; NOHTH ISLAND. Klqcloratv. • ' I'or. Against, Marsden :i,SGB Kaipara L\SO.'i l,!)S.'t Waiteinata ...' 3,m 2,978 Auckland West, Auckland Central, and , . Auckland East 11,17:. lO.OSI Grey Lyiu ....' ,-4,753 ),!)7U Eden [i,m 2,015 Parnell .'..„.. i i,VJ2 a,C2:! Franklin ' 2,5!)" 'ifii'i Ohinemuvi l'i,7<i\ 2,o(it AVaikato v 3,881 2,146 Taurauga «... • 3,177 2,275 .Bay. .of Plenty M.S9I 1,683 Gisborne '3,550 2,605 Hawke's Bay :.: ■ 3,178 2,440 Napier 3,574 2,076 Waipawa 3,050 2.050 ■Pahiatua 2,927 2,042 . Mastertpn 2,986 2,55 i Wairarapa 1,802 1,988 ..Egmont „ '3,552 1,913 Taranaki _ 3,590 °,317 Patea \ 3,599 2,182 Stratfprd -3,266 2,189 Waiinarino ...„. 2,417 2,511 Wanganui 4,137 2,909 Oroua 2,917 1,758 Rangitikei 2,770 2,287 Otaki 2,768 2,170 Wellington North, Wellington Central, Wellington East :■......-.....;. 11,826 10,061 Wellington South .-. 4,106 •> 539 Wellington Suburbs .„ 3,315 2,426 - . SOUTH ISLAND. !'. ''...'",: For. Against. Nelson ' [.. 3.0G2 3,103 Buller 3,529 2,232 Grey ...:...::. 3,051 2,711 VVestland 2,713 2,617 Wairau .....; • 2.528 2,1:38 Hurunui 2,138 2,151 Kaiapoi 3,108 "■ 2,494 Avon : 4,015 3,148 JLiccart'on ~; 3,349 3,131 Christchurch. ' North,, East, and South .....;...'12,150 10,489 Xyttelton '. 3,160 2,857 EUesmcro 2,543 2,431 Sclwj-n ..- 1,811 1,896 Ashburton 2,011 2,914 Tmniika 2.559 2,224 Timaru 4,06-1 2,792 Waitaki .;..... 1,088 1,938 .Oamuru 3,307 1,711 Chalmers -3,703 2,328 Dunedin North,- West, and Central 13,511 10,165 Dunodin South 4,003 3,422 Otago Central 3,000 2,434 Clutha 'J..... 2,714 1,052 Wallace 2,639 2,1C2 Mataura '. 2,872 ' 2,305 lnvercargill .....•..■....; 3.586 3,205 Airarua .'. ...„•.... 2,756 2,023 DOMINION TOTALS. ■ For. Against. North Island 125,060 88,961 South Island 121,807 87,916 '■' 243,857 176,877 Result.—National Prohibition not carried. ' . NO-LICENSE DISTRICTS. ■•; ' ' ASHBUBTOX: "•■ (Xo-License first carried in 1902.) | ' ; '-■-'■ ' ■ 1911. 190 S. I'or-Kestoration ....'......; 3,122 3,085 . Against Restoration....... .2,676 2,026 Result—No-License retained. ,'" ■. . ~ CLUTHA. "(No-Lio«hse ' first carried 'in 1899.) .... - -1911. I9OS. 'For Restoration ■ '.... 2,012 .. 981 Against Restoration 2.C50 1,839 Result.—Xo-Licensc retained. EDEN. (No-License first carried in 1908.) 1911. 1908. For Restoration 1,958 2,249 Against Restoration .' 4,451 4,057 Result.—No-License retained. GEEY LYNN. (No-License first carried in 1905.) 1911. 1908. Restoration ' 2,022 2,050 Against Restoration ... -1,702 5,076" Result.—No-Liccnso retained. IKVERCAR'GILL. ' (No-Licenso first carried in 1905.) 1911. 190 S. For Restoration 3,323 2,391 Against Restoration .... -3,8-12 3,016 Kesult— No-Licenso retained. MASTEETON. ; • (No-License first carried in 1908.) ■1911. 1908. For Restoration'..: 3,007 2,111 Against Restoration ... 2,820 3,287.-itcsult.—No-License retained: " MATAURA. (No-Licenso first carried in 3902.) 1911. 1908. For Restoration 2,362 2013 Ag-ainst Restoration 2.533 2,544 Result.—No-Licenso retained. OAMAEU. (Nc-license first carried in 1905.) . . . 1911. 1908. For Restoration 2,855 1,946 Against Restoration ... 3,238 2,849 Besult.—No-License retained. OHINEMXJRI. . (No-Licenso first carried' in 1903.) 1911.' 1908. 'For Restoration 3,049 2.03. 1 ) Against Restoration 2,947 3,333 • Result—No-License retained. ' WELLINGTON SOUTH. (No-License- first carried in 1908.) ' • ■ ' . 1911. 1908. For -Eestoration 2,998 2,241 Against Eestoration .... 3,837 4,051 Result.—No-License retained. •. WELLINGTON.SUBURBS. (No-Liconse first carried in 1908.) 1911. 1908. For Restoration 2,498 2,448 Against Restoration ... 3,259 4,334 Besult. —No-License retained. LICENSE DISTRICTS. ■ \ AUCKLAND CITT. • (Auckland. West, ""Central,-- and East.) 1911. -1908. Continuance 11,153 8,255 Eo-License 10,318 10,395 carried. 1903.—Reduction carried. AVON. 1911. 1908. Continuance » 3,643 2,981 No-License 3,555 3,540 Results-Continuance carried. Result in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. AWARUA. 1911. 1803. Continuance 2,461 2,224 No-License 2,46S 2,427 Result. —Continuance' carried. Result in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. BAY OF PLENTY. 1911. 1908. Continuance 2,9ff) 2,921 No-License 2,579 2,Ki9 Result.—Continuance carried. Result in 1908.—Continuance carried BULLER, 1911. 1903. Continuance 2.521 2,428 No-License 3,058 3,014 Result.—No proposal carried. Result in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. CHALMERS. 1911. 1903. Continuance 2.CBS 2.155 No-License 3,416 2,951 Result.—No proposal carried. Result in 1908.'—Reduction carried. CHRISTCHURCH CITY. (Christcliarch North, East, and South.) 1911. 1908. Continuance 11,907 9,804 Nb-Liconse .-.- ....'.. 10,949 10,141 Result.—Continuance carried. Eesult ia 1203.—N0 proposal carried.
-(llSliiil.'Ni;. nut. i:nh. CiiiUiiiiiiiiiCT 3.211 :i.2.'i* Xo-hi'X'M.-o .'l.l'-'l' VIII R.i-.ii11.--f'Mili!!ii<i.H«! wrii-il. Jteull. in 1!!lW.-\u hii-m<-.1, ' DC.VKDIX CITY. (UuDfdin Nt-rlli, :iml l-Vulnil.) I'.ill. liWil. (Jontiniiitlicp \ l - r ' t { J' .^"J No-Liconsi- >-W > 1 .'■«»• Kcsull.—No proposal carriuil. Itiisull in lflOS.—Ki.'iluctiwi rarnoil. DUXEDIN SOUTH. 11)11. IJhIS. Continuance ■I.L'.W No-Licenso :',miu 4,ns:i Ilesult.—No proposal cnrriwl. Result in 1908.—Reduction wirriwl. EGMONT. 1911. 1908. Continuance '-,-i!|4 1,958 No-Licenso 2,9 ii _,bii Result—No proposal carried. Result in 1908—No proposal carried. ELLESMERE. 1911. 190 S. Continuance 2.679 3.383 Nc-Licenso -M° 9 - M Result.—Continuance carried. Result in 1908.—Continuance earned. FRANKLIN. 1911. 1908. Continuance 2,231 1,803 No-Licenso -><<'- -'* |U Result.—No proposal-carried. . Result in 1908—No proposal carried. GREY. 1911. 1908. Continuance •' 3,441 3,117 No-License 2,483 2,416 Result—Continuance carried. Result in 1908.—Continuaneo carried. , HUEUNUI. 1911. 1908. Continuance 2,785 2,375 No-License 1.567 1.7G4. Result.—Continuance carried. ' Result in 1009.—Continuance carried. KAIAPOI. 1911. 1903. Continuance 2,(93 2,400 No-Licenso 2,989 3,002 itebUlt—No proposal carried. Result in 11)08.—No proposal carried. KAII'AHA. 1911. 1908. Continuance 2,272 2,224 No-Licenso, 2,583 2,M7 Result.—No proposal carried. Result in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. LYTTELTON. 1911. 1908. Continuanco 3,182 3,01i5 No-License 2,929 3,274 Result—Continuance carried. Result in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. MARSDEN. 1911. 1903. Continuance 2,460 1,891 Ko-Liccnse 3.114 2,539 Kc.sult—Continuance carried. Result in 190S.—No proposal carried. NAPIER, 1911. 1908. Continuance 3,033 ' 3,412 ■No-Licenso ..•.;.....;•.•....-..;.■;2,921 -3,017 ' Result.—Continuance carried. ■; 'Result' in 19081—Continuance carried. -■■■-'■ NELSON.' ' , -~.' • . -,".'.' '1911. 1908. ' Continuance'■..:..•; ..3,473 ,2,772 No-License .2,9.94 2,926 Result—Continuance carried. Result in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. OROUA. 1911. 1908. Continuance 2,628 2,361 No-License 2,651 2,391 ,■ Result—No proposal carried. in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. OTAGO CENTRAL. ws :■:.: ■- ■' . im -- . 1!K)S ; Continuance .:'.;.; '....'... 2.838 1,947 No-Lioense •• 2,684 2,211 Result.—Continuance carried. Result in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. (—Electorate was known as Tuapeka in 1903.) OTAKI. ~ 1911. 190 S. Continuance 2,627 1,811 No-License ' 2,314 1,970 Result—Continuance carried. Result iu 1908.—N0 proposal carried. PAHIATUA. 1911. 1908. Continuance 2,496 1,795 No-Licenso 2,517 2.258 1 Result.—Continuance carried. Result in 190S.—No proposal carried. ■ PARNELL. 1911. 1908. Continuance 3,SSG 2,062 No-License 3.953 3,040 Result. —Continuance carried. Result in 1908.—Reduction carried. PATEA. . 1911. 1908. Continnanoe ..'. 2,723 2,328 No-Licenso '. 3,126 2.G21 Ilesult.—No proposal carried. Result in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. RANGITIKEI. 1911. 1908. Continuance '. 2,823 2,203 No-Licenso 2,396 2,453 Result.—Continuance carried. Ilesult in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. RICCARTON. 1911. 190 S. Continuance '3,511 2,884 No-License 3,102 2,903 Result-rContinuanoo carried. ' Result in 1903.—N0 proposal carried. SELWTN. 1911. 1908. Continuance — 2,191 2,474 No-Lioense 1,595 2,041 Result. —Continuance carried. Result in 1908.—Continuance carried. ' STEATFOED. 1911. 1908. Continuance _ 2,528 2,159 No-License 2.724 2,398 Result.—No proposal carried. Result in 1903.—N0 proposal carried. TARANAKI. 1911. 1908. Continuance 2,825 2,354 No-License 3,131 2,852 Result.—No proposal carried. Result in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. TAUEANGA. 1911. 190 S. I • Continuance „.>. 2,629 2,340 No-Liconse 2,811 2,860 Result —No proposal carried. Result in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. TEMUKA. 1911. 1908. t Continuance 2,643 2,093 No-Licenso 2,672 2,632 Result.—No proposal carried. Result in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. TIMARU. 1911. 1903. Continuance 3,092 2,952 No-Licenso 3.-IG7 3,40.1 Result.—No proposal carried. Result in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. WAIKATO. 1911. 1908. Continuanco ...'. 2.SSO 2.577 50-License 3.581 3,161 Result.—No proposal carried. Result in 1903. —No proposal carried. WAIMARINO. 1911. 1003. Continuanco _ 3,177 2.442 No-Liconso 1.554 1,797 Kosult. —Continuance carried. Result in 1908.—Continuance carried. WAIPAWA. 1911. 190 S. Continuanco 2,551 2,187 No-License 2,642 2,724 Result.—No proposal carried. Three email returns to come. Result iu 1908.—N0 proposal carried. WAIRARAPA. 1911. 190S: Continuance 2,225 2,282 No-Licenso 1,625 2,782 Result.—Continuance carried. Besult is. ICOS,—No proposal carried.
U.WIMI), Mil. HKIK. Cntiliiiiliitini :i,i.'li7 W'H'i \..-1,,.. L , ,.™ L',7 ,^ I'rMill. I'dtiliiiimiiiv innii'il. I'i'Milt in Mill'v No |im|iirs-il (■•■iri-inl. W.U'IVIKI. urn. vm. i*:onl.itiu;tiit:r; i;M VJ.I7U \(i.|.i<TiiM! a,.vi:i lli-.mill. i',,iiliiiii(iiiro ciirri'.vl. It'jsnll. in I!IUS.—\o |iru|i»Mil rnrricd. WAITKM.VIM. I'JII. 1908. Coiitiiiiiiiiiro :i,l!ffl 2,471 No-lii«>:isi! .'1,. , *!) lU'siill.- No proposal rcirriwl. licsult in IMS.—No proposal carried. WALLACE. 1011. 1908. ■ Continuance 2,<M 2,875 No-Licenso, 2,272 2,.'1 M Kesult.-j-Conlinufinco carried. . H-csult in 1908.—Continuance carried. WANGANUI. 1911. 1008. Continuance 3,522 2,927 No-License 3,5(18 3,552 Kosult.—No proposal carried, llcsult in 1903.—N0 proposal carried. WELLINGTON CUT. (Wellington North, Central,, and East.) 1011. 1908. Continuanco 12,0i)l 7,979 No-Licenso 0,918 10,073 ltcsult.—Continuanco carried. llesult in 1908.—N0 proposal carried. WESTLAND. ■ 1911. 1308. Continuance' • 8.605 3,206 No-License 2.0J7 l,Ja7 Result.—Continuance carried.' Result in I'JOS—No proposal carried. SHIPPING NEWS, — * PHASES OF THE MOON. DECEJMER. Day. Hγ. m. Full moon i \?il m, ■ Last quarter IS. ■ S}6 *■■%• First quarter S3 6 » a-m----"MOON. Moon rises to-day, 10.12 p.m.! .bcU, 6.M cm. Haturday. UIOU WATER. To Jay, 5.47 a.m.; 6.22 p.m. To-morrow, 6.12 a.m.; 7.16 p.m. • sun; Sun rises, to-day, *■& a - m -i BCts, 7,1 i p,m ' ARRIVALS. I THURSDAV, UECEiIUEE 7. KAPUM, s.b. a a.mJ, 150 tons, oackeon. i £11-LOKA.l l-LOKA. (2 a.m.), 1273 tottri. Norton, f TIkI V (J iIP S a.m.). 2«. tons. Kay, Ir ?T0TOl ! n """ «?S U 1».). 2969' tons, iJS from JJimcdiu *ud Lrtlelton. hwwv saloon-iiJßscs Uiles, Hooper, lector, dames Jlaso I '.. ttaUburtou, Braithwaitc. Sdd and child. Josepli. VacUer. Messrs. "SaUOa! (6.35 a.m.). 2598 tons, Mannin" from Lyltelton. Passengers: balooniiisses Moys, Low (2), Bait. Sullivan, Miles (2), Mo?!lames Morrison, -Porwr, Low, MacBao, Wrijht, Heta, Fmlayson, Messrs. Matueson, Stevens, Grapes Dixon, Hempton, Hudsou, Hurdlcy. Wood, Uunn. Bnttaiii, Payne, Kaploy, Corbet t, Molineaux, Shields, Amos,' Harvey, Stevenson, himbcl 1, Ulrich, llobert, Eoduey, llellycr, Homenl, ltitchie, Strauclian, Barker, Macbay, bolomou, Aborcrombie, Walton, Scott, bchepci's. MeU, I'oiuig,• PoUoch, Fish; 23 steerage. UAUPIKI, s.E. (10 a.m.), 715 tone, lloss, from Auckland, Limestone Island, tast 'Caast Bays, and ports. • XGAHUiIi. s.s. (11.30 a..m), 1100 tons, DUner, from JTopior, in tow of the Terawhiti. TAKAPUNA, E.s. (10.30 p.m.). 1036 .tons. J, O. Watson, from Nolsou and Picton. Passengers: Saloons-Misses Scaly, Clapcott, Hoys, Ilatfield, Broadbent, bisters of Mercy (2), Mosdiuncs Thompson, Field, Prostid"c, Winter, Douglas, Cliff, Smith, Atkinson, Esson, Ualchclor, Smith and infant, Darry. Arthur, Berg, Lucas, Stuart,: Jlcssrs. Aveling. Montague, Thompson,;."; Field, Boyle, Evans. Winter, Masters Winter 12), Prcstidtje, Williams, Bnrkc.-Oanavan, Hunter, Havdon, Schlaadt, Toplis, Cardc, Master Atkinson, Walter, Kirk, Masters Jiutler (2), Master'n Price, Short (2), Wicke, Kcrr, Uagcett Fawcott, King, Chuck, Dennis, Griffiths, Calligan, Hev. Smith, Rope, Stuart, (2), Sopcr, Master Townshena (2), Lissaman, Joucs; 6 steerage.
DEPARTURES. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 7. PAPAEOA, s.s. (6.20 a,in.l, 6563 tons, Bower, for Port Chalmers. KAITOA, s.s. (10.30 a.m.), 305 tons, Qra r ham, for Maugarakau POiIJvKUA, s.s. (1.15 p.m.), 1170 tons, Cameron, for Westport. 11OUTO, auxiliary schooner (2.40 p.m.), 77 tons, Anderson, for Blackball. QUEEN OF TXIIS SOUTH, s.e. (3.10 p.m.), 193 tons, Harvey, for Foxton. 3fAI\ T A, e.s. (3,35 p.m.), , 134 tons, M'lntosh, for Patoi. ROSAMOND, s.s. (3.50 p.m.), 721 tons, Iγwin, for Picton.
STORMBIRD, E.s. (4.10 p.m.), 217 tons, Doivell. for Wansanui. KAI'UNI, s.e. (4.10 pin), 150 tons, Jackson, for Patca.
NIKAU, s.». (5 p.m.), 245 tons, Hay, tor Nelson and Motueka. MOKRAKI, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 4392 tons, Rolls, for Bouthern ports, Hobnrt, and Melbourne. Passengers-Saloon: For Lyttelton—Misses Adamson, Breeds, Mesdames Duff, Daniel, llichardaon, Norman Brookes, Major Richardson, llossrs. Clowthos, Lcwthwadte, Henry, Heath, Holmwood, Henderson, WaJlis, Marcus, Lc Cren, Norman Brookes. For DDncdin—Misses Brown, Koynolds, Galland, Mcsdaincs Duff, Prior, Messrs. Holmes, Dunlop, Gore, Watson. For Bluff—Mrs. Poole and child. For Melbourne—Misses Olcorn and Saj-bone, Mr. Price. VICTORIA, s.b. (5.40 p.m.), 2969 tons, Entwisle, for northern porta and Sydney. GERTIE, s.s. (6 p.m.), 269 tons, Rodger, for Foiton. i ■. HATJPIRI, e.g. (715 p.m.), 715 tons, Morri-' sou, for Picton. IIAKAEOA. s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. Passcnpers: SaloonMisses Smith, Hand, Jlolhson, Davlin, Ingram, Gilmair, Mcsdamcs Snow, Bnehanan, Ingram, Derry, Wright, Rev. gmith, Messrs. Boswell, Smith, Qibbs, Masters Buchanan (2), Wilson. Derry, Wright, Allen, Gardner, Hancock, M'CulBLENHEIM, s.s. (midnight), 120 tons, Wit kimon, for Blenheim. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. TOTearino, London, December 8. Mailai, Ban Francisco, via way ports, December 8. Defender, Kararaea, Docomber 8. Wavei-ley. Terakohe, December 8. Opawa, lilonhoiui, December 8. Maori, Lyttelton, December 8. ' Tarawera, northern ports, December 8. Warrimoo, Melbourne, southern ports, December 8. Waimea, Wanganai, December 8. Haupiri. Pictou, December 8. Kahu, East Coast,- December 9. Gertie, Foston, December 9. Blenheim, Blenheim, Docomber 9. Stonnbird, Wancanui. December 9.
'{iiecii of the Soutli, Fojton, Dec. 9. W,;ili;i(.ii, I'Viiton, December 9. Kiipiini, I<ii.|(;:i.. December 9. Klrliialiii. I'ulea, December 9. Kai.ltl, Kojton, December 9. Miliiii, I'mUμ, Di.tpihlilt 9., Ncls.m. .\l<>iui;k:i.. December 9. Mn.ranin, Lytlolton, December 9. Mniiuiiriltii., W««t Coast, Kelson, Dec. 9. Niivuii, Kiivn, Auckland, December 9. Koin.Mii.. W.'vtpurt. I)pi:cmuer 9. JliuiiiriKi, IJrivuloi-li, December 10. Koi.iikii, smitlit-rii ports, December 10. Mmiowni, Diincdiii. LyUeUon, Dee. 10, Itlpple. (iiiilxirnc, December 10. Kalloii, Maiiuariilsau. December 10 I'lilioniii, Wostport, Dwmnbcr 10. KwiiHiilui, Wctpnrl., Dccnmbcc 10. iJoHdriiwirf, Oncliung.i, New Plymouth, December '11. llokoia, northern porls, December 12.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Aorcrii, Paica, Dcycmbur 8. IWpiiilcr. Plrtoji,, December 8. Wiivcrlev. Kelson, West Coast, Dec. 8. Otwwa, li!e>ihi:lrn, Dee. 8. Iliiia, Wanpuiui, Pemuber 8. Talianunn. I'ictnn. N'elfoii, Dec. J. Maori, Ijyt'olt')!!. December 6. Tarawera. Lyltollon. Duncdin. Deo. S, V/arriinou. Hyilney direct, December J. Waiimsa, Nelson. West Coast, Doc. 8. lliuipiri, Vital Coaht, Aucllaii'J, Dec. 8. Kiivna, Wcfitporl. December 9Flora, Ornymuiith, Dcxmber 9. Ocrtic, Fojiton, Deocinbci , 9. ISlcnhdm. ]ll<nlioiui, December 9. Ktoruibinl, Wa-nganui, December 9. Queen of the South. Foxtori, Pr-crmber 9. Waiii'-tu, Knilioura, Lytlclton, December!). Kapimi, I'.nloa, December 9. Mnilai, Sydney, December 9. Klripako, I'atcn., December 9. Kispiti, Wun-anu 1 , December 9. M.-iTUi, I'atca, December 9. Niknu, Nelson, Jlatuelci, December 9. lln.raro.a, Lvttelton, December 9. « Uaupiri, Kiust Coast, Auckland, Dec. 9. Arahura, I'icton, Nelson. West Coast, Dccomber 9. Manaroa, Motuoka, December 11. Kaitoa, Nelson, Wcet Coast, Koc.'U. Koltiliu, Wcstport, Greymouth, Dec. 11., northern ports, Hcc. 11. llokoia, Lyltcllon, ljunedfn, Dec. 12. Hippie, Napier, West, Coast, Dec. 12. Ilapourikn, Nelson, West Coast, Dec. 12. Rosamond, I'lcton, ;<olson, New Plymouth, OnelmnKa, December 12. I'ohcrua, Greymouth, 12 INTERCOLONIAL, SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMEUS. WARRIJIOO, s.s., left Melbourne, Novemher 29, for llobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington December 8. Lnavca earae day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney December 12. MANUKA, E. 8., left Melbourne December t> for llobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Duo Wellington December 15. Loaves eanie day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney December 19. MOAN'A, s.s.-, leaves Sydney December 9. for Wellington direct. Due Wellington December 13. Leaves December 14 for southern ports, llobart. and Melbourne. Due llelhourne December 23. Willi! EHA, fi.s., left Sydney December 6, for northern ports and Wellington. Due December 17. Leaves same day for Lytteitoa anil Duncdin. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMEES TO AEEIVE. From London. DELI'IHC, (due about December 20), sailed on October 21, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) STAR OF CANADA (duo about Decembci 20) sailed on October 18. via Melbourne. Sydney, and New Zealand pons. (Tyuer Line,'iiscnis.i .... MARLltli Idue about December 14), sailed October 1, via Melbourne and Sydney and New zeaiand parts. (Tysep Line, anents.) TONGAKHfO (duo about December 7), Bailed on October 20. (New Shipping Co., asents.) KUADINE (due about December 12), sail- ■ ed on October 28. via Cope Town and HoBart. (Now Zealand Shipping. Co., acenttj ' STAB OF INDIA (uue about January 3). (ailed on November 4, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyacr. Line, ajcais.) BT TELEGEAPH. OVERSEA. SYDNEV, December 6. Arriroi— Lindstal, from Now Zealand. MELBOURNE, December 6. Arrircd.—Star of Australia, from Now Torii. COASTAL. THUESDAr, -DECBMBEE 7. GI9DOBNE. Arrived.—Kaikoura. (11 a.m.l, £rom Weillnetdn.'r ■ - ' KAPIEE. Arrived.—Kipplo (6.40 a.m.), from Wellington. Hailed.—Tarawcra (4 p.m.), for Wellington. CASTLEPOINT. Arrived.—Kahu (1.40 p.m.), from Wellington, via coast. NEW PLYMOUTH. Sailed.—Earawa (8.25 p.m.), for Ono hunira. ■ BLENHEIM. Arrived.—Opa-vra (6.40 p.m.), Irom Wellington. POTONGA. Arrived.—Wa-irau (8 a.m.), from Wellington.
. NELSON. Arrived.—Corinna (7 a.m.), from Wellington; Kennedy (3.15 p.m.), from WeUintrton. s*ilcd.-Wavcrley (1.15- p.ili.), lor .'lcrakobe and Wel'.iiißton; Corinaa. «.S0 p.m.), for New Plymouth. LVn'ELTO.V. Arrived.-Corintliic (9.10 a.m.), from Wcllingwn. Sailed.-Warrimoo (3.15 p.m.), for WfJlijJßtou; Maori (0.20 p.m.), far Wellington. TIHABU. Arrived.-Wairuna (4.30 a.m.), from Ncvr-ca-btlc. PORT CEALIIEIiS. Arrived.—ll.ll.6. Euc-ouJUtor (noon), from Timaj'U. SAVDA WITII FHUIT. At 5 p.m. yesterday the Island fruit Eteainer. Kavua left Auckkuul for UclHiiKtoii. She is duo in port about 2 p.m. to-morrow, iiu<l «ill d«-hart'c 951) tons of fruit litre bofore proceediuij on to Wcst-poxL BTAB OF INDIA KEPOKTKD. Advices to hand Elate that the Tymu , liner of Ijiilia, bound w Sydney, I'clbourne, and Now Zciliiud porte, from London, passed the Cape of Good llopo on November 28. She ia due at Wellington about January 3. MOItATSniUK LEAVE 3 NEWCASITiE. Advice received by the- local agents of the I'VU.-S. Line btalc3 that the Morayhhire, wiiicli Irf en route from Liverpool to Wellington, left Newcastle for Aucliland at 9 a.m. on Wednesday. The MorayHhire ia due at Wclliugion en or about December 18. AItUIVAL OF THE MAITAL An iirrival in port from San Francisco, via v.TiV porta, at 6 a.m. to-<!ay will )>e the Union C'jmpany'H IMI.S. MaiUi. The vessel will berth at No. G Quoc,h'b Whii-rf eh'irlly before 7 o'clock this morning, and will eail fr Sydney direct oarly to-mor-row afternoon, tints inaunurating the new service. The Mnitai has IKO tons of frsiit and gcneruil carjfo tn disoha-rEC hero. She has also 126 pa-iiesjors on board. NQAJIEHE SHORT 01* COAL. When off Cape Palliser ;/cst<>rday moniing the blackball Coal Company's steamer Ngahcre sicnallcd tbe lighthoupe that she would probably rcnjiire assistance to rc!a/;h Wcllington, bm the running fhort of coal. The Union Comii.iny'6 lug Terawbiti was immediately tent out, snd icet tbe Ng-abere oil' 'I'araKarci Head. It vno found, however, tbul ihe ciihn- was ablo to proceed cinder her awn H'cam, but tho tug convoyed her right to the Patent flip at Evans liay. On arrival, the Ngahero was placed on the cradle far Eurvey, cleaning, ajid painlinE. The vcmcl left Napier at 10 p.m. on Tuesv day, and met with heavy head winds ana seas on the run down the coast. WEST COAST WEATHEB. Reports received from the V.'cEt Ooart yertcrday stated that the weather waa very bad, the wind coming away from tho west-pouth-west. The Jlapourika managtnl to get into Westport at- 10 a.m., and was to have left at 11 p.m. for Greymouth, it the at the latter port was favourable. Failing this, she- will leave Wcftport for Xclsou and Wellington this morning. Tho Koromiko, fully laden with coal, Iβ to leave WoHporl for Wellington as tooa as the weather moderates. OFFICERS' TBArfSFMIS. Captain li. Crawford joined fie Island steamer Tofua- at Auckland on Monday, relieving Captain D. ll'Lean, who prococded to Sydney by the Jtahcno to take command of that vessel on arrival at Sydney. On relinquishing his cdiiniand of the llaheno Capiain X. Livingstone proceeds Homo to assist in supervising the ! building of the new steamers now under construction for theped Funnel duct. Jlr. J. X>. Frew, chief officer of. the Warrimoo, was granted leave of obsencc at Melbourne this trip, and his place was fillet' by J'r. .1. T. Kcid, late of the Loonganas Captain IC. of the Waiuui, has been, granted holiday leave, and bis place h;n .been filled by Captain A. M. Allan, late .chief officer of the Patoona-. Eanpiri, e£., ■ icft Wellington for Pictoa last evening. '■'. She picks up a load of chaff, and returns to Wellington to-night* To-morrow afternoon tho vessel leaves for Auckland, via East Coast bays and ports. Mr. H. F. Smith, third enginoor of the Rosamond, left the vossel at Wellington yc3. terday, and joined tho Ilaupiri in a fimilar capacity. Mr. K. A. Griffiths, second engineer of tho laAter vessel, is ashore on:leave. Jlr. W. SummcxbelJ has rejoined tho Eosamond as third engineer. "■.'Mγ. C. Roberts rejoined tho MooraJd te cliief olllcer yesterday. • On Deccniber 20 the TJnion stwuncr Rnltanoa. will commence loading at Newcastlefor New Zealand ports. Word received by the Company is to the effect that the Aparima left Calcutta oa Sunday for Dunedin, via Singapore, Auckland, and way ports. Tho vessel is duo at Wellington about the end of this mouth.Mr. Rogers, third engineer of Uie steamer Ngatoro, and son of Captain Rogers of the blackball Coal Company's office, Wellington, has been successful in obtaining hie secoud engineer's certificate at Dunedin. . On November 30 the barque Munurewa left. Newcastle Cor Clarence tliver where, after discharging her cargo of coal, she is to load hardwood for New Zealand ports,
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1306, 8 December 1911, Page 8
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3,193NATIONAL PROHIBATION. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1306, 8 December 1911, Page 8
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