PHASES OF THE .MOON. ; JULY. Day. h. m. First quarter 3 8'" l'- m - Full moon 12 023 a.m. Last nuarter I'J 5 1 p.m. New moon 26 742 a.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 2.8 a.m.; sets, 12.8 p.m. HIGH WATER To-day, noon. To-morrow, 0.29 a.m.; 12.55 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 7.9 a.m.; sets, 4.44 p.m. ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, JULY 20. MAXA, s.s. (3.50 a.m.), 134 tons, Gibson, from Patea. ■ ' MAIIAUOA, 5.5..(6.M a.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, from Lyttclton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Travnor, Laurcnson, Anderson, Da vies, Darling, Hooper, Mesdames Burrows and child, Tate, Laurcnson, Bradley, Brightling, Macintosh, Austin. Messrs. Were, Hostock, Duggun, Bayliff, Burrows, Itrown, Pitt, Oates, Pickering, Jones, Piki, Doig. Sawbraggc. M'Carthy, Bradley, Harny, Cope, Bell, Lusk, Rattray, Ncwlaiids, Dawson, Kidson, Salmon, Browne (Z), Johnston. Davidson. Harper, Williams, Millins. Turnbull, Bargh, Laurcnson, Austen. Badger, Swanston, Hughes, Stock, Garrick, Whitta, Hadfleld, Connell, Wilson, OBnen, Janes, Hooper. M'Connell; 32 steerage. NIKAU, s.s. (7.50 a.m.), 245 tons, Hay, from Nelson. „ , VICTOEIA, s.s. (9.25 a.m.), 2969 tonE, Lntwisle, from Dunedin and Lyttclton. Passengers: Saloon—.Misses Mathews (2). Mcsdames Hamilton. Bell, Messrs. Jones. Bell, Shanks, Baker, Heath, Stevenson; 3 steerage. AORANGI, s.s. (11.15 a.m.), 4268 tons, Evans, from San Francisco, via Papeete, and Rarotonga. Passengers: First saloonMisses F. Abbott, E. li. Ostler, E. Powell, Mesdames Abbott, Durand, E. Ostler, Watkins and infant, Schon6 and infant, Dr. J. I. Corgrove, Messrs. F. Abbott, Durand, J. H. Eagle, E. Prowell, Gibson, Stockman. Second saloon—Misses L. C. Plowman. Whistler, Mesdames Barlow, Flynn and 2 children, E. L. Gray and 2 children. E. F. Sheets, J. Teddy, Thwaites, Messrs. Barlow, Beauchier, Flynn, It. L. Gray, IMrman (2), Hipwell, Hardcastle, M'Kenzie. Parker, Rothbury. Shuman, J. Teddy, iun., Thwaites, Thompson. Wilson, Wainwright, Weger, Schiff, Kingston. Steerage-Mes-dames A. C. Danes, Hickey, Mills and 3 children, Olsen, 0. O'Hagan, Messrs. Anderson, Babington, De Tido, Fcehey (2), Herford, Ghidella, Jensen. Morcon. Mills. Kino, ?.era, Owstin. Olsen. O'Hagan, Pattco and 3 boys, Rosa, Rice, Soljak, Merrer. and five Chinese. STAR OF INDIA, s.s. (1.15 p.m.). 7500 tons, Kearney, from London, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. WAVERLEY, s.s. (2.50 p.m.), 157 tons. Purvis, from Wanganui. NAVUA, s'.s. (4.20 p.m.), 2930 tonE. Hutton, from Suva, via. Auckland. OPAWA, 6.5. (7.10 p.m.), 110 tons. Nicholas, from Blenheim. WAKATU. s.s. (7.35 0.m.), 157 tons. Wills, from Lyttelton and Kaikoura. TE ANAU, s.s. (10.55 p.m.). 1652 tons, Carey, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Winter, Kcllini (2), Mitchell, Hobbs (2). Husßcy. Davis, Mears, Thrower, Stevonson. Partridge. Mesdames Burns and 2 children, Hobbs, Oohham, Davis, Messrs. Williams, Burns, Waters, Cobham, Mars. Havden, Harding. Head, Fauhy, Prindable. Simmonds, Rutherford, Speed, 8011. Bolham, Gane, Nosworthy, Price, Hammond. Jackson, Duncan, Crawford, Fell, Thomas. Moalc, Murray: and 6 steerage. DEPARTURES. THURSDAY, JULY 20. HOLMDALE, 's.s. (10.55 a.m.). 267 tons, Clarke, for Wanganui. UUIA, s.s. (1.30 p.m.), 127 tons, Burt, for Wanganui. STORMBIRD. s.s. (12.30 p.m.). 217 tons. Dowoll. for Wanganui. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (3.45 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, for Foxt-on. KAITOA, e.s. (5.30 p.m.,) 350 tons, Graham, for Mangarakau. VICTOEIA, s.s. (5.40 p.m.), 2969 tons, Eulwisle. for northern ports and Sydney.
NIKAU. s.s. (5.45 p.m.), 245 tons. Hay., for Nelson and Motucka.
■ MOEP.AKI. s.s. (6 p.m.), 4392 lons. Rolls, for Lyttcltou. Uunedin, Mud, Hobart, and Melbourne. Passengers—Saloon: For Lyttcltou—Mrs. Thomson. Messrs. Walker. Hull, Bnrkc, Marauioru, llalley, Poolcy,': Chapman, Burns. Holt. Olsen. Harris. Thomson. For Duncdin—Nurse Nosworthy. Messrs. Lo.ngford, M'Kay. For Hobart—Mr. Stewart. ■ I'irl t:>->-MARAROA. s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 2598 tons, Mannine, for Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Blackmore, Whitfield, Ferguson, Rainc, Downey, Stewart, Mesdamcs Mitchell, Parsons, Macintosh. Messrs. Carrick, Walsh, Walker. Gaffney. Macintosh. Hardy, Sellars, Coans, 8011, Ferguson (2), Mitchell, Pottigrew, Boyle, lladileld, Christchurch football team. MAMA, s.s. (10.5 p.m.), 134 tons, Gibson, for Patea. ARAPAWA. s.s. (11 p.m.), 268 tons, Corby, for Wanganui. • KIRIPAKA. s.s. (11.15 p.m.), 133 tons, M'lntosh. for Patea. WAVERLF.Y, s.s. (11.55 p.m.). 157 tons, Turvis, for Nelson and West Coast. ' EXPECTED ARRIVALS,. ! . Kaitangata, Westport, July 21. Aorerc, Patea. July 21. Opawa, Blenheim, July 21. Blenheim, Blenheim. July 21. Maori, Lyttelton, July 21. Mokoia. northern ports, July 21. Warrimoo, Melbourne, via southern ports, July 21. Kiripaka, Patea. July 22. Kowhai, southern ports, July 22. Queen of the South. Foxton, July 22. Stormbird, Wanganui, July 22. Arapawa, Wanganui. July 22. Kiripaka, Patea, July 22. Mana, Patea, July 22. Nikau, Nelson. Motueka. July 22. Mararoa. Lyttelton. July 22. Mapourika. West Coast. Nelson, July 22. Kapiti, Wanganui, July 22. Putiki. Timaru. Lyttelton. July 22. Manaroa, Havclock. July 23. Kapuni. Lyttelton. Julv 23. Rosamond, Onehunga, July 23. Monowai,. Duncdin. Lyttelton, Julv 23. P.ipple. Napier, Gisborne, July 23. Koonya, southern ports, July 25. Corinna, New Plymouth, July 23. Kaito*, Mansarakan,. July 23. Ruahlnc. London, via way ports. July 25. Tarawcra, northern ports, July 25. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Navua, Westport. July "1. Aorere, Patea, July 21. Opawa, Blenheim. July 21. Blenheim, Blenheim, July 21. Te Anau, Picton, Nelson. July 21. Maori. Lyttelton. Julv 21. Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, July 21. Mokoia. Lyttelton. Duncdin, July 21. Warrimoo, Sydney direct, July 21. Poherua, Greymouth, July 21. Melbourne, Lyttelton. July 22. Kowhai, Napier. Gisborne, July 22. " Queen of the South, Foxton, July 22. Huia, Wanganui,. July 22. Mana, Patea, July 22. Nikau, Nelson, Picton, July 22. Mararoa, Lyttelton. July 22. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, West Co'aGt, July 22. Kaniti, Waitara, July 22. Tutiki, Greymouth, July 22. Hinemoa, northern lighthouses. July 24. Koonya, New Plymouth, Westport. Greymouth, July. 24. Corinna. Picton, Timaru, Duncdin, Oamnru. July 24. Kaitoa, Mansarakmt. July 24. Stormbird, Wanganui. July 24. Arapawa, Wanganui. July 24. Kiripaka, Patea.. Julv 24. Manaroa. Motueka. July 24. Star of India, Brisbane. July 24. Monowai. northern ports, July 24. Rosamond. Picton, Nelson, New Plymouth, Onehunga. July 24. Tarawcra, Lyttelton. Dur.edin, July 25. Mapourika, Nelson. Wes*. Coast. July 25. Ripple, Napier. Gisborne. July 25. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE, MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. WARRIMOO, s.s., left Melbourne, Julv 12, for'Hnbart. southern norts, and Wellington. Due Wellington July 21. Leaves Fame day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney July 25. MANUKA, s.s., left, Melbourne July 18 for JJobart. southern ports and Wellington. Due Wellington July 28. Leaves same day ,for Sydney direct. Duo Sydncj August 1. WIMMF.RA. s.s.. left Sydney July 19 for Auckland, fiisbome. Napier, and Wellington. Due Wellington Julv 28. Lcave3 same day for Lyttelton and Duncdin. MOANA. s.s., leaves Sydney July 22 for Wellington direct. Due Wellington July 26. Leaves July 27 for southern port.', TJobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne, August 5.
RUAPEHU" (due nbont August 22!. sailed on July 6. \ia. Plymouth. Marseilles, Suer, Canal, Colombo, and Hohart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) WIIAKAHUA (due about. September 7), sailed on Julv 6, via. Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) HIMHTAKA (due about- September 2), failed on July 8, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Liverpool, SUSSEX (flue about July 31). sailed on May 27. via"' Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) SQItItEY (due about August 30). Failed on Juno 24, via. Cape Town, llobart, Auckland, and Napier. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. WAIMATE (due about July 24\ sailed on June 5, via Australia ar.ri Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) KARAMKA idnc about September 16). sailed on June 29, via, Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From New Vork. MIMIRO (due about July 14), sailed on April 18, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) DEN OF GLAMIS (due a.bout, August 11), sailed on May 16, via Australia and Auckland. (A., a.nd A. Line, agents.) HYNDFORD (due about July 25), sailed on May 20, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co.. agents.) ANGLO-PATAGONIAN (due about August, 29), sailed on Juno 2, via Australia and Auckland. (Dalgcty and Co., agents.) CAPE ORTEGAL (due about September 13), sailed on June 17, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) CAPE BRETON (due about August 15), sailed on June 14, via- Dunedin and Lyttelton. (Vacuum Oil Co.. agents.) TOMOANA (due about October 7), sailed on July 8, via .Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) SAILERS TO ARRIVE. AUSTRALIA. Italian ship, sailed from Marseilles April 8. (Briscoe and Co-agents.) HELEN DENNY, barque, sailed from Newcastle, on July 8. BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA, MELBOURNE. July 20. Sailed—Manuka (yesterday), for Hobart and Bluff. , „„ SYDNEY. July 20. Arrived.—Alexa, from Wanganui. NEWOASTLE. July 20. Arrived.—Oceanic, from Auckland. HOBART, July 20. Arrived—Ruahine (2 p.m.), from London, via Cape Town. COASTAL. THURSDAY. JULY 20. NAPIEE. Arrived.—Matatua (11 a.m.), from Wellington. /■To sail—Kahu (10 p.m.), for Wellington, via coast. Sailed— Mokoia (3.30 p.m.), for Wellington. Passengers: For Wellington—Mrs. Aitken, Messrs. Knight, M'Lcan, Stock. Dunningham. < NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.-Pateena (3.45 p.m.), for New Plymouth. PATEA. Arrived.—Aorcre (3.20 pm.), from Wellington. WANGANUI. Sailed.-Wavcrlcy (1.50 a.m.), lor Wellington. PICTON. Arrivcd.-Dcfender (11.40 a.m.), from Wellington. BLENHEIM. / Arrived—Blenheim (1.45 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailcd.-Blcnhcim (U p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. Arrivcd.-Corinna- (4.15 a.m.), from Wellington. WESTPORT. Arrivcd.-Komata (2.40 p.m.), for Welling-Sailcd.-Kaitangata, (4.10 p.m.), for Wellington. GREYMOUTH. Arrived.-Jano Douglas (2 a,m.), from Wellington. Sailcd.-Ngihere (5 p.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrivcd.-Maori 17.40 a.m.), from Wellington. .„ Sailed.-Kitfaw.-i. for Westport; Maori, for Wellington, with 150 passengers. Kailod-Warrimoo. for Wcllingto.ii. Passengers for Wellington-Misses Scoular and Coates. For Svduey—Misses Crossland, Sel•b.v. Temple. Mcsdamc; ilcffcrman. Allan, Maynard, ThacJter. .Owen,, lUackall. Graham, Carey, Dr. Thackhv 'Messrs. Hcflerman, Allan, Bottomby, Norse, Garner. Turner, W. Dudley. Lewin, Edwards, P. Kehoc, Makcig. Stavlcr, AUington, Chrystall. Hartn«ll, MoUer. Maynard, T. Alexander, G. Omeara, Manning, BlackaU, Graham. Swallow, E. Lester. K. Kede, T. llarcot, Adams, Charles, Blanford. O'Brien, Sadler. Bryne, J. Malcolm, H. Levy, Nixon, tt. Twist; 40 steerage.
' RUAIIINE ARRIVES AT HOBART. Cable advire received by the local agents of the New Zealand Shipping Company statos that R.M.S. Eualiinc arrived at Hobart, from London, at 2 p.m. yesterday. The vessel will arrive at Wellington on Tuesday morning. KARAMEA LEAVES MONTREAL. Advice to hand states'that the New Zealand Shipping Company's chartered steamer Karamoa cleared Montreal for Auckland and Wellington on .Tunc 29. The local agents expect hero to arrive hero about September 16. FROM NEWCASTLE DIRECT. On Tuesday last the Maoriland Steamship Company's Eteamor Lauderdale left Newcastle for Wellington direct, with a load of coal. She should Bhow up hero about Monday, and, upon completion of part discharge, leave-, for Napier with the remainder of her cargo. MORE CASE OIL FROM XfiW YORK. The Vacuum Oil Company has been advised that their chartered steamer Wallinro left New York on July 1 with a cargo of case oil for Now Zealand ports. On September 10 the vessel is due at Auckland. She then comes on to Wellington. ARRIVAL OP H.M.S. AORANGI. - Shortly after U a.m. yesterday, R.M.S. Aorangi, of the Union Line, arrived at Wellington from San Francisco, via. way ports, and her mails caught the northbound Main Trunk express. , A report of the voyage, supplied by Mr. Caffin (purser), states that the Aorangi left Auckland on June 3 at 9.28 p.m.. and had heavy south-east gales and hieh seas for two days, ,'l'hence moderate westerly winds, and smooth seas with fine weather till arrival at Itarotonga at 1.27 p.m. on June 8. The vessel left again at 5.12 p.m. same day, and had light, variable airs and calm weather to arrival at Papeete at 11.10 p.m. on June 10. Departure from Papeete was taken at 9.11 a.m. on Juno 11. and moderate north-easterly winds, smooth sea and fine weather were experienced to arrival at San Francisco at 5.50 a.m. on Juno 23. The return voyage was commenced on Juno 28, departure being taken at 12.15 p.m. on that day. She experienced moderate northerly winds and sea until July 2, thenco moderate, south-easterly 'rado winds until arrival at Papeete at 6.15 a.m. on July 10. Left Papeete r'. s.jn p.m. on the same daw °nd arrived it Rarotonga on July 12. at 3.20 p.m. After loading fruit carro, the Aorangi dnrari"r". for New Zealand at 9.55 p.m. on July U. and exoerienoed moderate south-caU winds and slight, sea np/i fine clear weather until arrival at Wellington JmnOrts by the Aoran"! were as follow: —1474 cases bananas, MRD eases orange*. 881 racks e<in-a. ,V>'rn wo-innt*. 3M package* dried fruit. 143 packages hardwar". 199 M«"i "iac>ino.ry. 949 lumber and shineles. 2ftn rootage- oHs and colours, 101 /"i»je« nori/)dici , =. 21 barre'" asphalt lint. 136 ".aokaiTe* ruhb°r hose. 32 =ncks copra,, ar.d quantity sundries, also 3 horses. The Corinna does not go as far as Onehunga this trip. She leaves New Plymouth for Wellington direct to-morrow, and should arrive hero on Sunday. On Monday, at midnight, she sails for Ticton. Timaru, Dunodin. and Oamaru. An arrival in port yesterday afternoon from London, via way ports, was the Tyscr liner Star of India. She berthed at the King's Wharf to romplcte discharge of Home cargo. Mr. W. V. Vcttcr. of the United Wireless Company. Limited, and late of the stea,mer IlaTvard. is now wireless operator on R.M.S. Aorangi, vice Mr. \V. T. Berry resigned. It will he Monday before the Government steamer Ilinemoa is ready to leave Wellington on her northern lighthouse tour. Mr. R. C. Renncr. secretary to the Patea Shipping Company, is on a brief visit to Christehureh. and returns to Wellington on Sunday. To-morrow the steamer Kowhai is due in port from the south. She leaves at 2 p.m. for Napier and Oisborne (inner harbour*). Mapourika, s.s.. arrived at Rreymoulh al, 4.30 a.m. yesterday from Wcllinctou. via way ports. She left, on the return trip at 4 p.m. This trip the Koonya come* direct from Timaru to Wellington, thus omitting the usual call at Lytteltnn. She is expected to arrive on Sunday, a.nd leave* on Monday, at 3 p.m.. for New Plymouth, Wostnort. and Greymouth. Instead of calling at. New Plymouth on the run down from Onchungn this trip, the Rosamond comes direct to Wellington, where tht u due on Sunday,
The I'oherua leaves Wellington for Greymouth to-day. , The Tnkapuna has had her rudder and stern frame removed for repairs at Port Chalmers. Early next month the Union Comnany's steamer Waihora is expected to terminate her Australian coastal charter. She will then load coul at Newcastle for Fiji. 1 While at Sydney recently, the Koromiko nut 2CCO tons of bunker coal into H.M.K. IVivverfnl in U working hours. This is said to be an Australasian record. When It.M.S. Aorangi called at Itarotonga, on the run down from Sail Francisco. it was learned that- the Union Company's traininc shin Dartford hart called there, about three weeks ago. to laud Mr. Thompson, her third olßccr. who was suffering from hemorrhage. The sailer then proceeded on her voyage from Newcastle to San Francisco. liat" yesterdav afternoon the Union Comranv'i Island trader Navun 'arrived at Wellington from Suva. via. Auckland. She berthed at- No. 16 Jervois Quay to discharge her fruit cargo, and leaves for Westport this afternoon. The Navun returns to Wellington from Wcefnort. before proceeding to Auckland and Suva again. Early this morninc, the Union Comnany's •■teamr'" Wa-rrimoo arrives e.t Wellington ' from Jtc'bonrne. JTobari. and southern ports. She leaves for Sydney direct at 5 p.m. to-day. On Monday the Norwegian ba.mue nuneras is to leave WeHnmlon for Pmiedin— that is, provided a fair wind is offering. Whilst bound from Auckland to Wellington the steamer Energy put in to Gisborne for slight rennirs to her machinery. She continues h« r Journey to-day. At 10 a.m. to-day the nimitanel leaves , Wellington for the Chatham?, via. li.Tttelton. Mr. Oaffin. mirser of the Aoraniri. was compelled to take to bed yesterday morning on account of sevcro indisnosilion. lie was taken ashore last evening. Masters of vessels will in future be per- ' niitted to fenvard messages at onn uniform rate of (id. for er.-jh message finc'.tidinc re--1 ply) addresser'. " "Weather." Wellington (states an announcement i" this week's Ga?.ettel. At any station where the tcle- > graphic report civinc the state of the weai ther in different parts of the Dominion is exhibited, a person so drsirlntr shall lie i supplied Willi a cony daily, excent Sunday, at a chargc of £1 ner annum.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1185, 21 July 1911, Page 7
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2,623SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1185, 21 July 1911, Page 7
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