PHABE6' OF THE MOON. DEOEIIBEB. Dny. Hr. m. Last quarter 1 10 35 p.m. Now moon 9 4 37 a.m. First quarter 17 7,36 a.m. Full moon 2<l 4 0 p.m. Last quarter 31 7 42 a.m. MOON. Moon rises to-d«y, 7.4 p.m.; sets, 3.29 a.m. Tuesday. HIGH WATER. To-day, 2.32 a.m.; 3.2 p.m. To-morrow, 3.31 a.m.; 4.6 p.m. SUH. Sun rises to-day, 4.14 a.m.; sets, 7.25 p.m. [ ARRIVALS. SATUEDAI7 DECEMBER 21. TE ANATJ, s.b. (2.20 a.m.),-1652 tons, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers: 52 ealooi) and 13 steerage. 1 MAKAROA, g.s. (7.40 a.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, from Lyttolton, with 329 passengers. HUIA, s.s. C 7.55 a.m.), 127 tone, Burl, from WaaiganiU , NIKAU. H.a. (8.15 'a.m.) t 247 tone, Hay, I from Nelson and Motueka. HINEMOA, s.s. (1.45 p.m.), 642 tons, Bollons, from Queen Chariot-to Sounds. 3fANA, 5.8. (1.45 p.m.), 134 tor.6, Gibson, from Patea. WAVEKIJSY, s.s. (2.35 p.m.), 157 tons, Purvis-, from Wai'tapu. FALCON, schooner (5.35 p.m.), 36 tons, Crouchor, from. Sounds. ICATOA, s.s. (3.15 p.m.), 2750 tons, E-ansoa, from Weetport. PATKI3NA, s.s. (5.25 p.m.), 1212 ions, Cam. eron. from Nelson and Picton. HINKMOA, s<s. (10.25 p.m.), 542 tons, Bollons, from The Brothers. 6UNBAY. DEOEJIDEJJ 22. MAORI, s.«. (7.5 a.m.)', 3399 tons, Aldwell, from Lyttelton. BLENHEIM. B .e. (7.15 a.m'.). 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. AEAPAWA, s.s. (10.M a.m.), 268 ton*, Thompson, from Wang*-nui. OPAWA, s.s. (11.15 a.m.), 100 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. HONOWAI, 'β-e. (12.15 p.m.), 3«3 tons, Edwin, from DunedLii and Lyttolton. PastesRers: Saloon— Mioses Dunlop, O'Shera, Anderson, Foster (2), Barnard (3), Weir, Gilchrist, Hooper, M'Lcod, M'Kay, Webb, Webb, Buriiside. O'Neill, Miller (2), Shanks, Ure, Miller. Bain, it'Fn-rlane, Purnand, Vallitnoe, Clarke, Mucky, Gibson, French, Thomas. East, O'Brien, Taylor, Wilson, HflJltean, J[«sda.mes Stewart, Andemon, Spiers, and cliild, HcsJy, Findlay, Pirie and child, Miller, Gross, East, Marshall, ■ Styche, Pcraberton, Hunter, Messrs. Swinburn, Glover, O'JJera, Woir, Findlay, Raweon, ".Thompson-, Bencher, Gaiirott, Moody, Thomas, Green, Gross, - East. (2), Shearman, Saisliall,- Wilkinson; Crawford, Toyior, Bevan,' Crea.g-h, Howitt, Papprcll, Hunter, Pembcrton, Gordon, Lewis, Wlth.cH, StifP.n; 94 steerase. MANAKOA, s.s. (3:25 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, from Havelock. . AWAHOTJ, s.s. (3.40 p.m.), 407 tone, Manly, from Napier, via. the coast. BED PINE, 5.a. (5.45 p.m.), from Westpo'rt. EOSBRIO, s.s. (6.40 p.m. in the stream), 4713 tons, Shotton, from Newcastle. DEPARTURES. . . SATURDAY, DECEMBER. 21.. ■JIARERE, s.s. (10.5 a.m;), 6443 tons, Mello, for Londou, via way ports. ARAHURA, B.s. (1.40 p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert, for Picton, Nelson, Wcstport, and Greymouth. ' NIKAU,--s.e (2.35 p.m.), 248 tons, Haj, for Nelson and Motuelia. ANGLO-MEXIOAN. 5.6. (3.20 . p.m.), 4796 tons, Calvert, for Lyttelton. JOHN, s.s. (4.45" p.m.). 342 tons. Holm, for Timaru. ' HINEMOA, s.s.' (3.35 p.m.), 542.t0n5,- 80llons, for The • Brothers. RUAPEHU, e.s, (5.25 p.m.), 7801- tone, Clifford, for Lyttelton. KIBITOXA;. n.s. (7.20 p.m.), 136 tons, Shirley,'for Napier. WAIEAU, 5.5;'.(7.20 p.m.), 95 tons, Deiley, for Blenheim ' .■• TE ANAU, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1652 tons, Frew, (or Nelson, . ' ' WAVERLEY, o.s. C9.5p p.m.), 157 tons, Hen r ry, for Westport. ■ I ..MARAROA, 5.5. (11.5 p.m.), 2598 tone, Manning, : for Lyttolton. GERTIE,'s.s; (11.10 p.m.). 269 tons, RodntTji'for Foxton. • ■iBAKANOA, '».s. (11.20- 2246. tons, Baron, for Westport. . '.- . ;:■■..':'' •'•'■■'EXRECTED-ARRiVALS'. -t" '- Holmdalo,- Greyjnouth, December 23i Corinnn,- Onehunga, New Plymouth, December, 23. . . . LiEzie Taylor, Timaru, December 23. ■ Aorere; Patoa, December 23. Awahou, Napier, East Coast, December 23. Queen of the South, Foxtoa, December 23. Manaroa, Havelock, -December 23. Haupiri, New Plymouth, December 23. ■ Roserlc, Newcastle, December 23. Ko>n»ta, Wer-tport, Docember 23.Kaitoa, Teraliohe, December 23. ■Te Anau, Nelson, Picton, Dec. 23.- . Kobnya, Greymouth, December 23. Red Pine, Greymouth. December 23. Ngahcro,' GMymouth, December 23. Holuidale, Greyuiouth, December 23. -Eegulus, Westport, December 23. Otaki', Pioton, ; December 24. Kennedy, Foxton, December 24. Wakatii; Lyttelton, Kaikoura, Dec. 24, - Stormbird, Wanganui, December 24. Kiripaka,- Patea, December 24. Mapourika, Westport, Nelson, Dec, 24. - Navua. Dunedin, December 24. Tβ Anau, Picton, Dec. 24. - Nikau, Nelson. Motuoka, December 24. Moiaroa, Lyttelton, December. IA. . Tarairera, Lyttelton, December 24. '■ Mokoia,' northern ports, December 24.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Ra-oliol Oohen, Macquariea, Deo. 23. Kaitoa, Nelson, West Ooast, Dec. 23. Kapuni. Patea, Docomuer 23. ' liana, Patoa, December 23. ' " Gorinna, Now Plymouth, Dec. 23. Aorere, Patca, Docoraber 23.. ' Opawa, Blenheim, December 23. 1 '-Queen of tho South, Poxton, Dec, 23. Blenheim,' Blenheim, December 23. Huia, -Wanganuii December 23. Aranawa, Wanganui, December 23. Pateona, Picton, Nelson, Decemher 23. Maori. Lyttel.ton, December 23. Roseric, South America, December 23. Karamea. London, December 23. . Haup-iri, Picton, Now Plymouth, One. liunga, December 23. Waverley, Nelson, West Coast, Dec. 23. Awahou, Foxton,. December 23. Monowai, Lyttslton, December 23. Manaroa, AdmjraJty Bay, French Pass, December 23. ■ Mokoia, Lyttelton,' Dunedin, December 24. Wapourika. Nelson, West Coast, Dec. 24. : Mni>aroa,. Lyttelton, December 24. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, Dec, 24. •To xlnau, Picton, December 24. • To Ajiau, Nelson, December 24. Navua, Lyttelton, December 24. Tamwera, Lyttelton, December 24. Kiripaiia, Patea, December 24. Mormbird, Wangasiii, December 24. Kennedy,' Nelson, West Coast, Deo. 24. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF-STBAMBES. MOBHAKI, duo hero from Sydney Dβoember 25. Leaves December 27, for Mel. bourne, via eouth. - VICTORIA, duo hero from Sydney, via north, December 27. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. MAUNGANUI, due hero from Melbourne, via south, Dwienibor 27. . Leavea same day for Sydney direct. , '. 'BY TELEGBAFH. OVERSEA. ; ' LONDON, December 81. Bailed.—lndwvlema. ifELBOUENE, December W. Arrived.—Manuka. SYDNEY, December 21. Sailed,—Moeraki, for Wellington, at 2.50 P ' .' ■:, NEWCASTLE, December 21. ■ Arrived.—Silverton, from New Zealand, Sailed— Waipara, for A/ucklamd. Sailed—Hakushika M<aru, for, Auckland. . COASTAL. SATUEDAY, DECEMBER 21. . AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Kent (6.15 a.m.),.from Liverpool, via "way ports; Wanolia (10 a.m.), from Bluff. Sailed—Marama (9.30 a.m.), for Vancouver,- via way oorte; Mokoia (4.55 p.m.), for East Ooast; Rosamond (2.30 p.m.), for Gisborne: Kittawa, (5 p.m.), for Kaipara.; Squall (11.40 p.m.), for Gisborno. ' POUTO (KAIPARA). Sailed—Kaitangata (7 a.m.), for Melbourne. NEW PLYMOUTH. ' Arrived.—Haupiri (10 a.m.), from Onebunga. PIOTON. Arrived.—ltalculra' (4 a.m.), and Arahura, (5.30 p.m.). from Wellington. NELSON. Soiled.—Mapourifca. (6 a;m.), for Weetport; Kaitoa. (2 p.m.), for TeralicJio and Wellington. I ■ WESTPORT. I Arrived.—Flora (5 p.m.), from Wellington. [ •' OREYMOTJTH. . Sailed—Red Pine (6.40 a.m.), IMindale (6.50 a.m.), Ngahere (7.30 p.m.), and Koonya (7.55 p.m.), for Wellington. . KAIKOUHA. Arrived.—Wakatu (4.5 a.m.), from WellingLYTTELTON. Arrived.—Tarawera (12.15 p.m.), from Wellington. PORT CHALMERS. Arrived.—H.M.S. Cambrian (5.30 -a.m.), from, Wellington; Taviuni, from T'maruj Ulimaroa, (1.30 p.m.), from Lyttelton; In-vcrcarg-ill (10.30 p.m.), from southern ports. Bailed.—Nivraru M.30.p.m.), for BriGbanei Kotaie (6.30 p.m.), for InvorcarirUl t Storm (SM a.m.), far WsAzauut>
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22. AUCKLAND. Arrlved.-Victoria (1 p.m.).-from Sydney; Wimmera. (1.30 p.m.), from eouthcrn- portß. ONEHUNGA. Arrived.—ltarawa (8.45 a.m.), from Wellington. PATEA. Arrived.—Aorcre (7.30 a.m.), and Kiripaka (7.40 a.m.), from Wellington. FOXTON. Arrived.-Gertie (10 a.m.), from Welling, ton. . To sail.-Queeu of tho South (7 a.m.), for Wellington. BLENnBIM. Arrived—Wairau (5.30 a.m.), from Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.—Ara-hura (4 a.m.), from Picton and Wellington; Nikau (3.20 a.m.), from Wellington; Te Auau (7.30 a.m.), from Wellington. FAREWELL fiPIT. Ngahere passed cast for Wellington l at '0.25 n..m. Koonya passed east for Wellington at 1.20 p.m. WESTPORT. Sailed.-Komata (7.20 a.m.), for Wellington. LTTTISLTON. Arrived.—Anglo-Mexican (8.20 a.m.), Ruapohu (10 a.m.), and Mararoa, (12.50 p.m.), from Wellington. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Navua (4.30 a.m.), from Wellington.
• MAEERE FOR LONDON. Before leaving Wellington for London on ■Saturday morulas, tho Tysor liner Marere loaded the following cargo at this port:— 2'142 bales wool, 36 fculos skins, 421 caslre tallow, 30 casks pelte, 30 casks casings, 1 case canned meats, IWO quarters beef, 8596 carcasses mutton, 17,550 carcasses lamb. KENT AT AUCKLAND. An arrival at, Auckland from Liverpool, via way ports, at 6.15 a.m. on Saturday was the F. and S. liner Kent. On account of tho Christmas holidays, it is expected that the vessel will not arrive at Wellington uutil January 2. The Shaw. SaviU steamer Waiwora was docked at Port OUalmcre on Saturday for cleaning and painting. After dischargintr Newcastle coal at Port Chalmers this week the Whangape will be docked for annual overhaul. ' The Government steamer HiMmoa left port on Saturday afternoon for Tho Brothers Lighthouse. She is to bring one of tho keepers to Wellington for medical attention. .The Gtc-amor Roscric, bound from Calcutta, via Newcastle, to Smith America, arrived in tho stream at 6.40 p.m. yesterday, for coal. The hew steara-cr R-ed Pine, which is, to trade in timber • and coal between Greymouth and Wellington, arrived in Wellington yesterday. The vessel ie under command of Captain Eden, late of tho Anchor Company, and also of the Greymouth Harbour Board. The Union Company desire it to be understood that tho Navua, which ia to take territorials and cadets from Wellington to Lyttaltoji, will bo dispatched at 8 p.m. sharp to-morrow. ' A cablegram received uitiuu'itcfi that the Union Company's ICurow left Newcastle for Wellington on Saturday. Tim Wanaka 13 expected t,o leave Auckland .for Port Chalmers to-day. Bhe will undergo survey at the latter port. Mr. 0. Millmau is now second officer of s.s. John, vice llr. C. Atkinson. The Te Anau will make a special trip from Wellington to Picton and back tu-' morrow, leaving hero at noon. She leaves Wellington for Nelson direot at 10.30 p.m. There will be two boatfi for Lyttelton tonight. The Monowai loaves Wellington. at 8 p.m. and wiU bo followed by the Jlaori ER-ilins at 3.20. p.m. The Mararoa, took over SCO pareengcrH from this port to Lyltelton on Saturday night. The Haupiri will be dispatched for Onehunga, via usual way ports, at 5 p.m. today. The Corlivna brought 27,300 boxes of butter from Onehunga for transhipment to R.M.&. lonic, for London. She leaves hero for Now Plymouth to-day, and is duo back on Christmas day. She Bails for tho,south on Boxing Day. ■ . After having been stuck in the mud at Waitapu the coastal Eteamer Wavcrley arrived at* Wellington ou Saturday. She left for Westport during the afternoon. Tho Union Company's Kaitangata left Pouto (Kaipara), timber ladoa; for Melbourne at 6 a.m. on Saturday. •■ Tho New Zealand Shipping Company's cargo carrier Otaki is due at Wellington from Picton to-morrow, and is expected to clear for Napier on December 28. The . collier Komata is to bo laid up at Wellington until after the holidays. Mapourika, s.s.i is to loavo Wcstport for Wellington, via Nelson, at 6 a.m. to-day. She ie duo in port early to-morrow morning. Dcpartaio will bo taken for Nelson and West Coast ports at fi'p.zi^to-inorrow.
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Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1630, 23 December 1912, Page 7
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1,683SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1630, 23 December 1912, Page 7
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