Wedding at Ohariu. On Wednesday, July 12, at Holy TjfTiity Chtirch, Ohariu, the wedding was celebrated of Miss Mary Ella Best, eldest daughter of Mr. Alfred Best, of Ohariu, to Mr. Thomas Field, also of Ohariu. The church had been prettily decorated for the occasion, aud the bride and bridegroom stood beneath a huge floral boll during tho service, which was performed by the ltev. Mr. Petrie, of Johnsonville. The bride woro a pretty dress of whito silk crystalline, trimmed with silk and lace and a beautifully-embroidered veil and wreath of orange blossoms. She carried an ivory prayer-book, tho gift of tho parishioners of Ohariu. Miss Jeannie and Miss Cissy Best attended bcr as bridesmaids, both wearing dresses, of crcam radianta ' trimmed with liieo and Jiet, and palo blue hats. They carried large shower bouquets of white flowers. Mr. 12. Field was tho best man, and Mr. K. Best tho groomsman. Tho bridegroom's present to the bride was a gold nijcklet, with a pearl pendant, and to tho bridesmaids were given pretty gold brooches. After tlio ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, They wore tho recipients of many presents and many good wishes for their future happiness. Their future homo is at Oliau, Levin. Wedding at Feilding. A pretty but quiet wedding was solemnised at St. John's Anglican ■ Church, Feilding, on Juno 28, when Mr. Herbert Lansbnry Wright, of Wellington, was married to Miss Ethel f-jre Fisher, only daughter of Mr. Stepiu.,'isher, of Feilding. Tho ceremony vi perlormed by the Rev. Mr. Innes-Jones. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a yery pretty dress of cream ninou, over silk, handsomely trimmed with silk lace and pearls. She also woro a coronet of pearls and orango-blossom.'. with a tulle embroidered veil, and cai' ied a shower bouquet of spring flowers „ud asparagas fern. Sho was attended by Miss Rose Bull, of Wanganui,wearing a pretty cream and green delaine" dress - and tuscan hat trimmed with deep red roses,' and littlo Miss Sylvia Mollison, nieco of tho bridegroom, in a pretty littlo cream froCfe, with a cream silk poke bonnet. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. Frank Wright (-brother) • as best man, and Sir. •Percy Fisher (brother of tho bride) as groomsman. Tho bridegroom's present to the brido was a pearl pendant, and to each of the bridesmaids he gavo a pearl 'brooch. After tho ceremony the brido s parents entertained tho guests at the Parish Hall, which had boon kindly lent for the occasion. Mrs. Fisher wore a dark green costume, toque to match, and black seal furs; Mrs. Alex. James, black velvet costume and toque; Mrs. He aid, black costume; Mrs. Mollison (Wellington), navy costume, maroon velvet toque; Mrs. Andrews (Wellington), palo blue costume, bat to match, and sable furs; Mrs. lies, cream costume, black hat; Mrs. Bowden, Harris-tweed costume; Mrs. \\ orsioltl, tweed costume, vieux Tose toque; Miss Andrews (Wellington), cream velvet dress; Mrs Turner, brown costume, toque to match. After the reception, Mr. and Mrs. Wright left for the north, whero tho honevmoon was to bo spent. The bride s travelling dress was a navy blue costume with a dark green velvet, bat lined and trimmed with pale blue, and black scarlet stole and muff.
Wedding at Carterton, Tho marriage of Mrs. Era Lillian Do Lacev, youngest daughter of the late Mr. A. H. De Lacey, of Carterton, to Mr. John Lenihah. second son . of Mr. Jolin Lenihan, of Warrigal, G'PPslaml Victoria. tool; place, at St. Mary s Church on Wednesday. The bride was given awav by her brother, Mr. C. J; Do Lacey and was attended' by Misses Dorothy Do Lacey and .Tanio Lenihan as bridesmaids. Mr. W L. De Lacey was best man, and tho Ecv. rather Harnett, of Master on, performed the ceremony. A reception \wis held later at the residence of the bride s mother, and in the evening a social gat - i oring was held at tho Fire Brigade Hall.
Wedding at Tonga. On Mondav, June 20, a pretty wedding was celebrated at Nukualofa, Tpnga, when Miss Katie Woodhouse, oi Wellington, and voungest daughter of the late Mr. Woodhouse, of I\cw Plymouth, and a so of Auckland, was married to Mr. John 11. Whitcombe, of Tonga, late of \cw Plymouth, and youngest son of the lalo Mr. Charles Douglas Whitcombe, of >>cu Plymouth. The I!ev. Mr. Page conducted the cervice.' Tho bride, who had arrived at Tonga tho previous day by the s.s. Tofua, looked very charming in a frock of embroidered Indian muslin. She wore a veil and wreath of orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of beautiful pale pink roses &nd asparagus fern, made a friend, Miss Wesbvood, of Auckland. She was given away by Mr W. B. Kawson, and was attended by Miss Lucy Cocker, who wore a pah blue silk dress and a picture hat. Mr. Krause was the best man 4fter the ceremony the bridal party were entertained at the • Consulate at lunch, bv Mr. and Sirs. Telfer Campbell, and their healths enthusiastically honoured. In the evening an "at home was held at "Fali Kai." Canon Mac Murray, an old friend of the bride, helped her to cut the cake, and in a felicitous speech introduced her to her future Tongan friends. After a little music, the evening concluded with dancing. The bride and bridegroom were tho recipients of many presents, even tho natives sending many native gifts. Mrs. Whit combo was present at the wedding ceremony.
A Farewell. A very cnjoyablo little function took placo at. Kclburne on Thursday evening, when a few friends sprung a surpriso upon Mr. and Mrs. J. G.. Dawson, for tho purpose of- bidding them farewell prior to their departure for Christehurcli. Tho evening was pleasantly passed with music, cards, and billiards, after which a presentation of a hamlsomo combination rosebowl and cake-dish was made to J.t?. Dawson, and a sot of pipes and a tobacco jar, suitably engraved, to Mr. JJnwscni, Before parting, cheers wrro Riven ior Hie host and hostess, and many wishes for their futuro happiness "in their new homo expressed. Among those present were: Mrs Patten, Mrs. Burton, tho Misses Koihchild (2), Mrs. Tibb, Mrs. Marquis, Mi«s l-'arroll, Miss Wilson, Jliss (jiitlirie. Aliss Lewis, Miss Batten, Miss Davis, ili<s Haves, Messrs. Wilson. Hal ten Marquis, Huddle, Devi ne. Jacobs, Iran, Meredith, lloluiwood, Tibb, and Hyams. ,
'■'Exhibition Day," 011 July 22 (nest Saturday), promises to ljo very interesting. 11l tile afternoon a "baby show" in (lie Stadium takes place, and 110 doubt there will bo a largo number of entries, 11s the prizes seem to bo worth receiving goearls, jewel eases, gold medals, ote. There will also bo a competition for the be*t decorated table, for which also prizes will be given. Fortunately flowers are becoming more plentiful now. or there might, have been a torious difficulty to contend villi. Entries aud admission arc free, and the public is to be the judga.
Oriental Tennis Club Ball. Last evening tho annual ball nf tlii Oriental Tennis Club was Riven in tho Sydney Street Schoolroom, and was au undoubted success. If anything, there were so many present that the floor, at times, might have been somewhat (oo crowded for dancing, but usually that is a point that rume-dies itself as the evening advances. Blue and while drapings and curtains were festooned about tho sides of Iho room, and hero and ( hero a pair of crossed rackets announced by their presence that the occasion was ono with which tennis idayers were largely connceted. The stage was comfortably furnished for thoso not dancing, and was decorated with , palms, pot-piants, and also touches of the club colours, dark blue and pain blue. Tho chaperoncs present were Sirs, Nalhan, wearing green satin, with a tunic dress of green ninon.i Mrs. Buchan, in black silk; Mrs. Cornet, white charmcuse, with au overdress of golcl semiined not; Mrs. 1). G. Hill, grev silk, relieved with white aud touches of black velvet; Miss.llill, black silk; Mrs. Patcrson, black silk. Others present were; Miss J. Miller, wearing black velvet, with silver insertion; Hiss Ward,' yellow satin, with n tunic dress of jewelled net; Miss Toohill, white charmeuse; Miss Sheldon, shell pink crone do chine; Miss Hegiubotham, while "silk; Miss Buchan, white satin, with a deep baud of gold on the skirt, with an overdress of dowdrop net; .Miss I. Hill, white silk, trimmed with gold; Mrs. Dl M'Laren, white frock; Mrs. 'Wynne, black satin, with an overdress of black sequined net; Miss Wynne (debutante), pretty frock ol white charmeuse; Miss 0. Wilson (debutante), white silk, with a ninon overdress; Mis.s V. Nathan (debutante), white satin, with tunic of ninon and crystal trimming; Mrs. J. Fuller, jitn., while satin, with a tunic dress of i fisher net edged with iong fringe; Miss MacEwan, black velvet with lace bertha; Miss Cohen, black frock; Miss I. Nathan, lialc blue satin, with. a tunic dress of ,bluo ninon; Miss T. Myers, crimson velvet frock; Miss D. Nathan, Jblaclc velvet, with gold trimming; Miss Burke, white charmeuse, with an overdress of embroidered net; Miss Little, while cliai'incitse; Miss Joues, black crepe do chine, with a bertha nf Maltese lace; Miss' W. Pollock, white satin froclc, with silver embroidery. Tho tables in the supner room were decorated with the two shades of blue, and arranged wilh lialms and while and yellow narcissi, 11. Starr being responsible for tho arrangements. M'Laughlin's hand supplied excellent music. During tho evening the Hon. J. A. Millar presented Miss Miller and Mr.' Hollo' with the prizes won by them in the season just past for tho handicap singles.
To Securo Members. A novel way of securing membership in n society lias Ijecn adopted by the Wellington Choral ' Society this season. Two rival committees have been formed, each consisting of an equal number of ladies and gentlemen, and they nro now' engaged in a competition to secure new members, 'l'ho committeo which oMaijis tho largest number within a given tiriio is to bo entertained at ft "social" or dancO by the losing committee. For tho purposo of computing results, . certain. poTnts'aro"awarded, and tenors being remarkably scarce, are worth double tho points of other voices—likewise contraltos. Tho competition closes;" in- 'four weeks' time. "Cinderella." . At tho Y.M.C.A. Booms in Manners Street this afternoon tho junior branch of tho association is performing a play entitled "Cinderella," tho proceeds of which are to he devoted to a fund for purchasing Christmas boxes for the leper children in . India,. It is bright and pretty, -'willr "s'oVeral-' -Pongs rtirthing through it, aud is being, produced under tho management of Miss Mabel Diclc. There will-also bo .1 sale of sweets-dur-ing the-intervals, so that the receipts may lio increased thereby. The anco begins at threo o'clock,
Dance at Greytown. On Thursday evening a most enjoyable dance was given by the Greylwn Bowline and Towns Club. Among thoso present were: Mrs. Loasby (tile Mayoress) and Mcsdames Murray, Wigg, M'Crackciij Udy, Whiteman, Trotman, Manning, Rains, Larltin, Henry, Orv, Bay, Hebley, .Tudd, Brunton, and the Misses Murrav, M'Craeken, Barr, Udy, Skeet, Stevens (41, Bicknell (2), Wendous (ji), Beard, Freeman, Williams (2), Hawkes, Bright, Millers (2), Hare 12). Manning, Carroty, M'Guive, Terry,, Usslier, Dunn, Webster," Kennedy, Brunton, and Wakelin. Thero were also present: His Worship the Mayor (Mr. Loasby) and Messrs. Wigg, Skeet, Bickn'ell, Henry, lliunohrey, Garrety, M'Craeken, Trotman, Murray, Bannin,Kidson, Orr, Perry, Grigg, Fisher, R. Messenger, and others. S.P.W. and C. A meeting of tho Society for the Protection of Wbmen and Children was held yesterday, Mrs. W. A. Evans, M.A., presiding. Thero wero present:—Mcsdauics Ponsonby, Uoby, M'Gavin, Corrigan, and Miss E. B. Brown. Thero were several cases brought forward, in which proeecd-i ings had to be taken in Court; three eases of neglected children; and several cases in which help had been procured. The fol--lowing subscriptions were acknowledged with thanks:—Her Excellency Lady Islington, ,£5; Messrs. A. S. Patcrson anil Co., .£1 Is.; Mrs. J. Kirkcaldie, .£1; Messrs. nuddart, Parker, and Co., 10s. Gd,; Mrs. M'Ciavin, 10s.; Miss E. B. Brown, 55.; Mr. P. Ponty, 55.; Mrs. Barraud. 55.; "Looking On," 55.; "A Friend," ss. Mrs. Fergusson, who has been a guest at Government House, has returned to' Auckland, and is slaying with her mother, Mrs. T. C. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkcaldie, who have been spending a week at Plimmerton, returned to town on Friday. Mrs. 11. Holmes, of "Malahiwi" (Masterton), and her children aro visiting Auckland, and are tho guests of Mrs. W. Johnston.
The engagement is announced of Miss May Miller; second daughter of the lato Rev. H. Miller, of Napier, to Mr. L. V» Comcrford, of Cliristchurch.
Mrs.'A, 11. Waters, c-f Houlcott Terrace, loaves by tho Main Trunk to-day for Auckland, to join tho Atua oil Tuesday for tho Islands trip. M.iss Mowbray-Hall, of Melbourne, is also going by the same steamer.
At tho Mastertcn competitions this ■week, Miss. Minute- Hog;; scoi-od three first prizes, .two second, and two third in-tha elocutionary sections, much to tbo delight of her many friends. Miss Hogg is . a pupil o£ Mrs. Sutcliffc, Wellington,
Miss Garliek (Auckland) is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. lioyd Garliek, at Soatoun. 1
Mrs. Wood, Nelson, is in town, and is staying at the Boyal Oak. Mrs. Fisher, tho wife of (ho UnderSecretary for Xnlivo Afiairs, who Ins been dangerously ill for somo time, is now making a satisfactory recovery. Mrs. Hugh Williams, who has Won slaving at. riimmorton. left for MasVerton vesierdav, where she will spend tho next' fortnight before returning to Plimmcrton.
Mrs. Andrews (Nelson) is visiting Wellington, and is staying at the Royal Uak. Mrs. T. ('. I'recti), who has boon ill for somi- weeks, is now convalescent. Mrs. I.ysnar (liisb-inie) is in town, and is staying at the Uraiul Hotel,
CENTRAL NEEDLE MACHINE. Hilda Murphy, the celebrated health lecturer, of Svdnoy, has addressed a letter to the Standard dewing Machine Company which is a strong recommendation in favour of the Standard Central Needle Machine, advertised ill this issue. In it she says she is more limn satisfied, and shall always lie pleased to recommend it in her health lectures, to delieato girls and women, as she is Convinced that its cpntral ncedlo construction is !os; liable than any other machine to interfere with tho health of our. 'women, and 011 livgionic grounds,, sho strongly recommends tho same to the purchasing public.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1180, 15 July 1911, Page 10
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2,400SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1180, 15 July 1911, Page 10
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