PHASES OF THE MOON. I JULY. Day. Hr. m. Last quarter 8 4 17 a.m. New moou 15 ° « a.m. First quarter 21 J « p.m. Full moon 29 3 58 p.m. MOOX. Moon rises to-day. 8.12 a.m.; sets, 5.6 p.m. HIGH WATKR. To-day, 4.10 a.m.; 4.41 p.m. To-morrow, 5.12 a.m.; 5.43 p.m. SUN. Sun risetj to-day, 7.12 a.m.; sets, 4.W P.m. ARRIVALS. SATUIIDAY. JULY 13. HAWE.RA, s.s. (1.5 a.m.), 200 tons. Jackson, from Pat«a. , . NAVUA, s.s. (3.30 a.m.), 2930 tons, lhtchie. from Westport. MAKAUOA, s.s. (7.35 a.m.), 2a93 tons, Manninj, from Lyttelton. Passengers: halpon -Misses Hookc, O'Doncll, Ue Jiudal, Gordon, Nurre M'Allen, Archer. Belt.-, Lutli. Garland. Mesdames Driscolt , , Langcr, M'Kirlane, Uarper, M'Allum, Brackc-nridEe, M'Evedy. North. Sutton, Whittaki.r Mesfrs. Luke, Seamon, Kutherfard. 8011, ODc Beattic, Corbett, Driscoll. Whittaker, khipley, Donald, Dixon, Burr, Taylor, BracKcnridEC. MAllum, Burke. Jlnnro flardron, Campbell. Ernes, Liley. Baron. SunU-sti-um. Itickerby, Goodlcy (3), TinKcr, Cluldcy, Austin, Harder, Wheeler, Belts. Jfoorehead, Watson, Jlestey, Steffenscn. jfathieeon, 'Murray. North. Scott. Powell. Parry. Ba.rngh, Wilton, Dwan, Murray; 48 etcer"flKAU. s.s. (8.25 a.m.). 245 tons, Hay. from Nelson- and Motueka, MAXAHOA, s.s. (9 a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, "tOBMbTrd! s.s. (9/0 a.m.), 217 tons. Dowell, from Waneamu. PAPAROA, s.s. (11.15 a.m.), 6»S tons. B TE o ANAU m s^. a (i!s r P.m.), 1652 tons, DoorloP;\TEr" T A. 's!!s a 1"7.25 p.m.i. 1212 tonf. J. G. Watson, from Kelson ami Picton. l'a«seiigers: Saloon-Nurse M'Uae, Misses Clietwin, Dnnnin.i, Eaikes. Lechncr, MCouway. Collett. Arthur. • Mesu.-imcs Coker and child, Herbert and 2 children, Jones and 2 children, Itsilly. Hio.hard. Bicklc.v. Harrold. Martin, Kellin;, Burtrum, Brownlfo riiff Auckran and 2 children. Sbelan and boy,' Tkiff and child. Melville Dutton. Dillon, Millar and 2 children. Catto, Dciinehy, Messrs. O'llrien. Head, Wallace.FalkiiOT, iVndrew. Campbell. Jtudfon. Grapes. Harliuul, Rowley, ljarrold, He.vhoe. Henrys, Capt, Moss. Walker, .Grove. Jones, Buckland. Webster. Moore, Maeinniiy, Coxon, Barclay. Helheringtun. Martin, Heeling, Kccgan, Burtrum,. Mimfie. Herbert, Itadloy. Peacock, Mprnsoji. Mackay. ]!cv. Holloway. Trent. Jirownlec, Buchanan, M'Donald. Gibbons. Batten, Leuper, Downes, Dutton, Mnir, Thirkell, Morris. Child.'. Hoult, Williams. Lawrence, Brialey. Chrichton. Months. Itetzer. Wittinsham, Foster, Peters. Jordan, Millar. M'CoiMvay, Bary, Kennedy, Jones, Gray. Goedmnn.: 15 stcerase. KAPUKf, s.s. (10.30 p.m.), 150 tons, Mlntosb. from Picton. HOTOITI. s.s- (6.50 p.m.l. 1159 fjns. Flynn, from West Coast and Xelson. "Ripple. B.s. (3.50 p.m.). 370 tons. Carlson, 1 from Gisborne. via The Grove. OPAWi., b.s. (10.25 p.m.), 110 tons, las. from Blenheim. HLENJIETM. p.?. (10.55 p.m.). 120 tons. VVilkinson, from Blonh»hu. SUNDAY, JULY 14. POHEIIUA, s.s. (0.5 a.m.). 1175 tons, Cameron, from Greymouth. ' AOKEKE, s.s. (2.15 a.m.). 77 tons, Fisk. from Patea. • JIAOltl, s.s. (7.45 a.m.), 3399 tons, Aldwell. from Lyttelton. Passenjscrs: Saloon —Misses Clark, Darr, Jax. Lauren.sen.Palleson, Murray. Trolovo t2). Brightrßrodrick, Kightingale. Miall. Wheeler, Kodie, Plimmcr. Bostcy, Mesdames Gorman, jlar.!lin. Gibb and child, Ooulles, Brodrick. Kerr. llowell, Barrett, Ouinlan, Sncklnisr. Luke, Jacobseu, May, Taskin, Crossley, Brown, Oppenhcim, Messrs. Hewitt, Hattray Sim, Pirie, Ma-wson. Hainlin. Sargent, Barrett, Furlsert. Williams, Jacobsen, Famtsl. Woadhoiuo, Beirne, Tiinaw, Boxing Association (5), Prcstrall, Wiite. Olirirtchurch liosint; Association (9). Sharpte=s liobson, Jones. Guncry, Duncan, boxing team (9). Wrisrht. Capt. Kplleston. Guinness, Dr. Cox. Coulter, M'Renzie. Jtimro, Campbell, Nelly, Baron, Turner, Primmer Jameson. Hammond. Jl'lntyre, lowler, Kerr. Wilson, l)r. Pattison, Paratcr, Patman, Di?by, Deanley, M'Lcan, NirolV. Fcokfi. Sucliilins. WJlcox, Wallace. Bullen Irving, M-Inrcc, O'Brien. Cults. Koclie. Scott. May. Paiinell. Bowes. Yeoman, Brown. Edmumlspn. Hawlins. Gilfcdtfcr Murdbeh. Brodiriek. Macarthur. Da-,v--oh Parry, Campbell, Climy, llmiler. Dr Pickenc.-s. Donaldson. Chance. Luke, Bnllin, Opnenheim, Russell, Meikle, llott, Brustow: 61 steeraue. MOnAYSIIIHE, ».s. (9.25 a.m.), 55.6 tons, Howard, from Liverpool, via way ports. EAGLE, whaler (9.30 a.m.). 65 tons. It en: rick=™ from Ruesell. ZEAIiANDIC. e.e. (11.50 a.m.), 10,893 tons. KENNEDY, s.s. 15 p.m.), 226 tons, Wildman, from Foxton. MONDAY, JULY 15. NGAHEItK, s.s. (0.30 a.m.), IC9O tons, Dilirer. from Grcymoutli. .FLORA. a.m.). 1273 tons, Williams, from O&maru. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY. JULY 13. OPAWA, s.s. (8.10 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. KUMARA, s.s. (5.15 a.m.), 6034 tons, Lewis, for London. ARAIIUKA, s.s. (1 p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert, for Picton. Nelson, and West HAWKRA, 6.5. (3.5 p.m.), 200 tons, Jackson, for Patea. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, 6.5. (4.5 p.m.), 198 tons. Harvey, for Foxton. • NIKAU, s.s. (4.35 p.m.), 245 tons, Hay, for Nelson aud Motueka. KAPITI, s.s. (4.45, p.m.), 242 tons, Sawy<KAITOA, 8.8. (6.15' p.m.), 350 tons, Graham, for Westport. WAIRAU, s.s. (9 p.m.), 93 tons, Dtiley, for Blenheim. SUNDAY. JULY 14. . TE ANATJ, fi.e. (9.20 p.m.), 1652 tons, Williams, for Westport. KAHU, s.s. (11 p.m.), 182 tons, Jones, for MAIfAEOA. s.s. (11.10 p.m.). 2598 toils, Mannins, for Lyttelton.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Mora, southern sorts, July 15. Rosamond, lOnchuuga, New Plymouth, July 15. Komata, Wcstport, July 16. Wairau, Blenheim, July 16. Quean- -ol tho South, Foxton, July 16. JJawora, Patea, July 16. Kaniti, Wausanui, July 16. Nikau, Kelson, JEot-ucka, July 16. Mararoa, Lyttclton, July 16. Muritai. Wangnnui. July 16. Wakatu, Lyttoltoii, Kaikoura, July 16. Monowai, northern ports, July 16. Mokoia, Duneilin. Lyltelton. July 16. Waverley, FoTiton, July 16. Warrimoo, Sydney direct, July 17. Arahura, West Coast, Nelfeon, Picton, July 17. Arapawa, Lyttellon, July 17. Nairndiirc, Waitara, July 17. Corinna, southern ports, July 15. I Mauroto, Suva, via Auckland, July 13. Victoria, Dunedin. Lyttelton, July 18. Tarawcra, northern ports, July 19. Ullmaroa, Melbourne, via south, July 19. PfJOJECTED DEPARTURES. Ruru, Napier, July 15. • Navua, Wcstport, July 15. Kaltangala. Wcstport, July 15. Papnroa, Bluff, London, July 15. Flora, Now Plymouth, Wcstport, dreymouth, July 15. Aorere, Patea, July 15. Opawa, Blenheim, July 15. Blenheim, Blenheim. July 15. Huia. Wangamii, July 15. • Stovmbird. Wanga-mii, July 15. Pateena, Picton. Nelson, July 15. Maori. Lyttelton, July 15. Kennedy, XcUnn. West- Const, July 15. Kapuni, Palcii. July 15. Jlauaroa, Tlavclock. July 15. Monowai. Lyttelton. Duncdiii. July 16. Jtapourika, Nelson. West, Coast, July 16. Hippie, Napier, Qtebornc, July 16. ■\lokoia. northern norts. July 16. ■VTavcrley, Ncl?on. West Coast, July 16, Nikau. Nelson, Motucka. July 16Mararoa. LyttcWon, July 16. Kapiti, Wangamii. July 16. Jlaivora, Patea, July 16. Oucon of tho South. Foxtnni, July 16. Wairau, Blenheim, July 16. Awahou, Foxton. July 16. Poherua, Grovmouth, July 16. Uosamond. Picton, Nri'.son, New Plymouth. Onohimza, July 16. Huritai, Gisbornc, Auckland. July 17. Wakat-u. KalkoiiTa. Lyttelton. July 17. Zca.laiKlic, Auckland, London, July 17. Ooriwua, New Pliymout-h. Onchunffa. July 18. Arapawa. Wanenmii, July 18. Warrimoo. Melbourne, via south, July 18. Victoria, northern ports, Sydney. July 18. Tarawera, Lyttelton. Dunodin, July 19. (Tliuiaroa, Sydney direct, July 19. Uorayshiri'. Lyltetton. Uunodin. July 19. Haurot'j. Wcsf.nort, July 19. Namishire, 'J'hnaru, Lyllalton Avonmouth, July 19. Arahura, Piuton, Nelson. Wc.»t. Coast. July 20. intercolonial service. movf.Me.nts of stkamehs. ULIMAIiOA, f.!.. left, Mclliimriii! July 10 Tor llouart. "lulherii pons, and Wellington. Duo Wellington July "• Leaves f.iino day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney July 23. WAItRTMOO. f>;.. leaves Sydney July 13, for Wellington diiecl. Due WclliiKrton July 17. liOa-vcs July 18 [or BOHthoni ports. Tfoharl. and Jielbourne. Due Melbourne July 27. MATJNRAXni, s.s., leaves Melbourne July 17. foriHobart; southern ports, and Wellington, lino Wellington July 26. Leave." tan)? 'ijy lor Sydney direct. Dm Uytiucj', .July i%
VICTORIA, f.s., leaven Duncdin .Inly 16, for Lyttelton and Wellington. Dud Wei- f lington July 18. Leaves fame day for 1 northern ports and Sydney. Due Sydney July 26. : BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SYDNEY, July 13. Sailed.—Warrimoo (2.30 p.m.), for Wellington direct; Coiirtiieltl. Tor New Zpaland ports. Sailed.—Aorangi, for .San Francisco, via Wellington. .Arrivcd.-Westralia. frojn Auckland. , MELHOURNK. July R Arrived.—Maunganui, from llliifl, via llobart, COASTAL. SATUIiDAV, JULY 13, AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Kurow (6 p.m.). from Fiji. Sailed.—Wanaka. for Timani; llinemca. for Cuvier and East Const lighthouse*. Sailed— Monowai (2 p.m.), for southern ports. Passengers—Satoon: For Welling-ton-Messrs. Powell, Apnlcvard, Aljbott, unci Brown. ONEnUNGA. Sailed.-Rosamond (1.10 p.m.), for New Plymouth. PIOTOX. Arrived.—Arahura (4.10 p.m.), from Wellington. WESTPOKT. Arrived.-Canopus (5 p.m.). from Wellington. GWEYMOUTH. Sailed.—John (5.5 p.m.), for Wellington: Ngahere (9.30 p.m.), for Wellington. I.YTTELTON. ' Arrived.—Wakatu iiso p.m.), from Wellington. 0 AMARU. Sailed.—Flora (11 p.m.), for Wellington. DUXEDIN. Arrived.—Maitai, from Lyttelton: Storm. ■rail northern ports; llaulo, auxiliary sohooncr, from Kaipara: Moana, from Sydney, via Cook Strait. Sailed—Hanui, for Campbell Islands: Storm, for northern ports. Sailed.—Mokoi'a. for -northern ports. Pas-sengers-Saloon : For Wellington—Mcsdamcs Forrest. Maltby. Messrs. Mallby, Peters, .Smith, Latham. For Oisbornc—Mrs. Wilson. For Tokomaru Bay-Mr. Wilton. For Auckland—Miss Graham. Mrs. Luuk, Mr. Long; 6 steerage, tor all ports. SUNDAY, JULY 14, AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Jlaheno H p.m.). from Sydney; Tarawera. from southern ports; liona, barque, from Newcastle. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arived.—Kosamond (7.15 a.m.), from Onehunga. PATEA. Arrived.—Hawera (9.50 a.m.), from Wellington. WANGANUI. Arrived.—Kapiti (8.27 a.m.), from Weington. FOXTON. Arrived.—Queen of the SoutU (9 a.m.), from Wellington. BLENHEIM. Arrived.—Wairau H. 15 p.m.), v from Welliiifjlon. NELSON. Arrived.-NiUau (5 a.m.). from Wellington; Arahura (5 a.m.), from l'icton. WESTPOHT. Arived—Tβ Allan (5.30 p.m.). from Wellington. LYTTKLTON. Arrived.—Mararoa (11.45 a.m.), from Wellington. DUXEDIN. Arrivcd.-Kotare, from Calling Ri'vcr: Koonya. from Oamarii: Kini, from LytMton; Corinna, from Onehiinga; Victoria, from Sydney, via northern ports. Sailed—Maitai, for Melbourne, via the Bluff and Ilouart. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. STAI! OF SCOTLAND (due about August 1), sailed on May 21, via Australian ports and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agent?.) TUISAKINA (due about August 23), sailed on July 4, via Gape Town and Hobart. (X.Z.S. Co., agents.) From Liverpool - MORAYSHIRE (due to-morrowX sfiiled on May 11, via Las Palmas. (F..S. Line, agents.) ' TI'ItONF. (due about, July 29). sailed on May 25, via- Auckland. (F.-S. Line, agcntiO ESSEX (due about August. 19), sailed on .Tune 32, via. Las Palmas, Capo Town, llobart, and Auckland. (F.-S. Line, agents.) From Monlroal. TOKOMARU (due about July 221, sailed on April 15, via Australian ports and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agent*.) WIIAKATANE (due about July 31), sailed on May 27, via Australian ports and Auckland. (Now Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) MATATUA (due about August 27). failed on June 20, via Australian ports and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From New York, COUHTFIELD (due about July 17). sailed on April 19, via Australian ports and Auckland. (Tyscr Line, agents.) NEIDENFEIiS (due about July 20), sailed on May 2, via Melbourne and Sydney. (Dalgety and Co., agents.) STAR OF AUSTRALIA (due August 2). sailed on May 25. via Australian ports aud Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) STRATHROY (due about August 6). sailed on May 17, via Australian ports. (Vacuum Oil- Co., agents.) ANGLO-CALIPORKIAN (due about September .30), sailed on July 3, via. Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and A. Line. From San Francisco, TAMTI (duo about July 23), sailed on June 26, via Papeete and ltarotonga. (TJ.S.S, Co., agents.) From Bunbury. KATOA (due about,'' August 20), sailed iu June. (U.S.S. Co.. agents.) SAILERS TO ARRIVE. From Crays Harbour. MAKAWELI, American four-masted barquentine, sailed on June 6. From Advonture Bay (Tas.). WILD WAVE, barque, eailed on June 29. MORAYSIIIRE, FROM LIVERPOOL. The F. and B. liner Morayshiro arrived aj Wellington yesterday, from Liverpool, via way ports. She left Liverpool oil May 11. Captain. Howard has tlie.-followiug officers associated with him:-Chief. Mr. 11. M. Tuke; second, Mr. If. G. Lanehbery; third. Mr. W. Williams; fourth. Mr. F. Wilson; olief engineer, Mr. 1\ Blacklock: second. Mr. J. Butters; third. Mr. i. Siccol; fourth. Mr. T. Fowlinsj fifth, Mr. H. M'Kilican; sixth. Jtr. Law; chief refrieeratinir encincer, Mr. F. Walker; sui'ceon, Dr. A. M/KuiEht; chief steward. Mr. Hill. After discharge here the Morayshire proceeds to Lyttelton and Duncdin on Friday to nut out the balance of her carjro. She then proceeds to Australia to load for Home. TAHITI'S EXPECTED ARRIVAL. By wireless, at 8.30 last evening, the Union Company's Ii.M.S. Tahiti advised tint eho was 850 miles out from Wellincton. ~ The vectiel reported that ■ she was experiencing a soutli-wciiterly sale, accompanied by a heavy tea. Slic is en route from San Francisco to Wellington, via way ports, and her probable time of arival at this port was noon on Wednesday. THE ANGLO-CALIFORNIAN. Further particulars of tho Nitralc Producers' Steamship Company's (Jleesrs. Lowther, Latta iiiul Co., managers) new steamec Anglo-Californian. which is due at Wellington from New York, under charter to the A. and A. Line, on September 30, have been received. The vessel wavlnk-Iy launched at Pallion. and left the Tyne just before the Olway was dispatchc-cl from London on the official: trials, which were a decided success. The Anglo-Coliforuian is designed to carry a deadweight of about 11,350 ton;-. The vessel ii built on. the Ishenvood system of longitudinal fiamiife. wi'th shelter, upper, and main decks of hteel laid the entire length. She has tnk.-n Lloyd's highest class. This vessel is the largest yet built on the Wear to Mr. Itherwood's patent fiystan. A. double bottom has been fitted throughout for the carriage of oil fuel or water ballast, and the fore and after peaks arc also arranged for water ha,lla*t. The holds and 'tween ducts are divided by seven watertight bulkheads. The shelter deck has been fitted with four large doors through 11m sides, so that the steamer inny be readily adapted for the conveyance of horses or rattle. There are four state-rooms for passengers. The cargo arrangements are very complete, sixteen dcrriukn being fitted. In addition, an iKraugciuent of patent derrick gear to lift 20 Idhs will be available at each mast. Her equipment includes ten steam winches. Crompton's selflrippin<: ash hoist and Clayton':? lire extinguishing system. The oronelliiijr machinery has been fitted by the Norlli-F.aetern Marine Engineer Oomnnny. Limited. Wallstuid, and consi.-u cf miadniple engines with cylinder- 25iin., 52iin.. and 76in. by 51 in., taking strain from three larire boilers of 2201b. pressure. The machinery has been designed throughout with a view to economical working, being considerably slnnglhened above the u~ual practice wjth extra large bearing surfaces at nil wo~rkinc pr.rti. On trial a speed of 12 knots was easily maintained. MKSS-TABLE fiOPSIP. Mr- L. Jones, of i}\c local office of the F«>w Zer.lßnd Shipping Company, will lejve HTllineion for Sydnev by the ITlimnrvi ljpvt, frldß}' oa a vtcH-carucil moutU't hell-
Mr. A. JI. Stewart, chief ofllcer of Uic steamer Kaitoa, cume ashore at Wclliiiirton. and was relieved by II r. (!. U. White. Mr. 11. Clayden, second ollli-cr of the Mnrarou. has rejoined 11: at vessel, after ii period spent ashure on account of illhealth. Mr. Horn.*, late chief oiliccr of Hie .Mararoa. is n.nv on tha iloi-raki in 'i similar capacity, liavini; succeeded Mr. Clin" Hobeii«, who went asiioic at Duncdiii fur orders. Mr. Bowman, iale third officer of the I Tarawera. has joined the Mouraki. in nlaie of Mr. Smith, third ..-nicer, who also went ashore at Dtinediii for orders. At 8" u.iii. on Saturday the Union Company's steamer Ikmrotu, whicli is (in r.aiite from Suva U Wellington, via AudiI •nil. uilvv-ocl by wirelcv Unit she \u.s 6Cfl I miles out from the northern port. '. The Uliinaroa. at 9 run. yesterday, was 167 miles from the Hlnlf. She expected to arrive vX the southern port from Jlobart lit. f skin, 10-ilay. arrangements are that the New Zealand Shipping C'o.'s steamer Pai.aroa will leave Wellington for London, via the Hlnir, to-day. 'J he vcsssl arrived iii porl from Waitura on Saturday inuriiing. In addition to the Argyllshire, Shropshire, ami Wiltshire, the F. and S. Line's steamers Perthshire, Ayrshire, Suffolk, Kssex, Dorset. Somerset. Durham, Limerick (late Kinninguain Orange), and l!o.i----common (late 0.-westry Grant'cl, have been litted with, wireless apparatus. - On Wednesday next the F. and S. Miicr Nairnshire is due al Wellington from Waitara for Homeward- loading. She is expected to leave for Timarii and Lytlelton on July 19, and sails finally for Avonmonth from the latter port on July 25. The Rhiiw-Savill steamer Zca-landic will Bet away from Wellington for Auckland and London on Wednesday or Thursday of Ihis week. Continuing her tour of the northern lighthouses, the Government steamer Ilinemoa left Auckland for Cuvier li-rht on fc'lturday morning. On account of deloy in !.he Eouth, t)ie Union Company's C:>rinna will not arrive at Wellington until Thursday of this week —one day late. She leaves for New Plymouth, and Onchunea on the same afternoon. The collier Komatn is expected to malic her reappearance at- Wellington, after c*rliaul, to-morrow. She is comiiitr from Wcstport. When discharge of tl\c Tfaurolo's fruit liss boon completed at Wellington, t«e vesfel sill make a trip to Wcstport a I'd back before proceeding to Auckland aud Fi.ii. The Union Company's collier Kaitajieatn, is expected to leave Wellington for Westport, this afternoon. Coal for Dunedin will be load-od there. It is intended to dip-patch. the Tyser liner Miiritat from Wellington for Napier, Gisuorue, Auckland, and London, on. Wednesday, July IV. The Union Company's steamer Wanaka, was docked at Auckland, last weeli for overhaul. This week the Kurow will be placed in the Aucklrvid dock for the same purpose. The lattfr vessel afterwards proceeds to Lautoku to load sugar for Auckland. ITavinj: discharged at Melbourne, the Maoriland Steamship Company's Enncrdak now bom to llnon, Tasmania, to load for Lyttelton ;vid New Plymouth. When the has completed loading at Timaru, Ti.M\S. Itotonia will visit Napier, Auckland, .vnl Wellington to finish. There will bo no second call at Lyttelton thi.i trip. Tha steamer is to sail finally from Wellington on July "5. for London, via Monte Video. TcneriiTe. and Plymouth, and its due at Ihe Home port on September 5. A eai'Ko of timber is to lie brought from Great Harrier Island to Wellington shortly by the Maoriluud Company's steamer llolmdiile.
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1492, 15 July 1912, Page 7
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2,851SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1492, 15 July 1912, Page 7
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