PHASES OF THE JIOON. DECEMBER. Daj-. Hr. ra. Full'moon 6 2 22 p.m. Last quarter 13 5 16 a.m. New moon ............ 21 3 10 a.m. First nuarter 29 6 17 a.m. MOON". Jtoon rises to-day, 3.57 a.m.; ECte, 8.33 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 4.50 a.m.; 5.29 p.m. To-morrow, 5.35 a.m.; 6.12 p.m. SUN. Sun rices to-day, 4,13 a.m.; sets, 7.23 p.m. ARRIVALS. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20. GEETIE, s.s. (5.20 a.m.), 264 tons, Rodger*, from Foxton. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (5.30 a.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, from Foxton. MAORI, 5.e.'(6.40 a.m.),' 3399 tons, Aldwell, from Lyttelton. Passengers—23o ealoon a.Dd 147 eteerogo. KOMATA, s.s. (6.50 a.m.), 1994 tone, Mawson, from Westport. WIJIJIERA, s.s. (7 a.m.), 3022 tons, Kcll, from Lyttelton. Paseengors; SaloonMisses Fish, Mitchell, Fitzgerald, Giles, Foote, Roach, Corrigan, Jtesdames Dodd aud family, Hatfield. Reid, Bennie. Messrs. Guy, Howard, Humphrey (21, M'Millnn, Pitp.aithlcy, Lcing, Wright. Corrigan (2), Eeid, Guy, Bennie; 11 steerage. COKINNA, s.s. (7.15 a.m.), 1271 tons, Cameron, from Lyttelton. .. KAIRAKI, s.s. (7.50 a.m.), 458 tons, Scott, from Lyttelton. HUIA. s.s. (8.40 a.m.). 127 tons, Burt, from Wanganui. ARAPAWA, s.s. (9.5 a.m.), 268 tons, Corby, from Wanganui. MANAROA, s.s. (9.30 a.m.), from Motueka. STOEMBIED, s.s. (8.15 a.m.). 217 tons, Dowell, from Wanganui. -• ARAHUKA, (5.40 p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert, from West Coast, Nelson, and Pio ton. Pafisengers—l4o saloon and 82 steer' a WARBIMOO, e.s. (6.20 p.m.), 3529 tons, Olift, from Sydney. Passengers: Saloon —Misses Reynolds, Corbett. Bankham (2), Smith (2), Dix, Vaughan, O'Mcara, Ferguson. Spaul, Lowe, Reid, Hetherington, Bayfield, Whits, Burrows. Beeston, Nickeon, Hood, Mackay, Reid, Montefiore, StiJsbury, White, Ogbourne (2), Ransom, M'Grcgor, Todd, Campbell, Kendall (2), Wray, Msy> ron, Harrop, Leeks, Andrews, Lady Davie, Mcsdames Reynolds, Quinton, Gallio, Bankman, Spaul, Spaul, Desmond, Wilson. Hall, Mervale, Besrington, Hilton, -Collins and infant, Eraser, Bee6ton, Ransom, Phillips, Curapboll, Kendall, Harrison and child. Butters, Shaaron and child, Rooney, and child, Pauli and child, Saunders and child, Farmer and 2 children, lukersoll, Mosley and 5 children, Monkley. Ilurdstou and 2 children, Holmes. Johnston, Poulton, Messrs. Reynolds, Carlyon, Johnston, Moreland, Wake, Bprott, Bankmann, Desmond, Invin, Hall, Victor, Chambers, Bryant, Cambourno, Atholwood. Flyn, Lloyd, Seaton, Murvalo, Q.uintrcll, Pearsou,' Wilson, Cohen, Malcolm, Suaholz, Tait, Ross, Mansford. Gurynottc, Lane, Fraser, Redmond, Harlcy, Patei'son, Southey, Bainford, Hasscdy, Park, Jackeon, Collins. Rentiick, M'Grath, Francis, Hinck, Saunders, Monk, Burton, Russell, Adamson, Kaighan, Carter, Kelly.' Kidson, Bell, Stace,- Moore, Nakayma, : Blundell, Rev. Gribb, G. G. Oallender, M'Kenna. Richardson, Lover, Waddell, Legerburg, Stone, Ransom, Sandiford. Morton. Peltzer, Lynch, Treenway, Stone. Mac Donald, Walker. Potter. Trott, Knight, Woodward, Carter, Hymns. Greenell, Carroll, Rivers, Todd, M'Kenzie. Moale, Howie, Jacksou, Rolfe, Whitehead, Porter, Harris, Ileta, Wricrht, Sellers, Wilson, Ritchie, Burn, Tuddio, Dixen, Brown, Evans, Pauli, Anderson, Piper. Palmer, Inkersoll, Mosely (2), Swan (4) Elsie, Munroc, Hurdston, .Leach, Griffith, Walsh, Trewick.- Oldham. Bigpott, Bricrley, Schofield, Pardoe. M'lvor. Forsaith, Taine, Pitney, Balk. Marton (2), Reynolds, Dangan, Chemis, Thomson, Martin, Bowers, Holm. .M'Grath, Neagle, Hewitsou, Longworth, Davis, Ritchie, S. • Lewring, Green, Norman, Sinclair. Joiner, Cant. Goy, Rossiter, Parkinson, Rubtze, Dicine. Young.
HIMITAGNI, s.s. (6.45 p.m.), 323 tons, llanloy, from Chatham Islands, via Lyttelton.
ROSAMOND, ,3.5. (8.15 p.m.), 721 tons, Irvine, from New Plymouth. ■ TAKAPUNA, e.s. (10.35 p.m.), 1036 tons, Norton, from Nelson and Picton; 72 passengers. WAKATU, s.s. (11.40 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, from Lvttolton and TCaikoura. BLENHEIM, s.s. (11.45 p.m.), 120. tons, Wilkinson, from Blenheim. DEFENDER, h.s. (midnight), 190 tons, Jamieson, from Karamea. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21. OPAWA, s.s. (0.40 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. 1 DEPARTURES. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 20. PATEENA, s.s. (1 p.m.). 1212 tons, Watson, for Picton and Nelson. Passengers: 105 saloon and 18 steerage. KAIRAKI, s.s. (12.10 p.m.), for Motueka. MANA, s.s. (2 p.m.), 134 tons, Gibson, for Patea. KIRIPAKA, s.s. (4 p.m.). 133 tons, Croucker, for Patea. KAIKOURA, s.s. (4 p.m.), 6998 tons, M'Kellar, for London. KAPUNI, 5.3. (4.45 p.m.). 150 tons, M'lntosh, for Patea., - -WIMMERA, s.s. (4.55 p,m.), 3022 tone, Kell, for northern ports arid Sydney. . QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, "s.s.. (6 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, tor Fo'xton. ' . . ARAPAWA, s.s. (6 p.m.), 268 tons, Corby, for Wanganui. CORINNA, 6.5. -(6.20 p.m.). 1271 tons. Cameron, for Nelson. . ■ HUIA, s.s. (6.45 p.m.)i 127 tons,' Burt, for Wanganui.- --. "MAORI, s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 3399 tons; -Aldwcll, for Lyttelton; 380 passengers. MANAROA, 8.5. (8.10 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Havclock.' HOLMDALE, s.s. (10.10 p.m.), 261 tons. Clark, for Greymouth. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21. WHANGAPE, s.s. (0.30 a.m.), 2931 tons, White-Parsons, for Westport. EXPECTED ARRIVALS, Opawa, Port Chalmers,' December 21. Rosamond, Oneliunga, December 21. . Opawa, Blenheim, December ,21. Blenheim, Blenheim, December 21. Huia, Wanganui, .December. 21. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, .December 21. Mararoa, Lyttelton, December 21. Waitnea, Terakohe,- via Picton, Dec. 21. Waihora, Newcastle, "December 21. .Pateena, Nelson, Picton, December 21. Queen of the South, Foxton, Dec. 22. Arapawa, Wanganui. December 22. Kapuni, Patea, December 22; ■ Kiripaka, Patea, December '2?.. Mana. Patea, December 22. Maori, Lyttelton, Decombcr 22. Tarawera, northern ports, December 22. Ulimaroa, Melbourne, via south, Dec. 22. Dcu of Airlie. New York, via Auckland, Napier, December 22. Monowai, Duncdin, Lyttelton, Dcc. 23. Mapouvika, West Coast,-Nelson, Dcc. 25. Kaliu, East Coast, December 23. Whangape, Westport,. December 24. Mannroa. Havclock. December 24. Ripple, Gisborne,. December 24. Mokoia, northern ports, December 26. PROJECTED DEPARTURE!, Aorere, Patea, December 21. Stormbird, Wanganui, December 21. Rosamond, Now Plymouth, Dec. 21. Opawa, Blenheim. December 21. Bicuhcim, Blenheim, December 21. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, Decombcr 21. Mararoa, Lyttelton, December 21. Warrimoo, Melbourne, via.south.-Dec. 21. Waimca, Nelson, West Coast, Dec. 21. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Dec. 21. nuia, Wanganui, December 21, Takapuna, Picton, Nelson, December 21. Defender, Hokitika, December 22. Queen. of the South,. Foxton, Dec. 22. Arapawa. Wanganui. December 22. Kapuni, Patea.; December 22. - Kiripaka, Patea, December' 22. Mana, Patea, December" 22. Pateena, Picton, Nelson, December 22. Maori, .Lyttelton. December. 22. Tarawera. Lyttelton. Dunedln, Dec. 22. Ulimaroa. Sydney direct, December 22. Himitangi, Chatham Islands, Dec. 22. _ Morayshire. Lyttelton,' Duncdin, Dcc. 25. Monowai, Lyttelton. December 23. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, -Decemher 23. Clan Macaulay, Picton. December 23. Mapourika, Nelson, West Coast, Dec. 16. Mokoia. Lyttelton, Dunedin, Dec. 26. Ripple, Nanier, Gisborne, December £7. Manaroa, Motueka, December 27. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. VICTORIA, s.s., leaves Sydney December 20 for northern ports and Wellington. Due Wellington December 29. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and lhincdin. ULIMAROA, s.c., left Melbourne December 13 for Hobart. southern porta, and Wellington. Due Wellington December 22. Lfxivcs same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydnev December 26. MANUKA, s.s., leu-res Sydney December 23. for Wellington direct. Due Wellington December 27. Leaves December 28, for fouthern ports, Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne January 6. MOEEAKI, 5.3., left Melbourne December 20, for Hobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington Decombcr 29. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney January 2. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London, DELPHIC (due about December 29), sailed on October 21, via Auckland. (Sbaw, Savill and Albion Co.. agents.) STAR OF CANADA (due about L «uj' ih (ailed ail October IS, Hel<
bourne, Sydney, and New Zealand ports. (Tyscr Line.- agents.) STAR OF INDIA (due about January 12), failed on November 4, via. Australia, Aucls* lojid, and Napier. (Tyscr Lire, agents.) ARAWA (duo about December 26), sailed nn November 11, via Capo Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, agents.)
OTAKI (due about January 15), sailed on November 4, via. Australia and Auckland. (Now Zealand Shipping Co., a-gents.) RUAPEHU {due about January 9), Failed on Norember 25, via. Oape Town and Ho* bart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) MURITAI (due about February 3), sailed on November 28, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyscr Line, agents.) TAINTJI (due about January 23), failed on December 7, via Care Town and Ho* bart. (Shaw, Savill. and Albion Co., agents.) MAMAJRJ (due about January 24), sailed on December 6, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) From Uvorpool. DRAYTON GRANGE (due about January 2), tailed on October 24, for New Zealand portc. (F.-H.-S. agents.) ZEALANDIC (duo about December 26). sailed on November 1, via Australia ana Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) SOMERSET (due about January 10). sailed on Isovcmber 2, via Cape Town and Ho« bart (F.-H.'S. Line, agente.) From Montreal. TOKOMARU (dne about January 3), sailed on October 22, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) RAK.AIA (due about January 26), sailed on 19, via Australia and Auck* land. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From New York. 00 pEN OF AIRLIE (due about December <52), sailed on September 23, via Australia and agents.) STAR OF AUSTRALIA (due about Deember 29), galled on October 15, via Aus•Pr i^ -A uc kland (Tyser Line, agents.) j-lARIQsFELS (due about January 16), sail i 9 n October 31, via Australia and Auckand Co., agents.) STAR OF SCOTLAND (due about January 27), sailed on November 18, via Australia Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) FALLS OF ORCHV (due about February 16), 6ailed on November 18, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co., agents.) From Calcutta. APAEIMA (dne about Jannary : 3), sailed fanrt e rn o o r Tla Sin £ a P°re and Auckland. (u.S.S. Co., agents.) SAILERS TO ARRIVE. ANTIICO, baroue, sailed from Liverpool on September 20. (Johnston and Co agents.j ' QUEEN ELIZABETH, ship, sailed from New \ork, October 17. (Vacuum Oil Co agcntß.) l - D, ' BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. Sniud me , December 20. Sailed.—Tofua, for Sydnoy. ciniioH \r NEWCASTLE, Decembir 20. Sailed.—Maroro, for Wanganui.
. . . „ . SYDNEY, December 20. Arrived.—Matatua, from London, Arnved.-Ivaiapoi, from New Zealand. bailed.—Victoria (.30 p.m.), lor Auckland. c -, , ~ MELBOURNE, December 20. bailed.—lloeraki, for Bluff, nia Hobart. COASTAL. WEDNESDAY, DEOEMBEE 20. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Marama (1.20 p.m.), from Vancouver, via Suva; Pukaki, from Gicvborne " cllullEa,: s iuall, from Gi's-Sailcd.-Taluno (4.45 p.m.), for Fiji. .- ' KAPIER. Arrived.—Mokoia (9.45 a.m.), from lington. CASTH3POINT, liußton° d ' -Hinemgil <7 '® from Wel " NEW PLYiMOOTH. Sailed—Earawa (8.20 p.m.), for Onehunga. HCTON. Arrived.—Pateena. (4.35 p.m.), from Wellington. BLENHEIM. . ... f4m'!, e n;T B i 6nh 1 c .l D }.- ( ' l '? () p ' m -> and Opawa (4.20 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.—Mapourika (5 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Nikau (4.45 p.m.), for Wellington. FAEEWELL SPIT. Defender passed for Wellington at 7.40 a.m. WESTPOET. Arrived.—Kiatoa (12.50 a.m.), from Wellington. . GEEYJIOUTH. Arrived.—Ngabere (7 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Kumara (8.15 a.m.), from Wellington; Monowai (12.10 p.m.), from Wellington; Kamona and Poherua, from Greymouth. Sailed.—Breeze, for Wanganui; Karori. for Grcymouth; Cygnet, for Kaikoura; Mararoa (6.50 p.m.), for Wellington, with ZCO passongors; Monowai, for Dunodin.
TIMARU. Sailed,—Annerley. (6 Melbourne.
, PORT CHALMERS., Arrived.~»Pakoha. from the Bluff.- . • Railed.—Opawa (4.45 a.m.), for Wellington. bailed.~Ulimaroa, for northern ports and Bydnoy. Passengers: For WellingtonMisses liercus, Binnie, White (2), Millar, Olark, Morcer, Low, Anderson, M'Carthy Morton, Kerr (2), Shapcott, Stratton, Kelly, Mesdames Stratton (2), West, Anderson, M'Donald, Morton, Reid, Bowling, Messrs. O. W. Jones, Anderson, M'Donald, Welch, Rawson, Park, Morton, Falconer, West. For Sydnoy-Misscs Mullin, Bowling, Mesdames Boston, Stringer and child, Brewer Messrs. Cullen, Mackay, Thomson, H. D. Brewer, .Easton, Captain Stringer, Dr. Thomson; 30 steerage.
MOKOIA TO TRIP THE SOUNDS. The Union Company advise that it has now been definitely arranged that the Mokoia will make tho excursion trip to the Marlborough Sounds at Now Year. She leaves Wellington at 2 p.m. on Saturday, December 30, returning on Tuesday afternoon. Already, as indicated, a sufficient number of passengers have booked to justify the trip. Care will, at tho same time, bo exercised to strictly avoid any possibility of over-crowding. The cruise should certainly prove a thoroughly enjoyable and healthy outing. There is calm water throughout tho Sounds, and the Union Company are making most complete arrangements for tho ontertainment, of passengers each day. Steam launches, for example, will be provided for exploration among the beautiful inlets. -A-few further passengers can still bo booked, as the pre-arranged limit has not yet been quite reached. WARRIMOO, FROM SYDNEY. ROUGH. WEATHER. " Much later than usual this week's direct boat from Sydney to Wellington—tho Warrimoo—arrived ifi port yesterday. The vessel left the Now South Wales porf at 1 p.m. on Saturday, and, as soon as she cleared tho Heads, encountered heavy south-westerly and south-easterly' winds accompanied by high beam seas. So great wero the seas on Sunday night that the vessel rolled in an alarming manner, and many of the passengers were unable to sleep. On one occasion tho steamer shipped a tremendous sea, the water flooding the 6aloon and cabins. About an hour afterwards another big eea swept on board, and passengers and crow had a few anxious moments.- No extensive damage was done, however, the worst being the flooding of the state rooms referred to. When nearing tho New Zealand coast the weather moderated, and tho Warrimoo had light westerly winds' and smooth seas until arrival at Wellington at 6.20 p.m. Imports by the Warrimoo were as follow:—1620 bags rice, 346 bales kapok, 13 bags coffee boans, 13 bags peanuts, 83 cases cucumbers, 20 bags tobacco duet, 373 packages Chinese merchandise, 120 bales grapenuts, and .a large quantity of sundries. In continuation of her iourney, tho V/arrimoo leaves Wellington for southern ports. Hobart, and Melbourne £t 5 p.m. to-day.- , THE DRAYTON GRANGE. Having left Newcastle for Auckland last Monday afternoon, the F.-H.-S. steamer Drayton Grange should arrive at tho northern port on Sunday next. She is due at Wellington on January 2. RAIKOURA'S OUTWARD CARGO. At 4 p.m. yesterday the New Zealand Shipping Company's Kaikoura left Wellington for London. She took the following cargo from New Zealand ports:— From Tokomaru Bay: 68 casks tallow, 8770 carcasses mutton, 3743 carcases lamb, 4 carcasses tegs, 183 quarters beef, 1555 bales wool. From Gisborne—l3 casks tallow, 1767 bales wool. From Napier—s47B carcasses mutton. 4170 carcasses lamb, 100 carcasses tegs, 137 quarters beef. 2280 bales wool. 6 fadges wuol, 6 pockets wool, 91 bales hemp, 29 bales tow, 503 pieces mutton, 187 packages sundries. From Duncdin-55 c.v.ks tallow, 56 bales wool, 40 bales rabbitskins, 27 sacks grass socd, 7CO crates rabbits. 4 bales hair, 521 boxes batter. From Bluff—l6o casks pelts, casings, and tallow, 262 balec- wool. 16 bales sheepskins. 11 bales ra.bbitskius, 536 bales hemp, 217 sacks fescue seed, 3666 crates rabbits, 5963 crates cheose. For Hull: From Napier-1837 bales a.nd 1 fadgo wool. For Loudon: From Wellington—2239 bales wool, 50 sacke hides, 4 bags greenstone, 69 carcasses mutton, 34 casks tallow, 1577 bales hemp,' 4 casks pelt-e, 69.1 b*lcf tow. 280 pticksjM generil cvpo. (J27 c;at« theesE. Ftom LyttclKii-cil.
era tea cheese. For Goole: From Napier— 1754 bnlos wool, 21 pockets wool. For Hull and Goolc: From Wellington—ls67 boles wool. FROil THE CHATHAMS. An arrival in port yesterday wa.s tho Chatham Islands Fishing Company's tteamer Himitaugi. The vessel met with very had weather, both going and coming, on her round trip to the Islands. Strong westerly gales, high seas, and heavy rain interfered with cargo working, and the vessel did not leave Waitangi until noon ou Friday last. Tho Himitangi brought 16 passengers, some mails, 250 sheep, a, quantity of wool, and about 350 cases of lish. ' To-day the Himitaugi will be placed on the Wellington Patent Slip for cleaning and painting, after which she will leave for Waitangi, Chatham Islands to bring back a load of wool to Lyttelton. An endeavour ia being made by the local agents of the steamer Clan Maeaulay to dispatch her for Picton on Saturday. Now en route from London to Dunedin, the Shaw-Savill steamer Matatua arrived at Sydney yesterday. She is duo at the southern port about tho end of neit week. Mr. Carlyon, late acting-purser of tho Maitai, arrived at Wellington by t.hc Warrimoo last evening, and will join the Slapourika. at Wellington on December 26.
When nearing the Long Look-out Point on Monday morning tho Himitangi passed o- barque which was beating to the southward. . Tho vessel, which was in deep trim, made no signals, and was not identified. Tho veseel was about thirty miles from Lyttelton Heads at dark on the day in question.
Advices received by tho ageiits of the Vacuum Oil Company state that its chartered steamer Falls of D'Orcy, which left New York on November 18, has on board 176,000 eases of oil. She will call at Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, ana Dunedin to discharge, and is duo at this port about February 16.
At iSewcastle the Union Company's steamer Waitemata will load a cargo of coal for Wellington. The vessel left Auckland for Newcastle on Saturday last.
This, week the New Zealand Shipping: Company's Paparoa is to bo docked at Port 'Chalmers prior to starting her Home* ward loading. Tho A. and A. Line's chartered st&amcr Den of Airlie will probably bo docked also after completing discharge of her Now York cargo at New Zealand ports.
To-morrow tho small coastal steamer Defender will leave Wellington for Hokitika direct.
Tho steamer Gertie will bo placed on the Patent Slip to-morrow morning for inspection and annual overhaul.
Mr. J. Blyth, second officer of the Kotuku, left that vcescl at Wellington yesterday.
Mr. S. Wood has joined the Pateena as assistant purser.
slr. C. J. Stychc, third officer of the Whangape, has left tho vessel, the vacancy being filled by Mr. J. A. Mitchell.
At 1.20 p.m. yesterday tho Union Company's It.M.S. Marama arrived at Auckland from Vancouver, via way ports, and continued licr journey to Sydney last evening. Her transhipments should roach Wellington by the Mokoia, which is duo on December 26. .
On account of tho holidays, the Komata will remain at Wollington until after tho New Year.
An early arrival at Wellington from New Plymouth this morning will he tho Rosamond. She leaves at noon to-day on tho return trip to New Plymouth only, and returns to Wellington at tho end of tho week. Tho vcEsel will leavo port in her pchcdule running on Wednesday, December 27.
Now at Waitara the Whakatano will make calls at Wauganui and Napier before coming on to Wellington. She is due hero on Decembor 28. ■
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1317, 21 December 1911, Page 7
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2,936SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1317, 21 December 1911, Page 7
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