MASTERTON ACCEPTANCES. (By Toleeraph.—Special Correspondent.! Mastcrton, December 17. The following acceptances have been received-for tho Masturtou. Racing' Club's meeting, which takes place on Thursday ;— MASTEBTON CUP, of 150 sovs. Ono mile and .a quarter-i—Aberbrothock,, Ost.; Te Puia, Sst. lib.; .. Negative, 7st. 8 b..i First Consul, 75t,.;..8ir Solo, 65t..)0»>.; EoVal Marine, 6st. 71b.; Awha, fct. ilb. L-VDIES' BRACIiLET/of o(l«ovs. One niile.-Sir'Knox/.llst. 71V.; Jackman, list. 21b.; ' Puketotara, list.; Ncdra, list; Black R«ef, lOst. lllb.; Prince Hassan,. lOst. 71b.: ■Mrmont.-lOst. 71b.; Lady fecott, "](lst. 71b.': Master AVebb, i'Ost. 71b.; Iho Diver, lOst. 71b. ■ '■FLYING HANDICAP, of Six furlongs.-Full Rate, 9st. 10lb : Blue Lake, Sst.i'Merrio Frank, Sst.; Deploy, 7st. lllb.; Te Kahurangi, 7st. 51b.; Longetep, rSt. Sib.; Moreo, 7st. ilb.; Siuapis, <st\ ilb.; Aema, 7st; Purakau, 6st. 71b.; Gawain, ■«st. 71b. •-. ■ • . - . OPAKI AVELTER HANDICAP,' of 80 sov-s: Seven furlongs.—Fall■ Rate,. lOst. 71b.; Undecided, lOst. lib.; Negative, Sst. "91b.j Bally Shannon, Sst. 51b.; First Conpiil, 1 Sst. olb.; Afterthought, Sst. 31b.; Eclogue, Bst.. . JfASTERTON RACK H.ANDICAP. ■ of 70>sbv5. Seven furlongs-Odessa, Ost. 31b.;. ■Ladv Vbll'ej-.' 5"-<t.; Overrate, Sst. 12tb.: Tldr'cnee Nightinwle, M. 121b.; Me'rrie land, Sst. lllb.; Big.Blast, Bst. Hb.: Ko-•parie.-Sst. 71b.; Dauntnii. Sst. 71b.; Plltav . Vai, Sst. -tlb.; Awha,'Sst, lib.; Embroto-, friou. Sst. ' : TELEPHONE HACK HANDICAP, of 70 Knvs. Six furlongs-Allurement, Sst. 10 b.; Ifldr Volley,' Sst; 81b.; Overrate, Sst. bib.; Merrie'l,ahd,-Bst. "ilb.; Lady Laddo, Sst..: Tiongomatl. 7st. 121b.; Kopane, 7st. 101b.;'.Tndra., "st. 41b:: Prince Hassan, fast. lUti.; lord Palmer, Cst..lllb. : DASH HACK \IL\-NDICAP, of 60 sow. IfiTO fnvlonßs:-rAUuremenl,. Sst.. 101b.; Emma, Ssl. filb.; Lady Laddo. Sst.; Ovorhfiard, Gst.'l2lb.; Biddy, fist. 121b.; Dirge, C-it. 121b:; Amber 'and AVhite, fist. 121b.; Dorsil,; list. 121b.; UiWio, -Bit. .121b. . ■ . ENTRIES.-' , ' The following are the entries f,or tho TRIAL STAKES, of 50. sovs.., Fivo fur-Innss.-Peronsal, I>ir?e, Ard Ri,_ A\ainia-. Qiora, King's Favourite, Miss LisKa._ln■reran,- Taonui, Amber and AA'hite, (.tood Form, Ladino, Mi? 3 Ambrose, Lord Renown, Gay Lass,.Alofa, Tho Diver, Daybreak, Stbnyfalls, Overheard, Miss Vena, J,o'nl Palmer. ■ . ■ .-..' ;„. . ■:' THAMES J.C.: ACCEPTANCES. (By Tdesriph—Press Association.) , ■ ' Thames, December 16. following aro the acceptances for the first day-of the Thames races:— M-VIDEN HANDICAP. Seven furlongs. -■rkruso Sst. 91b.; Little Stanley, Bst 121b ; CoSiitree;. 7sl. lib.; lllb.; Maunrere, 7st. lllb.; Master Dα, •Tst. lllb.; Hesperian, 7st lllb.rLeahrc, 7sr. lllb.; Miss Elma, 7st. lfllb.j - Old Maid, "st. 71b.; Invader, /st. 71b.; Hil«ur,7st. 71b. -, -. .BOROUGH HANDICAP. Five fur-Jongs-Hikm, Sst. 61b.; Hyperion, Bst.; Tremantle, 7=t. 121b.; Paiawai, 7st. 101b.; tUttle Stanley, 'st. Sib.; "Echo,; ■7st. 81b.; Peggy Pryde, 7st. ilb.; .jraranKai,- 7st. 51b.; Maungete, . ist. Mb:; Ropfirt, 7st; 31b.; Arawai .7st. 21b.; Soulstone, 7st. 21b.;-Gibson Girl, at; aianurewa, '7st;; Reremai, "st. FIRST. HACK HC'EDLES. One mile ■end" three-quarters.—Taiaha,.list.; Hatarerero,,9st. 12lb.'j Golbourn, Ost. 8lb.; Bon CyK flsf. Bib.; Field.Marshal 9st. 21b.; 'Arty, Ost. lib'.rlvia, Ost.;.The; Chief, flit.; Dunrobin, flst. ... GOLDFIELDS CUP. . One mile and a quarter-St. ■ Amans, Ost. alb.; Spectre, '8-,'t; 41b.; Scotch. 7st. 91b.; Fuss; 7st. 71b.; AYaiotahi, 7st. Gib.;" Frauleiu,. 7st; Luperin;.6st..l3ib.; Pip, 6st. 121b.; Hesperian, 6st. 101b. ' •. .-. FIRST HACK HANDICAP. Six furBst. 'Jlbrr'Pearl, 7si. 121b.j In- eylpho, Ist. lllb.; Gibson Girl, 7st. 101b.;' Mauurere, 7st. 101b.; Miss. Elma, 7st. 101b.; KHjarten, 7st.. 101b.; AA'hakatinria, '7st. 'Jib.; Invader.'7st. 91b.; Ireo«un, 7st. nib.; Master Dib, 7st. 81b.; Hil«lur, 7st. Sib.; Jlanaroa, 7st. 71b.; Ben Tulloch, 7st 71b.; Marni, 7st. 71b.; Miss Kipple, 7sf. 71b.; Active Lad. 7st. 71b.; .Tohoroa, "st. 71b:; Pet, vsl. 71b. •. FIRST. STEEPLECHASK.. About two luiles and three-quarters. —Tuiaha, lOst. 131b.; Wobfoot. lOst. ]21h.; Kapakapa, lOst. 101b.; Golden Glow, lOit. 91b.; Blue Slountain, 81b.; Creii?ot, list. 121b.; Rebel, flst. 101b.; Commander, {Ist. 101b.; •Hautere, !)st. mib.; IMiiuinen; Ost. 81b.; Duc-heAs, Ust. 71b:; Mopsken, Ost. 71b.; Dunrobini 9st. 71b.; Joo, Ost. 71b. .'STEWARDS';-HANDICAP. Six fur]tmgs.—Spectre, Sst. lib.; Hyperion, 7st. ,121b.; Impulsive, 7st. 71b.; Bluo ilount, 7st. (ilb.; Echo, "st. 6!b.; Pcgsy Prydc, ;7st. b\h'.; Marancrai, 7st. lilb.j Cuirassier, Tst. lib.; Almeida, 7st; Report, 7st.j Wanureivaj 7st. MIDSUMMER HANDICAP. Seven furIniigs.—Scotch, vat. 101b.; AV'aiotahi, 7st. Sib.; Cariisu, 7st. 811>.; Bluft Mount, 7st. glb.i.Frauloiu, 7st.,3lb;i .Pipi 751.; Luperin, 7st.; Jlariureivti, "st. WAIRARAPA H.C. WEIGHTS. The following weights have been declared by; Mr. J. E. Henrys for the first tlay-of the AVairawipa. Racing Club's Summer ruectiiigj to be held ou December 30 and January 1. TUUITAKATA HANDICAP, of 110 sovs. -Six furlongs:—Full Rate, 9>t. 131b.; Effort, fst. , Gib.; Merry Frank,' 7st. 101b.'; Blue lake, 7st. 91b:.;. Long Step, 7st." 71b.;. To KahuraiiKi, 7st. 711):; Khamsin,. 71b'.; iiihnm's, 7.5t.; BeacDn..'7st.rAema, Git. 91b.; Cawfcin, .Gst. 81b.; Puraliaii," Gst. 71b. j iJIMiJTAKA HACK HANDICAP, of 100 bovs. One mile aim a -distance.—Beacon; flat.; Ovation, Sst. Sfb.j Flectweek, Bst.; Turna, 7st. 91b.; Lady,,A r olley, 7st. 91b.;, •I'iorenco Nishtingale; 7st. Sllr.'VOver Rate 7st. Sib.; Black Reef, 7st. 51b.; .Konah?, 7st. ■lib.; Pukewai,'7st;-31b:; Awha, (ist. 131b.; Embrocation, -Gst. 71b.- : AVAIUAKAI'A- Ci;P, of :iSO sovs. One mile and a.' quarter.—Merrivonia. 9st • Aberbrothock, Sst. 131b.; Undecided; Bst! Ulb.; Raupar.iha, 7st. 81b.; Gold Battery 7M. 81b.; .Julian; 7st. Sib.: British Maid, 7it. 71b.; First Jialtery, 7st. 'lib.; Sea Queen, 7st jjlli:; Negative, 7st. -lib.; First Consul. 7st..lib.; Brown Trout, 7st.; Ovation, 7,-it.; Royal Murine, Cst. Mb.; Seaton JJale, list. Sib.; Mira, Cst. 81b.; Sir Solo, fist. 71b.; Sir Knos, 6st. 71b.; Priucc Ilftsenn, Ost. 71b. ' NURSERY HANDICAP, of 110 sot= J'our- Ost.'7lb.; Ladino, /st. lllb.; Excitement, 7st. lllb:; .\mfcer and AVhito, 7st. lllb.; Miss Ziska,- 7st. 311b. j Boris Silvcrlem»'. filly, 7s(. lllb.; Mi?.s A>na, Tst. lllb.; Ard Ri, 7st. 7b.; ; Otter, 7st 71b.; Elevator, 7st. 71b.;-Obligant, 7st. .ill;.; fyni, 7ft."51b.; .Daybreak, "st. -lib.; Imagination, 7?t. lib • Peroneal, 7s't. Jib.; Submersion, "st. 41b • -.MliHore. -7st. 41b.; Hoyman, 7st. -Ill), , ; Si.mila, 7st. lib.; Gay Lais, 7st. lib. PCKIO'HANDICAP,, of W sov--. Six funongs.-Beacon, flit. 111,.; Emma, Sst. 81b.; Allurement, Sst." 71b:: Merrie I.aud lit. 1015.; Lady Moforan, "it." 101b:; Lndv volky,-..75t: 91b.; Konpimau,' 7if. Blb-Ilaunton,;-"stv Sib:; Paffcstine, 7st. Sib'--i!prt!and Lady,-."st.-71b:; Indra,-7»t.- Wee Eoso; Gst.'lllb.; HiuiV Ron, Cist. 1011.;; Lord Palmer, Cst. Olb.';. Ceylon, Olb- • fcomaphore, Ost. 91b.; Doslish, Gst. Wx REYNOLDS IL\-NDICAP, of 110 *ot« fc'evcn furlongs.—full Rate, flst. 9lbi • rndcciclcd, 9.*t.j Gold'Battery'. 7st. 131b.; British 7ft. 121b.; 'Negative', 7st 91h.; Bluo Lake, 7st.' 81b.: Bally Shannon. 7st. tlb.; Moree, 7st. 3lb.'; Ovation, 7st 21b.; Afterthouchl, Gst. 131b.; Hoyal Marine, Cst. 131b.; Mira, Cst. 71b. MOKAT AVET,TER, of 99 sovs. Seven furUmus.—(ldeisa, 9st. 131k; Over Rate Sit 311...: Dnimton. flst. lib.; Palestine Bst.; Bi K Bla-st, Sst. 131b.; Kopane! B,t'. Will.; Leaiiiiki, .Ist. Mb.; Print-;, Eddie gst. 51b.: Miss Ambrose, Sst. 5!b.; Fid,] fare, 8.-t. 51b. NORTH OTAGO J.C. HANDICAPS. IB.y TolcrraDb.-I'rois AjscrintW-i.' Oamaru, December 17. The liantlicips for tho first day of tlm North flliigo Jockey Club's lnctfins aro as follow-!— lU;i,'l)r,ES. One mile and a lialf.Jlitsler I'niil, Ust. (ilb.; Ja':k A.-hore. lllb.; Rifle Ita/iye. ll'l-l. Sib.: S»v I.upili. lOsf. Jib.: GlMfifhl.' lib.; (fold Pin, {Ist.' :w. I0II». : Larkspur, Cat, 31b. ; ila-'tedo, 'Jit. j Optimeiorm, Sst.
PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP. One mile.—Eoso Noble, 9st.; Oiyoi, Bst. 111b.; Sea King, Sst. 101b.; Penates, Bst. 91b.; 'i'annliaiiser. Bst.; The Cornet, 7st. 131b. i Modallist, 7st. 111b.; Gold Coin, 7st. 91b.; Hiiglcstoni', 7st. 81b.; Minnura, Tst.' Stopmoter, 7st. Mb.; VisticulT, 7=f.; True Koi"ht, list 111b.: Oratava. (U. 71b.; Nikun, Cst. 71b.; Gryta,,Gsl. 71b. JUVENILE HANDICAP. Four furlongs.—Anne Curlovna. Sst. Mb.; Clinmpagnc, Bst 41b.; Peppin. 7st. 91b.; Jinritone, 7st. 7lb.'; iAlay..i)a.lryiuple, Tit. (Slli.; Martian Mniil,'7sl.tlb.; Lounle?.7st-tlb.: Nyx, 7st. 41b.; Peg, 7s*. dlb.; Shona Hay, 7st. 41b. I.ADIBS' BRACELET. (Ine mile and a quarter.—Bay Lupin.. 11st. 9H>.; Don Rubyl, lOst. Kill).; While Fbff, JO.'t-ISlb.";-Gipsy Bollp, lOst. Sib.; Black and Brown, lOst. 71b.: Vnnada, iOst. 71b.; Kingsbnry,.lost. 71b. FLYING HANDICAP. Six furlongs. —My Lawyer, 9>t.; Penates, 9st-: Stepmeter. fist.'Slb.; Pilgrim's AVay. 8.-1. Sib.: Tannhauser, Sst. 3!b.; Contendent, Sst.; Land Eose, 7st. 91b.: ExpaJision, 7st. 'tlb. ; Gapou, 7st. 41b.; Clanmena, 7st. 31b. j Crosbie, 6st. 91b.; Tmo Knight, 6st. 81b.; Miss Advance, 6;t, 71b. ALDERSYDE HANDICAP. Five furlongs.—John Bunyan. 9st. 21b.; Stepmaid, Sst. 91b.; Xyloifiine, Sst. 91b.; Buff Gaunt-' let, Sst. 21b'.; Safety Pin, Sst. 21b.; Ideality, 7st. 131b.: Oratava, Sib.; AA'indward, 7st, 71b.: Grand Medallion, 7st. 71b.; Casanova, 7st. ilb.; Gryta, 7st. 31b.: Pleasure Bent, 7st. lib.; Bolt from the' Bine, 7st.; Alto, 7st.: Thrax, 7st.j Fougasse, fist. 121b.,' Toil, Gst; 111b.; AYeddinff King. list. 101b.; Corrie, 6st. 71b.; Aranea, 6st. 71b.; Foam Flake, 6st. 71b.; Hessione, fist. 71b.; Eider, 6at. 71b.; Icilma, fot. 71b. CLIFTON AA'EI.TF.R. HANDICAP. Seven furlongs.—Medallist. 9st. 131b.; Fisticuff, {Ist. lib.: Aimwell, Ost. 31b.; San Severo, Sst. 101b.; Crosbie, Sst. 101b.; Troon, .Sst. -lib.; Adage, Sst. 31b.; Merry La?s, Sst. 31b,; Miss Advance. Sst. 21b.; Red, White, and Blue, 7st. lllb.; Cresset, 7st. 101b.: Nikon, 7st. 101b.; Kimona, 7st, 101b.; Nightlight, 7=t. 101b. SIGNORINETTA. Bj TelejriDh—P'e»3 London, December 15. The Earl of Jfosebory has purchased the racehorse Signorinetla (Chalereux— Signora). It is believed the price paid was about ,£IO,OOO. . , ISignorinctta created a.big surprise by winning the Derby in 1008. She subsequently won tho Oaks-the first time the double" had been accomplished since Blink Bonny's ycar.J NOTES AND COMMENTS, [By Glencoe.] .'. The Maiterton Raein? Club's meeting takes place on Thursday next -i Owners are reminded that acceptances for the first day's events at the Taranaki Jockey Club's meeting close tonight. ■ • • . • ' Pcirenb did not accompany the ether members of R. J. Mason's team to Ellerslie after all. Tho Ynldhurst trainer had only four liorses with him on Saturday, viz., Miss Mischief, Byron, Lady Georgia, and Canute. . Tho withdrawal of Peirene from tho Railway Handicap was on account of soreness, but tho stable will still have a useful horse to represent it in Byron. Though not a good Byron can nevertheless run a good six furlongs, and even if beaten on Boxing Day ho is likely to bo prominent in a race before the meeting closes. The two-year-olds are both useful, and will give strong battle to' the very best likely to be encountered at Ellerslie. G. Price, private trainer- to "Mr. Kighden," is failing his Ellerslie team north by the Auckland, express to-day. It willconsist of Erniengardc, who will throw down the gauntlet to tho Foal Stakes field: Neireme, a maiden two-year-old, engaged in the handicap, events fpr youngsters; and Nyland, fhe stablo hope for the Railway Handicap. Mr. G. D. Hamilton, 'of JJannevirke, who was the purchaser of the Charlemagne 11— Martin filly (kuocked down lo Mr. J. H. Prosser at the sale of Mr. J. B. Eeid's yearlings last month), has arrived back from a trip to Sydney and Melbourne. Hβ is pleased with his new purchase, and os the youngster is growing very fast. she. is .to. bo given plenty, of 'time, and will probablv bo turned out until tho autumn is well advanced. Acceptances for the Taratahi-Carterton meeting close on Wednesday. Ebonite is reported to bo making a good recovery from the. attack of strangles which recently laid him low. and it is confidently expected' that he will soon be racing again. F. Higgott's team for the AVairarapa meetings will consist of Emma, who has been suffering from cracked heels lately, Big Blast, who has made' marked improvement, and is expected to win during the trip, Indra, Undecided, and Merry Frank. The team will be railed to Opaki on Wednesday. S.. O'Neill, brother to the well-known hurdle horseman of that name, has been granted a jockey's license by the V.R.C. At the conclusion of the Woodville, meeting, Mr. E. J. AVatt disposed of the roan mare Parable. The daughter of Jlerriwee and Palaver will in future rate in tho Otago district. Tho well-known sire of jumpers Lethe (Cadogan—Siesta) died recently at his. owner's place at Akitio. . Tho old horse was in tiis twenty-fifth year, but up till a few days, before he died he had been quite well. .He left a number of good horses in his day, these including Letherin, Sir Lethe. Wailethe, Narcotic, etc. The New South AVales Totalisator Commissioners are io tail from Sydney, on I AVednesday next, and will be present at the Auckland Racing Club's meeting, which commence on Boxing Day. . Acceptances for tho first day's events at the AVairarapa Racing Club's meeting close on AVednesday next. Punctually at 8 o'clock this evening Mr. A.'.L , . AVhyte will close the nom/cuM'-m lists- for the events in connection with the W.R.C. Cup meeting next month. Considerable increases havo been made all round in tho prize-money, and it is anticipated that a record entry v.iil le received. FIXTURES. Dee. 21—Masterton E.G. Spring. Dec. 26—Porangahau R.C. Annual. Dec' 2fi—Taratalii-Gavterton B.C. Annual. Dec. 21) and 27—Dunedin J.C. Summer, Dec. 2(1 and 27—Reefton J.C. Midsummer. Dee. 2(! and 27—Titranaki J.C. Christmas. Dee. 21! and 27—Thames J.C. Summer. Dec. % 27, and 29-Manaivatu.E.C. Summer. ' Dec. 20 and 29, and Jan. 1 and 2—Auckland R.C. Summer. Dec. 30 and Jan. I—AA r airarapa E.C. Summer. Dec. 31) and Jan. I—Greymouth J.C. Summer. ' Jan. 1 and 2—Hawke's Bay J.C. Summer. Jan. 1 and .2—Stratford. R.C..Annual. .'lan. 1 and 2— Marfan J.C. Summer. Jan. 2 and 3-iNortli Otngo J.C. Summer. Jan. 2 antl 3—Southland E.G. Summer. Jan. t and .s—AVrstland R.C Midsummer. Jan. 20 ami 22—Fo.xton R.C Annual. Jan. 20, 22, and 2t—Wellington R.C. Summer. Feb; 1 and 2—Gisborne E.C'. Summer. Feb. 1 and.3—Canterbury J.C. Summer. Feb. 7 and S—Esjmont.R.C. Snmmer. Feb.. 8 and (I—Poverty Bay T.C. Annual, j Feb. 20 /ipd Mirch 2—AVani'anui J.C. Autumn.
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1314, 18 December 1911, Page 6
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2,187THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1314, 18 December 1911, Page 6
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