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THE OPPOSITION. . MORE OB LESS AT SEA. According to one of its members who was spoken to last evening the o'ino-i----tion parly is not likely to be, in a" position to set its allairs in order for somo line to come. Asked who was going to be Jjeader of the Opposition this member snid that he saw no immediate prospect of a leader being elected. A meeting of =ome members of the party had been held to consider Ihe question of leadership, but nothing definite had been accomplished Some members of tho party were not in town when the m<-cting was called, but it was uncertain when another meeting would bo held.

"Tho fact of tho mntter i'«," said the member, "Ihat the position will not be cleared up until the Government has m -t 1 » t'lll declaration of its policv. What they have said *so far indicates that they will be very Radical and Liberal. Some of us were very much impressed bv the statements of Government member's who want to give full civil and political rights to Public Servants. For my part, I can t pee the uso of holding up the name of Liberalism in Opposition if tho Government havo the real thing. Everything depends, so far as I am concerned, on tho Government policy, and I daresay there aro others who feel the same wav about it as I do. If the Government bring down n. Liberal policv thev will KC t recruits—that goes without savin"" To further questions, the sumo member replied that ihe Opposition had undoubtedly intended to contest tho election of a Chairman of Committees, and to raise a discussion in regard to tho composition cf sessionnl committees. That thev had not done so .was' to be ascribed to'sheer lack of organisation.

THE EGMONT ELECTION. Mr. C. A. Wilkinson, who is to be the Government candidate in the Egniont bvclection, rendered necessary bv the appointment of tho Hon. T. Mackenzie as High Commissioner, is now at sea, en routo from Canada to New Zealand, and is expected to arriv'o in about ten davs hence. Tho latest information obtainable is that Mr. Mackenzie will delay Ins. resignation for a weok or two. Tho election will probably take place about a month after tho seat is declared vacant.

LICENSES AND BOUNDARIES. A measure to amend the present law, under which hotels lose their licenses upon being included in No-Liconso districts when the' electoral boundaries are altered, was given notice of in tlio House of Representatives yesterday bv Jfr. W. 11. D. Bell, member for Wellington Suburbs. A number of hotels, including one at Porirua and another at Pahautanui, lost their licenses when the boundaries were altered last year, and the Bill may contain a clause providing for the restoration of these licenses. Three successive Primo Ministers have been interviewed by deputations in refereneo to the two hotels included m the Suburbs district, but no attempt was made to prevent- these-and other licenses expiring on Juno '30.' As there is a Licensing Bill already before the House, Mr. Bell's measure will -bo known as-the Licensing Amendment Bill, No. 2,

. THE RACING BILL. -A' representative- meeting of' members of- Parliament was held yesterday to consider details in connection with the promotion of the Gaming Act 1310 Amendment Bill, which has been introduced bv Mr. Hunter, member for Waipawa. It was decided that the.Bill should provide for 30 additional racing davs. Of this number it is proposed that 17 days should bo given to the one-dnv clubs which, were wiped out by the Racing Commission, 3 days to trotting clubs, and the remnining ten days to Hunt. Clubs. Tho Bill will come up for second readin» on August 15. A GOVERNMENT CAUCUS. Government members arc to hold a caucus on Tuesday next. One matter which awaits attention is the appointment of a Junior Government Whip. The general opinion in the lobbies is that Mr. \\. Nosworthy, member for Ashburton, will be selected for the office. THE DEFENCE ACT. While answers to questions were being discussed in tho House vosterdav afternoon Mr. J. H. Bradney ("Auckland AVcst) made complaint against the imprisonment of youths for breaches of the Defence Act " ml the branding of decent vouths as gaol-birds. He thought the' Act, like every other Act, should be enforced in its entirety, but tho youths ought to havo been detained as military- offenders. Did members realise what might be the effect of theso early imprisonments? He was glad to learn that the law was to bo amended relating to the detention of offenders under tho Defence .Vet i J f r, i nM< Isit t (Chxistchurch North) stated the case of two respectable lad* conscientious objectors, imprisoned in Uirislclnirch. who had their finger nrints thin"' " r th ' S ,TOS a "'"Straus RAILWAY FREIGHTS. When questions were being discussed in ths House of Representatives vesterdav several representatives of countrV constituencies took the Minister for Raifwavsser ijyusly to task for his refusal lo sanction the removal of the rate-and-a-half freight charge on Australian hardwood timers and on imported coal It was argued "that the extra freight on timber was iri effect !Ll'n 6 4« nce -£ lr - tho V°. a P <,rt towns as against the interior. If more protection was needed for our own timbers, it should be imposed at tho port and not on tho railways. It was argued in respect of coal that the local coal_ needed no further orotection, because mine owners had not b'een able recently to supply the demand for INTERRUPTIONS. i n Jl i r ?P dn ?s"> member'for Auckland West, had been interrupted once in the House last evening by an interjection from,the member for Grey Lynn, and ho exclaimed: "The honourable member for Grey Lynn is becoming a nuisance in this House by interrupting members." Mr. Payne: Don't snivel! Don't snivel! Mr. Bradney: Such interruptions ! are very inconvenient to new members. In tion ' S ' lall 3Sk yOUr protcc - Mr. Payne: Try to apply .tho order of the gag. Mr. Speaker: Order! PETITIONS. William Lingard, N.Z.C., of Wellington, who was engaged in active service as a member of the New Zealand military forces during tho years 1861 to IS7O, has petitioned Parliament, stating that as a result of exposure and hardships while on service, ho was invalided for several months, and eventually contracted chronic dcatness, and had to retire. Petitioner slates that on retiring he made no application lor a military pension or other compensation to which he was entitled Inlaw. He claims that this has saved the country .£2OOO without considering interest. He is now G7 years of age. His deafness has increased during tho past J2 years, and be is threatened with total oss pt hearing. . He asks for compensation either in the nature of a lump sum or of a. pension commensurate-*bis ' lo . ss ;. lll <" "<">• A. L. Hordman present- ! cd the petition.

Jlh n , ncn r r '•""•ns, tram conductor, Vi elluigton, has petitioned Parliament representing that when evidence was taken on tlic Tramway Kill, 1910. Mr. V. Thomp. son, of the CliTistchnrch Electric Car Service, referred to petitioner in terms which hnvo acted detrimentally on his welfare and promotion in tho Wellington tramway service. Tho petitioner states that ho has been caused much distress of mind which will continue until he is in a position to vindicate himself. Thin to his mind can only ho done by tho witness responsible either verifving his statements or apologising for having made them. Petitioner claims that lie is in a position, to prove that the allegation* made by Mr. Thompson are untrue, and asks for. such an. inquiry, as is likelv to bring about a vindication of his character and abilities. The petition was presented by Mr.. Hindmarsh. ' MEMBERS AT SUPPER. Members of bnili .branches of iho ]>«i=lalure were the guests of (he Mini.-dry in Bellamy's at tho supper odiournmen't. of Iho House last, eveniog. Tho'Prime Minister/proposed the. least, of Hie jic.ilili of tbe Speaker, mid in doing m cruigrnliilated Sir Arthur Guinness unon hi re-

covcrv (o good health during I lie recess. Sir Arthur Guinness mado a titling response. Tho toast: of Sir Joseph Ward was also proposed by the Prime Minister, and .Sir Joseph Ward, in replying, wished success to tlio Ministry whilst they remained in oilice. Jlo also proposed the health uf tlio I'riuio Minister. Tlio Jlon. W. J-'. Jlassey, in replying, took the opportunity of welcoming die largo number of now members. Before tlio gathering was dispersed by the House bell, Sir Joseph Ward invited all the members to accept his hospitality at a similar function next Friday.

A GOVERNMENT PURCHASE. Mr. Campbell, tho meinlwr for Hawke.'s Bay, has given notice that lift will move for a return supplying correspondence and all particulars relating to tlio purchase by the Government of tho buuanga block, in tho Taupe district.

QUESTIONS. Some questions were addressed to the Government in the House of iioprosenta lives yesterday by Mr. H. M. Campbell, the member for Jlaivkc's Buv. ]fe intimated that he would ask the '.Minister for Public Works: (1) What ho intends to do with what is left of tho ironwork carted on to the silo of a proposed bridgo at Ruakituri a long time ago. (2) Also, what ho proposes doing with the cement carted there nt great expense and thrown into the river at Ruakituri. (3) The total amount of public monev spent on the foregoing work. (■!) The value, of bonoiiis received by expending this monev. Another question addressed by Mr. Campbell to the same Minister is' as to whether he intends to continue tho present wistful co-operative works svstem of carrying out public works, and" whether ho will consider tho small contract system so as to give small groups of workmen the opportunity of taking contracts.

Mr. Campbell nlso wants to know: Whether tho Government hove purchased tlin Clmahaki Block in Hawke's Bay: and, if so, for what purpose; (2) what Was the price, or prices paid per acre for (his land; if various, why; nn<l tf) .was it valued in' One or more blocks before purchase for land-tax purposes, and what were the values or value-per acre for land-tax purposes.

THE LABOUR PARTY. *" or <|er to reliovo tho overcrowding of the Opposition. Whip's room; arrangci? cn t s .J avo 1)M11 ma <l« t« place a room in tho Library wing at the disposal of the Labour party. SESSIONAL. COMMITTEES. The following- Sessional Committees were set up yesterday in tho Houso of Representatives:—

r, C J, oIll ? eI<, « an <l Mines: Messrs. R. 'F. Bollard, .Colyin, Lang, Lee, Poland, Rhodes, Scott, Seddon, the Hon. 11. M Ivenzio, and tho Hon. W. Tracer Railways: Messrs. Buick, Dickson, Hine, Myers, Sidey, Sykes, Vcitch, Witty, tho Hon. J. A. Millar, and tho Hon. W. H. Hemes.

Native. Affairs: Messrs. Bell, Macdonald, Mandcr Ngatv Parata, Reed, Sodden, i. H. Smith, To Rangihiroa, Wilson, loung, Sir Jas. Carroll,' tho lton. Dr. I . ( !, ma "'. au 4 tlle Hon. W; H. Hemes. : Standing Orders: Messrs..Coates, Eseott, Glover, Hams, Okev, Parata, F. •H. Smith, R. W. Smith,,Sykcs,.aud the Hon. I. M. B. Fisher. .

Printing and.'.Debate's:'-'Messrs. Bell, Eseott, Harris,' Hunter, Isitt, Mander, Russell, the Hon. R. M'Kenzie,' the Hon. A- !• Agata, and, tho Hon. X M. B. Jtisher.

itlS J i r . arr: ?J cssrs - Anderson, Laurenson, MCallum, Myers, Dr. A. K. Newman h. Newman, Russell, J. C. Thomson, G. M. Ihomsoii, and tho Hon. F. M. B Jnsher.

Petitions Classification (A to L):'Mc«rs Brown, Bradney, Campbell, Dickson, J..-cotr, Isitt, Malcolm, Payne, Robertson, and tho Hon. R M. B. Fisher. House: Messrs. Colvin, Ell, Guthrie, Mandcr, Nosworthy, To Rangihiroa, Sir Jas. Carroll, ths Hon. Dr. Pomare, Mr Speaker, and the Hon. F. M. B. Fisher: Labour Bitls: Messrs. Anderson. Atmore, J. Bollard. Bradney, Clark, Davev, Hindi marsh, okny, Veilch, the Hon. J. A. Millar, and the Hon. W.'F Ma=sev Stock: Messrs. J Bollard, Buchanan, Buddo, Buick, Buxton, Campbell, Dickie, J-orbes, Sykes, and the Hon. W. F Massoy.

Petitions Classification (M. to Z) ■ Messrs. R. F. Bollard, Clark, Craigic! JJayey, Dickie, Laurenson, Okey, Scott Wilson, and the Hon. R. H, Rhodes. btanding Orders: Messrs.-Lang MalwI m, w r V A ' 1C - I , Ne ™ an ' Gilford, the Hon. W. Frascr tho Hon. W. H. Herrios, \r\?°% J - iV M,ll £ r ' Mr - Speaker, the Right Hon. Sir J. Ward, and the Hon. ii. i'. Massey. Law Revision: Messrs. Bell, Hanan, Hindmarsh Lee, M'CaHum, Reed, Sidev Statham, Wilford, and the Hon. \ L Herdman.

Education: Messrs Guthrie, Hanan, Malcolm, Poland, Sidey, Statham, G. M. Ihomson, J. C. Thomson, tho Hon. T Mackenzie, and tho Hon. Jas. Allen Local Bills: Messrs. ' Brown, Buxton, J-Jl, Hunter, Leo, Macdonald, Nosworthv I'earce, loung, and the Hon. A.'L Herdman.

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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1509, 3 August 1912, Page 6

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NEWS AND NOTES Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1509, 3 August 1912, Page 6

NEWS AND NOTES Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1509, 3 August 1912, Page 6


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