AT 4 P.M. YESTERDAY. Cape Maria van Diemen.-a., light- baro. meter, 30.04; thermometer, 67. Hazy sea heavy. Russell.—W., frosh; barometer, 29 93 • thermometer, 74. Fair; sea moderate ' -JR 1 "", 1 ™ 1 K=ads.-W., breeze; barometer. 29.93; thermometer, 68. Cloudy, misty; sea rough., . 'breowi barometer, 29.90; thermometer, *70. Fair. Taurantra. S.W., breeze; baroirwter, 29.86* thermometer, 70. Pair; sea smooth. East Cape.—W\, fresh; barometer, 29.78: thermometer, 73. llazy; rou?h. Gisborn?,—S„ breeze; barometer 29 78* thnrmonriter, 70. Fine; sea smooth. ' ' Port Ahunri.—w., fresh; barometer 29 75thermometer, 72 Fair; sea smooth. ' ' Castlepoint.-r*.W\, breere; barometer 29.80; thermometer, 69. Fine; sea crate. N
Wellington.—N ,W., breeze; baromct-r 29.70; tWmometer, 64. Overcast " ' Now Plymouth.—W„ light; .barometer 29.85; thermometer, 66. Fair; ?.3a moderate Gape Egmont.—W.. lieht; baroS?' 29.E9; thermometer, 69. Cloudy; E ea mod' crate.
Wanganui.—W., fresh; barometer 2986thermometer. 68. Fair: sea moderate ' ' Farewell Spit.-W„ frcch; barometer 29.82; thermometer, 65, Hazy; sea considerable. , Capo Foulwind.-W.S.W., fresh; barometer, 29.75; thermometer, 56. Showerv tea considerable. ' Wcstpori.—N.E., light; barometer, 2974. thermometer. 59. Rain; sea coiisideraMn' . Stephen Islo,nd.-S.W„ frssh; barometer' 29.00; thermometer, 63. Overcast; sea mod' eratc. Cape Campbell—W„ fresh; barom°t(® 29.63; thermometer, 65, Overcastrough. Kaikoura,-N.N.E., breeze; barometer '9.59; thermometer; 67. Overcast, gloomv' sea smooth. ' Akaron Lighthouse.—N.E., fresh: barometer. 29.50; thermometer, 70. Finemoderate. ' Boa Port Chalmers -U.K., light: barom»tpr 29:41: thermometer. 64. Fair; sea smooth Nuggets.—N„ light; barometer, • 29.28thermometer, fr3. Gloomy; sea smooth Bluff.—N.W., light: barometer, 2925. thermometer, 58. Rain; sea moderate ' B. V. PEMBERTON Meteorological Office, Wellington, January 19, 1912. . •
COVERNMENT NOTICES. NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. ANNIVERSARY OF WELLINGTON PROVINCE. TJOLIDAY EXCURSION TICKETS, available for return until 13th February, will bo obtainable as under (exoept wiiero ordinary fares aro less) FROM 19th to 22nd JANUARY—From Wanganui, Waiouru, Faxtcn, Wellington (both stations), JJannevirke, Greytown, To Aro, and intermediate stations, to To A ro, Greytown, Dauucvirke, Wellington (both stations), Foxton, Waiouru, Wanganui, and intermediate stations, or rice versa.
Theso tickets will bo available for break of journey at any station at which tho train is timed to stop after 25 miles from issuing station.
ON 22nd JANUARY.-Ctoap Return Tickets, available foT uso on date of issue only, will be obtainable from To Aro, Gosse and Coy.'s Siding, and intermediate stations, to Gos;e and Coy.'s Siding, UpP : »r Hutt, and intermediate stations, and vioo versa, and from Wellington, Thorndon, Johnsonville, and intermediate stations to Taiva Flat, Paekakariki, and intermediata stations, or vioe versa.
Tickets for use on 22nd January may bo obtained at Wellington (botii stations) on 21st January, between tho hours of 9 a.m. and G p.m,
NOTE.—On 22nd January, Holiday or Day Excursion Tickets issued at any station between Wellington (Thorndon) and Paekakariki, inclusive, to any station between Wellington t'i'homdou) and Paokakariki, in:lusive, will not to available by tho Wellington (Thwindoni-Jvew Plymouth, tils Wcllingou (Tliorndon)-jS r ai)ier Mail trains, and Wellington (Thorndon)Auekland Express Trains, eitlier on tno outward or return journeys. Day Excursion Tickets issued at any station between Wellington and Upper Hutt, inclusive, to any station between Upper llutt and Wellington, inclusive, will not to available by the trains leaving Wellington for Woodvillo at 7.40 a.m., and Woodvillo for Wellington at 1.20 p.m., eithjr on the outward or return journeys. TEAIN ARRANGEMENTS—TE AROWOODVILLE. ON 22nd JANUARY—With Uie .icopption of the C.20 a.m. Jlasterton-Woodville, the 7.dC a.m. Wellington-Woodville, the 1.20 p.m. Woodvillc-Wellington, the 7.0 p.m.' Woodville-Masterton, and the 4.35 p.m. Wollington-Mastcrton trains, wliicli will run as usual, tke ordinary time-tablo will bo-suspended. Other trains, stopping if required at all stations, will run as under:— UP. FOR WOODVILI.E.—Cross o:ek d'-p. 2.?5 p.m., Fcathorstcn 3.18 pn;„ Greytown 3.25 p.m., Carterton 4.25 p.m., Masterton 0.0 p.m., Muurioeville 0.55 p.m., Eketahuna 7.15 p.m., Pahiatua 9.5 p.m., Mangataiiioka 9.20 p.m. FOR UPPER HUTT.—Te Ato dep. 7.0, '8.25, 8.55 a.m., 12.13 p.m., Wellington 7.9, 8.30, 9.9 a.m., 12.23, 2.9, 7.351, 9.25 p.m., Ngahauranga 7.21, 8.48, 9.21 a.m., 12.30, 2.21, 7.473:, 9.3S p.m., Petone 7.30, 8.58, 9.30 a.m., 12.15 2.29, 7.55J, 9.51 p.m., Lower Hutt 7.40, 9.10, 9.41 a.m., 12.54, 2.36, 8.4, 10.0 p.m. JChangn at Lower Hntt. FOR LOWE'I nUTT—To Aro dep. 7.0, 7.20, 8.25, 3.55, 9.17, 11.13 'i.m., 12.1?. 1.10, 5.10, G.G p.m., Wellington dep. 7.9, 7.31, 8.30, 9.9, 9.27, 11.24 a.m., 12.23, 1.20, 2.9, 3.2), 5.21. 0.14, 7.35, 8.20, 9.25, 10 35 ll.:!0 »p.m. DOWN. FOR WELLINGTON AND TE ARO.Mastorton 8.30* a.m., 5.30" p.m., Carterton 8 57* a.m., 6.0* p. 111., Greytown.9.s" a.m., (i.B* p.m., Featherston 9.37* a.m.,* p.m., Kaito'ko 11.21", a.m., 8.12 s p.m., Upper Hutt 7.43, 11.49' a.m., 1.50*, 3.45, B.lo* 7.20, 9.10* p.m., Lower Hutt 7.9*, 7.21, 8.17, 8.37, 9.23 , 10.58 a.m., 12.20*, 1.19*, 2.30', 3.9*. 4.24, 4.45, 5.8", G. 22', 6.57*, 7.5', 8.3', 9.20', 9.50* 10.30' p.m. "Runs to Wellington only. FOR PETONE.—Woodvillo dep. G.lO a.m., Mangatainoka. G. 25, Pahiatua G.JO, Eketahuna 8.0, Mauriceville 8.45, Mastorton 9.45 a.m., Carterton 10.20 a.m., Greytown 10.33 a.m. (arr.; 11.2 a.m.), Featherston 11.30 a.m., Kaitoko 2.25 p.m., Upper Hutt 3.5 p.m. A special pa-sscngcr train, stopping if required at nil stations to take up pas- | sengers for Trentham only, will leave Masterton at 7.30 a.m. for Trcntliam, returning from Trentham to Masterton at 4.3S NOTE.—Tho train leaving Te Aro at 8.25 and 8.55 a.m., Wellington 8.3G, 9.9 a.m., 2.9 and 7.35* p.m., Lower Hutt 9.10, 9.41 a.m., 2.3G and 8.4 p.m., Upper Hutt 7.43 a.m., 3.45 and G.lO p.m., will make tho usual motor train stops between Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt for passengers, if required.
'Change at Lowor Hutt. The Maidstone Park Picnic Grounds at Upper Hutt will lie open to tho public holding Railway tickets to Upper Hutt on 22nd Jannary. Admission, adults 3d., children half-price. Tickets obtainable at entrance to Grounds. Goods Traffic will be suspended between Wellington and Upper Hutt on 22nd January. WELLINGTON (THORNDON)-FOXTON-PALMERSTON NORTH. ON 22nd JANUARY. With the exception of the Up and Down Auckland Expresses, the Up nnd Down New Plymouth Mail, tho Up and Down Napier Mail, the 7 a.m. and 5.0 p.m. Pel-merston..North-Wellington and 4.15 p.m. Wellingt'on-Palmerston trains, which will run ns usual, the ordinary time-tablo will bo suspended. Other trains, stopping if required at all stations, will run as under:— _ FOR PALMERSTON NORTH.-Wel-lington den, G.lO tun., Johnsonville G. 35, P;iekakariki 7.40, Otaki 8.25, Levin 9.5, Shannon 9.35, Foxton 9.7 a.m., 3.10, 5.45, 0.5 p.m. Tho G.lO a.m. train will not stop at Tawa Flat, Pukcrua and Makerua, and will connect at Lougburn with train for Foxton. The 5.45 p.m. train from Foxton will not stop for passengers between Foxton r.rnl Palmerston, except at Racecourse. FOR PAEICAKARIKI.—WeIIington dep. 5.40 a.m., U.JS. 10.20 a.m., G. 25 n.m. FOR JOHNSONVILLE.—WeIIington dep. 11.15 p.m. FOR WELLlNGTON.—Paokakariki dep. G. 40 a.m., 4.20, 4.40, G. 20 p.m., Plimmerton 7.15 a.m., 4.50, 5.12, G. 50 p.m., Johnsonville 7.10, 8.14, 10.20 a.m., 4.51, 5.40, 5.55, 7.40, 11.50 p.lll. FOR FOXTON.—Palmerston dep. 3.20, 10.18, 11.0 a.m., 8.5 p.m. The. 10.18 a.m. train from Palmerston North will not stop for passengers between Palmerston and Foxton, cxccpt at Longburn and Raceoourso. NOTE.—The Napier-Thorndon Down Mail train will not stop between Paoknkariki and Wellington except to set down passengers. All other trains stop where- :equired, except Mail and Express trains, which will make the usual stons (see above exception to Down Napier-Tfiorudon Mail train). Goods traflic between Thorndon tuid Palmerston North will be suspended on '22nd January. TRAIN ARRANGEMENTS FOR 20th and 24th JANUARY. Tho usual 7.30 a.m. Mastcrton-Welling-ton train will leave Masterton at 8.30 a.m., Carterton 5.57, Woodsido 9.20, Featherston 9.37, Kaitoko 11.21, Upper Hutt 11.49, Trentham arr. 11.54 dep. 11.50, Lower llutt 12.20 p.m., Petone 12.30, Ngahauranga 12.39, Wellington arr. 12.50. A special passenger train for Trcntliam will leave Masterlon at 7.30 a.m., Carterton 7.57, Greytown 8.5, Featherston 8.37, Trentham nrr.10.52. Additional train will leave Greytown fOT Woodside at 9.5 a.m., making connection at Woodside with the 8.30 train from Masterton.
GOVERNMENT NOTICES. WELLINGTON RACES AT TRENTHAM, 20th, 22ud, ami 24th January. Holiday Excursion tickots, available for return on day of issue only, will be obtainable us under:— From Masterton, Greytown, Cross Creek, and intermediate stations on 24th January, to Trcntliam. 'l'hoso .tickets will bo issued ouly by the trains wfaich leave Masterton at 7-30 and 8.30 n.m., and Grey town ot 8.5 and 9.5 a.m. NOTE.—On 20th and 22nd January, tho eeneral issue of excursion tickets covers l'rentham (sec above). Admission to Racccotirse is not included in Holiday Excursion fares. On Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday, 20 th, 22nd, and 24th January, tickets available for use on day of issue only will be obtainable as under:— Te Aro, Wellington, Ngahauranga, Petoaio, and Lower Hntt to Trentham (return), carriages, Is. 6d.; seated wagons, 3s. Gd. Trentham to Te Aro and Wellington (single), carriages, 2s. 6d.; seated wagons, Is. Gd. j Trentham to Lower Hntt and Petone (single), carriages, Is. 6d.j seated wagons, Is. The return faros include admission to Raceoourse. Rac® trains will ran as Tinder: — ON 20th and 24th JANUAHY. FOE RACECOURSE—Te Aro dep. 10.28 and 10 *3 a.m., Wellington dep. 10.45, 10.55, 11.5, and 1.5 p.m. The 10.28 a.m. train from To Aro will not stop for passengers between Te Aro and Trenthain, The 10.55 a.m. train from Wellington will stop at Lower Hutt, and the 11.5 a.m. and 1.5 p.m. trains will stop at; X etono and Lower Hntt bo take up passengers for Trenthain. •Passangers from Ngahanranga will require to travel by the train leaving Ngahauranga at 10.7 a.m.; those from Petone by trains leaving Petone at 10.20, 11.21 ®i m '> 1.21 p.m.; those from Lower SH,,? by trains leaving Lower Hutt at 10.-b, 11,14, 11.25 a.m., and 1.26 p.m. With these exceptions race trains will not stop between Wellington and Trontham, FROM RACECOURSE—For Wellington ttJ ii* r0 » and 5.25 p.m., and for Wellington only; at 5.10, 5.35, and 5.50 p.m. The 5.10 p.m. train will not stop between Trentham and Wellington for passengers. The 4.53, 5.25, 5.35, nnd 5.50 p.m. trains will stop at Lower Hutt, Petone, and Ngahauranga to set down passengers, and, in addition, the 5.35 p.m. train will stop at tLeretaunga to take up passengers. The usual 7.30 a.m. Mastorton-Welling* ton train will leave Masterton at 8.30 a.m., Carterton 8.57, Greytown II.!),, Featherston 9.37, Kaitoke 11.21, Trentham arr. 11.54 a.m.,, Wellington arr. 12.50 p.m. A special passenger train for Trentham will leave Masterton at 7.30 a.m., C'Urterton 7.57, Greytown 8.5, Featherston 8.37, Trentham arr. 10.52 a.m. The 4.35 p.m. Wellington-Master ton train will leavo Trentham at 5.36 p.m., Greytown arr. 8.18 p.m., Masterton arr. 9.0 p.m. The usual 9.55 a.m. Te Aro-Woodvillo train will leave To Aro at 9.40 a.m., Wellington 9.55, Ngahauranga 10.7, Petone lO.L'O, Lower Hutt 10.28, Upper Hntt, arr. 11.15 a.m. North of Upper Hutt this train will run as usual. An extra train will leave Wellington for Lower Hutt at 10.15 -a.m., Ngahanranga 10.23, I'etono 10.42, Lower Hutt arr.' 10.1C a.m., returning leaving Lower Hutt for Wellington at 11.28 a.m. The usual 5.12 p.m. Wellington-Upper Hutt train (24th January) will run to Lower Hutt only. The usual 10.14 a.m. train Lower Hutt to Wellington will leave Lower Hutt at 10.45 a.m., Wellington arr. 11.10 a.m. The usual 0.5 p.iu. To Aro-Lower Hutt train (24th January) will run to Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt dep. 0.43 p.m., Upper Hutt arr. 7.19 p.m. The 12.55 p.m. trim Uppor Hutt to Lower Hutt will lcavo Upper Hutt at 12.45 p.m., Lower Hutt arr. 1.20 p.m. An extra train will leave Upper Hutt for Wellington at 4.40 p.m. The 4.45 p.m. train Upper Hutt to Wellington, will, on 24th Januarv, leave Upper Hutt at 5.43 p.m.. Trcntliam 5.50, Lower Ilutt 0.27, Wellington arr. G. 51. This train will not run on 20th January. The 5.5 p.m. train Upper Hutt to Wellington (Saturdays) will, 20th January, leave Uppjr Hutt at 5.43 p.m,; Lower Hutt G. 27 p.m., Wellington axr. G. 51 p.m. The only trains by' which race tickets will 1)0 issued will bo tho race trains, the 9.40 a.m. To Aro-Wool'illo train (from Npilmuranga, Petone, and Lowvr lliitt only); tho 1.10 p.m. Wellington-Upper Hutt train (20tli January); and the 1.20 p.m. Wellington-Upper Hutt train (1.8 p.m. from Te Aro, 20th January). Season tickets (Press reporters' tickcts excepted), Tourists' tickets, and free | passes, will not bo available by tho race trains on 22nd January. FOB RACECOURSE.—Te Aro dep. 10.11, 10.35, 10.55 a.m., Wellington dep. 10.3, 10.30, 10.51, 11.0, 11.18 a.m., Ngahauranga 10.13, 11.28. a.m.. Petone 10.1, 11.35 a.m., Lower Hutt 10.10 a.m., 11,39 a.m. FROM RACECOURSE.—For Wellington, 4.53, 5.10, 5.25, 5.35, 5.50. G.O, 0.12, and 6.23 p.m. Tho trains leaving Racecourse at 4.53, 5.2. 5.50, and G. 12 p.m. will run through to To Aro. For Lower Hutt, Petone, and Ngnhauranga,. 4.53, 5.25, 5.35, G.O, and G. 23 p.m. Race trains will not stop at Kaiwarra or between Ixjwer Hutt nud Treiithan. Trains will leave Jt'storton 7.30. 5.30 a.m., Carterton 7.57, 8.57 a.m., Grevtown i 8.5. 9.5 a.m., FenthfTston 8.35, 9.37* a.m., Ivaitnko 10.18, 11.21 a.m., and arriva Trentham 10.52 and 11.54 a.m. Trains for Masterton, stopping if required at all stations, will leavo Trentham at 4 ; 35. 5.30 n.m., Unprr ITnft 4.48, 5.48 p.m.. kaitoke 5.25, G. 25. FeatWston G. 49, 7.49, Greytown arr. 7.18, 8.18, Masterton arr. 8.0, 9.0 p.m. tjSkebi (Press reporters" tickets excepted). Tourist tickets, and free passes will not be available by the rare trains. : Tli"! only trains by which race tickets. ry» issued will w tho tacc trains ami tho 12.13 p.m. To Aro-TJppcr Hutt train, FOXTON RACES, AT FOXTON, 20th and 22nd JANUARY. NOTE—On 20th and 22nd January the peneral issue of excursion tickets oovers I'oxton (see abo»-e). ON 20th JANUARY. FOR. RACECOURSE. — Palmerston North den. 10.0 a.m., Himitangi 10.50 aim (Sanson train) and a.m. Tho 10.0 a.m. train from Palmereton will connect at Longburn with tho 6.40 train, ex Paekalcariki. from RACECOURSE.—Por Palmerston, Feilum;,', and Wanganui at G. 20 p.m., and for Sanson 5'.55 p.m. In addition to above trains, the 3.10 p.m. I'oxton-Palmcrston train will stop at Racecourse to set down or take up passongers. Passengers for stations between Palmerslon and Wanganui oonncct at Palmorston with (Tain leaving tlicro for Wanganui at 8.5 p.m. ON 22nd JANUARY. n m®"' RACECOURSE.—PaImerston dep. 9.20 and 10.18 (ex Fcilding) a.m.), Hitnntongi 10.—1, 10.40 a.m. (Sanson train). Tho 10.18 a.m. train from Palmerston will oonncct at Longburn with tho 0.10 a.m. special ex Wellington (Thorndon), and will not stop for passengers at Aivapun I oi' at intermediate stations Longbum to Racecourse. ®-\pECOUBSE.—For Palmerston at 6.0 and G. 20 p.m., and for Sanson at S.4U p.m. Passengers for stations between J nlnierston and Wanganui connect at i aimer;ton with train leaving there foT Wanganui at 8.5 p.m. Tho G.O p.m. train will not stop for passengers after leaving Racecourse. For full particulars see handbills. BY ORDER.
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1342, 20 January 1912, Page 7
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2,444WEATHER REPORTS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1342, 20 January 1912, Page 7
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