6 PHASES OF THE MOON. NOVEMBER. Day. h. m. Full moon 7 3 Iβ a.m. Last quarter 13 6 50 p.m. New moon 21 8 19 a.m. First Quarter 29 1 12 »•>"• MOON'. Moon sets to-day, 10.3) a.m.; rise?, 1.2 a.m Tuesday. men water. To-day. 9.46 a.m.; 10.20 p.m. To-morrow, 10.40 a.m.; 11.11 P.m. SCN. Sun rises to-day, 4.25 a.m.; sets, 6.45 p.m.
ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11. OPAWA, s.s. (2.30 a.m.), 110 tons, M'Leod, from Blenheim. ■ „ -n-i.,,.,. .N'IiAIUJKK, s.s. (5 a.m.), 100 tops, Dilnci, from Greyiuoutli. „ NIKAU, s.s. (6.15 a.m.), 202 lon*. UM. fr jlAKAl!o"v.'.-i.s.. («■« a.m.), 2595 tone, Manning, from Lj-tteHon. Passengers: baloon -jlissos Bell (2), Failand, -Nocdl, Anderson, O'Neill, Brown (2), Hughes, Doughty (J, Mesdamcs Clayton, Marson, OrmaJid, Broberg and infant, Davcy and 2 children, Rump, Maynard, Court, Tucker, N"'."!"' Cameron, Hheldar. llesiop. Cotter. Kmgi. Tripe, Brock, Chambetllain, Bethell, Hon. Biiddo, Rev. Father Peoples, Mali's. Brownoll. Thompson, Vavasour, Bell, Fleming, M'Laren, Palraer, D.ilton (2), TcHord, Jamieson. MacFarlane, Fender, Clayton, Duori, Marson Ormoad, Hudson, Nunning, I'oulter, Adoane, Thompson, Sandford Black, Gerrard, Hanr-ard, Beamish, Kemp «). Wil--5311, Gallagher, Thomson, BrittenUen (2), Nufflit, Fisher, Steel, Maynard. Neale, Burton, Miller, Donald, Mitchell, RusfcU, Hunter, Hoa.r, Eastson, Bond, Maoßae flett, Wilkie, Clepham, Gn.rcoync, Phillips, Cameron, Nyhan (2), Gotten, M'Donald, Kingi, Ring. KerslaUc. Ritchie, Gardiner, Hay. Purcell, Campbell, Keyner. Brock, GiraWott, (fray. Burrow, Tapp (2). FnHoon, M'Millnn, Bridge, M'Alpine, Jt'Kcnzic (2), Trine HaiTowell, Chamberlain; 62 steerage. REMUERA, 6.5. (7.26 a.m.), 11.6C0 tons, Greenstreet. from London, via Cape Town and Hobart, NIWARU, s.s. (9.45 a.m.), 6444 tons, Mello, from London, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. WAKATU, s.s. (11.5 p.m.), 157 tons. Wills, from Temwhiti. PATEENA. F..s. (9.50 p.m.), 1212 tons, Wat son,, from No'fon and Picton. Fas--eneers: Saloon—Mi«c3 Holland, Broitgh, Mulholland, Avct. McF-damms Fairbrother. Stevens, Cljrk and infant. Kirk. Ellison, Soper, ).lc=nr». Robertson. Kenny, lioothman. Murroll. Cha.tficld, Orchard. Lawrie, Cut Tin, Oillier. Scott. Rev. Isitt, Brown. Kirk. Waterhouse, Viekham. Roberts, White. Jonr,s, Chn.ppcll, Wells. Corbridle. Todd. To.-ns. WiHianw. Kajn, Cornier, Inspector Flli?on, P.adley, Groan, Gordon, Patterson, Rov.-lcy, Sopcr, o'lHordan, Jackson. Cathie; 9 ftteeriwre. MAPOURIKA. s.s. (11.50 p.m.), 12C3 tons, Ritchie, frr>m Wept Coasts vin Neton. Pass"iirrers :Saloon— Scarlett (2.'. Mrs. Walker, Rev. Lave. Mccsrs. 'i'inijoy. Huehes, Wn.lkf.r. Tnvlor. A-'lcn. ]?isfinhn,rdt. Parr, Camnbell. -TDon.ild. Welsh, Powell, DiiniclV, Smith, Jones; 21 steerage.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12. BLENHEIM, s.s. (4.i a.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. MAORI, s.s. (6.55 a.m.), 3390 tons, Stringer, from LyUclton. MONOWAI, s.s. (1.5 p.m.), 3433 tons, Collins, from Lyttelton. Pasrengers: .Saloon— Misses Jo?s, Fish, Coshman, Burls., CrKidv, Mesiiamcs Stcen, M'Orackcn, Tosswill. Cashman, Eraensli!, Bnrls, Nightingale, Pearce, Boaaley, 3les.-:rs. lladdcn, Paris, Lindsay, Wilkinson, Baigent, Pet'.it, 8011, O'Le.iry. Kidd, Tlussay, Wall, Davidson, HoncL-y, Oapt. li'win, Dodley,. Adnett, Emerald, Batcholor, Martenaueo, Dixon. 8011. Prof. Godfrey, Kiland, Giusop., Livingstone (2), Perry, O'Bricii, Prince, Hntch (2), Jonre, Nightingale, Pearce, Arnold, Eggleston (31, Lawson. Grei?, Lyon, Juriss, Beasley, Cameron, Weir, Eadie, Vinrent, Wall, StoUiny, Nicholson, Modine, Reid, Sollett, Girdwood, Biss, Howse, Davis, Comar, Eggers, Bennett; 39 eteorase. KAPITI, E.s. (1.45 p.m.), 242 tons, Sawyers, from Wanganui. MiUfAKOA. s.s. (8.35 p.m.) ,122 tons, Hart, from Motueka. MAORI, s.e, (6.55 a.m.), 3399 tons, Stringer, from Lyttelton. Passengors: .Saloon—Misses Sclu-.rendor, Erehbcr, Pirie, Barrell, Bnrnett, Mc3dame3 Plait. Leos, Turner, Lov.-is, Stone, Coo!;, Miles. Denniston. Roeo. Cliillas, Bcgi. Cunnincnam, Lone, BarreU. Middle, M'ConneU, Dimant, Turnbull, Cameron, Lamb, llerbertran, Hentorjon, Captain M'Doutrall, Messrs. Ciirmichael, Cato, Frascr, Kin<r, Willi.', Patterson, Schcrender, 0. K. Hold.«wonh. Brire, Coopor, Inslyc, RtowOTt, Jfiiitani?, Newton, ITerbcrMen,, M'Farkne, Kahn. Leos Snjden, Henderson, AT/Phee, Artland, Bo™, Math-!«n. V.'risht. Lewis. Waters, MVlicn7ie, Ross, 81.-z-ltlocli, Meaco, DenniFton, Ro;e, Cr.iv, Milne. Coclf'-ne, Letv.ii. Barr-11. Pimiron t ""C", WiSiamson, Wing. Turnbull, Bn.rbonr, Richardeon. Brodrirk, Morrah. Grare, fioll, Cameron. Hay, Robc-tsnn. Pletch"r. Higrinson, Wilson. Pollen.. Whoo'.or, Halloran, Price, Lamb. Wark. Pa.npe. 3['l>nn. VμDun>;an, Kebbell, Stewart Cook; 68 steerage
DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER U. BLENHEIM, s.s. (2.10 a.m.), 120 tons, Wilkinson, for Blenheim. WAIIiAU ,S£. (6 a.m.), 93 tons, Shaw, for Picton. ENERGY, s.s .(10.30 a.m.), 66 tons, G. B. Brown, for Thames. TAINUI, s.s. (noon), 12S tons, Jensen, for Waitara. WAKATU, s.s. (noon), 120 tons, Watson, for Torawhiti. CLAN OGILVY, s.s. (12.10 p.m.), 2641 tons, Taylor, for Napic-r and Opoua. ARAHURA, s.s. (1.5 p.m.), 1596 tons, Lam bert, for Prcton, Kelson, and West Coast ports. Paswngcrs—Saloon: For PictonMiss;s ITigsrins, Castlo, Eell (2), Gylo-,, liesdames Terrell and nurse, Do?gett, Ooslello, Vorne, Day a,nd child, Mossrs. Kinnibursh. Kin?, Jlason, Vavsvoiir, Doggolt, Enderley, Ritchie. Robertson, Smith, Best, Brydon, Paul, Costello, Lucas, Tann (3), Ftemin" Vcale, lastii, Murffltt, Wilkie, Watson. For Nelson—Misses Heron, Morrison, YounS, Mosdamos Poivcll, Harland, Andrews, Heron, Messrs. Young, Bowie, Bell, Braham. Smn,llbone, Grc-n, Rev. Heron, Ansticc Taplis, Goldman. For Wcrtport—Misses Boyc3, H.ansby, Mitclicll, Stnithors. Mcfidamos Boyos, Cowan, Hontar. Jl'Coimdl and 2 children, Mcrers. W. G. Smith. Flaveil, TTaydon, Kins (2), Kelpe (2), Doyle. For Greymcrath-Mistes Codyre, Gilleon, Jlefdamcs Baldwin, Griffin and child, Mo.«srs. Oaldow, WortJiy. NIKAU, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 245 tons, Hay, for Nelson and Motnnlta. TABAWERA. s.s. (7.5 p.m.), 2C03 tons, M Lean, fer Lytt-lton and Dunedin. Pμfenqers—Saloon: Tor Lj^.telton—Hos«ia. Do Vriva (2), NicoU (2). Markay. For Dnnedin -Misses Whccley. M'Leod. Every, Mesdamcs MLood and child. Ajiwll, Teff.aney. Evcrv JTcosrs. Williamson. IVhvti, Han-cy, May' Terrn.7i/-y. Oloco. Reid. 'ritomp.Ton. 198 tons, Harvey, for Foiton. FIXJIA, (8 p.m.), 127 tons, Burt, fox Wa nsantu. " FLORA, s.s. (10.35 p.m.), 1273 ton?, Norton, for Dunorhn. MARAROA, s.s. (11.5 p.m.), 2-598 tor#, Manning, for Lyttolto-n. PaFsenscrs- RaloonS IS ™ . Gran't.Pliillips. Brown, Wheelov, Stofford, Coolte, Forbos, Curlett (2) Nimrfs Ba.rrell Bro",vn, Izard. Mabolle. ' Phillip?! h ? i i' ti J . eE^ mcs Jlorrin ' Christie and child, Batehelor. Raymond. Hsmvioa. Hamlnton, and Main, Hrrt and (.-hild, Ctofb, Sutherland, Barrcll, Messrs. Pryor. Fin,lav™n - X°™- Clirisfio, Nkoll. Hamilton, Mneter liKoll , , Terry, Rrown. M'Laren. D r . BatcheloT Bicllock, Morrison (2), Rowc, Izard. Osbornc, Bnrdee, Robson, Capt. ilighind. Clayton, Home, Richardson, &ne&.r,Bu_Qor. Barclay, Barnett, Wlutc bSi*'^ 0 ??? 11 ' Brittaldcn. Simpson, Smith, WooMnd ? e. ITosldn, Hart, and Orosi, Sutherland, Barrel!. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 12. OPAWA, ? .s. (2.5 a.m.), U0 tons, Nicholls, for BWieim. ARAPAWA s.s (11.55 a.m.). 268 tons, .- on ,P T S T On ' fOT , Wanganui. ivAHU, s s. (8 p.m.), 183 tons, Jones, for Napier, via ooast.
EXPECTED ARRIVAL 3. Clan Koss, Auckland, November 13. Aoraugi, Lyttclton, November 13. Navua, Westport, November 14. Kennedy, Picton. November 14. Mokoia. northern ports, November R Mann, Patoa, November 14. Maruroa., LyUoltrm. November 14 Queon of Hie South. Foxton, Nov. 14. Opsiwa, nionhciin. November 14 Aorore, l'atca, November 14. Mian, Kolson and Jlotneka, Nov. 14. Arapawa, Wangnnm, /November 14. hapuiii, I'atca, November 15. JVarnmoo, Sydney dinx-t, Nov. 15. Jvana, Napier, November 15. Tarawera, Dnnedin, Lyttelton, Nov. 16. Uliraaroa. Melbourne, via southern ports November 17.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Kapili, Palca and Wanjranui, Nov. 13. Wakatu, Tiyttelton, November 13. OnnopiiE, Westport, November 13. lilenkeim, r.lcuheiiij, November 13. Htormbird, Wanganui, November 13. Arapawa, Wanganui, November 13. Kapiini, Patea, November 13. l'atccna, I'ieton, Nelson, November 13. Maori, liyttelton. November 13. Hana-roii, Jlotueka, November 13. Monowai. noil born ports, November 13 Mokoia, liytK'Uon, Duiicdin, Nov. 14' Mnpoiirika, Nelson, West Coast. Nov. 14 I'ipplc, Napier, Gisborne, Nov. 14. Niv.aru. Ilrisbanc. November 14. Kennedy, Nelson, West Coast, Nov. 14. Aorcrc, Paten., November 14. Nikau, Jlotucka ami Pnlcn. Xovcmlier 14. Queon of the Soiitli. Foxlon, Nov. 14., I'alm, November 14. Onawa. lilen'.icira, Noveniber 14, WavriitaJi, Metbounie, via soulhcrs port, Xovoratior 16. Tarawera, northern ports, 2foy, 15.
I'cmucra, southern ports, November 16. Aoraiißi, Sau FranciEco, vi;i Rarotonga, November 17. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. UUItAROA, s.s., left Melbourne "ovcmhor E, for Hobart, snuthern ports, and Wellington. Duo tt'elliiigton November 17. Leaves same u::y for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney November 21. WAltniMOO. .-.«., left Sydney November U, lor Wellington direct. Due Wellington November 15. Leaves November 16 for southern ports, Hobart, and Melbourne. Mua Melbourne November 25. MOEHAKI, F.F., loaves Melbourne Novcm'x;r 15 for Uobart, southern lwrts, and Wellington. Due Wellineton November 24. Leaves fame day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney November 23. MANUKA, s.s., leaves Sydney November 18 for Wellington direct. Due Wellington November 22. Leaves November 23 for southern ports, Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Selbourne, December 2.
OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. PAPAROA. (due about November 22!, sailed on September 20, via Brisbano and Auckland. (N.Z. Shipping Co., agents.) DELPHIC (due about November 27), sailed on October 6, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co.. agents.) STAR OF CANADA (due about December 20) sailed on October 18, via Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand ports. (Tyser Line, agents.l MARERE (due about December 3), sailed October 1, via Melbourne and Sydney and New Zealand ports. (Pyser Line, agents.) CORINTHIC (due about November 2B), sailed on October 14, via C3pe Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) TOJJGAEIBO (due about December 7), sailed on October 20. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) RUAHINE (due about December 12), sailed on October 28, via Cape Town, and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Liverpool. MORAYSHIRE (due about December 15), Railed on October 7 for New Zealand portE. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) OPAWA, (due about December 6), sailed on September 29, via St. Ilelcna, Australia, and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) DIUYTON GRANGE (duo about January 2), sailed on October 24, for New Zealand ports. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal, KUMARA (due about December 14), sailed on October 10, via Australian and New Zealand ports. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) TOKOMARU (due about January 3), sailed on October 22, via Australia nnd Auckland (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From New York. CRANLEY (due about November 18), sailed on August 27, via Australia and Auckland. (Ty?er Line, agents.) DEN OP AIRLIF. (due about December 18), sailed on September 23, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) STAR OF AUSTRALIA (due about December 27). sailed on October 15, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) SAILERS TO ARRIVE. ANTUCO, barque, Eailert from Liverpool on September 20. (Johnston and Co., ngents.) QUEEN ELIZABETH, ehip, sailed from New York October 17. (Vacuum Oil Co., agents.) BT. TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SYDNEY, November 11. Sailed.—Warrimoo, at 6 p.m. SYDNEY, November 12. Arrived.—Manurcwa. from Whangcroa. NEWCASTLE, November 12. Sailed.—Casablanca, for Auckland. MELBOURNE, November 12. Arrived.—Mocraki, from Bluff, and Laudcrdale. from Hokianga. COASTAL. SATURDAY, NOVEMBEE-11 AUCKLAND. Sailed.—Queen Amelia (4.30 p.m.), for Sydney. Sailed.—Rirmitaba, for Tokomaru Bay;' Waitemata, fer Oamaru. ONFJIUNGA. Arrived.—Coriuna (12,35 p.m.), from New Plymouth. NEW PLYMOUTII. Roiled.—Rosamond (1.10 p.m.), for Onehunga. ■• WANKANUI. Arrived— ltd a (10.40 a.m.), from Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Wairau (2 p.m.), from Wellington; Arahura (5.20 p.m.), from Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.—Waimea (11.40 a.m.), from Wellington. WESTPORT. Arrived.—Koromiko (2 p.m.), from Wellington. LTTTELTON. Arrived.— Wliakatiuie (92j a.m.), and Ayrshire (10.15 a.m.), from Wellington. DUNEDQJ. Arrived—Moana, from Sydney, via Wellington. Sailed—Storm, for northern ports; Kotare, Invcrcargill; iloana, for Melbourne, via Bluff.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12. AUCKLAND. Sailed.-Olan Ross (6.15 a.m.), for Wellington. Arrived.—Victoria, from southern ports. ONEHUNGA. ' Kojiorts Rarawa barbound. Sailed.—Corinna (8.30 a.m.), for New Plymouth. EAST CAPE. Waitcmata passed south at 11.40 a.m. WANGANUI. Arrived.-Huia (4.45 p.m.), from Wellingtou. FOXTON. of the South (1.15 p.m.), from Wellington. BLENHEIM. (11.45 a.m.), from Wellington, NELSON. Arrived.—Aroihura (8.10 a.ra.), from Picton; Nikau (8 a.m.), from Wellington. WESTPORT. Arrived.—Navua (1.30 p.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arriod.—Tarawcra (11 a.m.); Mararoa (noon), from Wellington. DUNEDIN. Arrived.-Koonya, from West Coaut; ftvercargill, from south; Athenic, from Lyttelton. R.N.R. DRILL SHIP PIONEER. The E.N.R. drill ship Pioneer was recommissioned at Colombo on September 16 last. The vessel has the following officers on board i-Ooiuinamler, P. J. Stopford; Lieutenant, G. 11. Bcniniston; Nagivatrag Lieutenant, H. J. Lancaster; Engineer Commander, Henry Evans; Staff Paymaster, R. E. lioare; Burgeon, C. Ooppingor. BAR AT PATEA UNWORKABLE. On Saturday the bar at Patea was unworkable, owing to the heavy sea outside. Tho two steamers bound for that port, AbToro and Jlaaa, are shedtering, the former at D'Urville Island and the Mana at Wangamii. The vessels are cipeetcd to arrive back at Wolling-ton to-morrow.
R.M.S. EEJIUBBA. > TEE LATEST OP HOME LINEES. The latest addition to the New Zeatonfl Shipping Co.'s tine fleet of steamers—the Kemuora— a-rrivoxl at Wellington on Saturday, on her maiden vuyaec from London, via way porte, and berthed at the King's Wharf. Throughout the voyage the new vessel proved here=elf a line sea boat, her larse beaui making her exceptionally Etca-dy. The vessel Mt howkm on Friday, Keptombcr 29, and Plymouth the following cveiirng. Strong northerly winds were experienced when leaving England, which moderated as the vessel proceeded south. Tenorill'e was reached the follon'int; Thursday at 1 a.m. Coal htarted at daylight, and, after lninkoriiiß 1100 tons in 12 hours, she proceeded to Capo To-.ra. Very fine weather was oxperiejiced during the nest fortu-igrht, the tropics proving pleasaut and not too hot. and ttio S.K. trade wiuds moderate. Oapc Town was reached early on Thursday. October 19-17 days 18 hours stcamins from Plymouth. After a stay of eight bom's to embark passengers and mails, the voyage was continued. Frequent [rales and hifrh «.'aa were encountered duriii? the run across the Southern Ocean, but, although the weather waa stormy, the days were for the most part bright and sunny, only two days' ilond reckoning being logged. Hobart was reached at 4 a.m. on Monday, November 6, and 71 passenger* and 580 tons of cargo were lauded . Owing to (May in discharging tho vesjcl was unable to proceed on the voyage until 9 a.m. on Tuofday l.wt. Tlie run acrorc the Tasmau Sea was marked by fine clear wea.t.hur, with frosh westerlj winds until arrival. The various gianies nnd sporte weiy; keenly contested by the passengers during the voyage, the spavioua decks giving every opportunity fl-r. games, etc. A very successful faiicy-drcue ball waa held the night before arrival at Jlobart, at whioh a very line display of wan oooU'. A special feature of tho yossol ia tho
improved third-class accommodation, with FinoKiug-rooin on the sheltered promenade (!«■]; at the stern of the ship. The Marconi system of wirclces telegraphy has been ndopud, and is in charge of Mr. G. Ball. The vessel is thoroughly up-to-date in every department. Captain drcenstrcet, lato of the R.M.K. Jlualiine, is in command, and has with him the following officers:—Mr. G. P. aload, chief: Mr. M. Jr. Downtou, second; Mr. W. Minuall, third; Jlr .0. E. Startup, fourth; Mr. W. Draper, surgeon; Mr. T. •l. C'ornfool, purser; Mr. (>. Ball, Marconi operator; iti. SumrnevviUe is chief engineer; Mr. F. M'Lcan, rocond; Mr. C. Richardson, third; Mr. W. Oolqulioun, fourth; Mr. F. Bailey, fifth; Mr. G. Armstrong, sixth; Mr. W. Parker, chief refrigerator ongincor; Mr. R. Good, second; and Mr. W. Taylor, electrician. The vessel will probably get away for Lyttalton on Thursday next to complete discharge. The Hcmuora is to sail from Wellington for London, via ports, on December 14. Mr. C. Watkins joined the Arahura as chief steward on Saturday. Mr. F. P. Gorblc signed off Uio Flora as mate on Saturday, and Jli. S. Rothery Oiled the vacancy. The Clan liner Glan Ogih'y left Wellington for Napier and Opoua on Saturday. The s.s. Kana is to leave Napier for Wellington on Tuesday next, and dhould arrive hore the following day. Owing to the heavy sea at Grcymonth, the bar was unworkable on Saturday. The colliers Waihori, Pukaki, and Kaiapoi were help up there on Saturday waiting for bettor weather conditions.
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1284, 13 November 1911, Page 7
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2,511SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1284, 13 November 1911, Page 7
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