PfIASES OF TIIE MOON. HAY. Day. hr. m. First quarter 6 044 a..m. full moon 13 540 p.m. Last quarter 21 853 p.m. New moon 28 545 p.m. MOOS. Moon rises to-day, 4.15 a.m.; sets, 3.17 p.m. . HIGH WATER. To-day, 2.5 a.m.; 2.30 p.m. 10-raorrow, 1.5 a.m.; 3.27 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 7 a.m.; sets, 4.34 p.m. ARRIVALS. THUKSDAV, MAY 25. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (4.15 a.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, from Foxloii. STOIUIBIKD, s.s. (5.35 a.m.), 217 tons, Dowell, from Wanganui. MARAKOA. s.s. (6.50 a.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, from Lyttclton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Ithodes, Isaacson, Neville, Henderson, McEdames Hanson and child, Perry, and child, Rhodes, Mayne anil child, Williscroft, Clark and 2 boys, Baldwin. Bradley, flfacdonald, Messrs. H. J. Manson, Rhodes, Wheatley, Bell, Eoberts, WiMscroft, Clark, Frederic. Simpson, R. C. Baldwin, S. J. Wood, Boycs, M'Donald, Harrison-Jones, Bradley, Parker, M'Jlurray, Harding, Crump, Swannell, Bedstone, Barnes. Hogan, Hoaro, Mitchell; 31 steerage. NIKAU, s.s. (7 a.m.), 252 tons, Hay, from Nelson and Motucka. ABAPAWA, s.s. (7 sum.), 268 tons, Corby, from Wanganui. MANUKA; s.s. (5.10 a.m.). 4505 tons, Neville, from San Francisco, via Papeete and Rarotonga. Passengers: First saloon—Misses Hutchinson, West, Mesdames Ncteon and son. Kolb, Messrs. Buddie, Bucueridge, Clarke. Hutchinson (2), Kolb, C. C. Macintosh, D. B. Kussell, E. Rhodes, W. Sharpo, Wilson. Second saloon—Misses Allen. Eenwick (2), Tomlinson. Mesdames Smith and 3 children, White. Messrs. Blackmar, Curtin, Gillen (2), Lipschitz, Ross, Scleancck, Smith, Shcehau, E. Schwartz, White. Thirdclass— Mrs. Baker and 2 children, Messrs. Abrahams (2), Quin, Balma. Doulan (2), Elliott, Easton. Fillippi (2i. Gudell. Mackay, O'Donnell, Schill, Wilt. Williams. LAUDEBIULE, s.s. (9.20 a.m.). Cox, from New Plymouth. ■VICTORIA, s.s. (9.20 a.m.). 2969 tons. Entwisle, from Dunedin, and Lytlelton. Passengers: Raloon—Misses Emery. Meek. Mesdamej Emery, Whittoy, Messrs. Emery, Simm, Braithwaite, Young, Whitemarch, lion. Whittey; 10 steerage. AOHEEE. s.s. (9.35 a.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, from Patea. lIUIA, auxiliary schooner (11.30 a.m.). 2CO tons, M'Kenzie, from Kaipara. CLYDE, schooner (4.« p.m.), 90 tons, M'lntesh, from Chatham Islands. POIIEEUA, s.s. (5.45 p.m.). 1175 tons, White-P.irsuns, from Greymouth. . PATEEXA, s.s. (6.25 p.m.), 1212 tons, Carey, from Picton and Nelson. Passengers: Saloon—Missos Kcrshaw, Christensen, Griffith. Tolmie and maid, Duncan. Rogers, Cashmere. Hammond, Nicoll, Rowe (2), Macdonald. Owen, Baker, Marsh. Mesdames Marshall. Cummins, Angus, Arlodso, Eagle and 3 children. Tolan. Eagle and 2 children, TrcjoiiiK, Vavasour, Marsh and 2 children, Messrs. Kinkcr, Jimmins, fituckcy, Shackell, Eeay, Kettle, Eidsdale. Marshall, mint. Ccdcrholm. Arlodee. Tate, Scott. Griffin, Easle. Lansstono. Heffcr, Ilulmo, Richardson, Kaunders, Mowat, Eagle, Connor, Mowat. Spcarley. Crisp, Harwpcd. Toswcll. Mason, Iligeit, Carde, Canavan, Savin, Ferguson, Marsh. Hi<rcs. Earron, Masters AnGUs and Brown; 15 steerage. WAKATU. s.s. (9.30 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, fnm Lvttolton ami Kaikoura. WOOTTOX, s.s. (10.20 p.m.), 151 tons, Scott, from LyttcUon. DEPARTURES. THURSDAY. MAY 25. KAPUNI, s.s. (2.43 p.m.), 150 tons, Jackson, °SWANLEY, s.s. (4.20 p.m.). «51 tons. Steele, for Dunedin and Lyttelton. NIKAU, s.g. (5.40 p.m.), 245 tons, Stevens, for Nelson. AEAPAWA, s.s. (6.20 p.m.), 268 tons, Thompson, for Wauganui. WABRIMOO, s.s. (6.30 p.m.), 3529 tons, Clift, for Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne. Passengers—Saloon: For Lyttelton—Missos Cairnes, Bingham, Ellis, Mesdames West, Clabburn, Messrs. Buddie, Buckeridge. For Dunedin—Misses Miller, Watson, Webster, Allan, Mesdames Miller, Kolb, Kcsbit, Field. Messrs. M'Cannan, Jackson, Brown, Coghill, Robb, Nesbit. For BlufT-Mr. M'Lean. For Melbourne-Miss Davenport, Mrs. Blair, Messrs. Moore, Blair, Melbourne. For Hobart—Mr. Lavenach. MABAROA, s.s. (8 p.m.), 2598 tons. Manning, for Lyttelton— Passengers: SaloonMisses Skinner, liitchcouk, Labburn, Cook, Wilson, Henry, Mcsdamea Platts, Flynn, Adamsou, M'Kinnc.v. Messrs. Galbraith, Patrick, Eust. Stock, llrinsted, Clarkson, Bentley, Curran, Scullv. Fulton, Kelly. Logan, Nodin, Fowler, fiainbird, Silk, Mowlam, Adamson, M'Kinney. .. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (6.30 p.m.), 193 tons, Harvey, forFoxton.- ■■ • ■■ OPAWA, s.s. (7.5 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. BLENHEIM, s.s. (8 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson, for Blenheim. FLORA, b.s. (midnight), 1273 tone, Norton, for Nelson and West Coast.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kirip.ika, Patea, Hay 26. Waverley, Wanganul-, Jlay 26. Star of Australia. Auckland, May 26. Rotorua, Auckland and Tokomaru Bay. Hay 26. ■ Mokoia, Auckland, via ports. May 26. ijlimaron. Melbourne, via south, May 26. Wavorley. Waiißanui, May 26. Delphic. Auckland. May 26. Maori, Lyttelton, May 26. Iluia, Wanganui, May 26. Kapiti, Waniraniii, May 26. : Hinemca, Cape Palliser, May 26. Manaroa, Motucka. May 27. Huia, Wanganui. May 27. Navua, Auckland, and Fiji, May 27. Niknu, Nelson, Motueka, May 27. I'iitiki. Tiniaru, Lyttelton, May 27. Star of Canada, Napier, and Auckland, Mny 27. Petone. southern Dorts. May ,27. . Mapourika. Nelson, West Coast. May 27. . Jlauroto. Lytts'.ton, Duncdin, May 28. Rosamond, Onehuuga. New Plymouth. May 28. Moa, Ilavelock, May 28. Ilipnlc, Napier, (.iisnpnic. May 29 Kaitoa, Foxton, May 30. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Maori, Lyttelton. May 26. Piteena, Nelson and Picton. May 26. Wakatu, Lyltslton, Kaikoura, May 26. . L'limaroa. Sydney. May 26. Mokoia, Lyttelton, Dunedin, May 26. Waverley, Nelson ' aud West Coast, May 26. Mokoia, Lyttelton. Duncdin, May 26. Kapiti, Wanganui, May 26. Mana. Patea. May 26. Wootton, Sounds, May 26. Stormbird, Wansanui, May 26. Putiki, Nelson and West Coast, May 27. Kiripaka, Patea. May 27. Nikau. Nelson, Motueka, May 27. Hnia, Wauganui, May 27. \rahura, Nelson and West Coast, May 27. llararoa. Lyttelton, May 27. Star of Canada, Lyttelton and Duncdin, May 27. Qr.een of the South, Foxton, May 27, Opawa, Blenheim, May 27. Blenheim. Blenheim, May 27. Maori, Lyttelton. May 29. Aorere, Patea, May 29. Pateena, Nelson, Picton. May 29. Manaroa. Motueka, May 29. Hauroto, Naprer. Gisbome. and Auckland, May 29. liosamond, New Plymouth and Onenunga, via Picton and Nelson, May 29. Mokoia, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, May 29. Corinna, Timaru, Dunedin, and Oamaru, May 30. Kaitoa, Nelson and West Coast, May 30. Kahu, Gisborne, May 30. Tarawera, Lyttelton, Dunedin, May 30, INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. ULIMAROA, 5.6., left Melbourne, May 17 for IJobart, BJnff. Duncdin, Lyttelton. and Wellington. Duo Wellington May 26. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney May 30. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London, STAR OF CANADA (duo about May 261. Bailed on March 22. via Australia. Auckland, and Napier (T,vser Line, agents.) TONGARIEO (due about June 30), sailed from London May 15, via Cane Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) MABEBFi (duo about July 16), sailed from London April 22, via Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. ITyeer Line, agents.) STAR OF INDIA (duo about July 19). sailed from London May 13, via Australia. Auckland, and Napier. (Tyscr Line, agents.) STAB OF SCOTLAND (duo about June 121. sailed on April 6. via' Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) TUHAKINA (due about May 29), Bailed on April 15, via. Cape 'J'owa and Hobart. (New Zealand .Shipping Co., anente.) MATATUA (due about June 8), sailed on April 14. via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agentF.) ATUKNIC (due about June 13). sailed on April 27, via. Cape Town and IJobart. (Shaw, Knvill and Albion Co.. agents.) KAII'AKA (due about July 13), railed on May 8, via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Liverpool. DKLPIIIC (due about May 26), railed on March 10. via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co.. agents.) DBAYTON GKANfiE (duo about May 26). sailed or. April 1, via Cape Town. (F.-H.-S. Line, auonts.) NAIRNSHIRE (due about July U). sailed on May 6, via. Auckland and Kapler. UVII.-S. Lino, agents.)
PAKEHA (duo about May 31), Railed on April 13, via Frvinantle, Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland. (Shaw. Savill, and Albion Co.. agents.) From Montreal. * WAKANDI (due about June 1), sailed on March 26, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co.. agents.) ASCOT (due about July 26),. Eailed on April 23, via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co. '.agents.) From Now York. STAR OF AUSTRALIA (due about May 27), sailed on March 8, via. Australia and Auckland. PARTHENIA (duo about June 17), sailed on March 29, via Australia and Auckland. (DaJgcty and Co., agents.) ' MIIfIKO (due about July 10), sailed on April 18, via Australia and Auckland. (A. aud A. Line, agents. From Philadelphia. JOHN HARDIE (duo about Juno 4), sailed on March 12, via Auckland. (Gollin and Co., agents.) SAILERS TO ARRIVE. DUNCRAIG. barono.-, sailed from Liverpool, March 10. (Johnston and Co., agents.) AUSTRALIA, Italian ehip. sailed from Marseilles April 8. (Briscoe and Co., agents.) Bt TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. NEWCASTLE, May 25. Sailed.—Kurow, for Wellington. SUVA. May 25. Sailed—Levuka, for Sydney. ADELAIDE, May 25. Arrived.—Louisa Craig, from Thames. COASTAL. THURSDAY, MAY 25. AUCKLAND. Arrived— Pukaki (7■ a.m.), from Wellington; Tarawera, from the south. Sailed— Navua (noon), for Wellington; Bellambi, for Hokianga. ONEHONGA. Sailed.—Earawa (3.35 p.m.), for New Plymouth. NAPIEK. Sailed—Mokoia (3.15 p.m.), for Wellington. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Boot, Israel, Elliott, Mesdames llancock, James, Jacobsou, Messrs. Brook, Taylor, Masscy, nDd Roaney. NEW PLYMOUTH. Sailed.—Rosamond (4.25 p.m.), for Onehunga. WANGANUI. Arrived—Huia (5.5 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Waverley (5.20 p.m.), and Huia (6.40 p.m.), for Wellington. . PATEA. Arrived.—liana. (7.10 a.m.), and Kiripaka (7.20 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.-Kiripaka (7.30 p.m.), for WellingPICTON. I ■ Arrived.—Tiaupiri (8 a.m.), from Wellington. KAIKOU.HA. Sailed.—Wakatu (8.30 a.m.) for Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Maori (6.55 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Waitemata and Morayshire, for Diincdin; Canopus, for Westport; Maori (8.20 p.m.), for Wellington, with 160 passenI Sailcd.-Ulima.ro3, (6.25 p.m.). for Wellington aud Sydney. Passengers-Saloon: For Wellington-Misses Scott. Kdmonson, Berrynian, Coatcs, Fox, Warren, Mesdanie:; Berryman and 2 children. Douglas, Fcav and child, Messrs. Bcrryman, K. Uardsley, Davis, Itowo, Smyth and child. For Sydney—Misses Gibson (3;, Scalcy, Kcrr, Rundlo, Cadell, Lavie, Toonicy. Sparks, Mock, Prater, Moult, Little, Reid, Bridson, Allen, Talmie. Mcsdames Summers and child, Mulligan. Parker, Lloyd, Jones. Hartley, .Smith, Rundlc. Ponlton and child, Brabncr, White. Sidcy, \ Hunt and 2 children, Fraser, J. Dunlop. Dr. • 1,. A. Bauer. Messrs. W. K. Watts. S. A. Summers,. W. 11. Milliga.u. Parker, Deiiton, F. Pierce, F. J. Marriner, Graham, J. Little, A. Telfer, Miller. Haughcy, Fitzpatriek. J. Anist, Simpson, Morton, Flaxman, Stewart; 36 steerage. DCNF.DIN. Arrived.-Potone, from Oamaru; Tokomaru, from Lyttelton; Hauroto, from Auckland. Sailed.—Pctonc, for Grcynionth, via way ports; Koonya, for West Coast, via way ports. On June 19 the United Tyscr steamer Cape Ortegal is exported to leave New York for Australian and New Zealand ports. Sho will make Auckland her lirst nort of call in tho Dominion, and then proceeds to Wellington, Lyttelton, and Duncdin.
FEOM NEW YOBK TO WELLINGTON. The A. and A. Line's steamer Mimiro passed the Capo of Good Hope- on Hay 18, en route to Melbourne, Sydney, and Now Zealand ports. Sho is duo here on July 10. Glen of Glamis left New York on May 16 for Australian and New Zealand ports, and is duo at Wellington about August, 14. Another A. and A. steamer (following Glen of Glamis) will leave New York about July 5 for Australian and Now Zealand ports. MANUKA FROM 'FEISCO.' At about 9 o'clock yesterday morning, tho TJnion Company's steamer Manuka arrived in the stream from San Francisco, via Karolonga and Papeete. The vosse! left the American port at 2.30 p.m. on May 3, and, until arrival at Papeete on May M, clear weather and a smoolh sea wero experienced. Sho left Papeete at 4 p.m. on May 15 for Earotonga, and arrived there at 1 p.m. on May 17, again being favoured with flnp, weather, though a moderate southerly sea was encountered. At 2.15 a.m. on May 19 tho Manuka got under way for Wellington. Fine weather was met with until the morning of May 22, when a heavy head sea sprang up. which lasted till the night of May 23. Thereafter good weather and a smooth sea were encountered. KOTICE TO MASTEKS. The Bluff Harbour Hoard has notified tho Marino Department that, on Friday, May 26, .dredging will be commenced on tho eastern end of tho middle bank in Bluff Harbour, when the red buoy, marking the end of the bank, will be removed. A bm.ill red buoy will be moored 50 yards S.E. by E. of tho present position of the red buoy to carry the dredge's stern moorings when not working, and vessels entering must take esre not to hook the dredge'. , ! moorings if requiring to let go the anchor. WAKAXTJI'S ROUGH VOYAGE. The steamer Wakanui, due here on June 1 from St. John, via Australia and Auckland, arrived at Melbourne, after experiencing a rather rough passage. Leaving St. John on March 26 a tempestuous disturbance from the south-west was met on tho following day, and for four days alter the steamer was beset by the gale and mountainous seas. Tho vessel's decks were awash during tho whole of that time, and slio laboured heavily. Awning, spars, and many deck fittings were smashed and carried overboard, tlio forwnrd w&tch tower wsts damaged, tho bridge smashed an<". splintered, and the side-lights battered and bent. Members of tho crew were thrown violently to the deck as the vessel pitched in the seas, and 0110 of them, the ship's carpenter, was disabled for some time. Tropical storms, with heavy rain and vivid lightning, were met in the vicinity of the Kquator, and the Cape of Good llopo wa3 rounded on April 24. From then on heavy fogs enshrouded the vcsecl. and for fix days in succession the sun was totally obscured. The fogs dispersed when the Wakanui was about three days' steam from Melbourne, but up to then it was necessary on occasions to steer by "dead reckoning" owing to a sight of the sun not being obtained for navigating purposes. The Wakanui has on board SCCO tons of cargo for Australian ports, 2000 of which arc for Melbourne.
ULIJfAHOA'S BOOKING. Leaving at 5 o'clock to-day for Sydney direct, the Ulimaroa is taking the following passengers for tlio Australian uort: —llisFPs Sanderson (3), Watson, Williams. (21. N. Lowe. Cruiekshank, Corby,. Keck, Moult, Gormlcy, liruseurtz, Cullcy, Fullerton, Stroad, Smith, Webson, A. Lutton, Loverack, Lincoln, Mesdamos Pratt, Sanderson, M'Nicol, Gordon and infant, A. Woods and child, Madge and Z children, Marriott, P. Smith, Cruickshank, Corby, Hritrcurtz, Lowry, Gordon, Uriinnslon, Fullerton, HadclitTe, Masters. Fea. Itolls. Williams and child, Whit'ey, Hoald and infant, Captain Corby. Messrs. W. K. Pratt. Sanderson. ,T. N. Willi.ims, If. 11. William.s M'Nicol, Liddie, P. Watts. J. Howie. Wilson. 1!. H. Marriott, K. llamsay, Liddlc, P. Watts, J. Howie, Wilson. I!. 11. Marriott, 13. Kamsay. T. Vivian, W. 11, Cruickshank, Merchant. J. 1!. Watt, Brnscurtis. T. 11. Lowry. Pauliiiß. W. K. Fussell, Gordon, H. V. Graham, Aylics, Kennedy, Rolls, ~A- S. C. Anderson, Greaves, Astway. Ilahe. .S. Mayer, J. M.icMahon, .1. N. Williams, T. L. lieaiicbainp. WliiUcy, K Webron, Ilcald, E. Loverack, E. C. Joly, nichards, DlacUman, J. S. nutchinson, Lin. coin. Kaitoa, R.s., is expected from Foxtail on Tuesday, and leaves on the sanle day for Nelson ami West Coast. Mr. G. J. Alderton, actiiiß mate of the Alexander, has come ashore, and Mr. J. Hume, mate, has resumed duty. Advice received from the Government steamer Hinemoa states that the vessel left the French Pass yesterday morning for Jackson Head licacon to replenish the gas for th<3 there. Sho goes from there to Capo, and is expected to reach hero to-morrow nieht.
Captain Corby,. of the Arapawa, accompanied by, his wife, has left for Sydney on a. holiday During his absence Mr. 0. Thompson, mate, has been promoted to master. The Island steamer, Navua, loft Auckland yeftcrday morninp;, and is duo here on Saturday. She leaves on Monday for Westport. Telegraphic advice states that the Kor,amond left New Plymouth at 4 o'clock yesterday for Onchunga. On Saturday the TJ.S.S. Company's steamer Komata will leave here for Port Chalmers for overhaul and survey. The Ptitiki is expected here on Saturday from Timaru and Lyttclton. She sails on the same night for Grcymouth. At 7 o'clock last night the Kotoroa lert Tokomarn Bay for Wellington. Sho sails for London on May 31. About a ouarter to five last nieht tlio auxiliary schooner Clyde arrived in the fctrcam from the Chatham?, but did not berth until this morning. . • It h likely that the Laudordale will po on the Patent Slip on Monday or Tuesday for cleaning. The vessel arrived hero this morning from New Plymouth, and all Iho crew were signed off. The following is the list of officers:-Captain, 0. \V. Cos; first mate, M. Morrison; second, G. A. Spcddincj chief engineer, \V. K. B. Black, second H. Craye, third. A. M'Arthur. The following notice to mariners, received from the Marine Department. Brisbane, Queensland, is gazetted for steneral information :—"Notico is hereby given that the buoy marking Alexandra Hcof, off Tort Douglas, has dragged away from its proper position. It will be replaced as toon M practicable. Charts affected: NO3. 2924 ,vud 2764; "Australian Directory, Vol. ii." A notice t.o consignees of carci by p.s. Delphic, from Liverpool, appears in anjlhci , column in this issue. Tho barquciitine Handa Isle, which arrived at Auckland on 'i'nerilay with 0, cargo of hardwood from Newcastle, made a somewhat lengthy pnssare of 27 rt.-iyp. Sho Wt Newcastle on April L' 6, and experienced winds with cccasioml high scis. After discharging at Auckland, the vessel proceeds to Turu.i to load timber for Sydney.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1137, 26 May 1911, Page 7
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2,805SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1137, 26 May 1911, Page 7
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