TARANAKI J.C. NOMINATIONS. Tho following nominations have been received for tho Taiauaii Jockey Christmas •.: ; < \ FIRST, DAY. STEWARDS' HANDICAP, of 50 soys. Seven furlongs.-Rccipe, Dover Straib, Tilikura, Mortito, .Clemoes, 'iit Gate, MiSimplo Sam, Koyal Dragoon, Kiwaluhi, Parktide, Avauncc. LADIES' PURSE HACK HANDICAP, of 75 sovs. Ono milc.-Amborgru, Rouge ilnBoon: The Spy. Eoyal Patron Balcowrie, Piketeapn, Brown Star, M-™. FIRST HANDICAP HACK HUEDIES, of GO sovs. Ono male and a nali.Enroko.' Rawinia, Silva, Hydraulic, Sea Wind, Sir Tulloch, Eoyal Patron, bilvei Slipper, Forward. Darby Paul, Brilliancy, Higlidcn, Pleiades, Otaraoa, Mar R«SC. ■ • • CHRISTMAS HANDICAP (open), of ISO sovs. Ono milo nnd a'"quarter,—Shining Star, Jttigon, Patriotic, Ot.ihu, Epsom Las?, C6n tho Shaughrauii, Golden Loop, Bismarck, Sandy Paul, Eloctrakoff. FIEST WELTER HACK HANDICAP, nf SO ■ sovs. Seven furlongs.r-Tlio ."Reiver, Silver Clnse, Sam Pan, Rougo Dragoon, Manawakaha, Monsiour bouit, Bonny Lass, Plantation, Songuard, Clemency, Pikoteapa, Sandy Paul, Cornelian. FLYING HANDICAP (open), of, 100 tsovs; sfi fuTlongs.—True Shot, .Patriotic, St. Bill, Con tho Shaughroun, Smilas, Red Lupin, Kareroa, Golden Loop, Alastcr Sylvia, Hinokorangi, To Boli," Starboard,.] St. Toney. SECOND DAY. ITTZROY -HACK HANDICAP, of 50 fovs. Seven furlongs.—Conney, Eecipe, Goldtm-Bell, Topic, St.-Helena, St. Prior, Paramount,. LegounV- Bonfire, Eoyal ftimon, , 'Tho Spv, Sou'-westcr-'-VictTei.s mare, Eoyal Artillery—Stressa -mare, Tho Child, Manosa, Kbyal Dragoon, Kiivitohi, Alluar, Draft, St. Serf, Songuard, St. luap. .. ' . ELECTRIC HACK HANDICAP, of 80 sovs. Five furlong?.—Rector Girl, Bm\' Bells. Glenrock, Piriirai, Clcmson, Topic, St. Gate, Gratlan, Jackpin, Galty, Taft, Glenfern, Lady Frao. East Wind, Niikuhau, Kaffir Queen, Ohiile.'.lneuTU,. Wa'tinp, To Waharoa, Master Ivilch»ran, Belle Paul, Simple Saai",, -Park Tide, AvauDce. i ■ i ' ' ■•■ ' ' " ' ■ SUMMER HACK HANDICAP, of 100 fovs. Sis- furlong3.—Eecipe, Dover 6'traits, Tetikura, Jlortite, Eoiige" Dragoon, Clemoes, St. Gato, Minora, Galty, Bed Line, Glenforn, ~ plantation, East Wind, 'Bonfire, Golden Loop, Master Sylvia,. Watine, To Waharoa, Kiwitahi, Park Tide. .. • .-■ .. ""' ,"■ SECOND HANDICAP HACK HUE.DLES," of 60 sovs. One mile and a half r — Euroko," Eawinia, Silva, .Ambergris, Hy. draulic. Sea Wind, Clemency, Sir TulJoch, Bismarck, Epyal Patron, Silver Slipper, Forward, Darby Paul, Brilliancy, Pleiades, Otaoroa, Highdcn, Star Rose, Cornelian. NEW'.PLTMOUTH HANDICAP (open), nf 100 sovs. One mile.—Shining Star, Sam Pan, Jargilu,' Patriotic, Otahu, Epsom."La-ss, Con' tho ShaughraunV Smilax, Red Lupin, Sandy Paul, Electrakoff, To Roll, Starboard, St. Toney. SECOND WELTER HACK HANDICAP, 61. $0 -EOv-3..' Ono Reiver, ; Silver■ Clujo, Sam .Paii.-Rouga'Dragdon, Manawaka,ha, Muleteer,-. Monsieur Soult, Bonny-Lass, Bay.'.-Paui, Jargon; Plantation, feonguard, Piketeapa, , Brown' Star, Sandy-.Paul, 'Alluat,, Cornelian. ■, , FAREWELL HANDICAP.(bpdh'j, 'of 80.' fovs. Sujfuriongs.-+=Tr.u6'.Shot,J Patriotic, Morhte,' St.;• Bill,: Con", tho Shanghraun!" .Jfod Lupm, £areroa;'.MasU>r Sylvia, Hinetorangi, §t. < ToaeyV/ '■. ■" ■-•",• '
■ ACCEPTANCES'AN'D ENTRIES.. ; ' m ,'«','■' Wpodyille,,November 27. rho tpTOingia&i&titances aid-entries:: lave bMtt^&oived^in'-connection with' 'tho. Woodville,. /Jockey-' ■ Club'a Summer' • meeting:—;.V..",fc;\' .' r .■■'' "..:. :'-.- .=, ,;'', MALDEN VUf!E,' of- 63 -iovs. -. Six-^fur-■ longs (entries);—Waitai,. llira, ' Xadino,. Ohinee, Matlow; Ceylon,-' Miriam, "Easy, • Marble Head, Simple Sam', Laird' O'Lethe. Nukuatu,- Muleteer, Royal Arms, Miss Roberts, PapatirvLordEenoirnrHarekoii," Cnely?,. Kingfs.. Favourite,. Fashion -Hate.- - HACK HUEDLES, of 85 sov3. One mile nnd three-quarters.—Captain, lOst. 81b ; Mahuta, lOst. 51b.; Sunrny, 10sh 41b.; Canadian, 9st. 131b.; Cullinan, fist. 131b.; Strathmoira, 9st. lllb.; Puketotara, flit. • Mb.j Royal Patron, 9st. 41b.; Polynkes, 9st.; All Trumps, 9st. ; Moon Hall, (ist. GRANDSTAND HACK HANDICAP, of 7o soys. . Seven furlongs.—Attention; 9st.; Mereto'ere, Sst. 61b.; Melologue, Bst. 31b.; .fargon, Sst.; Ladrone, 7st.. 131b.'; Composed, 7st. 101b;; Adare, 7st. 8Ib.; Golden Age, 7st. 71b.; Pukowai, 7st. 7lb'.; Kopane, 7st. 71b.; Merrie Lad, 7st. 51b.; Pot Luck <st. 51b.; Royal Arms, 7st. 21b.; Awha, Sst. 131b.; Cornelian, Gst. 131b.; Overheard, Gst. lolb.; Matloß-, Cst. 131b.; Plantation, 6st. 91b.'; Lord Kilcheran, Gst. 61b ■ Tuatahi, fist. 71b. WOODVILLE HANDICAP, of 200 sovs. One- mile and a quarter.—Ennibs, Ost 131b.; Cheddar, Sst. 21b.; To Puia, Bst.; Iffort, 7st. 131b.; Sir Antrim, 7st. 121b.; Parable, 7st. 121b.; ■ Coromandel, 7st. 81b.; Inoy, 7st. 71b.; Arioiti, '7st. 51b.; Voet- '■ Rang, 7st. 31b.; British Maid, fist, lllb.; • h£>a Pink, 6sl:. 101b.; Midian, '6st. • 101b • ' Jlarton, Gst. 91b.; First Battery,. Gst. 81b.; : iioyal Marine. Gst. 71b.: San Lass, 6st 71b.; Bellah, 6st. ?lb. FLYING HACK .HANDICAP, of 73 ! bovs. Six furlongs.-Taft, Bst. lllb.; Makara, Bst; lllb.; Allurement, Bst. 911).; ' Moromero, Sst. 81b. ; Sinapis, Bst. 8lb.; , Crown Pearl, Bst. 71b.; Monologue, Bst. '. 41b.-;/furna, Sst. 21b.; Wild Lupin, Sst. ] 21o."; Eongomai, Bst.; Ebonite, Sst.; Pales- , tme, /st. lolb.; Seraphic, 7st. lib.; San- ' guinary, Gst. 131b.; Millbauks, Gst. I3lb ; \ 'taonui; tfst - 121b. ; Sir Donald, Gst. 12!b.; ( Plantation, 6st. 121b.; lord Palmer, Gst. , lllb.; Lord Kilcheran, Gst. lllb.; Florence | Nightingale, Gst. lllb.; Mocroa, 6st. 71b. , BOROUGH HANDICAP, of 100 rovs. i Seven furlongs—Effort, lOst. 51b.: Juliau 9st. 81b.; Master Sylvia, 9st. Gib.; Sea 1 Queen, flsfc. 61b.; Midnight Sun, flat.. 51b.; £ Con the Shalifrhraun, Ost. 31b.; To Roti l Sst. 131b.; Ambrosian, Sst. 121b.; Starboard, Bst. lllb,; Floater, Sst. 91b".; Royal Marine, Sst. 81b.; Cork, 8a;. 811.; Scatoii Dale, Sst. 71b.; Waiourn, Est. 61b.; Golden Water, Bst. 51b.; Splash,-Bst. olb.; Queen of Scots, Bst. 51b.; Rcmissness, Bst 51b WELTER HACK HANDICAP, of 7,5 sovs.;. One mile.—Otohu, 'Ost. ■ 13lb • Stevens, 9sf. 91b.; Fleetwpefc, fist. 61b - Sampan, 9st. 51b.; Esmoh, Ost. 51b.; Mira 9st. 31b.; Loch Mabin, Ost: 21b.; Waimi- ■ tore, Ost.; Fond Memory, (Ist.; Miss Alba, J Sst. 131b.; Waitoto, Sst. 121b. • Sir Knos Bst. lllb.; Awha. Sst. lllb.; Hareboa, Sst! ' 91b.; Tripoli, Bst. Olb.; Plantation, Sst. 81b.; Alure, Sst. 71b.; Stsllaris, Bst. 71b • ' Tuatahi, Bst. 71b. ■ ' . 1 ELECTRIC HANDICAP, of 100 sovs. ! Five furlongs.—Qladiole, Ost. 71b.; Jf au . j mai, Ost. 3tb.: Lord Soult, Sst. 131b.; Sea , c Eagle, Bst. Sib.; Blue Lake, Sst. 51b.; J Master Sylvia, Sst. 41b.; Sea Queen, Sst. f nib.; Lord Possible. Bst.- 21b.; Tβ Kofi ' v "st. 01b.; British Mnid, 7st. 71b.; Old 1 Battery, 7st. 7b.; Hinekorangi, 7st. 21b.; .-' Taft, 7st. 21b.; Khamsin, 7st.; Overtime ii fist. 121b.: Moree, fist. 101b.; 'Bon-bolh t (ist. 91h.; Winning Post, Gst. 81b.: Aurora, s fist. 71b.; Purakau, Gst. 71b.; Eminent, t 71b. . r SECOND DAY. i HACK SCURRY, of 03 sovs. Five furlongs (entries;.—Waitai, Ladino, Ohineo J J-.mineiif, Swallow, Ceylon, Pot Luck,' : Marble fiend, Alma Rose, Nukuatu, Lady l Scot, Muieteor, Blakney, Mullaby, Miss s Roberts, Lord Kilcheran, Enterprise, a Mira, Papatiri, Lady Laddo, Kingsirell c Lord Renown. Taoiiui, Florence Nightin- r true. Bonnie Boy, Master Webb, Fashion ,'■ Plate.
TRANSFERRED TO AUSTRALIA, . 3y Tolocraph-Press As™ri;itiori--Oopyrw?ht Sydney, November 27. As a result of tho anti-betting legis■tion in America the St. James Stud, no of tho most famous in the States, ami :»:n prising 159 animals, is being hrougtit i> Sydney entirely. Tt will arrive in a specially chartered steamer on Wednesday next." Jlr..lrviDg Wheatcroft, tho-owner, 'declares'that racing conditions have reached such a pass iu. America that longer any plcasuro in lacing and breeding thoroughbreds. ■ ■■ Tho stad includes tho famous .site?,' Ccsarion and Kismet,
("The New York correspondent of tho London "Sportsman," writing under date October. , .l, matlo tho following reference! (o tho shipment:—.Frnin" Lexington, Kentucky, I hear Mr. Jrvin? H. Wheatcroft, owner of tho St. James Stud, will begin the shipment this week of his.complete- stud to Australia. Altogether 150 horses'will .bo sent to. Melbourne, including the well-known sires, Saint Savin, Cesarion, and Don Royal, ami thft lot is reported to bo valued at .130,000.. We havo sent horses to all parts of Europe ami to South America, but this, I believe, is tho first time wo have exported any valuable stock to. tho Antipodes.!
London, November 2(i. The flat racing season has concluded. ■ Frank Wootton, who was again the leading jockey, rodo 187 firsts, his percentage of winning mounts being 25.66. _ •Trigc who was second, rodo 111. his percentage being 15.12, whilo D. Maheirodo 9!) firsts, his percentage being 22.(i.i. Tiio principal stnko winners were Lord Derby, ,£13,003, and Mr. J. B. Joel, ■£31,631. ,
[By Gixncoe.] The Feeding Jockey Club's meeting ii'll open ro-inorron, when, tho principal events, to "be decided aro tho St. Andrew's Hr-dicap, one milo and a ban, .and tho I'eliding Stakes, weight for age, flyo furlongs.. . ... • ■ Weights for tho Taranaki Jockey Club's rieotinc aro due on Friday next. Six Jarclv. liilics, sold in Buenos Ayres ou September -, averaged nearly .£I3OO. Trainer C. Pritchard, Jockey T. Pritch&M, and Owner G. Cudby proceeded to C'hristchurch by tho Maori last night, and will appear before the C.J.C., Committee this evening, when the Gold Bird caso will bo reheard by the latter body. The Charlemagne II colt, purchased by bv Mr. 0.- S. ■ Watkins at tho recent sale of yearlings in Christchurch, has been gelded.and turned out. .. .;; -F. Wcottoiu who again topped' tho list of winning riders in England for the searon jiufc. clofed. will next year : ride for Mri-£. Hiilton,' but no second call has been secured yet. ' In a letter received by a well-known horsoinnn in Wellington from W. Ryan, who went over to Melbourne ride Bridge, Ryan stated that ho would bo returning to New Zealand after tho A.J. C. meeting at Eandwick on Boxing Day. At Hawera oft Saturday morning Epsom Lass badly defeated Lady Menschikoff over a mile, run in linin. Josec. This is one of the best gallops over "this distance over run on tho Hawera tracks, and in consequence the marp has come into favour fbr the St. Andrew's Handicap, to bo",run at Feilding to-morrow". . V. Cotton, who recently relinquished the position as private trainer to Mr. H. Whitney, left for Christchurch on Friday night. So far tho vacancy has "not been filled. •"■•'■' ■ -.'•'■'•■• * ' To Puia was taken to Feilding yesterday, and will bo a runner in tinj Kiwitea Welter Handicap, in which she will bo ridden by C. Jenkins.... . :- .The locally-trained Effort was Tailed to Feilding by tho morning train yesterday. Though the ■aheatnut has been , atfWpted in two raceSjit is'gonernlly understood that . sho will bo. a.runner, ia the. Flying, Handicap. ■ ■■-■■'■■■ Goldfmder, the favourite for the St. Andrew's Handicap, to bo run to-morrow, had his. final , gallop at Hastings on Saturday morning.' A. 'goodly crowd of ■ watchers "left.their, beds,early, intending . witness the gallop, hut on arrival at .tiiocoursb^fourid'that they were late. ;,. Several , smart" sprinters ayo" included ■in the field for-the Flying.Stakes, with which'- event tho Feilding meeting will open to-morrow. The two top weights, Nylaiid;and-Bliss,-'have.Kiccarton winning, form to! recommend them", while Ef•fort,:St-. Toney ,;and; Dazzling all : ran' well .'at tha/saxne. meeting, as .did' Patriotic, who scored in "alhack .event.' It is difficult to select the public choice at this ;jrine£ui%.but it .will proba.bly\bo Dazzling r; Nylaud. , . ', . ;.>-All ljop<}!3.that;;(;hero, would,'bo. a. foranim'arin..tlio Auckland Cup havo been shattered by the news that tho Spuffi. Australian-owned Sanskrit has been sehtihoino from and is to be,'treated to. a spell.'". -.;.-■
Nov." 29 and Dec. 2—Takapuna J.C. Sprins? -Nov. 29nnd Sp-Feildrag- J.C. Spring. Nov. 30"- and .'"Dec.'." '■" 1---Greymonth "J.C; Spring. - ■'■■'■■■ - •'■' •■■-•■ '-'■ Dec. 9 and 11—Woodville J.C.Summer. Dec.'2l—Masterton R.C. Spring. •Dec,. 26—Taratahi-Cartorton K.C. Annual. Deo. Sβ and 27—Dunedin J.C. Summer Deo.- 26 and 27-Taranaki J.C. Christmaa. Doc. 26, 27, and 23—Manawatu R.C. Summer. Decombor 2G and 29, and January 1 and 2. —Auckland R.C. Summer. Dec. 30 and Jan. I—Wairarapa R.C. Summer. Jan. 1 and 2—Hawke's Bay J.C. Summe*-.
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1297, 28 November 1911, Page 4
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1,815THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1297, 28 November 1911, Page 4
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