4 PHASER OF THE MOON. SEPTEMBER. Day. li. m. First quarter 1 3 51 a.m. rnll moon 9 3 27 a.m. ciiKirter 16 521 a.m. New moon 23 2 7 a.m. iiiat Quarter 30 10 38 p.m. MOONMoon rises to-dav, 0.19 a.m.; sets, 9.16 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 9.38 a.m.; 10.10 p.m. To-morrow, 10.31 a.m.; 11 p.m. SDN. Sun rises to-day, 5.54 a.m.; sets, 5.39 p.m. ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. ARAPAWA, s.s. (2.25 a.m.), £63 'tons, Corby, for Wangnnui. AOIiANGI, s.s. (6 a.m.), *3268 tons, Evans, from Rarotonga. Passengers: First .saloon —Misses (3), Mesdumca Elliott and child, Reid, Gregg, Messrs. Morris, Xeunhoti'er, Dcunsllan, Elliott. Volraot, Lovelock, Blundell, Soares, Walton. Secondsaloon—Mcsdames White, Rhodes and 2 children, Pliillipson and 3 children, Rev. Quinn, Rev. Treasy. Messrs. Phillipson. Fisher, Brooke, Beck. J. White, Galloway. Trails, Briley, Jordan, Scott, White (2). Ossipoff, Guntlier, Reynolds, Duckworth. Steerage—Mrs. Kormau, Messrs. Collier. Blackburn, Korman, Hudson, Ruhens. Runtza, Andrews, Stevenson, Thompson, Bradskect, Bartarich, O'Doimoll, M'Alhater, Baxter, Brown, Beimet. Reading, Burns. Jenner. Grant, Browne, Wieck, Denis. MOKOIA, s.s. (6.50 a.m.), 35C2 tons. Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon —Misses Richmond, Wood, Cawkwell, Cunningham. Bailey, Smythe. Bilton, Chitty, ftavies. Jeffs, Mosdamcs Nelson and 2 children, Collins, Ingles, Cunningham, Anderson, Hitehen, Roberts, Gumcy, Cockburn, Bealc, Judge and child, Wilson, Messrs. Milne, W. Smart, Wolf. Nelson, Luke, Finlayson. Hutchison, Inglis, Vaughan, Morgan, Cunningham (2), Hitchen. Wilson, Anderson, Nelson. Hoare, Bottkin, Ferguson, Luke, Hayo, Harris. Frater, Scott, RunciBut tier, Branson, Anderson, Fenwick, Watson, Ross, Hurley, Gibson., and Judge: 25 steerage. VICTORIA, s.s. (11 a.m.), 2969 tons, Entwistle, from Dunedin and Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Miss Payne. Mrs. Fox, Messrs. Fox, Furst, J. Wright. Herd, Bevan: 28 steerage. ECHO, auxiliary scow (2 a.m.), 99 tons, M Intyre, from Lyttelton. e s.s. (9.50 a.m.), 245 tons, Hay, from Motueka and Nelson. STORMBIRD, s.s. (2.35 p.m.), 217 tons. jJoTvoll, from Wanzauui. KAPUNI, s.s. (1.30 p.m.). 150 tons, Jackson, from Foxton.
NAVI7A, 5..; (4 'p.m.). 2930 tons, Hutton. fr °™ S"vn. via Auckland. DEFENDER, .s.s. (4.15 p.m.), 190 tons, ,J?i'^ on ' from IJvttclton. Y\ AKATU s.s. (8 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, fl '2l> iijtt'-ltoi" nr, d Kaikoura, PATEENA. s.s. (10.25 p.m.), 1212 tons, Watson, from NeLson and Picton. Parsengers: Saloon-Misses Watt, BryEon. Giblin, Hudson. Martin. Bentloy, BuKhby, Mesdamcs Hartstono and child. Pound and child, (idjcoigne and child, Tomlinson and child. Ledger, Roocrtson and child, Richardson, M Bride, Naples, Pctric. Hansen, Arnold, Booth, Hansford. Tcsohcmaker, Vance, Ecrnayum, CnnlilTe. Bittlc. Messrs. Hudson, Hnrloy. Cow. Itoult, Chambers, Col. Saunders (S A.) Boon, Sinclair. Gammon (2), HouH. Smith. Rev. Kimberley. Beaumont, Webley, Major Wilson, Arnold, Rob- ? r t; n «. JfayanfrHnn-ison, Beasley, Huches. Smith (2>. Ellis. Hildreth. Hay-don. Wilson, Bushcll. Reynolds. Law. Hunter. M'Calium. Cathie. Rose. Tosohemakcr. Sladden, Adnms, Copp. Cimliffe, Fuller. Captain Chant. Gibb. Dr. Dunn, Bittle, Trent, and 10 steerage. DEPARTURES. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. OPAWA, s.s. (1 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. BLENHEIM, s.s. (2 a.m.). 120 tons, Wilkinson, for Blenheim. ARAPAWA, s.s. (10.40 a.m.),' 268 tons. Corby, for Lyttelton. PETONE, s.s. (11.10 a.m.), 708 tons, Wocbunjr. for Wangamii. HOIA. s.s. (11.20, 127 tons, Burt, for Wanganui.
POHEKUA, s.s. (12.15 p.m.), 1175 tons, Cameron, for Greymouth. NIKAU, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 245 tons, Hav, for Nelson and Motueka,
MANUKA, s.s. (6.5 p.m.), 4505 tons, Neville, for Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne. Passengers-Saloon: For Lyt-tclton-Mips Manninn, Mrs. Plimmcr, Messrs. Johns, M'Donald, Smith, M'Farlane, Stephenson: For Dunedin—Misses Crow, Hawson, Nicll, Getrctz, Mesdaiucs Holmes, Chittenden, Robertson, Mc-cts. Cannons. Briley, Lothabv. For Hobart— Mosdamcs Roich and Ivuims. For Mel-bourne-Miss Briggs. Mesdamos nolmwood, Marshall, Messrs. J. A. Plimmcr, C. PHmmer. Brisgs, Brook.
VICTORIA. s.s. (7.10 p.m.), 2969 tons, Entr Wl , s 'sv.i? r northern ports and Sydney. MOIvOIA, s.s. (0.5 p.m.), 3502 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Tonics, Morrison, llozcrs. Ga'lon Thompson, Mesdamcs Pearco, Home, Kenny and boy. Young, Reid and child, Nurse Ogden, Messrs. M'Millan, Jones, Winter, Tate, Jones, Lowe, Phillips, Godsnlve. Phillips, Shaw, Roots, Parsons, Cockburn Ward, Woodcock. Paton. Roublutt, Burn, Homo, Young, Crawford.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Wairau, Karamoa, September 15. To Anau, Westport, September 15. Aorcrc, Patca, September 15. Alexander, Wauganui. September 15. Queen of the.South. Foxton, Sept. 15. Opawa. Blenheim. September 15. Blenheim, Blenheim, September 15. Moa, Grcymonth, September 15. Maori, Lyttelton, September 15. llauroto. northern ports, September 15. Moeraki. Melbourne, via southern ports, September 15.
' nimitangi. Chatham Islands, via Lyttelton. September 15. ITaiipiri.- Greymouth, September 16. Kaliu, Napier. East Coast. Sept. 16. Huia, Wanganui, September 16., Nelson. Motueka, Septembor 16. Hokoia. Lyttelton. September 16. Jlapourika. West Coast, Nelson. Sept. 16. Kapiti. Wanganui. September 16. Kiripaka, Pritca, September 17. Manama. Ilavelock. September 17. Rosamond, Onchunga, New Plymonth, September 17, Monowai, Dunedin. Lyttelton, Sept. 17. Arapawa, Lyttelton, September 17. Koonya, southern ports, September 17. Poherua, Greymouth. September 17. Rotorua, London, via way port-*, Sept. 18. Ruapehu. Auckland. September 18. Himntaka, London, via Auckland, Sept. 18. Tarawera, northern ports. September 19. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Slormbird, Wanganui, September 15. Kapuni, Wanganui. Patea, September 15. Defender, Greymouth. Hokitika, Sept. 15. Alexander, Nelson, West Coast, Sept. 15. Opawa, Blenheim, September 15. Blenheim, Blenheim, September 15. Pateena, Pieton, Nelson, September 15. Maori, Lyttelton, September 15. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Sept. 15. Ilauroto. Lyttelton, Dunedin, Sept. 15. Whakarua, Brisbane, September 15. Moeraki, Sydney direct. September 15. Te Anau, Westport, September 16. Aorcre, Patea, September 16. Queen of the South, Foxton, Sept. 16. Kahu, East Coast, September 16. Iltiia, Wanganui, September 16. Nikan, Nelson. Motueka, September 16. Mokoia, Lyttelton, September 16. Aralmra, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, September 16. lturu. East Coast, September 16. Moa, Wanganui, September 16. Kaitoa, Nelson, West Coast. Sept. 16. Koonya. Now Plymouth. Westport, Greymouth, September 18. Arapawa, Wnuganui, September 18. Manaroa, Motueka.. September 18. Kiripaka, Patea, Sept-ember 18: Monowai, northern ports, September 18. Bosamond. Picton, Nelson. New Plymouth, Onchunga, September 18. Tarawera, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Sept. 19. Jlapourika,. Nelson, West Coast, September 19. Piipple, Napier, Gisborne, September 19. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MOERAKI,, left Melbourne September 6 for Hobni't, southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington September 15. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney September 19. MOANA, s.s., left Melbourne September 13 for llobart, southern ports, and Weilfngton. Due Wellington September ZZ. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Dua Sydney September 116. WIMMEHA, s.s., left Sydney September 15, for_ northern ports and Wellington. Duo Wellington September 22. Leaves same day for Lytteli-on and Dunedin. ULIMAROA, s.s., leaves Sydney .September 16 for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington September 21. Leaves September 22, for southern ports, ITobart, and Melbourne. Duo Melbourne September 30. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STIiAMEPiS TO ARRIVE. From London. RIMUTAKA (due about September 18), sailed on July 8, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. aeents.l JNDRAIiAKAIi (due about September 28), sailed .luly 22. via Australia and Auckland. (Ty*er Line, agents.> J!OTORl T A (duo about September 18), sailed on August 5, ,\ia Cape Town and Hcbart (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) KIA ORA (duo about September 22\ sailed Ausutt 4, via Auckland. iKbaw, Sarin, and Albion Co., agents.)
lONIC (due about October 22), Failed on September 9, via Cape Town and Hobart. (Slia'.v, Kavill ami Albion Co.. agents.) NlWAltlJ (due about November 12), Bailed on September 4, via. Australia, Auckland, and .Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) From Liverpool. KENT (duo about- October 3), failed on July 29, via Cape Town, llobart, and Auckland. (K.-11.-K. Line, agents.) AYRSHIRE (due about November 6), sail* ed on September 2, via Sydney, Brisbane, nnd Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Montreal, CAPE CORSO (due about October 12), sailed on July 30, via. Australia and Auckland. (Now Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) WHAKA.TANE (duo about October 30). failed on August 23, via Australia nnd Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) From Nov; York. WALKURE (due about September 24), sailed on July 1, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Cu., agents.) TOMOANA 'due about October 7), sailed on July 8. via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Lino, agents.) LOUD LONKDALK (due about October 18). sailed on August 1. via- Melbourne, Sydnev. and Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co.,agents.)) TRIFELS (due a flout October 19), sailed on August 1. via Australia and Auckland. (Dalgety and Co., agents.) CRANLEY (duo about. November 18), sailed on August 27. via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA, LONDON. Sentember 13. Sailed.—Nerebana, for Wellington. LONDON. September 14. Sailed—Turakina, for Lyttelton. COASTAL. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Tarawera, from southern ports. NAPIER. Sailed.—lTanroto (5.30 p.m.), for Wellington. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Jaeger. Ilct-emvor, Davis, Morris, Meors. Cotlerwcll, Davi.?. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Kotuku (8.30 a.m.), and Rarawa (4 a.m.), from Oneliunga. PATEA. Arrived.—Aorore (12.50 p.m.), and Mana (1 p.m.),' from Wellington. > . WANGANUI. Arrived— Kiripaka (10.50 a.m.), from WellinGton. FOXTON. ' Arrived.—Queen of the Sonth (12.30 p.m.). from Wellington. To sail—Queen of the South (11.30 p.m.), for Wellington. BLENHEIM. To sail.—Opawa (8. p.m.), and Blenheim (8.30 p.m.), for Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Corinna (6 a.m.), from Wellington; Wootton (2.15 p.m.), put in for coal and water, bound to Lyttelton. Sailed.—Corinna (2.25 p.m.), for Nelson. NELSON. Arrived.—Gertie (7 a.m.). from Wanqanui (put in through stress of weather). WESTPORT. Arrived.—Komat-a (1' p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.-Te Anau (11.30 a.m.), for Wellington. GREYJIOUTII. Arrived.—Kairaki (12.20 p.m.), bound from Wellington to Knramea; llaupiri (1.35 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Moa (1.20 p.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived—Breeze, from Picton; Cygnet, from Kaikoura; Canopus, from Westport. Sailed.—Erminia, barque (9 a.m.), for Newcastle; Surrey (12.35 p.m.), for Port Chalmers. To sail— Himitangi (9 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed.—Aratapu, brigantine, for Kaipara; Kararoea, for Dunodin: Kini, for Greymouth and Wostport; Maori (8.35 p.m.), for Wellington, with 140 passengers. Sailed.—Mocraki (5.15 p.m.), for Wellington and Sydney. Passengers—Saloon: For Wellington—Mrs. and Miss Brown, Mr. Glass, for Sydney—Dr. lladdison, Misses Baldwin, 1 Hadfield, Lyons, Jlesdhmes Stevenson, nurse nnd child, Herman, Pavender, Cress, Baldwin, Dr. Stevenson, Messrs. Webb (21. Mcrrilun, Stringer, Mabin, Harman. M'Dcnald, Crichton, Park, Lemon, Hadlicld. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Monowai, from southern ports. Sailed.—Koonya, for West, Coast, via Oaaiaru. BLUFF. Sailed.—Hananui (9.30 a.m.), for Auckland. ROTORUA ON MONDAY NIGHT. Advice received by the local agents of the Now Zealand Siiipping Co. states that tho Rotorua did not leave Hobart for Wellington yesterday morning as anticipated, but was expected to sail last evening. Sho is not duo at Wellington until Monday evening. JIANA MEETS MISHAP. WHILST ENTERING PATEA. Tlic Marino Department received word from the Customs Officer at Patoa yesterday stating that the I'atea Shipping Oo.'o steamer Mana, ;vhilst inward bound from Wellington, struck tho eastern . wall aud sustained damage, the full extent of which' could not be ascertained at the time at which the message was dispatched. It was • stated, however, that the vessel was leaking in the forward water tanks. A southerly gale was. blowing at tho time of the niir-liap, this being accompanied by a heavy sea.
WELLINGTON-LYTTELTON SERVICE. To-morrow, the turbine ferry steamej Maori will bo decked at Lyttelton for annual surrey and overhaul, and will be ready to rcsumo running on Tuesday evening. Tho Mararoa., which has been undergoing her annual overhaul at Port Chalmers, will relieve the Maori in the ferry service, and' leaves Lyttelton for wellington on Saturday nizht. On arrival at Lyttelton next Tuesday the Mararoa will give place to the Maori, and will pick un hor regular running on Wednesday night. The Mokoia then withdraws, and goes to Duncdin to relieve the Tarawera, which, after undergoing overhaul ami survey, will in turn relievo the Hauroto in tho East Coast service.
CHINESE CREW MUTINOUS. Captain G. J. Perks, of the steamer Sltcines. of the Clyde Shipping Company. Glasgow, has reported a sensational story of mutiny on the high seas to the Merchant Service Guild at Liverpool. While tho vessel was on its way to Adclnido the Chinese crew of 26 mutiinicd, attacked tho third engineer, and threatened to kill the first engineer, while the ccal was so wilfully wasted that the captain decided to put in at Mauritius, 820 milo3 away. From that moment the engineers deemed it unsafe to enter tho stokehold, and decided, for mutual protection, to ltcop two men always on watch. Captain Perks was four days without sleep, being afraid that tho Chineso might lire the cargo, consisting of 42,000 cases of naphtha and benzine. When Mauritius was reached, the Chinese were put ashore, and natives engaged in their place. On searching the men's Quarters concealed weapons of various kinds were found, including a revolver and 50 cartridges.
ARRIVAL OF H.M.S. AORANGIi At 6 a.m. yesterday the Union Co.'3 R.M.S. Aorangi arrived at Wellington from Ran Francisco, via Papeete and Rarotonga. Departure from 'Frisco v.-as taken at noon on August 23. and Papeete was mado at 6.15 fun. on September 4. The Aorangi left for Rarotonga at 5.50 a.m. on tlio following day, and arrived there at 6 a.m. on September 7. She left for Wellington at 8.30 p.m. on the same day, ancl arrived as above. Fine weather and calm seas wero ex* pericnced froiu San Francisco to the Islands. thenco variable moderate winds and sea to arrival. During the passage wireless communication was maintained with San Francisco until the Aorangi was 19C0 miles out. The Maitai and Mariposa were "spoken," and the station at Suva was communicated with. Following is a list of cargo brought down by the Acranfgi:—2s cases can fish, 3720 rases canned fruit, 100 cases dried fruit. 22 eases machinery. 1200 cTates onions, 108 cp-sos periodicals. 53 casks and cases oil (lubricating), 1200 cases Ca;liforniar. fresh apples. 2915 ease* Rarotongan bananas.' 467 cases Rarotongan oranges, 125 cares Rn.rotongan coconut?, 2173 sacks copra, 64 cases vanilla, 17 head stud cattle, and a large quantity of sundries for New Zealand ports, Australian ports, London, Marseilles, and I,e Havre.
' The Aorangi leaves on tho return trip on September 22.
On her arrival at Wellington this morn* inpr from Melbourne, via Foulhcni ports, the Moorahi will berth at the Queen's Wharf No. I north, fills Mils for Sydney direct at 5 p.m. - After completing discharpo at Dunediii tho Aparima will dork ni Port Chalmers* She proceeds thoncc to Newenstl-: to load coal for Java. From the IjUUt place tho Aparima. proas to Calcutta U> take up the November running: for New Dcaland port-?. Waimate. p.p., of the New Zealand Shiiv pin? Co.'s fleet is 011 the "lay-up" berth at Port Chalmers. Captain Lindeman, It.N., for many years shipping massUM* at Sydney, died on Monday, September 4,
Mr. Dalzicll. laic chief engineer of tho Takapuna, has joined tho Kuvow in a similar capacity.
The Norwegian steamer Rkogstad, which is running under tar.o charter for the Union Company, is a steel VMSCI of 3655 tons gross, and 2357 tor.s net register. Slio was built at Sunderland in 1906. and is owned by A. T. Klavcncsa and Go., of Chtistiania. The Skogstad is commanded by Captain 0. Eynning, and is manned entirely by Norwegians.
Advice received from Auckland by ,tho New oZaland Shipping Company states that the Eimutaka is expected to leave for Wellington at noon to-day. The Whakarua leaves Wellington for Brisbano direct at daybreak to-day. Messrs. Bannatyno and Co.. local agents for tho Defender, intend dispatching her from Wellington for Greymouth and Hokitika at 2 p.m. to-day. M>. W. Freed, assistant purser of tho Manuka, and Mr. W. Jfmider, assistant purser of tho Mokoia. exchanged ship 3 yesterday at WcllinEton. Mapourika,, s.s., arrived at Greymouth from Wellington, via. way ports, at 1 n.m. vc*terday. and left again on the return trip at 4 p.m. The Hauoiri also arrived at Greymouth from Wellington yesterday afternoon, and was to have left at 2 a.m. this morning for Wellington.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1233, 15 September 1911, Page 7
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2,551SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1233, 15 September 1911, Page 7
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