?i'OVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. . MOANA, s.s., left Melbourne July 5 for Hobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington Julv 14. Lcavci same day for Sydney direct. Due SySnev Julv 18. ' ' , DL "- A ,?. OA - f - B v Sydney Julv 8, [ OT , Wcll . l,,trton , dI ,W- Due Wellington July 12. Leaves July 13 for southern port*, Tl. V? Melbourne. Due Melbourne VICTORIA s.s.. left Sydney July 5 for Auckland, Gishorne, Napier, and Wellinu. ton. Duo Wellington July 14. Leaves same day for Dunedin. WARHIMOO. s.s., leaves Melbourne Julv 12. for Hobart. southern ports,, and Wellington. Duo Wellington July 21. Leaves j am . c ,'i 3y , tor Sydney direct. Due Sydney OVERSEA SHIPPINC, STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. STAR OF INDIA (due about Julv 20), sailed from London May 13, via Australia Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line agents.) "««., CORINTHIC (due this morning), sailed on r .f 3 ' yj a 1 9 1 a . ,,e T " wn and Hobart. (Shaw, fca\ill and Albion Co., agent'.) MIjRITAI (due about August 12), sailed on May 31 via Australia, Auckland, and ,J".°. r ,;-„;l lyscl ' Ij,ne ' nffonts.) WAIAYMiA (due about August 8), sailed on June 3, via Auckland. (Shaw, Sarin, and Albion .Co., agents.) RUAHINE (due about July 24), Failed on June 10, via Oapc Town and Hobart, (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Liverpool. NAIRNSHIRE (due this moraine), sailed 2"ess[ V ' a ' Aucklaad - 'F.-H.-S. Line, SUSSEX (due about July JO), sailed „n May 27, via Auckland. F.-H.-S. Line agents.) ""•' , SURREY (due about August 30), sailed on June 24. via. Capo Town. Hobart, Auckland and Napier. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. WAIMATE (due about July 24), sailed on June 5. via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From New York, MIMIRO (due about Julv 14). sailed on April 18. via; Australia, and Auckland. (A and A. Lino, agents.) HYNDFORD (due. about Julv ?s>, F ,ji„d on May 20. via. Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co.. agents.) From San Francisco, AORANfiI (due about July 20). ,g.\M „ n fel;TgentsT te Md *"*****■ SAILER TO ARRIVE. AUSTRALIA. Italian F „ip. f „.jled from Marseilles April 8. (Rriscoc and Co., agents.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. , . , „ SUVA. July ID. Arrived.-Zeala.ndia. from Svdney; H.M.S. Powerful: Navua, from Auckland. NEWCASTLE, Julv 10. Sailed.-Koromiko. for Lyttclton. SYDNEY, July 10. Armed.—Daniel, barque, from Whangarei. MELBOURNE. Julv 10. Arrived.—Muritai, from London. COASTAL. MONDAY. JULY 10. lIOKIAXC.A Sailed.-thumata. for Sydney. AUCKLAND. Arrived.-Louiin Craig, from Adelaide: Mnui. dredec. from Oishome. Sailed.—Wimmera. for Sydney. NAPIER. Sailed. .Vora. N'ivcn (7 a.m.). for Chat. hams; Tarawera (3.30 p.m.).'for Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arriv*jl,-Kara,wa lUS a.m.), from Oneliuasfc,
WANGANUT. Arrivcd.-Huia (V.50 a.m.), from Welling ton. PICTON. Arrivod.-Te Ana.ii (3 p.m.), from VTclling ton. MOTUKKA. Sailed.-Nikau (7.50 p.m.), for Wellington PUJ'ONGA. Arrived.—Arapawa (7.30 a.m.), from Wei lington. GREYMOUTH. Arrivctl.-Pohcnia (4.40 a.m.), from Wellington. Hiiilcd.—Xjrahcrc (10.15 a.m.), for Welling (on. LYTTELTON. Arrivpd.-Dajinrrf.oii. barque (11 a.m.) from l'orl. Huoii; liiiia, schooner, from Wot linglon; Kitiawa, from fircymouth. Sailed.-Terra, Nova. (8.45 a.m.l, for Thrr< Kings; Kona, barque, for Auckland. Sailori.-Mararca. (6.25 p.m.), for Wellington, with 150 passengers. BLUFF. Arrivcd.-Moann. <U0 p.m.), from Mel bourne and Hobart. Passengers: Saloon Wellington-Mrs. Ratten and 2 child rim, Misses Appleyard (2), Kenningham Messrs.. Appleyard. JI. G. Dod, C. F. Dod and W. Adams. Arrivcd.-.Manuka (1.30 a.m.), from Dunedm, THE DEN OF GLAMIS. An arrival at Melbourne on Tuesday last was the A, and A. Line's steamer Deu ol Glamis. After making calls at Sydney and Auckland the vessel comes on here, being duo about August 14, CORINTHIC ARRIVES TO-DAV. This morning, between 10 and 11 o'clock, the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's 11.M.5. Uarintnic is expected to show up at Wellington from London, Cape Town, and Hobart. On arrival, the liner hcrtns at the King's Wharf to land passengers and discharge cargo MIMIEO AT AUCKLAND. Telegraphic advice received by Ihe local agents of the A. and A. Line is to the enect that tneir chartered steamer Jtimiro arrived at Auckland from New York on Sunday. She is expected to continue her voyage to Wellington' at noon to-morrow, and is due in-port on Friday afternoon. PASSENGERS FOR AVONMOUTH. Leaving Lyttelton for Avonmouth direct to-morrow, the F.-H.-S. Line's steamer Drayton Urango takes the following passengers :-Misseß E. and M. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, Dr. Foster, and Messrs. J. Donaldson, P. ltollingworth, J. Tarvcr. W, M'Keclinic, and J. Uamage. The last opportunity that, will bo afforded North Island passengers of connecting with the steamer will bo, by the Mararoa, leaving Wellington to-night. RUAPEHU LEAVES HOME. Cabled advice received by the local agents . of the New Zealand Shipping Company states that H.M.S. iiuapehu left London oh July 6 for Wellington. Instead of coming out by the usual route, via Cape Town and Hobart, the vessel is making a voyage through the Suez Canal, calling at Marseilles and Colombo, and then llobart. She is due at Wellington about August 22. ' WAIMATE SIGHTED. Advices to band state that the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Waimate, Wound from Montreal to Aucklaud and Wellington, put into St. Vin*cnt at 6 a,m. on .June 16, and left again nine liours later. She is due at Wellington about July Au Australian exchange states that it . w presumed that the Waimate put into St. . \incent to effect slight repairs to her machinery.' RAIN DELAYS SHIPPING. _ There were 37 steamers in port yesterdav, including six ovortea vessels. Hain greatly • interfered with the work on the wharves, and in addition the Union Company experienced a difficulty in obtaining labourers. In consequence the Haupifi'6 departure for East Coast bays and Auckland has been postponed until noon to- • day, and the Koonya and Rosamond havebeen similarly treated. The former leaves for New Plymouth, West-port, and Greymouth at 2 p.m. to-day.. > , The smaller vessels have also been much • inconvenienced, and their,-sailing ' times ■ have been altered. The Moa tails for Wanganui at 5 p.m. to-day, the lllcnheim and Opawa, for Blenheim, at 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. respectively, and the Queen of the South, for Foxton. at 5 p.m. Tho Wakatu is expected to clear for Kaikoura and Lyttelton at 5 p.m. to-day. KAIPARA FROM LONDON. Early .yesterday . morning tho New Zealand Shipping Company's stoamer Kaipara arrived at Wellington from London, via Auckland, 1 and berthed at No. 16 Jcrvois Quay. She left London on May 3, with 054 immigrants on board for Brisbane, arriving at the latter port on June 21 after an uneventful voyage. Captain E. de la Cocur Cornwall, E.N.E., is still in command, nnd has associated with him tho following officers :-Chio/. officer, Mr. A. F. Beaton; second, Mr. Barnes; third, Mr. JI. E. Hamilton (late Eimutaka); fourth, Mr. G. P. Parkinson. Mr. F. Corlctt is chief engineer; second, Mr. James (late Tongariro); third, Mr Hodgson;, fourth, Mr. Kotncr; fifth, Mr. Iludgctt; sixth, ,?Jr. A, C. MacLaren. Mr. J. Cairns is chief refrigerator, and Mr. Lcggat jsecond. Dr. G. Fenwick, F.R.C.S., is the ship's surgeon, while Mr. Bowen is steward m charge. POET OF WESTPORT. Returns for the month of June in connection with the port of Wnstport show that the output and export of coal was as follows:— Output. Export. tt- . , „ , _ tonsowt. tonsrwt. Wcstport Coal Co., Ltd. 50.170 2 46.785 10 State Coal-mines 3,287 17 31C9 Eggettcs 45 5 5 West port-Stockton Coal C 0" ''Id 6,075 12 6,010 19 59,579 16 57,950 14 Of this amount 6685 tons were shinned to foreign ports, viz., to Sydney, per s« Koromiko. 3501 tons: to Fiji, per «■; Huron-, 11M tons, and per s.s. Navua, 394"tonsto;Matnpi, pcrbarque Juno, 1591 tons " Ihe export of timber amounted to 100,395 sud. feet. During the month 91 steamers and one sailer, representing 52,075 tons, entered the port, and 89 steamers, representing 50,632 tons, left the port. lOm lCial . tannam for tl,c mmth was The mean high water in me nvcr vrn» 25ft. Sin., and on tho bar 24ft. 9in. H.M.S. PIONEER LEAVES FOE SYDNEY. it uV h r> strokc , ?' f 8 °' dock la -'t- evening 11.M.5. Pioneer, left her berth at the Wool Wharf, and sailed for Sydney'direct She remains at tho New South Wales port for two or three weeks, and then leaves for Colombo, where she meets H.M.S. Credent and Gibraltar, which vessels are bvincfng out relief crews for the China and \i,£ tralasinn stations. At Colombo, all the Pioneers officers, w th the exception of the commander, navigating lieutenant, artificer engineer, and about fifty members pf the crew, leave the warship and return to England. .From Colombo the Pioneer Zealand. * ""'' and tllcnco t0 * c » At 6.30 a.m. to-day, the disabled steamer Takapuna will leave Wellington for Dunedin, m company with the Corinna. According to the "New Zealand Herald" the Rosamond, now trading between Wellington, New Plymouth, and Onehunga, w-ill replace the Squall in the trade between Auckland, Tolago Bay. and fiisborne. It is probable that the Squall, on her return to Auckland from Gisborne, will bo laid up for overhaul. Owing to tho bad state of the weather at Wellington yesterday, E.M.S. Tongariro was unable to complete discharge of her Home cargo. The Ascot and Kaipara. were similarly affected. It is hoped, however, that, discharging operations in connection with all three vessels, will have been completed hy this evening. To-night, the Kini and Poherua are expected at Wellincton from Wcstport and Greymouth respectively. The Wnnaka, now discharging Newcastle coal here, leaves for Picton to-morrow. The llauroto goes back to Wcstport to-day, and the h'omata to-morrow. The Kaitangata takes tho balance of her Wcstport coal to Lyttelton to-morrow. An arrival in port from Liverpool, via way ports last evening, was the F.-n.-S. steamer Nairnshire. She berths at the Queen's Wharf No. 1 south (his morning. Patcona. s.s.. arrived at Greymouth from Wellington, via way ports, at noon yesterday. She is to leave on the return trin at 8, to-day. Mr. F. C. Coull, of the Onion Company's local staff, was a p.-istonuor to Auckland by the Monowai yesterday. At the northern port, he. joins the vessel an assistant purser. II is proposer! to place (he Arahura, on Ihe Patent. Slip this morning. Mr. A. J. A. Naylor .joined the Haurolo as second ofheor .veslorriav, vice Mr. \V H He-alcy, who transferred to the Takapuna. ' Mr. W. Ileilley. mate of Ihe steamer Opawa, signed ofT the vessel yesterday. Karly yesterday niorninc the Government steamer Hmeinoa left. Wellington on n vi°H to Cook Strait lighthouses. The. vessel'i* expected buck about Thursday. At 7 a.m. yclcrday the steam Irawler Nora Nivcn left Napier for th- rii.-ith.-'m Islands, where she loads up with fish for Wellington. Captain Vint has taken charge of the Takapuna- for the run to Port Chalmers and his officer? are:-Chief, Mr. E. I). lie*' second, Mr. W. IT. llealey. The engineers are Messrs. Dalziel, Hunter, and Hyslop. Mr. W. C. Menzies, purser of the Tp Anau and Mr. F-.C. Pascoe, of Ihe'Hauriri, ex' jiuuued ships yesterday, J
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1176, 11 July 1911, Page 7
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