PHASES OF THE MOON. JANUARY. - Hay. Hr. m. Jtill moon ... 5 10 tun. Last quarter „ 11 713 p.m. New moon 19 10 40 p.m. First quarter 27 6 21 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 4.44 a.m.; sets, 8.30 pun. HIGH WATER. To-day, 4.49; 5.7 p.m. Tomorrow, 5.36 a.m.; 6.2 p.m. SUN. ' Bun rises to-day, 4.39 a.m.; sets. 7.23 p.m. ARRIVALS. FRIDAY, JAXUABY 19. manuka; s.s. (5.55 a.m.), 4605 tons, Neville, from Melbourne and Hobart, via southern ports. Passengers; Saloon—Misses M. Ryan, Koeppou-Weiidt, Dunn, Ross, Richmond, Cork, Dowllng, Nelson, Strang, M'Lellan, Macltie (21; Watkins, Halo, Mitchelson. L. Roberts, Harrison, Bone, Andorson,'Peek, Lennox, Thomas, Swannick, Vonpero, Meadamos A. Hanson, A. W. Wallace, P. King, Ross, R. J. Campbell, Koep-pen-Wendt, Rankin and child, Manning, Bena,. Nelson, Way, Rowan, Charters and child, Bannatyno and 2 children, Kcene, M'Neil, Stevenson, Dowling. M'Murbio, Mills, Barnes, Brown, Hay, Fendett, Mltchelson, Robertson, , Rev. A. W. Wallaco, , Captain Moaning, Rev. Scanlon, Dr. Brown, Messrs. R. A. Jones, Ross, R. J. Campbell,. Koeppsn-Wcndt, Rankin, J. W. Tibbs, h. Moore, P. King, Seehof, J. 0. Dripps, Shanks, Bradehaw, J. R. Brown, Nelson, Rowley, Robertson, M'Neil, Bannatyne -and son, Charters, Griffiths, Barnett; 49 • steerags. MAORI, s.s. (6.45 a.m.), 3399 tons, Aidwell, from Lyttelton. Passengers; 235. saloon and 150 steerage. HUIA, s.s. (8.10 a.m.), 127 tons, Burt.' fronr'Motueka,' i . STORM, s.s.' (8.40. a.m.), 405 tons, Gordon, IromLyttolton. • . KAHU, s.s. (10.15 a.m.), 182 tons, Jones, . from East Coast. ' i OTAKI,. s.s. (noon), 7420 tons, Silba, from London, via Auckland. TARAWERA, s.s. (11 a.m.), 2003 tons, M'Lean, from Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Passengers i Saloon—Misses Cohen, Revell, Atkinson, Fcathcrston, Mcßdames Morley,. , Flynn, M'Kay, Culling, Mowat, Fall, Humphreys and companion, Captain Flynn, Rev. Mulligan, Oaptain Wain and family, Messrs. ' Mills, Morley, Clayton, Percy, Atkinson, Allan; 9 steerage. ' WAKATU, s.s. (9.50 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, from Kaikoura. DEPARTURES. FRIDAY. JANUARY IJ. EEGULUS, s.s. (4.10, 585 tons, Tointon, for Westport. PATEENA, s.s. (1 p.m.), 1212 tons, Watson, for Pic to n and Nelson. ARAPAWA, s.s. (4.10 p.m.), 268 torn,, Corby, for Wanganul. ANITUCO, barque (4.15 • p.m.), 1436 tons, Jluller, for Bluff. MANUKA, s.s. (5.25 p.m.). 4505 tons, Collins, for Sydney. Passengers; Saloon— Misgss Toohey, Falloer, Smith, Peek, Hill, Metz, Brown, Davle3, Thomas, Roseby, Saywell, Cramer, Portman, Ridgway, Thomson, Walker, Fcathorstone, M'Quaide, Cough. Mesdames Melvlllt, Horace, Baker, Ferguson, Falloer and infant, Nurse Bindley and child, Harvey, Metz. Strang and infant, Maurice, Searlo, Kemp. Humphriss and 2 children, Robinson, Douglas and child, Wain and family, M'Nairn; Thomsoni Sims, Buxton, ' M'Alplne, London, Christenson, Oaptain Wain, Oaptain Stewart, Dr, Robertson,. Rev. Father Foster, Rev. M'Kenzis, Messrs. Lloyd. Horaco, Nathan, Baker, Melville, 'Ferguson, Maurice, Roberts, Galbralth, Logan. Newlands, Adam, Suthers, Mitchell. Nicholson, Newcombe (2), Moore, Duigan, -Wall, Holland, Bali, Cohen, Saxby, Herlieroy, A'dams, Sims, Douglas, •' Young, M'Donald, and M'Nairn; 95 steerage. TARAWERA, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 2003' tons, " M'Lean, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. STORMBIRD, s.s. (5.35 p.m.), 217 tons. Do well, for V," anganui. STORM;' s.s. (10.45 'p.m.), 405 tons, Broad,house, for Picton.
MAORI, s.s.. (B.s'p.m.) r 3399 tons, Aldwell, for:_ Lyttelton. Passengers; Saloon—Misses Smith (2), Thompson, Larltin, King, Currie, Mnskpr, Clifford, M'jSTcil, Mmnis, Webber, Storrier (2), Wilson (2), Budley, Hitehings, Nation (2), Ridings,, Garrett, Clarkson, Cameron, • Aitchifeon,: . Turner, Davidson, King,' Rutledge, Graham, Gilmoro (2), Olari, .Hill. .M', IJamel,, Windmill, Jameison, 8011, Wright, Morton,. Andrew, (2), Nurse' Gateway, Nurse Mable, Mosdamos Sidford, CurTie, Beddow, Hord, Manning, Komp, Webber, • Fintllay, Roberts, Thornton, Doherty, Adams, Nation, Ridings, Plimmor and 4 childrsn,' . Lister, Donaldson, Andrew, Brown, White, ■ Dart, Lieutenant Hord, Captain Peart, Lieutenant Scott, Rev. Garland, Messrs. Reid, Studholm, Baird, Dougall. Binnn, Hulmo, Staff, Beddow, Wychorloy, Milne, Howard, Thompson, Ewan, ■ Buttls, Lecklc, Findlay, Roberts, Vlimmer, Chitty, Fricdlander (2), Carpenter, Brown, Mhsker, Davidson, Drake Dawson, Lnsk, Rovie, Dougall, Shackleford, Thomas, Bhinno, Watson, Hunter, Porter, Wickins,' Boyes, Barton, Htigheg (2), Lock, Day, Hann3n, Couzons, Murphy, White, Dart, Chapman; 147 steerage, OPAWA, 5.5..(10 p.m.), 110 tons, NiohoHa, for' Blenheim. BLENHEIM, s.s. (11 p.m.),' 120 tons, Wilkinson, for Blenheim. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kaitoa, Torakolie, January 20. Queen of the South, Foxtoni January 20. Whangape, Wcstport, January 20. Gartie. Foxton, January 20. Wakatu, Kaikoura, January 20. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, January 20. Mararoa, Lyttelton, January. 20. Arawa, Lyttelton, January 20. Kamona, Greymouth, January 20. Pohcrua, Greymouth, January 20. Patoona, Nelson, Picton, January 20. Mapourika, Westport. Nelson, Jan. 21. Morayshiro, Waitara, January 21. Ngatoro, Greymouth, January 21. Opawa, Blenheim, January 21. Blenheim, Blenheim, January 21. Putiki, Wanganui, January 21. Arapawa, Wanganui; 7 January 21. Kiripalsa, Patea, January 21. Kapuni, Patea, January 21. Mana, Patsa, January 21. Maori, Lyttolton, January 21. Rosamond, Onehunga, New Plymouth, January 21. Monowai, Dunedin, Lyttelton, January 21. Ripple, Gisborne, January 21. Manaroa, Havolock, January 21. Koonya, southeni ports, January 21 Marionfols, Now. York, via Auckland. January 22. Waverley, Picton, January 22. Ncahcre, Greymouth. Jauuary 22. ' Mokoia. northern ports, January 23. Stormbird, Wanganui, January 24, Tainui, London, via way ports, Jan. 24 Tarawbra, Dunedin, Lyttolton, Jan. 25. Haupiri, Auckland, via East Coast, January 26.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Aorere, Patoa, January 20. Defondar, Picton, Karamea, January 20. Kaitoa, Greymouth, Jan. 20. Queen of the South, Foxton, Jan. 20. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Jan. 20 lima, wanganui, January 20. Kapuni, Patea, January 20. Klripaka-, Patea, January 20, Mana, Patea,, January 20. Nikau, Nelson, Ifotucka, January 20. Maraioa, Lyttelton, January 20 Arahura, Picton, Nelson, West Coast. January 20. ' Star of India, Gishornc, January 20 Kamona, Picton, Now Plymouth, ' One. hunija, January 20. Kaliu, East Coast, January 20 Otaki, Beauty Point, January 22 Waverley, Nelson, West Coast, Jan. 22 Opawa, Blenheim, January 22. Bhnheim, Blenheim, January 22 • Putiki, Wanganui. January 22, Arapawa, Wanganui, January 22. Kapuni, Patea, January 22. Klripaka, Patea. January 22. Mana, Patoa, January 22. Patccna, Picton, Nelson, January 22 Maori, Lyttolton, .January 22. Kahu, Tiast Coast, January 22, Monowai, northern ports, January 22' Rosamond, Picton. Kelson, Now Pl'v mouth, Onehunga, January 22. y " Mokoia, Lyttelton, Dunedin, January n Mapourika, Nelson. West Coast, Jan 23 Ripple, Napier, Gisborne, January '23 Koonya, New .Plymouth, Westport. Grev. mouth, January 2.3. y Pohenia, Greymouth. January 23. Manaroa. Motueka. January 24 Stormbird, Wanganui, January 24. Morayshins, Avonmouth, via Timaru Lyttelton, January 25. aru ' Tarawcra, northern ports, Jannary 25. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MAKUKA, s.s., left Melbourne Janu. »ry 10, for Hobart, 3onthcm ports and Wsllington. Dne Wellington January 19 Leaves snme day for Sydnoy direct. > Duo Sydney January 23. MOESAKI, s.s. leaves Sydney January 20 for Wellington direct Dne Wellington January 24. Leaves January 25 for southern ports, Hobart. Iwid Melboumo. Duo Melbourne February 3. ULTCLiROA. loft Melbourne January 17 for Hobart. southeni ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington January 26. I/saves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney January 30. VICTORIA. s.:s„ left Sydney January 7 for northern ports end Wellington. Duo Wellington January 26. Leaves same day for Lyttelton nnd Dunedin. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. MURITAI (due about February 16), sailed on November 23, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyacr Line, agentsj
TAINUI (duo about January 23), Bailed on December 7, via Cape Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents) MAMARI (due about February 1), sailed on December 14, via Auckland. IBhaw. Savill, and Albion Co.. agentß.) ROTOIIUA (duo about February 4V Ba i lp( , on December 23, via Capo Town [tnci ifobart. (Now Zealand Shipping Co., agent* > MIMIRO (due about March 2), sailed on Deci-mber 28, via Australia and Auckland (Tyaor Lino, agents.) lONIO (duo about February 20), sailed on January 4, via Cape Town and Hoboxt (Shaw, Savill, ana Albion Co., agents.) ' From Uvorpool. BANFFSHIRE (due about February 29), sailed on December 21, via Cape Town, Sydney, Newcastle, and Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) W AIM AN A (due about February, 18), sailed on Dscember 23, via Australian ports and Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co,, agents.) SUSSEX (duo about Maroh 22), sailed on January 12, via Sydney, Newcastle, and (F.-H.-S. Line, agente.) From Montreal. RAKAIA (due about February 1), sailed on November 19, via Australia and Auckland. (Now Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) WAIWERA (duo about March 6), sailed on December 28, via Australia and Auckland. (Now Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Hew York. MAKIENFELS (duo about January 22), sailed on October 31, via Australia and Auckland. (Dalgety and Co.. agents.) STAR OF SCOTLAND (duo about January 31), sailed on Novombor 18, via Australia fl-nd Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) FALLS OF ORCHY (due about February 16), sailed on November 18, via Auckland, (vacuum Oil Co., agents.) . . KIIiKDALE (duo about March 24),\ sailed on December 13, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) From phlladolphla. TERRIER (due about February 1!), sailed November, via Dunedin and Lyttelton. (Qollin and Co., agents.) From San Francisco. TAHITI (due about February 1), jailed on January 10, via Papeete and Rarotonga. (U. 3.5. Co., agents.) SAILER TO ARRIVE. QUEEN ELIZABETH, ship, sailed frjin New York, October 17. (Vacuum Oil Co. agents.) BT TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. HOBART, January 19. Arrived.—Tainui (this morning), from London. SYDNEY. January 19. Arrived.—Maheno (4 a.m.), from Auckland. Arrived.—Suevic, from Port Philip, Passengers landed. CLARENCE RIVER, Januarfy 19. Sailed.—Manurcwa, for New Zealand. COASTAL. FRIDAY, JANUARY 13. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Mantua, (6.20 a.m.) and Mamma (7.20 a.m.), from Bydnoy: Clan Maclaren (11.50 a.m.), from Wellington; AngloMexican (5 p.m.), from Rockhampton. Sailed—Mantua (5.15 p.m.), for Sydney and London! Maricnfels (6 p.m.), for Wellington; Marama (7 p.m.), for Suva and 'Vancouver; Haupiri, for Wellington, via East Coast. NAPIER. Arrived.—Tokomaru (8.30 a.m.) and Wimmera, (11,15 a.m.), from Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH. Sailed.—Rarawa (8.30 p.m.) and Oorinna (9 p.m.), for Onehunga. FOXTON. Arrived.—Gertie (10.45 a.m.), from- Wellington. HAVELOCK. Arrived.—Manaroa (9.20 a.m.), from Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Pateena, (5 p.m.), from Wellington. TERAKOHE. Sailed—Kaitoa (noon), for Wellington. t , NELSON. Sailed.—Niiau (7 p.m.), for Wellington. WESTPORT. Sailed.—Lauderdale (10 a.m.), for Melbourne. Arrived— Komata (II p.m.), from Wellington. ■ ■■■• ...... .LYTTELTON. . Arrived.—Ruapohu (9.40 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Arawa (5.20 p.m.), for Wellington; Holmdale, for Greymouth; Kini, for Wcstport; Wairuna, for Timaru; Moana, for southern portß and Melbourne;. Mararoa (6.15 p.m.), for Wellington, with 190 passengers. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Houto, auxiliary schooner, from Lyttelton. Sailed—Monowai, for Auckland, via East Coast ports. Passengers: For Wellington —Misses O'Sliea, Carroll, Mesdames Newton (2), Julius End 2 children, Adams,, Hooper . and child. Messrs. Hooper, Corrigan, Robertson, Bock, Richmond. For NapierMisses Harper, Humphries, Mrs. Harper, Messrs. Sparrow, Head. For Gisborne— Miss Pitcher, Mrs. Gurr and infant,, Mr. Uurr. For Auckland—Mesdames Brinuieu and 2 children. Woods, Graham, Messrs. Forbes, Eadie, Master, Woods. WEST COAST WEATHER. MAPOURIKA DELAYED. Telegraphic advice received from Greymouth yesterday stated that there, was a strong "fresh" in the river, a heavy sea on the bar, and that the port was unworkable. _ Tlio Ngahero and Kowhal were still outside, and the Kamona, Ngatoro, Flora, and Pohsrun were inside the bar. In consequence of the bad weather at Greymouth the Mapourika's trip from Westport to Greymouth has been abandoned. Sho will wait at Wcstport until to-day, however, so as to enable Greymouth people to come overland to Westport, and thus connect for Wellington and way ports. The Mapourilta is due at Wellington on Sunday afternoon or evening: Latest advices received from Westport stated that the weather was improving. The Whangape is loaded, awaiting a favourable opportunity to leave fqr Wellington. AKOKURA FOR THE KERMADECS. On Tuesday evening tile New Zealand training ship Amokurn is to leave Wellington on a periodical trip to the Kermadecs.' Tho vessel will go direct from here and return, via Auckland. In former years the training ship went out into Cook Strait and across to the Sounds beforo doing a long sea voyage. This was done so as to enable tho new boys to get their "sea legs." This year, however, there arc only six or seven "new chums," and there are plenty of "old hands" to work the ship. The various dopots on the Kcrmadccs will be examined, and search will be made for possible 'castaways. The Amokura should be back in about three weeks' time. POSTED AS "MISSING." The "Sydney Shipping List" sapplios the following summary of vessels that have left Newcastle outward bound since 1904, only to disappear from mortal ken-.— 1904.—Laura (barque), from Newcastle to Toropilla. 1905.—Chipperkylo (barque), from Newcastle to \alparaiso. 1907.—Alexandra (barque), from Newcastle to Panama; Silborhorn (barque), from Newcastle to Iquiquo. 1908.—Pellegrina O. (ship), from Newcast,b to San Francisco. 1909.—Clan Macpherson (ship), from Newcastle to Valparaiso. 1910—Dunenrn (barque), from Newcastle to Valparaiso; Ellisland (barque), from Newcastle to Caldera. 19.U.-Solw«y • (barque), fmm Newcastle for Junui. OTAKI FROM LONDON. Wellington is the seconrt port of call in New Zealand made by tho New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Otaki. which arrived from London, via Auckland, at 11.4.-» <i.m, yesterday. The vessel cleared the Royal Albert. Docks on November 22, with 9QCO tons of general cargo on board, and encountered a heavy north-cast gale whilst passing through tho English Channel. The same weather prevailed across tho Bay of Biscay, the Otaki arriving at Teneriffe on Isovember 28. After coalim;, the v°=sel resumed her voyage the following evening, anil, experienced fine weather, with light trades to the Cane of Good Hope which was passed on December 15. Fine weather generally was met with on the across the Southern Ocean, and Pillar, Tasmnma, was passed at 4 p.m on January 3, the Otaki arriving at Auckland on January 9. On completion of d'i<clianre of her northern cargo, the vessel left for ft ellincton at 2.15 p.m. on January 17 arriving m port na stated. Captain L. 0. Silhn i'h in command, and 5m - <lr,so " n . te : <l w'th hiin the following Mr. I'. P. Crawford; second, Mr. W. Field-Hook; third, Mr. L dc Lacroix; fourth. Mr. 11. Gardner. Mr,' Campbcll-Bcgg is surgeon and Mr. C. Fox midshipman. 'Mr. G. Wchausen is chief engineer Mr. W. A.. Thompson second, Mr. ,T. W. Legps third. Mr. ,T. Robertson ronrth, Mf. J. W. Thomson fifth, and Mr. J - -*1- Smith sixth. Mr. C. W. Kcenan is chief refrigerating engineer, nnd Mr J' A. Bull second, while Mr. F. W. Good is steward-in-charge. Or; completion of discharge of 1200 tons of cargo at this port, the Otaki nroresds to Beauty Point (Tasmania) on Tuesday, where a quantity of railway material will be out out. She return to New Zealand to load for London.
TAINUI AT HOBART. Yesterday morning the Shaw, Savill, and Alhion R.M.S. Tainui arrived at Hohart from London, via Cape Town. The liner is expected to continuo her journey to Wellington this morning, and should, therefore, arrivo in port early on Wednesday morning, R.M.S. Alt AW A. An arrival In port from Lyttolton this morning will bo tin Shaw-Savill R.M.S. Arawa. Homeward loading will be completed here, and the liner will sail for London, via way ports, on Thursday, January 25. She is due at her destination on March 8. I' • MARIENFELS LEAVES AUCKLAND. At 6 p.m. yesterday the U.S. and A. Line's chartered steamer Marienfels left Auckland in continuation of tocr journey from Now York to Wellington. The vessel should show up here lato to-morrow night or early on Monday morning. The P. and 0. Company has placed an order for a now 10,000-ton steamer with Messrs. Caird and Co., Greenock. Tlio now vessel is to engage in the Australian trada.
After undergoing an extensive .overhaul at Port Chalmers, the Wanaka is to sail noxt Thursday for the Bluff, Oamaru, and Timaru to load for Auckland.
Captain J. Q. S. Doorley has been granted a month's holiday leave. Captain Barlow has' been placed in command of the Kanna meanwhile.
Mr. H. A. Davis, lato second officer of the Pukaki, has joined the Aparima as second, relieving Mr. J. Plowman, who has come ashore to 6it for his master's certificate.'
The Maoriland Steamship Company's Lauderdale left Westport for Melbourne 'at 10 a.m. yestsrday. | Tho auxiliary scow Echo is expected to leave Karamea for Blenheim to-day.
t The F.-H.-S. steamer Morayshiro is due in port from Waitara to-morrow. Th° vessel s sailing dato from Lyttelton for Avonmouth has been altered to January Star of Canada, s.s., is due at Wanganui next Wednesday. She proceeds thence to Lyttolton and Wellington. At this port Home loading will be completed. Imports by -the Manuka, whioh arrived at Wellington from Melbourne, via tho south, yesterday, and sailed at 5.25 p.m. for Sydney were as follow:—160 bags rice, 30 cases wine, 284 sacks gypsum, <08 steel castings, 195 bags onions, 120 bags superphosphates, 90 bags flour, 69 cases tsa, 296 sacks tapioca, 67 cases milk, 221 sacks grass seed, 150 sacks oats, 105 sacks oatmeal, and transhipments ex Mantua ( Uganda, Janus, Riverina, Euryalus, and Pilbarra.
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1342, 20 January 1912, Page 7
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2,731SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1342, 20 January 1912, Page 7
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