❖ PHASES OF THE MOON. DECEMBER. Day. Hr. in. Last quarter 1 10 35 p.m. New moon 9 4 37 a.m. First Quarter 17 7 36 a.m. ■ Full moon '24 4 0 p.m. . Last quarter 31 7 42 a.m. MOON. Moon rise.; to-day, 2/4 a.m.; sets, 4.52 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 1.40 a.m.; 2.10 p.m. To-morrow, 2.32 a.m.; 3.7 p.m. BUN. . Sun rises'to-day, 4.11 a.m.; sets, 7.12 p.m. ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5. WAKATU, sis. (1.30 a.m.), 157 tons, -Wills, from Lyttelton and Kaikoura. INDRAPURA, s.s. (4.55 a.m.), 8645 tons, Craven, from London, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. MOANA, s.s. (6.10 a.m. in the 6tream), 3915 tons, Stringer, from Sydney directPassengers; Saloon—For Wellington—Misses Felkin, Du Faur, Bonner, Harvey, Mesdames Kurtzman,' Felkin, Micheleon, two children, and native servant, .Field, Schfelderup, Hobday, Rae, Linley, Gard, Nicholson and two children, M'G.ree, Elliott and infant, Dr. Felkin, Rev. Michelson, Rev. Hobday, Messrs. M. Kahn, Kurtzman, Irwin (2), R. "A. Harris, Herni-ah. Field, Sclifelderup, H. Carr, Stone, Rae, J. Herbert, Coneline, Black, Baiter, Nicholson, M'Donald, Scrlviner, Schmidt, Moss, Connelly, Law, Gard, M'Kenzie, Sims, Stodxlart, Dinsdale, Fentlman, Jas. Morgan, Davis. Wilkinson, Moles, Drummond, Nicolson. Through passengers —Miss. Plowman, Mesdames Maissoneuve,, David and infant, GuUlannet. Sanlwlck, Rcas, Boston and boy, Osidy, Proctor, Adams, Messrs. O'Reilly, Bamford, Maisonneuve, David, Guillannet, Aubert, Louie, Gahu, Soulwick, Phillips, A. H. Robertson. C. B. Reas, Boston, Rev. Cady, Proctor, Tove.v. Adams, Chook, Mills, Markey, Mades, Thiirlow,' Ayres, Dalton, T. Black, Frank, Linden, Ibbetson, Lane, and Gray. STORMBIRD, s.s. (6.15 a.m.), 217 tons, Dowell. from Wanganui. NIKAU. s.s. (6.60 a.m.), 248 tons, Hay, from Nelson and Motueka. - . MARAItOA. s.s. (6.55 a.m.), 2598 tons. Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon —Misses, Ileslin, Phillips, Lunge, Itedmand, Mesdaipce Hay ,<ind 2 children, Witt. Fayues. Lake and child. Shelman, Lamb. Glen, White, Lamb, Bridse. Halley and infant, Cruthers., Messrs. M'Munrich, Hall, White, Todd. M'Kenzie. Richmond,' Hay, 'A.itkonhart. Haynes, Robertson; Gardiner, Rhodes, Johnston. Sims, Ormerod, Wilnon, Eelph, Lamb, White. Dorren, Barley, Ken»M.r, M'Arley, Gould, Wilson. Rice, Twton, Oarruthen?, M'Coimctt, Takle, M'Bride, Grover, Wood, Laurence. Kinvlg. Musson, Still, and Detective Andrews; 25 eteerime. ICINI. s.s. (8.30 a.m.), 1122 tons, Davey, from. Wcstnort. • AORANGI. s.s. (12.30 p.m., in the stream), 45C0 ton,,, W. Steven.s. from Pan Francisco. Passengers; Saloon—For Wellinston—Misses Thomson (2), F. Scales, Dr. Noble. Kerr, M'Leaii (2), Prou'dfoit.. Fifer'. Broidwood, G. D. Gin rlc, Masters Fifer, du Temple, MesMuirrav. Thomson. Dawson, A. Pollard, G. Lee, NobK flu Teronle. Paines nnd infant. Iverr. W. 11. Clark. ]). M'Le.ln. (M----lin and child, Grafiitte. Fifer. Chipperfield, Messrs. 0. Dawson. A. W. .-Pollard. 0. Lee, Noble, .M'Culloch, P. Wirdin.m. Cloan, 0. Kohn, D. Morrison. W. P. Tnvlor," A. H. Holm. Eaines. W. Ohrk, D. jf T-ran. H. "P. Watson, A. H'Donald. Olias. Hughes. W. Oalder. .T. M. G. Fi?i"li, R.- Brown, A. S. Cox, R. Simon*. Griffiths, O'Sullivnn. Hewitt, Warner. Fifer, Hamilton, Braidwood, Aiiguste,. Coffey. Gladding, firaff. Lockhart, Muller, Ohinnerfield, Ma-rr, West (2), M'Manmon. find Woods. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (3.15 p.m.), 198 trni.s, Fnrv«y, from Koxton. IT.M.S. TOROTI. I'-Trcv sloop, 960 tons. d.1i.0.. 11C0. n.d. (WOO f.d.). Commander J. R. Le H. W.T-fl (4.20 p.m.). from Auckland. PATFENA, s.c. (6.30 p.m.). 1212 toll?. Cameron, from Nelson Picton. Pa-p>~en-"srs; Saloon—Jllfiwi Hair, Clift.-m, Ewart. -Davies, . M'Cnsker. Richardson, Pa.«'nal, Kruse, Avery, Adams, M'Kenzie. Hall, Mesdames Tucker. Nitzo and 2 children, William and 2 children, Goodman, Hnrley, Penny. Toms, Ewart. Bnchnm, trV'Uyk-cr, Averv. JTall. Speers and in.farot, j Atkinson and 2 children. Messrs. Brokensheei Hocrgstt. Nitz. Gardner; Falkner, Legge, Wigham. Pr.ifes r 'ir P<Mt, Park-am,' I Kum Lee, Harley (2), Willcoks, Thomas, Greenfield. Allen. Bitrley. Mil l ™ - . Gocd"\ Roberta, Irwin. Pell,- Avery, Crispin: Riddle, 'Morgan. Redden. Waugh. Reynold. Mav. Ayers. P-teivart; 9 steerage. WAKATU. fijt. (7.35 p.mO, 157 tons. Wills, fram..,TeraW'hiM. •; , , ; itV ±<jns, Gibson, fr-ntri P.itea. ° OPAWA. 5..".' (9.50 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, frim Blenheim. ENI> T? G V . "0.10 p.m.), 66 tons,--Thorns;-from Oook Strait.' KF.NNE-DV. 5.5. (10.40 p.m.), 226 tons, Purvie, from Picton.. FRIDAY, ■ DECEMBER 6. . BLENHEIM, f«. (0.30 a.m.), 120 tons, Wilkinson, from Blenheim. DEPfIRTURES. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5. ' . AKAPAWA, s.s. (2.25 p.m.), 268 tons, Corby. for Wanganui. " ' WANGANUI, barciuentine (3.10 ' p.m.), Whits, for Sydney. NIKAU, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 248 tons, Hay; for Nelson and Motueka. WAKATU, s.s. (12.10 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, for Terawhiti. MAUNGANUI, s.s. (9.20 p.m.). Worrall, for ■ Melbourne, via south -and Hobart, with 250 pa>£engors. ■ MARAROA, s.s. (8.5-p.m.),-2598 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. » Victoria, Dunedin,- Lyttelton, December 6. Kennedy. Picton,' December 6. Aorere, Patea, December 6. Huia, Wanganui, December 6. Kapuni, Patea, December 6. Maori, Lyttelton, Decomber 6. Tarawera, northern ports, December 6. Ulimaroa,- Melbourne, via south, Dcc. 6. Breeze, southern ports, December 6. Waimen, Terakohe. December 6; Kiripaka, Patea, December 6. . Waverlev. Greymoutli, December 6. Putiki, -Wanganui, December 6. - HM.S. Drake,. Cook Strait, December 6. n.M.S. Torch, Cook Strait, December 6. ■ Nikau, Nelson, Motuelra., December 7. Mararoa, Lyttelton. Dcccmbor 7, ' ATapourika, West Coast. Nelson, Dec. 7.. Kurow, Napier, December 7. H.M.S. Cumbrian, Lyttelton, Dec, 7. ICapiti, Wnngaijui, December 7. Manaroa, Havelock, December 7. Komata, Westport. December 8.. Koonya, Greymoutli, December 8. R.otorua, Auc.kln.Lul. December 8. Ngatoro. Greymoutli, December 8. Mohowai. Dnncdin, Lyttelton, December 8. Ripple, Gisborne, December- 8. Inverie, San' Francisco. Decembei' 8. Hinemoa. northern lighthouses, via NelEon, December 8. Mangapapa. Ka.ramea, December 9. : Arapawa-, Wa-ganu', December 9, Mokoia, northern ports, December 10. PROJECTED DEPARTURES, Whangape, Newcastle, December 6. Stormbird, Wanganui, December 6. Mana, Patea, December 6. Wakatu, Kaikoura,- Lyttelton, Dcc. 6. Victoria, northern ports, Sydney, Dec. 6. Kennedy.-Nelson, WeAt Coast, Dec. 6. Aorere. Patea, December 6. Blenheim, Blenheim, ■ December 6. Queen of the South. Foxton, Deo. 6. . Niwarn, Liverpool, via way porta, Dec. 6. Kiripaka, Patea, December 6. Kapuni, Patea, December 6. Pateena. Picton, Nelson, December 6. Maori, Lyttelton, December 6. Tardwera, Lyttelton. Draiodin, Dec. 6. Uliimaroa, Sydney, direct, December 6. Moana, San Francisco,, via way ports, December 6. Aorangi, Sydney direct, December 6. Indrapura, Brisbane. December 6. Breeze, Wanganui, Deoember 6. Opawa, Blenheim, December 6. HM.S. Drake, Cook Strait, December 6. HM.S. Torch, Cook Strait, December 6. . Putiki, West- Coaßt,. December 7. Waimea. West Coast, December 7. Huia, Wanganui, Deoember 7. . „ Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, December 7. Mararoa, Lyttelton, December 7. Aratarra, Pict6n, Nelson, West Coast, December 7. Kurow, Newcastle, December 7. Waverley, Terakohe, December 7. Monowai, northern ports, Dec. 7. Mangapapa, Westport, Karnmea. Deo. 9. Himitangi, Ohathama, via Lyttelton, December 9. , ' Manaroa. Motueka, December 9. Kapiti, Wanganui, December 9. Mokoia. Lyttelton, Dunedin, Dec. 10. Mapourika, Nelson. West Coast, Dec. 10. Ripnle, Napier, Gisborne, Deo. 10. Otaki, Nelson, December 10. Arapawa, Wanganui, December 10. Rotorua, London, via way ports, Dec. 12. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. ULIMAROA, due. at Wellington from Melbourne. via south, December 6. Leaves for Svdney same day. - •VICTORIA, duo at Wellington from south December 6. Leaves for Sydney, via north, same dav. „„ „. . , -.r i MOERAKI, due at Wellington from Melbourne. via south. December 13. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE HERE. - Steamer. From. Left. Due. Muritni London Oct. 10 Dec. 10 R.uipehu ...... London Oct. 25 Dcc. 11 Star of India .. London Nov. 1 Jan. 10 Star of Scotland London Nov. 9 Jan. 21 Makarini London Nov. 14 Jnn. 22 Niwaru Liverpool Oct. 8 Dcc. 7 Nairnshire - Liverpool Oct. 16 Dcc. 17 Kent Liverpool Oct. 19 Dec. 22 Hurunui Liverpool. Nov. 5 Jan. 20 Wcstmoat-h ... Liverpool Nov. 27 Jon, E7 Wttkauui JJuiwranJ £"». M Den, H Kumojc. Uontreal Oot. U Jan. 4.
Waimate Montreal Nov. 26 Feb. 7 Anglo-Mexioan New York - Sep. 21 Dec. 17 Harpagus New York Oct. 19 Jan. 5 Rotenfels New York Oct. 22 . Dec. 31 Buteshire New York Nov. 22 Feb. 16 Cape Finisterre Now York Nov. 26 Feb. 7 Inveric 'Frisco Nov. 8 Dec. 9
BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. NEWCASTLE, December 0. Arrived.—Wairuna, l'rom Auckland. COASTAL. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5. AUCKLAND. Sailed—Niwaru H.lO p.m.), for Wellington. Arrived—lris, cable steamer (7.31) a.m.), • from Doubtless Bay; Rosamond, from Gisborne. ONEHUNGA. Arrived.—llinemoa (2.5 p.m.), from Pouto ' (Kaipara). ' NAPIER. ' Arrived.—Hippie (3.50 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.— I Tarawera (3.50 p.m.), for Welling- ' ton. ; CASTLEPOINT. 3 Arrived.— (4.50 a.m.), from Welling- , ton. PATEA. ' _ • ' Sailed.—AoreTe (6.35 p,m.), Kapuni (6.40 • p.m.), and Kiripaka (6.35 p.m.), for Weit ling-ton. . WANGANCI. ' Arrived—Kapiti (4.50 a.m.), from Welling- ■ ton. Sailed.—Huia (5.45 p.m.), for Wellington. 1 PICTON. . , Sailed.—Kennedy (4.45 p.m.).'for Welling--5 ton. NELSON. 1 Arrived.—Oorinna (6.50 a.m.), from Welling- ' ton. WESTPOET. ' Arrived— Kadapoi (3.50 p.m.), from Wel- ' lington. ; LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Ngahere (4.45 p.m.), from Msl- [ lington. Sailed— Aratapu, brigantine, for Kaiparu,; . Pretoria, for Sydiey, via Auckland. Sailed.—Ulimaroa (6.25 p.m.), for Sydney, via Wellington. Passengers: Saloon—For Wellington—llisees Dawson, Baker, John- . son, Northe, Eiley, Mesdames Maclcisack, i Baker, Johnson, Smith, Messrs. Salmon, J. A. Taylor, Jackson, Eueeell, Cameron, 0. ' W. Jones, Fraer. Sailed.—Victoria (6.25 p.m.), for. Sydney, . via: Wellington and East Coast ports. Passengers: Saloon—For Napier—Nurse Waters, • Mr. 13. E. Northe. For Gisborne—Miss Westenra. For Bay—Mr. Ormcrod. For Auckland—Misses Martin, Eenton, Mcs- ! dames Martin, Samuels, Messrs. Sutton, Turner, Martin; Rogers, Dempsey; 16 steerage for all ports. [' Sailed.—Maori (8.30 p.m.), for Wellington, i Pasrengers: Saloon—Mesdames Robson, Mackay. Hannay, Duthie. Inis. Studholme. Yovlrn, M'lCenzie, Campbell,'Holly, Neil and child, Jones, Ford, Spiera, Newby, Smith, Searle, Robertson, Misees Dwrsford, Hopkins, Broadivav (2), Burrow, Connolly, | Walton, Webster, M'Lanenty, Twoiroy. Gibtan, Porter,' Brock, ■ Messrs. Hcrcus, Evaira, Seward, Dr. Smith, Capt. Nicholson, Pope, ! Sinclair. Gardner, Chandler, Robson. H.m- . nay. Shirtcliffe, Duthie, Innis, Studholme, i Yorke, Roberts, M'Kcnzie, Campbell. Pol- . lard, Brown, Belt, Pearson. Baker, M'Calluin, Takle, Lane. Pierce, Horn. Ford, El- [ liot, Black, -Rhind, Master Smith. POET CHALMERS. Sailed.—Amokura (6.40 a.m.), for Camp- ' bell and other islands. ' DUNEDIN. Arrived—Monowai (8 a.m.), from northern ports. Sailed—Flora (2.30 p.m.), for Greymouth; ■ Storm.(s.lo p.m.V for northern ports; John (7.45, p.m.), for Wanganui, via way ports. BLUFF. Arrived.—Zealandic (11.15 a.m.), from -Weli' lington.
AORANGI FROII SAN FRANOISCO. ' Aorangi, R.M.S., of the Union Line,, arrived at Wellington from Ban Francisco, via way ports, at 12.30 p.m. yesterday. After having been . granted pratique, the ves- , sel berthed at tli-e Queen's Wharf No. 2 a , few minutes after 2 p.m. • * , A report of the voyage, (supplied by Mr. Norman Greenland, purser) stated that the Aorangi left San Francisco at 11.30 a.m. ■ on November 13, and called at Papeete and Karotonga en route. The' vessel left the , latter port at 6.30 p.m.. on Thursday, no- ■ verabor 28, and arrived here as above. Fino weather was. experienced throughout the trip, which altogether wars a very enjoyable one. The usual deck Gports nme the time pass quickly. On Saturday,. November 30, some particularly keen struggles took placs, especially in an obstacle, race, 'which wu'3 won by Mr. G. Finch, a pafecnger booked to Dunedin. Much interest was • -taken in-the-deck erolf tournament, held on November.29 and 30 and December 2. This competition was won by Mrs. M'Leod and Mr. G. E. Thompson, both Sydney pa&renS °Much of the cargo -brought by, the vessel con Gists of fruit, a large quantity of this being shipped at the Islands. In addition, there a'xo 2720 cases canned fruit from California, 3251 packages of dried fruits, .130 cases cider, 300c\vt. potatoes, 275 crates onions, 1&3 sacks nute, and a large quantity of sundries. .The vessel has A also brought for transhipment to London 2700 sacks copra ,and 400 wtees,of pearl shell. In continuation of her journey to, Sydney the Aorangi leaves Wellington this evening. MOANA FOR SAN FKANOISCO. The Union Company's Moana, which is on route from Sydney to San ■.Francisco, arrived at Wellington from the New South IT ales port early yesterday morning, and berthed at the Glasgow Wharf. Leaving Sydney at -3.15 p.m. on Satur- ' day last tlie Moana experienced light northerly winds and- smooth, £ca6 , uiitu Monday evening, when .the .rand chopped round to tho south-west, bringing with it a considerable sea. These conditions prevailed until port was made.. The Moana has a large number, of through pasEengens on board, besides a large cargo, which was shipped at Sydney for the islands. Included in the latter is timber, furskins, stearine, euoalyptus oil, . and 60 barrels of nut oil. It is .expected that the Moana will get away from Wellington at 5. "p.m.' to-day. She. is due at San Francisco on , Boxing ■ Day. ' NIWARU DUE TO-MORROW. The Tyser liner Niwaru loft Auckland in continuation of her- journey from Liverpool to Wellington at 4.10 p.m. yesterday. The vessel is due in port to-morrow after'noon. , ' ■ After a lengthy- stay in port, during which time she had new masts, etc., fitted, the barquentdne Wanganui left for 3.10 p.m. yesterday. ULIMAROA'S SYDNEY PASSENGERS. ' The following have booked saloon passages by tlio Huddort-Parkcr steamer Uli- ■ maraa, which loaves Wellington for Byd. ney direct, at 5 p.m. to-day;—Misfies K, Matson, Stevens, Hitchings, Vickerman, Maginnity (2), M'Fayden (2), Pierard, Wedgwood, A. L. Anderson,. Newton, Mesdames . lie Grove, Harley, Geoke and infant, Coyle, Shepley, Conway, Stokes, Major R. P. Smith, Messrs. Robt. Stevens, E.- H. Davie, Le Grove, K. W. Robinson, G. Davis, Hilde--1 brand, Shakespeare, 0. J. Harloy, Metzger, E. Walkley, W. H. Geoke, Ooyle, Shepley, G. E. Hunter, C. Whaite, 0. H. M'Kinnon, Gollin, Holmwood, H. Hamilton, Crocker, Turner, E. E. Sltinner/'William Millar, A. Myers, A. E.' Earl, J. ,W. Burnett-Wright, David B. Wright, Conway, G. T. Wood, H. Hook, Rayward, Biss, Master Shakespeare. THB INDRAPURA, The Tyser liner Indrapura arrived at Wellington from London, via. Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier, early yesterday morning, and berthed at -Jervois Quay Wharf. The big vessel left the Home port on October 1, and encountered extremely- stormy weather in the Southern Ocean. Soma slight damage was dono to deck, fittings as a result of heavy seas whioli . broke on board. . Captain Craven has associated with him the following officers:—Chief, Mr. Mason; second, Mr. Madge; third, Mr. Melville; . fourth, Mr. Osborne. Mr.'J. Pratt is chief •engineer, Mr. Nelsoh second, Jlr. Goodall third, and Mr. Blackett fourth. Mr. T. Burns, late of the Devon,' is ohief steward, Mr.. Wm, Auvacho Marconi operator, . and Dr. Gibson is the ship's BUTgcon. Tho Indrapura leaves Wellington for Brisbano at an early hour this morning. RACHEL COHEN FOR MACQUARRIES. The brigantine Racliol Cohen is expected to leave Lyttelton. shortly for the Macquarrie Islands, under charter to Mr. Hatch, of Invercargill, to load a cargo of oil for the Bluffy It is understood that' Mr. Hatch ' has made arrangements foT'the purchase of the Rachel Oolieii, and that, next month, on her return to New Zealand, sho will be fitted with two 40 horse-power Gardiner oil-engine 3, driving twin auxiliary Ecrews. . Tho Rachel Cohen is to load coal and other i stores for the Macquarrie Islands, and will leave 'Lyttelton as soon as a second i mate can be, engaged. • BARQUENTINE RIO SOLD. J Still another of the old New Zealand-Aus-.tralian traders has been acquired by Tasmanian buyers. Recently the barqucntine Volador was eold to the island State, and soon after that transaction was completed tho famous old barquentino Ifanda Isle went likewise, and now the Rio, another handy-sized veseel of similar rin-. has become the property of Captain Taylor, of ' nobart. The three purchases have all been I made consequent upon /the great developJ ment- taking pl:»ee in the hardwood trade I of Tasmania. Her, timbers are in great ! demand in all the States,' more especially ? South Australia, and these three vessels, ( together with a large number of others, ' can all be profitably employed in. the trans- ) portiition of it. For'.the present the Rio, f which has already been taken over, will 1 run between Itouart acd tM Kuoii porta w b Molbomwi, oajxyißE bllos, vrWcJi fiiro sum
i. in. great demand for harbour improve- . ment work at Port Phillip.. .■•■ The Eio is a wooden vessel of 289 tons register, 1291t. in length, 30ft. 6in. in breadth, " and lift. sin. in depth. She was built at ! Nova Scotia in 1881, but was acquired by s Messrs. E. D.' Pike and Company,, of Sydi ney) eome years ago, and since then she -' has been, oomtinually employed in the carriage of pine to Australia and coal back ,1 to New Zealand. Captain Johnstone had command of the Eio for .the last five •| years. '•' ' INDBALEMA'S NEXT SAILING, i] Further advices relative to the Tyser '~ liner Indraleina state that she will leave London on December 20 for Melbourne, . Bydney, and New Zealand ports.' t THE ANGLO-ME23OAN. a En route from New York to Wellington, '- the A. and A. Line's chartered steamer ? Anglo-Mexican left Sydney, for Auckland on Wednesday afternoon. The vessel ia due !- at this port on December 13. I — * MESS-TABLE GOSSIP. a Mr. J. 8. Dee, late third officer of the Warrimoo, has come ashore for instnica tions. His place has been filled by Mr. A. ; 0. Kennedy. ; Mr. J. W. Buffidred, late of the Navua, f has rejoined the Moana as third-officer. .1 Mr. 0. Kidman is now wireleEe operator '. on board the Moana. r- Mr. J. Coatee, fifth engineer of the Maro- •, roa. has been promoted to fourth, and Mr. G. Watt has joined the veE6el as fifth. r Mr. T. E. Anderson, ehief engineer of the Mararoa, came ashore at Wellington yesterday. Mr. Spiers, purser of the Arahuira, has come ashore at Wellington on ■ aick. leave. " Mr. Novillo, who has been acting-purser of '- the Pateena, fills the vacancy pro tem. L i Mr. D. Morrison, manager for the Union r Company at Barotonga, arrived by the II Aoramgi yesterday on holiday leave, o
e r While she was at Dunedln this trip tho i. Huddart-Porkcr steamer Victoria had her r hoilors scaled and cleaned, instead of havi inn the work done at Sydney as. usual. Sho i will therefore leave here a day late this trip, Bailing at 3 p.m. to-day for Sydney, via. northern ports. The Govornmont training ship Ainokura h left Port Chalmers for the outlying Eouthi- era islands of New Zealand yesterday o morning. She is expected back hero about i the end of the -month. ' '' The Mang-apapa is expected' to load at e Wellington for West-port and Karameo. on f Monday. Messrs. Dalgety and Co. are her « local agents'. i The Government steamer Hinemoa is due i. back at Wellington from northern lighte houses, via Nelson, on Sunday. * Mapourika. p.s., arrived at Qreymouth |" from Wellington, via way ports, at 7 a.m. ' yesterday, and was to'have left on the !■ return trip at 6 p.m. She was scheduled '■ to leave Westport at 8 a.m. to-day. i For puTposos of . Efoaoral overhaul tai j' twro}> tho Union Company's Kiat ttrriTeit, fiftt tew WjjstjwsS'yestSKas'e '
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Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1616, 6 December 1912, Page 7
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3,049SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 6, Issue 1616, 6 December 1912, Page 7
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