By Telegraph—Press Association— Oopyrieht INTERNATIONAL AIR EACE. London, July 3. French torpedo boats have arrived at Dover, and tugs are stationed in tho Channel, in connection with to-day's Calais to Dover section of the aviation circuit race. THE COURT AT WINDSOR 1 . London, July 2. Tho Court has removed to' Windsor, where tho King, in acknowledging * the municipal welcome, said: "My earnest wish is to know and understand the legitimate interests and feelings of all classes of my subjects, at Homo and overseas." A SAILOR'S HEROISM. London, July 2. One of the sailors suffocated by an explosion in tho coal bunkers of H.M.S. Superb perished in trying to save the other two. THE BOWRON CASES. London, July 2. The case against Thomas Loonan Knight, wharf foreman, who was indicted on a chargo of conspiracy with John Bowron, in connection with alleged leather frauds, has been again adjourned. AUSTRALIAN BARONET DEAD. Sydney, July 3. Sir Charles Edward Gordon, Bt., formerly in the Australian Customs, has died from heart failuro. TASMANIAN REVENUE. ' ■ Hobart, July 3. The revenue returns for tho year' l amount to ,£972,126, a decrease of .£38,085 on tho revenue of the previous year.,
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1170, 4 July 1911, Page 5
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196GENERAL CABLEGRAMS Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1170, 4 July 1911, Page 5
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