THASES OF THK .UOOX. JULy. flay. li. in. I'irs.t ouartcr 3 B£o p.m. Full inoon 12 023 a.m. bast quarter 19 5 1 p.m. New moou 26 V<2 a.m. HOO.V. Jloon rites to-day. 6.50 a.m.; gals, 11.44 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 11.7 a.m.; 11.35 p.m. 'io-morrow, noon. SUN. Sua rises to-day, 7.10 a.m.; sets, 4.44 p.m. ARRIVALS. WEDNESDAY. JULY 19. Kljfl. s.s. (3.15 a.m.). 1122 tons, Wat-soil, from Wostport. KAPUM, F.S. (4.10 a.m.). 150 tons, Jackson. from Paten. EIiENUEIM, 6.?. M.15 a.m.). 110 lons, Watson, from IHcnheim. JIANAHOA, c.s. ('..55 a.m.). 122 tons. Hart, from Jlotueka. OPAWA, s.s. (5.15 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. MOEIiAKI, s.s. (6.30 a.m.). 4392 tons. Bolls, from Sydney. Passcncers: Saloon—Missed Mxon, Hannah (2), Mitchell. Bates (21, Dohcrty, Campbell, Impton. Grant, Richardson, Mesdames Button. HuUou-Miller. Poison, Hannah, Oushton, Sladden, Rates, Barr and 3 children. LuDtnn. Jenkin, Moore. KebbiM, Dr. E. Outbid, Messrs. D. Grant F. A. Fabian C. Jeffrey. Hutton-Miller, J. Thornton, Vigor-Brown, A. Richardson. C. Sta-veley, Oughton, Hannah. H. B. Jenkin, Liddle, Sladden, J. Ititchell, H. G. Bates, H. Wiikins, Blytli, A. Duval, C. W. Carr, W. M'Nab. A. J. M'Donald., G. Buller, E. J. Davis, D. Le Brim, u. K. Craske, Soloman. J. Estcourt, \V. Poison, Moore, Ksbboll, B. B. Hogg, Hedderwick. J. Duncan, and Archdeacon Tisdall; 50 steerage. MAORI, s.s. (6.50 a.m.), 3399 tons, Aldwetl, Irom Lyt-telton. Paascncers: Saloon—Misses Ward, Briggs Paterson (3), Gilders, Gra!u.( a nf 11 ,' - 11, Devonport. Clifford (2), liarchant, ChaJhs, Lunch, Doyle, Williams, Hjorns, Hishon, O'Sullivan, Dempster, MecJ l ° berts , Dunn, Turner and 2 chiiTM?n..i™ a Lothian and 2 children, ft °"; Peck. Beattie, Martin, Peache, rrr!? : 5' V S zor - Connolly. Lad> Clifford, Key. stent. Dr. Smith. Messrs. Burnett. Roberts. Boyd. DaTnotf Pawsev. fcnsh, Dunn. Paterson, Bloy, Sidey, M.P., Lothian, Beattie. Clarke. Crav, Woodley. Sweeney, Faulkner, Robb, Turnbull, drr fi « nS!O T?A p' sim ß So " (2). SauneJn i??".!' ™ e ' H , e , ron ' Cricliton, KelFall, Davi *on, 0 Connell, Roxboroujfh, Anbright-, Peaehe, Sains, Symotts, M Lean, Eos,;, Whyte, Stewart, Wilkinr, Lindsay, Costcllo, Austin, Tiazard. Frost. C.raham. Anderson. Davis. Connollv, Sehulenbure. Scott. Sinclair (2), Price J ilr, : n '2). nepworth. Menzies, Harris, Stevcn--57 steeraee. 190 tons, Jamieson, from Lyttelton. MEIBOUBNE. s -5- (5-30 a.m.), 11H ton« M Leod, from ftcwrnslle. 1 CORINNA. s.s. (10.10 a.m.), 1271 tons, Cameron, from Lyttelton. rnrhv^^-J- 5 - (12 ' 15 268 tons. Cojbv. from V/anganm. Wangifnifi. S <12 ' 2 ° P ' m,) ' 127 t6n3 ' Burt ' froffl 8 P SOUTH, s.s. (12.20 p.m.), T).-mr%TT^ arriS ' * r(>ra Foxton. ! POHERXJA, s.s. (6.E0 p.m.). 1175 tous, *t» from Grcymouth. hi? f ! w e -f'ri 935 !5,s <ons ' l «DI. hert. from West Coast. NeUon. and Picton. Par.scngers : Saltwn—Jlisscs Martin, Hynd-1 i rna.n> Barkloy. M Comuck, TTf»w£tr / ', Jerkins Button, M'Dairmid, OXeary. Archer. Hob! crtson. Roso. Benjamin, Cloueher. Martin.' I lyicbo, Heffer, Madden. Griffiths. Ferfjupon. I iMcsdarnes Bnrk!ev, Bodlev, T ft o and family. Johnson. Davis nnd 'diMd. Hcarn, Parfitt. Trower and child. Alien, .rarrnnts Hoar, Itennir. Lalor, La,mb. Watson, Campbell. Vickers, Re-. Heifer, Messrs. Scaniiell, Loekhead. Crook?. Vir i, n, Tee, Hood. Gye. Howard, Glen. Walker, M'lntyre, Jenkins, Clarke, Black. OBnen, Kennedy, Gill, T.vnch. Man. Forster, Hitching, Master Forster, BurrcH. Martin, Graham, Tarrant, St. John, Early, •Master Soutter, Hoar, Campbell. Allen. Howard. Rev. Father Lynch, Father Holley, Uamb. Sheridan, Creswoli, Fletcher, Watson, Hocking, Pugh, Griffiths, Humphries, ■■ FerMaster Ferguson, Matthews, Rodley. BLENHKTM, s.s. (6 p.m.), 1.20 tons, Watson, .for Blenheim.
CORINNA, r.s. (6.10 p.m., 1271 ton 3, Cameron, for Nelson.
KOMATA. s.s. (6.40 p.m.), 1994 tons, Cameron, for Wcstport. AORERE. s.s. (7.5 p.m.). 77 tons, Fisk, for Patea.
MANAKOA. s.c. (8.5 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, lor llavcloek., . ~ 7. MAORI,(B p.m.). 1 3399 tons," AldwelV for Lyttelton. PassenEors:. Saloon—Misses Cooper, Gill, Duncan, lieime, Jonos,- Carr. Myers, Niion, Middleton (2), Mesdamcs Edwards and 2 children, Isaac. Crigh.ton. Collins, .Cooper. White, Wolls, HaiTis, .Bicker'-' ton, Lady Gibbcs, Sir Gea, Jt'Lean, Mcssiv;. Murphy, Holmes, .Saunders. Middlenarkl Kennedy. Holmos, Anderson, Fookes, Selhr*. Stark, Duncan. Grant (2). Nixon. Potter, Proctor. Mitchell. Myers, Ensor, Raymond, ii illiamf. Morrison, Flanagan, Haywani, Royle. Wells. Harris, M'Adam. Witchell (2), Howell, Jlaekay, Fraser, 'Robinson, Wallett. Paull, Eye*, Isaac, Ouehton. Munro, Norman. Archer, Ritchie, Pannell. KINI, s.s. (9.10 p.m.), 1122 tons, Watson, for Greymouth. DEFENDED, s.s (1.1. p.m.), 190 tons. Jamieson, for Ticton, Greymouth, and Hokitika. DEPARTURES. ' WEDNESDAY. JULY 19. FELICIANA, s.s. (10.40 a.m.), 2765 tons, Clarke, for Newcastle. KAPUNI. s.s. (1 p.m.). l£fl tons, Jackson, lor Lyttelton. TE ANAU. s.s. (12.45 p.m.), 1652 tons, Caro.v, for Picton and Nelscn. I>as-:engers—Saloon: For. Picton—Mi-sscs Garnham. Richardson, Jackson, Greenwood, Lothian and 2 children, Price, Mrs. Pricc, Messrs. Favcll, Armstrong. Garnham. 11'Artney, Speed, Lothian, ■Rutherford, M'Nab. Price, Simmonds, Fisher, Baggctt., Van Staveran. and Greenwood. For Nelson—Miss Wilson. Mcsdames Toplis, James and child. 3lessrs. 'Glen, Wood. Miller,' Burnett. MATATUA. s.s. (3.45 n.m.l. 6488 tons. Gillmnn, for Napier, Auckland, and London. OPAWA, s.s. (5 p.m.). 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Star of India, London, via Auckland, July 20. Waverley, Wanganui, July 20. Mana, I'atca. July 20. Nikau, Kelson, Motucka, July, 20. Mararoa. Lyttelton, July 20. Navua, Suva, via Auckland, July 20. Aorangi, San Francisco, July 20. Victoria,. Dunedin, Lyttelton, July 20.Wakatu, Lyttelton. Kaikoiira, July 20. Te Anau, Nelson, Picton, July 20.- - Kaitanp;ata, Wcstport-. July 21. Aorerc, P!).toa, July 21., Bk-'.ihoim. July 21. Blenheim, Blenheim, July 21. Maori. Lyttelton, July 21. Mokoia. northern ports. July 21. Warrimoo, Melbourne, via southern ports, July 21. Mapourika, West Coast, Nelson, July 22. Kapiti, Wanganui, July 22. Putiki, Timaru, Lyttelton, July 22. • Jlanaroa, Havelock, July 23. Kapuni, Lyttelton. July 23. Rosamond, Onetmnga, New Plymouth, July 23. Monowai, Dunedin. liyttclton, .Julv 23. Kipple, Napier. Gisborne, July 23. Tarawera, northern ports, July 25,
PROJECTED DEPARTURES, Kailoa, Mancjarakau, July 20. Queen o£ Ihc South. Foxtou, July 20. Stormbird, Wnnganui, July 20. Arnpawa, Wanganui. July 20. Waverley. Kelson. West Coast, July 20. Maria, Patca, July 20. Kikau, Nelson, Motueka, July 20. Mararoa, Lyttelton, July 20. Moeraki, Melbourne, via, southern ports, July 20. Victoria, northern ports, Sydney. July 20. Himitangi, Ghathams, via, Lyttelton July 20. Navua, Westport, July 21. Aorere, Paten,, July 21. Ooawa. Blenheim. July 2t. Blenheim. Blenheim, July 21. Huia, Wanganui, July 21. To Anau, Picto.n, Nelson. July 21. Maori, Lyttelton. July 21. Hincmoa, northern lighthouses, July 21, Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, July'2l. Mokoia, Lyttelton, Duncdin, July "21. Warrimoo, Sydney direct, July 21. Arahura, Picton, Jiclsou, West Coaot July 22. Kapiti, Waitara, July 22, I'utiki, Greymouth. .July S3. Manaroa. Motueka. July 24. Star 6t India, Brisbane, July 24. Monowai, northern ports, Julv 24. Rosamond, Picton, Nelson, New Plymouth. Ouchunga, July 24. Tarawera, Lyttelton, Du.icdin, July 25. Mapourika, Nelson, West, Coast, July 25. Hippie, Napier. Gisborire. July 25. '
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. WARIUMOO, 5.5.. left Melbourne. July 12. for Hobart. southern norts, and Wellington. Due Wellinßton July 21. Leaves same day for Sydney direct, J)ue Sydney July 25. VICTORIA, s.s., left, Duncdin Julv 18 for Lytteltnn and Wellington. Due Wellinprton July 20. Leaves same day for northern 'ports and Sydney. Duo Sydney July 23. MANUKA, f.s., left Melbourne Julv 18 for Hobart. (southern ports and Wellington. Duo Wellington July 28. Leaves same day for Sydney dircct. Due Sydney August 1. WIMMEEA. S.S.. left Sydney July 10 for Auckland, flisborne. Napier, and Wclline, ton. Due Welllntrton Julv 20. Leifjs jam* day for Lyttelton and Dunedin.
OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO All RIVE. Prom London. STAR or INDIA fiitio ifwiny). sailed from London May 13. via Australia, Auckland. awl Napier. I'Fysor Line, agents.) MITRITAI (due .*»bom. Autrust 12f. sailed nn May 31. via Australia. Auckland, and Napier, 'Tyser Lino, agents.) WAIWKRA Ulitc about August S), sailed on .June 3. via. Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) RUAHINE (duo about. July 24), sailed on June 10. via Capo I'nwu and .Tlnbart-. iNew Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) JNDIIALKMA 'duo about. Augast 28K sailed on June 15, via Australia., Auckland, and Napier. tTyscr Line. agents.) AKAWA (due about August 7>, sailed on •Tunc 25, via Cap,-' Town and Hohart.. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co.. azcnK) UUAPKHU (duo about Auguf.t 22). sailed on July 6. >ia. Plymouth. Marseille?. Sues Canal, Colombo, ami Hohart. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) WHAKAKVA (duo about. September 7», sailed on July 6. via. Australia, Auckland, and Nanier. ITysor Line, agents.) HIMUTAKA (due about September 2», sailed on July 0. via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Liverpool. SUSSEX (due about July 31), failed on May 27, via Auckland. (F.-11.-S. Lino, agents.) SUBREY (due about August 30), sailed on June 24, via. Cape Town. Hohart. Auckland, and Napier. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. WAIMATE (due about July 24), sailed on Juno 5, via Australia, and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) IvAUAiIEA (due about August 25), sailed on Juno 15, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) • From Now York. # MIMIRO (duo about July 14), sailed on I April 18, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Lino, agents.) i DEN OF GLAMIS (duo about Auguft 11), jailed on May 16, via Australia and Aucknni* A. Line, agents.) HIXDFORD (due about July 26), sailed on May 20, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co., agents.) ANQLO-PATAGONIAN (due about August 29), sailed on June 2, via Australia and Auckland. (Dalgety and Co., agents.) CAPE ORTEGAL (duo about September 13), sailed on June 17. via Australia and Auckland. (TVser Line, agents-) CAPE BRETON (due about August 15), sailed, on June 14, via Dunedin and Lyttelton. (Vacuum Oil Co., agent 6.) TOMOANA (duo about Octobcr 7), sailed on July 8, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyeer Line, agents.)
From San Francisco. AOBANGI (due to-day), sailed on June 28. via. Papeete and Rarotonea. (U.S.S. Co., agents.) BAILEES TO AREIVE. AUSTRALIA, Italian ship, sailed from Marseilles April 8. (Briscoe and Co., agents.) HELEN DENNY, baroue, sailed from Newcastle, on July 8. BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SYDNEY, July 15. Arrived.—Stratbardie, from Auckland, Arrived.—Hazel Craijj, from Kaipara. Sailed.—Wimmcra (3 n.m.l, for Auckland. FREMANIXE, July 19. Arrived—Jlorca, from London. COASTAL. | WEDNESDAY, JULY 19. ADCKLAND. Sailed—Franklyn (2.15 p.m.), for Newcastle. OXEHUNQA. . Sailed.—Pateena (3.45 p.m.), for New Plymouth. EAST CAPE. Navua passed south at i.45 p.m. XAl'lEli. To sail.—Sto of India (7 p.m.), for Wellington.. PATEA. ' ' Sailed.—Jlana (2.20 p.m.), -.for Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Te Anau (5 p.m.), from Wellington. KELSON. Arrived.—Mapourika (4.30 a.m.), and Nikau (5 a.m.), from Wellington; Rosamond (7 a.m.), from Picton. WESTPORT. Arrived.—Good Hope (10.20 a.m.), from Uonto"Video.-' ; ' LYTTELTON.
Arrived.—Monowai {7.15 a.m.), Corinthic (8 a.m.), and .Mararoa (9 a.m.), from Wellington. . ... .
Hailed.—Jlararoa (6.20 -p.m.). for WellingPassengers: Saloon—Misses Anderron, Davies. Darling, Mesrfames lirightins, Jl'lntosli, Bradley, Burrows and child, Astin. l!ev. Burrows, Messrs. Jlullins, Kidson, Piclicrinc, Hardy, F. W. Johnston, E. Harper, Brown, Burgh, Pitt, Salmon, Davidson, Cope, Baylifi'e, Ruches. Baker, Wilson, (>. liauroneon, M.P., and family, Doig. J. Dawson, Bell, Newlands (2), !■'. J. Swans ton. U'Carthy, Bradley, Astin, and 30 stcerasc. Sailed.—Victoria. I'assenßers—Saloon: For Wellington—Mesdames Bell, Hamilton, Messrs. Hell. Matthews, Jones. For NapierMiss, es Shrimpton, Morton. for Gi-j----borne—Nurso JtacDonald. Messrs. Smith, Ronald. For Auckland—Mrs. Williams and child, Messrs. Williaus, Johnston, Mitchell. For Sydnney—Mossns. Stevenson and Milne,
Sailod.—Monowai, for Dunedin; Koromiko, for Timaru; lVakatu and Cycnet, for Kaikoura.
DI'NEDIN. Arrived—Pnkaki, from Westport; Tongariro, from Bluff. Sailed.—Tongariro, for Timaru. Sailed.'—'Warrimoo for Sydney, via Cook Strait. Passengers—Saloon: For LytteltnnMessrs. Bowron, Teagle. Barfield. For Wel-lington-Miss Holme. Mrs. Nancnrrow, Mr. Clifford. For Sydney—Messrs. Eodie, Earteles. FEAJI TO LOAD AT WESTPORT. The Norwegian barauo Fram. which arrivod at Delagoa. Bay on May 27 last, with a cargo of baltic, jiinn from Frcdrikstadt. has been ordered to Westport, ivhero she is to load coal for the South Sea. Islands. MATATUA'S WELLINGTON CARGO. Cargo taken by the Shaw. Savill steamer, which left Wellington for London via Auckland yesterday, was as follows: -20 bales wool, 53 bales tow, 774 bales hemp, 140 casks tallow, 39 casks pelts. J25 cases meat.-, 162 packages sundries. 9244 rarc-asscs mutton. 358 bags mutton. 1167 haunches, 10 crates kidneys. MOBAYSHIBE LEAVES MONTE VIDEO. Advice received by tho local agents for tU*j F.-H.-S. Line states that the Morayshire, which Ivft Lyttelton for Avonmouth on June 21, continued her journey from Monte Video on Saturday last-. TUKAKINA AND PAPAROA REPORTED. Tho New Zealand Shipping Company ha.; been advised that R.M.S. TnrrJiina, which cltarod Wellington on June 29 for London, arrived at. Monte Video on Tuesday, July 18. The same company's cargo steamer I'ap.iroa, which sailed ou June 27 from Auckland for the Home port, also arrived at Monts Video on the same day as tho Turakina.
| MELBOURNE FROM NEWCASTLE. I At 9.30 a.m. jTSterday the collicr Melbourne (Captain G. M'Leod) arrived in the ! stream at Wellington, from Newcastle, and 'berthed' at the Railway Wharf at 11.25 a.m. I to discharge part of j#r cargo cf 2500 tone? of coal. The remainder will be put out at I Lyttelton.. ! SYDNEY BOAT;. ARRIVES. i Leaving Sydney nt. 1.30 P.m. on »Saturda.v last the Union Company's direct steamer Mocraki arrived in .the stream, at Weiling tow at 6.3G a.m. yesterday, after a line onlra weather passage, with smooth eeis. The time occupied on the run across was 3 days 38 hours. After being granted pratique the vessel berthed at the Queen's Wharf No. 6. north, at 8.20 a.m. The following is a lis*, of the vessel's Wellington cargo:—l4Bo bags rico, 36 bales kapoc, 29 case? tobacco, 506 rheMs and packages tea. 230 cases sonp, 2PO case.* nandlcs. 280 drums carbide. 75 rases tar-din-es, 67 sacks flour. 115 sacks pollard, MO sacks manure. 57 sark3 sugar. 87 sacks hark. 48 cases table sugar. 112 flitchis park, 50 cases wine. 185 pieces timber, 575 brigs ochre, 30 cases mineral water.?, 350 base's butter, 830 cases fruit. 99 cases food. 60 packages periodicals. 333 cases currants, 380 sacks salt, 20 cases scales, <*6 cases drugs, and n. large* quantity of sundries. Transhipments ex the following vessels also came to hand:—Karoola, Australia, Van Laryuan, Rostock, Otwav. Molavia., Roon, Elmshorn. Furth, Mar, and Ville dc la Ciotat. In continuation of her running th« Moernki Icavrs Wellington at 5 p.m. today for southern ports. Ifoliarf, and Melbourne, being due at the latter port un July 29. Captain P. Thompson has been appointed to tho position of harbourmaster and secretary tn tho Waitarrt Harbour Board. Can* tain Thompson is 29 years of ago. and was formerly in the P. and O. Company's service. Hp joined the? Royal Navy in 1898. and worked himself un to tho rank of lieutenant. iff? then resigned, and entered the , V. and O. Company as fourth officer, qualifying as master of a foreign-going vessel. i Nerehana, s.s„ of the Tyc-er Line's fleet, is credited with another smart, steaming per- 1 formance. She did thf trip from Melbourne; j to Dunkirk, via th»» Cap? route, iu *6 days. 1 This afternoon R.M.S. Aorangi will ar« I r\\\i m. Wclllugtoa horn can VraucUcOt via- way covts. I
i he .names of live of the Kllerman-rutck-nail Itnors that will take the wool berth at Australian port.* during tho coming season have boon announced. The vessels are tho Sald.mha. Bamhyig. Sandon Rail. Ci<y of Durban, and Knsamn. The first is a. new steamer, built oil similar lines to ill" Swa.'.i, brtt faster, and the City of Durban a!?»i
r. recent production. The Saiuhn Hall, whirh will tome to Atvtralia under Hie auspices of the A. and A. Lin?, is, cownarativcly '-peaking, a new craft .'ilni; while the other two are already well known.
Mr. R. M'Canghoy, late third engineer of l!ie Maheno. joins Mie Rosamond as second. The other engineers of tho Maheno have 1-oen promoted a :>top, aud Mr. Scott, of the Union Company'* shore staff at Port Chalmers, joined the Maheno as eighth engineer.
"Mr. Scott, rhicf engineer of iho. Moeraki, transferred to the Mamma, this trip at Sydney, and M.r. M'Alpine, second engineer of the Marama. is acting-chief of the "Moeraki for a trip.
Mr. W. Dodd, third engineer of the Monowai, has joined the Kurow in a similar capacity. Mr. L. A. Malette. third engineer o-f tho Kurow, has filled tho vacancy on Hie Mouowni.
Captain Drown, formerly chief officer ef tho Koutunui (Richardson's Line of fileamer?), is now master of the auxiliary schooner Kairburn.
About the end-of this week the Union Company's sk-amer AVhangapo is to load coal at a West Coast port for Sydney.
Captain J". Bull, formerly chief officer of the Inga, is now master of that vc?scl. Captain Urquhart having remained at Sydney to toke command of Craig's new steamer Bentinek, which is to bo engneed in the Australian-New Zealand trade. Cantain Reece, late master of the barquentino Selwyn Craig, is new chief officer of the Inga.
Due at Wellington from "Westport tomorrow, the Union Company's steamer Kaitangata is to load timber at Greymouth shortly for Melbourne and Adelaide.
Before the tramp stea.mer Feliciana left Wellington for Newcastle and Valparaiso yesterday morning Captain Cltirko told a reporter that lie was quite satisfied -wi-Mi the in which repairs to the vessel's machinery had been carried out by Messrs. Cable 4jjd Co. He also wished to thank the Harbour Board officials and Lloyd's agents at Wellington for their attention during his vessel's stay.
At 5 o'clock this afternoon Messrs. Larii and _ Co. intend Vv dispatch "the 6teamer Hiraitangi from Wellington for the Chatham Islauds, via Lyttelton.
The Haupiri arrived at Auckland from Wellington, via East Coast bays and ports, at 11 p.m. on Tuesday.' Slr> leaves on the return trip, via Limestone Island, on Sunday. Next Wednesday R.V.S. Tongariro is due hack at Wellington from the south. It is expected that she will leave port for London early on the mornir.s of July 28. An arrival at Wennort yesterday morning. from Monte YMeo, was the tramn steamer Good Hops. She put- ill for bunkor coal. To-day. the Anchor Line Steamer .Kaitoa comes off the Patent Slip, arid leaves during the afternoon for Maw»arakau. Owing to the Wellineton Patent Slip not h°ing immediately available, the Patea Shinping Co. sil;t their steamer ICapnni to Lyttelton yesterday for overhaul. She is due back here oil Sunday. On her arrival from London, via Auckland and Napier to-day, the Tyser Line'.i Steamer of India will berth at the King s Wharf to complete discharge. Mr. Nelson (of ,M.e«rs. Nelson and Robertson) contradicts the report tint the b.irnue Casablanca has be™ sold to the Union S.S. Company, Ltd., and is to be converted into a coal hulk. On July 14 the Parthenia, recently at Wellington under charter to the U.S. and A. Lir,?, rempleted bunkeriue at Newcastle, and left for Gclong and Melbourne t" land wheat, for the United Kingdom or Oontinent. Latest charters include tho four-mnsted schooner Polaris, 718 tons, wi'h lumber from Puget Sound to Valparaiso ( Sydney, Brisbane, or New Zealand). Captain Felgatc, one of tho most popular masters in the employment of the Tysor Lino, liavinsr retired from the sea. the command of the steamer Muritai has been given to Captain Lidstone, another woll-ltnown master in the company's scri
MAIL NOTICES. Subject to necessary alterations, mails will close at the Chief Post. Oflico, ae under THIS DAY (THURSDAY), JULY 20. Waiiganui, Now Plymouth, also Manawatu. Rangitikei. and Taranaki dis-tricts per Mauawalu train (Thonidou Station), 6.30 a.m. Wanganui, aUo Mauawatu and Uanpitikoi districts, per Manavratu train (Thorndon Station), 3 p.m. Wairarapa district. per Wnirnrapa train <Lambtou Station). 6.30 a.m. and. 5.45 p.m. Napier and llawkc's Bay district. per Mauawalu train (Thonidou Station), 8. a.m. and 3 p.m. Auckland and district, also Nov: Plymouth aud Wanganui. per Main Trunk train (Thorndon Station). 11.15 a.m. Nelson, Westport. Rcefton. Greymouth, and Hokitika, per Wavtrlcy. 4.20 p.m. Napier. Gisborne. and Auckland, also Australian States <due Sydney July 28), per Victoria. 3.20 p.m. I Southern offices of New Zealand, also 1 Australian States (duo Melbourne July | 29). per Moeraki, 4.20 p.m. ' Nelson, per Xikau, 4.20 p.m. I Southern offices of New Zealand, per | Mararo3, 6 p.m. 1 FRIDAY. JULY 21. Picton, Blenheim, French Paes, and NeL son, per Te Anau, 11.50 a.m. Southern oflices of New Zealand, per Mokoia, 4.20 p.m. Southern offices of New Zealand and Oreymouthj Hokitika, and Itccfton. a-ls-a Australian States (due Melbourne, July 29), per Maori, fi p.m. Ceylon. India, China. Straits Settlements, South Africa, and Continent of Europe aud United Kingdom, via Naples (duo London August 20), per Warrimoo. 3.30 p.m Australian States; also Lord llowe, Norfolk, and New Hebrides Islands (due Sydney July 25), per Warrimoo. 3.30 p.m. (Money orders must be obtaiued two hours before tho advertised time of closing the mails.) Kaikoura, per Wakatu, 3.20 p.m. Chatham Islands, to conncct with s.s. Hiinitangi at Lyttclton, per Maori, 6 p.m. SATURDAY, JULY 22. Australian Stales and Lord Howe, Norfolk* and New- Hebrides Inland 1 ?, also South Africa, to connect with Victoria, at Auckland (duo Sydney July 29), per llain Trunk train, 11.15 a.m.
Picton, Blenheim, Nelson. Westport, Reeftoil, Grcvmoutii, a;:d Hokitika, per Arahura, 11.50 a.m. Mails for United Kingdom and Continent of Europe, for specially addressed correspondence only (due London August 31), close at Auckland, per s.s. Otaki, this day; at 3.45 p.m. * Mails for Chatham Islands, per Dimitangi, close at, 11 a.m. on Saturday, July 22. The next best dispatch for Continent of Europe and United Kingdom will be via Naples, closing at Wellington, per Warrimoo, Friday, July 21, at 3.30 p.m. (due London August 28). Tho next best dispatch for Canada, United States of America, and West Indies, .will be via Itarotonra, Tahiti, and San Francisco, closing at Wellington, per Main Trunk train. Friday. July 28. at 10.30 a.m. , All tile principal mails by train and steamer close at Te Aro and Courtcnay Place Post Offices at the same hours as at the Chief Post Office, with the exception t-haf there is no late-fee clearance. All books and sample-packets and newspapers for places within tho Dominion muft be polled half an hour beioro tho ordinary letter-nniil closes. Unless otherwise specified, registered letters and parcels-post packages must be handed in and money-orders obtained one hour hcfore : the ordinary mail closes. D. MILLER, Chief Postmaster. Chief Post Office, Wellington, July 20, 1911.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1184, 20 July 1911, Page 7
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3,639SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1184, 20 July 1911, Page 7
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