STRATFORD-TE KQURA JUNCTION. VALUABLE LAND. QAA ACRES, all bush countrv. Fituatc OU.J :; miles from TAUMARUNUI. First-class soil. Native Lease. Rental. Is. Gd. per acre. Forty-two years' Lease. PRICE, only , Apply, at once, to COOK AND ROSS, LAND AGENTS, TAUMARUNUI. -1 9QA ACRES, L.1.P., at sd. per acre, JLnJOyy .JJO acros in grass, 50 acres ready to burn, balance bush; good dairying country, hilly, but not rough; well watered with springs and creeks; 3-rooni cottage, garden, 300 chains sheep-proof fencing. Saleyards adjoining the pro-> perty, butter factory about 11 miles, post office and school within 3 miles; last season wintered GOO sheep, 100 cattle, and 5 horses. PRICE, £1 10s. per acre; JC2OOO down, balance at 5 per cent. 4 fbfb ACRES, Freehold, good bush ■iul/ land, no improvements; 14 miles from Te Kuiti. PRICE, ,£'3 per acre; terms. C. B. LEVER, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AGENT, TE KUITI. TAUMARUNUI STABLE BUSINESS, Etc. LEASE: 0 years to run at 255. per week. BUILDINGS: Livery Stable. Vehicle Shed. 2 4-rcom Houses (2 rooms in one house, sub-let at 10s. per week). PLANT: Includes Buegies, Gigs, Coach, Timber Wagon, Harness, Saddlery, Rugs, Whips, •etc., besides all Harness and Saddle Horses. BUSINESS: Livery and Bait Stables, and Large Carrying Business, including Timber-carting Contracts, and ■Contract for Carting Publ ; c_Works material—Taumarunui to Te Koura. Price, for the lot, .£450; .terms, ,£350 cash, balance arranged. R. WILSON & C°- LTD., TAIHAPE. "OOARDINGHOUSES FOR SALE. No. I.—Large commodious 2-story houso of 31 rooms and outbuildings, one acre land, 2 frontages, lease 10 years to run; rental, £i 2s. Gd. per wtek. Average takings, .£l2O per month (guaranteed). Tariff, 255. and 30s. per week (ss. and Gs. per day). Accommodation for 45. PRICE, for Goodwill and Furniture, J!M00 cash. No. 2.—Fine 2-story in Main Street, originallv built for hotel, 49 rooms (including "cottage at rear), erected on a Borough Lease, small rental; term, 21 years (10 of which have expired), with right of renewal. Weekly returns, Xos to .£OS per week. Rates and insurances, .£57 per annum. Well furnished. Will sell as a going concern. PRICE, *4-OU. Cash required, .£I2OO, balanco can remain for 5 years at Gi per cent. (.£IOO per annum to be paid off the principal). Further particulars from MESSANA & CO., Land Agents, etc., HAMILTON. QQA ACRES, 10 miles from Ohingaiti 00\f Railway Station; P.O. on property; school adjoining; all in grass; ring-fenced and subdivided into 15 paddocks; 150 acres ploughable, balanco low hills; 50 acres already stumped; good 8roomed house, man's cottage, cowshed, trapshed, stable, etc. Price, .£ll per acre; ,£IOOO cash. Apply to R. U. HARDEN AND CO., LAND, STOCK AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. KIMBOLTON, Near FEILDING. A FINE PROPERTY. e-/»>r ACRES, 4 miles from rising railtlO I way township, -S-niile creamery, post office and school adjoins property: practically all ploughable, and in grass; 44 acres turnips; fenced and subdivided into 14 paddocks. BUILDINGS: 9-roomed House, 5-room-ed house, and two-roomed cottage, stable, implement shed, cowshed, etc. Vic. can sell you this Fine Property at .£lO ss. per acre, on liberal terms, to a good man. Apply, sharp, to the SOLE AGENTSGOSLING & HSGGINS, FRANKTON JUNCTION, WAIKATO. WAIKATO FARM-BARGAIN. 1A AA ACRES, Freehold, of which ±7k\J\J 1100 are in grass and 1300 ah-, solutely flat, all ploughable; situated 7 miles from railway and 1J miles from creamerv and school; subdivided into 14 paddocks, nearly all of which aro fitted with concrete drinking troughs; will carry a beast to 2 acres or 2} sheep; dairy herd now running on between 300 and -WO. acres, returning .£IOOO per annum; nev- 5-roomed house, conveniences, all modern outbuildings, largo cowshed, all yards concrete, L.K.G. milking machine and plant complete; 120 d. cows in full profit, 90 calves, 20 pigs, 8 draught horses, 10 light horses, 14 store cattle, and every implement required _on a farm, including binder. Stock, implements, and chattels valued at over .£2OOO. goes with farm. Oat crop, 3 tons of oaten chaff to the acre. Price, £& 10s. per acre; good terms. LOMAX & CO., CAMBRIDGE. 450 ACRES, LEASE ss. WE have for Lease a very fine property in the Waikato, containing 450 acres. All ploughable, good house and outbuildings, orchard, etc.. 200 acres in grass, balance fern. Will lease for a term at ss. per acre. MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONERY. Retail Shop and largo Wholesale Connection in good town, G living rooms and largo factory. Lease at 555. per week. Best position in the town. Turnover, i2OOO per year wholesale, and .£6OO retail. Price, as a going concern. Apply H. A. WUNSCH & CO.. LAND AGENTS, Main Street, Palmerston North. THE FINEST DAIRY FARM IN THE WAIKATO. S)nr? ACRES, Freehold, all in grass, rJ 10 well fenced and watered; is carrying one hundred dairy cows iu full milk; 6-roomed house, 31-bailcd cowshed, concrete floor. This property is situated one mile from Cambridge. Prico ,£29 per acre. Terms arranged. Tho above property may bo purchased in smaller ()(\iy ACRES, L.1.P.. situated 41 miles /iui from Cambridge, over 200 acres in grass, balance standing bush, ring fenced, and well watered; rental only ono shilling per acre. Price for goodwill, .£IOOO. Apply to HUNTER & BANKS, Solo Agents for these two Properties. COMMISSION AGENTS, CAMBRIDGE, R. J. ATCHISON, AUCTIONEER AND LAND AGENT, TAUMARUNUI (King Country). IJIORSALE, the following Businesses with fast-increasing trade in the busiest Central Town of King Country:—Stables and Carriers, large plant, increasing regular connection, .£SOO. Up-to-date Dining Rooms, every modern convenience, largo dining hall, 20 x 35, .£IOO. Butchery, doing all cash business, plant and eyery : thing as a going concern, JSOO. Maori Leaseholds. 42 vears.'SO acres, IGO acres, 323 acres, 500 acres, 1000 acres IGOO acres, at rentals averaging Is. (id. per acre. Registered titles and prices for goodwill, averaging J.'l per acre. Also Crown leases in various areas, partly improved, situated in tho King Country, handy to Main Trunk Railway. Full particulais given upon persona) application being made by those desirous of starling fanning or business i" this new country. Note iiddre.w-E. .T. ATCHISON, Land Ajeat, etc., Haa.iu.uU Stmt, Tau»aruAtti, . i
FOE SALE. Af f\ ACRES, all in grass and orops; Q-.Oxr about half rich, flat, uuil ploughable, balance undulating; fences, post and wire; 8 paddocks; well watered; i\ miles from good town and best slock tales iu tho North. Island. PRICE-.EIS PER ACRE. TERMS. GILCHRIST & KIBD,, PALMERSTON NORTH. FOE SALE OR EXCHANGE. ■I (\-l A ACRES, Educational Lease, WaAv/jLtc ngnnui Valley, 4 miles below Raetihi, on. Pipiriki coach road; 5-600 acres felled and grassed, balance roiled bush, tawa, undorscrub, papa and litnestono formation, level and undulating country, fenced, subdivided; good 6-room-ed dwelling house, new woolshed, 7 stands, 2 sets shcop yards, etc.; easily 2cwo land. Prico £6 per acre; mortgage ,£2OOO 5 per cent.; equity, ,£4591; owner wants dairy farm, same 'equity. ACRES, 150 freehold, 200 L.1.P.; OQy) 60 acres bush, balance felled, fenced and subdivided and grassed; all level; splendid sheep or dairy farm; Raetihi, 2 miles, good roads, 5-roouiod house, woolshed, etc. Price. 418 10s. per acre; mortgage, ,£BSO, G.A.S.; terms, .£SOO cash. H. C. PERCY, Estate Agent, Ohakuno Railway Station. CHEAP. L.I.P. QQQ ACRES; 62 acres in grass; 12 acres 000 cro p ; 25 acres ploughed; 5 miles of fencing; 5 paddocks; watered by streams; iron stablo and loft; new totara, shanty; School, Creamery, and P. O. adjoining; Cambridge 9 miles. L.I.P. Rental 3d. per acre. Goodwill .£5 per acre. About .£SOO down. F. J. MARFELL, LAND AGENT, CAMBRIDGE. FOR SALE, -j/t-ROOMED BOA RDINGHOTJSE, with JLO Bathroom, next door to Town Hail, OHAKUNE, Freehold Tenure. A quantity of Furniture included in the deal. PRICE, .£175, with easy terms. Ohakune is ono of the most rising towns iu the North, and this presents an excellent opportunity to anyone wishing to invest to advantage. Apply to ALEX. H c WILKIE AND CO., LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, OHAKUNE. ■ GOULD AND HETHERINGTQN, LAND AGENTS, NGARUAWAHIA, WAIKATO. DAIRY FARMS for Salo in all parts of the Waikato. Wide range of Sheep and Cattle Properties. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. Our Mr. Hcfnering-ton, who has had 20 years' practical experience in Waikato farming, knows the whole District thoroughly. Correspondence invited. R. J. GOODMAN AND CO., Auctioneers, Land ami Estate Agents, Main Street East, Palmerston North. "8 iflftft ACRES, Native Lease, 42 ye.irs. JLUIPU first 21 years, Is. Gd. per aero, fecond, 21 years, 3s. per ncrc; all open country; 3 miles from railway station. Prico, ,£2OOO. Agencies and Commissions of apy kind undertaken. Prompt sales and quick returns. FOR SALE. THREE Small Dairv Farms at Hukami, adjoining Mr. Ranby's farm, eleven miles from Pahiatua on Main Roads; 240 acres greater part fully improved will be suitably subdivided and sold at auction in Pahiatua at an early date, and upon easy terms. Land Transfer Title. Further particulars will be advertised. HANKINS AND LOCKHAKT F3TZHERBERT, Solicitors, PALMERSTON NORTH. ■El J. SAX BY, Land Agent, HAMILTON, XMAS GIFT: 01 ACRES, Freehold, situated 1 milc i school, creamery, store, etc., and 8 miles Hamilton; partly improved, mostly fenced, all flat. Price, .£lO ss. per acre. Terms, .£2OO or less cash. LET ME SHOW YOU THIS CHEAP PROPERTY. NEW LAND IN THE KING COUNTRY. -1 CKf ACRES, 16 miles from railway, JLDDJL roads formed all tho way; all nice rolling country; 500 acres felled and in grass, the balance standing bush. Some of the best of the King Country land. Good climate and splendid carrying capacity. Five-roomed House and outsheds, woolshed being built. Well fenced and watered; Tenure L.I.P. Price, £i per acre; .£IOOO cash. No. 1671 Apply A. H. ATKINSON AND CO., LTD.] FEILDING. 1 pro ACRES, 1.i.p., rent £13 10s. a XOO year; 2 miles from Taihape. All felled and grassed; will carry 2 breeding ewes to tho acre. Fenced; 6 paddocks; small hay paddock; stumped, 11 acres, and i acre orchard; 2 cottages, cowshed, stockyards, etc. Prioc, «£ll per acre; terms, .£4OO cash. Government mortgage .£GO0; balance at G per cent. ni)o ACRES, 1.i.p., rent .£26 13s. a O/VO year; 0 miles from Taihape; easy country; will carry 21 sheep to tho acre; 300 acres felled and "grassed; 100 acres felled ready to burn; ring-fenced, 5 paddocks (40 acres shut off for cocksfoot grass-seed); 2-roomed cottage, yards, etc. Price, .£7 per aero; terms .£2OOO cash; balance 5 per cent, for 5 years. D-| A ACRES, 0.r.p., at 15s. per acre; OXtc 5i miles from Main Trunk railway station; 1J miles dray road; balance good Gft. track; 225 acres felled, of which 100 acres is grassed, rest good mixed bush; good wharo and garden; hilly country, but not broken, with a good lot easy country and flats. Prico only £2 per acre. Terms arranged. A. G. CUNNINGHAM. LAND AGENT, TAIHAPE. MqX ACRES, situated Makerus. OS SHANNON, all in grass, 5 acres in oats, all ploughable, 64 cows, dry stock, 320 sheep, on the place today; 7-roomed House, cowbails, washhouse, pigstyes, trapshed; well subdivided,, well watered, and well fenced. Price, £32 per acre. Will Exchango for Agricultural Farm; equity, .£1907. 1 AO/4 ACRES, situated 11 miles from l.yj&'k APITI; 800 acres in grass, 200 bush, 300 acres ploughable; carries 2 sheop to the acre; 5-roomed House, woolshed, etc., etc., 9 paddocks, real good fences, Price, ,£8 per acre. Terras. For farther particulars, apply to VICTOR E. SMITH, AGENT. FEILDING. MUST BE SOLD ON ACCOUNT OF ILLNESS. ■J 90K ACRES, L.1.P., rent .£25 ISs. Bd., X/vOJ tawa and while wood bnsh,' limestono and papa formation; 450 acres in grass, 50 acres felled, 50 ready for plough; butter factory li miles; twothirds dairying country; 300 chains fencing; 3-roomed house, 'private telephone; sale.vards on property; close to township, on Main Road near Kawhia; wintering 350 bleeding owns, 250 hoggets, 100 head cattle; HJ acres freehold given in. Prico for quick sale, J'A 10=. per acre; X2AOO cash, balance terms. Apply LAWSON & SWAIN, , AUCTIOKEEfiS, JE AWAitUTU. ~
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1324, 30 December 1911, Page 3
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1,964Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1324, 30 December 1911, Page 3
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