MOOX. Mr»on rises to-day, 8.56 a.m.; f.eU, 7.35! p.m. HIGH WATEE. T.xJny, 6.58 a.m.; 6.23 p.m. To-morrow, 6.55 a.m.; 7.18 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 7.3 a.m.; eetF, <1.51 p.m. ARRIVALS. THURSDAY. JULY 27. MARABOA, s.s. r6.40 a.m.), 2598 ton*. Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—ilisses Bright, Cookson, Nurse ' Ofrden, Mcsdames Papps and child, il'Brath, Little. Barker, Johnston. EagUv pome, Clarkfon. Barber, Mcspts. Tobias, Meredith, M Lellan, Laidlaw, Wert, Thomson O, Cameron, Malcolm, J. C. Thomson, Gamble. Frodric, Thompson, Duncan. Milne, M'Bcath, Poole, Keid, Bain, Scddan, Davey, Witty, H-cilly. Woolcirklge, Poore, Middleton, Modlin. Buvn?, Plant, Butterworth, New tli, Low, Pratt, Johnston, Spiers, Papps. Whitta. Tcague. Grange, Clement,, lion. J. Barr, Rev. lather Oreagh, Masters Doyle, Meehan, Spring, Spiilane, Fitzgerald," M'Millan: 32 6teerage. NIKAU, s.s. (7, 245 tons, Hay, from Nelson and Motueka. AOItEKE, E.S. (2.50 a.m.*, 77 tons, Fisk, from Patea. _. , HAUROTO, s.s. (noon), 1988 tons, Vint, from Dunedin and Lyttelton. KAPITI, s.s. (2.45 p.m.l, 242 tons, Sawyers, from Wanganui. , _ . HUIA, s.s. (11.25 a.m.!, .127 tons, Burt, from Wanganui. MANGAPAPA. S.S. <2 1M Fletcher, from Westnort. . . ERMIXIA, barciue (1 p.m. in the stream), 1544 toils, Marchese (bound from Dunedin to Lyttelton. Put in through stress oi weather). ■ ~, , KIRIPAKA, s.s. (7.40 p.m.), 133 tons, ll'lntofh, from Patea. . , KAIPAKA, s.s. (9.15 p.m. m the stream), 7392 tons. Cornwall, from Nslfoii. WAKATU. s.s. (10.35 p.m.), 157 tone, Wills, from Foston. . . TE ANAIJ. s.s. (11.20 p.m.). 1652 tons, Carey, from Kelson and Picton. Passengers: SaJoon-MisseS Taylor Leaver Ferguson,. Fleming, Turner, Mesdames Alson, Rogers, it'Cusker, Messrs. Budd. Chapman. Angus, O'Brien. Alson, Bush, Wood, Fanpclod. Wilson, Hcmpliill. SrnclMT. Fau-ley, Lawrie, Kusli.m. lion. C. It. stills- Gyle.-?, Gilling, Flower, Scott, Iluggins; 7 steerage. DEPARTURES. THURSDAY. JULY 27. NGATORO, s.s. M.20 a.m.), 1137 tons, Christian, for Greyniouth. QUEEN OF THE SOliTlI, s.s. (12.5 p.m.), ■"ATS Sawyers, 'VnW e.s. (5 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Motueka. • , , T * „ NIKAU, s.s. (6.25 p.m.), 245 tons. Hay, for Kelson and Motucka. . KAi'liNl, s.s. (6.40 p.m.). 150 tons, jackson, for l'uponga. UAIIAKOA, s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 2=98 tons, Manning, i'or Lyttelton. Passengers: baloonMißoes M'Csillum, Adams, XV ales, Minnis. Kent, M'lutosh, Rodgers. ilDonald (3), Wood row, Harris, lles-tiamcs Steed, DoaK, Tester, Saviilc and child, it'ClUKirate and child, Eodgcre, Harris, .Messrs. Le Cren, Symes, Tennant, Haddock, Atoore, Langstone, Lewis, Harnett, Redpath, Wales, Smith, Isaa&s, George, Lawson, Burnett, Go??, Doak, Ilunter, Smith, Hopwell, Wright, llopcroft, Keeper, Watts, Rogers, and Manawatu football team. MOAN A, s.s. (9.15 p.m.), 3915 tons, Worrail, for Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Hobart, o.nd Melbourne, Passengers: Saloon—For LytteHon—Misses Temple, Meadowcroft, Mesdamcs Temple, Monkmole, ltev.. GrifTen, Messrs. Rich, Clark, Monkmole, Temple, M'George. For Dunedin—Miss Clark, Me=dames Weaver, Puck. llazlctt, Messrs. Clark, Messrs. Clark, Wilkin, Carr. For Bluff— Messrs Strong, Double. For Uobart—Mise Chaffcy. For Melbourne-Messrs. Lew's, BlaFhford. lIAUROTO, s.s. (10.30 n.m.l, 198S ■ tons, Vint for Napier, Gisborne. and Auckland. LAUDERDALE, s.s. (midnight), 1248 tons, Cox, for Lyttelton. BLENHEIM, s.s. (midnight), 120 tons, Wat&on, for Blenheim. CXPECTEO ARRIVALS. Waverley, Foxton, July 28. Wakatu, Foxton, July, 2?., Mana, Patea, July 28. Breeze, southern ports. July 28. Stormbird, Wanganui, July 28. Maori. Lvttelton. July 28. Manuka, Melbourne, via southern ports, July 28. Queen of the South, Foxton, July 29. Nikau, Nelson. Motueka, July 29. Mararoa. Lyttelton, July 29. Mapourika, West Coast, Nelson, July 29. Ngatoro, Greyniouth, July 30. Defender, Lyttelton, July 30. Rosamond, Onehunga, New Plymouth, July 30. Tarawera. Dunedin, Lyttelton, July 30. Ripple, Napier, Gishorne; July 30. Flora, southern ports, July 30. Kapuni, Wanganui, Patea, July 30. Arapawa, Foxton, July 30. Manaroa, Motueka, July 30. Sussex, Liverpool, Auckland, July 31. ?lonowai, northern, ports. August 1. Waimea, Picton, August 1. Pateena, New Plymouth, August 2. Hauroto, northern ports, August 4.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES, Opawa, Blenheim, .Tilly 28. Mangapapa, Westport, July 28. Duncrag, Dunedin, July 28. Polierua. fireymouth, July 28. Komata, Wcstport. July 28. Aorere, Patea, July 28. Wavcrloy, Nelson, West Coast, July 28. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, July 28., Kast, Coast, July 28. Huia, Wanganui, July '28. . Kiripaka, Patea, July 28. Hreezo, Wanganui, July 28. To Anau, Picton, Nelson. July 28. Maori, Lyttelton, July 28. Manuka, Sydney direcr, July 28. Blenheim. Hlenlieim, July 29. Queen of the tioutli. Foxton, July 29. Mana, Patea, July 29. Nikau, Kelson, Motueka, July 29. Mararoa, Lyttelton, July 29. Arahura, l'icton. Nelson, West Coast, July 29. Ktorinbird, Wanganui, July 29. Tongariro, London, via way ports, July 30.
Ruahiue, Lyttelton, July 31. ■. Mannroa, Motucka, July 31. ■ Arapawa, Wanganui, July 31. Kapuni, Paica, July 31. Defender, llokitika, July 31. Flora, Weatport, Greymouth, July 31. Rosamond, l'icton, Nelson, New Plymouth, Onolutuga, July 31. Tarawera, northern ports. July 31. Monowai. Lyttelton. Duuedin, August 1. Mapourika, Nelson, West Const, August 1. Ripple, Napier, Gisborne, August 1. Waimea, Nelson, West Coast, August 1. Patccna, Pinion, Nelson, August 3. Hauroto, Lyttelton, Duuedin, August 4. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MANUKA, s.s., left Melbourne July 19. for Hobart, southern ports and Wellington. Due Wellington July 28. Leaves same day for Sydney dircct. Due Sydnej August I. WIMMEBA, s.s.. left Sydney July 19 for Auckland, Oisborne, Napier, and Wclliugton. Due Wellington July 28. Leaves samu day for Lvtt.elton and Dunodin. ULIMAROA, s.s., leaves Melbourne July 26, for Hobart, southern ports. a£d Wellington. Due Wellington August 4. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney August 8. WARRIMOO. s.s., leaves Sydney July 29 for Wellington dircct. Due Wellington August 2. Leaves August. 3 for southern ports. Hobart. and Melbourne. Due Mel--1;< urnc August 12. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. , From London. MURITAI (due about August 2), sailed on May 31. via. Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agcntF.) WAIWERA (due about August 8). sailed on June 3, via. Auckland. (Shaw, SavUl a.r.d Albion Co.. agents.) INDRALEMA (due .about August 28',. sailed on June 15, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) ARAWA (due about August 71, sailed on June 23, via Cape Town and Hohart. (Shaw, Savitl and Albion Co., agents.) WIIAKABUA (due about September 7), sailed on July 6, via. Australia, Auckland, an<l Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) RIMUTAKA (due about September 2), sailed ou July 8. via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) RUAPEIIU (due about, August. 23). sailed on July 6. via Suez Canal, Colombo, find Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) TAINUI (due about September V, sailed on July 22, via Cape Town and Hobart.' (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) From Liverpool. SUSSEX (due about July 3D. sailed on May 27, via. Auckland. (F.-11.-S. Line, agent?.) SURREY (duo about. August 30). sailed on June 24, via. Cape Town. Hobart, Auckland, and Napier. (K.-11.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. WAIMATF. Iduo about August 14), sailed on June 5. via Australia, and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) KARAMEA (due about September 16), sailed on June 29, via Australia, and Auckland, (New Zealand ShiMins Co., agewo
From Now York, DEN OF GLAMIS (due about August 11), sailed on May 16, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. liinc, agents.) Ill' XDFORD (due about August, 3). eailcd on May 20, via, Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co., agents.) ANGLO-PATAGONIAN (due about August 29), sailed on June 2, via Australia and Auckland. (U.S. and A. Line, nGeuts.) CAPE ORTEGAL (duo about September 13), sailed on June 17, via Australia and Auckland. {Tyscr Line, agents.) WALKURE (due about, September 18), str'led on July 1, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co., agents.) TOMOANA (due about October 7), Bailed on July 8, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyscr Line, agents.) CAPE BRETOX (due about August 15), sailed on June 14, via. Duncdin and Lyttelton. (Vacuum Oil Co., agent 6.) SAILERS TO ARRIVE. AUSTRALIA, Italian ship, Eailed from Marseilles April 8. (Briscoo ( and Co., agents. ) HELEN DENNY, barque, sailed from Ncncastle, on July 8. BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. LONDON, July 24.' Railed.—Papauui and Norfolk, for Australia. NEWCASTLE, July 26. Arrived—Feliciana, from Wellington. Sailed.—Rakanoa, for Bluff. SUVA, July 27. Arrived.—Tofua, from Sydney. COASTAL'. THURSDAY. JULY 27. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Monowai, from southern portF. Sailed—BcntLnck, for ltokiiuiKi and Melbourne. . NAI'IEB. , ~ , Sailed.—Wimmera (4 . p.mO, .for Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived—Koonya (7,15 a.m.), from Wellington. s . • . .... : : ■ . Sailed.—Fatecna, 18.40 p.m.'), for Onehunga.' WAITARA. Arrived.—Mana, from Wellington. Sailed.—liana (11.15 a.m.), for Wellington. WANGANUL Arrived.—Stormbird (8,50 a.m.), and Holmdale (9 a.m.), from Wellington. WESTI'ORT. Arrivod—Arapawa (7 p.m. Wednesday), from Wellington. Sailed.—Wnangapc (10.25 a.m.), for Sydney. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Maori (6.55 a.m.), from Wellington; Wootton, from Nydia Hay. Sailed.--l'etojic, lor Ureyuiouth; Cygnet, for haikoura. Hailed.—.Manuka (5.5 p.m.), for Wellington end Sydney. Passengers; For Welling-ton-Miiises ltouert, ilugnes, and Gray. For Sydney-Misses O'Connur, Ambroiie, Julius, hiver, Fyfe, Uoyley, Mesdames Adams and 2 children, O'Dounell, Wilton and 3 children, Walton, Corbet!, and .Nurse Warden, Messrs. Adams, O'Uonnell, J. Bigby, Rushworlh, Corbett, and 20 steerage. Sailed.-Maori (6.30 p.m.), for Wellington. Passengers: Saloon-MissM Denshire, Curtis, Cloy, Evajis, Collins, Mesdamca Curr, Wood, Howell, Levi, Wilson, Sloivey, liowe, Feutos, Messrs. C. F. Uinns, P. Cathro, Slowey. A. Scott, Barrett, C. .). Champr-sl), 'l'hideau, Smith, Powell, Reeve, Nieliolton Caldow, Qiiinn. Bailey, It. Busli, Law-ton, Emerson, Clcphane, Vatriek, Cathro, Wilson, J. B. Roid, W. V. Withell, Taylor, O'Burkc, Buckley, Grey, Latter, and T. Buxton, M.l'.; 2u steerage. PORT CHALMERS. Sailed.—Mimira (4.30 p.m.l, for Brisbane. ItUAHINE'S VOYAGE. Rualiine, R.M:S„ which arrived in tho stream at Wellington from London miring the early hours of yesterday morning berthed at the Ring's Wharf about S.ii) a.m. A report of her voyage, supplied by Mr. C. Scarle, purser, is as follows:— The ltuahine left the Royal Albert, Docks at mid-day on Friday, .lune 9, and after embarking passengers at.Tilbury left tile same day lor Plymouth, which port was reached the next evening. Fine weather with smooth seas wero met with oil tile rim down the Channel. Alter embarking passengers and mails, the voyage was resumed at 10.30 p.m., light winds and fine weather prevailing to arrival .it 'J'cuerillo on Thursday, June 15. The island port was left at 11 p.m., and on the run down to Cape Town strong "trades ' were experienced on both sides of the Equator, accompanied i>y considerable teas. The vcrsel arrived at Capo Town at 7.45 a.m. on salut'day, July 1, and after a May of seven hours proceeded to llobort. Stormy weather prevailed on the run across the Southern Ocean, von' heavy W.S.W. gales being experienced on the nights of July 10 and 16, with mountainous seas, the liuahine proving herself nil excellent, sea Hobart was roaelicd on Thursday, July 20 at 2 p.m., where s-vne 4CO tons of rargo ami 102 passengers were landed. Considerable delay was caused through wet. weather and shortage of coal at that port. The voyage w.13 resumed at 6.42 a.m. on Saturday last, and strong S.E. gale and E. winds, with high head FtJ?, ■ were experienced aH the way across the Tasnian Se.i until porl was made. The usual sports, concerts, and dances were, held throughout the voyage. The Rualiine is the first of New Zealand Shipping Company's fleet lo carry the Marconi wireless installation, it having been fitted this time in London. FreQueiit communication has been made throughout the voyage with ships and .shore stations, .iust oil ICOO miles (with Durban) being the longest working.range obtained. It should prove of great interest and usefulness to passengers as well as from a. point, of safety. Captain F. Forbes is now in command, nnd has with him the following officers and engineers:—Mr. J. H. Squires, chief officer: Mr. E. W. J. Nursey, second: Mr. E. B. Dalby. third; Mr. C. B. Lamb, fourth; Mr. J. C. It. Lind, surgeon; Mr. C. Rearle, purser: Mr. C. A. Wellev, Marconi operator ; Mr. .1. Turner, chief engineer: Mr. B, T. Aitkon, second; Mr. D. Shier, tnird; Mr. C. Youne. fourth: Mr. fi. Knowles. fifth: Mr.'S. W. Smyth, sixth; Mr. Risroti, first refrigerating engineer; Sir. J. Storm, s.ccond. In addition to the list previously published tho Ruahino embarked the following passengersAt Cape Town: Second saloon —Mr. G. Rrydeii: steerage, Messrs. A. Davidson. D. l.ewis, S. Press. W. F. Tbo'"klcston. A 1 lloba.rt: Second saloon—Mr., Mrs., and Jliss Tabarl and Mrs. Crieve. It in anticipated that the Rualiine will leave Weßinwon for Lyttelton on Honda v netf. Her subsequent ports of oa.ll arts:—Tim BlnlT. Tiinaru. Lyttelton, and Auckland. She arrives at the northern nort oil Aucust. 15. and leaves there for Wellington three days later, hcincr due here on August 20. On August 24 the liuahine leaves Wellington for London. BLOWN OUT OF HER COURSE. \ stranger made her appearance in Port. Nicholson yesterday .afternoon, and proved t,i be the Italian biivque F.rminia. 175 miie3 out of her course. The.sailer left Dtined-'n en Julv 17 for Lyttelton, and has evidently met with the dirty weather which ha.; prevailed on the East Coast recently. This, combined with tho fctroils: northerly sot, of
the current. is 110 doubt responsible for the Erminin's appearance at Wellington. The vc«=el arrived at Dunedin on .1 mio 10 from Marseilles with part cargo of tiles, the remainder of which arc for Lyttolton. She is a comparatively new vessel, having been built in 1902. Captain Hardier? m her master, and Captain Patcrson necoinpanics tba E-nninia as coastal pilot, il is probablo that the Krinima. will loava port when the weather is favourable. R. 11.5. MAITAI'S MOVEMENTS. On .Inly 21 It.M.S. Maita.i arrived at Safl Franeisco from Wellington, via way ports, and was to have left on the return trip 011 Wednesday last. She is due at Wellington on August 17. GISBORNE—SYDNEY" TRADE. Arrangements have been completed by & Gisborne Arm tor the shipment, of regular supplies of white pine timber from hitborne to Sydney. The mitiiil shipment will be made towards the end of the present month; or early in August, by tha barquentine Carla. which is due ■at Gifborne shortly with eoal The. first shipment will comprise a. Mtla over a quarter of a. million feet of timber. INDII AUAHAIf LEAVES .LONDON. Messrs. llunnatync and Co.. local agentl for the Tyser Line, havo received art vies that* the lMlrabaraft IoH LonJnn on «».uly 12 for Kew Zealand polls, via Australia. She is due at Wellington about t-cpteiu. her 11. Till! BEN Of fiLAJIIS. It was expected that the A. and A. Line's chartered steamer nen of (immw »ouiu w> ready to continue tier journey irom .-\vil--iiey to Aucluuiut ant Wellington ye.-ler-day. August- It is the naie ui her c>.liecied arrival here. Oil Tuesday next the I'ateena leaves New I'lvuiouth for Wellington, and resumeß running in the WeuiiiKion-l'ii-tou-Nen jii sarvice'on Wcdesday at 12.45 p.m. \n arrival in port from Nelson last night was the Mew lic.-iUud t-hioping Company* steamer Kaiparn. .-he remain* here until Saturday. Ycaterdiiy the steamer I'utiki arrived .'it Greymoutli Irom Wellington, via Nelson. She leaves the \\' (Jr.aM port to-day tor Lyttolton and Wellington, and is duo hero about Thursday next. . Mr. )i Jl. Dalby has succeeded Mr. Point as third offlcer of li.M'.K. lluahino. and -Mr. C. H. Lamb has joined the vefsel a» fourth. While the Jn.nie Keddon (which went tip on the slip yesterday) is llu.iercoinp overhaul, the Ferry Company 1 !! new lucamrr Muritai will do tender work on the harbour. • Manuka, £.?.. arrives at Wellington from Melbourne, via pout-hern ports, early this morning. She sails for Sydney direct at 5 p.m. - ; The . llaoriland Steamship Compauy» steamer Holnidale will go to Oreymouth from Wanganui to load up with timber for Wellington. Mesprs. Bajnialyiis and Co. have received advice 1 Irani Lyttelton stating that the steamer Wootton, which left for Wellington ou Saturday, was compelled to put into Nydia. lla.v through stress of weather. Her Wellington trip has been abandoned, Mr. A. Woodnut, late of the Himitaoici, | has joined the Queen of the South, an mate. Captains D. Ritchie and. W, 1). Cameron, of the Poherua- and Komnta respectively, exchanged ships yesterday. Mr. C. T. Whitehouse has signed on lbs KomaU as third engineer. Captain Clark is ill charge of the F.-H.-R. steamer Sussex, Captain Robertson, her late commander, hnving transfon-Mt to the Essex. Captain Clarke came out to New Zealand as mate of the Norfolk about three years ago. Latest charters include tlir barque Louisa Craig, 685 tons, from Kaipaia i-i Melbourne with kauri timber. Advices to hand state that the steamer llcckenhum_ is now londiug at Oyika. l'ho cargo is 6750 lons of Japanese produce for Now Zealand ports. Den of Airlie, s.s., which will take tho berth at Now Vork shortly for Australian and New Zealand ports, is a new vcr."oi. ■She is not ye!, quite out of the builders' bands, but will bo ready in time to fulfil the engagement. Captain Singer, formerly in command of the lien of Rut-hven. and the commodore of the Commonwealth Line, is to have charge of the Dcil of Airlie. To-day the Union Company's steamer Wairuna is expected to leave Newcastlo with coal for Lyttelton and Timnru. Captain Vint is in charge of the Hntlroto which has relieved the Mokoia. in ih" East Coast running, and bis officers are--'-Chief, Mr. E. Whyborue: second. Mr. Bari 1 - tJiiicU ill. HiuiiuM*,
Day. h. m. First nu&rk-r 3 8 50 p.m. Full moon 12 0 23 a.m. Last, quarter 19 5 1 P* ni - Now moon 25 7 42 a-m.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1191, 28 July 1911, Page 7
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2,824SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1191, 28 July 1911, Page 7
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