» —: This evening. in tho Concert Chamber of the Town Hall, Miis C. AY. Christie, ;vho has recently returned ■ from India, will clpliver tho first of her series of popular lectures, which are to take place this week. Miss .Christie's subject for tonight is "Experiences ill India and of India's People." Mr. A. L, Herdman, M.P., will preside. To-morrow evening Miss Christie will deal with "Occultism and Reincarnation," and, on Thursday, the snbjcct will be "Social and Religions Lifo in India." The lectures will be illustrated with lantern slides. Miss Christie has spent tho last two and a half years in Madras. The lectures will commence each evening at 8 o'clock.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1170, 4 July 1911, Page 6
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112POPULAR LECTURES. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1170, 4 July 1911, Page 6
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