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Subject .to necessary • alterations, mails will dose at the Chief Post Office as under:— MONDAY. DEOEMBBE 23. Wanganui and New Plymouth, aUo llanawetu, Kangitikol, and Taranalti districts, nor Manawatu . train (Thorudon Station), 6.30 a.m. . : Wanganui, also Manawatu and RanffitiU«i. district, per Mawiwatu txalu (Thorndori Station), 3.15 p.m. Wairarapa district, per Waararapa train (Lanibton Station), 6.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. ■ Napier and flawke's Bay district, per Manawatu train (Thorndon Station), 8 a.m. and 3.15 p.m. , . „, Auckland and -district, also New Plymouth and Wanganui, per Main Trunk 'train (Thorndon Station), 10.50 a.m. Auckland and Auckland district, per second Main Trunk trait (Thorndon Station), 7,« p.m. . , „ . Pioton, Blenheim, French: po.BB, nod NciBon, also the bays, to connect with oil launch and s.s. Elsie, at Picton, per ■ Patcena, 11.50 0..m. Southern offices of t<ew Zealand, and Greymouth, Hokitika,- and Reef ton, per Maori, 6.15 p.m. . Blenheim, per Opawa, 5 p.m. ■'■Blenheim, per Blenheim, 5 p.m. "Parcel mails for South America, via Monte Video, also Tcncriffe, United Kins-dom,-mid Continent of Europe, per Kanamea, 9 a.m. South America, via Monte ■ Video • and Teuoritfe, also United Kingdom and Continent of Europe (due London February 8), por Kavniuea, 10 cm. (Correspondence ,for United Kingdom nnd Continent of Europo muat be specially addressed.) .Mqtueka, via Waikawa and Admiralty Bays, per Manaroa. 11.20 a.m. Islands, per . Jtachel Cohen, . , P ;.'" FRIDAY, DEOEMBBB 27. Ceylon, India, China, Japan, Straits Settlements, South- Africa, also Continent of Europe and United Kingdom, via Brindisi (duo London January 31), per Mamnganui, 3.30 p.m. Money-orders must he obtained two hours beforo the advertised time of dosing the mailo.' Australian- Status'(due Sydney December 31), per Haungamni, 3.20 p.m. Money-orders must bo obtalnod two hours before the ad-, vcrtieed time of closing the mails. . Pared mail for . South .America, via Monte Video, also Tfmeriffe, United Kingdom, and Continent of Europe, :por loniu, South America, via Monte , Video, and Teneriffc. also United" Kingdom and Continent .of Europe (due.London February 8), per lonic, 10 a.m. ■ Correspondence for United Kingdom and Continent.of Europe must be. specially addressed. •''

The neit best dispatch for Canada, -United States of Amcrioa, Central America, and West Indies will be via Herotonga, Tahiti, and San Francisco, closing at Wellington, p«r Aorangi, on- Friday, January 'The nc-'rt'best 'dispatch foJ United Kingdom a-nd Continent ol Europe will bo via Brindisd, closing at, Wellington, per. ».e. Maunganui, on Friday, December 27, at 3.30 Halls for Australian. States, South Africa, and Fiji, close at Auokland, por Wimmera, this day, at 4.15 p.m. .-. - - Mails for Australian States close at tho Bluff, per s,s'. Ulimiroa, on Tusedty, De'cornber 24, α-t 3 p.m. ■ On Wednesday, December 15, and Wednesday, Jstnuary 1, Christmas and New l'eare Days, the Postal Department will'be closed in all its branches. On the above-named days mails dispatched by steamers will close at 6.30 a.m., alro maileby trains for the ■ Wairarapa, Taranakii Wanganul, Kansitjkri, Manawatu, Hawke's Bay, and Auckland districts ' will close α-t 6.M a.m. There/ will' not be any clearances of the city reoeiverj! or deliveries by letter-carrier on the above-named. ds-ya. On Tuesdays, December 24 and 51, there will be deliveries by the lettor-carriere in tho letter-carriers' room, on the firsHioor entrance, Featherston Street,, from 8.30 to 9.30 p.m., and the Parcels Department will be open from 8.30 to 9.30 p.m.; also deliveries over the public counter at th« Chief Post Office from 8.30 to 9.30 p.m. of. comepondence addressed to the Post Olßcc only. On Tuesdays. December 24 and 31, extra clearances will be made as follow: All city receivers will be cleared at 6 p.m.;'. Wellington South. Kilbirnie, and HataJtai receivers at 5. p.m., and suburban 4.30 p.m. 1 On Thursday, December 26, Boxins Lay, the Postal Department will ho open in all its branches (except the Jloney-order and Savings-bank Departments) from '9 to. 10 a.m. Maile dispatched by steamers and niaila for the Auckland district, per Main Trunk train, willifctoso; a*iSJs..a;m.; mails by trains for the Wairarapa, ■Taranaki, Wansranul, Bangitilcei, Manawatu, and Hawke's Bay districts will close at 6.30 a.m. The letter-carriers will make one full de-. livery; closing at the Chief-Post Office at 7 a.m; The city- receivers' wlll not be cleared during the day. ■". ,■■ ■ Chief; Postmaster.. Chi«f Poßti Oflice. • Wellington, • December' 21, 19iz; , ■'-,"■•'' WIRELESS. The' following vessels' will probably be Within wireless- ranRC this evening :-Uauli&anui, Moeraki, Atiia, . Wimmera,: 1111-ma-roa, and -No>vua. .. ■'

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Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1630, 23 December 1912, Page 7

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MAIL NOTICES. Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1630, 23 December 1912, Page 7

MAIL NOTICES. Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1630, 23 December 1912, Page 7


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