LAND NOTICES, EXCEPTIONALLY CHEAP FAHM. TARANAKI DISTRICT. 7AA ACRES, Fplcjulid sheep country, carrying HOD ewes ami 150 head of 6}>V raltlo. The.c arc two. mi tlie property. Ihe ami, which is nil sown in grass, ,\ well siibdividcd-nioro than half is j.loughaule. hiluat.>a within 111 miles from lawnship. This is an exceptionally cheap property, ami unjoin; rpriiiiriiiß a cheap fmm would do well-to inspect kuhio without delay. PlilCE, .CS 15s. per awe. ,lW WILLIAM H. TURNBULL & CO., 27 PANAMA SI'UEET, WELLINGTON. APPLE LANDS FOR SALE. RUBY BAY ESTATE, lIOUTEKE HILLS, NELSON. AO{\ ACMES in Sections from 15 to -10 acres on Iho following easy terms :-i0 - cou per cent, deposit, 25 per cent, in three months, and the balauce on ilovtgage for 5 years at 5 m-r cent., with right to pay off at any time. lor further particulars apply to ■ K.d. LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY CO., LTD., _ THROUGHOUT THE DOMINION. ' SEIIgtEeTnORTHERN TARANAK! GRAZING RUMS. ifiQQ AGUES, Freehold, all in grass, except 100 acres in bush. Well fenced AVJWO im ,| divirled into convenient sh'c-ii-piwf paddocks. Gμ dwelling house, woolshed, and night pens. ■ Sheep and cattlo yards, dip, etc. Fronting Rood metal road. Six miles to the township and s.iloyards, and 18 mi!o3 to the railway and freezing works. Good papa land, carrying two sheep to tho acre. Price, £i 10s. per aero. Kcasouablo terms can be arranged. (H3B) TOf>A' ACMES, Freehold, 070 acres in grass, rich papa land, end well grossed, .IL.-VtiVJ fenced, and subdivided into convenient paddocks. The balance of tho land is good easy bush country. Good shc-cj) yards, and dip; U miles from townfillip, l'ric-a i's ]ss. per acre. Terms, jC23OU cash and tho balanco 5 years ut 5 jwr cent (4170) 1 ACMES, 0.M.P., at £1 per acre, 500 acres in grass find 300 acres felled XfJ'JU this seuson, and tho balance good bush land. Access by good road. Opposite post office and store. Good 4-roomcd house and storeroom, woolshed, find shecpyards; good papa land, and when all in grass will winter 2 sheep to tho aero. Price lor goodwill, £i 2s. lid. per acre, 'i'his is a good property, and worth inspection. . (3250) KAAft ACRES, Freehold. Good bush land. About 700 acres in grass and the """" balanco heavy bush on papa formation. Price, £2 10s. per acre. My Land, Hogister contains the pick of tho Taranaki province, and land seekers can all be suited by calling on me. Dairy farms in areas from 50 to 500 acresj grazing runs from 750 to GOOO acres, at loir prices and on easy terms. I liavo also numerous town and suburban properties for sale; also businesses of every description. Clients shown over properties freo of charge. ■ Correspondence specially invited. Land Representatives: F. E. ORBELL, New Plymouth; 3. 11. HIGKETT, Stratford; P. 10. MOORE. Kaponga. - NI?WWW "PTI-ATlin NEW PLYMOUTH. AUCTIONEER, lNfjWlUr< lVli*llt, land and financial agent. MONEY.MAKING FARMS IN PROGRESSIVE AND PROSPEROUS WAIKATO, »71 f) ACRES, situated 3 miles from Morrinsvillc by motor road, rich, thoroughI JL/e , lv drained swamp countrv, ring-fenced, and well subdivided; 2 houses, 0110 of S rooms and cue S rooms, cowshed, and numerous other outbuildings; land all ploughablc, large area 1.-een [ploughed, balanco surface-sown. This is a moneyinnkins farm, admirably suited for cutting up, and the man who buys this will double his money in 3' years; 3(1!) cows can be milked on it. PMICt, £Vi 10s. per acre; terms, .£2OOO cash, : balance 5 p;r cent. ■ 254 A AO ACRES, situated in the vicinity of Hamilton, handy to railway station and school; rolline dcjwn land "and drained swamp, some of the best Uaikato land, fenced and subdivided with the best fencing, well watered; good farm buildings. This is ideal dairy country, aud the first man to go 011 it will buy. PMICE, JUG per acre; terms, jClotiO'cash, balance 5 per cent. , 255 ROCHE ANI)~IiACGEEGOR, STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, HAMILTON.
POULTRY FARM AS GOING CONCERN POULTRY FARM AS GOING CONCERN r ACRES splendid land, with cottagi-; 4 large fowl-houses, liroodor, incubator, , «? and fccil-houscs; all well built and now. (.Union, orchard all iioitcd, block of SOO (owls, ii«i of ducks, cow, horse, tools, 2 incubalors, i> brooders, etc, Ike _ lot for .£750. Inspection invited. Apply— ■ • ■ PAKKtOH AMD VINCENT UEAL ESTATK AGENTS, L.KVIN. p FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, (*(\A ACRES FREEHOLD, situated Thames Valley, all ploughoble, Rood homo--s>ly4c stead, Rood sheep or dairy country; 0 miles from railway station- l'i'jco ,£9 per acre. Equity, JC-600. •Owner is retiring, and will sell on easy terms, or bxchangp for Rood Wortgases, Ist or 2nd, or unencumbered or lightly mortgaged town property. lull pMtUuIr BAGGETT AND POTTS, WANGANUI, ._ CHOICE DAIRY FARM, STRATFORD DISTRICT. -, »w ACRES, all in grass, 00 acres stumped, all levol, will carry 70 cows; Rood JLOO "β-roomed House, newly renovated, cowshed, concrete floor. PRICE, .£2B PFR iCRKi-XfiOO down, balanes easy terms, or will lease with compulsory purchasing clause, 5 years, JC2S, rental, 2Ss., with a small deposit, or straight-out L;nso * This' FARM can lx> honestly recommended, and is in real good heart; laud adJ ° iuius foUN(?, r "SOBBS AND CO., LAND AGK-XTS, STRATFORD AND KLTHAM. _^ a A r»A -VCRES, Freehold, about hnlf flat, balanco easy hills, subdivided into rs4tt>y 23 paddocks, and wintering 5000 sheep, besides cattle and horses; 10roomed House woolshed, fitted with machines, and numerous other outbuildings. Would subdivide well; two roads running through; the properly is unencumbered, ■and situated within i miles of a good Stock Market; and tlio price is only .£l3 per acre. E"sy terms arranged. HUNTEB, -SCHULTZE. & GIBSON, TENNYSON STREET, NAPIER, ' GOOD FARMS FOtl SALE AND FOR EXCHANGE. T rn ACRES Freehold, rich flat landj haudy to I'almerslou North; good houfc anjt J.OU outbuildings; winters 75 dairy oows. Price, A'4o per acre, hquity. JJ3200. Will exchange far rent-produciug yropertj or Fiimller farm, inn ACRES Freehold, rich land, handy to Palmerston North; new homo • iui.l LOU outbuildings; winters 00 dairy-cows. Price .840 per aero. Equity, .£2.i00. Exchange for Town' Property, or small farm, or would exchange with stock and plant as going concern. Equity about JC3OOU for J:her property and some cash. On ACHES; l'reehold, all river flats, free from ilood; good buildings, well slid. ii\J tered; winters 10 cows; would make splendid pig and poultry tarm; 0117 ibort distance to railway station and township. Prieo only .£875. lerms, .Uot) cash, W. H. LAMBERT AND CO., 20 OUBA STREET, PALWERSTON NORTH. ~~- "first-class dairy farm land. t nt~ ACRKS Best Drained Swamp, 6 miles from FEATHERSTON, on main Jn> I rcid close to butter factory and school; 8-roomed lU'sidencc (modern) and Cottage stables, hayshed, buggvshed, etc.; all ploughable, CARRY GO MILK MRS EASIIA'/piUCE, XM acre, JtIOUOU Cash required, uauvueo term, at 5 per cent. -fl'iTiV \<'KT^ to (H«"i.' vor.vbfft land, good residence with nil farm outbuilding!) J. .-ill and fence; in fine'order. Price .£3O acre. Terms arranged. SPLENDID We "St'ront-iy Recommend" the above Farms, guaranteed as described. No ""-"wJ-H.- MORRAH-AND CO., . WILMS .STREET, WELLINGTON -iCREri, 0.1t.P.; KjU acres in grass, subdivided intc 11 paddocks; 200 acroj JLt)i/U level laud, balance easy couutry; lmiie from school; good houso and woolRl>sd Prico Xi 10s. per acre, w'ilh very easy terms. Duly on market for very Ki.nrt time 210 Acres, ■ npleudul dairy farm, only \\ miics from Strattord Post Office all level, well grasseii, subdivided into U paddocks, handy to tcliool and fiietorv 7 rcoinod hou«e, Iti-bail caivs.icd with milking macliine. ihis tarm 13 verv suitiblo tor cutting up into smaller sections; the best investment; in the -Dominion. Price only a 2(! per acre. ioUO cash; balance can bu arranged. ■ Write at once. _ - , Write tor our Land Register. £200 CASH. . £Zi!3 CASH. TTr 1 ACRES, 0 roomed Uovse, cowshed. AH level and plougbablc, 10 acres been iOy- ulougliKl, rj acies parliy up. All in gra=s; gujil fencesi carry oj cows. Vrice, XVi. J2203 cash down, bilauto SJ yuur» ut 5 per ix'Ut, NOLAN AND CO., NEW VIiYMOIiTU. S. CUSCCj'rl'. i..iad Rouvpscntativß. DON 7T _ PASS~TWIS~ T iBUY." owneTwTll exchange. -a ni-n ACSIiS, Luise, with 3 years to run at .£350, paid yearly, with Purchasing l_O to riauso at J;5 10s. at any time, with JtuiUl) cai-h, bahuice cuu remain for s venrs at 5 lier cent. Situate near TK IiUKU (Mauawcitu Line); !II)U acres in good Euelish -rashes (200 acres new burn), balance in good milling bush. Divided iutu ciEht nai docks well fenced, and watered by utver-failing streams, HIU acris llat good chocolate loam, balance-nod easy terraces; 51) or UO cows could cas'lv bu milked on the front portion,.and a creamery is 2} miles distant, or lor ■ Wellington milk supply Td. per gallon is given tor milk. 'I , lie property as ft sheep farm would easily carry 2J sheep wh»n ail cleared. Houso ui U rooms, bathrooni, fpullcrv etc water laid on lroin sli-eam, waslihouso (copper set in), cowshed, lov.l----lmu-w Vranshed, New set-of sheep and cattle yards, orchard, etc. Situated ft miles from 'nilwav nation, 20 chains trom pu>t oiliw, telephune, etc.; school on the pronertv within 5 chains of the House. PKICK, including SSO good breeding ewes, with ih*ir increase given, only Xi 10s. per acre, goodwill for cash. Cash required (includiu" the- above-raciitiouwl slock), about JL'llifll), or bettor terms inny be arranged. In the above property there are about 500 acres of good milling Rimu bush, estimitcd bv experts to conUiiu over lO.UOllft. to the acre, easy or access, only I miles' to railway station: from proposed mill site, and only about 20 mains of tr-iiu renuired to reach the .timber from this site. Tlio owner will sell this buah. scnarately with iSOO cash, or would let on Royalty at Gd. per 100 ft. We have no hesitation in recommending this property as a good tiling. Vor further particulars, apply only to BOWDEN AND SUTCJL.IFFE, Practical Farm -Agents. 21 .MAIN STRKKT WKST, PALMIC'IiSTON NORTH. ' ' " " TWO SOUND INVESTMENTS. Cbi~f*(\ \CKES, Hawke's Bay, conveniently situated for railway and school; /54v)U 'aUO acres ploughablc. Coinpleto station buildiiißs; permanently wafi'ier. "i'hc winter stock of 3750 slieop and L'l'j cattlu eau U t.k'.'iiat valuation. Price V'tva'aCßl'JS of good Dairy Land, about half is rich flat, and half warm, gentle llJlr slopes; 1-rounied collage; S-bail eoushoil, elf.; i mile Irnni school, 2 miles < .„. c-roameries; XH 10s- <>er acre; .I'iOO cath. Capable ol much uniirovemeut. LATHAM AND CO., WOOUVII.I.B _^ ~ ~ EXCHANGE FOH SMALL fAYiW,. ,~A ACRES, Freehold situated Ki miles from railwav, tchool, and post 34:0U otlico on property; 1001) acres well graced and subdivided into 11 padwatered by permanent streams; 108 acres rich river Hats, balance hilly. All pocd'hcnllhv sheep and caltlo country; canying 2000 .sherp, !.e-ides cattle; 'J. roomed hou'e woalshod, s.heop yanis, dip, and other n.-res-sary buildings. PRICE JC7 per aero. KQUITV JXw. Owner wislies to o.\.:ii ingi' tor sheep and nrriculiaral I arm from -100 to GOO acres, For lull particular.-, apply E, p; M C NEILL.&. CO.. 155 FKATTiKRSTON STRKKT. WF.I.T.INGTON.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1243, 27 September 1911, Page 10
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1,801Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1243, 27 September 1911, Page 10
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