is lrodojibtodly the finest in vestmuat submitted to ft-3 PUBLIC for many years past. • PEICE, ill 7s. 6(3. Per Aero GOOD'WILL. ABEAHAM & WILLIAMS, LTD., PiXStEBST OS NOETH. "tJEOAD .ACRKS, partly ■nn'piwwl! 8588 MVm, Bay of &? lerms, wuh iHtrclwismg right. UnikUitius country, vi'rti Vm B easy voßevs about 8000 ai-res ploiighaMe. and 2SBO a«i-es heavy bush, SiiGO a« 3 Rross,-of which 1200 have bees ptongUwlj IS dl'vftter*d piwklocte; S-Momod house, wttfi"coavciii-e-B(>i;si 10-stalfcd stable, chaff heitse, nsid other biiilainjsj verv oomplol* stock end Kh«i) ym-ds, csiit-rote dig. Wcit raided district, anil twiroiiitiiit water c»rria»e iins property is <kocrib«l as well ■ adapted foi , daiwitig; aiul Sittlidivfevon a"iil eapaWe at carrying 1009 cattle and 1080 sheep in pksenh slate. Price as for'a .«1 Ms. por acre, incluiliiis a-lavgo number o? cattle and JiMF.eSi etc. K 1*» GOKIvILL. -Jieiy P'lymoMth. \ , S3IAM. FA.EJI, iveaf Hagtaa-UO aeres ail .pkmjjhabie, S paddtidK, . 1 aero orchard, heuH? t&tmt o rooms, Adjoijis P. and I'. Office. tfrecWltl. Mβ wt oflafin 0 CaS ' l:1 ' billaßM ' s yem at G i im ' ccat F - P - COKKILL, New Plymoatli BUSH iiAJEY loVEM, North Taranalti-110 acres, all clearai ex-cept about 25 acres. Well fenced au<! subdivide!;!; 6>roomei} houw. sml vefv cemnlote homestead; !)K) yeal's tennre. iGowlwiU, 4iß per acre.j il39d ca.4 rentjired ' Buver way take fwer; dairy Uent, jnilkiiiß am} icparaliug plan!:, implements, etc,, if dfisiml. 1 , , P. IOkIv.ILL, Ivesr Plymoutb. TTSIMPEOVBD BLOCK—SsDO antes virgin emmff.v. mostly «asv hill?, in bash <U ?0 ,,,ep M l valleys in W K flax,-Native land held «nte 42 yrars' vAlidatcd jense. Host conveniently situated, nml siii'roiraded by settled loads. 3? P" COP Ivll.,]}. N«w PlyiKfjutt, ' ' fjOMPLETI OOTrr-Tlwesliine. Chair Cutting. Ssid Ctoanhi?, etc., with vatuVt. •■'"iW'WPM'cuts. An esoellent "iM-estment Intimiryimuled. F, 1 , . COTUvILL, j\mi' Plymouth. rjOASTS-tKE PARMpIM acre.*, with rodO. lidwse, and eitttatfti within S miles of M«. per aero; JiiflO fealaato fi per qpai f P FP ' POTS T<T TT T LANI> AGffiXT, 1 « MEyy PLYMOUTH. t«8 ACHES FREEHOLD., ONLY 33 31ILES SOUTH O.P AUCKLAND. Owner retiring omv.g to fll-heoltft. %j*f"fT J I?ViHI7 «, iTVT^ciriT for any Good .Proposition south of Anckfend prorinw. EQUITY, itoOO ' rpHE HOMESTEAD is sitaated four miles from Poke-no Rrtilwav Station and A Si milte from tho Creamery, Sclwel,. Cteth, and Public Kofi'by a psftd metaitei fo»d nearly ati tfW way, and is inost picturestiiely situated amidst lreautiW soeaery. Sevevat of thft wo-nis are largej and with tho snri-o-iindujß ,ovshard , 1 acres; aad the topot, with its beautiful! waterfetl. mates it a home for ever. Although secluded, there are plenty of iieighlwws within, fay, a mile IL-β lnatl passes and leaves the, "Ken-Zealand Hefald" a,!w«U iuni.tliixlayof fubltwtion. Homo Sfrparatvou is uow adeßted. in the district, and fte price 'raid i'or butter-tat ■ lay tho YHukatft. Ce-opewtivo Dairy Assodatioii is ltd', for Oe-toW the Assoßtotroa eollectwg the ci-ewji free of charge. The laid is broken in parts, bat very easy country, being mostly low lulls l'h c v -3(05t» pla-so is w*ll iralwl by eertnanent hard-bettonwd streams aruf hel#s fitaea in tJic hot wisatbef far better than, th* flats Wow, as an instance flf which Mr.Graiiam, who owns a vahiabfo property on the M, bKMjsht his dair,- herd, to this 'liiuher teuntfy dyiins the last drowgM Oj the tuiimpre\'erj qoUMtry tkro is estjhiated to be alwut 400 acres in busk. Well fewed and tUvMetl. We haw wspeeteel this property exhaustively, and gaarantee it for absolute sate, and can coiiftdeiitlv' recemmend it eunar to s»eo»latore for subdivision or farmer. Ifeiiw So close to Auckland, it thnst inefooso in vnln? i already lands ii» llto vallcy wirliin a ftuleM# selling at JJM per awe, awl at Buckkud J®Q per acre has been paid recemk. Inelttdrnf the main tnmt servieo fJoin fiercer, T"miles, distant tliem »i& six passenger trains daily to -and from Auckland, the first train from' foke-no ieavi'uff ut 6.51 and arriviftK o t Auckland at 9.5. Wo will Ijo pleased to drive any prospectifa chente m om ot our ante cars (weather pernjittinif) to tho estate. Positively lie harm fane if you do not lite the proposition. OUK KEPOS;T.-Mie whole of tho purticulsrs are given faithtmiy ;nnd to the best pi our ahiirty, and we will not hold ourselves reponsihlo for any inaccuracies. Sale Aftnjfcs— • ' ' } TYLDM and-SPIBHS, E fisllcJfrW TS Am Branches also ot l'ulwbolie Fapakarn. 95 QUEEN SV., AUCKLAND., N.Z, SAFE INVESTMENT-STEADY, GfiOWlN6 I efin - 4 CKtS, l'weJiald, ci.»iy 44 miles to railway, school, awl Host office lieadv.OVV about 6aO acres English grass, toiance first-class bush,' sJibdwjded and well watered; carry tn-e sheep per acre, besides". 1 tevst to § a.cres. J'rice fer liide. M 10s., rii- wouU'f cosLSi'der small fa cm or any gtrdd »nuit* iii iseLan»e Having inspected this fftrm. we are in a pssitiMi to give fuHflst'tioteik ' ° J. R. PEEEY AND OCxf reap iKg._ ■ ■. ; EXCHANGE FOB HcJflSl'- PRGfilffYi "^—^~~~ OKA ACHES, I'rteWtt, situated ouly 3 wiles froii.i railway: scliaal J'hjilo- 200 twy acres Bfciseod; 100 acre* flnt; 2 Kotvses niirf ;ilt necessary rfilCE, £11 10s. per acre. Kquity. X 3975. ' u t l "wunw«,s. EXCWANSE FOR 6QOO DAIRY FARM. *>£}A ACRES, Preojioki, 339 aciw grass«rf. liaLiflec crop; «arryinp itOO ■ehflßT) i>Ol/ iiMistly Wdiuß cwes,s<) head cattle, htesos, utL'! I'lilt't?, JC3O W awoISquity. -i'MOO, 1W full fwrtiealsrs* apply ' ' "H. F. M e NEILt AND 00. 5 ' " TWO WUNT'£Ry IttTpROPERTrES. ' ' IHA.A ' U;BES > Fi'eeßoW and L.T., sitnatod VukwM, 15S1) ernssr. fll acre* in JLtiyfx bu.«l.i. - I'arry SOO9 sh*t|i. i-roomwl ■ Itilnw, woplsW. mail's u-'hare tic. Wcfl fenced, elf. PRIC'li: ,t9 iSs. 6t1.., f)W asre for frcdioM. 'Jtjon? ar' •fIA/l ACKfiS, Fropli-old, sitwated S iisiiei Mini(fi-vi!l«>, sat: aorte' li'rc'rtioid .IXlra: and balance leasehold, with 3 ycevu to Jim with ris:l«t of renewal for 21 year, at i jilt cent less tei.ia«f« iiiiprovejupiits. Goal liouw. nisi.n's cotta"f. ■wool-shed, 3, niiicWiicj, etc., etc, Well WtU Wtttei'cd. PK.J(Sb, Jlii wSnIWB sIiSISSIf g^SriJii! kftlo, 0 niite from rail. Al»«t half l!i(< blflck is imi-mivtMi/iUiil is iio-iv- rviiviii-'v ovfer 2W)£i ehwp and 3MI iirrti! raUli , . 'tlic Sialailrft is easily improved WJHjitiy. A° rOtvd runs viiihf tflfnugh htaek, wliitih has immense vitlitfc iis'a eUtJisnWi'i)'proijositiijii k-v diiir.i'iiiS imfjn«ics, pvariirfiHy ilie whole Mod; liwnjj wsitinoßfJ.v sjiitaliio"' for swell. At Hi? lav tigniv fif ,i' 7 m'r u<:ro ih* bfuok wilt show vw.r imils Eα (he pttreUusPr. ami as hh imlisatHin «t i,'.s mmid \-a]xn- it is siißiei.o»it id nwjitioit 11\;.tt iiffiia- lat'ss , aHiimit nf ifVi-sou',. im[ij«VKinmU w-pre caVeclorf. Hie fiovci-muCat; ! ViiluatiaM was .rlS,llt.ll>. jiml the A.M.I'. .fijn,«). o nj . «<[tjit.v is about- JMijIWl •' mid a iiiiialjlc liioul; nf sluvp tnmilry, i-illn'r Ifawku's llay Oi ; Wiuiganui. vmtld I Iji' cfit.'i'Uiiiicd a* aw p.V'ha'nJ?. rtivtln'ryartuMiJaj-i." ' MILBIJKH AND" "CO., I

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2002, 9 March 1914, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2002, 9 March 1914, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2002, 9 March 1914, Page 10


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