PHASES OF THE MOON. JULY. Day. h.m. First quarter 3 850 p.m. Pull moon 12 023 a.m. Last quarter 19 5 1 p.m. New moon 26 742 a.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 11.55 a.m.; sets, 1.19 a.m. Wednesday. HIGH WATEB. To-day, 10.50 a.m.; 11.20 p.m. To-morrow, 11.48 a.m. SUN. Sun rises t-o-day, 7.16 a.m.; sets, 4.32 p.m. ARRIVALS. MONDAY, JULY 3. AMELIA SIMS, schooner (4 a.m.), 98 tons, Johnson, from Lyttelton. KIPPLE, s.s. (5.3U p.m.), 370 tons, Carlson, from Gisborne and Picton. DEPARTURES. MONDAY, JULY 3. ' PATEENA, s.s. (12.50 p.m.), 1212 tons, Carey, lor Picton and Ncison. PassengersSaloon; For Picton—Misses Douglas, Holmes, 31oorc> Litchfield, Rose, Gayne, Seymour, Newtown, liverard, Strickland, Moidames Salt and family, Harrow. Rose, Cook, Dowling, Waddy, (Jonnolly, Messrs. Salt, Waddy, Row, Dickens, Angus, Pries, Connolly, Nelson, Farmer, Cook, Holcroft, Williams. Close, Rcid. For Nelson-Misses Watkins, Danby, Peart, Linton, Kitehing (2), Black, Dixon, Richmond, Watson, Gibbs (2), Kempthorne, Mcsdamcs liodgers, Fell, Smith, Scager, Newberry, Justice Sim, Messrs. liodgers, Smith, Rivers, Uishop, Stewart. Percival, Aiken, Ring, Barry, Shallcrass, Magiunity, Sim, Peacock. Baigent, Scott, Kcmptliorno, Simpson, M'Cullough. MANAP.OA, s.s. (11.40 a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Motueka. MANA, s.s. (3.20 p.m.), 134 tons, Gibson, for Patea. OPAWA, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. BLENHEIM, s.s. (6 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson. for Blenheim. MOA, s.s. (6 p.m.), 188 tons, Sawyers, for Wanganui. TARAWERA, s.s. (5.10 p.m.). 2003 . tons, M'Lean, for northern ports. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Johnson, Dinghac, Mrs. Sha.w, Messrs. Henshaw, Binning, Carrick, Holloday. MAORI, s.s. (8.10 p.m.), 3393 tons, Aldwell, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Nurse Story. Misses Eeid, Kay, Knott, Smythe, Beatrice Dav, Dufaur. Turner, Monteith, Mcfda.rws Thomson, Peacock, Thompson, Rev. Father Gilbert., Dr. Kennedy. Messrs. Thompson, Leggo, Rev. Father Holley. Stavell. Redstone. Gunner Collins, Smith, Pryde, Spiers, Henley, Eullen, Jones, Jekyll, Tewsley, Mirams (2), H. R. Roberts. Doughty, M'Lcan, Bc-auchamp, Rev. Father Hickson, Michacl, Joseph, Major Knox, Col. Robin. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (10.5 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, for Foiton. ARAPAWA, s.s. (10.10 p.m.), 268 tons, Corby. for. Wanganui. ROSAMOND, s.s. (midnight). 721 tons. Wallis.'for Picton, Nelson, New Plymouth, ■and Onchunga. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Tongariro, London, via way ports, July 4. Hinemoa, Westport, July 4. Poherua, (Ireymouth, July 4. Kowhai, southern ports, July 4. Huia, Wanganui, July 4. . Kiripaka, Patea, July 4. Nikau, Nelson. Motueka, July 4. Mararoa, Lyttelton, July 4. Te Anau, Dunedin, July 4. Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kaikoura, July 4. Kahu, East Coast, July 4. Kowhai, southern ports, July 4. Monowai, northern port 3, July 4. i Patcona, Nelson. Picton, July 4. Kapuni, Patea, July 4. Kotuku. Greymouth. July .4. Flora, Westport, July 5. Defender, Lyttelton, July 5. Corinna, southern ports, July 5. Opawa, Blenheim. July 6. Queen of the South, Foxton, July 5. Maniroa, Motueka. July 5. Blenheim. Blenheim. July 5. Moa, Wanganui, July 5. Arapawa, WanKanui, July 5. Mann, Patea. July 5. Maori. Lyttolton, July 5. Putiki, Timarn, July 5. Arahura, West Coast, Ncison, Picton, July 5. Manuka, Sydney direct, July 5. ' Wimmera. Dunedin. Lyttelton, July 6. Drayton Grange, Gisborne, July 6. ....Waverley. Pifton....Julie.J.,. .... ' Wanaka,'Scwc'astle.-Jiily'ft"- ' Molsoia. northern ports. July 7. Moeraki,. Melbourne, via southern ports, July 7. Breeze, Lyttelton, July 7. ~ Rosamond, Onchunga, 'New Plymouth! Jl'lv 9. ■ Tarawera, northern ports, July 11. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Aorerc. Patea, July 4. Kennedv, Nelson, West Coast, July 4. Mouowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, July 4. Mapourika, Nelson, West Coast, July 4. Ripple, Napier, Gisborne, July 4. Kowhai, Napier, Gisborne, July 4, Nikau, Ncison, Motueka, July 4.. Mararoa, Lyttelton, July 4. Kiripaka, Patea, July 4. Huia, Wanganui, July 4. Kapiti. Lyttelton, July 4. Kapuui, Patea, July 4. Amelia Sims, Havelock. July 4. Komata. Westport. July 5. Koti'.ku, Onchunga, July 5. Corinna, Nelson, New Plymouth, July 5. Opawa, Blenheim, July 5. — Manaroa, Havelock, July 5. ' — Blenheim. Blenheim. July 5. Moa, Wanganui, July 5. Arapawa, Wanganui. July 5. Mana, Patca, July 5. Pateena, Picton, Nelson. July 5. Maori. Lyttelton, July 5. Putiki. Greymouth, July 5. Wakatu, Kaikoura, I/yttelton. July 5. To Anau, Picton, Ncison, July 5. Wimmera, northern ports, Sydney, July 6. Manuka, Melbourne, via southern ports, July 6. 1 Queen of the South. Foston. July 6. Defender. Greymouth, July 6. Waverlcv. Nelson, West Coast. July 6. Mokoia.' Lyttelton. Dunedin. July 7. Moeraki, Sydney direct. July 7. Breeze. Wanganui, July 7. ' Arahura, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, July 8. Drayton Grange, TimarU, Lyttelton, July 8. Rosamond. Picton. Nelson, New Plymouth, Onchunga. July 10. Tarawera, Lyttelton, Dunedin, July 11.
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MOERAIvI, s.s.,' loft Melbourne Juno 28, for llobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington July 7. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney July U. MANUKA, s.s., left Sydney July 1, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington July 5. Leaves July 6 for southern ports, llobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne July 15. MOANA, s.s., leaves Melbourne July 5 for llobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington July 14. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney .July 18. WIMMERA, s.s., leaves Duncdin, July 4, for Lyttelton and Wellington. Due Wellington July 6. Loaves same day for northern ports and Sydney. Duo Sydney July 14. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. TONGAKIRO (duo this moraine), sailed from London May 15, via Cape Town ajid llobart. (Sew Zealand shipping Coagents.) • ' ■ . STAR CF INDIA (due about July 19), sailed from London May 13, Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Lino, agents.) KAIPARA (duo about July 13). sailed on May 8. via Auckland. (New Zealaud Shipping Co.. agents.) CORINTHIC (duo about July 11), sailed on May 23, via Cape Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) MURITAI (due about August 12), sailed on May 31, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. -(Tyser Line, agents.) WAIWERA (duo about August 8), failed on Juno 3. via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) RITAHINE (due about July 24). sailed on June 10, via Capo Town and Hobart. (Now Zealand Shinpine Co.. agents.) INDRALEMA (duo nbout August 28), sailed on Juno 15, vi.i. Australia. Auckland, and Nanior. (Tyser Line, agents). AT?AWA (due about August 7). sailed on June 23. via Capo Town and Tfobart. (Shaw, Savill and • Albion Co., agents.) From Liverpool. NAIRNSHIRE (due about July 10), railed on May 6, via Auckland. (F.-IT.-S. Lino, Agents.) SUSSEX (due about July 30). Railed oil May 27. via Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Lino, agents.) RURREV (due about August 30), failed on June 24, via Cane Town. Tlobirt. Auckland, and Napier. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. • ASCOT (due about July 10), sailid on Anril 23. via. Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) WAIMATE (due about July 24). sailed on .Tune 5. via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Hew York. MIMIRO (due about July 14), sailed on April 18, via Australia and Auckland, (A. axd A. Line, uronts.) ,
DEN OF GLAuIIb (duo about August' 14), sailed on May. 16, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) HYNDFORD (due about July 25), sailed on May 20, via Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co., af?G7ilg.) • • ANOtaPATAGONIAN Cflue about August Z9), sailed on June 2, via Australia and Auckland* ( Daleroty and Co., agents.) CAPE OUTEGAL (due about September . 071 June 17, via Australia and Auckland. (TjfceV Line,' agents.) From San Francisco,, ' AORANGI (due about July 20), sailed on %■ m and Rarotonga. (u.S.S, Co., agents.) ' SAILERS TO ARRIVE. AUSTRALIA, Italian ship, sailed from Marseilles April 8. (Briscoe and Co., agents.) ' BY. .TELEGRAPH. ' .OVERSEA, C M , ™ -V .'.NEWCASTLE, July 3. Sailed.—Wanaka, for Wellington. e SYDNEY, July 3. bailed.—Zcalandia, for Vancouver, via Fiji. , COASTAL. MONDAY, JULY 3. AUCKLAND. Arrived—Najftishire , (1.15 p.m.), from London; Claii .M'Laren, from'Lyttelton; Navua, from 'Westport. Sailed.—Maheno (6.5 p.m.), for Sydney. ■ NAPIER. Sailed.—Monowai (3 p.m.), for Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH. , Arrived.—Rarawa (4.10 a.m.), from Onchunga. 1 WANGANUL Arrived—Huia (0.10 a.m.),' from Wellington._ • Sailed.—Huia (2 p.m.), for Wellington; Kapiti (4 p.m.), for Wellington., PICTON. Arrived.—Kiripaka. (7. a.m.), from Wellington (bound from Wellington to Patea); Pateena (4.45 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Ripple 132.30 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.—Matatua (2.20 p.m.), from Timaju. WESTPORT. Arrived.—Mangapapa (3.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.-liincmoa (12.5 p.m.), for Wellington. GREYMOUTH. Sailed.—Kotuku (2.40 p.m.), for Wellington. , LYTTELTON. . Arrived.—Defender, from Hokitika, ,'vij Pigeon Ray; Athcnic, from Napier; Eunicc, scow, from Haveloek. Railed.—Kowhai (1 p.m.), for Wellington; Ngahcre, for Napier; I'etone, for Dunedin; Wakatu,. for. Kaikoura and Wellington; Kaitangat.r, for Greymouth. , Sailed.—Mararoa (6.20 p.m.). for Wellington. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Roberts, Arnold, Stocks, Watts (4), Mesdamcs Taylor, Matthews and child, Mostrs. 0. Tannor, Gordon, Holmes,' Tucker. Bcmchnmp, Richards, Taylor. Buchanan. Rdmerill. Bastin, Whiteford, Matthews, Brickcll, C. W. Bndd, Henry J. Fisher. G. Plimsoll,. Brodorick, Temple, Raine, G. Hay'ey, Namock, L. Webb, Moody, Ingram, Grace, Wood, Langton, Thompson, Sharp. PORT CHALMERS. Sailed.—To' Annu (4 p.m.), for Wellington; Hauroto, for Westport. BLUFF. Arrived—Moeraki '.(7.45 a.m.), from Melbourne and Hobart.—Saloon; For Wellington—Mirses Moore (2), Mainwaring. Manning. Mcfdames Hunt, . Rust, Messrs. Rust, Clark, Hunt, Wynne, Harold, 14 steerage. Arrived.—Warrimoo, from Dunedin. WHAKATANE ARRIVES AT. LONDON. Information reccived at tho Wellington branch of tho New Zealand Shipping Company is to the effect that the cargo stcame.: Whakatane, which , cleared Auckland on May 9, arrived at London on June 30. MANUKA FROM SYDNEY. Due in port early to-morrow morning from Sydney direct, the Union Company's steamer Manuka is bringing 123 passengers for all ports. RUAHINE LEAVES CAI'E TOWN. Advice.received by the local aj-cnts .of the New Zealand Shipping 'Company stitcS that the It.M.S. ltuahinc, in'continuation" of her voyage from London to Wellington, left Cape Town?;on -Saturday Kifternooni a,y WANAKA LEAVES NEWCASTLE. At midnight on Saturday, the Union Company's steamer WanaKa cleared Newcastle for Wellington direct. The vessel, which has part cargo of coal to discharge here, should show up about Thursday or Friday next. Her next port of call will be l'icton. ASCOT TO LOAD PHOSPHATES. Duo at Wellington from St. John (New Brunswick), on July 28, tho New Zealand Shipping. Company's chartered steamer Ascot will, upon completion of discharge at Dominio nports,. proceed to Sydney and load genera! merchandise for Ocean Island. From there she will ship phosphates to bo discharged , at', an Australian port not yet disclosed.";-'; • OPAWA AT MONTE VIDEO. A cablegram, received by tho New Zealand Shipping Company, announces tho arriv'al of tho Opawa at Monte Video on Juno 29. The vessel, which left. Tokomaru Bay' on Juno 9, is en route to London. NAIRNSHIRE AT AUCKLAND. An arrival at.'.'iVuchland from Liverpool yesterday afternoon was the F.-H.-S. Line's steamer NairnsTifft:.' ' l Hor "Auckland' cargo is expected to be-"all-out"- by the 'end -of this week, when- the-vessel leaves'for; Wei' lington. She has, 2300 . tons, of cargo .To; here, and is expected to put- in un .appearance about Monday or Tuesday next. Arahura, s.s., arrived at Greymouth' from Wellington, via way ports, at 2 p.m. yesterday. She wa-s to have left on- the return trip at i a.m. to-day. ,
Vr Curry, foreman on the wharf for the Union Company, resumed duty yesterday after holiday leave. llr. Socul, asGistant foreman, is 1 now away on holiday, Mr. H. Daniels, who recently passed his examination for first mate, arrives at Wellington t/vday for orders, lie comes from Auckland by tho Monowai. At noon yesterday the' Government steamer lltncmoa left Westport for Wellington, via. tlie Brothers. She should arrive in port thi.4 afternoon. In two or three days' timo the vessel loaves again to visit Cook Strait lighthouses. On her arrival from London, via way ports, this morning, It.M.S. Tongariro will •berth at the King's Wharf, to land uassongers and discharge cargo. It will be Wednesday before the' coastal steamer Defender arrives at Wellington from Lyttelton. She loaves the following' day. for Greymouth. The Flora is duo in from Westport to-morrow, and the 1 ohorua is due from Greymouth on tiio same day also. The Komata is expected to leave Wellington for Westport to-morrow afternoon. At 2.15 p.m. yostcrday, tho Kotuku cleared Greymouth for Wellington, and upon completion of part discharge here, proceeds to Onchunga, Shortly after noon yesterday the Norwegian barque Duncraig, from Liverpool, borthod at Ko. 5 Queen's Wharf. The vessel presents a very neat appearance, her decks and rigging being in oxcellcut order. Leaving Lyttelton on Saturday morning, tno schooner Amelia Simß arrived at Wellington, with 1400 sacks of produce, at 4 a.m. yesterday. It is hoped to complete discharge to-day. - She then leaves for Haveloek. After discharging her cargo of timber from Wanganui at Sydney, the scow Ma.' roro mil go on to Newcastle to load coal, probably for W anganui. where she is again ' to load pine for Sydney. Captain Madsen, one of the oldest employees of the Gorman-Australian Line, is in charge of the new steamer Fremantle, now on her maiden voyage to Australia from Hamburg and Antwerp. Included in the list of latest charters just to hand, the names of the steamers hnncrdale and Lauderdale, both of the Maoriland Company's fleet, appear. The former takes timber from Greymouth to . Sydney, and tho latter hardwood from ' West Australia to New Zealand ports. i A Yorkshire collector of medals, Dr. A. A. Payne, Hillsborough, Sheffield, lias been amassing medals for over 20 year?, and. has a collection of 25,000, worth <£20,000. .Ho lias 50 medals that havo' been connected with either tho pccrageu barosatagc, or knighthoods. "NAZOL" cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Influenza, Nasal Catarrh, or Cold • ill tho Head. It represents tho latest advanca in medical science, and is known, as the antiseptic and germicidal treat- • went. Is. Gd. per bottle.—Advt. Two crabs, each with a brass number plate, which were liberated at Saltfleet (Lines) and Sutton-on.Sea (Lines) by thfl Eastern Sea Fisheries Committee liave been found at. Witlisrrisoa (Yorks), whern . they were originally caught, having travelled upwards of forty miles.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1170, 4 July 1911, Page 7
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2,244SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1170, 4 July 1911, Page 7
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