(Br Imoofa\)
(Specially written for The Dominion.) WEDNESDAY. Mutton broth. Steak and kidney pudding. Apricot sponge pudding. APRICOT SPONGE PUDDING. Fou: ounces flour, four ounces butter, four ounces Demerarn sugar, two, eggs, two tablespoon)ills of apricot jam, one faiblespoontul of milk, half a teaspoonful carbonate of soda, Foan sauce. Si it tho Hour nnd carbonate of soda on to a piece of paper. Cream the butter and sugar, and beat in the eggs one at a time. Add the flour, soda, apricot jam, ami milk, and stir all lightly together. Put the mixture into a greused baiin, cover with greased paper, and steam for two hours. Turn out and servo with Foam sauce. FOAM SAUCE. Two ounces butter, two ounces castor sugar, two toblcspoonfuls of boiling water, juice of half a lemon, two yolks of eggs. Put tho butter nnd sugar into a basin and cream thoni together until they ore white, and boat in the yolks of eggs. Stand the basin over a saucepan of boiling water, add tho other ingredients V.y degrees, and whisk the sauce" until it becomes thick and frothy. It must not boil. FOR TO-MORROW. Half a pint, of split pease, two pounds chops, cabbage, marmalade, one lemon. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. A Postponed Wedding. A happy ending was reached' last, month (says the "Daily Telegraph" of August 29), in tho parish church of Beaeonsfteld, Buckinghamshire, England, to the romance of Mr. Robert Vernon Har-cou.-t, Liberal M.P. for Montiose Kurglis, son of tho late . Sir William Ifarcourt, when he-was married to Miss JUarjorie Cunard, daughter of Air. and Mrs. William J. Cuuard, of Chester Square, London, and GTfat-granddai-.ghter of Sir Edward Cuaa''d, founder of the Cunard Line. Just two years ago' the announcement' of Miss Cunard's engagement appeared, and. the marriage was arranged ior Novpmber, 1503. But owing, it is understood, to the bride's ill-health, tho dato of tho wedding.was postponed, to be fixed for ail early elate in. the year 1910. Great was the astonishment, however, when an announcement was made that the marriage arranged would not take place, and everyone supposed that Miss Cimard's health was still the cause. This announce ment was made a year and six months ago. Then, cniite recently, came tho further announcement that the wedding would take place. The churchat Beaconsfield was prettily decorated for the ceremony. with white hydrangeas, lilies, nnd palms. Tie bride, who is a pretty brunette, was escorted to the altar and givea away by her father, and although happily restored to health, she. looked somewhat frail in her simple wedding dress of oyster white satin, trimmed with fine Valenciennes laco, the gift of tho bridegroom's mother. She also wore a Brussels lace veil, nnd a diamond pendant, one of tho gifts of the bridegroom, and carried a bouquet.of white carnations. . • ■ . .. Gift.Tea at the Levin Home. ■ Yesterday afternoon a-number.'of peoplo journeyed out from town to attend the "gift tea" ■ given at" the Levin Memorial Homo by the committee, consisting of Mesdames Luke, Hall,. Rutherford, West--Knowles,-! Hoby,'. Anderson, Hie Misses Greenwood, Archibald, Barry, Harding, Morrah, and Young. The visitors were received by tho Matron, Mrs. Jolly, and by members of the committee, and after they had had tea, were invited to go over the building, if they wished, and fee for themselves how the children were cared for. The subscriptions received at the last "gift' toa/' given a year ago, had enabled the committee to make several additions in the way of conveniences and much-needed/furnishing, and it is intended, with the subscriptions received yesterday, to ; 'nd/J further necessary improvements and i - requirements. Parcels of all shapes.and sizes wore lodged upon a table in the hall, containing groceries,-material-"for frocks and underclothing, house furnishings, etc., all of much as-sistance-in'-the-running of such an institution as this, which makes most modest appeals to the public for.support or assistance of any kind. Early in the afternoon the Matron and Mrs. Macdonald were presented by Miss Gieenwood, on behalf of tho committee, with a travelling rug and straps, and a leather hand-bag respectively, accompanied, by. a little speech expressing great appreciation of the excellent way in which .they. ; had conducted the institution, and of their caro and , solicitude in connection with tho welfare of tho children. ' Quantities'of spring flowers were on sale, the money gained.in this way being added to the general funds. In Nine Languages, •At a dinner given at Paris House in 'Sydney the other night,, says the "Daily lelcgraph," by Madame Melba and Mr I ugh J. Ward .(managing director ■in Sydney, ot Messrs. J. C. Williamson, Limited) to the visiting artists of the grand opera company, the diva's health was proposed in nine languages. Mr. John Lemonne spoke in English, Countess do Gisneros in Americanised English, Madame Korolewicz-Wayda ' in Polish Mdlle. Axarino in Russian, M. Quesnei in French, Signors Ciccolini and Scandiann in Italian, Count Cisneros in Spanish, Mdlle. Vcluntas-Ranzenber in German, and Mr. Edmund Burke in Irish. ".Can anyone speak Esperanto?" asked tho Irish basso. "Yes," promptly replied Mr. Ilugh n nrd, and he, as nobody seemed to bo able to understand him, had tho floor uninterrupted for fivo minutes When "the company caught "la dif.i Mrsmadamasignora Molba," the admirable piece of "spoof" was recognised, and there were cheers end great laughter. THIS IS ABOUT SOAP. Men and women aro reasonably fastidious as to what they cat and drink; but very few people are properly scrupulous in the matter of soap. The average man lathers his face with offensive nnd injurious mineral and animal matter two or three times daily. These cheap and nasty soaps dry up tho skin, and in the end completely ruiii it. For the delicate skins of women cheap soaps invariably spell destruction. Tho thing to use—especially in conjunction with Valazc—is Valazo Herbal Complexion Soap (in cakes 2s. 3d.). It contains no injurious elements or unwholesome, animal fat. It is beyond comparison tho finest skin-soap on tho market. Every woman who uses this soap is frankly delighted with it. Over in Australia, it is coining into daily increasing use as a shnving-soan This is, however, primarily the nnturiii soap of the woman of refinement and »ood taste, for whom Mile. Helena Kiibin stein has done so much during recent years. If you nro interested send for Mlle.'s famous book, Beauty in tho M a |- ing," which will bo forwarded to you post free on application. All Valasw specialties of leading chem ists, or direct, post free, from tho liaison Vulaze, Brandon Street, Wellington. ° Ladies interested in tho latest work of sewing machines are invited to pcruso an interesting announcement in this issue concerning tho Rotary Standard Central Needle sewing machine made "in Great Britain. Tho JNew Zealand agent , is Mr F. J. W. Fear, Willis Street, Wellington' A- list is also given of tho sub-agents in tho sub-terminal centres. Ladies' Costumes during tho month ot July, Black or Bluo Serges, £i i S ■ Tweeds, in browns, greys, and navy, 1-3 17s. 6d. W. S. Bedford, 13a Willis Street.
A very enjoyable tea was given by Mrs. Hubert Nathan at her homo in llobsnn Crescent yesterday afternoon. 'Die reception rooms were decorated with spring flowers, and beautiful pot plants of primulas, pale pink and cream in colour, and in the dining-room, where tea was served, tho table was arranged with searlet anemones. Mrs. Nathan was wearing a frock of mauve silk crepe, trimmed with satin and Oriental embroideries. .Among the guests worn: Lady Ward, Mrs. Cyril Ward, Lady M'Lean, Mrs. Stafford, Mrs. J. Barton, Mrs. Fitchott, the Missts Nathan (2), Mrs. Salmond, Mrs. Kane,, and Miss Kane, Mrs. C. Jones, Mrs. and Miss Joseph, Miss Hose, Mrs. W. Kennedy, Mrs. Molineaux, Mrs. and Miss Sinclair, Miss Heading, Mrs. H. Gore, Mrs. F. M. IS.-.Fisher, Mrs. Harcourt, Mrs. iiegg, Mrs. Gillon, and others. A very largo number of people were present in the galleries in the House, last evening, many having to go away as well, owing to lack of seating accommodation. .Not even.the seats of the members' wives and relatives generally were safe from seizure by anxious and interested visitors, who probably learnt more absut State coal and'its cost of .production than they perhaps cared to know—useful though such information is. Even- the Ministerial gallery was well filled as well. A very successful rehearsal of the dances which take place in Miss Richmond's play of "The Motherleys' luck" was held yesterday, afternoon- in the Opera House. The actual performances of the play take place on September 12, 13, and 14, and seats have been reserved in the stalls for tho children taking ■ part in the-dances, so that they may sbe at least something of tho play. They are , to be in charge of persons appointed for that purpese. blocks containing fifty seats may bo reserved by people who intend getting scats in the fan.ily circle, so that parties.may, if they like, combine and make their own arrangements. A very, successful rehearsal was held yesterday in tho Opera House. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sousa, with their two daughters, left Auckland on Friday by the Makura foT Vancouver. The Metliodist Education Trustees have unanimously elected Miss C. E. Kirk as Principal of their Free Kindergartens, in place of Miss Schmidt, who resigned iu order to tako up an appointment in Christcburch. Miss Kirk will coininenco her duties in.October.. ;.. ■ ,- ..... Miss Newcombe Hall, a vocalist of'Dan-' nevirko, who is leaving Ict Duneciin, .was tno recipient of two presentations Inst week as a.mark of the'appreciation-with which her services havo "always been regarded. • . . Mrs. Myles Maskell, who has been associated for tho. past three years' with the • accountants'- branch or. the General Post Office, and:who is leaving to take up her residence in Christchiircli, was on Jlonday the giiest of honour at a tea given her by. hoc colleagues. She was presented by Air. Levey, on behalf of the staff, with a handsome handbag as a farewell token. - . Mrs. Webb, of Nelpon, is visiting 'Wellington, and is staying with her daughter, Mrs. G. G. nodgkins. Mrs. M. Meredith (Masterton), who has been on a visit (o the south, arrived in WV.hngton yesler:lav, ..accompanied by her mother, who will spend souib. little •time with Mrs.'Ogilvio Grant. ; . ' Mrs. Bolleston is tho guest of Mrs.] Grace for ;> few days before leaving for ChristchiHch. ■ Tho sum' of £\U Cs. Od. is the net amount in hand from the iwster ball, held recently in tho Town. Hal!.- - Miss Buick returned to Palmcrston yesterday, and her sister arrives in town to-day. Airs. Hardy- (Selwyn)., has arrived in town. Sirs. W. Guthrie. of Havelock North, is visiting Hastings. . - The Princess Hassan fneo Mi9s Ola Humphrey) was present at the farewell party given to Sir Joseph and Lady Ward before leaving London. - ■■'■■' Ladies wilt bo interested lo . note that Mrs. Rolleston has just .received from England a very large -assortment of H;;h Goods, made of the best:t[uaUty hair, including switches'suitable for hairdressing in. the, newest styles which each' purchaser will bo taught gratis. . Goods sold at English prices, 256.Xambton.Quay, opp. The Economic* ■ CoDSult MISS JENKINS regardiii" Hair, Scalp, and Skin Affections". She is thoroughly, qualified to give tho best possible adyico on these. subjects. Keviva preparations sold, ohly hero; invaluable for complexion, and the most perfect emollient for preserving the skin and complexion from .the. trying changes of weather. : Guaranteed 'absolutely : noninjurious. . Hair , dressing . a speciality. Manicuring-and Pedicuring.. .Miss Jenkins, Nathan's Buildings: Telephone "12-1-I.' —Advt. Donaghmore, Ireland; is famous for old cross'attributed St. Patrick; also M'Cliii- . lon's barilla soaps, noted-for-purify.* ; THE TRUTH, v Your scalp was given you to grow bair, it is natural tor jt to do so; tnen make it do its work. Miss Milsom's lamuus preparations and book with full instructions will, for a iact. bring the liair-α-lls into activity ana thus restore growth and colour. Treatments for all trouble' of ihe hair aiid skin. Ladies and Uentlemen Uu"ht home-treatment, Shawpooinu w... irolyisis (permanent;. natural hair-pads from ss: Hair w Srk of every description. Only, best English hair, lightest weaving. Caution: tio not wear' heavy, hot puds or coarse weaving Every purchaser ot hair-work, mil. boshown bow to arrange the coiffure beco m : iußly.. Orders by mai .careful and prompt attention MISS AULSUAI tine's Chambers. Wellington. bU. " ■■:..■■ FOR MARVELLOUS RESULTS Consult Miss M'Gee, of tho ~ rß r - ,n [ Toilet Rooms," 4 Willis Street. She ha" inff tad many years' practical ojperi. ence with skilled English Hair p£vsi cians, can give you the best posiiblo advice on all Hair and bcalp Disorders Consultation Free. 'Phono' 2366.—Advc, ' LIVER TROUBLES, are no more than simple stagnation caused by a lazy liver duo to constipation. Reliet is always to be had by taking a few dose-s of Chamberlain's Tablets. Chamberlain s X ablets are an ideal medicine for old and young. Easy to take, pleasant and gentle in action, do not grino or purgo but surely relieve constipation. 1 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. By means of RUSSIA (registered), Superfluous Hair can be painlessly and permanently cured in a few treatments It is scientific and leaves no mark or blemish. All my work is guaranteed, and no fee will .be charged for the fW treatment. MRS. HULLEN, Lambton Quay. 'Phone 1017. Or from STMM FOliD AND BENNETT, Cuba Street Solo Agcuts for Mrs. Hullen.* Floral Tributes.—Giftq nt rare anil choice Flowers art- always acceptable for friends or relative.-. Designed and nrranged arlisiic emblems aro always to bo seen at MISS MURRAY'S, Vice-Real Florist, 3(1 Willis Street. Tel. 265. Wedding liouquuts and Designs sent to auj part of Dominion.—Advt. Some folks play bridge and somo play whist; And some try boxing with the fist; A game of billiards some prefer, But these are not my hobbies, sir, I've quite a different desire— My wife, iny pipe, a cheerful fire, Woods' Peppermint Cure to ease my cold I know no better cure'is sold,—Advt,
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1225, 6 September 1911, Page 9
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2,312WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1225, 6 September 1911, Page 9
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