MASKS OF Till'. MOON. OCTOHER. Day. 11. m. Full moon 8 3 '11 p.m. Last quarter IS Hl' New moon 3 39 p.m. First Quarter 30 6 11 tun. MOON. Moon rites today, 1.33 a.m.; fietr, 4.7 lIIGII WATER. To-day, 0.41 1.2 p.m. To-morrow, 1.23 a.m.; 1.19 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 5.22 a.m.; sets, 5.58 p.m.
ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3. MARAROA, s.s. (6.50 a.m.), 2598 tons. Mannine, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon —Mifi'cs Christinas, Dcnoon. UiiwnU. Bcckinhale, Fanning, Smith i 2), Callick. Mazengarb, Murphy, ICitehing. Mefdames Clark, Ralston, Rhodes and moid. Heath, Tipping and child, MonAagu, Clothier, M'Clatchic, Old and child, Radford, lngs, Smith, Starr, Black, Badger, Wright, Turnbull, M'AListcr, Irwin, Shahaii, Bradley, Frascr, Messrs. Cooper, Wilson (2), Broad (2), Maslin, Barr. Mead, Jones (2), Witty. Rhodes, Miller, Heath, Clothier, Radford, M'Clutihie, Buchanan, Iloy, Holiday, lion. G. J. Smith, liny, Starr, Buckingham, Milligan, La Roche. Taylor, Craigic, M.P., Money, M'DonaM. Green. George, Crisp, Campbell (2), Ellis, Quelch, Dixon, Anderson, Turnbull, M'Kenzic, M'Alister, Smith, M'Fnrlaue, Steel, Strahan, Price, .Gow, Matheson, M'Kellar, Bout, Paul, Kinvig, Butcher, Wallis, Clowes, Logic, Strong, Truscott, Goring, Williams, Fra-ser, Gardiner, Cooper, Quinn, TJre, Marriner, Wilkinson, Hudson, Reynolds, Hiil, Baycrtz, Fleming, Julius; 58 steerage. WALKURE, s.s. (7.5 a.m.), 3836 tons, Bncke, from Auckland. TE ANA IT, s.s. (7.33 a.m.), 1652 tons. Willkims, from Lyttelton. MOKOIA, s.s. (7.55 a.m.), 3506 tons, liar* rie. from Auckland. Gisborne, and Napier. CORJNNA, s.s. (7.50 a.m.), 1271 tons, Cameron, from Onehunga and New Plymouth. NIKAU, s.s. (9.10 a.m.), 252 tons, Hay, from Nelson. KAITOA, s.s. (10.50 a.m.), 305 tons, Gra/. ham, from Mangarakan. STRATHGAIIRY s.s. (2.35 p.m.). 4393 tons. Neal, from Puget Sound. lIAUPIRI, s.s. (4.30 p.m.), 715 tons, Morrison, from Limestone Island, via East Coast ports. BLENHEIM, s.s. (7.45 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. OPAWA, s.s. (8.10 p.m.), 110 toas, Nicholas, from Blenheim. PATEENA, s.s. (10.40 p.m.), 1212 tons, Carey, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Denshire. Milne, Griffiths, Dyson, Burnett, Reid, Coppell, Chris* tie, llogan, Muncasler, Cresswell, Brittain, Burrough, Baillie. Todd (2), Nolan, Mesdames Pannell, Kirkwood and child, Blake and 2 children, Fell. Swanson and child, Cole, Wilkes, Smith, Staverloy, Pratt. Crcswell, Jones, Brown and infant, Thomson, Burrough, Chapman, Smith, Uru, Messrs. Pannell, Parr, Aitkcn, Hunt, Dunn, Watson, Thompson. Edwards, Cook, Emraett (2), Parata, Gilfcddcr, Collyns, Cole, Smith, Major Carmichael, RedpiUh, Brown, Sadler, Baillie, Irwia. Sinclair, Sheenan. Iks, Scott, Boyes, Curtis, Dr. M'Kenzic, Thomson, DanieUs, Gray, Lamljjort, Uru, Burrough, Baillie-, Malnngi*, M'Donald, M'Lcnnan, Roberts, M'Farlane, Dalzicl, Haines, Orajicome; 25 steerage.
DEPARTURES. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3. INDRABARAH, s.s. (5.55 a.m.), 70(0 tons, Hollingsworth, for Brisbane. POHIJRUA, s.s. (12.30 p.m.), 1175 tons, Cameron, for Greymouth. KITTAWA, e.s. (12.40 p.m.), 1247 tons, Pennington, for Port Chalmers. I'OHEIIUA, s.s. (12.35 p.m.), 1175 tons, Cameron, for Greymouth. JIAPOURIKA, s.s. (5 p.m.), 1203 tons, Ritchio, for Nelson and West Coast. Passengers: Saloon—For Nelson—Misses Poole, Burgc, Mosdamea Poole, Burce, Andrew, Inspector Ellison, Dr. Andrew, bergt.-Major Wilson, Messrs. Ward, Martin, . Mead, Brake,' Burge, Bruce. Master Ward. For Westport—Miss Parkes, Mrs. Cran and child, Mr. Harrington. For Greymouth— Jtesdames Hcrdiner, Platts, Messrs. Bell, Evenden, and Gibbons: TE ANAU, s.s. (5.5 p.m.), 1652 tons, Williams, for New Plymouth. TAINUI, 6.5. (5.15 p.m.), 128 tons, Jensen, for Waitara. MOIvOIA, s.s. (5.50 p.m.), 3502 tons, Harris, for Lyttclton and Dunedin. Passengers: Saloon—For Lyttelton—Misses Jeffs, Hewitt, Rev. Father Walsh, Messrs. Thornton, Chamberlain, Ingram, Stuart, Rr.nkin. For Dunedin—Mesdamcs Cox, Henderson, Captain Price. NIKAU, s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 245 tons, Hay, for Nelson and Motueka. MAItAROA, s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMiss Wolff, Sister Miriam, Mesdamcs Maskcll, Ynuug, Fowler and child, Smith, Olouslon, Bennett., Gueniey, Fay, Willis, I)r. Young, Rev. M'Kcnzie, Messrs. Beckett, Tyler, Willis, Marchant, llill, Guiney, Ruttcr, M'Callum, Waugh, Bauchop, Mazey, Hnrrowcll, Wolff, P. Nathan, Hay. RIPPLE, s.s. (9.10 p.m.), 370 tons, Carlson, for Napior. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Waimea, Wanganui, October 4. Stormbird, Wanganui, October 4. Moana, Sydney direct, October 4. Arahura, West Coast, Nelson, and Picton, October 4. Opawa, Blenheim, October 5. Blonhoim, Blenheim, October. 5. Maori, Lyttelton. October 4. Aorere. Patea, October 4. Kapum, Wanganui,' October "4. Queen of tho South, Foxton, October 4. Mana, Patea, October 4. Mauaroa, Motueka, October 5. . Kiripaka, Patea, October 5. Nikau, Nelson and Motueka, October 5. Kent. Auckland. October 5. Kapiti, Lyttelton. October 5. Kia Ora, Auckland, October 5. Wakatu, Lyttelton, October 5. Victoria, Sydney, via Auckland, Oct. 6. Ruru, Napier and coast, Octobcr V, Tainui, Waitara, October 7. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Waimea, Nelson aßd West Coast, Oct. 4. Mana, Patea, October 4. Kapuni, Wanganui, October 4. Patcena, Picton and Nelson, Octobcr 4. Stormbird, Wanganui, October 4, Blenhoim, Blenheim, October 4. Manaroa, Motueka, October 4. Queen of tho South, Foxton, October 4. Opawa, Blenheim, October 4. P.osamond, Picton. New Plymouthy and Onehunga, October 4. Maori, Lyttelton, October 4. Aorere, Patea., October 4. Kaitoa, Nelson. October 4. Hinomoa, Cook Strait lighthouses, Oct. 4. Koonya, Now Plymouth, October 4. Kiripaka., Patea. October 5. Tarawera, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, Octobcr 5. ' Nikau, Nelson and Motueka, Oct-. 5. Moana. Lyttciton, October 5. Manuka, Sydney direct, October 6. Wakatu, Lyttclton and Kaikoura, Oct. 6. Kapiti, Patea, October 6. Manarsa, Motueka, October 9.
MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. VICTORIA, s.s., left Sydney September 27 for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Arrived Auckland October 1. Due Wellington Octobcr 6. Sails same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin.
MOANA, s.s., left Sydney September 30, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington to-day. Leaves to-morrow for southern ports, Hobart, and Melbourne. Duo Melbourne October 14. MAHEXO, s.s.. leaves Sydney October 4, for Auckland direct. Due Auckland Octobcr 8. Leaves October 9 for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney October 13. MANUKA, s.s.. left Melbourne September 27, for Hobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington October 6. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Svdney October 10. WARRIMOO, G. 3., leaves Sydney October 7 for Wellington direct. Due Wellington October 11. Leaves October 12 for southern ports, Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne Octobcr 21. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. KIA ORA (due about October 5), sailed August 4. via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Alliion Co., agents.) lONIC (due about Octobcr 22), sailed on September 9. via Cape Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co.. agents.) NIWARU (due about November 12), sailed on September 4, via Australia, Auckland. and papier. (Tyser Line, agents.) TURAKINA (duo about October 28), sailed on September 11, via Cape Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) ATIIEXIC (due about October 31), sailed on September 14, via. Cape Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) PAPAROA (due about November 19), sailed on September 20. via Brisbane and Auckland. (N.Z. Shipping Co., agents.) From Liverpool. KENT (due to-day). sailed on July 29, via Cape Town, Hobart.. and Auckland. (F.-11.-S. Line, agents.) MORAYSHIRE (due about December 8), saite on October 6 for New Zealand ports. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) AYRSHIRE (due about November 6), sailed on September 2, via, Sydney, Brisbane, and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.] agents.) OI'AWA, s.s. (due about November 20) sailed on September 20, via St. Helena, Austro.lin. snd Auckland. iN.Z. glutming Go_ agentsj
From Montreal. OAI'E COIiHO (due about October 12), nailed oil .luly 30, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) WIIAKATANK (due a.imut October 301, sailed on August 23, via, Australia, and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agenfu.) From Now York. MlHI) LONRDALK (due about October®), sailed on August 1, via Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland. (Vncuum Oil Co-agents.) J3Y TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA, , . SYDNEY, October 3. Arrived.—Deckeuham, from Timaru. , . FREMANTLE. October 3, Arrived.—Orsova. from London, via Suez.
COASTAL. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 3. AUCKLAND. Sailed.—Victoria., for southern ports. Passengers: Saloon—For Wellington—Mesdamos M'Donald, Slock, Messrs. J. J. Gamble, and Itrodie. Sailed.—Kia Ora (2.35 p.m.), for Wellington. ONEHDKGA. Arrived.—Rarawa (8.20 a.m.), from New Plymouth. NAPIER. Arrived.—Monowni (10.30 a.m.), from Wellington. EAST CAPE. Tho Kent parsed south at 2.30 p.m. WANGANTTI. Arrived.—Stormbird (4.10 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Stormbird (6.5 p.m.), for Wellington. PATEA. Arrived.—Kiripaka (5.30 p.m.), from Wellington. . Sailed.—Kapuni (6 p.m.), Aorere (6.5 p.m.), and Mana (6.10 p.m.), for Wellington. FOITON. Sailed.—Queen of the South (6.35 p.m.), for Wellington. GKEYMOUTH. Sailed.—Ngahere (6.20 a.m.), for Wellington. KAIKOTTRA. Arrived.—'Wakatu (4.30 p.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Maori (6.55 a.m.), from Wellington; Rotorna (8.25 a.m.). from Port Chalmers; Waltatu, from , Kaikoura; Kapiti. from Wellington. Sailed.—Maori (8.30 p.m.), for Wellington with 180 passengers; Eunice, ecow, for Havelock. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Manuka, from Melbourne; Kotare, from Catling River; Flora, from West Coast Sailed.—lnvercajgill, for Invercargill. Sailed.— I Tarawera, for Auckland. Passengers: Saloon—For Lyttelton—Messrs. Northery, Bctt. For Wcllington-rMrs. Williams, Messrs. Grant, Campbell. For Napier— Miseos Bagshaw, Somerville, Mesdamcs Somerville, Driver, Mr. Byrne. For Gisborne—Miss Ross. For Auckland—Misses Byrne, Mitchell, Hopcroft, Mcsdames Jeffreys, Dreaver, Hopcroft, Messrs. Jeffreys, Dreavcr, Allen, Ormiston, Rollett.
Passengers by the Tainui for London are requested to note that the vessel will leave the Glasgow Wharf on Thursday (to-morrow) at noon, and they must cmbark prio-r. to that hour. All baggage must be alongaido the Eteamcr by 10 a.m. the same day. . THE EEJtUERA. , The New Zealand Shipping Company's new steamer Remuera left Plymouth Saturday for Wellington, via ports, on her maiden voyage. The vessel is due to arrive at Wellington on Novomber 13. ETHERGRAM FROM MOANA. The latest steamer of the Union Company's fleet to bo fitted with wireless apparatus—the Moana—dispatched her .first ethergram to Wellington on Tuesday night. Tho message stated that the vessel may be expected to arrive between 8 and 9 o'clock this morning. She should be alongside the Queen's Wnaif at about 10 o'clock, FALCON AT BLACKBALL. Telegraphic advico received on Monday from Blackball states that tho schooner Falcon had arrived from Gisborne. Tho Falcon is to load 60,cc0ft; of timber for Wellington. Tho timber is to bo landed at Evans Bay. THE FIRE ON THE KENT. In connection with tho fire on tho liner Kent at Auckland, the local agents stato that it has been dccidcd that no deposit will be. collected but consignees will bo required to sign tho-general averago bond acreciug to pay if calicd upon.
The dock striko in London interfered seriously with several vessels encaged in the New Zealand frozen meat trade, writes the Auckland "Herald's" special corresSondent on August -25, and now that peace as been restored nil parties are working hard to make up leeway. The Niwaru lias finished unloading. Tho.Opawa, Turaltina, lonic, and Paparoa arc being emptied as fast as the work can be pushed on, and the Tokoraaru and Athenic will' be opened up next week. One of tho Now Zealand companies during tho strike was anxious to brine its own dockers through into tho Albert Dock, but the Government would not permit this. STBATHGAREY FROM PTJGET SOUND. At 2.35 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the steamer StrathgQirry, laden with timber, dropped anchor in tho stream. The vessel loaded timber at' Gray Harbour, a small port on tho North American coast., and then called at l'acoma for "bunkers." Sho left Tacoma on September 2, and cleared Puget Sound at 9 o'clock next morning. Splendid weather was experienced all the way until within about 400 miles of the New Zealand coast, when the vessel ran into a heavy westerly gale. The gale came up on the evening of September 26, and lasted from 6 o'clock until 9 o'clock. The glass fell from 39 to 29.85 in half-an-hour, after which it commenced to rise. Moderato weather was met with afterwards all tho way to Wellington. About two and a half million feet of timber is to be c discharged at this port. The steamer will leave Wellington in about two weeks' time for Newcastle, whero she will discharge the remainder of her cargo. Tho voyago occupied just a shade under 30 days, during which time tho vessel covered a total distance of about 6481 miles, averaging 9.2 knots all the way. Captain C. Neal is in command, and has associated with liim the following officers Chief, Sir. T. Fletcher; second, Mr. It. wattling; third, Mr. Reece; chief engineer, Mr. Jl'Lean; second, Mr. Primrose; third, Mr. Peters; and fourth, Mr. Giilis. CHANGE FORESHADOWED. According to Mr. J. Cocks, superintendent engineer of tho Huddart-ParJier Company at Melbourne, who arrived in Auck' land by tho Zealandia, on Friday, there is a liijelihood in the near future of the s.s. Victoria being replaced. by a larger and more up-to-date steamer for tho Auckland-Sydney service. It was possible, he said, that the Riverina, a boat at preEont running between Sydney and Frciuantle, would replace the Victoria. The former vessel is about the fastest boat in tho Australian coastal trade, and is twice tho Gizo of the Victoria. Speaking of the new Vancouver mail service, Mr. Cocks said he thought it quite possible that in the near future tho Huddart-Parker Co. would procure a larger and more uif-io-date steamer than- the Zealandia for the service. WBECK STATISTICS FOE 1910. The statistical summary of vessels totally lost, broken up, condemned, etc., now published by Lloyd's Register, shows that, during 1910, the gross reduction in the effective mercantile marine of the world amounted to 863 vessels of 947 690 tons, excluding all vessels of less than ICO tons. Of tliis total, 421 vessels of 667,440 tons were steamers, and 442 of 280.250 tons were sailing vessels. The total for the steamers exceeds that for 1909 by 21,773 tons, ,whereas the figures for sailing vessels are 13,315 tons lees than those for that year. Attention may be drawn again to Uio unusual number of vessels which have been broken up,_ dismantled, etc., not so far as known, in consequence of stress of .weather. This is a very common termination to a vessel's career, but the amount of tonnage so dealt, with during 1910 (356,154 tons) is in excess of the figures for 1909 '293,562 tons l , which were themselves the highest reported in the society's wreck returns. Nearly 301 per cent, of tho steamers and over 39 per cent, of the sailing vessels removed from the merchant fleets of the world in tho course of 1910 are accounted for in this manner. Of tho total tonnago of such cases over 415 per cent, ia represented by United Kingdom vessels.
THE COMING ZEALANDIC. On Juno 29 the twin-screw steamer Zca-lan-din was successfully launched at Belfast by Messrs. llarland and Wolff. The new vessel, which has been built for'the White Star Lino for the Australian and Now Zealand trade, is 477 ft. long by 62ft. 9in. beam, and about 8000 tons gross register, and has been specially designed for the trade. She will have very large cn.rgo capacity in fiix holds, two for general cargo, and four holds .insulated for carrying frozen meat. The dock inacWncrv and appliances for working ship ruid cargo aro of the most complete and improved typo, there befog, iu addition to the steam windlass, V) ptvam winches and derrioks. Tiio steering gear is oojjablo
of being worked by (elcmotor from the flying bridge. The refrigerating machinery is placed at the after-end nf (lie englno morn. The vessel is lighted throughout with electric light, and is fitted with electric hells in Faloon, state roome, r-iijv lain's room, smoUeroom, and ehartroom. There will he accommodation for a number of flrst-class passengers, with comfortable saloon, sniokeroom, and slate rooms. A feature of the ship will he the accommodation specially arranged for over 1100 third-class pa«sengers in enclosed rooms, with space oil shelter dccli arranged for third-class sniokeroom and dining-room. There will lie a third-class ladies' room, a provision that will doubtloss be appreciated. The propelling machinery consists of two sots of quadruple expansion engines on the "balance" principle. Tlio Zealandic. will probably leave London in December for Australia and New Zealand ports. JTinomon , Government packet, is to leave for the Cook Strait lighthouses early this morning. Providing that good wca-thcr provails, the vessel may be expected back in port at the end of the week. > Tlio Weslport, Coal Company aro to coal the steamer Kent on Thursday next. Captain M'lntosli has rejoined the Kkipaka, and Mr. Croucher, who was acting master, has resumed his position as mate. Captain Backstrom has joined the Manaroa as mate. Mr. H. P. Corlett, of the Union Company's Auckland office, has joined the Mokoia as assistant-purser in place of Mr. Rose, who has gone on leave. Corinna, Union coastwise trader, sails for Timaru and Dunedin at noon to-day. Mr. F. Eadford signed oil the Ituia as mate yesterday. On Tuesday evening the Federal boat Kent left Auckland in continuation of her voyage from Liverpool, and will probably arrive here this evening. Sho will berth early on Thursday morning. The Tomoana is oxpcctcd to get away for Lyttelton at noon to-day. Rosamond, steam coaster, sails at noon to-day for I'icton. New Plymouth, and' Onehunga. Karori, s.s., is at present loading coal at Newcastle for Wellington and Lyttelton. Tho Orari was filed to leave Port Chalmers last Saturday morning for Sydney, but tho engineers discovered a defect in the condenser, and the necessary repairs will detain tho vessel until about Thursday. Owing: to the .illness of Mrs. M'Kenzie, Captain D. M'Kenzic, of the 6chooner Huia, has'gone ashore. Captain J. Murchison is now master of tho vessel. Eauroto, b.s.. is to bo laid up at Port. Chalmers. Sho will bo relieved by the Tarawera, which is just completing her annual overhaul.
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1248, 4 October 1911, Page 7
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2,865SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1248, 4 October 1911, Page 7
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