Tho second round of tho ladies' championship took placo yesterday at the Ilcretaunga links. Tho weather conditions wore again ideal, and tho players spent another splendid day. Pho second round of tho championship was tho only ovent decided yesterday, there being a meeting of tho Ladies' Golf Union in tho afternoon.
Tho links were in pcrfcct order. Several of tho holes have been cut through tho green since last night. J.hero wcro several keenly-contested matehes, onii as tho draw goes on the matches will produeo fino golf, as tho players aro now being well paired, and of about the same merit. Tho players found tho grains more to their liking yesterday, and thoso who were putting badly on Monday weie playing much better. Tho putting course was a pretty scene all day long, as the players tried to break tho average of 2 and so win a prize, which is presented for the best score every day. The men with tiio caiuora were busy snapping players, and taking groups, ana sometimes they got into trouble for then eagernoss to snap a player in tho act ot playing a shot. , , The arrangements and management . again were all that could be desired, and when train timo canio round another pleasant and successful day of tho tourney was brought to an cud.
CHAMPIONSHIP—SECOND ROUND. The following arc tho results of the second round of tho New Zealand ladjes golf championship:— Miss Gould beat Miss Bull, 8 up and 7 Booth beat Miss Buckland, 6 up and 5 to play. t Mrs. Turnbull beat Miss Browster at tho 19th hole. Mrs. Bidwill beat Mrs. Buckley, 4 up and 3 to play. Miss A. i'cajco beat Miss G. Gome, G up and 5 to play. Mrs. Eonald Orbell beat Miss E. Pearce, 5 up and i to play. Mrs. Guy Williams boat Mrs. Booth, 3 up and 2 to play. Miss Wray beat Miss Gray, 1 up and 2 to play. . _ „ „ Miss L. Brandon beat Mrs. Freeth, 5 up and 4 to play. Miss C. Booth beat. Miss M'Lean, 2 up and Ito play. >* ■. ; *. ' Miss Cotter beat Mrs. Abraham, 0 up and 5 to play. Miss Wood beat Mrs. Bevan, 1 up. Mrs. Collins beat Miss Ledger, 2 up. Miss Collins beat, Miss Hamlin, 3 up and 2 to play. . Miss Standish beat Miss Simpson, 2 up and 1 to play. Miss Campbell beat Miss V. Kettle, 5 up and i to play.
Great interest,, was takoji in tho match between Miss G. Gorrio and Miss A. l'caree. Both ladies are the champions of their clubs, and a good gamo was looked for. A large gallery followed tho match, and ; only tho odd stroko at several holes won Miss Pcaroo tho hole. Their driving was excellent and long, Miss Pearco keeping tho better line. Several cleek shots played by Miss Puarce were rffcatly admired by tho spectators, Tho putting was not up to the standard of tho long play. Playing to tho first bath mchod tho green with their seconds, their approach putts wero vety short, and play was halved in 5. Both made good drives at the second, and hero Miss Pcaroo followed up with two lovely clock shots, Miss Gorno using wooden clubs. Miss Pearco was lying two yards off tho pin, with her third, and won tlio, 11910 in 51 w fi,. Miss Gorrio taking' thrco'.putlf. At- tho short third Miss Pearco duffed her tec shot, whilo Miss Gorrie's hit a tree. Bad putting lost Miss Poarce tlio hole, all square. Both were on tho edge of the fourth with two fino shots. .Their approaches wero weak, and Miss Gorrve (missing a 2ft. putt) lost the holo in G to 5. Miss Pcaroo pulled her drive at tho fifth, and Miss Gorrio just escaped the bunker. Miss Pearco was OS 31 " short in her approach, and they halved in 4. Two line wooden club shots by the players found them on tho edgo of the sixth green. Hero Miss Pcaroo lipped the hole for a 4, halved in 5; Both played short of the bunker at tho seventh, but mado excellent approaches. Miss Gorrio missed tho putt and lost the hole. 6—5. Miss Pearco was now 2 up. Their wooden play through tho green at tho long eighth was faulty, but Miss Pearco mado amends by playing a magnificent cleek shot to within a yard of tho pin. Miss Gorrio duffed her iron, then Miss Pearco missed her putt, but won the hole in G—7. At the ninth Miss Gorrio had bad luck in finding n bad lie. Sho played her second up against a troo stump, and tho hoi© cost her 6. Miss Pearcc, although also making a faultv approach, won tho holo with a 5 and turned 4 up. Both sliced into tho rough at tho Until. Miss Gorrio made tho best rccovcrv, and then overran the holo. Miss Pearcc lipped tlio holo for a 4, and halved in 5. At tlio eleventh, both reached tho edge of tho green with fino seconds. Miss Gorrio over-ran thrco yards, and Miss Pearco was very short, but sho holed a fino putt, and Miss Gorrie missed hers. Miss Pearco won 4-5. Pcrfect drives and seconds wero played to tlio twelfth; on the green Miss Gorrie took throo putts, and lost tho hole. 5-G. This mado Miss pearco dormy G. Playing tho thirteenth. Miss Pearco played a cleek for her second shot, and was short. Miss Gorrio took a brassy and ovor-drovo' the green. A halve in 5 was tho result. Miss Poaree thus winning by G and 5." Miss Campbell played a fino game, bho was approaching dead holo after hole, QHd on sovcral greens was down in tlio putt, h®r scoro being on an average well undx>r s's at tho finish of tho match. _ Miss Gould played solid golf Ming out, and beat bogey. Sho won easily. Hot only bad holo was tho eighth, whero sho \ras in troublo fit tlio bunker. _ Mrs. Guy Williams drove well, and her putting was better than on tho first day. Sho had a good match. litre. Booth playod well, coming in at tlio 15th. Mrs. Williams holed out in 2, and won by 3 and 2. Mis. Collins played very consistently and won by 2 ui>. Mrs. llonald Orbcll played groat golf. Sho hit an exceedingly long ball off the toe, whilo her iron work showed great im.rovomont. ITer short game was also very fino. Her ecoto for tlio 14 holes played was:
Out, 1 7454556 4—ll In, 4 4 5 4 3 -20 G-l for 14 holes. Her only mistako was at tho second, wliero she pulled her too i-iliot into the trees, and had to play her second to the side. Miss Wrav started away with very steady golf, lior opponent (Miss Gray) losing the first throo holes. Even play followed, but Mi&s Wray kept lior lead and won by 4 to 2. _ Mits. Turnbull again had a stiff fight, and for tho second time won her match at liho l!ttb hole. Miss Collins was 3 up at. tho 4th holo; and kept that lead to the finish. Sho has not struck form yet with her wcodon club, but hor mashio wdrk and putting: were cxceltent, and kept her score rather good. Miss Wood and Mrs. Beva.ii bad a great 00. Mifs Wootl lost tho first holo and fourth, and at tho turn. Mrs. Bevan was 1 up. Mis Wood pot in tho lead at tlio 13th, but lost the l(ith. Going to tho last tliev were all square, but, putting well, Miss Wood won tho last hole, and tho match. Mrs. Boyan was not drivins well, ajid this was tho wftms of her findins sovoral bunkers. Miss Wood was playing elwidy and putting well. Tho match between Mies L. Brandon and Mrs. Freoth was also n game whore some good golf was witnessed. Tho first holo was halved in a nice 5, Miss Brcvndon played best at tho second, anrl won it in 6 to V. At the third, Mrs. Eroeth drove into the creek, and Miss Brandon, having a fine drive, pot a 3, and won the bole- At tho fourth, Miss Brandon bit two lovely shots, mid got tho croon, holing out in a fino 4, to Mrs. Ereoth's 5. Miss Brandon drove on to tho green at the fifth, while Mrs. Ereeth was short. Miss Brandon, playing perfectly, won the holo in 3 to 4. At tho sixth Mrs. Ereoth got tho first bole, playing it safely in 6. Miss Brandon took4pntts on this grcon, Mrs. Ereoth got bunkered at tho seventh, and. Miss Brandon, playing Bate, got a
5, and won tho holo. Playing the eighth. Miss Brandou got info had trouble at the big bunker, and Mrs. Frceth, carrying it safely, won llio holo nicely. Mrs. llreoui again came to grief, failing to carry llio creek nt tho ninth, whoro sho lost her hall, Miss Brandon winning the hole. Both had fine drives nt the tenth. Mi's. liWth gol: into tho rough her sccond, hilt Miss Brandon hit a fine, long clock shot up to tho green, aud holed out in 4to 5. Mrs. Frootli was short villi her second at tho eleventh, whero Miss Brandon ogain did fine work with her wooden clubs, being ou tho green in 2, and got dowm in 4, to Mrs. Freoth's 5. Tho twelfth was well played by both players in 5. At the thirteenth both were short in two; and Miss Brandon threw away a good chance of a halve by missing an oightccn-inch putt, a.nd lost tho Hole. At the fourteenth, Mrs. Freeth drove'into llio rushes. Miss Brandon had a nioo cleek shot on the green, and got a ,'i, winning tho hole aud match by 5 and 4. Miss Brandon's play off the tee and throughout tho green was excellent. Her short gamo was not no good at wcveral holes. Tho matches Ijotwecu Mrs. Williams and Miss Wray, and Miss A. Pearec.nnd Mrs, E. Orbell, arc sure to bo well contested, and ought to lie well worth witnessing. Tho putting competition yesterday was won by. Mrs. Burnett Stuart
TO-DAY'S PLAY. Tho following are tho hours of startin/ for all matches to-day:— Third Round of Championship. 9.30. • Miss Gould plays Miss D. Booth. 9.35. ' Mrs. A. Pearco plays Mrs. Ronald OrbelL 9.40. Mrs. Guy Williams plays Miss Wray. 9.45. Miss L. Brandon plays Miss Booth. 10.35. , Mrs. Turnbull plays Mrs. Bidwill. 10.40. Miss Cotter plavs Miss Wood. 10.45. ' • Mrs. Collins plays Miss Collins. Miss' Standish plays Miss Campbell. Donnelly Cup. 0.52. Miss Humphreys plays Mrs. Henry. Miss Symes plays Miss Burncs. Mrs. Lees plays Miss Campbell. Miss Fisher plays Miss Darlev. Mrs. Mellsop plays Miss D. Anderson. I Mrs. Cox plays Miss M. Cotter. Mrs. Buttorwortk plays Mrs. M Eao. 10.20. . Mrs. Tweed plays Miss Graham. Miss C. Williams plays Miss Carter, Miss Bcwley plays Miss F. Brandon. I 10.56. , r» i 1 I Miss G. Gorno plays Mrs. Bucluey,
Mrs. Booth plays Miss Gray. Miss Hamlin plays Mrs. l'reeth. Miss E. Pierco plays Mrs. Abraham;. Mrs. Bevan plays Miss Brewster. Miss V. Kcttlo plays Miss Bull. 11 20. Miss Lodger plays Miss R. Buckland. Miss Simpson plays Miss M'Loan. 11,2 Mi53 Wilson plays Miss E. Itobioson. Miss llobieson plays Miss Sybil Abrohnin. Miss Cowlishaw plays Mrs. Wagg. Mrs. Murphy plays Miss TVf*d. Mfe N. Brandon plays Mis 3 Hindmarsh. Miss Foster plays Miss N. Gorrio. Miss Sylvia Abraham plays Mrs. Mur, ray. Mrs. Hooter Smith plays Mrs. Eoso. 12 noon. , Miss Parsons plays Miss Horcourt. Mrs. Boyle plays Mrs. A. Duncan. Mrs. Saijeant plays Miss Richmond. Miss E. S. Booth plays Miss Caitcnr Miss MTvcnzio plays Miss E. Stafford 12 ' Mrs. Batchelor plays Miss I'. Andorso®- ~ j Miss Dora Booth play 6 Miss Poyton. 12,21 Mr5. Seifert plays Miss Burt. Miss 11. Simpson plays Mr& Donald. Mrs. O'Meara plays Mi's. Firth. 12.10. . Mrs, Biss plays Mrs..> Sim. , Mrs. Watlnns plays Miss Didsbury, ■ • Miss Wheeler plays Miss Kettle. Miss Dean plays Miss N. Holmes. Mrs. Beotham plays Mrs. Horbon. Mrs. O'Rorko plays Mrs. Elpar. Mrs. Hayward plays Miss Henderson. Miss Bloomfield plays Miss Holmes. Miss H. Buckland plays Mrs. Fitchett, Mrs. C. Bidwill plays Miss Doughty. 1.20. .
Miss Marks plays Miss Wylie. Mrs. Burnett Stuart plays Miss Ward. Miss W. Miles plays Miss Hayward, Mrs. Thornton plays Mrs. Coverdale.
Mies Fitzherbert plays Mrs. Shaad. Byo, Hiss H. Miles. 1.41. Mrs. Williams plays Miss L. Brandon. 1.18. Miss Dorotliy BootJi plays Mrs. W Turabull. ' 1.52. Miss Gould plays Miss Wray. 1.5 G. Miss Standish plays Miss G. Booth. 2 o'clock. Miss Wood plays Miss A. Poarco. 2.4. Miss Collins plays Mrs. Ronald Orlicll. 2.8. Mrs. W. Bidwill plays Miss Cotter. 2.12. Miss N. CampMl playis Mrs. Collins. LADIES' GOLF UNION. The animal meeting of tho Ladies' Golf Union (New Zealand branch) was held yesterday afternoon. Tho annual report and balance-slirct \vcrc road and adopted. The accounts show a balance ot .£2O 10s Dd. A motion by Mrs. Kelly (Nnnier) thai clubs affiliated to the union should not play matches ncainst those not ailihaixvi was negatived. Jlrs. ICcllv (Napier) proposed, and Miss Williams (Otauo) seconded, that no player must play for moro than oiio ctab in inter-club matches d jriritr anv ono season. This was carried unanimously, A proposal that in fnturo three clmmnionsllip meetings should be held iu tlio North Island to two ill tho South was discussed. Miss Duncan proposed mi amendment that a list of clubs suitable for champion-ship jncetinßS should w made, and eac.h club taken in rotation. The matter was allowed to stand over for discussion at next year's mcotins. Uniform rules for bozey play w« competition for tho Coro- ! nation jWodal wnfi fixed foi' tuo Inst Ijidav in April, 1912. ... . Miss liattrav va.« re-elected president of the union. The follpwiuc vice-presi-dents were ro-oleeted■Mesdamos Bloomfield, Pcaroe, Kelly, Sharp, Vernon, Bulterworth, Misses Moore, and btevenson. Mrs. Mellsop was unanimously reelected hon. secretary. _ . Tho next c.hnmpioiieliip meobnß will l)(> held at Nclmd in 1912.
MIRAMAR GOLF CLUR. T)io final for tho Miranm Cluli's clumpiomship behvoon. P. 0. I.* rvoUi tiim 13. L. Taylor, pluyed over 36 holes, result od m a win for Taylor, after n close njid interesting match, by 2 up and 1 to play.
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Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1248, 4 October 1911, Page 5
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2,408GOLF. Dominion, Volume 5, Issue 1248, 4 October 1911, Page 5
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