' :&VMBfiIDGE ■ ,v Mi\ : Y.''E;iG'HTS;" '■ , ■Bj TeiecraEli— Preis" ■Asspciatip'nVqopy.risrlit.' . . . . t-on.y.ori'',. iri'ijie io. ' ]. In' -tiro. ..eamljridge. ...piiiynrsily' .'".Vla'y- ■ Eights," tliQ .iT'oSiis Collide .crmv -s&ma': iOiit p"n. top, Thb;. cre-jv -incHided pray, of' 'Napier-,- and Rog-er" ..G.piil'd, of.''fch'vis.i-. ■: church-. ■ ■■ . AU.S'TEAfiIAN'■CR-W'FQR .HEXIiE-t." . . ■ tpndpn, .Juno ip, ■ ■ The. Australian ro,wing : c.r.ew is: practising steadily. '?t Gpo.kham;.. The. rcsidpn'ts : '.o'f. : tlie river fera'aresho.wins tlieiir nijicli , . hcispitnlityi ..iTliey/'go'-'tp. pii ,T|iiio : ; ■23>. Tili'pir 'fprm '.has. St'np'rpvcd greatly ; ■ ■'sirice Mi-. .Jti'ddlotdn, tli.P '!So.acl.i, lihs , oh- : '.frtijjc-d. .a. ffl'st. launch, froiu wiiiclr- fe; coaches' them , . ■ . ■ .
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Bibliographic details
Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1464, 12 June 1912, Page 6
Word Count
85ROWING. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1464, 12 June 1912, Page 6
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