PHASES OP THE MOON. SEI'TEMBEIt. Day. h. in. . First quarter 1 3 51 a.m. Fall moon 9 3 27 a.m. Last quarter 16 5 21 a.m. , New moon 23 2 7 a.m. First quarter 30 10 38 p.m. , • MOON. Moon rises to-day, 1 36 p.m.; sets, 5.34 a.m. HIGH AVATEK. To-day, 1.27 a.m.; 1.43 p.m. To-morrow, 2.7 a.m.; 2.27 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 6.J1 a.m.; sets, 5.29 p.m. ARRIVALS. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. ROSAMOND, s.s. (11.15 p.m.), 721 tons, Wallis, from Onehunga. DEPARTURES. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. PATEENA, s.s. (12.50 p.m.), 1212 tons. Watson, for Picton and Nelson. Passengers: Saloon—For Picton—Misses Bramley, Bell, Orr, Dr. Dunn, Mcssvs. AVeston. Tovie, Baillie, M'Carthy. Hore, Nelson. Payne, Wil?on, Grey, liallin. Roger 3. For NelsonMisses Brickson, Martin, Mcsdames Robmson, Martin, Erickson, Major Fulton, Messi-s. Read, Robinson, Tingey, Rowlands, Quinn, Clayton. NGARU, scow (8.50 a.m.), 120 tons, Elven, "jIANAROaVs.s. (3.30 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Motueka. MONOWAI, s.s. (6.5 p.m.), 3433 tons, Robertson, for Napier, Gisborn*, and Auckland. Passengers: Saloon—For Napier—Mrs. Honour nnd 2 children, Mr. Honour. Masters Honour (2). For Gisbornc—Misses Pago, Eonayne, Mrs. Stewart, Messrs. Beamish, Caldwcll, Eonayne. Rutter. For Auckland -Mis, Jay, Mrs. Ronayne, Rutter. For Auckland-Miss Jay. Mrs. ftonayntf, Messrs. Soldi, AA'ynn-Williams, Rsuayne. OPAAVA, s.s. (7 p.m.), 11(1 tons, Nicholas, for' Blenheim. PUTIKI, s.s. (7 p.m.), 409 tone, Whalstrom, for Nelson and Greymouth. KOONYA, s.s. (7.35 p.m.). 1091 tons. Plaits, for New Plymouth and West Coast. MAOltl, s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 3399 tons, Aldwell, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon-Misses Armstrong, Smith, Adair, Fairbairn, Roach (2), Ar.stiss, Higgp, Johnston, Mcsdamcs Green, Kingston. Palmer, Simraonds. Andrews, Oraigie, Hume,- Shorland. HadfieM, Onic, Johnston, Milne, Dr. Endlettsbergen, Messrs. Brood. M'Clolland. Do Clifford. F.dger, Logan, M'Lean, Virtue, Palmer, Whitcombo. Thomas, Boyle, Green, Douglas, Driscoll, Willcox, Stephen. Kendall, Brooks, (Mley, Gpirgn, Hutchison, namnmnd, M'Kepzie, Hobday, Hill. Johnston, Chat-, fipM. Master Johnston. Milne. AVilron. WANAKA. s.p. (11.10 p.m.), 24« tons., Drewette, for Westport. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Surrey, Liverpool, via Auckland, Napier, September 5. Rosamond, Onehunga, September 5. Corimia., Onehunga, New Plymouth, September 5. Kfl.itoa, Terakohe, September 5. Hula, AVanganui-, September 5. Kapiti, Lyttolton, September 5. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, Sept. 5. Mokoia, Lyttelton. September 5. Canopus. AVestport, September 5. Tainui. London, via wny ports. Sept. 5. Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura. September Tarawcra. northern ports. September 5. Patecna, Nelson, Picton, September 5. Pukaki, Wostport, September 6. Amelia Sims. Timnni, September 6. Echo, Lyttelton. September 6. Ac-rerc, Paten, September 6. Opawn, Blenheim. September 6. Queen of the South, Foxton, Sent. 6. Manaron, Motueka. September 6. Blenheim, Blenheim, September 6. Maori, Lyttelton, September 6. Arahura. West Coast. Nelson, Picton. September 6. Warrimoo, Sydney direct, September 6. Ifauroto, Duncdin. Lyttclton.Sctembcr 7. Mana, Patna. September 7. Kamona, Wostport, September 7. Ulimaroa. Melbourne, via southern ports, September 8. • Cnpo Ortegal, New York, via Auckland, September 8. Aparinip, Calcutta, "Auckland, Sept. 8. Monowai, northern ports, September 12. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Kiripaka, Paten, September 5. Stormbijd, Wringnnui, September 5. Arapawa. AVanganui, September 5. Kapuni, Patea. September 5. Rosamond. Picton. Nelson, New Plymouth, Onohunga, September 5. ' Mapourika, Nelson, West Coast, Sept. 5. Ripple, Napier. Gisborne. Sept. 5. larawcra. Lyttelton, Dunedin. September 5. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, Sept. 5. Mokoia. Lyttelton, September 5. Htlia, Wanganui, September 5. Walraca, Groymouth, September 5. Kaito-a, Nelson, West Coast, Sept. 5. Kahu, East Coast, September 5. To Anau, Wcstport, September 5. Komata, Westport, September 6. Aorcre, Patea, September 6. Opawa, Blenheim, September 6. Queen of the South, Foxton, Sept. 6. Mannroa, Motueka, September 6. Blenheim, Blenheim, September 6. Pateena., Picton, Nelson, September 6. Maori, Lyttelton, September 6. Corinna. southern ports, September 6 Wnkatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, Sept. 6, Hauroto, northern ports, September 7. Warrimoo. Melbourne, via southern ports, September 7. Arawa, London, via way ports, Sept. 7. Mnna, Patea, September 7. Kapiti, AYanganui, September 7. Hinomoa, southern lighthouses, Sept. 7. Clyde, Macquarries. Sept. 7. Surrey, Lyttelton. Duncdin. Sept. 7. Ulimaroa-, Sydney direct, September 8. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, Went Coast, September 9. Monowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Sept. 9. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. ULIMAROA, s.s., left Melbourne August 30 for Hobart, Eouthern ports, and Wellington. Duo Wellington September 8. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney September 12. WARRIMOO, s.s., left Sydney September 2 for Wellington direct. Due Wellington September 6. Leaves September 7 for southern porta, Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne September 16. VICTORIA, s.s., left Sydney August 30 for Auckland,- Gisbornc, Napier, and Wellington. Due Wellington September 8. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. MOERAKI, s.s., leaves Melbourne September 6 for Hobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington September 15. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney September 19. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO AEEIVE. From London. AV'HAKARUA (duo about September 17), sailed on July 6, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. Ci'yser Line, agents.) •KIMUTAKA (uiio about beptcmber 9), staled on July 8, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) TAINUI. (due to-day), sailed on July 22, via Cape Town and iiobart. (Shaw, Savill, and AiDion Co., agents.) INDRABARAH (due about September 23), sailed July 22, via Australia and Auckland. Ci'yser Line, agents.) ROTORUA (duo about September 18), sailed on August 5, via Capo Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) KIA ORA (due about September 22). sailed on August 4, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) From Liverpool. SQRKEV (duo this morning), sailed on Juno 24, via Capo Town, Hobart. Auckland, and Napier. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) KENT (due about October 3). Failed on July 29, via Cape Town, Hobart. and Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. KARAMEA (due about September 9), sailed on Juno 29, via Australia and Auckland. (Now Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) CAPE CORSO (due about 0.-tober 12), sailed on July 30, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) AVIIAKATANE (due ahoiit October 50), r,ailc<l on August 23. via Australia, and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Now York. CAPE ORTEOAL (due about September 8), sailed on June 17, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) AVALKURE (due nbout September 18), sailed on July 1, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co.. ngentn.) TOMOANA (due nbout October 7). Failed on July 8. via Australia and Auckland, (Tvfrr Linn, agent*.) LOUD LONSDALE (due nbout October 18), soiled on August 1. via Melbourne. Sydney, and Auckland. (Vicuuni Oil Co.. agents.) TRIFELS (dun about October 19), pniled on August 1, via Australia and Auckland. (Dalgety and Co., agents.) From Calcutta. APAEIJM (due .-tljont September 8). paiiod on August 1, vin Singapore. Samarang, and Auckland. (U.S.S. Co., agents.; From San Francisco. AORANOI (due about September 14). sailed on Angii.-t M. vin- Papeete and Raro--1 tonga. (U.S.S. Co.. agents.) From Dunbury. [ KANNA (duo about September 9), sailed
on August 23, via Duuedin. (U.S.S. Co., agents.) CLAN ROSS (duo nbout September 16), sailed on August 25, via Lyttelton. (G. H. Scales, agents.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. NEWCASTLE, September 4. Arrived.—Anglo-Patagonian, from Dunodin. Sailed.—Waipara, for Auckland. MELBOURNE, September 4. Arrived.—lndrabarah, from London. ADELAIDE, September-4. Arrived.—Kaitangata, from New Zealand. COASTAL. MONDAY, SEPTEMBEE 4. AUCKLAND. Arriycd.-Cape Ortega! (10.15 a.m.), from New York, via Australia; Waitemata (12.30 p.m.). from Fiji Sailed.—Clan Ogilvy (5 p.m.). for Newcastle; AVimmera (6.5 p.m.), for Sydney; Haupiri, for Limestone Island and Wellington; Squall, for Tologa Bay and Gis> horne; Casablanca, barque, for Mercury Bay, Great Barrier, and Sydney. NAPIER. Sailed.—Surrey (12.10 p.m.), for ■Wellington; Wimmcra (2.30 p.m.), for Wellington. CASTLEPOINT. Sailed.—Kahu (8 a.m.), for Wellington. WANGANUI. • Sailed.—Hnia (5.35 p.m.), for Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH. Sailed—Corinna (3.10 p.m.), for Wellington; Inga (8 p.m.). for Lyttelton; Rarawa (8.30 p.m.), for Onchunga. PICTON. Arrived.—Pateena (4.50 p.m.), from Wellington. MOTUEKA. To sail.—Nikau (5 p.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Pctone. from Napier. Sailed.-Kapiti (4.4 p.m.), for Wellington; Brisbane, for Hokianga; Kurow, for Oamaru and Duncdin; Wakatu, for Kaikoura and Wellington: Mokoia (6.10 p.m.), for Wellington, with 150 passengers. BLUFF. Arrived.—Ulimaroa (10.50 a.m.), from Melbourne and Hobart. Passengers for Wellington: Saloon—Mesda.mes Todd, Hudson* Williams and child, Lefray and 2 children, White, Misses Todd, Atack. Messrs. J. Miller, T. Miller, W.. Miller, Hudson, Wicks. Sailed.—Moana (4.40 p.m.), for Hobart nnd Melbourne. THE STEAMER CHANLEY. According to : a cable message received in Sydney the Tyscr liner Cranley was dispatched from New York on August 27. for Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand portE. TO LOAD AT NEW YORK. Advices to hand etato that tho Hansa liner Eotenfels has been chartered to load at New York on behalf of the U.S. and A. Line. She will take the berth about the end of this month, and loads for Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand ports. TAINTJI ARRIVES AT 4 P.M. A private wireless message received from Captain Moffatt, of R.M.S. Tainui, states that the vessel will reach Wellington from London, via. way ports, at about 4 p.m. today. She berths at the King's Wharf. APARIMA, DUE FRIDAY. A projected departure from Auckland for Wellington to-morrow is the Union Company s Calcutta trader Aparima. She should arrive here on Friday. AYRSHIRE LEAVES LIVERPOOL. A somewhat belated announcement is made of the departure from Liverpool on August 24 of the F.-H.-S. boat Ayrshire for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton. and Dunodiu. The Ayrshire, it appears, makes calls en route at Sydney and iirisbane for the purposes of lauding immigrants. WARRIMOO LEAVES SYDNEY. This week's direct boat from Sydney to Wollington—tho Warrimoo-left the 'New South Wales port at noon on Saturday. She is due at Wellington to-morrow morning, and ia bringing 159 passengers for all ports. ..SURREY AERIVES TO-DAY. Advice received from Napier intimatcu that the F.-H.-S. steamer Surrey l«ft there for Wellington at 12.10 p.m. yesterday. Sho should arrive in port about 8 a.m. to-day, and after completing part discharge of her Liverpool cargo ■ at the Taranaki Street Wharf, leaves for Lyttolton and Dunedin on Thursday. CAPE ORTEGAL AT AUCKLAND. An arrival at Auckland from New York, via way ports yesterday morning, was tho Tyser Line's chartered steamer Cape Ortcgal. The vessel is expected at Wellington on Friday or Saturday next. PASSENGERS BY THE ROTORTJA. Due at Wellington from London, via way ports on September 18, tho New Zealand Shipping Company's R.M.S. Rotorua is bringing the following passengers:— First saloon: Misses A. P. and D. A. Cooper, C, Pync, and K. Wilson, Mesdamea B. lieuham, Cooper, M. George, F. A. Hemming, Newconib, M. Wilder, Messrs. A. Fj. Brown, A. E. Cooper, R. L. Jefferson, W N Musgrove, G. Newcomb, J. Paget, Waddington, Masters Cooper and Hemming. Second saloon: Misses N. and M. Chinery M. Crowthers, G. Ellison, 11. Haseltino it. Hitchcock, -E. and W. Holloway, E. Johnson, B. Kirkwood, J. C. Logic, K. it. N. Lyon, L. Penlerick, A. M. Punter, M. J. Weeks Mesdames A. Adair, A. Allday, Chinery, Ellison, Evison, J. Hascltine, Hibbard, Hiil, Holloway, M. Johncvon, Laird, B. Meadowcroft. J. Roberts, V. Roberts-Jones. Sang Sawers, C. A. Tync, Wilson. Yates, Captain W. S. King. Messrs. L. D. Armitage. J. Boag. J. H. Brown, R. Burton, E. Chincry, H. W. Dodd, W. -,T. Ellison. S. R. Evison, F. Flavell, W. Hibbard, E. Hill, A. W Holloway. E. Kirkwood, J. L. Laing, G. W. Laird. J. J. Meikle, A. Newcomb, E. O'Le-ary, R. Opie, F,. Sang. J. C. Sawers C. D. Stiles, W. A. Trcnchpr, D. Wilson. P Yates, Masters Yates (3), Tyne, Sing Holloway (21, naseltin.s. Ellison, and Chinery. There are also 397 steerage passengers for Hobart and New Zealand. " . THE F.-H.-S. STEAMER ARGYLLSHIRE. The Argyllshire, the first of a, lleet of ten steamers—each of 1U,5U0 tons—lor the Fedcral-ilouider-suire Line, is now en route from Liverpool to Sydney, in command of Captain C'lncKen. Tno new liner called at Avoiiinouth lor a quantity of cargo, and during her stay there a number of prominent hristod merchants an<S dock otii.ciala were entertained at iunch on board. Complimentary references were made to the vessel, and her adaptability for the Australian trade. The Argyllshire is a steel twin-screw steamer built up to the highest class. Her overall dimensions are:Leugth, 54Vft.; breadth, 6lft. 6in.; depth to shelter deck, 45ft.; depth to boat deck 61 ft. Sho has eight water-tight bulkheads, and can carry 2000 tons of water ballast, wuile her total cargo capacity is b2UU)u cubio feet, the total insulated capacity being 380,000 cubic feet. She has a deadweight capacity of 12,300 tons, excluding insulation. She has six cargo hatches, and 2) winches, and 21 cargo derricks. All the cargo derricks have been tested to 10 tons, and tho heavyweight derrick to thirty tons. There are in all 19 separate cargo compartments for tho carnage of general cargo, frozen and chilled meat, fruit and dairy produce. Tho steam steering gear, by Hastie and Co., is in a steel house aft, and controlled by a telemotar on the navigating bridge, the propelling machinery consists of two sets of quadruple expansion engines, capable of developing 7250 horse-power, and maintaining a sea speed of 13 knots. Steam is provided by two large double-ended and two la.rge single-eiided boilers with 24 furnaces, fitted with Howden's forced draft, and working at ilslb. pressure. The boilers are fitted throughout with Hotchkiss patent circulators. The refrigerating machinery consist:! of two independent sets of H-";-lam's ammonia machines, each capable of controlling all the insulated spaces at an easy speed. The lower holds are controlled by steam-driven fans, and the 'tween decks by brine circulation: Therj> is over 10 miles of brine piping, nnd about eitibt in:los of ammonia piping in the refrigerating instillation, and the arrangement is sucli the temperature of any one compartment can be regulated separately for the various produce carried. There is accommodation for 130 flrst-clas.i passengers, all the strrtorooms being on dock. There is n lounge about <Oft. square and Inrcc sipnking-room. hatha, etc., all sumptuously fitted up: while there are a barber's shop and dispensary. The galley and pantry arrangements are complete in every way. The vessel carries a. crew of ISC and has lifeboat accommodation for 4M psr.-tms. Arrangements have b~,n fnr p. witless *cli"""iT)liv inpt.ilbt.iori. Two si-ilcrs ships, the Wiltshire and the Shropshire, are foliowing the Argyllshire. AN INNOVATION. A rather interesting innovation as far as tho Australian trade is concerned has been introduced on the Jlilburn liner Port Augusta, which arrived nt Melbourne from London recently. It is known as tho Jeh-nsteu's Eiiper-hoatcd steam Installation, and was installed by tho NorthEastern Marine Engineering Company, of WaJlF«n(k>n-Tync, which Ins already equipped many of the steamers trading to Uio Mediterranean and short voyages'. Tbo present test has been a severe one, considering tho voyage, and has so far been F.uccca-ful. The degree of super-heat in the Port Augusta, by the installation averages
550 degrees Fall, at the engine stop valve. It gives increased power to tho main eugiiit.i. and show? a saving of 15 per cent, iu bunker coal. This saving means a great deal to the owners, for it increases the vessel's cargo carrying capacity, and the running costs are considerably reduced. Owing (o the high temperature of the super-heated steam, the piston rod and valve spindles glands of the engines arc fitted with a special metallic packing, made by Coiieland, of Wallseiid-on-Tyiic. This is a departure from the usual packing being cart-iron throughout, and in accordance with the most up-to-date practice. Provided the invention proves a success, on tht Port Augusta, a number of new vessel.-, which are under construction in the United Kingdom for the Eaine company, will be similarly fitted. There was only one arrival at the port of Wellington yesterday, and that was the Union Company's steamer Rosamond. She came iu at 11.15 p.m. Tainui. R.M.S., now en route from London to AVellington, will be within range of Wellington's wireless station to-day. Latest charters announced include tho barque Jessie Craig, 633 tons. Sho loads produce at Melbourne and Geelong for Auckland. The barque Casablanca is to load timber at Great Barrier Island for Sydney. Captain Hammond, formerly chief officer of the Makura, will bring the Union Company's recently-purchased steamer Tahiti out from England to New Zealand. Mr. Green, chief officer of R.M.S. Arawn, has received instructions from London to transfer to R.M.S. Tainui at Wellington. Mr. Bosdett, chief officer of tho latter vessel, goes Homo by the Arawa on Thursday next. Six h'eavy lifts were taken aboard the Monowai with her own gear yesterday at Wellington. They consisted of two largo sand-pumps and four winches. Mr. R. Dodds has rejoined the Putiki as mate, in place of Mr. R. Dewhurst, who has been relieving him. Yesterday afternoon, the Government steamer Hinomoa came off the Patent Slip, and will leave. on Thursday for Cape Campbell and southern lighthouses. • Towards the end of this week tho schooner Clyde will leave Wellington, under command of Captain Smith, for the Macquaries. To-day the coastal steamer Wairau is to loave Karamea, for Motueka. Sho returns to Karamea to load for Wellington. Information received states that the auxiliary seow Echo sails for Wellington from Lyttelton to-day. Telegraphic advice to hand yesterday was to the effect that the ketch Lizzie Taylor left Timaru for Wellington, produce laden. Mr. M'Kenzie, second officer of. the Corinna, has joined the Kurow. Mr. Schrivencr, late second of tho vessel, is now acting chief officer. Mr. V. Hill, late of the Kurow, is chief officer of the Hauroto. Captain Carey, of the Patesna, is on' holiday leave, and Captain Watson is relieving him. Mr. Campbell, second officer of the Maori, is to be promoted to a. position as chief officer in the company, and Mr. 0. Flood joins the vessel in his stead. The Amelia Sims is expected to leave Te Kopuru for Wellington to-day with n. cargo of kauri pine. This afternoon the To Anau leaves Wellington for Westport, and returns here towards the end of tho week. The Haupiri left Auckland last evening for Wellington, via Limestone Island, and tho East Coast. To-day tho Pukaki leaves Westport for Wellington, and she will be followed by the Kamona to-morrow. The Komata leaves Wellington for Westport to-morrow some' time. > On September 11 the coastal Fteamer Putiki is due at AVellington. and will be placed on the Patent Slip for overhaul. The Union Company's turret Etenmer Koromiko is to leave Westport for Sydney to-morrow. At 9 a.m. yesterday the Arahura arrived off the Groymouth bar. but was unable to enter, owing to tho bad state of the weather. The Kowh.ii, Kittawa, Flora, Pohcnia, and Ngatoro are all insid?, awaiting a favourable opportunity to cross outwards. Captain Harris, late of the Kaiapoi. has been appointed to command the Union Company's steamer Moana. The Pntca bar is still in a bad condition, and tho Mana' and Aorere nro blocked inside. It is thought that it will be Wednesday at the earliest before the port can be worked. At noon on Thursday, R.M.S. Arawa is to leave her berth at the Glasgow Wharf, AVellington, 'for London, via way ports. From AVanganui the Tyser liner liidralema proceeds to Timaru, and thence to Gisbornc nnd Napier. Sho is due at AVellington from the last-mentioned port on September 18, and then proceeds to tho, Bluff to complete Ilomeward loading. The departure of the steamer Navua from Auckland for Fiji was considerably delayed on Wednesday owing to one of the crew absenting himself. The vessel was ready to put to sea. a few minutes after two o clock, but it was just on the strike of three when the missing man turned up. The Navua cleared tho wharf shortly afterwards. Tho departure of the Tvser liner Indralcma from Auckland for Napier, was also delayed about fifteen hours through several firemen straying ashore. The Indralema was ready to put to sea on Saturday afternoon, August 26, but had to anchor in tho stream.till daylight on Sunday, when tho offenders were rounded up by the water police and put aboard. This is a serious matter to the shipping companies (says the "New Zealand Ilorald"). The men know that the Act forbids the master , of a vessel putting to sea short-handed, and some of them take advantage of the knowledge and practically do as they like. The export trade of the province is at present served by three ports—Now Plymouth, Patea, aiid Waitara—from tno first two of which it is carried iu coastal steamers to AVellington. and there transhipped to ocean liners, while at AVaitara tramp steamers lie in the open roadstead and are tendered by barges. Tho principal exports (states the "Taranaki HeraM") from tho three ports for the year ended Marc'a 31. .1911, combined, were as follow:—Butter, 132,171cwt.. value £656,992; cheKC. 202,457cwt., value, £557,449; frozen beef. 112.443cwt. value £156,614;' frozon mutton, 28,836 carcasses, value £29,094; frozen lamb, 53,577 carcasses ralue £33,684; frozen pork, 4295cwt., value £10,043; meat, other kinds. 5530cwi., Value £10,519; wool, 3,468,183!b., value £120,929; tallow, 950 tons, value £27,286; oleomargarine, 309 tons, value £12,343; hides, 17.836, value £24,711; skins, 117,261, value £20,028. When ocean-going vessels are able to berth at a wharf at Now' Plymouth, ihere is every reason to assume that practically the whole of this produce will be shipped there instead of being transhipped at AVellington or lightered at AVaitara. This alone furnishes cargo to warrant tho frequent loading of steamers at Now Plymouth, but with the rapid extension of settlement, the increasing "productiveness of tho land already settled, and the widening of the area served by tho port, it is certain that the exports will increase enormously in tho near future. In addition, there will be a large accession of trade by means of email coastal vessels scrvins the smaller ports to the north, such as the llokau River, the Kawhia and Raglan Harbours, which will perve immense areas of fertile land now being opened up.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1224, 5 September 1911, Page 9
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3,568SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1224, 5 September 1911, Page 9
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