"WHO'S WTLRAJf?" "Who's 'Wiiliani':"' has talr'e.n on at tlio, Olieia House. T>l|o- piece is. .a farcied . cbineily by Harry (.'arver, and it is played -.vitii great dash. Mr. I,'. Wykeh.'ini "takes the "-tar" role, and fs <|uit.o at ■ lio.'nib' 'iii, it, Tlio v.-hblo. piece farms 'a; • I'siq.st, eiijoyaljlb eiite.rtain'uireiit'. THKATIti; KOYAT,. . There have Ik :-n big. aiidieiiccs at tl'.e. •' X}i£dr& 'Jlayid all. tin weekj .ki-wre.nce. Barclay, a>: English character comedian, Albert a lid lfiilier, isinedy sket'cii iirti;);s,: anil the Brookly-ns, acrobat, are making (fits of fu:i and pruvidiiig much entertai'.nm'fin.t for ■ the ,p.aii:oivs of; tlio r . tlieatre: fl'b-njg'li't-, tlio pfqgranlin.a will' -, bp repeated. iTr,u:if,s- vicrvm:?. (j.ppd. has- been, five <?rdpr this, week at, tli;o : Sk;!.t'i]ig. iiiiik, Vivian 'Street,. \vliere Fullers' I'lctv'tw a ■ ■ high men.mrp of popuhirity. One of the 'ending tihus on the current programme )S that .entit.i'exl. '"i'lio !Ee.negad,e,."'' :a...:dr.a.-= malic- story of life xm 'he lroiifier. Other g< c-d iteiiis arc "A 1 ask an lis ivl ife,'' "Coin-, i!'.g. of iiie. I.a.inbs," "Walk Through a I'oultry Far!n," "liaby }!ride," and 'Did. Jlot'ier Get Her Wish." Music is sup-. -pii.ed by an e'.licient p.rchestra. ' THE MviV THEATHE'. : . A! the Xew Theatre yesterday a complete cliatiKp of proj,-rai:nr.e was screened:, Tlio new jiutiilx'i's are well- varied, and wore much . appreciated -by "■ those who patranised tlic- theatre., A. capital • draniii'tic story is unfolded in a film entitled "Two Brave .Little' Heart-;.". Tlio prin- ; qprik rolc is-liißon by ; -two '.litila boy«, who ■'.tiike; the part of amateur detectives. -T'be fatheii- 'of. tlie. boys , is: .employed: b'y ia.. er-fuir: jewellery .lncrch.-intl A 5 lnan visits tli'i merchant -for the. purposo of weini; i'Mine. valuablea.t t'lo stone:; .manages': : 'alsp ; '.tb. ;hayo .';a\, good look at his surroiiiKjings. lie is;tin;ib!c- tc punMiase - the ,pea'i;ls,' As he states ;ho has insufficient nioM-y. 'g'briVQ'.;. .timo,": i.lafer the' m.ei:ch.ou,t goes "oiif-,. a'lid .durihgij '..liis. abseiicc tt.e two' boys bring . their father's dinr.er. After they have'.departed, the stranger returns, aiid finding the. employee sleeping,, .itinjihisteis some jewels. The and, then bogin their pursuit. They eventually have h -their' hian- arrested.-. 'The .BisoD; ConVpany:. have, a iilm on the 'iirograintne entitled. "An ludian Girl's. Elojienient." It..".'isjS'a.; ..stirHiig,' 'ta.1.0. .of: ".liift. Smilo" is a very - luiniorpus .coniic. picture,; :aS is -.aisq, "Trombone Tommy." Other new numbers are-"Tro"ttbies' of ;a; ; Hntler" (comedy), "Bonnie, of the;,; Hill's".: '■(dnuna'i;, and "Thp; 'Hurgliir's. Paiiglj.ter.'.'. (dvai'n.'ii. ■■ r . /' CoiiVmciicing n'jxt, at. all day ond eveuinir .'sessions;.'. JlacMahon . aiid .Dbii.hpl 1 y .wii 1 pres"iit. ,■a- sensjitior.al pic-; . tiirb. ;idvont\iro :bntit.!od v 'sVtXric.kr<lv byv > : Lion." .Tiiis subject shows'a .wild lionistaljih;;' iii. settler's horse. .Tlie king. ..of ;bea.sts''.. eventually.' :'rushes;-'at; dlis .' fi'iarry, but the'settler, at a few.-yards' .distance; .bowls the lion over with, a well-directe-.l ■ rifle.'biillef. ."'Attacked by. ,a Lion" will bj shown in addition to other subjects of prbgranimc. v .
. THE KING'S THEATRE;' . il ■ Last night's ''picture performance at, the ®irig's Theiitrfl .the'}' - .pliiiientary ljGuetit : :io: v tjie.:^.ie]rosG.;.'l'o'Ot- : oa.ll Clubj tho prcgranniie' incJudins;. spe-'-ciril A\'elliiigtQii fo'otb:Ul:iflaslie,s. ; . I , l;his ;ath>rncon there will be a prize, matinee,, -and to-n:j!it. the current, programmo will. :b|.Vepeated " for 'ilip. last timo...; : Oii; :!Mouday next, the nianagement iutro-' diiee a ;star iilm 'entitled "l?eik:emcd by !• ire."
THE ADELPHI. . •The ciirroii't .week's "proirfamins at. the ■■iVdelplii will be .preM-nted'on two. more PCfasJ:i~ .isnlv,' to-day at. 2.80: at.tho matinee, and at the evening perforuianeoj'at 8 o'clock. Those who. have not already wit;nessg:f the fine: .s-oriw o':\ pictured'w'iiich are hiiw being tcivenwl'at this house are "asked ia note' that '.Shis,is. tha op; jioriuiii i>; ■ cif :&eL ; iiig. -tlieiiv;.tr' lllio ..ii>!iiit>o ihis-.attoriinan cvi-rv cli.iid '.will, as/.usuai ,• ' fixpiy&s pis'ti iaiitl; ..iiVf ayditipjaji; the 11'aiiias; competition will be .alicbd,v : a'lirl..t hey. will receive their 'prizies.:if management .-t'ate ; th.at groat intcreU is: being shown by t'uo children' in these oysay. .cdmpaiitiohsv. aiid 'temp excellent w<ric .has. been sent ■■■'!}•' complete, change of. imtgYaumo' ■i| ; Monday night. ; "BEN HUli." X Tlid ■.t.emarkajilcrsueMES'en Sydney :is;&iii^ land. It is generally acknowledged that iha famous religious. romance 'if ono c;f, /:N«v'rZe;»iandi.haS%v;e^ .s.tan:ding:°it.s\ : iv^^ 'have comp 1 e.ted: ' ~ ' ^rjras?^ei n ta-|f6';preMiifc! 'Ben Hur" in three • of .'the."pv.jvir.cial: ■ centrcs. On Monday, July 8, General Low Wallace's drama will be -staged.' in New: ..■■Plyhrqu.tiv^a't^ Wednesday, July . 9 and .10; and at Pal. : - mer'ston North cin-'Thursdaytand July ,11 and 12. Already the. theatres 'in tlu'.-o towi:.-) are :i]aaergoiiig;;|he;*iiccesifiry,: .£^';that" i ihe'^big;; l wrecli; , can-be presented,;aml the >t'agcS;are being; •fio^i4?i3bß''iitreiii^hene'ftWtfith/:c]wri9|. : . rarev'Aud :? :tbaMount ;OHyet;taWeauXi!to-;. {Tether, the. coinjjaiiy ~ H .raycllingr ' .niony^rsi, . jiyh'ic^ :■ nsc-nted considerably . by stage . hands, i sjip&r s, '.dressers;, 209 people will be-actually, eniafted -in'.the T'epreMntaJioui.. ;inij?aQK ; ¥tp>vji:;tKi«e : .'flays'.prio^ : W!\.ttic'!,oi>eii-.. ii:g night. The Wellington serfsoii will, bo inaugurated on Wednesday, July IT. '■
MI C S M \RGAItLT COOI'EH The English" society (Hiferiaincji'rV'Miss* ;Margaret:. Cooper,. .ivil.l; .'appear./'^.atl-sithe' Operaj HciVsb on 'Wednesday,ijiily..lGiAOfv' :thftnian^''star3"^introduce(l4o:;.Au%a!ia ; i 'l>y ; '.theplessrs.gj;'.aiid: i X.'Tai't, not one has!.occupied a I*higher place in her profession. than'.Miss Cooper, iwIiCRC form.'of .enieriviinmniit -is -thai known.a? the song.at'themario', aiulwith' it sli.e,lia= won exceptional fame throughout: J fib: Britishi'JslestaiVdrfttliervflands;' IT.er repertoire is.extensive',and her wings .•ire refined and of a high-class order,' but i'te^j«t;%-H«i^#pulantyVmay,\best , '.b)(. summed up ill the words, of. one of . lief .earliest. < 'J^ In her approaching: !oui'\ slip; will shave tho support br other. distinguished: artists -from the "Old Conntry,. who enjoy ■bi&' repjitations.,.:! .'She 'has secured; the; : Vißignof:; i.th'a-^maUdblinJiji^lr.'^Jly.-Scptt, ; humorist "'and' ■': racbrifeur), ;.who. : ; : .has ji.wcri'.: popularity 'in Tendon, .. Egypt,. /America; . "A- .biil!iaritv';l»aritono;v;, 'aco Witty, also ;a'ccompahi(;sxher. i ;. Tho plans open, at the Dresden on' Thursday ■.next": .
TOUEIKG THE WORLD '' Under, the- direction of - Messrs.,.Portu's and' Talbat,. strel Wellington, , where the'.v,- will .-aprtear' at' 'fhe'COE'era'-House'-'fSfeeight'-flightslv'Btart.; ing Mondav next. This'is a'.coinbinatini! .of coloured"'artists, who have been pchmd-. rcl on Uio'Aiiierican mirstreV st;igiv ■ This' ■copi pani! directions of 'the "Hugo: li.rothi.rs,.. ivho.-'' '■ theatrical., activities have -been v.-.eir known ill. ihis. country t'roin their, activitv iri; promoting. '~tlio : .''ijid^cnl:'.h.tfi- , sictioiiS ■of : -'. ; .the'-gr<if»t.;".Tnivr.''. sen; the great Nicoli, and hiiiny others. At their workshops. iri. - Cedar K,ipids, Towa, He.s. the scenic ■e(f®fs;.:aiid.;,tlle\. costumes for. their e^m^ai!ic-s,,.;a'n(t\ is'fitted' -.oufc-'W" ; 1 : MiMl.-: that, is worth whi'o in stage prai't; For ''tlieir'-iVm.eripari' .niiristrf?ls' :thoyv : navo -.been; extremely careful, not onlv in the- selec--tioil of "a company, but in 'th0.../proper cost'uuiipo ahd/softiiig's for . ' OKGAN liICCITAL. 711 The usual Saturday' night organ-.reeifni. Ic. the Towr. Tla.il Hvii! Ixv given to-night by>the city orgnT'.isi. The pirgrainme will mcH'.de tl'ire;> inevemonts from Widor's •••>co!id symiihony,.. act ';T'; :?oenc 111, : oi' \V.'.giier's' "Tannhairsei." and . \yorks hv . Kchulrjr!, Bach, iind 'Wbiy;/^Missftlfaii^ trail tibib- iriiiiressip)i -:at.. fliS sifiir roiiia-m-e from "Mignon" arid Wr.ni'ilorde liiir.li-h's "Indian Desert. ;- Ml M< 11 \L OUf HI -LI! \ 'Fhcv Miin'ie'i'pai.. .'itk'iicx'fe ! conci'i t o;i Tuesday evening, next, uii'der ■tiie- i-onductorsiiip or. Mr. Miuisrhan liart ct(, city organist. An osiioslaJiy -attir.c.tiyi p3>gr&uu>ie luui besa jffrajvrpdi' ia.
(hiding I!r,s<in'i's overture to. "William. I jhe,Mp.\v''| : Hioyemeht from Syinp]inny;in;v r fi ' and M rircll' ■ f I Miss Hannah Siveeiiev will lii);,' KobamliY; ~ "Alia 'Sf6l.la Ccinfit!r>iitt 5 '," with 'coljii. oi>by Mr. !•', I!'. Johnst'ono', :imi >l:y- . c.rbebps "ilol'.criii tu oho Adoro.'' ■' < ••TIII; daxdies." ■ ;[ The rurront programme .By "The . . ©imdies" a.fc : Sho Vpneprt Chamber■ ofhV' 'Jl.iijr .#oiiis- - j.o" ■.'find 1 -prono.uivc'oil.: ; favour iVit.li: audiences. The on tii.i ; pitji'ut; aro }:artic!ilhrly attractive, • o]i(Lttf a 'iinjjire/;whilo; Uij»,:.qAn.rtiU judiciously intermingled- ivitli .itlio. ether i' .'item's; ■coiuhiiio. to keep' ,th '' filing., iii J' lively srny.. Mr. Dompier if «i hi--1::in an hilarious character study, and'' : 'iii. :.art in'tf-rl utVe..'ni , :''Vvliich\ .lio! lj>a'clc'ed'!;l\vtin* company. The n.ujiicroiu 'othpi' item's; . aro also of a |>1 nature, and help to ' make up oiic; of tho most. delecfabie pro-' grammes which "Tlio Dandies" have yet'.'! put mi. ■' , SUNDAY CO.\"CEI!T. , To-morrow night, at th.e Town .Hall, tj'ne i AV.ellii^toU : j P^t'^sipiiaV^O.^^&^rav'jindlpr tho ton(iuctorslup : ; of; Mr,- J[orb.ei't: j; will give the third, concert of the; l?I2 j. yepah. ■■ : 5-c]i.nb6r;£ : T ivsll he the s.tur ? iteiri- riojilo,;frag-. went sv.'ij V.nrtn in 1822.' It is:ini;:Qsiii.lil.e. to listen,,l.6; tliis. symphony Without: ; i'eeiih:; that lier.i, if at "all,"does music- ■ oiii Jjp<)y. ,'tho:i';dccpcst;^dmotions;, of. ifchei£bni-; ■poser'..' .'"-Marcliv'du,;Bb;w ; .Ki'v.oir,:vl:cin.sr, th&< first:. ; perfpdiipnce,J]MY®W ■ lingion.. ' .'ijio. 'reinainiiVg: ;are:. : : "Onilinde I'rintauiere" 1 ,.;■ ami i overture "(.li)eron".(\Velier).. A :nlver win!!, -'CoifeSi.
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1479, 29 June 1912, Page 3
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1,322ENTERTAINMENTS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1479, 29 June 1912, Page 3
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