I'HASES OB' TIIE. MOON. AUGUST. Dny.h. m. J;irst quarter 2 10 59 a.m. full moon 10 225 p.m. tat quarter 17 11 41 p.m. New moon 24 344 p.m. MOON. Jfoon rises to-day, 4.57 p.m.; FOts. 8.3 a.m. Friday. men WATER. To-day, 4.15 a.m.; 4.35 p.m. '10-morrow. 5 a.m.; 5.22 p.m. :-UN. Sun rises to-day. 6/<9 a.m.; ficts, 5.3 p.m. ARRIVALS, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 9. \v!-nM l; f A -' K : S ' J |M 5 n - In ->- <50S tons, mi ' *?-?% • s - vd "cy-' Passengers: Saloon 7™.. sr i s V 1 " 0^1 Vm - C:lto ' Austin, Bealo. i"V J , n s'S 5 - Clark, fioxten, Cunningham, i IE Vi Mt i s f a ™ cs Arthur, tfeott, Finch. Willis, Jlandcl, Green, HaggeU. Caro, Hayes, M Kay and 2 children, Hcale, Williamson, Henries, Cowlishaw, Messrs. P. Ward. Templar, Furze. Scott, Stone. Crosblc, Waterwortli. Finch, Willis, liandcl, Berry, Cooper, Adams Smith, Green, Baggett. Hill, Hayes, xouns. Walker. Hamilton, Johnston, Gulhrey. Lackey Waem. Harrington, Park, Griffiths. Murphy. Clarke, Bcalc, Kroglinger, Ka.ilton. Williamson. Jlenjics, Cowjwnaw, Milne, Freer, Bowon, Cunningham; /8 steerage. MAOHI, s.s (6.50 a.m.), 3399 tons, Aldwcll, from Lytteiton. Par-scngers: SaloonMisses Aldridgo tangdon, Plurnmor, Robinson, Clarkson, tfesdamee Christie, Mills and child, Douglas, Lamb and child. Grant, AJdndge, Barrett, Hayhurst, Porter. Carpenter, Lather, Sidcy a,nd child, Thompson, Clarkson. Baxter, Harrison, Amyes, Atkinson, Comer, Austin. Latham, Captain King, Hon. G. M'Lcan, Dr. Curraa, Dr. Hyde. Dr. Anderson, Captain Hilwall, Rev. •I. Dawson, Col. Hayhurst., Meesrs. Arthur, Thompson, Sraicrnh, Allen, Kirkcaldy, Lamb. Bush, Grant, Hamilton, Carniclt, Powell, Kaife, Buxton, Soddon, Withy, Kidey, Waugh, Cnmino. Laurie, Slocombo, Sim, Thompson. Tart. M'Culloußh (2), Nelson, Cameron, Stewardson, Smith, Holden. Taeker. M'Kay, Simm, Shields, Foist, norland, Jenkins, Didson, Heckford, Saunders, Wills, Lewis, Dagg, Jorgcnson, Duthis, Alexander, Baxter, Parsons, Caston, Harrison, Smith, Do Itcnzi, Fauvel, Butter, Corr.gau, Shcpley, O'Von Sieiakoweki, Sicvwright, Comer, Axelscns, Heron, Tamblyn, Parata, Keid, Anderson, Wood, Johnston, Bruce, Latham, Boucher, Phillipn, Ziman, Duncan, Hayhurst. .Reakc!, Wickham, Anderson (2), Alward, M'Grath, Cupplcs, Gore. ALEXANDER, s.s. (3.15 a.m.), 377 tons, Vickerman, from Nelson,
HTJIA. s.s. (9.45 a,m.), 127 tons, Burt, from YVa.nEta.nui.' AKAWA, s.s. (12.20 p.m.), 9192 tons, Clayden, from London, via- Cape Town and Hohart. MAXAKOA, s.s- (9.15 a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, from Motueka. ARAHURA, ss. (9.45 p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert, from West Coast, Nelson, and Picton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Weston, Speedy, Mattock. Gurney, Walker, Bat■ten, Black, Rose, Orsman (2), Botham, O'Donogkuo, Mosdomes Wilson, Lewis, Walker and child, Kirkwood and child, Peterson, Rogers, Brown and child, Lye and 2 children, YYilliams and child, Black and boy, Finney, YVhclan, Blyth, Smith, Eces and infant. Gardiner. Robinson, Messrs. Goodwill, Peterson. Fallon, Walker, Thorbum. Wilson, Pctcrfon, Joachim, Simon, llaird, James, Morris, Hislop, Anderson. Berryman, Bracoy, Lilley. Flint, Houghton, Jameson, Lye. Cobeldick, Finncrv, YYhitford, M'Cracken. Hunt, Crighton! HiUa. Henderson, Davis, Bready, Smith (2). YVhally, YVclby. Anderson, Barclay, Lane. Leonard, Laing-Mason, Troup, M'Lennnn. OPAWA ,s.s. (11.30 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. KIIUPAKA, s.s. 111.15 p.m.), 133 tons, Iflntos'n, from Patea. MANA, s.s. (11,45 p.m.), 134 tons, Gibson, from Patca.
DEPARTURES.' YYEDNESDAY. AUGUST 9. NGAEU, scow (9.10 a.m.), 120 tons, Elven, for Tonga .Bay. PATEKNA. s.s. '12.50 p.m.), 1212 tons, Carey, for Picton and Nelson. Passengers: Saloon—For Picton—Miss Grace. Mesdameo Latter, Jonson, ifc&tts. Pitcher, Haycock, Stai'lc, Sandstein, Grace, Foord, Habonc. Dalziell, YVatsou, Kinniburgh, Gibson, YVilliams, Norman, Gordon, Roberts. Tapp, Stewart. For Nelson-Misses Polin, Thompson, Paterson. Burchel, Heine, Mesdamc3 Thomas and 2 children, Naldcr, Messrs. Kagc. Matthews. Johns (2). Anderson, Burrcl!, Johns (2), Thomas, Naliler. PUKAKI, s.s. (12.35 p.m.), 1444 tons, Tate, for Now Plymouth, Westporl, and Greymouth. TE ANAU, s.s. (3 p.m.), 1652 tons, Ritchie, fur YYer.tport. TARAYVERA, s.s. (3.55 p.m.), EOO3 tons, M'Lean, for Lyttclton and Duncdin. HANAROA, s.s. (4.5 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Motueka.
RIPPLE, s.s. (5.45 p.m.), 370 tons, Carlson, for Napier and Gisborne. STOEMBIRD, s.s. (5.45 p.m.), 217 tons, Dnu'cU, for Wanganui. KOMATA, s.s. (6.25 p.m.), 1994 tone, Doorlev, for Wettport. MAORI, s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 3599 tons, Aid well, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Clifford, Gordon, Collins, Franlilyn, Butta, Lady Williams, Mcsdames Wishaw, Anderson and child, Gurney, Nichol, Hamilton, Franklvn, Nowman. Julius. Warner, M'Chire, Wilson, Burnan. Earle, Justice Dcnniston, Sir Joshua Williams, Messrs. Adams, Taylor, Wishaw, Waterworth, Harrington, Haggitt, Thomas, Salter, Kelly, Suter, Dwyer, Anderson, Edwards, Gurney, Nichol, Cromie, Templar, Newman, Nicoll, Wright, Johnston, Warner. Highitand, M'Clure, Money, Tcmplnr, Crust, Atkinson, Bowen, Stone, Furze, M'Givon, Dr. M'Evedy. ALEXANDER, s.s. (8.15 p.m.). 377 tons, Yickercnan. for Nelson and West Coast. QUEEN OF THE SOOTH, s-s. (8.55 p.m.), 198 tonik Harvey, for Foxton. POHEEUA, s.s. (9 p.m.), 1175 tons, Cameron, for Greymouth.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Blenheim, Blenheim, August 10. Rakanoa. Dunedin. August 10. Aorere, Patea, August 10. Opa-wa, Blenheim, August 10. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, August 10. Mararoa. Lyttelton, August 10. Breeze, southern port 6, August 10. , Wakatu, Foxton. August 10. Hauroto. Dunedin, Lyttelton, August 10, Kaituna, Napier, August 10. Patcena, Nelson. Picton, August 10. Defender, Karamea, August 10. Nairnshire, Lyttelton, August 10. Oueen of the South, Foxton. August 11. Mauaroa. Motueka, August 11. Storabird, Wanganui, August 11. Arapawa, Wanganui, August 11. Maori. Lyttelton, August 11. Moeraki. Melbourne, via southern ports, August 11. . Victoria, Sydney, via northern ports, August 11. Waimea. Nelson, August 11. Mapourika, West Coast, Nelson, August 12. Nairnshire, Wanganui, August 12. Te Auau, Wcstport, August 12. Kahu, East Coast, August 12. Rosamond, Onohunga, New Plymouth, August 13. Tarawcra, Dunedin, Lyttelton, Aug. 13. Ripple, Gisborne, August 13. Flora, southern ports, August 13. Monowai, northern ports, August 15.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Mana, Patea, August 10. Kiripaka. Patea, August 10. Opaiva, Blenheim. August 10. Rlenhcim. Blenheim, August 10. Kapiti, Wanganui, August 10. Muritai, Brisbane. August 10 Aorere. Patea, August 10. Corinthic, London, via way ports, Aug. 10. Hni-a, Wanganui, August 10. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, August 10. Mararoa, Lyttelton, August 10. \ Manuka, Melbourne, via southern ports, August 10. Breeze. PictoH, Wanganui, August 10. . Arapawa, Wanganui, August 10. Nairnshire. Wanganui. August 10. Queen of the South, Knxton, August 11. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, August 11. Stormbird, Wanganui, August 11. ■ Arapawa, Wanganui, August 11. Pateena. Picton. Nelson, August 11. Maori, Lyttelton, August 11. Hauroto, northern ports, August 11. Moeraki, Sydney direct, August 11. Victoria. Lyttelton.. Dunedin, August 11. Waimea. Nelson, West Coast, August 11. Rakanoa, Westporl. August. 11. Arahura, Picton, Nelson. West Coast, August 12. Defender, Karamea, August 12. Manavca. Motueka. August 14. Flora. Wcstport. Greymouth, Aug. 14. Tarawcra. northern ports. August 14. Rosamond. Picton, Nelson, New Ply. mouth, Oneuunga, August 14. Arawa, Lyttelton, August 14. Monowai, Lyttelton. Dunedin, August 15 Mapnurikn, Nel=on, West Coast, Aug. 15 Ripple, Napier, Gisborne, Aug. 15.
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MOERAKI, f.s.. left Melbourne August 2. for llob.i.rt. southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington August, It. Leave* same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney August 15. VICTORIA. s.s„ loft Sydney August 2 for Auckland, Oisborne. N'anier. and Wellington. Due Wellington August 11. Leaves same day for Lyltclton and Duneiiin. MOAXA, 5..-.. leaves Melbourne August 9, for llolvart.. southern ports, and Wellington, flue Wellington August 18. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney August '22.
r/LIMAHOA. s.s., leaves Sydney August 12. for Wellington direct. Due Wellington Au?«!t. 16- Leaves August, 17, (or smithftrn port!, Hohart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne Augutt 16.
OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ABBIVK. From London. WAUVjiIIA (due about August 16), sailed on June 3, via. Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Alliion Co., agents.) IXUJtALKMA (due ahout August 28). .■.ailed on June 15, via Australia. Auckland, unci Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) WIIAKAUUA (due alxmt .September 7), sailed on July 6, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyfcr Line, agenls.) HIMUTAKA (duo about September 2), sailed on July 0. via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) KUAI'KHU (due nlionl August 23,) sailed on Julv 6. via Suez Canal, Colombo, and llobnrt'. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.l TAINUI (due about September 4), sailed nn Julv 22. via Capo Town and Jlobart. (Shaw, 'Savill. and Albion Co., acents.) TNDRARARAU (due about September 23) Failed Julv 22. via Australia, and Auckland. (Tyser Line, assents.) ROTORUA (due about Scplomber 18). sailed on August. 5, via. Cape Town and Hobart. (N'cw Zealand Shipping Coagents.) KIA ORA (dur about September 221. sailed on August 4, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., ascitis.) From Liverpool. SURREY (due about August 30), sa.ilfid nn Juno 24. via Cape Town, Hobart, Auckland, and Napier. iF.-H.-S. Line, agents.) KENT (due about October 3). s-ailed on -Julv 29, via. Cape Town, Hobart, and Auckland. (F.-3T.-S. Line, a-genls.) ti, SA .D,i ih .fiMtos -? From Montroal. WAIMATE (due about Ausuel 14), Bailed on June 5, via. Australia, and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping 00., agonts.) KARAMEA (due about September 5), Railed on Juno 29, via Australia-and Auckland. OKew Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) CAPE COP.SO (d«o about October 12\ railed .to July 30, via, Anstralia. and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From New York. DEN OF GLAMIS (due about Aucust 6), sailed on May 16, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) HYNDFORD (duo about August 21). sailed on May 20, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co., agents.) ANGLO-PATAGONIAN (due ahout August 23), sailed on .Tunc 2. via Australia, and Auckland. (U.S. and A. Line, necnts.) CAPE ORTEGAL ,duo about September 13), mailed on June 17. via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) ■WALKTTRE (due about Scptcmher 18), pailod on July 1. na Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co., agents.) , ~ . TOMOANA (duo about October 7), sailed on July 8, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, asrents.) . „ CAPE BRETON (due about August 15), sailed ofl June 14, via Duncdin and Lyttelton. (Vacuum Oil Co., agents.)
From Calcutta, APAP.IMA (due about September 3). sailed on August 1, via, Singapore. Saniarang, and Auckland. (TJ.S.S. Co., asents.) From San Francisco. MAITAI (duo about August Yii sailed on July 26. via- Papeete and Earotonga. (O.S.S. Co.. agents.) From Bunbury. CLAN OGILYTY (due ahout August 181. sailed on August 2, via Lyttclton. (G. H. Scales, agent.j BT TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SUVA, August 8. Sailed.—Marama, for Vancouver. HOB AST, August 9. Sailed— Eraierdalc, for Now, Zealand. SYDNEY, Aucust 9. A rrivid.—Northern Chief, from New Zealand: Inga, from Kaipara; Laura, from Auckland. Sailed— Mahcno (1 p.m.), for Auckland. MELBOURNE, August 9. Sailed.-Mofna, for Bluff, via Hobart. COASTAL. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 9. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Tofua (6 a.m.), from Friendly Islands. Arrived.—Tofua, from the South Sea Island*-. Sailcd.-Kurow (2.5 a.m.), for Fiii. ONEHUNGA. Sailed.—Earawa. for New Plymouth. Passengers: Saloon—Mosdamcs Stratford, Curtis, Ka.tcne, Trcbilico, Auckland and 2 children, Calvert and child. Smith, Messrs. Stratford, Irwin, Lambert, Seeling (2), Curtis, Pridaux (2), Crawford, Mitchell, Quartermain, Gillett, llotcafte. Buckland, Pcrritt. Kemp (2>, Phillips, Callum, Parker, Smith. NAPIER. To sail.—Kailun-.v '9 p.m.), for Wellington. PATEA. Arrived.—Aorcrc '8.45 a.m.), from Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Patocua '4.45 p.m.), from YVcllington. NELSON. Arrived.—Mapourika (4.30 a.m.), from Wellington; Nikau (5.50 a.m.), from Wellington. MOTUEKA To sail.-Nikau (7.30 p.m.\ for Wellington. WESTPOET. Arrived—Kittawa (4 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTF.I.TON. Arrived.—Den of Glamis (7.20 a.m.), from Wellington; Mararoa (8.55 a.m.), from Wellington; Wairuna U2.40 p.m.), from Newcastle.
Sailed.—Breeze (2.43 p.m.). for Wellington; Den of Glaniis (6.30 for Port Chalmers: Nairnhire (6.10 p.m.), for Wanganui, via Wellington.
Sailed.—Breeze, for Wellington, Picton, and Wanganui; Nairnshire, for Wanganui; Den of Ulamis, for Dunedin; Cygnet, for Ifciifcoura.
Sailcd.-Mararoa, for Wellington. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Murphy, Dobson, Corke, Mesdames Oliver, Kimbley, Hill, Bentley, Davis, O'Connor, Johnston, Grcrswcll and 2 children, Hubbard, O'Neill, Hope, Kennedy, Nailer, Boyle, Eev. Mr. Wilson. Messrs. Parsons. Oliver, Kimbley, W. Hilt, Hcrdman, Watcrhouso, Mabin, G. B. Watson, Morton, Farquha.rson, Williams, J. S. Goodman, Durant. Crcsswell, Austin, Corke, Buckcridge, W. A. Smith. Perkins, Brownsley, Ripley, Boyle, Robinson, Mitchell, Fisher, Finn, Heron, Nailer, Blair, Shield's; 30 steerage.
PORT CHALMERS. Arrived—Euahine (8 a.m.),' from Bluff; Hauroto (2.30 a.m.), from Auckland.
DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Storm, from northern ports. Sailed.—Hauroto. for .northern ports. Passengers—For Lyttehon—Miss ThonipEon, Master Collins. For Gisborne—Mifs V. M'Donald. For Auckland—Misses lluinc, Holland, Shicls. Mesdames Wall, Furkert. Sailed.—Moeraki, for Sydney, via Wellington. Vassmgcro: For Wellington— Misses Fairchild, Arnold, Dredge, Meadames M'Donald, lady-help, and children, Dredge, Messrs. Samson, F. Gurney, Gav. For Sydney—Misses Branson, Strachau, Mrs. Ashby, Messrs. Wilson, Branson, Gordon. MURITAI'S OUTWARD CARGO. This morning the Tyscr linor Muritai left Wellington for London, via Australian ports. Tho vessel took the following cargo from this port:-209 bales wool, 2 bales skins, 26 bundles skins, 2(1 casks tallow. CORINTHIO FOR LONDON 10-DAY. Noon to-day is the time appointed for the Shaw, SaviU, and Albion Company's R.M.S. Oorinthic to take her departure from the Glasgow Wharf. Wellington, for London, via way ports. The vessel is due at her destination on September 21. WARSniP MOVEMENTS. H.M.S. Powerful is to be at Brishanc during show week. Rho will lie in Moreton Bay in the position whicli she oceuEied there two years a«o during the colorations, and will return to Sydney on August 14. H.M.S. Drake, the Powerful's succcscor ou this station, will leave England in November next. She may be expected at Sydney in February or March. INCA, BARQUE, OVERDUE. The barque Inca, a Chilian vessel, 959 tons, is overdno at Sydney from Callao. Her exact date of sailing is- not known, but, according to advices, she got away at about, the middle of March last, intending to dork here, preparatory to loading ro.-il at Newcastle. She should have made' the journey in about 70 days, hut slio is now somewhere about 140 days out. It is supposed that tho vessel lias cither fallen in with protracted calms, or has been caught in severe weather. Tile barque was in command of Captain Barrio.
MANUKA FROM SYDNEY. All the way across from Sydney to Wellington, the Manuka experienced fino weather. She cleared the Now South Wales pert at noon on Saturday, and dropped anchor in the stream at. 6.45 p.m. vostorday. berthing at the Queen's Wharf, No. 1 south, at 8 a.m. Imports by the Manuka wore as follow:— 27 cases tobacco, 74 bundles shaft;, 420 bags coke. 106 ingots copper, 700 bags rice. 23 sacks rice, 130 sacks maize, 490 sacks sugar. 30 cases mineral water, 69 packages 100 sacks oil cake. 35 cases glvceritio. 2IS sacks and 115 ..hz-Im pollard; 73 reels paper, 100 packages E. bottles, 50 sardines. 4> hales naper. 262 packages te3. 32 rolls tea/i. 100 bars lead. 68 b.ign flour, 1E24 packages fruit, and quantity ft'.MidrivH.
TO'd&y »t 3 p.u). the Manuka, contlnuei nar yorisa to Slclboarae, via the louth.
ARRIVAL OP THE ARAWA. Shortly after noon yesterday the Shaw, Sciffll, and "-Albion Company's J!.M.S. »«uwa. arrivefd in the stream at WcJlinston from London. Pratique beirs granted, the vessel berthed at Iho King's -Wharf at 1.55 p.m.
A report of the voyage (supplied by Mr. C. If. Andrews, second officer] states that the Arawa left Gravctcnd at 2.38 p.m. on June 25. and arrived at Plymouth at 4 p.m. on the following day. After a, stay of two hours she proceeded on her vovap.o to Teneriffe, fair weather being cxperienced down the Channel, and all the way to the island port. The Arawa arrived there at 9 a.m. on July 1. coaled, and left again at 4 p.m. on tbe same day. Strong north-east trade winds, accompanied by high seas, were encountered until "the Line was crossed. From this to Capo town very favourable weather was experienced, arrival there being made on July 16 at 8.30 a.m. Bore passengers wore embarked, and mail? a-nd cOr.l taken on board, and tbo vessel continued her voyage to Hobart at 7 p.m. tbo same day. Fine weather was experienced throughout the run across the Southern Occam, with the ciception of one or two wcstcrlv gale,, with high following seas. Jlobart was made al 7 a.m. on August 4. Hero JOB tons of cargo were discharged, and 1! second-class and 134 third-clasu passengers were, landed. Tbe last stage of the long journey was entered on at 11 a.m. on Auguet 5. and exceptionally fine weather was met with on the run across the T.\smau Soa.
Tho distance travelled from London to Wellington was 12,939 miles, at an average steaming time of 13 knots nor hour. The longest day'r- run was 333 miles. Captain Cloyden is still in command, and has the following officcri associated with him:-CMof. Mr. F. Green: second. Mr. C. M. Andrews; third, Jlr. 11. P. Thurston; fourth, Mr. H. Hankin; purE-ir, Mr. F. Q. Hanman: surgeon, Dr. G. Bower; chief steward. Mr. C. .T. Ilobilen; chief engineer, Jlr. C. K. Clcator: second. Jti-i■ S. A. Widdrington: third, Mr. F. Eattrav; fourth, Mr. D. Lidgc'-t; fifth. Mr. A. E. Aggctt; sixth, Mr. A. Cooler; Mr. V, - . Moore if first refrigerating cn-gin-Mr. and Jlr. J. F. Howler is second. The boiler-rrrahor in Mr. J. Hunter, and Mr. P. Kineaid is electrician. Mr. p. Smith is wirclcca operator nn hoard.
In addition to the list of passengers mtbli-ilied on August 2. tho following joined the vessel at London:—First saloon —Dr. S. Head. Front Capo Town-Mr. Ttoasrii. Socond saloon-From London—Mr. I). Williams. Mr. r,nd Mrs. J. Itoborts-. Third-clas*: From Capo Town—Mips .lanes, Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Messrs. W. liatcs, 11. Ford, V.. Hnll, If. Low, and A. Welch. From ITobart—Mr. A. Murphy. Tho Arawn leaves Wellington next Wednesday for Lylteltoii. where she completes, dheharee of Homo cargo. She then viril.i ibn following portr. in the order named, for lc'idinir purposes:—filu[T. on August 21: Port- Chalmers, August 93; Napier, August %: Aueltlaud. August 23; 1.'.-ttcUon, Sep-l'-mbc; :, !mn return? to Wellington en September 5, saihtg for London on Septcmber 7.
I This evening Corinihic, which leaves Wellington for Louden n\. noon today, will be within range of Wellington 1 !) wirelest; station. Mr. Ilankin. late of the steamer Fernmoor, is now fourth officer of the Araw.i.' Tc-dny the smnjl ptoamer Defender is due at Wellington from Knratr.oa with a cargo of timber. She returns to on Saturday. Mr. C. Roberts, chief officer of the Fateona, loft the vessel at Wellington yooterday. Mr. Bilton, chief officer of the To Anau, also came ashore hero. Dr. P. firaiit, who was surgeon on tho Ar.twa last voyage, remained at lfoir.o this time, and Dr. (1. Bower took his place. In the Court of Appeal at London, tho hoaxing was concluded of an appeal by the owners of the Weft Hartlepool steamship Axwell from a judgment of Mr. Justice. Bargrave Doane holding that a coUirrion between their vessel and the Shire liner Morayshire, belonging to the defendant?, was solely duo lo the fault of the pilot, wiio was compulsorily in charge of the liuer. The casually occurred in the Lower Hopo Reach of the River Thames on the early morning of January 31, when the Axwoll was bound from Dagonham to Hull in ballast, and the Morayshire was on a voyage from Australia, to Tilbury, with a general cargo. The Court allowed the appeal, and pronounced tho owners of the Morayshire liable for tho damage caused by the collision. Mr. Hodges, second officer of the Shaw, Savill steamer Mamari, who was invalided ashore at Capo' Town, was a passenger by the Arawa yesterday. Mr. Hodges proceeds south to-day to rejoin his vessel. Mr. Widdrington rejoined the Arawa i>s second engineer this voyage at London. Mr. Bowler, late second of the vessel, is now second vcfrjgerating engineer. Last, evening" tlio Government steamer Hincmca finished her work at Capo Maria. Van Dioman, and left for Kaiparn. Due at Wellington on August 14. the Rhaiv-Ravill steamer Waiwora, which arrived at Auckland from London at 4.10 a.m. - on Tuesday, is to discharge 310 tolls of cargo here. ..... Leaving Lyttclt.on lnrt evening, the F.-H.-R. steamer Nairnshire will call at Wellington this afternoon for the purpose of picking up stevedores. 'Shu is en route lo Wanganui. Hauroto, s.s., left Duncdin' yesterday aftornoon for Lyttelton and Wellington. She is due in port to-morrow, and leaves again at 2 jj.m. for northern ports. Farly this morning the Raanon. should arrive in port from tho south. She lias pari, cargo of Newcastle coul to put, out here. The Te Amu. which left Wellington ycslerday afternoon for Wcstport. returns on Saturday.
Yesterday the full-rigged ship Australia,, whirl! arrived from Marseilles en Tuesday, berthed at the Wool Wharf to discharge tiles.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1202, 10 August 1911, Page 7
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3,308SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1202, 10 August 1911, Page 7
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