PHABEB OF THE MOON, MAY. Day. Hr. m. Full moon 1 9 49 p.m. Last quarter 9 9 26 p.m. Now moon 17 9 44 a.m. First quarter 24 1 41 a.m. Full moon 31 11 0 a.m. MOON. Moon rlsss to-day, 6.15 p.m.; sets, 9.43 a.m. Sunday. HIGH WATER. To-day, 6.43 a.m.; 7.4 p.m. To-morrow, 7.39 a.m.; 7.59 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 6.39 a.m.; sets, 4.55 p.m. ARRIVALS. FBIDAY, MAY 3. ENERGY, b.s. (1.25 a.m.), 66 tons, Brown, from Cook Strait. I'ATKENA, 5.9. (2 a.m.), 1212 tons, Witson, Irora Nelson and Picton. AORERE, s.s. (2.25 a.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, from Patea. JIOERAKI, s.s. (5.50 a.m.), 4392 tons, Rolls, from Jlelbourno and Hobart, via southern ports. Passengers: Saloon—Mesdamcs Mcnzie, Mcohan, Pcnnefather, Bay-ley, Ball, Anus and 2 children, Whitehead, Benman, Denzcl, Davics, Misses Garfield, Putnam, Williamson, Price Jacobs, Stevenson, Miller. Lear, Price, Taylor, Messrs. Swindells. Dive, Meehan (2), Austin, Bayley, Holton (2), Conn, Low, Ellison, Collins, Oarlitich, Parlane, Ellison, Phillips, Davies; 25 stecraire. MAORI, s.s. (6.50 a.m.), 3399 tons, Aldwell, from Lyttelton. WIMMERA, s.s. (8.45 a.m.), 3022 tons, Koll, from northern ports. KOWHAI, s.s. (9.55 am.), 792 tons, Baldwin, from Gisborne. KARAMEA, s.s. (12.20 p.m.), 5563 tons, Clifton, from St. John, via. Australian ports and Auckland. POHERUA, s.s. (4.5 p.m.), 1175 tons, Flynn, from Greyinouth. _ MANAROA, S.s. (5.10 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, from Motuoka _,„ WAKATU. s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, from Lyttelton and Kalkours. KINI. s.s. (6.25 p.m.), 1122 tons, Davies, from Greymouth. KIA ORA, s.s. (6.30 p.m.), 6560 tons, Chudcy, from Napier. KAITOA, s.s. (8.30 p.m.), 350 tons, Graham, from Nelson. STORMMRD, s.s. (8.45 p.m.), 217 tons, Doivell, from Wan&anui.
DEPARTURES. FRIDAY. MAY 3. TARAWERA, s.s. (3.45 a.m.,, 2003 tons, M'licoo, lor Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland. ARAHURA, s.s. H. 5 a.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert, for Picton direct. NGATORO, s.s. (12.45 p.m.), 1137 tons, Christian, for' Greymouth. PATEENA, s.s. (1 p.m.), 1212 tons, Watson, for Picton and Nelson. Passengers: Saloon -For Picton-Misses Grsgor, Gilbert, Burgess, Gregor, Duncan. Jones, Hunter, Enson, Messrs. Jones, Douglas, Croft, Fra.ine, M'Callmn. For NelsonMisses Hoilett, Clark, Field, O'Brien, Cresswell, Evans, Tortry, Mcsdames Clark. Groy, Fowler, Armstrong, Hall, Larkins, Taylor, Jfessrs. Staff, Green, Fowler, Armstrong, Taylor. Roves, Calder, Parsons, Hamilton, Samuel, Dollimore, Harley, Mackny, CreSSKOWHAI, s.s. (1.30, 792 tons, Boldwin, for Grcymouth. KOMATA. s.s. (2.15 p.m.), 1994 tons, Manson, for Westport. . INDRABARAH, s.s. (2.25 p.m.), 6989 tons, Smith, for London, via Las Palmas. nCEUNUI, s.s. (4.40 p.m.), 9250 tons, Forsdick, for London. ~„.,. EVERTON GRANGE, s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 1 7144 tons. Drown, for Waitara. MOERAKI, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 4392 tons, Rolls, for Sydney. Passengers: Saloon-Misses Winks. Davis, Johns, Putmann, Bymiin, Coupor, States, States, Mesdames Lewis, Crallan. Strang. Goodson. Halls, Ham mond, Choutor, Esi'd. Incels, Messrs. Lewis, Harris. Willis, Hanington, Atwood. Huh, Reed. M'Kemie. Donnelly, Sawcrs, Prinele, Holland. Rnijels. Davis, Wright. Recce, Watts, Hiugh, Bettdnmigan, Ashton, Robinson, Hammond, Young, Love, Fane, Niton. Thorpe. , „„ , ._ . WIMMKUA, s.s. (7.10 0.m.), 3022 tons. Wnller, for Lvttelton and Dunedin. Passengers: Saloon—For Lyttilton—Misses Johnston (2). Mrs. Mnckay. Messrs. J. Mackay, Johnston. For Dunedin—Mesdames Winslow. Field. Window and nurse and two children. Messrs. J. H. Albn, Winslow, and Pvrke: 50 steerage passcn<?"rs for all norK JUOKI, s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 3399 l<m>. AldwoJl. for Lvttolton. Pn,raeneers: Faloon-Miss?3 Douglas Pcn.rse <2\ Studholmc. Clarke (2). White. Blank. Mcsdames Scarie. Benson, Peor=e, Bloomfleld. He'keth. Stead. Culfe. Redman. Studholn.e. Parsons, Kirbv, Whitwood. White, Soddon, Riddle, Messrs. Smith, Driscoll. Brown. Hume, Ho!m»=. Walker, Harrison. Douglas. Benton. Pearse. Hcskoth. Speed. Sh/ind. Bell, Belcher. Redman. Peterson. Furk?rt, Frive]/vk, Wilson. SincKir. Westwood. Kirby, Ellingham. Mount. C»olt. Lawrence RohertEon, Bailer, Buddo. M"nhirc. Rundle, Morgan, Chisholm, Cummins. Stubbs.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Storm, Lyttelton, May 4. Mangapapa, Wcstport, May 4. Arapawa, Wanganui, May 4. Pateena. Nel&on and Picton, May 4. _ Gertie, Foxton, May 4. Opawa, Blenheim, May 4. Alexander, Nelson, Motueka, May 4. Mararoa, Lyttelton, May 4. }lincmoa Gastlonoint. May 4. Aorcrs, Patca, May 4. Orari, Auckland, May 4. Maori, Lyttelton, May 5. Defender, Lyttelton. May 6. Kahu, Napier, via coast. May 5. Himitangi, Chatham Islands. May 5. JMnplc. Napier, via coast. May 6. Nikau, Motncka, Nelson, May 7. Komata, Westport, May 8. , Arahura, Wost Coast, via Jselson, May B. Warrimoo, Sydney direct, May 8. Wiininera, Duncdin and Lytteltoii, May 5. PROJECTED. DEPARTURES. Hawcra, Patca, May 4. Huia, Wanganui, May 4. Opawa, Blenheim, May 4. Blenheim llleubcim May 4. Gertie, Foxton, May 4. Wakotu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, May 4. Aloxandsr, Nelson, Motueka. May 4. Mararoa, Lyttelton, May 4. Kapuni, Wanganui, May 4. Mana, Patea, May 4. Kaitoa, Nclaon, Wcstport, Greymouth, and Hokitika, May 4. I Arahura, Picton, Nelson, and West Coast, May 4. ■ „ Kararoea, Lyttelton, May 4. Hin«moa, Cook .Strait lighthouses, May 6. . Storrobird, Wanganui, May 6. Aorcrc, Patca. May 6. Kia. Ora, London, May 6. Manaroa, Motuc-a. Jiay C. Himitangi, Chatham Islands direct, May 'Maori, Lyttelton, May 6 Pateena, Picton, Nelson, May 6. Eosamond Picton. Nelson, New Plymouth, and Onehunga, May 7. Mapourika, Nelson and west Coast, May 7. . .„,,,, Kahu, Napier, via Coast, May 7. Nikau Nelson and Motueka, May 7. Monowai. Lyttelton and Duncdin. May 7. Pirate N>?'".r. an'' May 7. Corinn'a, Kelson, New Plymo.uth, and Onhunga, Jlay 8. Warrimoo, Melbourne and Hobart, na. southern ports, May 9. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMEKS. MAHENOI s.s., left Sydney May 1. for Auckland direct. Due Auckland May 5. Leaves Auckland May .6, for Sydney. Duo Sydnev May 10. WARRIMOO, s.s.. loaves Sydney May 4, for Wellington direct. Due Well'neton Mav 8 ■ Leaves May 9, for Qob-irt oi.d Melbourne, via southern ports. T)-ie JSil. bourne May 18. MAUXOVNUI, s.s., leaTes Melbourne May 8 for Hobart. southern rrirta. and V.tllin"ton. Due Wellington May 17. I.eavos same day for Sydney direct. Due frydncy M:<-v '■'■ TJLIMAROA. s.s.. left Melbourne May 1 for Hobart. southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wsllington on May 10 Sails day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney May 14.
OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. ORAEI (duo about May 4), railed on March 9, via Auckland. C\ew Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) ARAWA (duo about May 14), sailed on March 30), via Cape Town and flobort. (Show, Snvill. and Albion Co.. agents.) STAR OF CANADA (duo about June 13), nailed on April 3, via Auckland. (Tyscr Line, agents.) RUAPEHU 'due about May 29). soiled on April 13, via Cape Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) MARERE (due about May 7), sailed on March 9. via Australian ports and Aucl:. land. (Tyscr Line, neent..) TVINTI (duo about June 12), «a,V«d cu April 26 via Tenner.iffe. Caps Town, Hobart and Auckland. (Show. Savlll, and Albion Co.. Agent? i DELPHIC ife about June 18:, sailjd on April 26. via Tsneriffo. Capo Town Hobart. and Auckland. (Shaw, iavill. and Albion STAR OF IXDIA 'due .iboiit June 2?l, failed on April 21. vii; Melbourne. .Sydney, Auckland. Napier, and ttelliiiKton. (Tyser Line, agents.) From Liverpool. KEN'T 'dor about May 27). sailed on March 12. via Sydney and Auckland. 'F.-fl.-S. Line, agents.) MIVARC (due nboiit May 17i, foiled on March 22, via Auckland. (Tyscr Line, agents-^ .VAJTiNSHIKE 'due about Juno 18:. jailed on April *■ vl* AuFlnJlun ports and AucUi njjd, (i'.-H.-fi, Liu, uontaJ
From Montreal! I WAIMATE (dm about June 2), sailed on March 22, via Australian ports and. Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From New York. JIOHENFELB (due about May 31), sailed on March 7, via Australian ports and Auckland. (Dalgcty and Co., agents.) ANdLO-JiOLIVIAN (due about May 14), sailed on February 12, via Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) TOMOAXA (due about June 10). sailed en March 24, via Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) COURTFIKLD (due about July 4), sailed on April 19, via Australian ports and .auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) From Calcutta. WAITEMATA (due about May i\, sailed during April, via Auckland. (L'.b.S. 1.0., agents.) From San Francisco. MANUKA (duo about May 16), sailed on May 1, via Papeete, Earatonga, and Sydney. (U.S.S. Co., agents.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SIDNEY, May 3. Arrived.—Kurow, from Auckland. Salled.-Anglo-Bolivian, for Auckland. ■SUVA, May 3. Arrived—Atua, from Sydney. COASTAL. FRIDAY, MAY i. AUCKLAND. Arrived.-Taluno (4 p.m.), from Oook Islands. MOKAU. Sailed.-Tainui (9.45 a.m.), for Wellington. GISUORNE. ! Sailed.-Bipple (5.30 p.m.), for Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arriwd.-Baravra (10.20 a.m.), from Wellington. , Sadled.-Rara.wa (8.30 p.m.), for Onehunga. WANGANUI. Arrived.-Putiki (8.5 a.m.), from Wellington. PICTON. „ ~. Arrived.-Pateena (5 p.m.), from Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.—Alexander (5.45 a.m.), from Wellington; Rosamond (6.45 p.m.), from Pictpn. Sailed.-Alexander (4.45 p.m.), for Wellington. WESTPORT. Arrivsd.—Kuvua (8.45 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived—Mararoa (9.45 a.m.), from Wellington; Moana (12.40 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.-Storm (12.5 p.m.!, for Wellington; Mararoa (6.15 p.m.), for Wellington. Arrived.—Kairaki,- from Ureyiuoutn and Nydia Bay. Sailed—Surrey, for Dunedin; Canopus, for Wcstportj Whangone. for Sydney, via Oamaru and Bluff. _ _ Sallea.-iMoaiia. for Dunedin, Bluff. Uobart, and Melbourne. Passengers: Saloon -For Duncdin-Misses Burns, Sparrow, Mesdames Farrell and child, Jay, Messrß. Tillotson, Baigent, Trottor. TIMAKU.
Arrived.-Corinna (6.10 a.m.), from Wellington. DTJNEDIN. Sailod.-Mokoia, for Auckland, Tic East Coast ports. Passengers: Saloon—For » ellington—Misses Chapman, Miller, Mesdames Gamble, Mason, Messrs. ilackay. Mason. For Napier-Miss Jones. For GisborncMesdaiues Iloward, Orr and children, Messrs. Collclt and son. For AucklandMisses M'Master, Young, Mesdames Orraiston, Keid and two children, Aickman and child, Dr. Aickmau. WELLINGTON TO I'ATEA. Owing to the unfavourable weather conditions at Patea, the coastal shipping has been held up, consequently there is a congestion of cargo at Wellington. Yesterday, however, the weather conditions were more favourable, and the steamers Kapuni, Mana, and Hawera were able to get away for Wellington. To-day two steamers will be dispatched from here for Patea, and one : for Wanganui. The Mana and Hawera, will leave for Patea, end the ha : puni will sail for Wanganui. Tho Kapum is taking up the Wangmiul running, owing to the Arapawa being delayed on the coast. TAKEN' FROM WELLINGTON. The'Tyser steamer Indrabarah, which left for-London yesterday, took the following cargo from. . Wellington :-224i bales wool, 25 bales skins, 475 bales tlnx, 285 baies tow, 1125 casks tallow, 1.35 casks pelts, Wi saoks peas, 222 casks casings, 43,723 carcasses mutton, 3258 carcasses lamb, MH) quarters beef, and 20,049 legs mutton.
HINEMOA'S MOVEMENTS. The Hinemoa linishetl landing stores at Ca-stlcpoint yosterday, and left in the evening for Wellington. She is to leavo on Monday for the Cook Strait lighthouses, and will also look for the rocn in admiralty Day, recently reported by the master of the steamer Elsie.
NAIRNSHIRE REPORTED. The F.-H.-S. steamer Nairnshire left Cap!> Town on Thursday last, in continuation o! her voyage to Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Wellington. The vessel is duo to arrive here on June 17. THE MAPOUKIKA. At 9 o'clock yesterday morning, the West Coast packet Mapourika left Grcyraouth for Westport. The vessel was tuned ts leave the latter port at 9 o clock last, night for Nolson and thence to Wollington. She is expected to arrive at l o clock this evening. THE MANUKA. The- Union Company have been advised to the effect that 11.M.5. Manuka left ban Francisco for Wellington, via Rarotonpa and Papeete, on -May 1. The vsssol s arrival at Wellington is expected for Hay «s. THE OLD ILLAWARRA. One bv one th 2 splendid old sailing ships which at one time ran regii.;irly under (he red ensign between this country and Australia are passing on the Hgister, savs the London "Miippmg Gazette." On March 7, from th 3 Old Head of Kinsnlc came the news that Me British steamer Hengorc Head had. -luring her voyage from St. John, N.P... io Dublin, rescued the crew of the Norwegian sailing ship Iliawarra, which had been abandoned in the North Atlantic '-.'■* Iliawarra at the time of her loss was on a vcvage from Loith to Vaiparv so. naving sailed from the Scottish port on February 12. . It is about thirty years agi that In..* old iron 1600-ton ship was sent n_liat fr-'in the Clyde-side yard of Meis.-s. Unhia and Co.. and during the creator part of t.nit period she was a, London-owned vessel, trading regularly to the Antipotes. Sno made her voyages under the house-flag of Mcs«rs. Devitt and Moore, who employed her and the famous old Macquane as training ships for midshipmen. ll'e Mcquario was sold to the Norwegians i- -fes, when she was thirty y<s is old, and a couple of ysars or so hit the london firm disposed of the IH&wa'-a, ftiso to Norwegians. The Macquane, pi- bably one of the stoutest built moUil ■.Irps ev> r constructed, is, we believe, still doing useful servic3 in Australian waters «a a coal hulk. Many officers now serving in the merchant service, and who pained their enrlv sea training on board the Iliawarra, will'learn with regret that the oid packet has at last met her fate.
The Navua, is to get away from Wsstport to-day with a lull load of coal for Wellington. She is due hero to-morrow. At 5 o'clock next Monday, the Haupiri is to leav3 Auckland for Wellington, via East Coast ports. The vessel is due hero on May 12. The Union coilier Koromiko, now in Melbourne, is to leave that port to-day for Sydney and Newcastle. The Anglo-Bolivian left Sydney on Thursday night, for Wellington, via Auckland. The vessel is due here on May 14. Tho Komata bft Wellington yesterday afternoon for Wcstport, and will return on Wednesday next with coal for Wellington. The Eakanoa is to leave here on Tuesday next, probably for Wcstport. The Anchor Shipping Company's steamer Nikau, which has B3cn undergoing her annual overhaul at Nelson, resumes running on Tuesday next. Mr. A. Pyperhas joined the Komata as second officer, in place of Mr. J. Cameron. .. Mr. M'Lellan has left the Tarawcra. and i>!r. A. Itced has boen engaged in his stead. Mr. A. Wavios, second officer of tho Moeraki. signed off the vessel at Wellington yesterday, and Mr. V. 0. Webb illled the vacancy. Mr. J. Boyd has signed on the Abxander as first mate. The local agents for the Kia Ora advise that the vessel will sail for Loudon direct on Monday. Tho coastal steamer Queen uf the South went up uu the Evan; Bay Slip ysswruay [ morning. The Karamea !s to leave port this afternoon for Lyttelton. The Himutaka arrives on Sunday from Lyttelton for coal. After coaling the ve-k-I leaves for Wniwr.i. .Napier, 'lokoinaru, und AueUlaiul for llumewanl loading. Th 3 Avahiira reinrneil from I'ieton la>t evening, and will resume her tibial running to-dav ot noon, leaving for 1 icton, Xi'l-.ou, and West Coast pons. The Kowlini. en rouic from (Sisborne to llrevmouth. called into port yes tenia} for ••bunkers," and left again '» 'he art.rnoon for her destination. Scarcity ol railway truck? is again delaying stealer? at Lyttelton. 1h« hoonya end CJiMiopue wcro both "iffocUa on Wed--22,4m, ami cuJd not lj.«». for Wortpo't
I haa been in port for nearly a fortnight, haa been delayed bv wet weather, and aiso by shortage of trucks, and it was finally arranged to semi her on to 'fiinani to land her cargo for that port, over-carry-ing some of her Lyttelton eavgo. At the Maori Ironworks, Uuncdin, may be seen mo-it of the parts of the engines So bis fitted in tlio new tug for the Harbour Hoard. Most of th-j he'ivy purls are already finished, . including >ht thrust shaft.--. connecting ruds, bed olntes, and heavy easting. The whole of the engine work (says the "Otago Daily Times") is now well .in hand, and the linn will lose no time in starling upon the hull construction when tils plates arrive from England. Close, upon 200 toini of plat'-'S will be required for the new vessel, and the arrival of the material is expected shortly. Meanwhile a huge hydraulic riveting michins is being nlaced in position beneatit an iron gantry. The magnitude of the task may be (ranged bv the fact that the riveting machine weighs übout 23 tons, and is being placed on concrete foundations resting upon solid rock. During her cruise round the West Ooiist, the Government training ship Amokura made a edit at Milford Sound. The wreck of the Waikarc is still visible, a portion of the vessel'from the bow to the bridgs being out of the water. The ship is lying on her side, and the decks are Quite perpendicular.
Tho local wireless station has received adric« from the Maheno, now en route from Sydney to Auckland, stating that the vessel will probably arrive at Auckland at 3 p.m. to-morrow. NEW ZEALAND NAUTICAL TABLES. APPBECIATION OP ANTARCTIC EXPLORERS. The New Zealand nautical tobies which are published by the Marine Department, and which have repeatedly received tho praise of mariners, were used and appreciated by Captain Scott's officers in the Antarctic expedition. Writing to Captain Biackburna, Nautical Adviser, Lieut. Evans, Ji.N., who commanded the Terra Nova from England to tho Antarctic, when he left the ship and joined Captain Scott 3 exploring expedition, says:—"l shall endeavour to briug your tables into more general use in the Navy, as I consider them 'faciie princeps' of their kind. I think you will bo pleased to hear than on the southern journey I used your tables exciusivsly, and worked out all magnetic, variations and true bearings by means 0. them up to latitude 85deg. 8., and thence to 88deg„ almost by exterpolation.'
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1431, 4 May 1912, Page 7
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2,842SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1431, 4 May 1912, Page 7
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