PEASES OF THE MOON. AUGUST. Day. h. m. First quarter 2 5? am " Full m-ooii 10 2 ..5 p.m. Last iiunrtcr 17 It p.m. New moon 2*l 344 l l '™' MOON. Moon rise? to-day, 10.'11 p.m.; sets, 9.47 a.m. Wednesday. iriOII WATEK. To-day, 8.13 a.m.; 8.13 p.m. To-morrow, 9.5 a.m.; 9.35 p.m. SL'N. Sun rises to-day, G.J3 a.m.; sots, 5.8 p.m. ARRIVALS. MONDAY, AUGUST 14. U.M.S. CHALLENGER (9.40 a.m.), secondrlasn cruiser, 5800 tons. 12.500 h.P., Captain G. H. A. Gaunt, from Auckland. RIPPLE, s.s. (1.30 p.m.), 370 ton?, Carlson, from Gisbome and Pieton. . KAPUNI, s.s. (10.55 p.m.), 150 tons, Jackson, from Lyttelton. DEPARTURES. MONDAY, AUGUST 14. FLORA. 6.?. (noon). 1273 tons, Norton, for Picton. Westport. ar.d C.rcymoutli. PATEENA. s.s. II p.m.). 1212 to " s ' c C i l „ r ! for Tioton and Nelson. Passengers-Saloon. For Picton- Miss Atkinson. Mrs. A. ll ""'™' Messrs. Vavasour. Tincey. fekinxicr, Isolnn. Rabbits. Connor, Forbes. G. F? r '>® E > For Nelson—Misses Davis, Todd, Hawkes worth, Mrs. Armstronc. Messrs. Broad. Hunt, Tamier, Midlane. Hunter, Armstrone. s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Motueka. , ... . KOWIIAI, s.s. (6.15 p.m.), 792 tons, Scott, for Napier and Gisborne MANGAPAPA. s.s. (6.20 p.m.), 164 tons. Fletcher, for Westport. TARAWEIiA. s.s. (6.30 p.m.), 2003 tons. M'Lcau, for Napier, Gisborne, and Aucks.s. (7.45 p.m.), 268 tons, Corbv. for WanEa.n:ii. , , STORMBIRD, s.s. (7.35 p.m.), 217 tone, Dowell. for Wansr.nui. ~ MAORI, s.s. (6.5 p.m.). 3399 tons, Aldwell. for Lvttclton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Biver.'Hayward, Murphy. Rein, Newport („). Deschlin, Mcsdames Sn«th. Carr, Tver Davidson. Fannin, Deithilale. Rake, Barr and child, Morrison, Boac, EoGleson, Mackay, Hon. Mr. Anstey, Rev. Mr. Fitzcerald, Dr. Campbell, Messrs. Duncan, .. N '* on ' Guthrie, Boocock. Master Tiinibull. Nathan, Williams, Tyers, Hawkinsi, _ Criwvlord, Jl'Alister. Peacock. Bennett. Irvine, .Brown. Knhn, Fanning, Duncan, Graff and child, Barr, Maekay, Palmer, Eoster, Burnett, Reid, Davies. Jackson. TE ANAU. s.s. (8.25 p.m.). 1652 tons, Williams, for TVestport. TUESDAY. AUGUST 15. BLENHEIM, s.s. (2 a.m.). 120 tons, Watson. for Blenheim. ... . OPAWA, s.s. (1 a-m.). 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. , m i ROSAMOND, s.s. (0.20 a.m.), 721 tons, \Yallis. for Nelson, New Plymouth, and Onohunga,
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kiripaka, Patea, August 15. Queen of tho South, Foston. Aucust 15. Aorore, t'atea., August IS. Kapiti, Lyttelton, August 15. Nikau, Nelson, Motucka, August 15. Jlararoa, Lyttelton, August 15. Wakatu, Lyttelton, Knikoura, August 15, Monowai, northern ports, August 15. Pateena, Nelson, Picton, August 15. Koiuata, Wcstport, Anpust 16. 'Waiwora, London, Auckland, August 16. Alexander. Terakolie, August 16. Opawa, Blenheim. August. 16. Manaroa, Motucka, .August 16. Blenheim Blenheim. August 16. Rtormbird, Wanganui. August 16. Arapawa. Wangamii. August 16. Maori, Lyttelton, August 16. Kaliu, East Coast, August 16. Ar.ihura, West Coast, Nelson, Picton, Aug"uii'maroa, Sydney direct, August, 16. Vnimate, Montreal, via Auckland, August 17. . . Maitai. San Francisco, via way ports, August 17. Nrtvua. Suva, via Auckland. Aucust u. Victoria, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Aucust 17. Corinna. southern norts. August 17., JUncmoa, New Plymouth. August 17. Kaitunn, Westport. Aupust 17. To Anau. Westport, Aucrust 17. llauroto. northern ports. August 18. Moana. Melbourne, via southern ports, August IS. . . Rosamond, Onchunga, Isew Plymouth, August 20. Tarawcra, northern ports, August £&■
PROJECTED DEPARTURES, Defender, Picton, Karnmca, August 15. Huia, Wanßnnui, August 15. Monowai. Lyttelton, Dtmcdin, August 15. Mapourilta, Nelson. West Coast. Aug. 15. ilipple. Napier, Glsborne, Aug. 15. Nairnshire, Auckland, Avonmouth, August 15. Niliau, Nelson. Motucka, August 15. Mararoa. Lyttelton, August 15. Aorcrc, Pa tea, August. 15. Queen of the South, Forton, Aug. 15. Kiripaka, I'atoa, August 15. Kapuni', Waita.ra, August 15. Arawa, Lyttelton, August 15. Mana, Wanganui, August 15. Alexander, Nelson, West Coast, August 16. Opawa, Blenheim, August 16. Manaroa, Havclock, August 16. Blenheim. Blenheim. August 16. Stormbird, Wanganui, August 16. Arapawa, Nelson, Westport. Greymoutli. August 16. Kapiti, Wanganui. August 16. Pateena. Picton,' Nelson, Augufit 16. Maori, Lyttelton. August 16. liuru, East Coast, August 16, Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton. August 16. Victoria, northern ports. Sydney. Aug. 17. Ulimaroa, Melbourne, via. southern ports, A CorinTia.,' Nelson, New Plymouth, . August 17. , Navua. Westport, August 18. llauroto, Lyttelton, Dunedin, August 18. Jloana. Sydney direct, August 18. Araliura. Picton, Nelson, West Coast, August 19. Hinemoa. Cook Strait, August 21. Ito o amond, Picton, Nelson, New Plymouth, Oncliunga. August 21. Tarawcra, Lyttelton, Dunedin, August 22. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MOANA, s.s., left Melbourne August 9, for llobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington August 18. Leaves Kime day for Sydney dircct. Due Sydney August 22. IJLIMAEOA, s.s., left Sydney August 12, for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington August 16. Leaves August 17, for southern ports, Jlob.xrt, and Melbourne. Duo Melbourne August 26. VICTORIA, s.s., leaves Dunedin August 15, for Lyttelton and Wellington. Duo Wellington August 17. Leaves same day for northern ports and Sidney. Due Sydney August 26. WARRIMOO, s.s., leaves Melbourne August 19 for llobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington August 25. Leaves same day for Sydney dircct. Due Sydney August 29. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London, WAIWERA (due about August 16), sailed on June 3, via Auckland. (Sliaw, Savill, and Albion 00., agents.) INDItALEMA (duo about August 28), sailed on June 15, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) WHAKAEUA (due about September 7!, sailed on July 6. via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) RIMUTAKA (due about September 2), Bailed on July 3, via Auckland. (New Zealand: Shipping Co., agents.) ItUAPEHU (due about August 23), sailed on July 6, via Sjiez fana!, Colombo, and llobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) TAINIJI (due about September <). sailed on July 22. via, Cane Town and llobart (Shnw. Snvill. and Albion Co.. agents.) INDRAIiAR.MI (tjui! about September 23). Sailed July 22. via. Australia. and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.^ ROTORUA (duo about September 18). sailed on August 5. via Cane Town and .Hobarl. (New Zealand Shipping Coagents.* K[A OH A (due about September 22). sailed on August '. via Auckland. (Shaw. Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) From Liverpool. SURRKr (due about August, 3D), sailed on June 2'l, via. Cape Town. llobart, Auckland. end Napier. (F.-11.-S. Line, agents.) KENT (line about October 3), sailed on July 29, via Cape Town, llohnrt, and Auckland. (F.-.n.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. WAIMATH (due about August 17), sailed on June 5. via Aust.ralii. and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.! KAKAMK.Y (due about September 51, failed on June 29, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) CAPB CO]t,SO (duo .*)bout October 12), sailed on Julv 30, via Australia and Auckland. (Xcw Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From New York. lIYNDFORII (due about August 22). sailed on May 20. via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co.. ngcl'tf.) ANGLO-I'ATACiONIAN (due about August 25). sailed on June 2, via Australia and Aurkland. (Tj'.S. and A. Line, agents.) CAPE ORTEGAL (due about September 13). sailed oil June 17. via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, ngents.) WALKIIRB (due about September 18\ sailed on July t, via, Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co.. agents.) TOMOANA (duo about October 7'. sailed on July S, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Lino, ageutsJ
CAPE BRETON (duo about August 25), sailed on Juno 14, via Dunedin and Lyttetton. (Vacuum Oil Co., agents.) LORD LONSDALE (duo about October 18), sailed on July 26, via. Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co.. agents.) TRIFELS (due about Oclobcr 19), Failed on August 1, via Australia and Auckland. (Dalgety and Co., agents.) From Calcutta. APARIMA (due about September 3), tailed on August 1, via Singapore, Samaranc, and Auckland. (.U.S.S. Co., agents.) From San Francisco. MAITAI (duo about August. 17), sailed on July 26. via Papeete and Rarotonga. (U.S.S. Co., agents.) From Bunbury. CLAN OGILVY (duo about August 18). sailed on August 2, via Lyttelton. (G. H. Scales, scent.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SYDNEY, August 14. Railed.—Clan Ogilvy, lor Lyttelton, NEWCASTLE. August 14. Sailed.—Aldcbarm for Auckland. COASTAL. MONDAY, AUGUST 14. AUCKLAND. Arrived.-Hauroto, from southern ports. Sailed.—Waiwera (1.35 p.m.), for Wellington ; Maheno (8.40 p.m.), for Sydney; Itaupiri, for Wellington, via East Coast Bays and ports, and Limestone Island. NAPIER. ' Sailed.—Monowai (2.15 p.m.). for Wellington. Passengers: Saloon—Miss Burnett, Mesdamcs Parata, Wilkio. MoeUcr, Messrs. M'Laren, Studholme, Cash, Wilkie, Ilussell. NEW PLYMOUTH Arrived— Rarawa (4.5 a.m.), from Onchunjja. Sailed.—Rarawa (8.25 p.m.), for Onchunga. PATEA. Sailcd.-Kiripaka (12.20 p.m.), for ; Wei- 1 lington. I'ICTO.V. Arrived.—Pateena.. (5 p.m.), and Flora (5.30 p.m.), from Wellington. NELSON. Railed—Nikau (6 n.m.), for Wellington. WESTI'ORT. Arrived.—Kaituua, (3 a.m.), from Wellington, GREYMOUTH. Sailed.—lCaitangata (12.5(1 p.m.), for Melbourne; Waipori (1.5 p.m.), for Sydney. ; LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Canopus, from yostport. Sailed.—Kapiti (7.40 p.m.), for Wellington: Ngatoro, for Grcymouth: Mararoa, for Wellington, with 330 passengers; Wakatu. for Kaikoura and Wellington. , JIUNEDIN. , Sailed.—Wanaka, for Bluff: Invercargill. for Invercargill, BLDFF. Arrived.—Moana, (12.35 p.m.), from Melbourne. via Hobart. Passengers—Saloon: For Wellington—Miss L. Parker, Mr. J. Nicholson. Sailed.—Manuka (4.15 p.m.), for Melbourne, via Hobart. AEROGRAMS RECEIVED. MAITAI' AND ULIMAROA. Last evening the local wireless station was in communication with two steamers bound to Wellington. At 8 p.m. It.M.S. Matt-ai, en route from San Francisco, wns 778 miles off, and stated that port would be made early on 'Thursday morning. At 0 p.m. the Huddart-Barker steamer Ulimaroa, bound from Sydney, wns SOO miles away, and her messiige was to the effect that, she would resell Wellington early or. Wednesday morning. To-day three steamers will bo within range of Wellington's wireless station. These are the Ituahine, .en route from Lyttelton (o Auckland, tho Ulimaroa, bound from Sydney to Wellington, and R.M.S. Maitai, from San Francisco to Wellington. CHALLENGER IN I'OllT. After a fine weather passage from Auckland, 11.M.5. Challenger arrived at Wellinpton yesterday morning. She remains here until August 22 or 23, when sho leaves for Lyttelton and Sydney. Sho Challenger is due at tho latter port on or about August 31. . ' NAIRNSniRE'S TASSENGERB. Loaving Wellington this afternoon (Auckland on August 19), for Avonmoutli, via Monte_ Virieo, the F.-H.-S. steamer Nairnshire is taking the following passengers:— Mcsdaraes A. Miller and Bait, Messrs. J. Daley. F. llanson, A.. Taylor. J. Ashcroft,, O. S. Edwards. Dr. Fenwick. of Dunedin will travel by the steamer as ship's surgeon. . TAINUI LEAVES CAPE TOWN. En route from London to Wellington, via. way ports, R.M.S. Tainui left Cape Town on Saturday last. She is due here about September 4. TOKOMAKI7 ARUIVES HOME. Cable advic<! received by the local agents of t.lic Shaw, Snvill, and Albion Co. announces the firrirnl, r.t London, nil Friday morning, of the Tokomaru. The vessel left Auckland on June 22.
COMING BY THE KUAPEIIU. When the mail loft Loudon the followinc sajoon nae.«engers hud booked by t.hc New Zealand Shinning Co.'b I!.M.S. liuapohu. which is due at Wellington on August 26;-Mr. and Mrs. Melville. Sir J. Ward. Misses M. and (). Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Hathsaek, Mr. and Mrs. J. Prentice, Mr. C. 11. Carr, Ven. Arrh. Mr. Neild, Mies B. Moss. Miss K. Kemni'. Mr. and Mrs. J. Waller, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Kcmiilc, Mr. A. Nowcorabe, Mr. A. Hammond, Mr. W. Jordan. Mrs. 1,. I'olcrcen. Mrs. M. Tinwton. Miss K. A. Norman, Miss 31. M'Cuiloch, Miss M. Jack. Mist F. M. Hudson. Miss M. Kltunn. Mrs. J. M'Queeu, Mrs. F. Green, Miss 1. Purooll. Mi=s 11. G. Flower, Miss 5). Barrett, Miss M. I!. Felslead, Miss A. M. Brown, Mrs. J. M'Cullocli, Mrs. G. and Miss Webster, Mrs. TT. Johm-iou, Jlr. and Mrs. A. Fmvlds. -Ifr. and Mrs. W. Hair, Mrs. Collyer, Mrs. Holmes, Miss F. Allen. Mr?. A. CunlilTc, Mrs. M. Evon. Mr. P. Bradshaw, Mr. S. .lohnstnn, Mr. K. Powell, Mr. F, Simni, Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Purvey. Mr?. 11. M. Smith. Mrs. 11. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. A. ColliiiEs. Mr. and Mrs. A. llowioson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bn.nnev, Mr. 0. 11. Worsley, Mr. .1. Lyon, Mr. J. Leuchnrs, Mr. M. Appleby. Mr. W. Crossley. Messrs. G. and A. Dunlon. Mrs. M. Dunlon. Mr. Ti. Ilrwslnss, Mr. and Mrs. Mann. Mr. K. Walke.r. Mr. and Mrs. D. Morz-m Mr. P. O'Shea, Mr. .1. O'Brien, Mr. H. Connor, Mr. and Mrs. T. Mnlholland. Mu. ami Mrs. J. Skidmore. Miss C. Uotchkiss, Mr. C. Commander, Mr, and Mrs. 11. G. Piloher. Messrs. I!, and T. O'ark, Miss P. Snelson. Mr. H. tawton, Mr. 11. Evans. Mr. J. Wrieht, Mr. G. Colton. Mr«. A. Seaton, Mr. W. Sealon, Mr. G. Lees, Mr. A. Critchlcy, Mr. and Mrs. ,1. and Mr. W. Jack, Mr. and Mrs. W.'Donaldson. Mr. C. Hiddall. Mr. J. Bcnstcn, Mr. and Mre. F. Todd, Mr. and Jlre, J. Wilkin-
son, Mr. Wm. Clarke, Mr. H. Wilson, ifft J. Coventry, Mr. J. G. Court, Mr, S. Bag* shaw, Mr. S. Ifollingworth, Mies J. A. Camnbcll, Mr. and Mrs. T. Norman, Mr. .'if. Eaves, Mr. A. Hollingworth, Mr. and Mre. J. 1!. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Atkyns, Mrs. Turtlo, Mr. W. G. Carr, Mr. T. Muskett, Mr. and Mrs. E. Heal, Messrs. B. J. and A. Kelly, Mr. P. W. Nicholas, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Whiteing. Messrs. E. Price, Mr, J. and W. O. Bray. Mr. A. D. Bruce, Mr. C. F. L. Sheppard, Mi - , and Mrs. R. Moore, Mr. J. W. and Mrs. Orossland, Mr. J. Watson, Mr. T. Deasdcn, Mr. K. L. Jones, Mr. E. Brislawn, Mr. and Mrs. C. M'Callum, Mr. 0. Day, Mr. H. Rhodes, Miss S. E. Whiteley, Master H. Boal, Mr. 11. Langloy, Mr., Mrs. 8., and Miss Morris, Mr, J. Shearman, Mr. T. .and Mr. J. Taylor. Mr. J. Southgnto. Mr. R. M. Martin, Mr. J. Harrington, Mr. •T. Moore, Messrs. J. and B. Mossop, Mr. J. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Attrill, Mr. G. linise, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rownt, Mr. J. H. Walker, Jlr. J. Feeney, Mr. W. J. Tarry, Mr. J. 9. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. C. Stewart, Mr. J. Pearson, Mr. B. Connor, Mr. J. Whiting, Mr. A,. Harnett. Mr. J. M'Don* old, Mr. A. Jackson, Mr. J. W, Caton. At 1 p.m. yesterday tho Union Oo.'i steamer Wajpori cleared Wcstport for Sydney. Defender, s.s, will he dispatched from Wellington for Picton and Karamca thi« afternoon. Quick discharge nt Wellington has enabled R.M.S. Arawa to leave for Lyttelton a day earlier than had been anticipated, Sho tails at 2 p.ui. to-day. Mr. J. A. llughan has joined tho Tc Anna" its third officer, Mr. R. Cordy, acting-chief officer of tho Rosamond, signed off the vessel's articles yesterday. Mr. Evans of tho Tc Anau taking his place. Duo at Wellington on Thursday, the Government steamer Hinenioa will remain in port until the following Monday. Oil that day ifto leaves on a visit to Onok Strait lighthouses, and suly-euucnUy makes her periodical inspection of the southern lighthousos. Tho steamer Wairau will Tosumo running on Thursday. She proceeds from l'icton to Karauiea to load for Wellington. ' • Taking explosives ex Arawa, the Arapawa. leaves Wellington fo.r Nelson, Wcstport, and Greymouth oil Thursday. At 1.30 p.m. yesterday the Waiwera, left Auckland for Wellington. The vessel is oil route from Londop, and is due in port to-morrow. . Arahura, s.s., arrived nt Greymouth from Wellington, vin wa.v ports, at. 11.3(1 a.m. yesterday. Sho was to havo left on tho return trip at 10 p.m. Tho Corinnn., which has been undergoing ovorhaul at Port- Chalmers, is due at Wellington on Thursday. She leaves on the same day for Nelson and New Plymouth. To-day the Komatn, is to leave Wcstport for Wellington. Tho Knituna leaves on the following day, also for Wellington. The Te Anau is due hero on Thursday from the West Coast port. Vessels leaving Wellington for Napier, Gisborne. nnd Auckland yesterday took away full cargoes, mostly stuff ex Arnw.i, At the present time about ICO tons of her Home cargo still awaits transhipment. To-morrow the Kahu is expected to a,rrira at Wellington with rv load of timber from Alritio. Thiu will be transhipped to tho barouo Helen Denny. Captain Price, who has been wharfinger for the Union Ccimpany at Weftport for a number of years, retires at thu ind of
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1206, 15 August 1911, Page 7
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2,600SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1206, 15 August 1911, Page 7
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