PHASES OF THE MOON. JULY. Day. h. m. First quarter 3 B£o p.m. Full moon 'i'ii "Zo a.m. Last quarter 13 5 1 p.m. Now raoou ; 26 742 a.m. HOOK. Mo.on rites to-day, 3.27 a.m.: Eds, 12.41 p.m. lIIGII WATER. To-day, 0.29 a.m.; 12.53 p.m. To-morrow, 1.22 a.m.; 1.48 p.m. SUN. Sun ri;:os to-day, 7.8 a.m.; sets, 4.15 p.m. ARRIVALS. FRIDAY, JULY 21. WARRIMOO, £.s. (4.55 a.m.), 3529 tons, Clift, from Melbourne, Hobart, and southern ports. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Duval, flengofield, Rose, Mrs. Tulloch, Dr. Uengofield, Dr. Gibb, Mcsers. Graham. Price. Tulloch, Strang, Double, Hunter, Gregory. Watkins,' Brooke; 13 steerage. BLENHEIM, s.s. (6.20 a.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. MAORI, s.s. (6.55 a.m.), 3399 tons, AWffcll, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—JUsepe Ayers, Glen, Girry, Guinnefe. Rw-Eoll, Waiting, Jl'Cormick, Perkins, Ingles, Wacklt* Myrams; Thompson, M'Avthur, Mesdames I.owther, M'Caffrey and child, West and child. Turner. Guinness, Rountrco. Glen, Starky and maid, Adams, Matbeson, Masefield, De la, Cour, Clifford. Daysh, Grccnough, Feron, Wardell, Furze, Professor Mackenzie, Hon. Mr. Jl'Kenzie, Mcesrs. Humph. Frasor, Hawkes, Campbell, Kennedy, Dennehy, M'Caffrey, Wallworth, Atwell, Master Glen, Grasted, Parker, Garry, Hallantync, Barchard, Fenton, Chase, Brodziork, Burgess, Stewart, Turner, M'Allister, Sinclair, Ha.Un, Gleu, Taylor, Sharp, Guinncae. Starky, Wilson. Cullen, Gillman, Haigh, Friedlander, Jamieson, M'lntosh, WaTdcll, Mathcson, Cheeseman, Masefield, De la Cour, Beswick, Brent, Mclhuish, Kayle, Falconer, Feron, Riminess, Brabner, Furze, Hamill, Oliver, Squtor, Flanagan, Grant, Hayland. licecs, Archibald, I.ane, Bristol, Smitlv, Holmes. Oates, Seeconibe 54 steerage. 3IOKOIA, s.s. (7.30 a.m.), 3502 tons, Smith, from Auckland. Gisborne, and Napier. Passengers: Saloon—Hisses Henderson, Hannine, Graham, Mesdames M'Kenzie, Baldwin, Raphael, Phelan and child, Uridgo, Arthur, Messrs. Dillner, Oolgnn, Hughes. Holdsworth, Rej'nolds, Uridge, Right, Stock, Demminghani, M'Lean; 7 steerage. CLYDE, schooner (10.55 a.m.), 90 tons. Smith, from Chatham Islands. KAITANOATA, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 1983 tons, Buxtou, from Westport-. NGAKEHE, b.s. (9.30 p.m.), 1090 tons, Dilncr, from Grcymouth. DEPARTURES. FRIDAY, JULY 21. TE ANAU. s.s. (1.25 p.m.), 1652 tons, Carey, for Picton'aud Nelson. Passengers—Saloon: For Picton-Misses Brown, M'Nab, Kankin. Leohncr, Mesdames Stanhope, Butterworth, and child, Hon. C. 11. Mills. Messrs. Vcsey. Alortimore, Connor, , Duncan. Kain, Stanhope, Pitt, Burns, Wynn-Williams. For Nelson—Misses Atkinson, Carroll, Ledger, Graham, Bell, Mesdaraes Connolly, Rennick, Robertson, Kingston and child, Messrs. Nowman, Prestidge, Pike. Hawkes. Priugl'. , , Connolly, Noalc, Itennick. Kingston. HIMITANGI, s.s. (noon), 523 tons, Manley. for Chatham Islands, via Lyttelton. NAVUA, s.s. (12.10 p.m.), 2930 ton 6, Hutton. for Westport. POHERUA, s.s. (4.40 p.m.), .1175 tons, Ritchie, for Grcymouth. WARUIMOO, s.a. (5.T0 p.m.\ 3529 tons. Clift, for Sydney direct. Passengers: Kα-loon-Misses Tobin. Plowman, Whisker, Allan, Jfosdaiues Giteon, Lunn, Thwaites, Quinn, Kicvel, Benson, Beattie, M'Arthur, Levy, Goodwin and child, Carey, Glynn and 2 children, Sheets. Dr. Cosgrove, Messrs. M'Artney. Cutfioid, Shcppavd, PcarEon, Jones, Allison, Merlon, Jones, Bottomlcv, Chappell, Morpe, Gamer, Oxley. Ralph, Mur-> ray, Robey, Thompson, Henry, MocKenztc, Isaacs, Stockman, Hepwell, Prowell. Butters, Mac Donald, Gibson, Lunn. Thwaites, Bannister, M'Millan, Sercomb. Mound, Goodwin. Glynn, Tattle, Noble, Caldcr, Smith, Diinand. Smith; 93 steerage. MOKOIA, s:s. (5.30 p.m.). 3502 tons, Smith, for Lyttelton. and Duncdin. - ■ •> • . OPAWA, s.s. (6 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. . BLENHEIM, s.s. (7 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson, for Blenheim. MAORI, s.s. (8.5 p.m.). .3399 tons, Aldwell, for Lyttelton, Passengers: Saloon—Misses Paul, Burton. Campbell, Hutchens. Martin. Wales, Gilliam. Kavanagh, M'Donald, MTarlane, M'Keig, Gold, Bennetts (2), Hall. Grimthe, Read, Martin, Francis, Dundan, Bradshiw. Franks, Parks. Christie, :Collcott, Forsyth, Leroy, Chandler, Linden,' Quinn; Patcy, Mesdames Pcdcreon. Braggo, Gold, Heath, Graham, Hunt. Tingey and child, Benthson, Fulton, M'lntosh. Jl'Farlane,' Becston, Vernon, Currv, Wells, Hon. Mr. Millar.. Maior Fulton. "Colonel Hayhurst, Messrs, Moore. Hamilton, Symons, Menzies. Macintosh, Meyer, Nichols, Corry. MacFarlane, Wasklyn. Winn. Gifford. Bnrry, Burton. Lushoroclt, Stone, Walls, Bell. M'lntosh, Poicrsnn, England, Kino, Bray, Hillary,, Thomson, Yernon.. Beeston, Thorley, Jirnsjm, Barwood, Rolingbronk, Schaur, Waldron. Pearson. Pendall, Saville, Hay, Morris. Williams. Latter. Salter, Sntton, Sherwood, Coylc, Short, Rcveirs, Gfahara. llawlins. Early. Stevenson, Ure. Stewart, Gray. Woodley, Staples, Tancred, Ellis, Kutner, M'Carthy,. Morshead.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kiripaka, Patca, July 22. Kowbai, southern ports, July 22. Queen or the South, Foxton, July 22. Stormbird, Wanganui, July 22. Arapawa, Wanganui, July 22. Niltau, Nelson. Motueka, July 22. Mararoa, Lyttelton, July 22. Mupourika, West Coast, Nelson, July 22. Kapiti, Wanganui, July 22. Putiki, Timaru, Lyttelton, July 22. Te Anau, Nelson, Picton. July 22. Falcon, Havclock, July 23. Energy. Auckland, Gisbornc, July 23. Opawa, Blenheim, July 23. Blenheim, Blenheim, July 23. Iluia, Wanganui, July 23. . Kiripaka, Patea. July 23. . • Mana, Patea, July 23. Maori. Lyttelton, July 23. Manaroa, Ha-velock, July 23. Kapuni. Lyttelton. July 23. Rosamond, Onehunga, July 23. llonowai, Dunedin, Lyttelton, July 23. Kipple, Napier, Gisborne, July 23. Corinna, New Plymouth, July 23. Kaitoa, Mangarakau. July 23. Navua. Westport, July 24. Tongariro, southern ports. July 25. Koonyn, sontliern ports, July 25. . Poherua, Wertport. July 25. Wakatu, Foxton, July 25. Tarawera. northern ports, July 25. Ituahine, London, via way ports, July 25, Hauroto, Dunedin, Lyttelton, July 27,
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Aorcre, Patea, July 22. ' ■■ --. . Melbourne, Lytteltou, July 22. Kowhui, Napier, Gisbornc, July 22. Queeu of the- South, Foxlou, July 22. .Ntkau, Kelson, Picton, July 22. Mararoa, Lyttelton, July 22. Arahura, l'lctou, Xelsoii, West Coast, July 22. Putiki, Grcyniouth, July 22. Opawa, Blenheim, July 2! ' ' Blenheim, Blenheim. July 24. lluia, Wanganui. July 24 , Kapiti. Wanganui, July < Mana, Waitarn, July 24. Tβ Anau, Picton, Nelson, *u»j »i. Maori, Lyttelton, July 24. ilinemoa, northern lighthouses, July 24. Corinna, Picton, Tinjaru, Dunedin, Oaniaru, July 24. Kaitoa, Nelson, ATe?t- Coa-st. July 24. Kiripaka, Patea, July 24. Manaroa. Motueka. July 24. Star of India. Brisbane, July 24. ■ Monowoi, northern ports, July 24. Rosamond, Picton, Nelson. New Plymouth Oiiclnmgii, July 24. Tarawcra, Lyttelton. Duntdin, July 25 Mapourika, Kelson. West Coast, July 25. Kipple. Napier. Ghbornc, July 25. Rtormblrd. Wunsanul. July 25. Waltatu, Ka-lkoura. Lyttelton, Julr 25. Navua, Westport. Auckland, Suva, July 25. Koonya. New Plymouth, Westport, and Groymouth, July 26. Tongariro, London, via war ports, July 27. Hauroto, northern ports, July 27. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MANUKA, 5.8., left Melbourne July 19, for Ilobart. southern ports and Wellington. Duo Wellington July 28. Leaves samo day for Sydney direct. Due Sydncj August 1. WIMMF.RA. 8.5., left Sydney July 19 foiAuckland, Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington. Due Wellington July 28. Leaves samu day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. MOANA, s.h., leaves Sydney July 22 for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington' July 26. Leaves July 27 for southern ports. Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne, August 5 U.LIIIAHOA. 8.5., leave? Melbourne July 26, for Tfobart, southern per'-, aurt Wellington. Due Wellington AucuU 4. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney August 8. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. MUIUTAI (duo about August 12), sailed on May 31, via Australia, Auckland, antl Napier. (Tysor Line, agents.) WAIWERA (due about August 8), sailed on June 3, via. Auckland. (Shaw, Bavill, and Albion Go., agonte.) liUAHINE (duo about July 24), sailed on June 10, via Capo Tows and Hobart. (Now Zealand Shipping Co., ageihs.) INDKAIjEMA (due about .August 28), sailed on June 15. via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) ARAWA (due about August 7), sailed on June 23, via Cap? Town and Ilobart. (Shaw Savill nnd Albion Co.. agents.) lU7AHINE (du-> Wednesday), s-iiled on on July 6. \ia, Plymouth. Marseilles, Suez Canal, Colombo," add Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents,)
WHAKARTJA (duo about September. 7). sailed on July 6. via, Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tysor Line, agenus.) RHIUTAKA (due about September 2), sailed on July 8, via Auckland. (Now Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) . From Liverpool. SUSSEX (due about July 3D. wiled on Hay 17, via Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) SURItKi" (due about August 30), sailed on June 2i. via, Cnnc Town. Hobart. Auckland, and Napier. (F.-11.-S. Lille, agents.) From Montreal. WAIMATE (due about July 24), sailed on Juno 5, via Australia a::d Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) KAIIAMEA (due about September 16). sailed on Juno 29, via. Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From N;w Vork. MIMIRO (due about July 14), sailed on April 18, via Australia and Auckland. (A. und A. Lfae. agents.) BEN OF OLAMIS (due about Augufit 11). sailed on May 16, via Australia, and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) JIYNDFORD (due about July 25), sailed on May 20, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co., agents.) , SAILERS TO ARRIVE, \ - AUSTRALIA, Italian ship, failed from Marseilles April B. (Briscoc and Co., agents.) HELEN DEXNS', baraue, sailed from Newcastle, on July 8. BT TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. LONDON, July 21. Sailed.-Tainui, for Lyttelton; Saturnus, for Westport. , SYDNEY. July 21. Arrived,—Maheno (8 a.m.), from Auckland. COASTAL. FRIDAY, JULY 21. AUCKLAND. Sailed.-Otaki (10.45 p.m.), for London. NAPIEK. Arrived.—Victoria (10.45 a.m.), from Wellington, WANGANTJI. Arrived.—Holmdale (3.25 a.m.), Hu'ia (3.J5 a.m.), and Stonnbird (3.30 a.m.), from Wellington; Arapawa (2.15 p.m.), from Wellington. PATEA. Arrived.—Mana (4.30 p.m.), and Kiripaka (4.35 p.m.). from Wellington. Sailed.—Aorere (4.30 p;m.), for Wellington. FOXTON. Sailod.—Queen of tho South (4.30 p.m.), for Wellington. ■ • PICTPN. Arrived—To Anau (5.35 p.m.), from Wellington. HAVELOCK. . Arrived.—Manaroa, (4.15 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed—Manaroa (4.5 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.-Nikau "(5.40 a.m.), from. We'.iinirton; Waverley (1.10 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Nikau (1.15 p.m.), for Motucka. and Wellington; Waimea (5 p.m.), for Picton. MANGARAKAU. Arrived.—Kaitoa , (3 p.m.), from Wellington. MOTUEKA. Sailcd.-Nikau (4.20 p.m.), for Wellington. GREY.MOTJTH. Arrived—Kini (3.25 a.m.), from Wellington. -, ' LYTTELTON. Arrived—Moeraßi (7.20 a.m.), from Wellington; Mararoa (8.35 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Kowhai (4.15 p.m.), and Mararoa. (6.15 p.m.), for Wellington. r RUAHINE DELAYED AT HOBART.' Owing lo had weather at Hobart. R.M.S. Ruahinc, of the New Zealand. Shipping Company's licet, has Ijecn delayed at that port. She is expected to leave , this morn- 1 ing, and should reach WcP.inston on Wednesday niorninjr-a. -duy:. behind. Echedulo time. . • •• ■~ .. .• . . . . ' RUAPEHU AT PORT SAID. Yesterday the local agents of the Sow Zea.lan/1 Shinning Company received wo/d that R.M.S. Ruipchu arrived at Port Said on July 19, and left again the same uiy for Colombo, Hobart, and Wellington. MASTEKS' RESPONSIBILITIES. !At the ahiliial 'meeting.. of ',ihe Mercantile Marine Service Association at Liverpool Captain Corkhill, in referring to the action of underwriters .in objecting to captains who had met with an accident, said that it was his opinion that if a man got into an accident by an error of .judgment, or. something of (hat, description, he ought not to be condemned for it, for it was not proof that he <vouid do the same again. A shipmaster's responsibilities were, he said, being continually added to, until,'at the present time, they really did not know where they stood. Tile latest responsibility proposed was to make tho mast«r responsible for the actions of a pilot. Captain CorkhiU thoueht that to make the master responsible by law for the action of a pilot over pilotage waters in every part of the globe was nonsensical. How, he asked, could they expect a master to know more about the approaches to a, river than the man who had local knowledge? In referring ,to the new vision test for officers, he contended that the test was a. mistake, and ought not' to be allowed to pass.
CLYDE FEOM THE CHATHAMS. An arrival in port yesterday was Mr. J. M'Lcan's schooner Clyde from the fishing station at Kaingaroa-, Chatham Islands. The little vessel left Kaingaroa on Sunday laot, in ballast, and experienced' very fine weather, with light calms on the run up. It is probablo that the Clyde will Jie fitted with cool storage at Wellington this trip. Her officers' report that the stram trawler Nora Jfiven on her passage down to the Islands run- into a sirong H.E. gale, which compelled her to "'hove to" for a day, thus lengthening her journey from Napier to four days. In about six weeks" time Ehe a-sain visits Kaiiigaroa. On Tuesday n?xt, • R.M.S. Tongariro is due at Wellington from the south. The local agents of the vcpsol expect to dispatch her for London, via way ports, at noon on Thursday. At noon yesterday, the Chatham Islands Fislnug Company's steamer liimit.'ingi left Wellington 'for the Ohathams, via. Lyt tclton, with, general cargo and passengers, hhe leaves.the southern port to-night, and makes calls- -i \; Owenga, and Pitt 4sland. Tho llimiiangi is due back at Wellington about Monday week. .Shortly before 5 a.m. yesterday, the Warriraoo arrived at Wellington cfroin -Melbourne, via Hobart and southern ports, bholctt Ugain last evening for Sydney direct. Imports by the vessel were as follow:—80 ingots tin, 2Co'bags rice, 60 bags superphosphates, 111 bags onions, £0 lacks Hour, 300 boxch apricots, 70 boxes lexias, 125 chests tea, 112 sacks meal, 517 bags oats, 297 bags wheat, ffill boxes butter, 20 boxes margarine, 190 uave;, 105 cases tobacco, 50 chests coconuts, 7 barrels gunnies, 98 bqx<?3 wine, 15 packages silk goods, 20 barrels cream of tartar, 215 packages toa, 610 pieces timber, 13 packages extractors, 41 casps spirits, 1(1 sacks poultry food, 175 cas<2u milk, 120 tacks oysters, 56 sacks oatmeal. 16 sacks fogsecd, 6 kits mutton birds, 10 hogsheads ale, 52 bagu manure, and a large quantity of sundries. Haupiri, s.s.. leaves Auckland tit noon on Monday for Limestone Ifland, East Ooatt bays, and ports, and .Wellington, and not to-morrow, as was at first intended. . From Grcymouth, for which port Ehc railed last eening, the Poherua returns to Wellington on Tuesday. The Navua also returns from Westport to Wellington on Monday, and leaves again for Westport, Auckland, and Suva on Tuesday'. Captain J. Jones is now in charge of the Ferry Company's tug Pilot. Captain W. Burvile-Holmcs, ranstor of tho Shaw Savill steamer Jlamari. was a through passenger by.the Mokoia, yesterday to Port Chalmers, where ho joins his vessel. It will be either Tuesday or Wednesday now before the Union Company's steamer Koonya. arrives at Wellington from the south. Sho leaves on Wednesday for New Plymo'uth and West Coast ports. It is reported that the steamer IJnolu, now at Sydney, and formerly belonging to tho Union Company's) fleet, has been sold to New Zealand buyers. Mr; L. B. Liyick, assistant purser of tho Atua, has joined the Patccna, and Mr. James Smith, assistant purser of the Monowai, has joined the Atua In a. similar capacity. This trip at DuMdin tho Mokoia. will bo laid up for overhaul, and the) Hauroto, loaving the southern port on Tuesday next, relieves her in the East Coast running. Messrs. Levin and Co. h-ivo been advised that the sma.'.l. steamer Energy, which is to bo employed in the Nelson-Golden Bnv service, left Gisbornc for Wellington at 10 a.m. yesterday. She is duo in port toAt midday on Monday the Government steamer liincraoa leaves port for northern lighthouses. Portland Island is tho first point, of call this tour. Telegraphic advice received from Auckland states that tha New Ken-land Shipping Company's stcanior Olaki cleared that port for London at 10.45 a.m. yesterday. Yesterday the schooner Falcon left Havelock for. Wellington with <B,OCO feet of timber on board. Owing to the amount of cargo offering, it has been decided to send the steamer Wn-katu from Wellington to Foxton tomorrow. She is due back here on Tuesday, and takes nn her usual running to Kaikoura and Lyttelkm at 4 p.m. the same day.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1186, 22 July 1911, Page 7
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2,483SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1186, 22 July 1911, Page 7
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