PHASES OF TEE MOON. DECEMBER. Day. Br. m. Full moon 6 2 22 p.m. Last quartor 13 5 16 a.m. New moon 21 3 10 First Quarter 29 6 17 a.m. MOO??. Moon rises today, 9.11 p.m.; sets, 5.31 a.m. Friday. HIGH WATER. To-day, 4.52 a.m.; 5.27 p.m. To-morrow, 5.47 a.m.; 6.42 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 4.11 a,m.; sets, 7.12 p.m.
ARRIVALS. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 6. GERTIE, s.s. (7.15 a.m.), 264 tons, Rodger, from Foxton. MAORI, s.s. (7.15 a.m.), 3399 tons. Aldwell. from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— Misses Brooke, Tail, Pender, Carrington, MoretU, .Welte, Allan, Chisholm, Holdgate, iuekus, fcmitb. Roper, Morrison, Lord, ParM'Codiioll, Roy, Coombs. Little, Hill. »Vood, Collins, Mesdames Coombes, Racside, Patersou, Thomas (2) aud infaut. vVestermau, Simmons, M'Kenzie, Oliver, Proud, Collins, Lomas. Melmling, Wheeler, Snow, Latter, Cotter, Johnstone, Wood. Barney. Thornbull, Gow. iloore. Hickuott. Lnglebut, Fletcher, Davics, Fulyerd, Humphrey, Messrs. Cable, Christie, Anderson. Burk, Lambert, Simpson, Lanauze, Sinclair. Tfllbut, Ca.nipbcU, Guy, Proud (2). Raeside. Skett, \>i!son, Burton, Guthrie, Mendnll, Laery. Lindsay, Morton. Graham, Tulloek. Brown, Reid, Coombs, Tail, Martin. M'LnuW l ,! filler, Anstiss, Curry, Proud, Dowuie. Abbott, linlnysou, Dale, Totiafc, Croxton, llarper, Buchanan. Wilkinson, Ramsey, Ncttleton, Worry, Fletcher, Rowe. Davie*. Jvilsou, Moore, Lusk. Hawkins, M'Donald, Bloxam. Collins. Lewis. Engiebert, Shuley, Ure, Hopkins, White; 70 Steerage. HUIA. s.g. (8.50 a.m.). 127 ton:-. Burt, from Wanran in.
AORERE, e.£. (1 p.m.), 77 tens, Fisk, from Pa tea.
CORIXXA, s.s. {10 a.m.), 1271 tone, Cameron. from Lytteltou. MAJTAROA, s.s. (11.30 a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, from JlotuekaMAICA. s.s. (11.35 a.m.), 154 tons, illiitosh, from Patoa.
MOERAKI, s.s. (2.40 p.m.}, 4392 tans, Roll?, irpm Sydney. Prif ;en:,'crs: Saloon—Misses uixon, Jackson, Glcnfieid, Greenfield, Granisor, Adams, Fislior (2), Stonebanks, O'Rcsran. P e s.rd, Lndcrwood. Fallaver (2i. Sutherland. Delve.?, Less. Gromhdolrh, Mesdamcs Diiou, Bleekhynden, Hammond, Harvcv, Fishor, Ansou, Baker. Hall. Drurv. Joske and child. Buchanan and child. Brown, Melville, Rose, Grander, Woodmass, Hallev. Fisher. MGill, Parsons, Neylon, Hoard. Sutherland, Elliott, Campbell, Buckmasier, Westmoreland, AfTlcck, Messrs. Dii'on (2). Allan. Tubman, Hammond. Fisher, Hanoi Laycock, Baker. Drury, Brown, Adfras, Prerpst. Melrillo, Rush and 2 chil'tcn, •Jobb, Andrews. Tennont. Bowron. Ilalley, ?,9j, son i^ , Gill. Whitehead. Price, Donovan, Mills. Parsons, Ncylor, Colonel Head, Powell, A. Josric, Sutherland, A. Bits, Stork, Campbell, Brion, Haeeard, Affleck. Penberthy, Campboll, Rudolph, Mowbrav, c Henry. R. Castle. ROSAMOND, s.s. (7.5 p.m.), 711 tons, Irwin. from New Plymouth. AKAEURA, e.s. (9.53 p.m.). 1595 tons. Lambert, from West Coast. Nelson, and Picton. Pas6ongcrs: Saloon—Misses Douglas, (Jtimmings, Taylor, Sullivan, and Ellis, Hamilton and child, Womyss, Evans, Mcs<laEK«« Norbury, Craig, Watt, M'Master, Martin, Buchanan, il'Donagh, Doolin. West, Fletc.tcr, Mann, Sisscr and 2 children, Lang, Messrs. Butt. Scott. Ryan. Turner, Wilson, Murphy, Watt (J). Walsh. Martin, Barlow, Buchanan. Crimrainj, Wilks, Williams, Bnswell, Griffin, Trocoy, Ilannau, M'Dor.nch, "est, Simpson, Temperley, Bradley, Gordon, Reid, Dr. Locking, Roderiour, Coull, Fletcher, Thornton. liensilward, Cross, MCollougli, Lowe, Pierard, Ivess, Barltrop, Scott, Laing, M'Gee, Poswills. Giles, Joyce, Scott, Humphries, Gilmer; 60 stecr-
. BLENHEIM, s.s. (11 p.m.), 120 tons, Wilkinson, from Blenheim.
departures. ! WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6. TAKAPJJXA, s.s. (1 p.m.). 1035 tons, Watson, for Piston and Nelson. Passengers— Saloon: For Picton-Mis'ses Brownlee. B*n*son, Chalmers, Brydon, Mcsdaocs Homo, Wriffht. Adams, Terry. Vickers. Martin and 3 chtldren, Messrs. Watson. Perano, Sharp fjUSjell, Smith, Brownies, Croxton, Vickers. Godfrey, Troup, Rogers. For NelsonMisses Putney, Spear, Vaggis. Harden, Mcsdames Harden, Warneford, Dawson, Hall, Messrs. Garvin, Jones, Briscoe, Dallimorc. Edwards, Hall.
mH A 1 KOVRA - e - 3 - <ILSS a.m.), lons, /SV?ir\-' m^, r „ Glsl3ornc an 'l Tokomara Bay. H a G r 0 t K Sr™?iel 5 4. (6 ' 10 12 ' 251 toD£ ' CORINNA, s.s. (6.10 p.m), 1271 tons. Camfiron. for Nelson, New Plymouth, and Onemines, ■ .
KENNEDY, s.s. (6.35 p.m.), 226 toil?, liara. for Xelson and West Coast. ■ MAORI. 0.3. (8.5 p.m.), 3399 tons. Aid-,vol!, for Lyttolton. Passengers: Saloon-MiEsc3 Doughty, Greeves. Korsley, Aelnad, Bennett, Dashwoort, Ring, liccl;in!>?al?, Ineas, Kelly, Foster. Logan, luglis, liini«. Duff, hmitu,- M'Doujjall, Mosdames Richardson, Hay, Bow, Itusscll. Wilson, Thomas nnd child, Brookes. English. Fowke. Wcsnev (2), Dasawood, Bcllworthy, Taylor, Lanpdon, Lucas, Tolerton, Thompson. Hunter, ITov;til. ilowatt. Dov.-dall, Buxton, Douglas, Captain Maidlaw, Messrs. ilarcu*. Wrlls, Bavey, Laycock. Douuhty. t.e Crcn, liow, Major Richardson, Buchanan, Pre-
von. Brookes, Health. English, Fo-vke, Dnlc, Dasav.'ood, Collie, Bcllworthy, Warren, Dowaie, O'Connor, Mills, Guthrie, ~ • Morton, Wilson, and Hunter, r s - s - 122 tons, Hart, from Ilavclock.
GPAWA, s.s." (9 p.m.). 110 tons, NichoUs, for Blenheim. KOMATA, 5.5. (9.15 p.m.), 1994 tons, Mawsou, for Westport. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kapiti. Foxton, December 7. Tonganro. London. Decomber 7. Mm, Wnnganui, December 7. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, December 7. Mararoa. Lyttelton, December 7. Maitai, San Francisco, via way ports, December 7. Victoria, Duncdin, Lyttelton. December 7. Takapuna, Nelson, Picton, December 7. Dotender. Karamoa, Deccinber 8. Waverley, Terakohe, December 8. uriawn, Blenheim, December 9. Wakotu. Fox ton, December 8. Maori, Lyttelton, December 8. Tjtrawera, northern ports, December B. Warrimoo, Melbourne, southern ports, December 8. Mapourika, West Coast, Nelson. Doc. 9. Navua, Suva, Auckland, December 9. Komata, W«>=tport. December 9. Manaroa, Ilnvclock. December 10. Kotuku, southern ports, December 10. Monowai, Duncdin. Lyttelton. Dec. 10. Ripple, Gisborne, December 10. Mokoia, northern ports. December 12.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES, Aorere.Patea, December 7. Stormbird, Wanganui. December 7. Mana, Pa tea, December 7. Ouoen of the South. Foxton. Dec. 7. Paparoa, Port Chalmers, December 7. Poberua, Westport. December 7. Picton. Nelson. Now Ply* mouth, Onehunga, December 7. Blenheim, Blenheim, Dec. 7. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, December 7. j'fararoa, Lyttelton, December 7. Moeraki, southern ports, Hobart, Melbourne, December 7. Victoria, northern ports, Sydney, Dec. 7. Kapuni. Patca, December 7. Flora. Grevmouth. Deocmber 8. Defender, Piotou, Karamea, December 8. Wavorlev. Nelson, West Coast, Dec. 8. Blenheim, Dec. 8. Wakatu. Kaikoura. Lyttelton. Dec. 8. Huia., Wanr-anni, December Kirinaka. Pa tea , Droerobcr 3. Kaniti. Wan«?anui, December 8. . Takanuna, Picton. Nelson, Dec. 8. Maori, Lyttelton, December 8. Tarawera, Lyttelton. Dunedin, Dec. 8. Warrimoo, Sydney direct, December 8. Maitai. Sydney. December 8. Moa, Wanganui, December 8. Haupiri, Fact Coast, Auckland, Dec. 9. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, December 9. Navua, Westport, December 11. Kotuku, Westport, Grevmouth, Dec. 11. Monowai, northern poris, Dcc. 11. Mokoia, Lyttelton. Dunedin, Dec. 12. Hippie, Napier, West Coast, Dec. 12. Mapourika, Nolson, West Coast, Dcc. 12.
IHTERCOLOMIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. WARRIMOO, s.s., left Melbourne, November 29, for Hobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington December 8. Leaves earao day for Sydney dircct. Duo Sydney December 12. VICTORIA, s.t;.. left Dtmedin December 5 for LyUclton and Wellington. Due Wellington December 7. . Leaves sarno day for northern ports and Sydney Due Sydney December 17.
MAXUKA, s.s., left Melbourne December 6 for Hobart. southern ports, and IVVI lington. Due Wellington December 15. Leaves same (lay for Sydney dircct. Due Sydney December 19.
MOVNA, s.s., leaves Svdner December 9 for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington Dc cember 13. Leaves December 14 for southern ports, Hobart, end Melbourne. Due Melbourne December 23.
OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. DELPHIC, (duo about Decomber 20). sailed on October 21,' via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) STAB OF CANADA (duo about Decembci 20), sailed on October IS. via Melbourne, Sydney, and Neiv Zealand ports. (Tyuor Line, agents.) MARLKt, (due about December 14), sailed October 1, via Melbourne and Sydney and Now Zealand ports. (Tyscr Line, agents.) TONGARTRO (due about December 7), sailed on October 20. iNow Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) RUAIIINE (due about December 12), sailed on October 28. via. Cape Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping. Co., agents.) STAR OF INDIA (due about January 3), sailed on November 4, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) ARAWA (due about Decomber 26), sailed on November 11, via Cape Town, and-Ho-bart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) OTAKI (due about January 13), sailed on November 4. via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) HUAPEHU (due hbout. January 9). sailed on November 25, via Cape Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping 00., agents.) From Liverpool. MORAYSHIRE (duo abont December 18), sailed on October 7. for Now Zealand ports. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) DRAYTON GRANGE (due about January 2), sailed on October 24 for New Zealand ports. (l'.-H.-S. Line, agents.)
ZEALANDIO (duo about December 26), sailed on November 1, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., ag£«ts.) SOMERSET (due about January 10), sailed on November 22, via. Capo Town and Hobart. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. KIT.KARA (due about December IB), 6ailed on October 10, via Australia and New Zear land ports. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agentsv) From San Francisco. MAITAI (due to-day), sailed on November 15 via Papeete and Rarotonga. (U. 3.5. Co., agents.) SAILERS TO ARRIVE. ANTUdO, barquo, sailed from Liverpool on September 20. (Johnston aud Co., agents.) QUEEN ELIZABETH, ship, sailed from New York. October 17. (Vacuum Oil Co. agemts.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. HOBART, December 6, Arrived—Ruahine (4 p.m.), from London. NEWCASTLE, December 6. Sailed—Morayshiro, for New Zealand. Sailed—Bentwiok, for Auckland, MELBOURNE, December 6. Sailed—Manuka, for New Zealand. SYDNEY, December 6. Sailed—Wimmera (7 p.m.), for Auckland. COASTAL. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER C. AUCKLAND Arrived—Navua (7.30 p.m.), from Fiji. Sailed— I Tofua. (6.20 p.m.), for Tonga and Samoa: Pakcha. for Gisborne; Squall, for Gisborne.
KAIPAEA. Sailed—Hinemoa (9.20 a.m.). for Onehunga. ONEUnNGA. Sailed—Rarawa (5.30 p.m.). for New Plymouth. PA TEA. Arrived—Kiripaka (10.10 a.m.), from Wellington. . . Sailed—Kiipuni (10 a.m.), for 'N ellington. PICTON. Arrived—Takapuna (5.15 p.m.), from Wellington. To =3il —Takapuna (10 p.m.), for Nelson.. NELSON. Arrived—Mapourika (5.30 a.m.), from Wellineton. Sailed—Nikau (5.15 p.m.), for Wellington. LVTTELTON. Arrived—Monowai (7.30 a.m.). from Wellington. Sailed—H.M.S. Powerful (7.40 p.m.), for Sydney. Arrived—Storm, from Oamaru. Sailed—Monowai and Opawa, for Dunedin; Cygnet, for Kaikoura; Kini, for Greymouth. Sailed—Victoria (5.10 p.m.), for Sydney, via northern ports. Passengers: For Wellington—Misses Packer, Myers, Packer, Myers, Giles. Mason, Wnllburton, Messrs. Mason, Todd, Jones. For Gisborne—Mr. Ross. For Auckland—Mesdames Huntor and four children. Blakeway, Messrs. Blakeway, Campbell. For SydneyMr. Boyd. Sailed—Mararoa (6 25 p.m.). for Wellington. Passengers—Misses Miles (3), Sullivan, Moys, Lowo (21. Mer-dames Metz, Ritchie. Lowe, Hemnton. Fiulayeon. Trolovc, Jl'Rae, MessrE, Shields, Yountr, Metz. Abercrombie, Porter, Srhaners, Ritchie, Grapes, Rodnoy, Murch. Matlieson, Dixon, Romeril,Mathieson. Walton. Probert, Amos, Firth, Kimbell. Brittan; and twenty steerage.
TIMARU. Sailed—H.M.S. Encounter (5.30 p.m.), for Port Chalmers.
DUN'EDIN. Arrived—Kotuku. from Gamaru, Sailed—Warrimoo, for Sydney, via Wellington. Pnssengerc,: For WollingtonJliFfes D. Bray, White, Marsh. JlTherson, Mesdames, White, liowlctt mid child, Bennett. For Sydney: ilissoa Heinemann, Jliseca Wilson, blasters Young (2).
lIUAHINE AT HOBART. Ad-rice received hy the local agents of the Now Zealand Shipping Company las', evening was to tho cffcct that It.M.S. Rua hino arrived at Hobart from London ant Cape Town at 4 p.m. yesterday. The vos ec!, which is en route from London, is due at Wellington late on Sunday or early on Monday morning. CLAN MACAULAY BEINGS J ARK AH. For Wellington direct tho Scales charter cd steamer Clan Macaulay left Bunbury, timber-laden, on Tuesday last. HAITAI ARRIVES MIDNIGHT. About 8 p.m. on Tuesday tho local wireless station was in touch with the Maitai. inward bound from Kan Francisco to Wei linrtoti. At that time it was stated that the vessel was CO miles from Wellington, and was experiencing heavy weather. At 11 o'clock last night the vessel advised that she would arrive at Wellington at midnight to-night. SUP,BET AT AVONMOUTH. Cable advice received by tho local agents of the F.-H-.S. Line concerning the steamer .Surrey is to tho effect that sho arrived at Avonmouth from tho Bluff. via Sydney and Durban, on Monday. December 4. The Surrey left the Bluff on September 22. TO BE SLIPPED. This morning the Blackball Company'f steamer Ngaherc will bo taken up on the Patent Slip for cleaning and painting. She comes off on Saturday. The Mapou rika will so up on Monday, the Ilarawe' on Tuesday, and the Kennedy on Wcdnes day. • GREYMOUTH UNWORKABLE. Advice received by the local office of the union Company yesterday was to-(he effect that a hard south-westerly sale, accompanied bv a heavy sea, was much i>evidence at Grcymouth. In consequence of this the To Anau, Kaituna. and .Putiki are detained inside, and the Ngatoro outsidf A heavy sea: was running in Cook Strait all day yesterday.
MOERAKI, FROM SYDNEY. Shortly before 3 D.m. yesterday the Moeraki arrived at Wellington from Sydney direct, and berthed .at ths Queen's Wharf No. 1 north. Tho vessel left tho New South Wales port at 2.50 p.m. last Saturday, and experienced line weather and smooth seas until early yesterday moraine, when it bccame very foggy. "A strong north-westerly wind, accomnaniod by a choptiy sea. sprang up, and these condi-' tions prevailed until arrival in port. The. vessel would have made port- earlier had it not been for the weather mentioned. Tho Moeraki brought the following cargo for Wellington:—so cylinders. 765 packages tea, 140 bags kapoc, 123 pigs, 350 bags
rice, 40 cases sugar, 700 boxes candles. 40ft zinc blocks, 4COO cases dn Us, "0 cases marble. 420 sacks manure, <80 sacks rice. At 5 p.m. to-rlay tho Moeraki continues her journey to southorn porlE, Hobart, aad Melbourne.
Mr. A. J. Savior, who signed off th« Komata last week to go as mate of tliix Terawhiti. when she towed the barque Mataura tu Wwitport, has rejoined the vessel as second officer.
The Government steamer Tutanekai arrived back at Wellington from Cook Strait, yesterday afternoon. Sho will return to the break in tho Otorangi-Wbito's Bay cable on Friday, a.nd it is hoped that repairs will ho effected on that day.
11.M.5. Powerful left Lyttelton for Sydney at 7.(0 p.m. yesterday, and IT.M.S. Encounter left Timuru for Port Chalmers at 5.30 n.m.
Mr. F. T. Fislier, lcto chief officer of tho ha? joined the Tofiift in n similar cawvilv in nlace of Mr. J. W. M'Keuzie. who .lias resigned from.tho Union Company's service. Mr. 11. Longmore, second officer of the Tofua, is to ioin the Tahiti as second officer.
Capt."in J F. Swine-Brown is now master of the Union Company's Island trader Taviuni.
lho Tofua, which arrived at Auckland on Srndny from the Wands. l'enorts (hat at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday an American fourmasted schooner was r.i"iHed to the nonlieast of tho New Zealand coast. Tile, schooner was making south, hut her sig-' nals could not be distinguished. It in probable that the vessel sighted was th« barnuent.ine Makawell. from Pnget Sound to Lyttelton, with 1,000.000 ft. of timber.
Before going on tiic loading berth for Komo the New Zealand Shipping Cornwall yV steamer Opawa will bo docked at Port Chalmers for cleaning and naintine. She Lyttelton for the soatheru port, ■yesterday.
1 osterday morning the Government, steamer Hinemoa, left Kaipara. for Onehunga.
At bydney this trip a-change took-pines." among the officers of the Moeraki; Mr.' Webb, second officer, ..who joined tho vessel at Wellington last trip, went a.sliore at Sydney for orders, and Mr. M'Laufhliiv was promoted from thii'd to second officer, wr. Last, late of the new steamer Tahiti, ioined tho Moeraki as tliird officer. Mr. Irwin, lato of the Tahiti, is fourth officer, and Mr. Bundrea, lato of the Tahiti,, joined tho Moeraki as oxtra, officer for the run across to Wellington.
Mr. Dunlop, late purser of the Union Company's new steamer Tahiti, is s. through passenger by. the Moeraki to Duccdin.
On Saturday.tho forry -steamer Maori will be docked at Lyttelton for cleaning and painting. She picks up her usual '•uniiing t-o Wellington ou Saturday evening.
Iu conseanence of beinc delayed at Home, the Union Company's new Etcamcr liui will not orrivc nt Sydney in time in take up her intercolonial runnini; in Jaiiutry.
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1305, 7 December 1911, Page 7
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2,546SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1305, 7 December 1911, Page 7
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