PHASES OF THE MOON. NOVEMBER. Day. Br. m. Fall moon 7 3ljj n " m - Last tjimrter 13 6 50 p.m. New moon 21 2 19 a.m. First quarter 29 1 12 P- ,n - MOON. Moon rises to-day, 10.7 a.m.; sets, 0.58 a.m. Thursday. HIGH WATER. To-day, 10.20 a.m.; 10.43 p.m. To-morrow, 11.5 a.m.; 11.30 p.m. SUN. Sun rises today, 4.13 a.m.; sets, 7.4 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23. MANA, s.s. (4 a.m.), 134 tons, M'lntosh, from Patea. IsLENHEIM, s.s. (4.30 a:m.), 120 tons, Wilkinson, from Blenheim KIRIPAKA, s.s. (4.50 a.m.), 268 tons, Corby, from Wanganui. OPAWA, s.s. (5 a.m.), 110 tons. Nicholas, from Blenheim. AOISKItE, 5.6. (6 a.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, from Patea. MARAKOA. s.s. (6.40 a.m.). 2598 tons. Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— -Misses Turner. Smith, Cochrane, Kittclby, Christopher, Sharp, Leech, Eagle, Cochine, Clark, Carmilt, Belcher, Mesdames Deacon, Cargo, Ifowet, Strachan, Se-ott, Muuro, Oldridge, Greenwood, Woods, Wilson, Rowe, Puscoe. M'Farlane, Shuld, Todd, Thornton. Glasgow, Revington, Dr. Howes, Sir Geo. Olinord, Rev. Smith, Brother Paul. Rot. Douglas, Dr. Smith, Messrs.. Bannister. Seton, Deacon, Army, Cargo, Strachan, Winton. Gibb, Munro,. Berkeley, Guthrie, West, Tapley, Rankin, Oldridge.-Simms, Mac.Farlane, Ormrod, Murphy, Robinson, Pragnall, Lynch, Retter, Jones, Whitta. Pine, Snook, Wilson, Gild (2), Harding, Magnus, HacFarlane, Watkins, Pratt, Fleming, Murtagh, Fussell, Smith 121, Shield, Codlin, Todd, Mitchell, Mayath, Cowie, Reid, Rowe, Ell, Pepelton, Dunlop, Connell; O'JI anion; 54 steerage. NIKAU, s.s. (7.20 a.m.), 245 tons, Hay, from Noidon and Motueka. • . MOKOIA, s.s. (8.15 a.m.), 3502 tons. Harri-s, from Auckland, Gisborne. and Napier. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Paterson, Bell. Mesdames Bell, M'Callum, Davies. Parker, Leishton and child. Dr. Locking, Messrs. Bell, Miller, M'CaUum, Williams, Wood, Etlierington, Heath, Friedenstein, Parker, Smith; 14 steerage. ' CORINNA, S.s. (10.45 a.m.), 1271 lons. Cameron, from Onehunga and New Plymouth. WAVKI'.LEV, s.s. (3.10 p.m.). 157 tons, Purvis, from Tera-kohe. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29. ' TAKAPUNA, s.s. (0.10 a.m.), 1036 . tons. Watson, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Haggitt (21. Neud, Ledger (3), Joyce, Cook. Gray, Hoult, Fillene, Heath, Charles, Hoult, Doyle, Mesdames Knll, Robinson and 3 children, byde and 2 children, Kerr, Cass, Thomas. Hume, M'Donald, Niroll. Stewart. Hay, Cameron and infant, Thomas, Messrs. Tighe, woodcock, Duncan, Legg, Kyle. Wilds. Ciooclman, Brown, Ronnie. Robinson, Ledger, Gorman, O'Brien (2), Sydc, Coleman, Eden, Thomas, Strachan. Allport, Fudston. Ward, Nimmo. Barber, IJa-venport, Ilorid, Hutcneson. Nicoll. Grey, Ryan, Father Lynch, Jensen, Rutherford. Denny, Whitchotise (2), Frascr, Butchley. Bon. Mills, Maitland, Gill, Chein, Elliott, Newman, Campbell, Adamson; 20 steerage. DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28. FLORA, s.s. (2.45 a.m.). 1273 tons, Norton, for Westport. DEFENDER, s.s. p.m.), 190 tons, Jainieson, for Karamea. MAPOIiRIKA, 5.6. (410 p.m.). 1203 tons, M'Lean, for Nelson, Westport. and Greymouth. Passengers: Saloon—For Nelson— Misses Coiiolly and friend, Miller, Atkinson, Mrs. Edwards, Mr. Edwards. For Westport—Miss Bailie, Mr. Vickerinan. For Greymouth—Misß Trenwith. Mr. Blonbourn. BLENHEIM, s.s. (5 p.m.), 120 tons, Wilkinson, for Blenheim. MOKOIA, s.s. (5.25 p.m.), 3502 tons, Harris, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. NIKAU. s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 245 tons, Hay, for Nelson and Motueka. ' KITTAWA, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 1247 tons, Pennington, for Greymouth. RIPPLE, s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 370 tons, Carlson. for Napier and Gisborne. KENNEDY, s.s. (7.15 p.m.), 226 tons, Graham, lor Nelson and West Coast. MAE4ROA, s.s. (8.5 p m.), 2598 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Cowan, White, Page, Galbraith, Mesdames Inglis and boy, Robertson, Coates, Worth, Pearce. Nicholls, Wilkinson, Whinan, Rev. Father Kearly, Messrs. Ingles, Sutton, Malone, Pcaree, Adams, Jcraine, Barn, Roberteon, Gardner, Wilkinson, Whi- " ARAFAWA, s.s. (9 p.m.), 208 tons, Corby, for Wanganui. NGAHERE, s.s. (10.30 p.m.), 1090 tons, Dilncr, for Greymouth. EXPECTED ARRIVALS.,. ... Kotuku. Westport, November 29. Kahu. East Coast, November 29. Stormbird, Wanganui, November 29. Kaituna, Lyttelton, November 29. H.M.S. Powerful, Auckland, November 29 Manaroa, Motueka, November 29. Kapunl, Patca, November -29. Kapiti, Lyttelton, November 29. Maori, Lyttelton, November 29. Ulimaroa, Sydney direct, November 29. Himitangi, Wanganui, November 29. Arahura, West Coast, Nelson, Picton, November 29. Flora, Westport, November 30. Kororaiko, Westport, November 30. Arapawa, Wanganui, November 30. Oucen of the South, Foxton. Nov. J). Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura, Nov. 30. Blenheim, Blenheim, November 30.. Huia, Wanganui, November 30. Mana, Patea, November 30. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, November 30. ilararoa. Lyttelton, _ November 30. ' Flora, Westport, November 30. Corinthlc, London, via way ports, Nov. 30. Tarawera. Dunedin, Lyttelton, Nov. 30. Victoria, Sydney, northern ports, Dec. 1. Moana, Melbourne, southern ports, Dec. 1. Koonya, southern! ports, December !. .Waimea. New Plymouth, December 1. Mapourika, West Coast, Nelson, Dec. 2. Haupiri, Auckland, via East Coast, Dec. 2. Rosamond, Onehung'a, New Plymouth, December 3. Mokoia, Dunedin, Lyttelton, December 3. Ripple, Gisborne, December 3. Monowai, northern ports, December 6. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. I'oherua, Greymouth, November 29. Kiripaka, Patea, November 29. Kahu, East Coast, November 29. Opawa, Blenheim, November 29. Aorcre. Patea, November 29. Corlnna, southern ports, November 29. Waverity, Nelson, West Coa'et, Nov. 29. Maaajoa, : Motueka, November 29.' Takapuna, Pietoiv Nelson, November 29. Maori, Lyttelton, November 29. ICoinata, Westport, November 30. Opawa, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, Nov. 30. Arapawa, Wajiganui, November 30. Queen of tile South, Foxton, Nov. 30, Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Nov. 30. Blenheim, Blenheim, November 30. Mana, Patea, November 30. Ni-kau, Nelson, Motueka, November. 30. Mararoa, Lyttelton, November 30. Ta.ra.wera, northern ports, Novembor 30. Himitangi, Chatham Islands, Lyttelton, November 30. Ulimaroa, southern ports, Hobart, Melbourne, Novembor 30. Athenic, "London, via way ports, November 30. Kurow, Picton, November 30. Kapunl, Patea, November 30. Athenic, London, via way ports, Nor. 10. Paparoa, Port Chalmers, November 30. Victoria, Lyttelton, Dunedin, December 1. Moana, Sydney direct, December 1. Kapiti. Wanganui, December 1. Stormbird, Wanganui, December 1. Huia, Wanganui, December 1. Waimea, Nelson, West Coast, Dec. 1. Flora, Greymouth, December 1. Koromiko, Westport, December 2. . Arahura, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, December 2. Koonya. Now Plymouth, Westport, Greymonth. December 2. ' Mokoia, northern ports! December 4. Rosamond, Picton, Nelson, New Plymouth, Onehnng-a, December 4. Monowai. Lyttelton, Dunedin, Dec. 5. Ripple, Napier, Gisborne, December 5. Mapourika, Nelson, Wost Coast, ficc. 5. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MOANA. s.s., left Melbourne November 22. for Hobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington December 1. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney December 5. ULIMAROA. s-s, left Sydney November 20. for Wellington direct. Due Wellington November 29. Leaves November 30, for southern ports, Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne December 9. MOERAKI, 3.b. leaves Sydney December 2, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington December 6. Leaves same day for southern ports, Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne December 16. VICTORIA, s.s., left Sydney November 22 for northern porta and Wellington. Due Wellington December 1. Ijcaves eamo day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO ABBIVE. From London. DEIjPHIO (due about December 20), sailed on October 21, via Auckland. (Show, Savilt. and Albion Co., agents.) STAR OF CANADA (due about December 20), Bailed on October 18. via Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand ports. (Tyser Line, agents.) MARERE (due about December 8), sailed October 1, via Melbourne and Pydner and New Zealand ports. (Tyser Line, agents) CORINTHIO (due about November 30), sailed on October 14, via Cape Town and Hobart. (Shaw. Savill, and Albion Co,, " agejits.)
TONGAMRO (due about December 7), Failed nn October 20. (New Zealand fihip ping Co.. agents.) RITAIIINK (due about December 12). tailed "n October 28. via Cape. Town and llob&rt. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) STAB OF INDIA (due about. J.iDiiarjr 3), sailed on November 4. via Australia, Auckland and Napier. (Typer Line, agentn.l ARAWA (due about December 26), railed on November 11. via Cape Town and Hollar!.. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co.. agents). OTAKI (due about January 13), failed on November 4. via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Llvorpool. MOItAYSHTRK (due about December 18), sjiiled on October 7, for New Zealand ports. (F.-H.-S. Ijinc, agents.) DItAYTON GRANGE (due about January 2), sailed on October 24, for New Zealand ports. (F.-If.-S. Line, ngents.) ZEALANDIC (duo about December 26). sailed on November 1. via Australia and Auckland. (New Zeala.nd Shipping Co.. agents.) SOMERSET (due about January 10), sailed on Novcmbor 22, via Capo Town and Hobart. (F.-11.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. KUMARA (due abont December 14), sailed on October 10, via Australia and New Zealand ports. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) TOKOJIARU (due about January 3), sailed on October 22. via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agentfl.) RAKAIA (due about January 26). sailed on November 19, via Aus-traJia and Auckland. (Now Zeajand Shipping Co., agents.) From Now York. DEN OF AIRLIE (duo abont December 19), sailed on September 23, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) STAR OF ArSTRALIA (due about December 27), sailed on October 15, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyscr Line, agents.) MARIENFF.LS (due about January 15). Bailed on October 31, via Australia and Auckland. (Dalgcty and Co., agents.) From San Francisco. MAITAI (due about December 7). sailed on November 15, via Papeete apd Rarotonga. (U.S.S. Co., agents.) SAILERS TO ARRIVE. ANTCCO, baroue, Bailed from Liverpool on September 20. (Johnston and Co., agents.! QtiEKN ELIZABETH, shir, sailed from New York, October 17. (Vacuum Oil Co., agents J * BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SYDNEY, November. 28. Arrived—Moeraki (4 a.m.). from Wellington; Moldavia (6 a.m.), from Auckland. SUVA, November 28. Sailed.—Makura. for Vancouver. COASTAL. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Victoria (2.35 a,m.), from Sydney. , Sailed.—Ngatoro,. for Greymouth. ONEUUNGA. Arrived.—Rarawa (8.40 a.m.), from New Plvmouth. NAPIER. Arrived—Monowai (10.15 a.m.), from Wellington. PATEA. Arrived—Kapuni (2.30 p.m.), from Wellington. WANGANUI. Arrived—Huia (11.15 a.m.), from WellingSailed.—Himilangi (11.30 a.m.) and Stormbird (4 p.m.), for Wellington. FOXTON. Arrived— Qneen of the South (2 p.m.). from Wellington; Wootton (4 p.m.), put back—bad bar. PICTON. Arrived.—Rosamond (6.45 a.m.), from Wellington '' HOTUEKA. Sailed—Manaroa (2.10 p.m.), for Wcllingto"' WEST PORT. Sailed.—Kotufeu (2.15 a.m.), from WestP ° rt " KAIKOURA. Arrived.—Wakatu (3.45 a.m.), from Wcl''saUed.—Wakatu (6.30 a.m.), for Wellington, via Stonyhurst. .LYTTELTON. . Arrived— Kaniti (10 a.m.). from Wellington- Breeze, from Oamaru: Storm, from w-anganui; Kairaki. from Nydia. Riy. Sailed.—Kaituna (5.15 p.m.), for ellington; Breeze (5.30 for - Wellington: Maori (8.20 p.m.), for Wellington, with 150 passengers. PORT CHALMERS. Arrived—Moana. from Melbourne; Te Anau. from West Coast. _ Sailed—lnvercarerill. ' for Invorcargill; Kaikoura. for Bluff; Cranley (4.40 p.m.), for New Caledonia. Sailed.—'Tarawera. for northern ports. Passengers: For Wellington—Mrs. Tyrejl,. For Auckland—Mr. Valentine. MATATGA LEAVES CAPE TOWN. Cable advice received by the local agents for the Shaw. Savill, and Albion Company states that the Matatua, which 16 outward bound to Dunedin, Lyttclton. and Nelson, left Cape Town on Monday, November 27. ENNERDALE'S MOVEMENTS. Yesterday the Maoriland Steamship Company's steamer Ennerdalo was scheduled to leave Newcastle for Melbourne. Upon completion of discharge ol her coal cargo there, the vessel will proceed to Kuon (Tasmania), where she loads a full cargo of timber for Lyttclton. From the latter port the Ennerdalo will sail for Greymouth, where timber will bo loaded for Sydneyi THE PAKEDA. On December 14 the Shaw-Savill steamer Pakoha is due back at Wellington for Homeward loading. Two days later she leaves here for the Bluff and other southern ports. NIKAU'S TIME-TABLE. For eleven months past tho Anchor Line Company's steamer Nikau has left .Wellington for Nelson at 5 p.m. on Saturdays. The idea was to give passengers for. Nelson. who were coming down by the Main Trunk express, a chance to get across the Strait' before Monday. Support in this direction ha-s been lacking, however, and, in future, the Nikau will leave Wellington at 1 p.m. on Saturdays. ULIMAROA ARRIVES AT. NOON. An ethergram received by the local station at 9.20 p.m. yesterday, stated that the Huddart-Parker steamer Ulimaroa would arrive at Wellington from Sydney about noon to-day. KIA ORA'S OUTWARD CARGO.: .. The Shaw-Savill steamer Kia Ora, which left Wellington for London on Saturday, took the following cargo:—From Auckland —143 carcasses lamb, 73 bales wool, 12 bales skins, 201 bales flax, 4 bales rags, 1 bale hair, 80 casks tallow, 10 bales hops. 3114 sacks copra, 270 sacks and 1348 cases kauri gum, 12,861 sup. feet timber, 1052 bags concentrates, 8 bales leather, 15 packages sundries. From Gisborne—lßo4 carcasses mutton, 150 quarters beef. £566 bales wool, 5 bales skins, 2 bales rags, 26 casks tallow, 1 ease sundries. From Napier—l4sl carcasses mutton, 2161 bales wool, 78 bales skins, S3
rftshs pell.*. 14 packages ensintrs. From f . >> ollinp?taii—46o crates cheese, 4<ol ha-lcs 8 wool. 2H hales fikine, 5o sacks grass seed, 19 farks pen?. 1 ca-e. From Vielon—l3s4 bak-* wool, M bales skins, 1 halo rabbitskins, 8 tallow, 2 rases machinery. From Lyt- < nil on--1557 bales woo), 4 bales tOtins, casks tallow. From Timaru—2s6 bales wool, 17fl ba'es .skin?, 2 bales luiiv, 5 casks tallow, »3 tasks pdiM, 1 case sundries. From Oaniaru--152 bales wool, 19 balc«> skins. From Dunedin—Bls orates cheese, 194 bales wool, 1 bale hair, 151 bales rabhitskiug, 18 sacks grass seed, £62 bags scheelite. 20 cases eggs, - 4 packages sundries. From lilufV ••3136 carcasses mutton, 731 carcasses lamb, 65 boxes kidnevs, 6207 crate* rabbits, 5148 orates cheese, 499 bales wool, 29 bales skins, 2 bales hair, 68 casks tallow, 41 casks pelts, 153 sacks grasd seed, 2 cases sundries. ATIIENIC FOtt LONDON. A notice to passengers by B.M.S. Athenie, appearing in this issue, states that the vessel will leave the Glasgow Wharf, Wellington, for London at 3 p.m. to-morrow. All baggage must be alongside the steamur by noon on hailing day. It is expected to dispaUdi both the Paparoa. and Opawa. from "Wellington for Port Chalmers and Lyttellon respectively tomorrow. Mr. Ij._ M'Murrieh, second engineer of the Mapounka, left the vessel at Wellington yesterday. Captain 0. White, late of the schooner Kalcon, has joined the Ferry Company's steamer Awavoa as master. Having loft Wellington for Greymoiith J nust night, the Kittawa. loads at the "West I Coast port for Onehunga. In continuation of her journey from Oreymouth to Wellington, the Arahura left westport for Nelson at 4 p.m. yesterday. •She should arrive in port about 10 p.m. today. This evening the Union Company's steamer Koromiko is to Westport with a full load of coal for Wellington. The J oherua leaves here for Grevmouth today, and returns with coal. The Flora is exported to get away from Westport for Wellington this evening. Upon completion of. discharge hero she goes to Greymouth to load again for Wellington. 'At 11 a.m. yesterday, the steamer Putiki arrived at Wanganui from Westport. She leaves on the return trip 10-dav. The Moa. left, "Westport at 5 p.m. yesterday for New Plymouth. She leaves the latter port for Wellington to-night. The Mangapapa leaves Wellington for Westport at 5 p.m. on Thursday. At 4.43 p.m. yesterday the Tyscr Line's chartered steamer Cranlcy left Port Chalmers for New Caledonia. Ivejxiirs' to the Ferry Company's steamer Awaroa arc expected to be completed today, and the vessel will then bo taken off the Patent Slip. This afternoon the Pateena will be taken up for cleaning .and painting, and she will bo followed by the Kgahere, either on Monday or Tuesday. According to an exchange I hero is at present on the stocks at Mr. Koch Davis's yard, at Brisbane Water, the hull .of n steamer for New Zealand owners, i'-onstrurtcd from the design of Mr. Walter Keeks, of Sydney. The craft Li the larpest to be turned out at the yard:, and she will have a carrying capacity of 270,uC0ft. of timber, being intended for the coastwise timber trade of the Dominion. The hull will be brought to Sydney shortly to receive the machinery, which is being imported.
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1298, 29 November 1911, Page 9
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2,531SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1298, 29 November 1911, Page 9
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