LfINIJ NOTICES, >M»il<l VIIMS. r ri .,.|i..1(1. :,ll rliMi-nl nii.l «cll uriissc.l, l.iwlyinx liillj-., «iHi ■>.» I . „.,!.,.-I, r,, m j,,,, ~;,,:;,, ;l v , I 1 sll.vp, " ll.vlll II.V !■«.' illl.l ||O«>-I I/,N<-1 IV. ;;i|.fil..,| U ■,jmi i i|.; l . ' Williiii hv.'ii'v mi!-, i-iiilw.iv, luHiiship. •■"<"■ l"'il'""-: ,; - I'lM'l;, i'l 1.',.:. I'M, , . ,KKi;. «;■•>•. I I.tiii:, miamicd. /< 11> A' , !/!:.'! Id. h I'.-,|k. foiiMlrv. pi-iM-li.-iillv :,!l .-loMi.-d. w>ll [.'.Tinan'>':lM ~,,||V v. -.1.-1 - .1. l:,rp. :.r... M..t .hi.l p|.;.i}:li;.l)l« Imi.l. l.alalin- in <■»-■* '■/;""; iMiPL' .-...M1.-,. .-,..«■ ~,r,-.i,,,- I-oil .•«■..... an! n.Lx.-.l ••:,.-.:,>. IJII 1.".vl cIMX <■"■< !r H-" '1 r,..,i,,=. v.,,1,1,...|, \;il'-,ls. He-. Silllalril nil Milill Koad, li ll.l)<-. fl'-l» '■'"' 1..... i'i;i.|;. it. , . .•.'lμ;. 'tki.wis xk,w cash. ij.iJ.jim *• ui •"> r»--r ""'• 1 |u VIM; :, ', ~!,■,. l.illlr: |):,irv I'arin, m-:ir i-'a-.lory and liail'vii.v, C'/.'l l.art. Mil f1.,1 mm.l |,l.,u..'lial>!>., u-r-ll 'praiM.,l unci watered. Go'd li'iuv. f.W".t"-'l. iiiicU". »!.. I , I! I' I', _i;-;;i" IT. =. Terms .t:WI ciisli. ]tohi:i>je aininur-l. jl\ .A! Hi; 1 , ..!!..--!, ii-iir Ma U-rl.on. No Hiiildi»c,s, Rood foil, wild j/Tir.Jnv-r.l. HP pi,„„„,,. |.|(|( |; .i:;:;n. 'j',.,.,,,, XM ca.;h. Balance antral. 8. R. EDWARDS AND CO., I.ANIi A'ilv.vrs. QUEEN STREET. MASTHUTON. TO STOREKEEPERS. FOR SALE. n>;i; UK Till-; I-INKST OKNKRALSTORKS IN THE NORTH ISLAND. dWNi.n iM/nitiNf;. owner retiring. lIIJSINESH ESTAIiMSIfED W. TfvAKS. ACTUAL T(!l!NOVi;R 12 MONTHS, Mm. rillllS lIUSINDSK is wilh'Hif. doubt nno'of tho SJoun'lftit Propositions .1. i.vci- 011.-n-l and will l,i-ar Uic tloM:?.t invr-:-:t.i;;.-ilicn, ami wo rorninwicl l.lim ...«-«ll<-iit opportunity, as mm tnat is world imiMr'linto in?r.t'> linn. Th« arc „,, U, d.-iln, l.nviiiK .Vlft. Irontaise. »;itl. .1 plaU:1!1.,M ttincl.nvs, opjK.Hilfl t/m G.1'.0., ami MOJt t/> anoll.-r.siJe slroet. hit.i---1.1.-.1 Iμ mm cwi.i/lic.iially Rood (lislrict where Dairy 1-arrniriK u carried on in (i very closely populati-d locality, the; sottlers lir-iDg vt-ry prosperous. THIS IS A (JKKAT OPPORTUNITY.' AnRAKGE WITII US TO INSPECT NOW. LONDON, GOSS & CO., RIDGWAY STREET, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, WANGANC T . iioi loa. 15'j.t 188. HASTBNGS FREEHOLDS. ffl 2050 icll SUBDIVIDED INTO OP-ALLOTMEXTS, in. AREAS from 30 ACRES up to 230 ACRES inExtent-2g , CB. nOADLEY AND SON, LIMITED, have been instructed by Mr. Frank . Hco to olTur hv Public Auction at the KING'S THEATRE, HASTINGS, MONDAY, 18th DECEMBER, 1911, at 2 p.m.. all that FREEHOLD LAND bciii" formerly a portion of the well-known "Lonjdands" btate, and situa'ed nboiit 31 miles from Hasting?, and adjacent to the Frimlev Iruit Grounds. Inis valuable* nronerty consists of EOiun very rich alluvial land and some lisnt ancj shingly country,' and will bo offered in lots, allowine the different classes to be worked together to considerable ailvaiitace for DMRYIXG, GKAZING. TKUIT GROWING, AND MIXED FARMING.. is an opportunity for the small men to secure freehold holdings, being about 'the last lan:e block in the plains suitablo lor subdivision, and must in consequence improve in value. TERMS OF PAYMENT.—Tsn percent, at tiuio of sale; 15 per cent, on 31st January, 1912, tiino of delivery; the balance can remain on till 31st January, 1910, bearins 'a per cent, interest. ' . Plans, showing blocks with improvements, aro being prepared for circulation. C. B. HOADLEY AND SON, LTD., AUCTIONEERS, NAPIER AND HASTINGS. ANOTHER OF WAiKATO'S GOOD THIMGSy fS'TCkA ACRES 2 miles from railway station, good roads, rins fenced, many paddocks; inOO acres cleared, bush country balance fern country, partly elcarcd and in grass. Road runs right through property, well watered by uevcr-lailmg sprilißS and btrcams. Buildiugs comprise new 7-roomed house and all necessarv outliiiiUlMms- 2-roomed men's whnrc, good woolslied. 2 sets yards and dip, orchard, carden etc Wintered 2200 sheep and 100 head of cattle. Price, including ICOO sheep and 100 head of cattle, £o 10s. >)cr acre. Terms, X'3ooo cash, balance at 5 per cent. DON'T MISS -TIIIS-A CHANCE SELDOM OFFERED. APPLY SHARP TO '-.ROCHE AND MACGREGOR, STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, HAMILTON. FJSST-CkASS WAWGAMU! SHEEP.-RUW. ■ irmnn ACRES, 0.R.P., at Us. 6d. per acre Situated 34 miles from Waugonui. 4yiv<i Good coach road within six miles balance good Gft. track. The property will bo 25 miles from U'auganui by level road when road now under construction is finished; SOU acres felled and grassed, balance bush. Goad new 5-room-td house bathroom, wash house, copper, and tubs, hot and cold water, etc. Large new woolsl'ed. sheenyards. dip; 9 paddocks. AH "ice easy . shesp and cattlo country in tirst-class"order. On the cleared portion nearly everything has been felled 'but a few ratns. and the property has been splendidly handled. It 13 beautifully clean, and will carry two big sheep to tho acre. Price, £i per acre. No mortgage, terms arranged. 1171 t Y7T3I'T/TTTO M P QiJJ JZ AGENTS, h Alliii U iiiN & OIJLJII, WANGANUI. WAIRAP.APA PROPErtTSES WELL WORTH INSPECTION, BY SOUTHERN BUYERS. APf\ ACRES Elietahuna. P. 0.. School, Creamery, within Smiles Property well 4DU ■ grassed; will wnter Buildings consist of 9-roo:necl house,, oh ccnveniencs. wooUhed. stables, etc. rfubdvided into 10 paddocks, all well watered- PRICE. ,£l4. TERMS ARRANGED • K» 1 Oft A ACRES. IS mile., from Masie-.ton, all in cood hnzii.sh crass, well subloOO divided, pernninent vvatjr. New house, woolihed, dip. etc. PUICL i.3 '!}/>n, eI AC"nES' \t n-ile? from Maftorfon. 2 miles to school, -I miles to Post Office. 451/U ;i!l in s=cd tnglifh crass Limited area ploushable. balance undulating. Will w-iitpr " si! 1 ,"" aad cattle: '>-roome;l Ivjiipc. woolslicd. cowbails, etc. Telephone ou property." PUICE. Jt'fl PER ACUE CASH H6 • ' E. U. HARDEN, nXWriAL, LAND, INSURANCE AGENT. AUCTIONEER. SHAREBROKER, 1 ' MASTERTON.
FOR SALE. ( . . SHEEP PROPERTIES, in « o iri!F? I'nri-'sIOl.I): :::fl Kcri'S in qrsr.s, :il:oi:t MO JU'ivs fit fur dairy. Hi 20 j,.-; n-i:i >''nl-.T i<. Vnre-p; well M:!n.ivid v i!. vvvll feiic-:d uiid ivvil-.-iud. •<V iva'i!e''Ti" I | , o:!V<.T.:c:ii , I'-iepluiio iii.-ljilet!. Now *!:i'i ; :;,v.!n!.-. "'■" 'IVy ii!i!i'» alul ■? ii.ilf iiv.n 10-.vu ami r:\iiivay. <-iood in>.-tal ro.ul. . PiUCi:. £! !.'.*. P«r Acid. Kjl. -^0 1A ,n ViIFS I'liSCKl'Ol.i); t , ;:; iurc- in fTn«; iimlislaliLS »m! Rat, 510 COD HFi-'J '■«■!■■::■. !..W i|ii!:.;.:v .iiil:.i:.o.r.-r iLiir.viP.it , Sis-ruc::i?'.l iir.ii--'.'. v:o';M:('d, Hip. etc Wei: Milii'.ivicic; , . .'.ml fenced; Z .miles tlatioii. School and CrraiKvry sodd read. I'UICK. i'lD Per Aci'2. TilKil.S Iv.uy. , Pal. I3M DALGETY AND COMPANY, LTD., WELLiN-tJTON. MAWKE'S BAV SI-'.i-EP HUN. Ti -\( Hi;? milv -JO miii's from Xi'.pior bv sued Motor rearl; ICCO acres I'-i-'CM 'ciMVr iin'l" i'i -"■•! ?i-a---,: -!; :i.:.d r.:,::;-; i'i?::!it;'.v. mcsll.v ii!oii^ha!-! ■'; wriii- i.V!'l ■;>■!■?• U!l!>' T'J li:-a«I of cattle ail t.'io yiar r;--i;::ii; 9-rcouieJ homtI'.'i,!. h;.:iiitilul!v M.n.-.'.0.l I , KICK, .£i I-?- ('i':- ! ;t! f'f" o , ras . v ?L H. oUHIAM, j.Axu auk:-; , .! , . XAi , ;];;; TO IN.'ESTORS /'.NC S?EC;JLATOHS. n<\(\ \rRI-'S 12 from i'olm:-i>ton Novili. verv noil Krnsswl, watcrrd, and 01? 'J '-lilidivide.!. v,mti-iv l::(! 0 sli op ,1=;i: Vlcattlo; ab.c: lloufc, •vtjNlu'iL uiul varus i'U'.CH, .ill) per ixre; u:;fl8 i-i-li. bai;v,i:'L' r> vcair- a: 5 \ri'ES. ■■T!h- v.-ini'.-v -twl; on cr\<-- -i!-i." '-- in.df.n -i.r,'|i •:-! .'.in oiilllo: b-J-jw •' ! !N I' l - : <" n ■ v - v ' l ~ -"itali'e lur >ii!idivi?i-r into i!:" 1 .'--. r niid tno lia!- " "■-• i- "U"" , ! -Vi'j- ;! "«! :'!''l'-' I'cir.itry ( ■.nji»'---*-_M« ii.--.-. •;-.;; .1,1 i -■■'niJptc "taVi-.iT ! '' !l, KtT "■'■ ■*■'.■-•. "*■■«■- •!■:;:.- im ~:;.-.«i.:i fifl.l ; ~oo(l ii>tvi-s:-t ■nI ho '-IP .rfir.irotl. i:r! -~ -i; ;:•■.. ;:,■.,,! ,! ■ 11: ~n i.lcd. LATHAM CO., \YUODVH.!.F/ LAND A-iKNCY. M'I.KAN STIJKHT. WOOD .'ILLiI. ACltr? Nalivf LoAff 1 ; tprm H years, low rentals, with eomponsuti-in for J°-iO ' nn-;n- "iiicitt'- nt end ul term; nljoul 1(10 aoros: tavva bush, river Hals ill plenty »1 i-mis;li Iml. Lalanw rich I'cru comilry. wiih -100 tu r>oo acres |! 'ib'ii' sU"'' '" |,1!!, l ; l''ii !wa .v Slalion ivitliin 1- milPi by gi-ud '-oadi'rici?. X 1: lier .icrc GET ON TO US Kβ ['[US. JL JQwILLiI iXi Lii. ' :i a-jii./i 5 THE REAL 1C STATE MEN, TAdMARUNUI. OTAKI SUBURBAN HOME. WELL-BUILT RESIDENCE of 5 rooms with hall, bathroom, p.-uitrj ai.d scullery added; Bit. vavnndnh front and sides. Washliouse copper and tubs, coalhouse, water lair , , on. drainage etc. Some eiwi'.e bulbs, hi;-p.s and fruit trees Lovely view of the 'iistriet ami tea. I'UJCE, .CCfl!) I'erias arranged. Apply PARKER AND VINC2NT, LEVIN Aa\D OTAiil,
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1295, 25 November 1911, Page 16
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1,274Page 16 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1295, 25 November 1911, Page 16
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