— ty . FHASES OF TIIE MOON, AUGUST. Day. h.m. J'irsf nuarler 2 10 59 a.m. Full moon in 225 p.m. Last, quarter 17 11 41 p.m. i*cw moon 24 3 '11 p.m. MOOX. Moon sets to-day 10.11 a.m.; rises tomorrow 1.11 a.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 9.57 a. 711.; 10.27 p.m. To-morrow, 10:50 a.m.: 11.20 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 6.40 a.m.: sets, 5.10 p.m. ARRIVALS. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16. .BREEZE, s.s. (2.5 a.m.). 347 tons, Woeblinu, from Wanganui. MANAROA, s.s. (2.5 a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, from Motueka. ALEXANDER, s.s. (3 a.m.), 377 toils, Yickerman, from Terakohc. BLEXHEIM, s.s. (3.10 a.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. OPAWA, s.s. (4.10 a.m.). Nicholas, from Blenheim. MAORI, s.s. (6.55 a.m.l. 3399 tons. Aidwell, from Lyttclion. Passengers: 200 saloon' and 111 stcerace. ULI.UAROA, s.s. (6.5 a.m.). 5777 tons. W.vlie, from Sydney. Passengers: SaloonsMisses Ackland, Buckler. Birch, Caro (2). Cniickshank. Fulton, Hall. Jones, A.. Jones. Rawn-ley. Thomson, Nelson, Mcsdames Davi.», Blyth, Ross. Blaine. Empson, Hurst, licnld, M'Reth, Moller, Pitts. Rouflignac and child. Tripps, Tompson. Brinpezus, Baeley, Caro. Cutfield, Cniickshank, Glenner, Greenfield, Jfartin, Xicholls. Peterson, Tate, Winter-Hall, Messrs. Davis. Blyth, Ross. Blaine, Empson. Hurst, Heald. M'Bcth, Moller, Pitts. Tripps. Tonvpsoil, Roiiffijrnao. Appleby, Bayne. Bene. Barton, Christie, B. C. Smith, Courlan. Cutfield, Corpc, Collins. Dahmen, Davidson, Easson, Goss, Gunn. Hoult, Ilavward, Howorth, .Tames, M'Kcndry (2). Loiiehman, Lyell. Liddy, Mitchell (2). Martin. M'Garthy. Payne, Redick. Ross. Smith. Scott, Scrre, Williams. Saxby, Tonks, Walkloy, Webb: .80 steerace. WAIWERA, s.s. (11.55 a.m.), 6237 tons, Carman, from London, via Auckland. STORMBIRD, s.s. (12.15 p.m.), 217 tons, Dowell, from Wansanui. ARAPAWA, s.s. (12.20 p.m.), 263 tons, Corby, from Wanpanui. ARAHURA. s.s. (9.50 p.m.), 1595 tons, Lambert, from West Coast. Nelson, and Picton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Blackmore. Davies. Thwnitcs, Ross, Johnson, Scott, M'Kendry, Lcdecr, Monro, Maurice. Baker. Bowman, Cullen, Leahy. Kcarns, Mesdamcs Smith, Kinnibureh. Sirell. Scott, Phillips and boy, M'Donald and child, Finmgnn, Wait, Newman and 2 children. Vavasour. Messrs. Evans. Shaw. Day. Sykes. Pickerrne. Kinnihurirh. Scholefieid, Cnttanco. Sweeney, Griffcn (2). Honey. Wide, Chamhorlain, Sricll. BcaUie. Shaw. O'Tl.illo. ran, Powell, Short, Rev. Blair, Buick, M'Lean. Brorowioh. Lawson, Duncan. Pratt. Lnvcridge, Wait. Davis, Woodward. Mosey. Wilson. Atkinson. Sinclair, Wise. Tinker (2). Lawrie. Smith. Jackson, Penny: The Wanderers Theatrical Company, and 37 sleerage. THTJHSiTAt. AUGUST 17. MANA. s.s. (0.5 a.m.). 131 tons, Gibson, from Pa tea. , DEPARTURES. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 16. PATEENA, «.s. (12.50 p.m.), 1212 lons. Carey, for Pioton and TTelson. Passengers-Saloon: For Picton—Mecdaraes Harrison, Do Castro, Bull, Spencer and child, Lucas, Denton, ltcalev. Keeper. Messrs. Harrison. Dobbin, Hanson (2), Reese, Keeper. Do Castro, Cahill, Luca-, Dove, Burroughs. Palmer, PariUt, Nelson, Roberta, Chittenden, Widdop, Hart, Healv, Spencer, Lucas. For Nelson—Misses O'Brien, Craig, Knowlcs, Mrs. Wilkinson nnd child, Messrs. M'Laren, Henry, Lyon, Fernando?, Graves, Sladden.
BREEZE.' s.s. (1 p.m.), M 7 tons, Woebline, for Lyttelton.
BLENHEIM, s.s. (5 n.m.), 120 tons, Watson, for Blenheim.
WAIi'ATU, s.s. 15.5 n.m.), 157 tons, Wills, for Kaikoura and Lyttelton.
AORERE, s.s. (5.20 n.m.). 77 tons, Fisk, for Patea.
AKAPAWA, s.s. (5.45 p.m.), 268 tons, Corby, for Nelson aud West Coast.
KJRIPAKA, s.s. (6.10 p.m.), 133 ton!, M'lntosh, for Patea. '
KAPITI, s.s. (8 p.m.), 268 tons, Sawyers, for Wanganui. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, 's.s. (8.5 p.m.), 198 tons. Harvey, for Foston. MANAROA. s.s, (8.15 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Havelcck.
MAORI, s.s. (8.5 p.m.). 3399 tons. Aldwoll, for Lyttelton. Passonacrs: Saloon—Misses Fulton, Aeland, Grant, Nelson, Bright, Miller. Boon, Brcnn-in, Mc<=da.mes Francos and child. Fowler. Nickolls. Patcrson, Mills. Grant, Murphy, Kimblcy. Dr. Hilgendorf. Messrs. Braddock, Pemberton. Scot'. Bis', Alexander. Hayes, Elworthy. Eceor;, Forbes, Frances. Douclas, Andrews. Fowler. Moriarty. Tubman, M'Ewan. Butler Flliott, Patc-son Jackson, Andrew, M'Kcndry, Bcgg (2),.Lonsill. Fowler. Sharp, Wconick, Crow, Godfrey. Mi'lnr, Kimblcy. Molinenux. ALEXANDER, s.s. (9 p.m.). 377 tons, Vickorman, for Nelson and West Coast. RI'RTJ, s.s. (10.5 a.m.), 65 tons, Nelson, for East Coart, EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Komata, Wes'/iort, August 17. Kahu, East Coast, August 17. Wairaca, Greymouth, August 17. . . , Kapuni, Waitara, August 17. Mana, Wanganui, August 17. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, August 17. Mararoa, Lyttelton, August 17. ilaitai. San Francisco, via way ports, August 17. Navua, Suva, via Auckland, Aueust 17. Victoria, Duncdin, Lyttelton, Auirust 17. Corinna, southern ports, August 17. Hincnioa, New Plymouth, August 17. Kaituna, Wcstport, August 17. To Anau, Wcstport. Ausust 17. Pateena, Nelson, Picton. August 17. Aorore, Patea, August 18.' $. Opawa, Blenheim, August 18. Queen of the South, Foxton, August 18. Blenheim, Blenheim. August 18. Hafa, Wanganui, August 18. Kiripaka, Patea, August 18. Maori, Lyttelton, August 18. Hauroto, northern ports, August 18. Moana, Melbourne, via southern ports, Aucust 18. Himitanci, Wanganui, August 18. Mapourika, West Const, Nelson. August 19. Putiki, southern ports. August 19. Burn, Akitio. August 19. Wakatit, Ly Melton. Kailtoura, August 19. Mcinaroa. Ilayeloc-k, Ausust 20. Rosamond, Onchunga, New Plymouth Auirust 20. . Monowai. Dunodin." Lyttelton, August 20. Hippie. Gisborne. August 20. Tarawera, northern ports, August 22.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Stormbird, Wanganui, August 17. Iluia, Wanganui, August 17. !fn na, Wanganui, August 17. Nikau, Ncloon, Motueka, August 17. Mararoa, Lyttelton, August 17. Victoria, northern ports, Sydney, Aug 17 Ulimaroa, Melbourne, via southern ports' August 17. Corinna, Nelson, New Plymouth, An. gust 17. Navua, Westport, August 17. Waiwera. Bluff, August 18. Aorcre. Patea, August 18. Opawa, Blenheim, August 18. Queen of the South, Foxton. August 18. Bloiihoim. Blenheim. August 18. Kapuni, Patea, August 18. Kiripaka, Patea, August 18. .Pateena. Picton, Nelson. August 18. Lyttelton, August 18. Hauroto, Lyttelton. Dunedin. August 18 Moana. Sydney direct. August 18 WaJmca, Nelson, West Coast. August 18 Himitangi, Blackhead. August 18. Arahura. Picton, Nelson. West Coast August 19. ' Putiki. Greymouth, August 13. Wakatu, Kaikourn, Lyttelton, August 21 Manaroa, Motueka, August 21. Monowai, northern ports, August 21. llincmoa. Cook Strait. August 21. Rosamond, Picton, Nelson, New Ply. mouth. Onehunga. August 21. Tarawcra, Lyttelton. Dunedin, August 22 Mapourika. Nelson. West Coast. August 22 Ripple, Namcr, Gisborne, August 22. Kuril, Napier, Angust 23. Kahu, Napier, August 22. Himitangi, Lyttelton, via Chathams, August 25. INTERCOLONIAL .SERVICE.. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MOANA, 5.5., left Melbourne August 9. for Hobart. southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington August 18. Leaves eamo day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney August 22.
VICTORIA. e.s.. loft Duncdin August 15, for Lyltelton and Wellington. Duo Wellington Atrcnst 17. Leaves same dav for northern ports and Sidney. Duo Sydney August 26.
WARRIMOO, s.s., leaves Melbourne August 19 for Holjnrt., southern ports, and Wellington. Duo Wellington August 25. Leaves sainu day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney August 29.
JlOfcltAKl, s.s.. leaves Sydney August 19 for Wellington direct. Due Wellington Aujnif.t 23. Leaves same dav for southern corts. Jlohart, and Melbourne. Duo Melbourns September 2. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. .STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. INDItALKMA (due August 281. sailed on June 15. via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) WnAKAHUA 'due about September 7', sailed on July £. via Australia. Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) RI'Mi'TAKA (due about September 2), sailed on July 3. ''ia Auokland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) KOAPEIU: 'duo about August 26), sailed on July 6. via, Sjiez Canal, Colomboi and
Hobart.. (New Zealand Shipping Co., aecnt.-.l TAINITI 'due about September 4), sailed on July 22. via. Capo Town and Hobart. (Shn.iv. Snvill, and Albion Co.. agents.) INDRAriARAII (c|ue about September 23), sailed July 22. via. Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, accnts.) ROTORUA (due about September 18), sailed on August 5. via Cape Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., acents.) KIA ORA (due about September 22). sailed on August 4. via. Auckla.nd. (Shaw, SaviU, and Albion 00., agents.) From Liverpool, SURREY (due about August 30), sailed on June 24. via, Cape Town. Hobart. Auckland, and Napier. (F.-H.-S. Line, agent*.) KENT (due about October 3), sailed on July 29, via Gape Town. Hobart, and Auckland. (F.-.H.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. WAIMATE (due about August 26). sailed on Juno 5, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) KARAMEA (due about September 51, sailed on June 29, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping 00., agents.) GAPE CORSO (due about October 12). sailed on July 30, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shinning Co., agents.) From New York. HYNDFORD (due nbont August 22). sailed on May 20, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co.. agents.) ANGLO-PATAGONIAN (due about August 25), sailed on June 2. via Australia and Auckland. (U.S. and A. Line, agents.) CAPE ORTEGA.L (duo about September 13), sailed on June 17. via Australia nnd Auckland. (Tyser Line, aeents.) WALKURE (due about September 18). sailed on July 1, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Go., agents.) TOMOANA (duo about October 7), sailed on July 8, via Australia and Auckland. (Tvsor Line, agents.) CAPE BRETON (due about August 25). sailed on June 14. via Dnnodin and Lyt(Vacuum Oil Co.. agents.) LORD LONSDALE (dun about October 18). sailed on July 26. via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co.. agents.) TRIFELS (due ahout October 19). sailed on August 1. via Australia and Auckland. (Dalgety and Co., agents.) From Calcutta. APARIMA (due about September 3), sailed on August 1. via, Singapore, Samarane, ajid Auckland. CU.S.S. Co., agents.) From San Francisco. MAITAI (duo ..this morning), sailed on July 26, via Papeete and Rarotonga. (U.S.S. Co., agents.) From Bunbury. CLAN OOTLVY (due about August, 25), sailed on August 2, via Lyttelton. (G. H. Scales, agent.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. , . AVONMOUTH, August 15. Arrived.—Morayshire, from New Zealand. BRISBANE. August 16. Sailed.—Beckinham. for. New Zealand. ADELAIDE. August 16, Arrived.—Ka.rori, from New Zealand. Sailcd.-GranfJ.oy Hall, for Auckland. NEWCASTLE. August 15. Soiled.—Kaiapoi (6 p.m.). for Pioton a.nd Wellington. ~ ~ , , IT . SYDNEY, August 16. Sailed.-Wimmera (1 p.m.), for Auckland. MELBOURNE, August 16. Sailcd.-Warrimoo. for Bluff, via Hobart. PERTH. August. 16. Albany reports that (he Ruapehu, bound from London to Wellington, via Suez, passed yesterday,
COASTAL. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16. OXEIIUXGA. Sailcd.-Rarawa (5 n.m.). for New Plymouth. MANUKAU nEADS. Rarawa. passed outwards at 6.30 p.m. EAST CAPE. Navua, bound Auckland to Wellington, passed at noon. WANGANUI. Arrived-Mana. (8:55 a.m.), and Huia. (11 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailcd.-Mana (12.10 p.m.), for Wellington PICTON. Arrived.-Defcnder (5 a.m.). and Pateena (4.40 p.m.). from .Wellington. NELSON. Arrivcd.-ilapourika (1.45 a.m.), from Wellington. (7.15 n.m.). for Wellington. WESTPORT. Arrived.—Mangapapa (4.45 a.m.), from Wellington. OREYMOTJTH. Sailod.-Waimea (0.15 a.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Monowai (5.40 n,m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Monowai, for Duncdin; Cygnet for Ka.ikoura. Sailed.—Mararoa (6.20 p.m.). for Wellington. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Campbell, Bamford, Drake, Malloy (2), Andrews, Foray, O'Donnell, Maples, Griffiths, Johnstone, Mcsdaraes van Peagh, Wiggins and 2 children, Seville, M'Doiiald.Capcll, Handford, Andrews, Messrs. S. Mayer, Saunders, Baker, Milne, J. K. M'Donald, J. Weymouth, C. Robinson, O'Donnell, B. Latter. J. Lillico, Chas, Speight, Pcugh, M'Arthur, ?i orri . son - Mean, Bailoss. Griffen, Cozens. Wiggins, Allen, Bowie, C. W. Oarr, Dowdvng. Bevoridge, Nathan, Palmer, Sutton, Russell, Andrews, and 8 steerage. Sailed.-Victoria (8 p.m.). PassengersSaloon: For Wellington-Misses Best. Hughes, Holland, Mesdames Warren, Hughes, Jenkins, Messrs. J. Jones, F. K Corson, Davy, Herron, Warren, W. Bain. Jenkins, Brook, Geo. Lauronson, M.P., Heatley. For, Napier-Miss Lambic, Mrs. do Tluer. Messrs. Poison, Munn, Conuoll, Brady, O'Brien, Fitzgerald, Gisborne, Misses Oe e and maid. Wills. Cocau, Mosdames Palmer and child, Foster. Messrs! Palmer, A. Williams, G. Jones, Rherralt, H. Williams. For Auckland—Mesdumes 'Buchanan:, Daniells, Nutt. Jackson and child. Atkinson, Messrs. J. Buchanan, Jackson. Windsor, IHckton, C. Atkinson, Roder, Forrest. Smith, Drake. Morris, Samuel*, Richards. For Sydney—Misses Buokloy. Mrs. Moore. Messrs. Hurley, Wilson, Rankin, and Moore.
DCNEDIN. Railed— Duncrap. barque, for Wcstport; Moana, for Sydney, via Wellington. Pas-sengers-Saloon : For Wellington—Misses Wheeler, Arnold, Nnrsos Wilkin and Moor». Mesdames .1. N. Fnirhairn. 11. Burke. 0. D. Wilkin;?. Messrs. Wilkin, C. it. Baird. IT Dnrids, C. D. Wilkin*. Greenfields, Bartlett, Hill, Glover, liev. Wainwright.
MOKOIA RELIEVES MArtAROA. To enable the Mararoa to proceed to Port Chalmers for overhaul and purvey, the Jlokoia will be rccoin missioned aim placed in the Wellington-Lyttclton ferry service about the end ot next wsclt. At the present time the Mokola is receiving attention at Port Chalmers.
CLAN OGILVY WITH JARKAH. With a full load of jarrah timber, the Scales steamer Clan Ogilvy left Bunbury last Saturday for Lyttelton. She is duo at the southern port to-morruw, and is now expected to arrive at Wellington about August 25. Subsequently, the Clan Ogilvy goes to Newcastle to load coal for New Zealand. During the month of December the vessel will load in the Dominion for London l .
DEN OF AIRLIE LAUNCHED. The cargo steamer Den of Airlie, which is to load at Now York on behalf of tho American and Australian Line, for Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand ports, was launched at Port Glasgow on Juno 27 for Messrs. Oas. Barrie ,-»nd Son, Dundec. Her dimensions are: Length, 450 ft. over all' breadth, 54ft. 2in.; moulded "fntli. 59ft. 2in.; with a gross tonrfage of 5250. She has been fitted for n limited number of passengers, and will have a shelter-deck.
WAIWERA, FROM LONDON. An arrival at Wellington yesterday was the Shaw-Savill steamer Wniwera. from London, via way ports. Raving explosives on boa.Td, the vessel anchored in Iho stream to discharge 80 tons. The Wahvera left London on June 3, and railed at Tcucriffe and Cane Town to coal. She left the latter port, on June 8. and experienced exceptionally strong ga.les and high seas to arrival at Alhanv, on July 17. She next proceeded to Beauty Point (Tasmania), and. after discharging 1600 tons of cargo, left on August 3, for Auckland, where WCO tons of cargo were landed. At Wellington the Walwera has <!00 tons of cargo to nut out. and then leaves Tor the Bluff, where 23C0 tons will be landed.
Oaplain A. J. Charmnn is in command of the Wniwera, and Ills officers Ere as follow :-Chiof. Mr. A. C. Read: second. Mr. T. licva-ik: third, Mr. S. W. Ilovd; fourth, Mr. 11. Ilankins. Mr. G. E. Reach is chief engineer, Mr. W. Coutls second. Mr. C. Ross third. Mr. T. JlacOrcsor fourth, and Mr. 11. Jackson fifth. Mr. S. Smith is chief refrigerator, and Mr. H. Harrison second. It is hoped lo dispatch thn Waiwcra for the Bluff at daybreak to-morrow. THE SYDNEY BOAT. A few minutes beforu 6 a.m. vesterda-, the Iluddart-Parker steamer Ulimaroa arrived in (he sVram at Wellington from Svdney direct ann berthed lit the Queen's Wharf. No. 1 «oulh. a'. 8 a.m. Leaving Sydney at noo;\ on Saturday last, thi. vessel experienced moderate northerly weather on the run across. On Sunday evening, between 5 and 7 o'clock, r. violent thunderstorm rased, and it wa£ accom-
pa.nied by heavy rain. On the same evening the Moeraki was passed, bound from Wellington to Sydney. At Wellington 550 tons of cargo wero discharged, and this included transhipments ex the following vessels:-Prin7. Sigifl. mund. Scihlcs-jan, Golben, Makura, Roou. Omrah, Animac, Bunmyonc, Aldcrham, Orvicto, Morea, Otway. Corio, Chang-sha, ltyeltoe, Australicn. Cooma, and Innamincka. At 5 o'clock this evening the Ulimaroa continues her journey lo Melbourne. CHANGE FORECASTF.D. li is probable that the steamer Ma unconiii. now under construction for The Uniou Company, will bo used in the CanadianNew Zealand-Australian service, pending the. arrival of the now 10,0C0-lon steamer which has been ordered specially for tho trade. The latest order provide:, for a speed of 16 to 17 knots, and this "ten thousand tonncr" will run in conjunction with tho Makura and M.arama. It Is proposed tri place the in the Aus-tralian-New Zealand service, for which she was specially comAructed. SRAW-SAVIIL'S NF.W STKAMER. The last mail from Unci brines purlieu, lara of the new steamer Zcalandic, which was launched on June 29 at Belfast, for tin. Shaw. Sarill, and Albion Co., aud which is to be employed in the New Zealand trade. The vessel is 477 ft. long by 62ft, Sin. beam, and of about SCCO tons gross register. She will have six holds of very la.rgc cargo capacity, two bone for general cargo and four being insulated for carrying frozen cargo. Tho deck machinery and appliances for working tho ship and cargo arc of the most complete and approved tvpe. there being, in addition to the Eteam windlass. 19 steam winches and 21 derricks. The steering-gear is of Messrs. Ha.rland and Wolff's well-known make, and is capable ot being worked by teJcraotor from the flying bridsc. Tho refrigerating machinery is placed at the after end of the engine-room. The vessel lias electric liEht throughout, and is fitted wilh electric bells in saloon, state-rooms, captains room, smoke-room, and chart-room. There will be accom.modation;'for a pumper of..,nr/v| 7j class passengers, with a comlortablc-jsa-loon, smoke-room, and stale-rooms, and a notable feature of (ho ship will be the accommodation specially arranged for over 1100 passengers in enclosed rooms, with space on the shelter deck arranged for third-class smoke-room and dining-room, and also a third-class ladies room—a provision that will doubtless bo mucli appreciated. The propelling machinery consists of two sets of quadruple-ex-pansion engines on tho "balanced principle. Messrs. Wailes, Dove and Co. s Bitumastic covering has been applied to. the holds, tank tops, etc. Tho Zealandic is to leave Liverpool on October 28 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Duncdin, and is due here about December 22. Last evening the ferry steamer Admiral met with a slight injury to pan, of her stern whilst manoeuvring between berths No. 2 ' and No. 4 Queen's Wharf. Repairs will be effected to-day. At 6 p.m. yesterday the Union Co.'s steamer Kaiapoi left Newcastle with a load of coal for Picton, Wellington, and t\amor. Owing to bad weather at Wostport, tho Komata has been detained at that. port. She is expected at Wellington to-day. Last evening the Rum left Wellington for Akitio." She returns on Saturday,, and loads case oil ex Hyndford for Napier. Kahu, s.s., is due at Wellington to-day from Akitio with the last load of timber to be transhipped to the barque. Helen Denny for Sydney. The Kahu will then load case oil for Napier.
Leaving Wellington for Avonmouth, via Auckland, on Tuesday, tho P.-H.-H. steamer Nairnshire took the following cargo from this port:—24B bale 3 tow, 92 bales hemp, 1384 cases tinned meats, 102 tons steel, 220 casks tallow, 4 casks casings. 18 kegs runners, 20 sacks seeds, IS packages general, 66 bunotes copper tubes, 25 coils cable, 22 casks brass, 6 sacks metal, 1551 quarters beef, 210 bags beef, 2 carcasses mutton, 7 carcasses lamb, and 1 carcass veal.
The introduction of further tonnage by the owners of the Federal-Houldcr-Shire Hues into the Australian trade has brought about changes in the commands of some of the steamers. Amongst the promotions are the following :-Captain Hunter, lato of the Durham, is to be in charge of the now Federal' liner now building, but not yet named: Cantain Priskc is to take the hew s.s. Shropshire; Captain Wren the s.s. Surrey; and Captain Gordon the s.s. Durham. On August 20 the steamer Cranley is to bo dispatched from New York to New Zealand port*, under tho auspices of tho T.vser Line. Following her the Star of Australia will take the loading berth lor New Zealand. While she was at Beauty Point (Tasmania) on July 24, the Shaw-Savin steamer Walwcra, which arrived at Wellington from London yesterday, grounded and remained fast for two hours. It was low water at the time, and the vessel floated off with the tide. Tho Waiwera grounded on a 60fl patch, and is apparently undamaged. Regulations governing wireless equipment, under an Act of Congress, passed on June 24, 1910, have been issued by the United States Commissioner of Navigation. Three inspectors, in charge of the Atlantic, Middle Atlantic, and Pacific divisions, and collectors of customs arc authorised to enforce the law. The latter provides that oil American ocean-going vessels carrying more than 50 passengers must be equipped with wireless apparatus capable of sending messages o£ not less than ICO miles. Voxels Hiust also carry an operator holding a suitable certificate. Failure to comply with these, regulations involves a fine not exceeding £1000. Wireless telegraphy i« now regarded as a necessity even on small vessels, such as trawler* and cargo coasters 1 , the grain and timber-carrying vessels on the great lakes arc also going in for it very extensively. Latest charters include that of the four-masted barnucntine Georgia, 879 trnm, from Vugct Sound, Colombia River, or Willapa Harbour, to South America, (option, Sydney, rirjsbane, or New Zcalandl-lum-bcr.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1208, 17 August 1911, Page 7
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3,327SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1208, 17 August 1911, Page 7
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