PROBABLE COST: £1,000.000Dr Teleirraph—Press :As.spoi'atlo'n.-.GoriTriS.l)t----(lieo. J.iiiie j!!,. 11,5 Chicago;, Juno 21. Owing to (ho certainly 'that t'ii«.y w'oidd lose their office's. j :i case of' jir. Taffc .sU<Jcccding, it is ttiii.i'kply' I.lV'itt .more tlva'n 200 of the Hoosevelt supp.ifi:.t'Pi:s. at ilio lican Conventibii. «>ill: |:ari'ie.ipat6 in.- a bolt. The Illinois delegation, by 08 votes .to 2, lias decided not to ])av(icii):ii(r. 'flic Ohio and lowa delegate arc w the same oiiin-
A meeting of' Wisconsin and Gaiifornin delegates favoured the forming of i» npfF party.
It is evident, that Mr. Roosevelt and Governor Hadley '■■jiTei desiro-iis of ireslraining tlio more ardsnt of tlie lioosrveli adlioroiits from any r<rccipitate action tliat may tlireatpn financial ■,danger:.
It is estimated. ;th£fr' tp, sepu'iie'i'tlib Eresi'. dency on an 1 ini.!pe;ideii!; tiokot, Mr. Eoosovelt would'riijuiro .£.1,000,000, and if is doubtful if ii.is..iirieu.d3 : couid' .stand t.ho strain.
Apart from thV.-in'et&i -pfQ'W at the meeting of . tiu> Credentials G.piiimittee, the °f thpif probable action i.s that igiven .in. -Mr.. Roosevelt's addrfev tq''' : a hice'iiiig of -his supporters, .ihe.ludi'hg. twodelegates from bt'.:.lii's Stated. Jtr.. Roosevelt said i.-'Jf .aii niii- ■ jority of the Convention nomir.a'es me as. tlio lippubliean. .1 will licccpt tlio nominationV'i;!Jf: 'tifey :fear to do sp, and the remainder of niy supporters itoiuif nate mo as a Projjf^fv^ ]iliilform, and ti:c generul feeling r.mor.;; tlio Progressives/ favours : flip iioininatiob. I shall accept. lii/eitiicr easio I .sliall peal to every honest eifizen. fa figlit the. campaign through, win or lose." .
The popular opinion at tl'.e (,'bnvehtion in the early p,art:,,'.pf .I'ii'e- day.'was. that the Eooscvplt l>»oin had burst. Mr. lioosevclt's supporter? -wore reported to- -branxious to EPciire/ ,a" cgniproiiiiso ccpdiv date, but the Taftites were hoidiag aloof; seeing victory alipad. ■
Tliero was a dramdjtip' ;Scsßiie.-^ts. vention botween^-'Mr';'.' ,, l)giirii3. !l\:/..Fly ; hh;, :■ i
Mr. Flynn shoiiied iiit Mr. Tko: : ove!t •. "You ought to have, .bolted'-loiig ago. H may bo too late r:ow; but as they are going to swindle you anyhow, you must' make an attempt.;" i .
Subsequently Mr. Flynn resigned from the committee.
ONE VIEW OF THE SITUATION. - HOW Till! l-'OOSmXT BOOM ■ began; . Tlio situations in Mho If epidjiiean. party which led to ifors.M i'. :j(6oseyelt as a candidatP: for . the;-r-res.i.dency,,is interestingly itlie. "teilrrent: number of the 'iioview bi' That magazi no's ;syinpatlii./s arc decidedly with Mr. I?oosevelt;i.:;;!ti siiy s/iv- ' ■
Tlio real <listilictiojiVat.-thoVipresoiit--.timer; in Hie Kepublican/parly'is -nat s: much between tires" as bctwmi a' .coalition .'.ofrV.Mlfish,mtere?ts on on6 , ;;:harid , .. , a7ul ; ; , .thcV:co]isist(:nt ; ' Republican senHiijcnt'ijofCl • oiitho other haii<l./;Jt: : ;is: iiot . fell-? ously divided within iti-oif. *S"ui- i'« ii party than Tlio great mass:.of.:t!io. 'pai:tv. : is::fciv the oottnlry and tiio' - welfare el all She .peaide. But til 9 l n»chinei->:-..0iV.-i] i(j'.'paH n:;;;:]}n*H.. t'd,agreat extent como' ; .'the rnjilru! .'of self-seekers and .'special ' inSt-ri si.-. The party does not ;:1 ack■/iiiitelii jrcii'co,: 'it'i. best thinking is '(kmc,' not. liy' tiio.-e luildiiijr tho high po|i^.vrii.yir rank and file ;v!ioVha\V: r'tii'iis: lo think, aud are free f .person ;ib ambition and ("ii<;;;r(\-.trai:!t : s/jn:pa i cd/ .fiy'. political \Vi:-adp>-'^yilierc>v : lsaa never been, a period ;u tie. parly's iiistory when it vation that its private members '.should;.: assert themselves,- control'their o-.vii eonvent ion, repudiate" machine, bargains, make a simple,: honest . platform,.' ar.d nominate demand as the part;/' by the middle oi\ Jini-v. • It is complained that the nioveinctit/fdr : 6ontr.ol: .;of./ : tH'c;' Chicago convention rests unduly upon tho selection by federal ofiice-iio!c!ers of tlio debates fi;omsSbj}{tfa«ni thut> will enst no EBpublicaii i .!clectofaV;':yptcs' ,, |ri: Xovember. _ If the adiviiiislralipn ivern not reckoning upon" its.control of delegates from Alr.'ka.-Porto T!ieo, tho! Philippines, Haivaii; ■: and.l ;:,, . ; thpsc-'. . Soiithbrir': States that arc —so tlio Progressives;:>: dcclar'e : r-.it. 'lAyourrf' havo no assurance r.jion. v.hie.h lo base its arrangenient3;.!yith;:!6cal'.;iii&niiics;'and: organisations, like' tho Xew York County Committee and t!ie Poores? frillov.iiig in Pennsylvania. havo been sharply'.'.criticising'. -the'/nictli-.. ods used to get s^-. euro delegates iib ,adya:nce ,; of tho convenliciv. Tho. Kepublican' party is generous, andi'it ''..can '.niany: mistakes. party does not it rosents snap dried schemes that i ,;disregard; , ;tho;: , will , i of. the voters. Tho;'e.ighteen; : l6rHweiify deie'-' gates elected in catlv February TC.rp: ,a;l! : of this sort. ' ft
"Roping" and : ;."Tyino" :, tho At least it e.-.n ho raid, thai the i'aft movoment has ;:maclo ; ; ; hqt:the: slightest, protenco of timent. Its own political ami newspaper supporters lnvvo furnished; tho tacts upon which tiio anti-Tail . people hase t hoir criticisms. TheVforemost; Ealste.riv ;ne;.vs-. paper Mippcrting.Mr. 'iV.ft ?.< tho JS'.e'jy York '".rimes"; and its Washington corrcspondent has wrUtenrtvdiolfy; , from..,tha.t: standpoint in his'. daily specials. It ;s (.•'gniiieant, therefore, thai tho "Times of February IS-'i.should; h'a.yo nia'd'o tiis following statement: --. ■.■:■_ "And while tho battle of : tlie claimant? now rocs on expert; to rope and tie the de'esjates from tho Southern wj.tk tho plans on which, they havo been working for some time, practically ;nil' . the Southern conventions; aro to' held before tho end oK f nextfniohth ; .,. ~ lf. tliOTevis, any ground swj>ll>';fpr'>Bfl.Oßey6lt .S'orlnnK. about tho country,':' tho;'. 'TaE.t; ■miiriagers'.; mean to have ;'their!;'.':Soutlierii 'delegates' thoroughly fastenixl'sbefore' it .can .pet time; to exert its in(luen<»'sbn:;them , ; ? ' This if. As ./J™?'; as it is ipse' "roped" and "tied" bunches' 'of .delogafc.. appea.r in the it is .'a' question whether, their ssrvion may 'no.t chiefly be that of a. warniug las.a'ijist' tiie methods that mji;st. bo ; .T'eforn.iid :f the party is to hold. f tlio. cbnfiHencQ; aiul'TCT spcct o-f the country;,;. 'i'i\cv niav provo to ho an "exhibit;", 'rathei''tliaii. a cflnouering force. It nfaj Vs t!ie:;r last qtadrennial appcaranco.- ■"
How tho Revolt: was Provoksd, It may bo tlint , i'fiife , '-'lwT^3ln , a- and arrangements "'will, givs. ficnv. control of Eho C.hieHgo;;..conyenj.ip.!i> l Again and again, in ;thcv"'past tliro;; months--ncores o! times,'. \-^e?d^n'nowcs' , i?B' : ! l : have gone to tlie effect lisr.t' 'Mr... Tr.ft Wbiild ha,'yo all t.lio delegalPA to tiio oonvnii ion excepting a. certa'iii; ■ .speciiflftd minority of piiiablo dimpusipnS;. "It .ia ftiio iio delqgiitos lind IjDcn'fhjo'jwlu 'tClj? p'ntlrfHis- gf alleged Taft dejefratrs we're', eprelej'siy :a.Tjpropriated as if t'm>v vro.re fn i::nnv iurliips in half a'-Kiiiirirdit jb'iisKcts* It wa= nor, for a mom.bht. consi.dprP'd tlia't t'lio delegates would''hSivp iirivtli.i.ng. ,|.o fay' about it. They ,had' ;be.eii/ '(Ip ; i.ivei:ed, unnamed but in" nu'iivbered biinc.lic?. many montlig in advfiiipp; hi lia'i;Rnins and JLrrnl iirnd'o \<;it : h. 'iffitP' holding rliquos. •'<ml Sia'p i'md ,]o.e.rtl inar,hine>. tfc happe'iis. tliprp is a spirit abroad, hi tlvp I :ji i'i WlfiVli Iv.jt.P.s lliis sort of thing, TmTyiv'ii.pt : P, in ppii.p.f inv.rt, V,ar?'ri:i';h ■r,nn!rd. Mid 'l|sy> i numuvi ljcsan to clamo.iix fas Ereiidcniml
priih.vai-io.-. 'Wh.e-'ti Natiioftnl Comnvfti'e.o inot iV-i id it Was io Iviiil !/>• a it-:vefi:T fov I'ii'odiis- ui' wliiolv (/.it 1 J/o'jviibjiiV'ivji Vol f.icdivl,(l 'i.lif i'r I'lf--idutvtial con.!*!. .maia'' s.ur> of (f!ir>4>nig Clt.cir o'Wn I*j i'lio o'l : havini .l.'kfsi'ii ii.up'wrc l *! uiuiii MYein-; Rut Chi' 'KiiVi'.oiin'l i.t'tttiii,was 'hot si'.viiivs ht itioi'cly 'for iiu l b\n.f>'fit <)£ Hip Jif>i>irhS.iran •Vp.tors., lit .\v;is taking i'!'.<• oi'ilri's f.iwiit r !.""Uo rn( k vi':i:iiV l l ,n * of C'T'.ui'sf*, Imixponocl n.t" onro'. - ;ovy [chid <■~[' olkrh js'orhani aiuj mfo'rmo-J. io 1)0 Hiniliv to a.-corihi 11 Mio v.'ili .nl: Hvo vo'ter.s
"P.rbgressi'veis" in iiis Field. 'l is" pi'oy, -,ivi> in-r,-..niri',: deve.lii'P'cd ,nc'(v v'iri'.!t:«4'ii i'h' t.ho iMii'idTe West 'aii.il oh. il.r IV.cii':;'. (.''oa..-t, as pvfrf'i'.M: i a:ii ovl.'lri'fd f'Oiiv!iiii:v{'i(>]) prgiiliised polities and ;'in;u:r.ifil inti-ri—l~. ivlivclv 'had 'tmilerta'k'en to. liflid {!;■• niilioiial convention ,i'n. tits own why Without ooa-uitin:.' the public. 'I'lio Is ii ton.sjilw:aJ)|o .'xiont. tijVEed nnm-.d Bon at fir i.a M'lo'fte. of \VN:'r:]tsin. as it- candidate, . not cluc!l : v ]jn('rtus.r> of t'lieir personal a'tti.tiid.b toward. .Air.. J.n Folk-tie, but. bra..;<o .of iiis- courage. jind viaou- in. asserting Itijri'self' against bad. teiuloneie-', and iiis lo;i«r record ag a fi.ia'n of- reforming a.n'd. deniocrnt i? principle's. If a lii~l.f-r wlsdpn.i. find, a broader judgment bad been directing the :elTorts On behalf of Mr-. Ta.ft's- jtoinin.'ition, there '.vor.id pi'Gbab'ly h.avc Wen a eli'.dnjjp of 1 -V wi'sfji;- cpin>'o Aypnl.tl iiayo fji-vwirod do!'~iat;iov.", :jii«} a go.iii.vonti.or! of 'stroii!; Eoprii)]if.;c.ns jvlio vrbtiUl find iheir candidaio after t hoy had u-pjuri- fo !:.-ll<it at. r'hion-;0. Bjit .file ah.houiiwli.iien'r' v,'.ei!i j'b.rfji from t;ho. AV.hitn jlpiisp' t.iiat {ho Pre ! -;di>:!'..v-ii-.'i ]n-' oiiio.ial vaniago poin.t, was dcternvi.ned- tP ' i|° .otliCr 'cal!(iiclaios n.Tl.d if' siQS.=.ibto -fbj'C.'o .li"-^-own tmimv.atimi. It wa.=_ plain that a iiontiiiati'oii -ssTpskil in. this f.ashi'oit front an I'.Riviniiij -parij -tii-i£;li-t Jii.tan. -defeat; l'li November.
Ths 'Straw Ballots. ' In tlio' ;Sta.ts9, which had ncl !';or,r. over to i:he Deiboeratie party ■ in. 19.10., every to;'.-, and po.?t-e.'tr'! Uiillot tliat was taken : niiipng nepjiblicaii. voters php.'w.c.d a siiraii'titTaft seittiiii'cn.t.. -.[-hG' r-tr.en7t.il ■.(if, (lii- fbeiiiig wei't; beyond tlio ai.ticipatioiis 'of u.lio most. Fa'iigbino of flip's!; parfinj ttej)rbgr<Jssiva : liiovpilieist,.;. Mipli.: in. Wisconsin. .Minnesota, Xortii_ and f-'outl': l);ikr.ta. Toiva. Netii'ask.a, G'ri.lifoi:iiia, ©regpn,. and 'ash; ■ii'igtoiv were ■unqifc.s.tioh.abl'y anti-Taf! in ,s'o"(.ar as tli'o sentiment of i!ie I/entibli'cnn vote.rs o'luiil be ascertained. Tii Mr. 'l?.af,t*sb.wii State of .Qiii.p'...fhpi'o wa!s reported to be n,; ;;irepoiVf{eratiiK4/ seiifiriirnt ill ta.Vijiir ttf.so'nic flilier .6a'n'dii!a.t«;.;: and t)icf ; : .sanvp.' ttvinsr iv.a's' ■.uipe'iosed of: irid'i'an'Ci Anil.lllinois ;Vfc tlio. very nionieni liylipii i'«ce wins. St. PiUs.b.nr.rrir M i'. /Taft tiiat Ibe .'.olid l'iMi-:yivu:iia de'egat.ioii was lus-urrd, i:ijc. ip6ff-ca,rd''baUQfc ; bf Pit'tXb'iirg.li. ;stoo:d.. about: 10 to 1 against Mt, Tiifii, Whetlver :or ri.o'i' tlie h'asty:..:ae.t'.ion; of I lie »w York foinily Committee ■r.oji.i'psoi'itoil nietrciioii'ah '■ey'.iinent. it was. liiib'n.psiibiijlit.v true' tlia't Hip. giieaii; li'epublif.a.'i liiilf .b.f'. tii'e of. .Vow Yo.idbj; lying pe.rtli. nnd : we.s'l..'Of .iJ!aiiiiattaii, wasjifoiigly anti-Taf!. /Bitt nl't!!iotig.)i ; 'Sen'a.for !Xia '.Fqlle't'to' .Was. ; widelj : Tesnee.ted '£.c : r Ji'iis .co.nrag.e .and his record, nf .o'eiiiovp',niph'(='',. ho- W.'aS. no.t'j by oomnion 'I!c.i)jib'i'i.e.aW rOnseiii.:, regarded., as. .the. .'pia'n for tIK ; ■emicf geiicyi ' ■ ■ Senator Cummins a Candidate. \ybilp' si.i'oiig in soiyeral. :of fbo' . V\''es(er;n' ..Stiilps. ottfsid'e/of lYiijeonsjji; Mr., l.a F.il■tclt'e 'lapkeil. ■sij;e.n.'g,t)i..;in .tiiie Tieighljo'iii'.i'ng Ktaie; of Mii'iiig.ni. lowa, and .Mini'.p.-oio.. laiva Keuv.lilicaiis in ;re:iefal were ii'tp'gfe.s-' :sive, .'a'li'd they' Were-will in g ; tp. so.n,d..,a;jie.l.e■gatibtt: to present/ '.the na:n\' oi a oai'.di-. Ulate.jif tlit'ii; (iwjiy SenMiSr''Cpinnij'iiSk ■■■t'er itiio'..'op.ii siilci;ht;ioi'T'i,' 'Mr. Ciuniiiiiis' coiisented to bs .iv eandidate and wade noiinee/nenii iof |he . '.p.i'i: .JAjniary iu> diil not for a. i:'.ain";i!.'p.ei;r.iii liiiiisplF '•{jf ijoulivprteillrAii?' 1 i'i_s ,■' s' oi; ial ■■ (I. ii.L i es", '.and. li'is,candidacy, .caiiie. :abb:ii't. iii;. ; ni.l,ll'ost. I'crccli.ltj.blri- faMiion. rnder noi'iiia!. coiidiitibns'a;:dozeii naiivesisniiglit; .siniiiiirlyjbiy'e : l)eeii..i)i'Oiiglit: fgrward : ior. .p.r"es'P!it;a.tibiv t.o. ■ tlip. cpnvi>ini»n..
Demand -for .Roosevelt. i'-..T?ujt: coriciitioiis. ■ vj-'prc-. !>.;• from; Ucin-i normal, Uopublican ofsiciaidoni had so! out, :so: :.to. sp.d.'aky. ■iof light i iio.ir-o.iliCial j{dpiiiilicau party fur e:m';oi..of the ennvoniiim.. If.nd.e.'r tlio ciioamsinnoDs, there'Vad '■{p' li:< iii'i' early agr! riv.cnt anion;; iarae "massijS' tit; " :: Xofc;rs; lip"!) 'if people's. t»;i ml;-pnsi-oa.ri.l ;n : (!ryv.'l.HTf 1 .-dioued a. surprising demand fur Golonol' K.o&'se.vri.t-. 'nii>. ari-at carried .o.i'i. by the. Kr.ii-a City "Star" liji {;i TYbruai'v 10 74.70:! for ve'l.. far La Fullettr. .am! < uly !\iK! for 'roll. Tiio tr.dianai'ojis "Star-" shov'-' ,cd. 11 i<it■;-lii'<lia 11 ci.ei>i'i 1j 1 ioiV 11 s in ■ favciiir' ■■<>?. .lihp.seY.elt .as- ..against .Ta'fl:.ln spite of s>yorifljrc's. ,;rcris'til;■;to;"l j6 ■ vofc>, 'od; for:: itficra' jfa's. iifo'-'][tfrK6!'sji.» > l>« Wsi* -M'X a~ io'.'sliow that «"• would jdi's?; tancT/1 "Tiiff in liidi:;r.-i. While the b:\liot nf'.tlic' M/i'nn'capqliS .'/-'.ToTii:iial -V tl.i : - p y %iTC : Roosevsi;so ■was nevertheless tar ahead of ail "'hci'. : caii(ii(laics:: and; J^'.Toilette' ®a£i<!ecidctlir: ahead of Tafr.- Tiitlicntioh's;%e\^coAild^V ; .i:~ New ■S.fcatav'we'™" ihuiikpViri<ShWi;: ! ®S»ainsf'Taft;^ : The/ili^il!^cs.¥qndvcte(l; 'bv' tho' : New,'iYork. ■,"Press! Vpl^^ 'onlvi %ivat ,,: Ho6s , eye^t'k:^t ,^?, nf!t^l, , iv.as-greater. fha'n Taft'?, but that a dangerously large percentage 1 of. I?^piiblicaTi?'.-A"oii]d iiofc:.yoto fok'Taft.'pywvlif^pmi^ Vfit iiiFebriiar}-' ,ifidica.ted..tJiob:.if lis wore offered tho nonini'Uion 'he would not r_c■fusp life. ■J";....-.:'-. '■ '■
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1473, 22 June 1912, Page 7
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1,881A FIGHT TO THE END. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1473, 22 June 1912, Page 7
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