* PHASES OF TOE MOON. MAV. Day. hr. inFirst quarter 6 044 a.m. Full moon 13 540 p.m. Last quarter 21 853 p.m. New moon 23 545 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day. 8.21 a.m.; sets. 5.3 tun. ■ HIGH WATER. To-day, 4.59 a.m.; 5.22 p.m. To-morrow, 5.56 a.m; 6.16 p.m. SUN. Sun rises 10-day. 7.2 a.m.; 4.32 p.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, MAY 27.
ROTOBUA, s.s. (0.45 a.m.), 12,500 tons, Sutclilfe, from Napier and Auckland. STAK OH' CAW ADA, s.s. (4.45 a.m.), 7280 tous. Hart, from Auckland and Napier. DHAYTON, ORANOE, s≤. <6.< i) a.m.). 6592 tons, Murrisou, from Liverpool, via Cape MAEAKOA, s.s. (6.50 a.m.), 2598 tons. Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Moore, Whyte-Parsons, Anderson, Gilbert, Hlirst, Urock, Francis, Shirtchffe, M-Cartnoy, Low, Keid (2), Mesdames SanderBon, M'William, Walker, Crawford and 2 children, Lumis, Norris and 2 children, Low, furze (2), Massey, H'Uheo, Ciodley, Messrs. Lumis, Budge, Lindsay. Mackintosh Menzies, Master, Gordon, U'William, Sanderson, Crawford (2), Carr, Liiistrom, Norris, Gillespie. Rock, Dadelzseu. Stark, Vincent (2), Ancell, Murie, Furze, Turner, Lawrence, Cameron, Holder, M'Cartney. Mann, Hunter, KaKcnstoincr, Leslie, Hatch, Bi3hop, Thompson, M'Phee, General Godley, Captain Spencer-Smith; 35 stearage. NIKAU, s.s. (8.40 a.m.), 252 tons, Hay. from Jlotueka. _
NAVUA, s.s. (8.40 a.m.), 2930 tons. Hutton, from Auckland. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (5.40 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, from Nelson. PUTIKI, s.s. (6.20 p.m.), 409 tons. Wahlstrom, from Lyttelton. PATEENA, s.s. (9.20 p.m.), 1212 tons. Carey, from Picton and Nelson. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Bradshaw, Pownall, Port, Itcdard, O'Connor, Niall, Clark, Trilford, Ladley, Pharazyn, Hargravos, Brown, Jones, Currie, Chappie, Cramer. Thompson, Paul, Armstrong, Urquhart, Millard. Haywood, Mitchell, Mesdames Kobinson and child, Platt, Burton and son, Webley. Harvey, Barrett, Kemvick, Scott, nollis. Shand, Cook, Lcggett, Tytler, M'Carthey. Bunny, Smith, Lambert and 5 children, Baker, Godfrey, Gilmorc. Black, M'Oouway. Ham. Messrs. Hill, Walker. King and boy, Collins (2), M'Laren, AVeblcy, Bolton, Holdaway (2), liaikes, Ward. Nash. Martin, Corbridgc,. Belle, Crome, Coy, Wise. Scdgowick, Dr. Shand, Ore, Kcbbell, Cook. Dempsey, flodson, Whoatley, Knowlea. Butt, Ham, Tytler Murrell, Smith, O'Brien, Kelly, Wakelin, Joyse, Brown, Rogers, Eoss. Perrin, Haywood, Dodson, Field.'Cramp: 26 6 MAPOUEIKA, s.s. (11.20 p.m.). 1203 tons, Crawford, from Nelson and West Coast. Passengers: Saloon-MiE£es Ziman, Kendrick, Cameron, Sisters of Mission (2), Vincent, Mesdames Thomas, Ziinau. Mori, Skilton, Messrs. liidg?, Campbell. Ziman, Smith, Chew, Smith, Woodhcad. Bedford, Hustler-Smith, Biscer, Vincent, Dodson.
SUNDAY, MAY 28. AEAPAWA, s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 268 tons, Thompson, from Wans&nui." MAOKI, s.s. (7.20 a.m.). 3399 tons. Aidwell, from Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Cherry. Holderness, Wder, Robertson, Clarke, Kirton, Gosoett, Inwood. Lawrence (2), O'Leary, Ddc!zon, Morrison, Capper (2), Hewin, ifesdames Cherry. Smitn, Gray an-d child, • Bacon, Sim,' .Buckley, Allen, Cotton. Bilton, Hardy. Bartlett, Summerell, Taylor, Messrs. Baker, Kayn, Derbridgc, Johns, Buphon, Campbell, Caffln, Maysen-or,' Gorlitz, Dannsford, Sim, Bacon, Brinsloy, Kerr, Austin, Gilman, Kendall, Wright, Cotton, Collier, Nash, Poskolton. Allen,, Williamson, Wear, Harris, Jared,' Bushby, Croiiin, Ellcfsen, Eythian, Andrews, Morrison, Dr. . Kennedy, Bartlett, Summerell, Donovan, Hazclton, Kedmond, Justico Sim, Sim, Pearson. Athinesn; O'Sullivan, Hyde, Nicol, KobertEon, Morrison, Tosswebb, ' Spracuon, Touks, Finaley (2), Trail, Taylor, Edie, Cotton, Duffrey, Johnson, Tapley, Low, .Clark, Mowat, ■ Masters Ward, Kichards, Turner, Herdman; 41 oleorase.
BLENHEIM, B.s. (10.15 a.m.), 120 tons, Watson from Blenheim. KOONYA, s-s. Ul.lO a.m.), 1091 tons, Waiton, from Lyttelton. KAKANOA, s.s. (11.30 a.m.), 2246 tons, Stewart, from Wcctport.
. KAHU, s.s. C2.-J0 p.m.),' 182 tons. Jones, from Napier. HAUEOTO, s.s. (2.45 p.m.). 1983 tons, Angus, from Dunedin and.Lyttelton, Passengers: Saloon—Misse3 Barker, Kcarns. Mesdames Platts, Sims, Oollison, Carson, Groom,. Koarns and boy, Messrs. Tomlinson Alexander, Cunningham (2), Sims, Styles, Turner, Burgess, Griffln',. Groom, Kearna: 16 steerage. • ; KAPUNI, s.s. (10.5 p.m.), 150 tons, Jackson, from Pat?a. ■ ■' ■ AOItERE, G. 3. (midnight); 77 tonp, Fiak, from Patoa, DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, MAY 27.. ■ BLENHEIM, ' s.s. (10.40 a.m.), 120 tons, Watson, for Blenheim. . ■ AEAHUKA, 6.a. ,(1.10 p.m.), 1596 tens. Lambert, for Picton, Nelson, .one , . West Coast. Passongers—Saloon: For Picton — Miscoo M'Donald, lluller, Mesdames Blick. Richmond, Wright, Haywood, Messr3. Dyinock, Laing, .Oriap, Ball, Cleary, Hall. For Nelson— Missra Black, Jones, Parker, Shaw, Mcsdam.cs Giblin, Harloy, Mitchell, .Jones, Anderson, Jones, Fowler, Harris. Batchelor, Johnston, Messrs. Adarne, Tressider, Airell, Brougham,' Fowler, Johnston. Bruce. Vonnolly, Lane. For Wcstport-Jlisses M'Cluskic, Elliott, Cockranc, Mesdames Walker, Pvyan, Gillow, Lambert, Grogan, Grenfoll, Messrs. Carruthere, Swain, Havill .(2), Bishop, Dixon, GrcnfcU, Key. Griffiths. For Grcymouth—Misses Flemming, Walker, Williams, Smith, Packer, Ryan, Mesdames Gain, Williamson, Messrs. Partill. M'Leod, G-ain, Hutton, Fitzeerald, K'Donald.
KGAEU, s.s. (noon), 120 tons. Bevan, for Tonga Bay. NIKAU, s.s. (5 p.m.), 245 tons. Stevens, for Nelson and Motueka.
KOMATA, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 1994 tons, Angus, for Dunodin. ■
MARAKOA. s.s. (11.50 p.m.), 2598 tons, Manning for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon —Misses Aynsley. Marchant, Faulkner. Wilkinson, Kcrshaw. Sands, Mesdames M'Laren, Gibbs, Longer, Jlcssr3. Morcland, Captain Bone, Gibbs, Laurence. Aynsley, M'Laren, Gibbs. Longer, Sands. Wupperman, O'Connor, Doyle, Gralton, Pimm, Wigram, Hudson, Ure, Killish, Walker, Osborne, Grange, Bishop, Kirk, Eeay. ■ .
SUNDAY, MAY 28. OPAWA, s.s. (10.5. a.m.),. 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Maori, Lyttelton, May 29. Opawa, Blenheim, May 29. Petone, Picton, May 29. Kapuni, Patea, May 29. Moa, Havelock, May 29. Aorere, Patea, May 29. Rosamond, Onchunga, May 29. Stormbird, Waneanui, May 29. Poherua, Groymouth, May. 29. Eipple, The Grove, May 29. Kahu,. East Coast, May 29. Ngatoro, Greyiuouth. Hay 29. Kotuku, Timaru, May 29.' Tarawera., Auckland, via ports, May 30. Kaitoa, Foxton, May 30. ' ' Wakatu, Lyttelton, Kr.!koura, May 50 Oorinna, Onehunga, May 30. Mangapapa, Westport, May 30. Marvroa , ; Lyttelton, May 30. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, May 30. Maori, Lyttelton, May 31. Arahura, Nelson and West Coast, May 31
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Huia, Wanf»anui, ! May 29. Blenheim, Blenheim, May 29. Jane Douglas, Hokitika, May 29. Moa, Westport, Hay 29. Mana, Patea, May 29. Stormbird, May 29. Putiki, West Coast. May 29. Koonya, New Plymouth, *Westport and Qroymouth, May 29. Arapawa, .Waugonui, May 29. Queen of the South, Foxton, May 29. Kotnku, Orcymouth, May 29. Petonc, Plcton, Nelson, West Coast May 29. Navua, Wostport, Auckland, May 29. Maori, Lyttclton, May 29. Aorcrc, Paten,, May 29. Pateena, Nelson, Picton, May 29. Manaroa, Motueka, May 29. Hauroto, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, May 29. Kosamond, New Plymouth and Onchunga via Picton and Nelson, May 29. Mokoia, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland May 29. Corinna, Timaru, Duncdin, and Oamaru May 30. Kaitoa, Nelson and West Coast, May 30. Kalm, Gisborne. May 30. Taravrera. Lyttelton, Dunertin, May 30. Hippie, Napier and Gisborne, May 30. Mnpourika, Nelson and West Coast. May 30. Star of Canada; Brisbane, May 30. Eakanoa, Wcstport, May 30. Kotorua, London, May 31. Waksitu, Lyttelton, Kalkoura, May 3t. Delphic, Lyttelton, Duncdin, May 31, BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. MELBOURNE, May 27. Sailed—Majsrie Craig, for Auckland. SYDNEY, May 27. ,Sailodl.—Aoranpi, for Wellington direct (left in the evoning). : SYDNEY, May 28. Arrived.—Mincric, from Auckland. Sailed.—llazel Crate, for Kaipani. MELBOUKNE, May 28. Arrlved.-Cornwall, from Liverpool; Moana. from Eiisbana.
COASTAL. SATURDAY, MAY 27. AUCKLAND. Sailcd.-Koromiko, for Wcstnort; Tarawcr;i, for southern ports; Fulciki, for Greymouth. O.N'KIinXCA. Arrived.—Rosamond (1 p.m.), from Xcw Plymouth; llurawa I'.O p.m.), from Wellington. CSISnOKXE. Sailed—liippie (5 p.m.',, for Picton and Wellington. W AN CAN [?I. Arrivetl.-Stormbird (7.40 a.m.), from Wellington. KAVELOCK. Arrivcd.-Jloa (7.15 a.m.), from Welltngton. NVUIA BAY. Arrivcd.-WoottoH (4 a.m.), from Wellington. BLENHEIM. . Arrived.-Blcnlieim (6 p.m.), from TVellil,gt<,n - TEBAKOHB. Arrived.—Alexander (early), from Wellington. GREYjioTJTH. Arrived.-Polierua, (7 a.m.),' from Wcl-'saifcd.-Klni (10 p.m.), and Poherua (9.30 p.m.), for Wellington. KAIKOUEA. Arrived. Wakatu (5 a.m.), from WellingtoD, LYTTELTON'. Arrived.—Breeze (6 a.m.), Maori (6.55 a.m.), and Jlokoia (8.35 a.m.), from Wellineton. TIMAEU. ■ Arrived.—Niwaru (10.30 a.m.), from Wellington. PORT CHALMERS. Sailed.-Waitemata (4.30 p.m.), for Newcastle. SUNDAY. MAY 28. AUCKLAND. Arrived—Wimmera (12.30 p.m.), from Sydney; Victoria, from southern rjorts; Auchenblae, from Caldera, (Chile); Ifgahere, from Greymouth. GISBOnXE. Sailed.—Tarawera. for Wellington. Passengers: Misses and Mr. W. Gale. PATEA. Sailcd.-Aorere (8 a.m.), Kapuni (8.30 a.m.), and Ngatoro (9.30 a.m.), for Wellington. PICTON. To .sail—Petone (2. a.m. Monday), for Wellington. BLENnEIiL Sailed.-Blenheim (3.30 p.m.), for Wellington. KELSON. Arrived.—Alexander (4 a.m.), from Picton and Wellington; Nikau (5 a.m.), from Wellington. FABEWEI)I) SPITi Poherua parsed for Wellington at 2.25 P ' m- LYTTELTON. Arrived.-Jiararoa (2.45 p.m.), from Wellington. HOTORUA FEOM AUCKLA?JD. Early on Saturday raorninc the Now Zealand Shipping Company's Eteamer Rotorua arrived here from Auckland, via ToKomaru Bay. THE PvECENT COLLISION. This mornine the Collector of Customs is to hold a preliminary inquiry into the recent collision in the harbour between the ferry steamer Admiral and the Ki\yaru. SALVAGED CARGO. Word has been received that a portion of the cargo salvaged from the Aotea (wrecked last year off the South African coast) is being shipped to Australia by the Athenic, Itzehoe, and Altoona. ASCOT LEFT CAPE TOWN. Cab's advice has beon received hero stating that the Ascot, which left Montreal on April 23, for Australia and New Zealand, arrived at Caps Town on May 23.. and continued' her journey on the same day for Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland. ; KAIKOUEA AT MONTE VIDEO. Word has been received by the local office of the New Zealand Shippinß Comnany that the Kaikoura, which left here at the beginning of the month, arrived at Monte Video on May 24, and left on the same day for Tcneriffe and London in continuation of her voyage. '. . DKAYTON GRANGE. At about half-past six on Saturday morning the Fcderal-llouMor-Shirc liner Drayton Grange arrived in the stream from Liverpool, via Cape Town, and berthed at the Taronaki Street Wharf at 10 a.m. The vessel left Liverpool on April 1, arrived at Las Pahnas on April 7, and took her departure a few hours later. Cape Town was reached on April 25, and the bunkers .replenished. The Eteamer left the South African port on April 29, and splendid weather was experienced until about two or throo-daya from Wellington, when she ran into an easterly gale, and a heavy so'.. But for this, it i 3 probable that Wellington would have been reached earlier in the week. Captain-A. Murrison is in coinnian'., and associated with him are:-A. C. liowert, chief officer; F. W. Corbet, second; J. S. Lewis, third; H. Porter, fourth; Lieut. W. J. Dibb, E.N;!!., chief, engineer; F.. D. Wymer, second; T. A. Sergeant, third: W. H. Wylie, fourth; 11. D. Samuels, fifth; IV. O. Stewart, sixth engineer; chief refrigerating engineer, E. J. Allchin; second refrigerating engineer, J. F. Murphy; surgeon, Dr. P. F. Manchester;. purser. V. A. Cooper. ■•'-•.. ■. • . ■ The vessel leaves here for Auckland on Friday, and then goes to Lyttelton, Duncdin, and Timaru, where she loads cargo for west of England ports.
The Rakanoa, which arrived here yesterday from Westnort, leaves aeain for that port on Tuesday. . The s.s. Jano Douglas is to sail for Hokitika to-day, at 8 p.m. Mr. E. Greenwood, engineer of the Opawa, has come ashore, and his place is being taken by Mr. J. Ewing. It is expected that tho Government steamer Hinemoa will leave for Catie PalUser to-day to land stores, etc., providing that the weather is favourable. .... The Union Company's tug Tcrawhiti is in commission, and again under tho command of Captain Richctt3. aa Captain J. W. F. Holmes is indispowd. The Kahu is expected from East Coast ports this morning, and Icave3 again tonight for Napier. Tho Taviuni is being rccommissioned for the Island trade, and will leave Wellington this week on her first trip, Mr. Lindsay, lato second officer of the Warnmoo, la to join her as chief officer. Now at Timaru. tho Tyser liner Niwaru will, alter partially loading there, proceed to Lyttelton and Wanganui. She is due back here about June 5, and will afterwards visit Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, Eailing finally from the last-named port for London on Juno 15. About 3 o'clock to-day the Star of Canada will leave for southern ports to complete discharge. __________
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1139, 29 May 1911, Page 7
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1,913SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1139, 29 May 1911, Page 7
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