. a MASKS OF THE MOON. J UliY. Day. h. m. First quarter 3 850 p.m. Full moon 12 023 a.m. liast quarter 19 5 1 p.m. New moon 26 7 « a.m. IIOO.V Moon rises to-day, 4.54 p.m.; sets, 9 p.m. Thursday. HIGH WATER. To-day, 5.4 a.m.: 5.15 p.m. To-morrow, 5.42 a.m.; 5.55 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 7.11 a.m.; Bete, 4.37 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, JULY 11. MAIiAKOA, 5.5. (6.45 a.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, from Lytteiton. Passengers: Saloon— Misses Taylor, Fowler, Weir, Queree, Sisters of Mif.sion (3), Mesdamcs Turnbull, Ba.l- - Brook? and 2 children, Taylor, Temple and child, Tenncnt, Medicott, Hickcy, Weir, Ilarold, Groom, Butten, Peake, Hardy, Rev. Archer, Drs. Allison, Temple, Cox, and Bradshanr, Messrs. Brown, lies, Turnbull, Hickcy, Brool;s, Oarvey, Dobbs, Kelso (2i, Jennings, Lovcll, Waehborne, Holmes, Walker, Hardy (2), Wchl. Truscott, M'Clure, King. Graham, Young, Ward, Chrystall. Bishop, Seymour, Sclby (2), Nutt., Glass. Fairburn, Grant, Ashworth, Anderson, Michel, Hector, Dixon, Wright, Venters, Hevwood, Lane, Button. Pcake, Ballm, Wilson, 'Purdie, Stevens, Shcfllcld Choir Orchestra (24); 38 steerage. NIKAT. s.s. (8.35 a.m.), 245 tone. Hay, from Nelson and Motueka. CORINTHIC, s.s. (11.30 a.m.), 12.231 tons. Hart, from LondoD, via Capo Town and Hobart. TARAWERA. s.s. (11.30 a.m.\ 20C3 tons. M'Lean, from Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Passengers: Saloon-Miss Tasker, Mesdnmes Sacks, Russell and infant. Drew and. child, White, Messrs. Drew, Hodge, Hickton, Ghaafo, Millikin, Jones, Barber, Brewer, Frost, Donald, Gordon, Edmundson, Barren, Morris, Neary; 7 steerage. HOLMDALE, s.s. (2.55 p.m.), 267 tons, Clark, from Hokianga. NGAHERE, s.s. (J p.m.), 1100 tons, Dilner, from Greymouth. TE ANAU, s.s. (11.45 p.m.), 1652 tone.CaTey, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers: Sa-loon-Misses Melhnish, King, England, Hunt, Louiseon, Lcniban, Rutherford, Nicholson, Mecdamcs Brown, Gulley, Read, Gill, Evans, Welford. M'Baisden, Rutherford, Thomas and child, Cheescman, Walker, Messrs. "W. Pearce, G. Goodwood, Langton, Mablp, M'Kerdy, Headland, Jaraicson, Cliitten. Parmcnter. Stapleton, Turnbull, Gill, Pago (2), Allan, Gold, Dr. Pearson, Miller, Jackson, Bowron, Whyte, Tresear, B.imwell, Berry, Rolinson. Young, Love, Hawke. .Williams. MTlaisden, Casey, Palmer, Mills, Fuller, Keeper, Langstone, Higgott, M'Gregor, M'Callum, Kember, Masters Moss (2),, Fulton, Mills; 7 steerage.
DEPARTURES. TUESDAY, JULY 11. COEINNA, s.s. (8.10 a.m.), 1271 tonE, Cameron, for Port Chalmers, Oamaru, and Timaru. TAKAPONA, (J."?. (8.10 a.m.), 1036 tons, Vint, for Port Chalmers. HOSAJIOXp. s.s. (3.10 p.m.), 721 tons, Illtnhie, for Picton, Nelson, New Plymouth, and Onehunga. TOXGARIRO. ss. (3.25 p.m.), 76C0 tons, White-Parsops, for Lyttclton. AOEEBE, fi.s. (3.40 p.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, for Patea. KOONI'A. s.s. (3.50 p.m.), 1091 tons, Walton, for New Plymouth, Westport, and Greymouth. UAUROTO, s.s. (4 p.m.), 19J8 tons, King, for Westport. WAKATU. s:s. (5 p.m.), 157 tons. Wills, for Kaikoura and Lyitelton. HAUPIRI, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 715 tons, Morrifon, for Picton. Napier, Gisbornc, East Coast bays, and Auckland. NIKAV, s.s. (5.5 p.m.), 245 tons, Hay, for Nelson and Motueka. ■. • ■ MAPOURIKA,. 6,5. (5.25 p.m.), 1203 tons, Angus, for Nelson and West Coast. Passengers: Phillips. Turner, Mesdaraes Glasson, Barltrop, Messrs; Fennell, Stokes, Michael, Power, Gilmour, Stevens, Wheeler, Hcmphill, Barltrop, Revs. Caulden and Glasson, MOA, s.s. (6.10 p.m.!, 188 tons, Sawyers, for MARAROA, s.s. (8.10 p.m.), 2598 tons. Manning, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— Misses Hunt, ■ Kilgour, Amos, Mcsdamcs Cowlishaw, Bond/ Coldicutt. Messrs. Cowliehaw, Hon. G. .1. Smith, Bond,' M'Alpine, Ur. Coldicutt, Boucher, Barry, Wells, Hev. Stent, Allprosn, Bowers. TAIIAWERA, s.f. (8.45 p.m.), 2003 tons, M'Lean, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. OPAWA, s.s. (9.5 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. RIPPLE, s.p. (3.10 p.m.), 370 tone, Carlson, for Napier and Gisborne. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (9.65 p.m.),■■ 198 tons. Harvey, for Fo.xton. BLENHEIM, s.s. (11 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson, for Blenheim. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kapiti. Wanganui, July 12. Kini, Westport, July 12. Manaroi. Motueka, July 12. Hula. Wanganui, July 12. Maori, Lytteiton, July 12. . Patoena, West' Coast, Nelson, :Picton, July 12. - ..... Ulimaroa. Sydney direct. July 12. Echo, Lytteltou, July 12. : Kaiapoi, Westport, ,luly 13. Aorerc, Patca., July 13. Opawa, Blenheim. July U. Queen of the South, Foxton, July 13. Blenheim. Blenheim, July 13. Tainui. Jtokau, Foxton, July 13. Moa, Wansanui,' July 13. Kiripaka, Patea, July 13. ' Nikau, Nelson; Motueka, July. 13. Mararoa, Lyttelton, July 13. ' ■■■ • ; Molioia, southern ports, July 13. Wavcrley, Foxton. July SJ. nauroto, Westport, July 13. Hincmoa, Cook Strait. July 13. Mpana, Melbourne, via south, July 14. Victoria, Sydney, northern ports, July 14, Mimiro, New York, via Auckland, July M Storm, Lyttelton, July 14. . Petone, Lyttelton. July 14. Wnkatu. Lyttellon. Kaikoura, July 14. Hapourika, West Coast, Nelson, July 16. Aranaw.i, Lytteltra, July 16. Tarawera. Dunedin, Lyttelton, July 16. Ripple, Napier, Gisborno. July 16. Rosamond, Onc-hunga, New Plymouth. July 16. • . Flora, southern ports, July. 16. Monowai, northern ports, July 18.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Kabii, East Coast, July 12. Mana, Patea, July 12. Kapiti, Wanganui, July 12. Huia, Wanganui-, July 12. Kaipara, Nelson, July 12. Komata, Westport. July 12. Kaitangata, Lyttelton, July 12 Wanaka., Pieton. July 12. Manaroa, Motueka. July 12. Huia, Wanganui, July 12 Tc Anan, Picton, Nelson, July 12, Maori, Lyttelton, July 12. Ascot., Lyttelton, July 12. Otaki, Napk-r, Aucklnnd, London, July 13 Aorere, Patca, July 13. Opawa, Blenheim, July 13. Queen of the South, Foxton, July 13 Blenheim. Blenheim, July 13. Tainui. Waitara, July 13. Moa, Wanganui, July 13. Kiripaka, Patca, July 13. Kikau, Ncleon. Motu'cka, July 13 ■ Marivroa, Lyttelton, July 13. Jlokoia, northorn ports, July 13. Waverlcy, Nelson, West Coast, July 13. Ulimaroa, Molbourne, via southern ports, July 13, Himitangi, Chathams, via. Lyttelton July 14. Victoria, Lyttclton, Dunedin, July 14, Moana, Sydney direct, July 14. Storm, Wanganui, July 14. Pctone, Napier, Gisbonie, July 14. htormbird, WansEnui, July 14. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, West Coast July 15. • Corinthic, Lyttclton, July 15 Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton. July 15 Nairnshire, Lyttelton, July 15. Tarawera, northern ports, July 15. Flora, Westport, Greymouth. July 17. Rosamond, Picton, Nelson, New Plymouth Onehunga, July 17. ' Monowai, Lyttelton, Diincdin, July 18. Mapounka, Nelson, West Coast, .Tilly 18 Hippie, Napier. Gisborne, July 18. INTERCOLONIAL. SERVICE, MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MOANA, s.e., left Melbourne July 5 for Ilobart. southern ports, and 'Wol- : lington. Due Wellington July 14. Leaves same clay for Sydney direct. Due Sydney July 18. ULIMAROA, s.s.. left Sydney July 8, for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington July 12. Leaves July 13 for southern porta, Hobarl. and Melbourne. Due Jlclbourno July 22. VICTORIA, s.s., left Sydney July 5 for Auckland, Oisborne, Napier,- and Wellington. Due Wellington July 14. Leaves same day for Dunedin. WAREIMOO, s.s., leaves Melbourne. July !2, for IJobart, southern ports, and WeiHuston. Duo Wellington July 2i; Leaves Fame day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney July 25. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMEKS TO ARRIVE. From London. S'l'Al! OK INDIA (due about July 20), sailed from London May 13, via. Australia, Auckland, and Napier. iTyscr Line, MUIt'ITAI (due about August 12>, jailed on May 31. via Australia. Auckland, and Napier. 'Tya-r Line, agents.) WAIWERA (due about August 8), sailed on June 3, via. Auckland, (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents,! EUAHINE (due about Julv 24), tailed oa
June 10, via Cape Town and Hobart. (New /•ralnnd Shinninc Co., agents.) IN'DRAM'MA (due about Aucust 28). sailed on June 15, via- Aii.-tralin. Auckland, ami X.-ipicr. (T.v.-er ljino, iisciits.) AII.UVA (due ahoiit AuguM. 7), nailed on June 23, via Cane Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Kavill and Albion Co., agents.) ItUAPKIIU (duo about Aiißiist, 22), sailed on July 6, via I'lymoiilh, Marseilles, Suez Canal, "Colombo, and Jlohiirt. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agent:?'.' WHAKAHITA (duo about September 7). mailed on July 6, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) From Liverpool, SUSSKX (duo about July 30). sailed on May 27, via. Auckland. (F.-H.-K. Line, agents.) SURREY (due about August 30), sailed on June 24, \ia Cape Town, Hobart, Auckland, and Napier. (F.-H.-S. Line, accntß.) From Montreal. WAIMATE (due about July 24), sailed on June 5, via Australia,* and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From New York. MIMIRO (duo .about July 14), sailed on April 18, via, Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Linn, agents.) DEN OF GLAMIS (duo about August 11), sailed on May 16, via. Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) HVXDFORD (due about July l>s). sailed on May 20, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co., agents.) ANGLO-PATAGOXIAX (due about August 29), sailed on .Tune 2, via Australia, and Auckland. (Dalppty and Co., agents.) CAPE ORTEGAL (due about September 13), sailed on June 17, via. Australia aad Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) From San Francisco. AORANGI (due about July 20). sailed on June 28, via Papeete and Rarotonga. (U.S.S. Co., agents.) SAILER TO ARRIVE. AUSTRALIA, Italian ship, failed from Marseilles April 8. (Briscoe and Co., aeontß.) BY TELEGKAPH. OVERSEA. LONDON, July 11. Arrived.—Rotorua, from Auckland. Sailed.—Rimutaka, for Wellington. SYDNEY, July 11. Arrived—Moeraki (7.30 a.m.), from Wellington. COASTAL. TUESDAY, JULY 11. AUCKLAND. Sailed.—Victoria, for southern ports. Passengers: Saloon—For Wellington—Miss M'Qulllcn, Messrs. Proverick and Murrane. Sailed.—H.M.S. Cambrian, for Suva. NAPIEK. Arrived.—Monowai (11.20 a.m.), from Wellington. ONEHUNGA. Arrived.—Rarawa (9.30 a.m.), from New Plymouth. WANGANUI. Arrived.—Kiripaka (10.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Huia. (2.40 p.m.), for Wellington. PATEA. Sailed.-Mana. (7.30 a.m.), for Wellington. MOTUEKA. ■ Ajrived.—Manaroa 17.30 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail.-Manaroa (8 p.m.). for Wellington. FAREWELL SPIT. Poherua passed for Wellington at 3 p.m. GREYMOOTH. Sailed.—Ngatoro (0.50 a.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Maori (7 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Canopus, for Westport; Maori, for Wellington with 130 passengers. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Flora, from Westport; Intcrcargill, from Waikawa; Moana, lrom Melbourne. Sailed.—Mokoia, for Auckland, via East Coast ports. Passengers: For Lyttclton— Mi's Anson, Mrs. Sibbald, Messrs. Sibbald, Denny, Baker. For Wellington-Misses Haslett, Hutchinson, Messrs. Smith. Mac Donald, Cuthbertson. For Napier—Miss Ulrich, Mr. Irving, Captain Holmes. For Gisborne -Messrs. Kllpatriek, Russell, Smith. For Auckland—Misses Atison, A Nichols, H. Nichols, Williams, Mcfdamea Mackintosh and boy, Howard, Joachim, Messrs. G, H. Davits; Howard. Williams. Scott.
ATHENIC LEAVES NOON THURSDAY. Noon to-niorrow is the time appointed for the 'Shaw-,.--. Bavilb.ll.M,B. .Athenic. to tako her departure from the Glasgow Wharf, Wellington, for London, via way ports. Passengers are requested to embark prior 1o that hour, and all baggage must be alongside the steamer by 10 a.m. on Eailing day. The Athenic is due at London on August 24.
MURITAI AT MELBOURNE. Messrs. Bannatyne aud Co., local agents for the Tyser Line, have received advice that tho Muritai, en route from London to Wellington, reached Melbourne on Monday after a. passage of 40 days. She is due at this port on -August 2, ■ lONIC LEAVES MONTE VIDEO. Cable advice received by the local agent? of tho Shaw, Savill and Albion Company states that R.M.S. lonic' which left Wellington for London on June 16, continued her journey from Monte Video on Saturday evening last. She ic due at her destination on July 23. ■. ■ ■ . - -. ' ROTORUA ARRIVES HOME . Information has bten Tccoived by th<s local agents of the New Zealand Shipping Company, stating that R.M.S. Rotorua arrived at Plymouth on Monday. She left Wellington on May 31. NAIRNSHIRE'S VOYAGE. Arriving in (he Bt.ream at Wellington on Monday night, the F.-H.-S. steamer Nairnshire, from Liverpool, via way ports, berthed at the Queen's Wharf No. 1 south yesterday murning. Tho vessel left Liverpool on May 6, and two days beforo passing the Cape of Good Hope, encountered a heavy southerly:gale, with high head seas and a great, deal of water, was shipped. Moderate weather then prevailed till Juno 4, when tho Naimshiro ran into a hurricane, which was accompanied by tremendous high and confused seas, which swept the vessel fore and aft, compelling her commander to heave her to for some time. On June 6 the hurricane moderated, but a. (succession of heavy gales then Eet in, and continued until the Tasmauian coast was sighted. The Nairnshire brought 63 pa.ssengers for New Zealand, Captain Forder is in command, and his other officers are: Chief, Mr. 0. Purdell Lewis, R.N.H.; second, Mr. F. Stewart-Ham-ilton: third. Mr. C. P. Trcgarthen; fourth, Mr. A. fiathbonc. Mr. W. Aitchson is chief engineer, Mr. W. Alexander Kocond, Mr. C. Smith third, Mr. W. Simmel! fourth, and Mr. J. Allan flfth. Mr. G. French is chief refrigerating engineer and Mr. T. Mitchell second. The ship's surgeon was Dr. Coldicutt, of Auckland, and Mr. n. Boon is chief steward. After discharging 2300 tons of gencril cargo here, the Nairnshire leaves for Lyttelton on Saturday. R.M.S. CORINTHIC ARRIVES. Shortly before 11.30 a.m. yesterday tho Shaw-Savilr mail steamer Corinthic arrived in the stream at Wellington from London, via way portc. After being granted pratique by the Port. Health Officer (Dr. Pollen), the liner berthed at the King's Wharf at 1.25 p.m. A report of the voyage, supplied by the purser (Mr. R. H. Harris), states that tho -orinthic left Gravcsend at 6.23 p.m. on May 25, with 600 passengers on board, and experienced a fine , passage down the English Channel. The steamer left Plymouth at 3 p.m. on May 27 in fine, clear weather, which lasted throughout the journey to Teneriffe, port being made on June I at 4.30 a.m. A good number of the passengers availed themselves of the opportunity, to go ashore, and spent an enjoyable time. Left Tencriffe for Cape Town at 2.58 p.m. on the same day. and had light to fresh north-easterly trades and fine weather to the Equator, which was crossed in lOdeg. W. on June 7, and some good sport was held owing to a visit from-"Father Neptune." After crossing "the line)" tho vessel experienced light to strong south-east, trades and moderate winds to Cape Town, arriving there on June 16 nt 11.27 a.m. Thence sheproceeded into dock, nflcr which everyone went ashore. She left the South African port at daybreak the next day, thence to 47deg. S. and ICOdeg. E. experienced ligh|. to strong following winds, moderate to strong south-westerly swell, and line, clear weather. From lOOdeg. P,. to 120deg. E. she had fresh gales to strong'winds with frequent hail squnlls and high following seas, and from 130deg. K. to arrival at Hobart had fresh north-westerly winds, fine clear weather, and long south-westerly swell. She arrived at Ilobart at 3.59 a.m. on .limo 6, where 240 passengers'left for the various ports of Australia. After discharging 500 tons of cargo, she left nt 7.58 a.m. tho following day, and experienced light to gentle easterly winds and line, clear weather until arrival at Wellington. Captain F. Hart is still in command, and has the following officers associated with him:—Chief, Mr. J. Thompson; first, Mr. J. CiiUoin; second. Mr. W. S. Hodgsonthird, Mr. S. Hall; fourth, Mr. .1. g! Hiighan; surgeon. Dr. Curran; chief engineer, Mr. M. Hunter; second, Mr. .1. Ferguson; third, Mr. .1. M'C'inn; fourth, Mr. W. Kcnbert; fifth, Mr. J. A. Hanson; sixth, Mr. .las. Hill. Mr. J. is chief refrigerating engineer, nnti Mr. J. A. Davics fcc-mrt. The hoilormnker is Mr. W. F. Bright., Mr. R. 11. Harris is nurscr, mid Mr. F. Spence is chief steward. It is probable that th» Coriuthic will leave Wellington for Ljtwlton on Soiurday ]
or Sunday next. Ahout the end of July,' she might make Port Chalmero a port of rail for Homeward loadinß. . , •' In addition to tlic list of passsneers published on .Inly 6, the followiiiK joined the Coi'intliifi lit London:—Suluoii—Jliss J. C. Lender. Seeond snlomi- From Cape Town— Mr. and Mr?. Hadfiehl, Jli?«cs Iladficld (2), rind Master Hadfield, .Mrs. .Stephens, Messrs. Moss, Ntcphciis (2). Thompson. Third clam -Mr. Jicimo. Second saloon-From llobart -Mr. J. P. dray. Third class Mrs. Thoinpdon mid two children. nUAHIXF/H. PASSESOKKS. Due at Wellington from London on July 2J. tho New Zeajand h'hippinc Company's it.M.S. Ituahine is bringinc the following pas.-cngcrs :— l-'irst saloon-Misses Cochrane (2). M. Jlcnderson. G. Kerr-Clarke, K. I'ettitt, I), l'rii'kctt..' and Temple, McadamcK Hevis, Cochrane, C. Henderson,, ilonlresolc, and Temple, Moi-sr?." ll.' .Udworth, F. Devis Montresole, Captains .1. Cochrane, \V. I!. J'inwill, and K. T. Temple, Masters .1. 1(. Cochrane and Henderson (3). ' ■ Seeond saloon—Misses A. Adams, Atkinson (3), J. Cranston, P.. Hill, J. Lawrence, Iloth. J. Jr. Stuart. IK Sunnier. P. Sykes. Ij. Westwood, and Wood (2), Mesdanics Atkinson, IlriKKs. Itiirtan, JI. Chadllcid, Clement, Halliday, Sumner, Sykes, and K. Wood, Messrs. ,S. Atlciiieon, .1. P. Bourne, Ilriggs, J. Burton, J. T. Clement, It. Duncmson, J. U. Halliclay, F. Hulehens, V. Maclean, A. G. Sands, J. S. Sumner, N. Sykes, J. W. Thomlinson, 0. ValliußH, I). Williams, Masters J. Clmdflcld, U. Halliday, and G. Sykes. Third rlafs-Mir-ses 1.. Ball, J. Barlow, W. Barnes. E. Brandon, f!. Buhner, C. Carr, K. Oa-shman, L. Chnmhers, Clentworth (31, A. JI. Conway. Cott.iin (2), N. Coulter, Croft <3i. N. Dawsnn, S. Douglas. X. Kastun.-M. Kunson. fi. Ferguson. 0. Field, Ci. 1.. Uoclfrey, K. Gootle, A. Ooslin, lluißh (S), M. A. llnll. S. Hartley, L. Jlodgp, Honour (21. Hopkins, M. Hunt, M. Hunter, llutchins-on (2), .lames <3\ V,. Jordan, IC. Kir-wan, Lcnton (21, K. Maelarcn.> (2). P. Merrill,' J. Millar, A. C. Morgan, F. M. Moef, K. Muir, M. Murray, N. Niehol. .1. Page, M. A. Paterson. ](. Paton, M. Pendleton, Peters 13), M. C Plant, 11. Plycr. F. Poultcn, Qnayle (2), Hadford (21, Qnibell (3), N. lied-, raond, JI. Ilobson, K. Shoulder, (21, Sinclair (21, Smith (3), A.' Stevens, D. Swain, Thomlinson 13), N. Tong, Vicary «), M. Wallace, W. Wards, J. ]). Watson, Webster (2), K. Whyte, Wilkie (3), M. Wilkinson,,P. Williams, C. Woodrow, and M. Wright; M,csdames Allison, Barnes, S. Chambers, E. Clements, Clcntworth, Cooper. C. A. Cottarn, Croft, Cullincford, Dawson, Dayncs, Donald. J. JI. Kastiii. M. Fairbrother, I!.Ginn, I!. Godfrey, M. Ooode, M. fireenbow, K. Haipb, Hammond, llarkness, 11. Harris, A. D. Harris, llchton, M. A. Hill, Hinds, Honour, Hopkins, B. A. Hutchinson, James. E. Kirkwood, A. M. Kirwan, Little, M'Gravie, M'lntosh, L. Mnclaren. Macnab, G. Jlillar. Muir, Murray, A. JI. Xichol, Page, A. Paterson, JI. J. Pendleton, J. Peters, M. Player, M. J. Pearce, Postptate, Quibell, Kadford, Tteavey. 51. Shoulder, Sloacombc, Rmith, Sopp, A. Swain. A. J. Tomlinson, Thompson. H. Tiche, A. Tone, Vicary, C. Wards. A. \V. Wnteon, K. P. Whyte. Wigham, JI. Wilkie, M. Wilkinson, and Williams;; Messrs. Allen . (2). . Allison. Ainoy, Anderson, Angus, Buneroft, names (31, Bates, Bcil, ? Beaumont, Black, Blaekctt. Elnsilili. lions, Dramali, Brewer (2), Bridßc !2>. Brooks. Brown (2), Brownmill, .Biinklow, Bulinr, Cade, Callan, Campbell, Cargil, Chmhvick, Chambers (2), Chapman. Olarlte. Cicntwnrth, Cochrane, Cocker, Ooclison. Conn, Cooper (2), Cownn, Cr:ibbe, Croft, Crosslev, Cullingford,; Davidson, Davics, D-iwson, Dayncs, Dobbins, Donald. Duncan: (5). Dunn,- Eaton. Kdce, Edward. Elliott. Kvans, Fncer, Fnirbiirn, Galbraith, Gardiner (2), Gibson, Goode, Grcaly. ! Grossman, Glotos. Hall, Hammond. Harknew, .lfirrlsoii,. .Harris (2), Hawe.s.-Tlentoii,, Herpel, Hosier. Hinds, Honour. Huadlcsiono, Hughison, Jackson. James. Joliiistonc, Keiine, Kennedy,, Killick, Ennlp-h. Lawson, Ledlcy, Little. Lockwond. Jl'Coll, M'Gravic, M'Grceor. M'Jnt-osli.'M-K.i.y. M'Kinlay. M:mnab, M'Nicholas, Jlair, Miles, Millar, Wilier, Muir, -Murray 12), - Nash. SMi. Noai* -, Norman, NorM) (2). Page (3). J'atcrwi (21. Peacock. Pettier, Player. Poison, Po3>--:sito (3), Pooley. Prescott, Quibe'.l, Hiiford, Ramf-ny. Reavi'y, Rotiisoii, RoiH2, Ko'vUtttlpni;'Scott (2), Seddon, Slinw, Scrplet, Sims, Sinclair, RlaHery (2'. y-h>n-. combe, Kintth (3).' Sonp, Spencer, Bovine, Stephens. St.rickPlv,.'J'ait, Taylor (2), Tiiomp? son. Todd. Vennir. Vicary. AJ'ulls, Walker, Tminh. Weller, Wlelian. Whitson, Wh"allcy, Williams (3), Wolf, Woodhouec, Wylie.
An nwiTam received last niiht from Uio Hiiddnrt-Pnrkev Etoinpr Uliinaron, hound from ' Sydney to Wellington, that the' vessel would bo. in port between 9 and 10 oVlock this morning. TVhil-t the Union Company's collier Ifain' | poi was at Lyttclton recently, her 2500 I tons of coal were discharged into trucks and hulks af the Tsito of nearly 70 tons per hour-a. splendid performance. . ... Lcavinc .>Kninarr, for ..Sydney on Sapirdav' morning, the Union Company s.Ptoitnn cr*Wairuna. took t,926.0Cfl fed of timber from Totarariki-tho largort carßo of sawn timber that has ever left "the lvaipara." ' : On Thursday the Wnrm is- expected to leave Lytteltnn for Wellington and Wαnganui, and •■the Pctonc leaves, the Foiithcrn port for Wellington, Napier, and Cil's- - the same day also. Both vessels should be here on Friday. Mr. W. Point, late third officer of R.M.S. Unahinc, joined the Orarl as Eccond officer Shis trip at London. Dr. J-. Simpson, who was siirccon mi board R.M.S. Corinthic on her Inst visit to Wellington, is. now on the While Star liner Cymric. Jlr. C. ,kto fourth officer of K.Jt.S. Corinthic, left it ho ve£«l this voyage at London to do eighteen months drill in the navy. At. WO p.m. on Monday, the MaoriUnd Steamship Company's timerdalc cleared Grevmouth for Melbourne with a.load of , , timber. .••■;■ .... Mr. W. Ozamis, second engineer of. the! Rosamond, left the \csecl this trip at Wellington.
Messrs. Joluuton and Co. have becu advised that the Tainui left Mokau nt 8 a.«i. yesterday for Wellington,, via Foxton. Sho should arrive in port this afternoon, and ■ leaves for Waitara. and Mokau at 3 p.m. to-morrow. Mr. G. Ilaußhlon, second engineer of tbo •Hauroto, carnc ashore at Wellington, and Mr. C. Wo.t filled the vacancy. ■ At 8.30 yesterdily morninp; tbo Government steamer Hlnemoa was off Farewell Spit, lighthouse, but, owinr to there being t'ji) much sea, was unable" to work !t. Itimulaka, s.s., left London for Auckland and Wellington on Saturday lar-t. She is expected to arrive here about the beginning of September. The Ascot, and Kaipara leave Wellington for L.yttellon to-day, and the Olnki for Napier, Auckland. :md London to-morrow. The Tonßiulro continued her journey from , ' London to Lyttelton yesterday. At 7 p.m. yesterday the Pateena continued lier passage from Wwlnort to KclBon, Picton, anil Wellingtou. Bho is duo in port I.Vo this evening. When the Araliura couien off the Patent Slip, either to-morrow or Friday, tlio Maoriland Steamship Company's steamer Iloltndale will bo taken up for overhaul. Upon her arrival from Sydney direct this morning, tlv Ulimaroa will berth at the Queen's Wharf No. 6. Besides loading at Port Chalm(/s, thoShaw, Siivill steamer Matatna makes calls at Wellington. Napier, and Auckland. She is timed to leave Auckland lor London on or about July 23. It is reported that the Jlamarl is to stay at Port Chalmers for a weei; or two bpforo going to Australia to load for Homo. Captain T. F.cUford, owner of the. coastal steamer Opawa, wired his agents yesterday to Uic effect thai he is to leave Auckland for Wellington with (he steamer Energy to-day. The vessel has lieon re-' cently purchased at the northern, port. .-,
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1177, 12 July 1911, Page 9
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3,640SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1177, 12 July 1911, Page 9
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