MASKS OF TIIE MOOS. JUNE. Dr.y. h. m. first quarter A 9 3-1 n.m. ''nil moon 12 921 a.m. J.iiFt rin.irt«r 20 821 a.m. New moon 27 050 a.m. MOON. Moon rites to-dny, J.B a.m.; wts, 1.42 p.m. IIIOH WATER. To-day, 0.47 a.m.; 1.13 p.m. To-morrow, l.« a.m.: 2.10 ji.m. Run rises to-day. 7.16 a.m.; s?t f . P-™-ARRIVALS. THURSDAY. JUNE ISVICTOKIA, R.?. (6.55 H.m.t, 2969 t.ons, Entivislc, from Duncdin «nd liyttelt-on. Pn.6?engoi'o: Kaloon -Jlrs. Koill, M.esrrF. Neill, liucld, J'yrke, Astlcy, Scott-Voiiui?; 1 steerage. MAItATtOA, s.s. (6.55 a.m.), 2593 tons, Mannine;, from liyllolion. PaMCiißers: Paloon —Mis?e6 PnrUhause, Tapp (3), ltowlcy, Ij, Morgan, Smytlic (Si. Sharpe, Graham (2), and liridßc, Mnsdames nrKinley. Dunshone and child, Chisnail, JI. France, Dnnlop, Swindale, Brown, May. i-.lUott, Jl'Kay,- Heath, Boherls. Ludbrook, Captain lising, Dr. Hay, Messrs. \X. Smart, Tapp, Kitchen, Dansbnnc, liatimcr, Lindsay, . Whaito. Ghisnnill, Chcwins 1 -, J'«KK, tdwards, Sutherland, Borrie, I'arkinson. WitllamF. Bridge, MarshoJt, Urophy, Jninlop, liiirnett, Whitta, T)ou B la?, Drawn. Bogle, Aehby, Francis. Ollinee, May. Elliott. Ladbrook, Lov, liielce, llorric. Potter, Blank, Mnnsell, Parr, Tate, Oiißtcy. Thompfon, Robei'tc, Graliam, Chalinnr. Williamson. Morgan, Brophy, llislop, Xflntyre. .Tones, Morris, liCwip, Do-,vns, Garland; '.J stecr.aEMANUKA, f.s. (8.50 a.m.\ 4505 tons, Neville, from Melbourne, Hobnrt, and fon them ports. Pasnencers: Saloon — Mietcs fironbech. Liberty, Tenswn, Esther. Murie, Kowcn, Martin, Siddels, Mesdamee Biiffell, Besback, Martin, Cutherbcrtson, Oillies, liond. Stevenson, JfGiliicuddy, JiaTtin, MeEsrs. Middlolon, Nicol. Bond. Jtcnme, Solomon. Hurley; 17 Et^ci-age. WANAKA. s.s. (2 p.m.), 2«2 tons, Todd, from Ijyllclton. ~„, , MAITAI. s.f. (2.20 p.m.), 3393 ton?, Stevens, from Sun Francisco, via Papeete and Itarotonpa, Pafr-engerst Saloan-:Mip.-e.= N. Blftine, E. M. Moore, W. Jackson, lire E. F. West, Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. Winston, Mr. P. O. Easson. Mrs. 11. J. Macinnity, Captain and Mrs. ,1. J. Lopnn, Jlr. 11. h. Holladiy. Second Salorm-Mr. .and Mrs. P. J. Kaccy and child. Miss M. Bathe, Mrs. Lucy Toy. Mr. and Mrs. E. WeaUierlcy. Mr. and Mrs. B. .Jacques, Mr. and Mrs. J. OldOeld and t-wo infants, Mr. P. T. Williams, Mr. F. 11. Turner. Mr. J. Covrper, Mr. C. Baker, Mr. L. J. Hogan, Mr. M. Jflnnes. Mr. W. J. Cronk. Mr. h. TV illim. Mr. W. Parkor. StoraßC-Mise A. EhiJiper. Mr. and Mrs. F. Portener. Mr. and Mrs. W. MasteTs and 3 children, Mr. H. L. Mainland, 0. Harvey, A..K. Van Atto, V. Smith, J. E. Khinger, I. Alderman, G. Frobe, IT. Rutchill. B. Bnteman. H. A. lrwin. ,T. Rtolz. A. Cubbin, G. Fanchetti, H. Swnnson. P. Ward. PATERXA, f.s. 16.5 p.m.). 1212 tone, Carey, from Nelson; 91 passengers. .
DEPARTURES. THUKSDAY, JUNE 22. MATATL'A, s.s. (6.55 a.m.), 6488 tone, GilmKT'vil°OT SCOTLAND, s.s. (7.30 a,m.), 62J0 tons, neck, lor Brisbane. MANAKOA, s.s. (1.15 p.m.), M tons, Hurt, fO VICTOIUA%. S . (5.5 p.m.), 3969 lon*, Entwine, for northern port? and Sydney. JIO\NA, s.s. (5.50 p.m.). J195 tone, Worr.ill, for Melbourne, via, southern ports. MAHAKOA. p.f. (8.5 p.m.), 2598 tons, MannMMTi.)..lMt««.aib»n .lor Waitara. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Arahiira, Weft Coast, Nelson, Plcton, Judo S3. lUiioa. Wajigsnui. Juno 25. 'Oiinen or Hie South. Foxton. June 23. Oiaki. Port Chalmers, June 2J. Tainui, Waitarn, .Juno M. Kavua., Suva, Auckland, June 23. ...... John Ilafdie, Philadelphia,, Auckland. Juno 23. Kahu, East Coast, Juno 20. Maori, LyttelUm, June 23. Mokola. norllierii port:-. June 23. Huia, Wansanui. Jtotucka, June 23. jrnraroa. tyttelton, Juno 24. Tiikapuna, West Coast, Kelson, June 24. Kirinaka, Paten, June 24. W.ikatu. Ijytlollon, Knikoura, Juno 24., Kelson. MitucUa. Juno. 2 1 . liana. Wnilata, Juno 25. Komata,. Wqitport, .Juno 25. TuraklnA,' LyttMton, June 25. Regains. Weotport, June 25. liosamond, Oirjhunsa, New Plymouth, Koncwal, Dur.cdin, LytteltoivJuile 25. Manaroa, Haveloc!:. Juno 26. •.. Hippie, Gisbornc, I'icton, Juno 26. Tarawera. northern ports, Juno 27. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Navua, Wcstport, June 23. Tainui, Waitara. June 23. Aorere, Paten, June Z3. Opawa, L'lonUeini, June 23. ■ Queen of tho South, Foxton. June 23. Blenheim. Menheim, June 23. Moa, Wsng.inui, June 23. Kapuni, i>atea, June 23. Patceua, Picton, Nelson, June 23. Maori, Lyttelton, Juno 23. Manuka. Sydney direct. June 23. Huia-, W&nganui. June 23.. Kaitoi, Kelson. West Coast, June 23. Mararoa, Lyttolton, Juno 24. Arahura, l'ieton, Nelson, West Coast, June 24. Kiripaka,, Patea, Juno 24. 'Kikau, Kelson, Jtotueka, June 24. Manaroa, Motucka. June 26. ] Wakatu. Kaikoura, Lyttolton. Jun» 26. Mann. Wanganui, June 26. Monowai, northern ports, June 26. ltosamond. Ficton, Nelson, New Ply. mouth, Onehunsa, Juno 26. Tarawcra, southern port;, June 27. Mapourika, Nelson. West Coast, June 27. Eipple, Napier, Gisborne, June 27. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. ; MOVEMENTS OF STEAMEBS. \ MANUKA, s.s., left Melbourne Juno !•!, I for llobart. southern p;rts, and Wcllinß- \ ton. Leaves Wellington to-day for Sydney i direct. Due Kyilney June 27. ULIMAKOA, s.s., left Melbourne June 21 for Hobart, southern ports, and Wellington. Due Wellington June 30. Leaves sanio day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney \V\KEIMOO, s.s., loaves Sydney June 24 for Wellington direct. Due Wellington June 28. Leaves Juno 29 for southern ports, llobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne July 8. MOEItAKI, s.s., leaves Melbourne June 28, for llobMt, southoni ports, and Wellington. Due ft'dliuglon July V. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney July 11. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO AEEIVE. FrcM London. TONGAIURO (due about Juno 30), sailed from London May 16. via Cane Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) MAIIKEE (duo about July 5), sailed from London April 22, via Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney. Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, aßonts.) b'I'AR OF INDIA (duo about July 19), sailed from London May 13. via, Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyeer Line, agent 6.) KAIPAIiA (duo about July li), Bailed on May 8, via Auckland, (New Zealand Shinping Co., agenta.) euIUNTUII! (duo about July. 11), sailed on May 23, via Cape Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) MURITAI (duo about August 12), sailed on May 31, via. Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Lino, accnts.) WAIWEHA (due about August 1), eailed on Juno 3, via Auckland (Shaw, Barill. and Albion Co., agents.)
KUAHINE (due about July 24), sailed on June 10, via Cape Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Liverpool, NAIRNSHIKE (duo about July 7), sailed on May 6, via. Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) SUSSEX (due about July 27), Bailed on May 27, via. Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal, ASCOT (due about July 6). sailed on April 23. via, Australia, and Auckalnd. (Now Z.oaland KhippiuE Co.. nccnls.) '■ WAIMATE (duo about. July 24), failed on Juno 5, via. Australia, nnd Auckland. (Sen- Zealand Shippini: Co., nKcnts.l From Now Vork. PAIiTITENIA (due about June 26). failed on March 29, via, Australia, and Auckland. (Dnleet.y and Co., asontß.i MJMIRO ictuo about July 10). sailed on April 18, via Australia- and Auckland. (A. and A. Lino, aconts.) DEN OP GIiAMIS (duo about, August 14). sailed on Hay 16, vi.n, Australia n.nd Auckland. (A. and A. Line, neente.) lIYXDFOnD Iduo nhout July 25). sailed on May 20), via. Auckland. (Vacuum Oil Co.. iiccnts.) .AXGIiO-PATAnO.VIAN (due about. Aurusl 2->>. failed on Juno 2. via Australia, and Auckland. (Dalgcty and Co., agents.) From Philadelphia. JOHN TiAKDIK (due to-nipbt\ jailed on March 12, via Auckland. (Gollin and Co., acenU.) BAILEES. TO AHEIVR. DUXCRAIC. barque, sailed from Liverpool. March 10. (Johnston and Co.,t.cunte.) AUSTRALIA, Italian chip, sailed from Marseilles, April 9, (Dr!icoii uid 00,, MenttU . ,
HY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. ~...•■ , LONDON, Juno 21. Arnvcd.-Xcnt, from Dunedin. _ .. , '' '" SYDNEY. Juno 22. Sailed— lilimaroa (yesterday), for Hobart and Bluff. Railed.-Jlarcrc, for Auckland. COASTAL. THURSDAY, JUNE 22. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—P.irUiPuifi. from New York, tin Australian ports; 'lhrawcra, from southern ports. Sailed.—Tnkoniiirn (noon), for London, KAST CAI'E. " ■ Nayua, ptswd noulh al 7.5' n;m., and <hc John Jinrttic alfo for south, at 10 a.m. PORT AHUIURI. Arrivcd.-Bipple (3 a.m.), and Jlaiipiri (4 a.m.), from Wellington. To pail.-Mokoia, (2 p.m.l, for Wellington, LYTTELTOJf. Arrived.-Mabri (7 a.m.), from Wellintftem; Clan from Hunlv.iry, vi", ;■ Wellington; }t»r<)> barque, from Kdithburg, Sailed.-AtU'Dilic (9.31) a.m.),' for Port Chalmers, Napier,- <inrt Gishorne; Maori (8.30 p.m.), for Wellington, with 200 passengers. DUNEDIN., from Stewart Island; Breeze, from HlufF; Monowai, from Auckland. failed.— Otalii. fr,t Wellington; Kamona, for Tim.iru nnd Groymouth; Koonya, for Wost Coast; Hrecze, for Timaru. POST CHALMERS. Railcd.-OlaUi (7 a.m.), for Wellington. PASSENGERS BY THE MORAYSHIBE. Luring Lyttelton for Avonmotith at 7.15 a.m. on Wednesday, the F.-11.-S, steamer Morayshire took the following passengers: —Jlcsdames M.'CuHock; Reid, Johnstone and infant, A. Flinton and infant, Jtcesrs. A. Tofihach. M'Cullock, lieid, Johnston, R. Olealand, John CWand, R. RutcUlTc, W. Hindnmrsh, W. E. Mitchell, C. Eltoft, nnd W, Ijcavor. A TOttli VESSEIj. The Chilean hirnup Curzon is well knoivn Australia, haviiiß made a number of trips to and from the Commonwealth. Quite recently fihe arrived at, Seattle from I((iiiQt!c. and beinp foul, it wan decided to dock her. When the vessel entered the dock she presented ouo of the foulest hullS ever taken from the water on tho Pacific. Slope. It was 27 months since the Ctirr.on was previously docked and cleaned, and while no very lnrpc b.intaelcs were found adhering to the iron hull, the crowlh wn> exceedingly thick, anrt altogcthcr ten tons of marine growth was removed. The windjammer va« 72 days from Iquiquc. whicU is not a> flow passape, conridering the foul condition of her hull.
TTP-TO-DATK CABGO SHIP. An arrival .it Auckland on Tuesday Kst was the now Craig liner Ihumala, launched early in the present year at. Antwerp, and built, especially for tho coal and tim-ber-carrying trade between Australia and Now Zealand.
The Ihum.-ita is Titled witU twelve derriclie, four h.'ilcho;, and tvo large holdn, with eifrlit ivinches lo e.'icli hatch. She Is a wholesome, totindly-huilt Fleamer. of about 1155 10r.5 (tro-s. liavint; a r.pcrrl of 9J knots nn haiir. nnd i-, fitted tlirouphout with elcctrir litlU. She ia owned by a syndicate, of which Mr. J!. S. Lamh, of Sydney, and Mr. J. J. Craig, of Auckland, are leading members. From Antwerp tho Thumatn proceeded lo Frcdriskstajida. Norway, where pha 'loaded a full cargo of timber for Melbourne. Be-suminsr her trip, she mndt! calls at Ncwenstle-oi'-Tyno, Port Said, Colombo, nnd Albany., i? cperiencinij fine weather almost throughout, her voyage. Upon (lifclnrgins hdr frcifrht at Melbourne, the vesi-el went to Gcelong, whflro sho Icidad a part carpio rtf produce, an:l then went lo Adnlai'dn. whevc fhc conipl»te<l !:<.idinir. From Adelaide she procc?cied tn Newcastle, and after taking in cargo n.vA ."» supply of coal she resumed her voyage in New Zealaild again, experiencing fine weather on the run across the Tasnian Sea. Captain 3. Benton (formerly of the In?.-.) is in command, and ho hao a,£.sociate:l with him the fol , owing offlcere:
--Chief officer, Mr. Reid; second, Mr. lioecci Mr. P. Burger? is chief rilßlncor, Mr. Bosb cccond, ji.iid Ilr. Coot" third. After discharge of her hrge c.iriro of produce, the Ihumativ loads Eiilcral cargo tor Kaipar.x Rhc then !oidc ;avrn timber at the >Vcst Ccist port for Sydney.
MAITAI. FROSUiSAN; FRANCISCO." :-: s R.M.S. Jlaitni, '' 3393 'Cant, ''Captain W.' Movenv arrived from San Francisco, via Papeete and Harolonga at 2.5 p.m. yesterday. After departure from Auckland on May 6 fine wcither and smooth seas were experienced to Knrotonsn, arrival being made ou the mornins of May 11. After a stay of a low hours the voyage was returned for Papeete, anil, en ilio passage, strong head winda and heavy head sea wet with. Tlieso de'uyed her arrival until the afternoon of May 13. Owing lo nuarnntinc restrictions, the ship \vai! not allowed to berth 'at the wharf, and, therefore all cargo and passengers had to be lightered. This again delayed the 3laitai considerably, an-:l departure was not taken until 6 p.m. on May 14, ten houm late. Fair weather and moderate, sea were, however, met with on tho passage to San Francisco, and she was able to lnako up the lost time, the. Golden Gate being en-te-red at 5 a.m. on May 26. The mails were landed in ample time to connect with the train for' New York.
After loading a large cargo and enibarkinj* a largo number of passengers, the return voyap cwas commonacd at noon on May 31. Fine weather and smooth Eoaß were experienced,! to Papeete,- whero . sho arrived at raldday i pa JunoJl,, AftW discharging and leading a large quantity of cargo, the vessel der.arlei , . •at 3 1;- on .Tune 12. She experienced fin* weather to Rarotonga, arriving on the morninE of June 14. Owing -to the large, amount of cargo to handle, tlic ship wae delayed until 5 a.m. on Jumj 16. On the paESago from Earotonga fresh variable \vind3 and raodsrato ceas were experienced until nearing the. New Zealand coast, when a southwesterly cilo was met with.
The Maitai brought IC6I torts of c.irgo fcv New Zealand ports, included In which aro 9695 casesCiof oranges, 2933 coses of bananas, an-J 1657 sacks of copra. For Australian por<3 the vessel brought 2C6 tons of cargo.
While at Ran Francisco this trip tho Mnittti waß dpeked for cleaning and painting.. At noon on June 11, the Aoranfti, which, left Wellington on June 1, Vns paefcd two. hours out from Papeete, to San Francisoo,, The Mangniiapi is bar bound at Wortport, nnd, consequently, is not expected'. here before to-morrow. ' Early yesterday morning the Tyser Linc'i Star of Scotland left Wellington for Hris- . bane direct to load for Home. Now" discharging at. Sydney, the Tyt'-r liine'fl fiteamer Marcrc, from London, will, on i-omplction of discharge at New Zealand pori.s, take the July loading berth for Home. At Auckland the vessel lands icrO tons of cargo, and, Hlibporjiiontly, coiikm on to Nupler and Wellinglon, She It t-» make Aiirlilond her final port in the Dominion, leaving there towards the end of July. Thti Mareve is eipoc.tod to arrive In London in ample time for the September wool sales. 11. is announced that JlcEsrs. J. J. Craig, Ltd., have purchased the eteamov Dontinok for tho Newcastle-Auckland coal-carrying trade. Her capacity if; about 1700 tone, on about, a. draught of ISft. 6lu, Yetilerday morning the Shaw,' Ravill I'te.imer Matatua left port for Tlrcaru. After rtiEchni'Ri; there, Fho proceeds to Nelson for Homeward loading. A tenJer of £16,nC0 has been RocepUd by the Queens'.and flovernmcnl for s, new dredge. It Kill be used in connection with dredging the Brisbane lMver. It is l'pporUd tint the North German Lloyd Company are arranging for vetfel* > of thelv licet to call at Gcelotig t<) lond cargo for Europe at intervals during the season. Altogether the line has n.bout 27 • steamers engaged in the Australian trado, and the lncrasing miantity of cargo consigned to and from Geelong and carried by representatives -of the N.D.L. fleet duriny the Inst live months has, it is said, suggested the idea. En route from New York to Wellington, tho U.S. and A. Line's charterod et«|imcr Porthcnia arrived at Auckland at 1.30 p.m. yesterday. The vesse! is duo hero during the early part of next week. A departure for London, via Tenoriffv from Auckland yesterday, \vm the Shaw, Savill steamer Tokomaru. She Is due a*' her destination about August 7. The latest advice received by tho Union, Company concerning the, Arahum was to tho effect that tho vcepel was BliU out6ide the Wcstport bar, If she was unable to enter the port by this morning 'she was to come, direct to Wellington, thus omit-. tiiig the usuiil c.'ill at Nelson nnd Picton. ;
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1161, 23 June 1911, Page 7
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2,521SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1161, 23 June 1911, Page 7
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