PHASES OF TflE MOON. AUGUST. Day. h. m. First quarter 2 10 5? a.m. Full inoon 220 p.m. Last quarter W H ,1 P ,m ' New moon 2-1 344 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 3.43 a.m.; set;. 0.9 p.m. HIGH WATKR. To-day, 1.l a.m.; 1.26 p.m. To-morrow, 1.55 a.m.; 2.18 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day. 6.34 a.m:; sets. 5.13 p.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY. AUGUST 19. QUEEN OF TJIE SOUTH. e.s. (1.5 n.m.), 19S tons. Harvey, from Foxton. NIKAU, s.s. (3.50 a.m.), 252 tons, nay, from Nelson and Motueka. KIRIPAKA. s.s. (5.40 a.m.), 133 tons. M'ln-toi-h. from Patea. AWA.ROA, s.s. (5.45 a.m.), Watchlin. from Kaipara. MARAROA. s.s. (6.50 a.m.), 2598 tons. Manning, from Lyttelton. Passencers: SaloonMisses Timins, Hannibal!. Thompson, Werner, Land, Mesdames Canning. Hickman, Ritchie, Turton. M'Lcrnon, Baycrtz, Miller, Manderson, Brand. Derridgc. Dr. Cox, and child, Messrs. White, Hughes. Manderson, Simpson. Yandcburg, Norland, Tanner, Cook, Nixon, Smith, Pollock. Wrckaa, Borrie, Cummin:-. Adams, Youjjs. Bishop, Healy, Horn, Hobhs. Redmond. Eitehie, Wylie, Bcccroft, Groenouph. Shaw, Kennedy, Kcenan, Tate. Starkey, Truman, M'Leroon, Itobbs, Harley, Coombes, Bird, Lamb, Mee, Booth, Brand, Heath, Rooney; 44 steerage. "MANA, s.s. (2 p.m.), 134 tons, Gibson, from Wanganui. STORMBIJtD, s.s. (2 p.m.), 217 tons, Do-, well, iroin Wangamti. JiINEMOA, s.s. (5 p.m.). 542 tons. Bollens, from Onehuncra. MANAROA, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 122 tons. Hart-, from Havelock. WAKATU. s.s. (5.25 p.m.), 157 tons. Wills, from Lyttelton and Kaikoura. BLENHEIM, s.s. (7 p.m.), 120 tons. Watson, from Blenheim. OPAWA, s.s. (9.30 p.m.), 110 tons. Nicholas, from Blenheim. RURTJ, s.s. (10.5 p.m.), -65 tons. Nelson from East Coast. RIPPLE, 5.5. (10.15 p.m.), 370 tons. Carlson, from Gisborne. PATEENA, ' s.s. (10.15 p.m.). 1212 tons, Oarcy, from Nelson and Pic tan. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Staples, Kidson, Livesay, Bolton, Goodwin, Gibbs, Guard. Ham, M'Gallum, Danvell, Xesdames Mieham, Elson, Roff, East-on. Clark. Goodwin, Mun-1 caster. Conclly, Fuller and child, Lawcett, Wilson, Hocken, Boyd,. Wertzger, Messrs. Forstcr. Angus. Hyde, Bright. Thompson, Hart. 'Migham, Rowley, Harris. Page (2), Taskor, Grniham, Pilchen T. Thompson, Quayle, Beamish, Zerface, Gilen, Palara-amtarn. Nelson, Brook. Barman. Williamson, nealey, Ccno]!5 r . Fell, Rabbits, Kelly, Lawcett, GoHey, Foster. Patchett. Wilson.. Craig, Wetzger, Harris, and 15 steerage. SUNDAY, AUGUST 20. MAPOURIKA. s.s. (2.5 a.m.). 1203 tons, Ritchie, from' Nelson. Passengers: Saloon— Hcsdames Wells, Peterson, Evans. Rimmington, Messrs. Campbell, Phillips. ByaJl, Ferguson, Dolan. Johnson. vSiin. Sherlock, Long, M'Gill, ilurrt, Sutton., Williams, and Taylor, Hon. Marshall; 9 steerage. IIUIA, s.s. (6.30 a.m.), 127 tons, Burt, from Wangnnui. PUTIKI, s.s. (7.55 a.m.), W tons, Walilstorm. from Tin^iru. MAORI, P.p. (845 a.m.). 3393 tons. Aldwcll, from Jjyttcllon. Passengers: Haiocn—Misson M'Alster, llrixhtliiisc. Goodiill. Henncr. Vest, Butts, Mesilames ]iclainy, Hunt, Watson. Webley, Fletcher, Hammond, Clift. Ba.rtoJi, Burr, "llislop and 2 children, Dodd. Flower, Here. M'Kiuicy. Anderson, Jlos«rf. Cokcr, Xocdiiam, Olark, Douglas, Vi'ebb (2). llnicc, Blake, Boyle. li::.ire. Robert!'. Jlaeneidoe, Afric, lionc, Claiton, Niglitincale. Watson, Briscoe, btemvrt, Apai', Brovai. Remi?ai", Watenvortli. Ifuir. i'ilzKeraUl. Dr. Valentine, Kev. Dawson. o'.Skannes"ey, lord, Leos, J.lolineus. M:tudee, Hall, M'liacUiaii, I'arlt, M'Kcrrow, Hc-nton, Ilyams, Coop, M'Cullocli. Harrington. Bealc, Dadd, Flower. Anderson.. Croft. C.ilmour, Hatch, Gillincham. aud Banks. 11IJIITAXGI. S.S. (9.15 a.m.), 323 tons, Manley. from Kast Coast. lirXDFOKD. s.s. (11 a.m.); «o5 tons, Home, from Auckland. NAVUA, s.s. (11.30 a.m.), 2930 tons. Hutton. from Wostnort. MOXOWAI. s.s. (12.45 p.m.), 3433 tor.s, Collin';, from liyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— Mioses Aidken anil Lewis 12), Mesdames Mui-r and Jones, Messrs. Cochrane. Bunney, Shearer. Webb. Hemiiijrton, Hucronm (2), Smith, Merat, Grimmer. Thompson. Jluir, Coull. Ooj, ond Bowen; 3 steeracre. TAINUI. s.s. (6.30 p.m.), 123 tons, Jensen, fn>m -Wnitii-ra. DUTCireSS, s.s. (7.20 p.m.), 100 tons, Watchlin, from Havelock. WOOTTON, s.s. (8.40 p.m.), 151 tons, C-cott. from Lyttelton. KOONYA. s.s. (10.40 p.m.), 1091 tons WaJton, from Tiniaxu. DEPARTURES. SATUKDAY. AUGUST 19. ARAIICRA, s.s. (12.50 p.m.). 1596 tons. Lambert, for Picton, Nelson, Weitport, and Greymouth. Passengers—Saloon: For Picton—Hisses, . Davis, Iremonxer. and Coombc, Mesdames Ilaigh, Crump, Jleisrs. Rose, Haisjh, llarkncss. For Nelson—itisses Daw, l'etors, Small, Mesdames Lock, Chalmers, Messrs. Cash, Blake, Hackworth. Newton, Caminc, Powell. Lewis, Wearins:. lla.rley. For Westport—Misses Rowlands, Mitchell, Mesdames Jones, Lichwarli, Rowland and 2 children. Sister Adey, Sister Minnie, Messrs. Flavell, Johns. Wollaxd, Chamberlam, Ryan. Haydon. For Greymouth—Mesdames Parfitt. Oliver and 2 children, Mossrs. Hiinier, Athons, Bonninirton. HOLMDALE, s.s. (2.5 p.m.), 267 tos. Clark, for Gisborno. NIKAU, s.s. (5.5 p.m.), 245 tons. Hay. for Nelson and Motueka. NGATORO, s.s. (6.30 p.m.), 1137 tons, Christian, for Greymouth. DUCIIESS, s.s. (8.10 p.m.), 130 ton», Wa.tclilin, for Ilavolock. HELEN DENNY, barque (8.10 p.m.). 695 tons, Holm, for Havelock (iu tow of Duchess). . MARAROA, s.s. (11 p.m.), 2598 tons. Manning, fO'r Lvttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Richards. Gardner. Lopran, Mesrames Howard, Potter, Kavanasli, Dunford, Crome. Richardson. Smith, Manttan. Willis, Johnston. Messrs. Howard, Potter, Dunford, Kavanagh, Thompson, LouEhnjin, Manttan, Kavanash, Morris. Rcid, Wilson. Llewellyn, Fane, Strang. Binnev, Berkeley. Walker, Meares. and Jlajor Richardson. KAITONA, s.s. (11.15 p.m.), 1977 tons, Morley, for Greymouth.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 20. KAPITI, s.s. (12.5 a.m.), 242 tons. Saw.vcrs, for W-anganui. KAPUNI, s-s. (1.40 p.m.), 150 tons. Jackson, for I'atca. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH (3.5 D.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, for Fost-on.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Wairau, Ivaramea, August 21. liosaiuond, Onehuuga, New Plymouth, August 21. Anglo-PataEonian, New York, August 21. Kuahine, Auckland, August 21. llaui iri. Gisborne. August 22. Kennedy, Xtlstin, August 22. Queen ol the South, Foxton. August 22. Kapuni, I'atca, August 22. Kapiti, Wanganui. August 22. Nikau, Nelsou. Motueka, August 22. Mararoa, Lyttelton, August 22. Tarawera. northern ports. August 22. Mocraki, Sydney direct, August 22. Arahura. West Coast, Nelson, Picton, Dunedin. Lyttelton, August 24. WaTi'iinoo. Melbourne, via southern ports, Aucust 25. Wnimate, Montreal, via Auckland, August 25.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Tohcrua. Greymouth, August 21. Aorcre, Patea. August 21. lluia, Wamxanui. Aucuft 11. Koninta.. Wcstport. Aucust 21. Wootton. Nydia. Bay. Aucust. 21. Koouya. New Plymouth. Wcstport, C,revmouth, August 21. Opawa. Blenheim, Aucust <1. I'utiki, Greymouth. Aucust 21. Ilienhcim. Blenheim. August 21. Alalia, Wanganui. August 21. Patccnn. Picton. Nelson. August 2L Maori. Lyttelton, 21. Kiripaka. Patea, August 21. . Tainui. Waitara. Mokau. Aucust 21. Storinbirci. Wariganui. August 21. WaUatu. Kaikoura, L.vttclton. August 21. Manaroa, Motueka. Aucust 21. j.lonowai, northern ports. Aucust, 21. i:o«amond. Picton. Nelson. New Plymouth. Onchunca. Aucust 21. Tarawera. Lvttelton. Dunedin, August 22. Mapourika, Nelson. West Coast.. Aucust22. Itipple, Napier, Gisborne, Aucust 22. lturu. Napier, Aucust 22. Kahu. Napier. August 2.. Tlincmoa, Cool: Strait. August 22. Kavua. Wcstport. Autklar.d. August 22. Nikau, Nelson .Motueka, August 22. Mararoa. Lyttelton, August 22. . Kapiti. WsiTica.nui AuguM 22. Kapiiai. I'atca. AugUft — Oueen of the South, Foxton. August 22. Kennedy. Nelson. West Const, August 22. Himitailgi, Lyttelton, via AuK "[auroto. northern ports. August 24. Mocraki, Melbourne, via southern ports, August. 24. . Kuahinc, London, ra way ports. August 24. Warriuioo. Sydney direr;. August 25. M.iilai. San Francisco, via way ports, August 25. i Arahura, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, August 26. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OK HI'EAMERS. MOANA. s.s.. left Melbourne August 9. for Hobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Duo Wellington Aucust 18. ■ Leaves same dav for Sydney dircct. Due Sydney August 22.
WAHKIMOO. s.s., loft Melbourne* August 16 for Hobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington August 25. Loaves sr.ino day lor .Sydney clircct. Due Sydney August 29.
left Sydney Aiicnst 10 for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington August 23. Leaves tame clay for poulhern Doris, Jlohavt, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne September 2.
MANUKA, ji.j;., Jcavn.T Melbourne Aucust 23. for llobart. southern ports, and Wdliußtnii. Due Wellington September 1. Leaves same day for fydney direct. Due Sydney September 5. OVERSEA SHIPPIHC. KTEAMEKB TO ARRIVE, From London. INDHALEMA. (dun about August 28), sailed on June 15, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) WUAKARUA (due about September 7), sailed on July 6. via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) RIMUTAKA (due about September 2), 62iled on July 8, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) KITAPEHU (due about August 26). sailed on July 6, via Sjiez Canal. Colombo, ajid Hobart. ■ (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) TAINUI (due about September 4), railed on July 22, via Town and Hobart. (Shaw. Snrill, and Albion Co.. agents.) IN DP. ABA 11AII 'tine about September 23), sailed July 22. via- Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) lIOTORUA (due about September 18), sailed on August 5, via Cape Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) KLV ORA (due about September 22), sailed on August. 4, via. Auckland. (Shaw. Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) From Liverpool. SURREY (dns abont August 30), sailed on June 24. via Cape Town. Hobart, Auckland. and Napier, (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) KENT'(due about October 3), sailed on Julv 29, via. Oa.pc Town, Hobart, and Auckland. (F.-.H.-S. Line, aeent3.) From Montreal. WAIMATE (duo about August 26), sailed on June 5, via .Australia, and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping 00., agents.) KAIiAMKA (duo about September 5), sailed on June 29, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shinpine 00., agents.) CAPE CORSO (due about October 12), sailed on July 3Q, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Nov/ York. ANGLO-PATAG (due this . evoning), sailed on June 2, via Australia and Auckland. (U.S. and A. Line, agents.) CAPE ORTEGA.L (due about September 13), sailpd on Juno 17. via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, asents.) WALKURE (due about September 10), sailed on July 1, via Auckland.* (Vacuum Oil 00.. agents.) * , TOMOANA (duo about October 7), sailed on July 8, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) CAPE BRETON" (due about August 251. wiled on June 14, via Duncdin and Lytr telton. (Vacuum Oil Co.. agents.) LORD LONSDALE (due about October 18). sailed on July 26. via Auckland. (Vsruuin Oil Co., agents.) I*SUFELS (due about October 19), sailed on August 1. via Australia and Auckland. (DaJgety and Co., agents.) From Calcutta. APARDfA (due about September 3). «iil» ed on August 1, via PineapoTe, Saniarang, and Auckland. tU.S.S. Co., agents.) From Bunbury.» CLAN OGII.VT (due about Auguet 25\ sailed on August 2, via Lyttelton. (G. H. Scales, agcnl.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. NEWCASTLE. August 19.' Sailed.—Rci-kenham, for New Zealand. SYDNEY, August 19. Arrived. Ransatira, from New Zealand. JIOBART, August 19. Arrived.—Ruapehu. from London. MELBOURNE. August 19. Manukau, from Bluff -and Hobart; Whakarua, from London . MELBOURNE. August 20. Arrived—Ka.raineA, from Nov.* Zealand. SYDNEY, August 20, Arrived.—Waipori, from Greymouth. Sailed.—Mocraki (last night), for Wellington direct. COASTAL. SATURDAY. AUGUST 19, AUCKLAND. Sailed.—Anglo-Patagonian (12.10 p.m.). and Ruahine (12.20 p.m.), for Wellington; Nairnshire (11.30 a.m.), for Avonmouth, via Monte Video and Las Palm as. Sailed.—'Tarawera. for southern norts. Passcng-er for Wellington—Miss Wrightson. NELSON. Arrived.—Waimea and Corinna (5 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Kamona (8.45 a.m.), from Newcastle; Hauroto (10.30 a.m.), from Wellington. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—To Anau, from Westnort: Ulimaraa-, from Sydney. SUNDAY, AUGUST 20. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Victoria .from southern ports; Wimmera (3 p.m.), from Sydney. GISBORNE. Sailed.—Haupiri (11 a.m.), from Wellington. WANGANUI. Arrived.—Kapiti (4 p.m.), from Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.—Arahura (3.20 a.m.), from Picton; Nikau (5.30 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived—Mararoa (ll.<o a.m.), from Wellington. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Dauroto, from Auckland, via way ports. Sailed.—Ulimaroa, for Melbourne, via Blulf. BLUFF. Arrived.—Waiwera (10.50 a.m.), from Wellington. AORANGI, R.M.S.. AT 'FRISCO. Advice received at the local office of tho Union Company announces the arrival or the Aorangi at San Francisco, at 9 a.m. on Thursday. The vessel left Wellington on July 26. and is Echcdulcd to Jeave the American port on the return run on August 23. being <tu* at Wellington on September 14. SURREY DUE SEPTEMBER 2. Cable advice received by the local ageuts for the F.-li.-S. Line is to the ell'ect ttiat the Surrey leit llobaxt, in continuation ui her journey from Liverpool to Auckland and Wellington, at 6 p.m. ,on Thursday. She ia Uut at tills port about September Z. HYNDFOKD FROM NEW YORK. With a part cargo of case oil, consisting of some 55,000 ease*:, the Vacuum Oil Co.'s chartered steamer Uyndford arrived at Wellington from New York, via Auckland, yesterday morning. Tho vessel berthed at the King's Wharf to discharge, and,. given liue weather, should be dispatched for Lyttelton and Dunedin on Thursday, at noon. From tho latter port the Uyndford goes to Newcastle to load for South America. lONIC DELAYED BY THE STRIKE. News of the holding up of the first steamer in the London-New Zealand trade, owiug to the strikes at Home, has come to hand. On Saturday the local agents of the Shaw. Savill and Albion Co. were in receipt, of advice which stated that 11.M.5. lonic's departure from London for Wellington would be delayed "at least a fortnight." Tho veif&l was scheduled to leave the Home port on August 17. and should Invo nrvived at Wellington «n October '6. Tina state of affairs means the upsetting of the time-table, and, upon innuiry, no news ns to what arrangements were being- mad<r had come t-i hand. Incidentally it might be mentioned that the F.-il.-S. steamer Ayrshire was to ha*c left Liverpool for Wellington, via war port?, on Saturday, but it is very doubtful if f-lie got away. i Mr. T. Smith, late of the Hauroto, who I arrived -fit Wellineton by the Monowai yea- | terdny ns assistant purser, is to transfer Ito the Rosamond to-day as nurEer. Mr. F. I Coull, late of the Koonya, is to join | the Monowni as assistant purser. I Mr. Wiirox, late fourth oflker of the j Monowai. left Die vessel at Lyttelton, and | his place was filled by Mr. J. Smith. Mr. Lawrence. Into of the Monowai. is proceeding to Auckland to join the Kurow | <is third oflicer. LENDING THE DREDGE WnAKARIKE. The Napier Harbour Board is desirous of obtaining the use of the Wellington Hat*, hour Board's dredge Whakarlre for a. spell. The terms mirier which it is offered to them provide for charges totalling £1148 2s. Bd. pur ni'jn'.h. to which must be added surveyor's fees, repairs and maintenance at £4 per cent.', anri the of provisions. The sum includes rent. When the Napier Board had the matter before it tho chairman (Mr. A. K. Jnll) said that all the engineers who had reported on the harbour had expressly stated that it was I necesfary to have better dredging annliantes than at. present. U had also been expressly stated by Mr. Ferguson that the Wellington dredge was capable of doing work which was necessary, and which the present dredge was-not capablo of doing. 11. was decided to interview the Wellington Board, and endeavour to obtain more favourable terms. If a reduction U obtained, the deal will be closed.
At 11.30 a.m. on Saturday the F.*B.-S. liner Nairnshire cleared Auckland for Avoiin:outb.
Telegraphic advice received states that the Tyser Line's j-kanier Whakama arrived at. Melbourne from London on Saturday. The vessel, which i* en routv to Wellington, is clue here about September 7.
Mr. J. Hurnctt, late second officcr of ths Kurow, has passed bis exa?uiii:ilii>n lor a rortificufe of compclency as niastrr of a I'orcigji'ffoinß ship.
Jlr. G. Graham. late third offer of the Kaitangaia, has obtained Jib foreigu-goine first innta's "ticket."
It i? understood that the TJnion Hteain Ship Company. Ltd.. have chartered the fitcamer KiMi, 4928 tons, on a three months' time charter for the Australian trade.
On Thursday next, the Mokoia leaves Port Chalmers for Lyttelton to relievo the Mararoa in the ferry service. The Mararoa will arrive at Port Chalmers on Saturday, Aupust 26, and will remain there about ten days., which was to liavc left Montreal for Wellington yesterday, will be followed bv the. Tokomuru on September 20. Both vessels arc coding out tinder tho auspices of tho New Zealand .Shipping Co.
An expected arrival in port this evenine or early to-morrow is tho U.S. and A. Line's chartered steamer Anelo-Pataponian from New York. She continued her journey from Auckland on Saturday.
Owing to bad weather on the West Coast the Rosamond has been detained at Onehunga. Consequently, she is not expected to arrive here until this evening. Ou Saturday both th« Kaitoa and Alexander were "stuck up" at Greymouth. The Jlaur>irit which is working the Coast bays, has also met with bad weather, and is not expected here uutil to-morrow.
Shortly after noon on Saturday the New Zealand Shipping Co.'s K.M.B. Ruahine left Auckland for Wellington. Here tho vessel completes Homeward loading, and leaves for London and way ports on Thursday.
Upon inquiry bein? mnde at the New Zealand Shipping Co.'s offices on Saturday, it was learned that' the Waim&tc is expected to reach Wellington from Montreal, via, way ports, next Friday.
A few minutes after 8 p.m. on Saturday the ferry steamer Duclicf.-? took the barauo Helen Denny in tow, and started out, for Havelock. The Helen Denny loaded a quantity of timber sit Wellington, which was transhipped from the coastal steamer from Akitio. From Havelock the baruue Kails for Sydney.
Captain Clias. M'Arthuv is nt present in J)im-edin. Ho returns to Wcllintrton about tlio middle of this week.
The Ferry Co.'s new steamer AwaToa arrived a't Wellington from tho Kaipara early on Saturday morning. TUo vessel, which has been fully described in those columns', will go up on the Patent Slip today. Captain A. Watchlin brought her down, n.nd had the followinc: officers with him:—Chief, Mr. H. E. Schmidt; second. Mr. H. Parker; chief engineer, Mr. A. Tiara ire; second, Mr. F. Cuff; third. Ml'. A. 'Davidson.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1211, 21 August 1911, Page 7
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2,828SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1211, 21 August 1911, Page 7
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