.4. j PHASES OF THE MOON, JAsnAnr. Dav. Rr. m. Full mien .'1 t 0 a.m. bast quarter |1 7 1J pro. Sw moon 11 JO 40 p.m. First quarter 27 6 3! p.m. MOON. Monu rises to-day, 3.43 a.m.; sets, B.J p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 4.4 n.m.; 4.35 p.m. To-morrow, 4.49 a.m.; 6.7 p.m. SUN. Sun rises Vo-day, <1.38 a.m.; sets, 7.23 p.m. ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18. STAB OP INDIA, s.s. 15.15 a.m.), 7509 tons, Kearney, from Napier. ARAPAWA, s.s. 16.45 a.m.), 268 tons, Corby, from Wanganui. MAEAROA, s.s. (7.30 a.m.), 2598 tons. Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon —.Misses Stoddart, Debenham, Meyers, ROl, Blackniore, Thornton, Thompson, Warner, Olliver, Mesdames Harper and child, Burke and child, M'Kcnzio, Lowell, Mather and child, Styche, Colliugton, Briggs, Hodgson, Olliver, Gandv. Dr. O'Callaghan, Rev. Forstcr, Messrs. Adams, Norden. Jackson, Coolt, Harper, Milne, Payne, M'Kenzie. Ballinger, Gilruth, Jioorc, &udholine, Nces, Montgomery. Dunbar, Roberts (2), Thomson, Collington, Blirkc (3), Thornton, Harris. M'Ferran, Shand, Waters, Gleary, Dowlinc Simpson, Griffon- (2). Sullivan, Kerr, M'Laren, M'Donuld, Scott (2). Mason, Early, Blith, Selwvn, Snadden, M'Gregor, Hoyland, Bowie, Lethwick, Stiles, Hartman, Beaser, and Norman. STORMBIRD, s.s. (9 a.m.', 217 tons, Dowell, from Wanganui. NIKAU, s.s. (9.5 a.m.), 245 tonsviHay, from Nelson and Motueka. WLMMERA, s.s. (11.30 a.m.l. 3022 tons, H. J. Kell, from Dunedin and Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Webb, Armstrong, Sherwood. Cameron, Braithwaitc, Britten, M'Allum, Sisters of Mission (3). Mesdames Corshie, Neall, Shand, Elder, Messrs. Ewing, Strang, Shand,. Klippell, Sutton and boy: 10 steerage. KAPUNI, s.s. (10.45 a.m.), 150 tons, Jackson, from Patea. WAKATU. s.s. (10.10 a.m.), 157 'tons, Wills, from Lyttelton and Kaikourn. KANNA, s.s. '2.45 p.m.), 2COO tons, Doorley, from Lyttelton. OPAWA,' s.s. (8.35 p.m. in the Btream), 7207 tons, Cameron, from Picton. DEFENDER, s.s. (9.55 p.m.), 190 tons. Jamieson. from Lvttelton. PATEENA, s.s. (10.10 p.m.), 1212 tons, J. G. Watson, from Nelson and Picton. Passeneers: 193 saloon and 25 Eteerage. OPAWA. s.s. (10.40 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholls. from Blenheim. BLENHEIM, s.s. (11.20 p.m.), 120 tons, Wilkinson, from Blenheim. DEPARTURES. THURSDAY. JANUARY 18. MANAROA. s.s. (5.10 a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Havelock. KIRIPAKA, s.s. (11.30 a.m.), 133 tons, Croucher, for Patea. MANA, s.s. (11.45 a.m.), 134 tons, Gibson, for Patea. TOKOMARU, s.s. (12.10 p.m.), 6238 tons, M'Fie, for Napier. ■ GERTIE, s.s. (2.30 p.m.), 269 tons. Rodger, for Foxton. TAINUI, s.s. (3.40 p.m.), 128.tons, Jensen, for Waitara and Mokau. KAPUNI. s.s. (4.45 p.m.), 150 tons, M'lntosh. for Patea. WAKATU, s.s. (5.5 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, for Kaikoura. NIKAU, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 245 tons, Hay, for Nelson and Motueka. MOANA, s.s. (5.16 p.m.), 3915 tons, Collins, for southern ports, Hobart, and Melbourne. Passengers: For Hobart—Misses Fisher, Chapman, Fisher. For Melbourne—Misses Bruehe (2), Pcrrin, Wilson, Guy, Bankin (2), Mesdames Murray. Fraser, Campbell, Dr. Holland, Messrs. nammond, Rothwell, Fraser, Grigg. Campbell, Campbell; 51 steerage for all ports. KOMATA. s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 1994 tons, Mawson, for Westport. RUAPEHU, s.s. (6.55 p.m.), 7801 tons, Clifford, for Lyttelton. WIMMERA. s.s. (8 p.m.). 3022 tons, Kell, for northern ports and Sydney. KANNA, s.s. (8.15 p.m.), 1948 tons, Doorley, for Auckland. MARAROA, s.s. (8.10 p.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Robson, Bortlnviok (21, Gibson, Wells, Dixon. Grifl'ths, Gearv, Stephen. J. Barnard, Jt'Kie. Low. Kine". Mackintosh. Rudd. Nurse M'L3od. Mesdames Hayuurst, Wilson. King, James, Low. Captain Stevens. Lieutenants Giem and Taylor. Messrs. Pratt, Hill, Rattray, Wood, Ashwcll. Sullivan. Roberts (2). Just. Cortnieli, Stewart.- Anderson, Low, Brown, Lcc, Baker, Kinney, Waddcll; 8 steerage. EXPECTED ARRIVALS, Ngatoro, Grcymouth, January 19. Putiki, Wanganui, January 19. Kaitoa, Tcrakohe, January 19. Ooawa. Blenheim; January 19. Blenheim, Blenheim, January 19. Iluia, Motueka, January 19. Maori, Lyttelton, January 19. Tarawera, northern ports, January 19. , Manuka, Melbourne, via south, Jan. 19. Otaki. London, via Auckland, Jan ; 19. Queen of the South. Foxton, January 19. Nsahcre. Grcymouth, January .19. Storm, Lyttelton, January 19. Whangape. Wesfport, January 20. Morayshire. Waitara. January 20. Gertie, Foxton, January 20. . Wnkatu. Kaikoura, January 20. Kahu, East. Coast, January 20. Kiripaka, Patea, January 20. Kapuni. Palca. January 20. Mana, Patea, January 20. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka. .lnnunry 20. Mararo3, Lyttelton. January 20. Maponrika. West Coast, Nel=on, Jan. 20. Arawa, Lyttelton, January 20. > Kamona, Grcymouth, January 20. Pohcrua, Grevmoulh, January 20. Rosamond, Onchunga, Now Plymouth, January 21. Monowai. Dunedin, Lyttelton. January 21. Ripple, GiFbornc, January 21. Manaroa, Havelock, January 21. Knonyp. sout-hern ports, January 21. MaricnfeU, New Tork, via Auckland, ■ January 22. , Mokoin. northern ports, January 23. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Aorere. Patea, January' 19. Stormbird, Wanganui, January 19. Arapawa, Wanganui,'January 19. Defender, Picton. Karamea, January 19. Rcgulus, Wcstport, January 39. Kaitoa, Teraknhe, January 19. Opawa. Blenheim, January 19. Blenheim, Blenheim. January 19. Pateena. Picton, Nelson, January 19. Maori, LylfeUon. January 19. Tarawera, Lyttelton, Dunedin. Jan. 19. Manuka, Sydney dir:et. January 19. Onecn of the South. Foxton, Jan. 19. Wakatu. Kaikoura, Lyttelton. Jan. 20. Huia. Wanganui, January 20. Kapuni. Pntea, January 20. Kiripakn., Patea. January 20. Mana, Patea, January 20. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, January 20. Mararoa, Lvttelton, January 20. Arahura, Picton, Kelson, West Coast January 20. ' Star of India. Gisborne, January 20. Kamona, Picton. New Plymouth, Onehnnrra, January 20. Kahu. East Coast. January 22. Monowai, northern ports, January 22. Rosamond, Picton. Nelson. New Ply. mouth, Onchiuica, Jn.nuary 22. Mokoia, Lyttelton. Dunedin, January 23 Mapourika, Nelson. West Coast, Jan. 23'. Kipple, Napier. Gisborne. January 2S. Koonya, Now Plymouth, Wcstport, Grcymouth, January 23. Poherua,, Greymnuth, January 23. Manaroa, Motueka, January* 24. Morayshir.3, Avonmouth, via Tlmaru Lyttelton, January 24. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE, MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MANUKA, s.s., left Melbourne January 10: for Hobart.. southern ports and Wellington. Due Wellington January 19. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. "Due Sydney January 23. MOERAKI, s.s. leaves Sydney January 20 for Wellington direct. Due Wellington January 24. Leaves January 25 for southern ports, Hobart, atfd Melbourne. Da* Melbourne February 3. L'LIMAROA. s.s., leaves Melbourne January 17 for Hobart. southern ports, and Wellington. Duo Wcllincton January 26. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney January 30. VICTORIA, s.s., lert Sydney January 7, for northern ports and Wellington. 'Due Wellington January 25. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. OVERSEA SHIPPING! STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. OTAKI 'due to-day), sailed on November 4. via. Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) : MUItITAT (due abuut February 16). sailed on November 2fl, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) TAINUI (due about January 23), sailed on December 7, via Cape Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill. and Albion Co.. agents.) MAMARI (due about February u, sailed 1 on December 14, via Auckland. (Shaw- 1 Sa.Till. and Albion Co.. agents.) : ROTORUA (duo about February 41. sailed i nn December 23, via. Cape Town and JIo- i burl.' 'New Zealand Shipping Co.. airents.) 1 MIMIRO (due about March 21, sailed on 1 December 23, via, Australia and Auckland. (Tvsor Line, agents.) lONIC (due about February 20', sailed on ' ' January 4. via Cape Town and Hobart. | (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agenls.) ; From Liverpool. ] BANFFSHIRE (due about February 29), I sailed on December 21, via, Cape Town, I Sydney, Newcastle, and Auckland. (F.-H.-S. ! , Line, agents.) I I
WATMANA (doe about February 181. | sailed nn December 23. via. Australian ' ports, and Auckland. (Shan, Savill, and Albion r>„ agents..) SUSSEX (due about March P,2i. sailed on January 13, via Svdnrv. 'Newcaftlc, and Auckland. (F.-H.S. Line, agente.) , From Montreal. RAKAIA (due about February I', failed "n November 1?. via Australia,and Auckland. 1 New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) WAIWERA (due about March 6). sailed "ti Deeember 28. via Australia and Auck- . laud. (New Zealand Slipping Co., agents.) From New York, MARIKNFEIiS (due about January 22). sailed on October 31, via Australia and Auckland. (Dalgcly and Co.. agents.) STAR OF SCOTLAND (due about January oil, sailed on November 18, via Australia and Auckland. (Tvser Line, agents.) FALLS OK OItCHY (due about February 16). sailed on November 18, via Auckland. (Vaeunm Oil Co., agents.) KIRKDALE (due about March 24), sailed on Decemher 13, via Australia, and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) From Philadelphia. TERRIER (due about February 18), railed November, via Dunedin and Lyttelton. (Gollin and Co., agents.) From San Francisco, TAHITI (due about, February 1), sailed on January 10, via Papeete and Rarote-uga. (U.S.S. Co., agents.) SAILER TO ARRIVE. QUEEN ELIZABETH, ship, sailed fr>ra Now York, October 17. (Vacuum Oil Co. agents.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. LONDON, January 18. Sailcd.-Bclle of Scotland, for Wellington. COASTAL. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18. AUCKLAND. Arrived.-Marienfels (7.15 a.m.), from Sydney; Mokoia, from southern ports. ONEIIUNGA. Sailed.-Earawa (5.45 p.m.), for New Plymouth. ' NAPIER. Arrived.-Eipplo (6,15 a.m.), from Wellington. * -..«,„. Sailcd.-Tarawera (3.20 p.m.), for Wsllingtou. FOXTON. Arrivcd.-Qucen of the South (9.25 a.m.), from Wellington. BLENHEIM. Sailed—Opawa (3.30 p.m.) and Blenheim (4.40 p.m.), for Wellington. MOTUEKA. Arrived.-Hiiia (8.30 a.m.), from WcUington. NELSON. Arrived.—Corinna (9 a.m.) and Waimea (8.20 a.m.), from Wellington. Kennedy, bound Westport to Foxton, signalled here at 4.45 p.m. LYTTELTON. Sailed—Himitailgi (6.40 p.m.), for Chatham Islands; Storm (noon), for Wellington; Ennerdale and nolmdale, for Greymouth; Maori (8.30 p.m.), for Wellington, with 290 passengers. ■ Sailed.-Manuka (5.50- p.m.), for Sydney, . via Wellington. Paesengers: For Wellington—Misses Lennox, Smith, Peppier (2), Davis. Vonpere, Thomas, Jarriek, Peck, Mesdames Stevenson, Charters and child, Baiiiiantynf, Fawcctt, Lennox, Robertson, and Peppier. Dr. Robertson, Prof. M'Mil-lan-Brown, Jlessrs. Myers. Reckett, Williams, Peppier, Rowley, Hartnell, Robertson, Charters, and Bannantyne. For Sydney—Miss Quarterman, Mrs. Kemp, Messrs. Myers, Faweett, Stackhousc, and W. 11. Duisemore, DUNEDIN. Arrived—Zealandic, from Lyttelton; Drayton Grange, from northern ports and Liverpool; Monowai, from northern ports. Sailed.—Koonya, for West Coast; Kotare, for southern ports. KANNAS LONG TRIP. Since leaving Westport on November 22 last, the Union Company's cargo steamer Kunna- has made a long voyage, which has carried her right round the Australian Continent. The vessel took a load of coal to Thursday Island, and after coaling 11.M.5. Prometheus she went, on to Samarang, where she loaded a full cargo of 6670 bales of kapok for New Zealand ports. Lerfving Samarang on December 20, the vessel came down the Indian Ocean, and called at liunbury, West Australia, on December 30. After coaling, she left liunbury on January 1, and had a line weather run to Hobart, where she again coaled oil Monday, January 9. The Karma reached Dunedin on January 14, and, after loading 1000 bales, came on to Lyttelton. At her second port of call in New Zealand the vessel put out 1450 bales of kapok, and left for Wellington on Wednesday evening, nrriving in port yesterday afternoon. 1 On completion of discharge of 2500 bales here, the Kanna left for Auckland last evening. At the northcm port the remainder of.her cargo will be put out, and sho will then proceed to Westport. STAR. OF INDIA'S OFFICERS. An arrival at Wellington from London, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier yesterday morning was the Tyser liner Star of. India. Sho berthed at the King's Wharf (0 discharge 700 fous of cargo upon completion of which the vessel will commence loading, subsequently sailing for Gisborne on Sunday. Captain F. J. Kearney is in command, and his officers are as follow:—Chief officer, Mr. W. M'Qncen; second, Mr; J. Roy narding; third. Mr. T. Kipnins; fourth, Mr. E. G. Franks. Mr. ,1. Fife is chier engineer, Mr. J. Stewart second, Mr. P. Thomas third, Mr. J. R. Watson fourth, Mr. L. Collins fifth, and Mr. Ji. A. Cole sixth. Mr. H. E. Rawlings is chief refrigerating engineer, and Mr. F. W, Clarke chief steward. • TOKOMARU FOR LONDON. Shortly after noon yesterday the Shaw, Savill steamer Tokomaru left Wellington for Nnnier and Gisborne. Instead of tailing finally from the north . for London, as originally intended, the vessel will return to Wellington for bunker coal, and tjke her departure for the Home port about January 29, MARIENFELS AT AUCKLAND. From New York, via way ports, the United States and Australian Line's chartered steamer Marienfels arrived at Auckland at 7.15 a.m. yesterday. It is expected to dispatch the Marienfels for Wellington to-morrow. She is due in port on Monday. After discharging 900 tons of cargo here departure will be taken for Lyttelton, Tirnaru, and Dunedin. BAD BAR AT GEEYMOUTH. Advices received from Greymonth yesterday stated that there wa.s a particularly heavy sea on the bar, and in consequenco there were no movements of vessels at the port. The Kowhai and Ngaherc were outside awaiting a favourable opportunity to enter. THIRD-CLASS BY TAINUI. In addition to the list of passengers published on Wednesday, the Tainui (dnc at Wellington from London on , Tuesday, January 23) is bringing the following third-class pasrsongcrs for Wellington:— Misses Andrews, Burcher (21, Cranston, Curtis, Dinsdale 12). Ellecoek. Fraser- (4), Jenkins, Lynch, Manlcy (4), M'Kcnzic, Mcech. Mehew, Moncrioffe (2), Pratt. Roberts (Z), Roden, Smith, Swift, Uprichaut, Watt, Williamson, Mesdames Burcher, Brown, Cranston, Day, Ellecoek, Forsyth, Frasor, Hardaker, Hicks, Lee, Manlcy, Mcech, Moncrieffe, Nicolson. Pack, Pavc'v. Roberts,- Swift, Wade. Watt, Messrs. Abrams (21, Attman, Barclay. Brown, Burcher. Burnard. Camm 12.'. Clongh, Cranston, Cullum (2i, Day, Dunstan. Ellecork (21, Fraser.'Galbraith, Ga-spar, Gill, Cleave, Guest, Hainsworth, Folberton, Jenkins, Jcromson, Johnston, Jones, D. Kennedy. F. Lee, 31. Maeaskill. J. Ma<ilennan. J. arid C. Manlcy. J. Ma lister, J. Meyer, J.'Nicolson, AT. Oakspott, A. Pack. J. Pavoy, C. Penny. W. Roberts, If. Rohinsdn, J. Rosej E. Saunders, J. Scott, Arthur Smith, J. Smith, J. Stephens. P. Sullivan, A. Wad-, •I. Wakcly. IT. Winrott, Masters Cranson, Forsyth, Fraser. Hicks.. Manlcv. Leech, Roberts. A large number of third-class I passengers arc also booked for other New 1 Zealand ports. There, arc at present four training ships in port at Sydney. They include the shins Dartford, Mersey, Port Jackson, and < a Norddeutsehor-Lloyd vessel. ] Captain Herbert Edward Grecnstrcct, of ' the New Zealand Shinping Company, has just denarted on his eightieth vovage round the world. Altogether he has sailed 2,050,000 miles, and never had a mishap. , The Norwegian barque Thorn, is to bring r a cargo of coal from Newcastle to a New •' Zealand, porl. c After a good round trip of 13 days' du- ' ration, the Himitangi returned to Lvtlel- 1 lon from the Chatham.* at 6 p.m. on tues- ' day. The vessel brought nn 16 passengers. ' and the mails, 500 bales of wool, and 250 sheen. Boiler inspection has been carried out t at (lie southern porl. and Ihe vessel tail- t ed for Waitangi, Chatham Islands, for J another load of wool last evening. The freight market for wheat vessels is A still' very Arm. and Ihe tendency is still in the direction for higher rates isays the t Svdnoy "Shippihg List" l . Tho ship Arctic ', Stream is reported fixed for South Alls- J Iralia. loading at 28?. 6d. per ton; while ' the big German training ship ilerzogin Cecilic, 2786 tods register, and the French p four-masted barque Ville de MnJhouse, \ 2798 tons register, are reported Qxcd for 'v Sydney loading at 275. 3d. and 275. per tonj v
respectively. It .is understood that the honiae lnvcrlyoii Ins refused 28«. 9d. per ton, the own;rs asking 295. 6d. per ton. It was also reported' thai for a prompt alcamor 31s. 3d. per toll had 'beer, refuted, the owners wanting 325. 6d. per ton. Having finished her" work in the vicinity of Fovjaux Strait the Government steamer Hincmoa left for West Coast Sounds. Westport, and Wellington last evening. She is due at Wcstport about. January 26, and ul Wellington about January 29. Further dclavs at. ' Waitara lmvo besri ea.used to the F.-H.-S. steamer Morayshire. The vessel is not. due at Wellington until Saturday now, and after taking in Uonis rnrgo will sail for Timaru, Lyttolton, and Avonmouth at daybreak on Wednesday, Januarv 24. The- Morayshire takes her final departure for Avonmouth on January 27. Messrs. Dalgety and Co.. local agents for the U.S. and A. Lin:-, have been advised that a steamer is to leave New York for New Zealand ports nest month. The Uauplrl docs nol leave Auckland for Wellington, via. Kast Coast, until to-day.' When the Itegulus comes off Ike Patent Slip to-day the Xew Plymouth Harbour Hoard's dredge Faritutu will, be taken up for overhaul. Early last evening the Xew Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Opnwa arrived at Wellington from Piclon. lloino loading will be completed here, and Ihc ..vessel will be dispatched for.. London next w.:ek.
Ngaru, scow, was espeutod to leave To Kopiiru yesterday with a full load of timber for Wellington. /;.;. Mapourlka, s.s., i arrived at' Wcstport from Wellington, via Nelson, at 9.<!5 a.m. yesterday..'. A heavy'tea was making at the time,' and..j( was. considered doubtful whether she would have for (ireymoutb the same day. Her departure' from Ihi latter port has been postponed until Friday.
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1341, 19 January 1912, Page 7
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2,729SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1341, 19 January 1912, Page 7
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