PHASES OF THE MOON. MAY. Day. br. ra. First (iiiartcr 6 044 a.m. Full moon 13 540 p.m. Last (juarler 21 853 p.m. New moon 28 554 p.m. MOON. Moon ri-.cs to-day, 5.6 p.m.; sets, 12.22 p.m. Friday. IIKSII WATKII.-To-day, 8.C5 a.m.; 8.27 p.m. To-morrow, 6.5? a.m.; 9.6 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 6.52 a.m.; sets. 4.40 p.m. ARRIVALS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17. BLENHEIM, s.:>. 11.55 a.m.), 120 tons, WatE3ii, from lUenhdni. MAOni, s.s. (6.50 a.m.). 3339 tons, Aldwcll, from Lyttelt'jn. Passengers: fialoon-Jljfsa" Harding (2), Buchanan. Mirams, Kir!;, Shaw, MXeocl, Baltour (2). Melville, Bowler, Stuart, Jackson, Cameron. Callaphan, Karkranica, Jlridec. Lagan. Hcalcy, Caraeron. Price, Kennedy, Itcley, Mo-dames Williams, itevnolcb, M'Dougall, Miller and child, Muir, Park, Maron and children. Long, Melville, Millar and child, Ferguson, Lane. Piper. Soldi, Hayhurst, Batson. Adams, Goodman, Sands, Iliggins, Nixon, Lcllibridgc, ISuxton, L.iurenson. Milroy, l'atcrson. Stewart, Rev. Bruce-Todd. liov. Clark. Jiov. Father Bonyad. Dr. 'fait, Judge llawson. Dr. Innes, Messrs. Hale, Cameron, J. Arnst, Nathan, R. M'ljcnn.-ui. W. A. Kennedy. W. CriclUon, Sadler, Reynolds. Holt. Stevens. M'Doußall, Williams, Prince. Boyle (2), Paul, Monk, M'Konna, Hayward, M'Lcod. Stewart, Balfour, Mason. Bigps. Rose. Edwards, Bioomfield, M'Kenzie, Whitehouse. France, Roberts (2), M'Kenzie. DojMf, Small, Kimble, Thompson. Evans, ;Rutle<lgo, Siddcll3, M'Leod (2), Joodinan, Barnes, Conway, Kirlt, Fryer, Sands. Dutch, Hutana, Lethbridge, Skinner, Milhvard. Smith, Caswls, Martin, Mackburn. Buxt<in, Ritchie, Watson, Brown, Brnnsdon, Kenuett, Aiidrewn, Wake, Kins, Flaycll, Park, Fenwick; IC2 INDRABARAn, s.s. (12.15 p.m.), 12.5C0 tons, llolliiiKsworth, from Kapier. MOAKA, s.s. (12.50 p.m.). 3915 tons. Worrall, from Sydney. Passengers: Saloon— MisfC3 Duncan, Parker, lien dry. Eobertson, Ryan. Phillipson, Langley. H. Bennett. M. E. Chalmers, Wilding. E. Chambers, M'l.can. YalUmce, Quiim, Mcsdames P Duncan. W. Ewin?. Matthews, Willis, Tiartlctt, Sbhniitt and infant. Williams, .fi.ntkrodcer, Mcer. Ttobertson and child, Tindin, Buchana.n. M'Lean, Forsnif.h. Tuck. Wellinss. Kennedy. Messrs. Wi'.lis. Matthews, Tfiult, F. W. Vickcrman. Bartlett, W. H. Mirams, E. Duncan. A. Buchnrian, A. O: Farland. L. J. Sclimitt. OauUrodger, W. H. Ewiiiff. Veer, C. H. H.-.igl). K- Boyd, Dakm, Thomas, Turner, Austin. Olmpraan, Zei?ensteiucr. J. W. Weiner, F. Livingston, G. A. Thompson. B. Vallance, Otterson, 11. W. Grnbam. P. Smith. A. H. Miles and son, D. M'Vcan, Kennedy; 55 steerage. 3IOA. s.s. (12.« p.m.), 168 torn-, Sawyer, from Motuoka. IIORAYSniBR. «.s. (2 p.m.), 5576 ton.?, MT.i'rliluii from Liverpool via way ports. lONIC, s.s. (4.26 p.m. in the stream), 12.232 tons, Roberts, from London, via way povt3 (P.rwnoT-list published May IC.) FALCON, scow '3.30 p.m.), 95 ton;, Ainswortb. from Havelock. BTiETIZE. s.s. (11.25 a.m.), 370 tons. Alison, fram T.yUcHon. OITEKN OF THE SOUTir. s.s. (11.5 p.m.), 193 tons, Harvey, from Foxton. THURSDAY, MAY 18. ARABURA, s.s. (1.30 a.m.), 1596 ons. Lambert, from West Coast, Nelson, and Picton. DEPARTURES. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17. COPINXA, s.s. (12.20 p.m.), 1271 tons, Cameron, for Tiraaru, Diineclin. and Oamaru. PATEFNA. E.s. (12.58 p.m.), 1212 tons. Carey, for Picton anil Nelson. Passengers: 76 ralooii and 30 stcorage. WHAX6APB, s.s. (2.50 p.m.), 2931 tons, Cameron, for Westport. MOA, s.s. (3.10, 183 tons, Sawyers, for Jtofiicka.' BBEEZE. is. (4.50 p.m.), 370 tono, AlUop, for Napier and Gisbornc WAKATU, s.s. (5 p.m.), J57 tons, Wills, for Kiikoiira and LyttcDon. , KAPUXI, s.s. (7 p.m.), 150 tons, Jackson, for l'.itea. ~ „ MAOEI, s.s. (3.5 p.m.). 3.i93 tons, Aldivell, for Lyttclton. Passenßcrs: Saloon—Misros Cnmpbtll, Dunloji Nurse Eentiio, Sliaiid, Mxbly, Campbell .Minsoi:. Mesdamcs St.ii 1,-y.. Oodley, Hcv. Caiißliey, Hclni-Biss, Ilai-on, Herlilty, Rynion. Uridcaian, Pratt, Anderson litncham, Prestan-Tliomas, Kovnahan, Flower. Sfirky, UlundcU, Latter, Hayjuiriit, Gi-neral Golley, Captain Sptnrvr Smith, Messrs. Waterliou'e. Parson?..'(Wifty, , llKyhurst, Starky, M-Leiman, isluildrf . Alloi:. MP Taverner. Flower. Kernali-'in, Tamil, Dunlop, Howortli, Dr. Frafer.-Stcwart. ColJicr. Hunter, M'Niell, Kelleher, Cleary, Smith. JUPP. Kvni's. ' Cnnnin-ham, Rev. M^° n HoSr'H^ a£t Sev. ilcrlihy. "TnunSDAY. MAY 18. BLENHEIM, f.s. (S a.m.). 120 tons, Watson, for Blenheim. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Rakanoa, Westport. May 18. Queen of the South, Foxton, Jfay 18. Hinemoa, Chatham Islands. May 18. Stormbird, Wanganui, May 18. Waverley, Wansanui, May 18. Opawa, Bleuhcim. May IBMara, Paten, May 18. Kikan, Nelson, MotiieUa, May 18. Mararoa, Lyttelton. May IS. Tatcena, Nelson, Picton. May 18. Dcieiulcr, Greymonth, May .19. Kennedy, Foston, May 19. Moa, Jlotuolta. May 19. ' Blenheim. Blenheim. May 19. Kapuiii, Patea, May 19. Mnori, Lyttelton, May 19. Victoria., Sydney, via northern ports, J Sfokoia, Dunctlin. Lyttelton. May 19. Wait.emata, Calcutta, via. way ports, Mav 20 ' MnpoVirika. West Coast. Nelson, May 20. WakP.tu Lyttelton, Kaikoura, May 20. Kahu. Fast Coast. May 21. liosamond, Oueliunga, New Plymouth, Tarawera, Dunedin, Lyttelton, May 21. Hauniri, Auckland, via Limestone Island, ' Rinple, Gifborno, Picton. May 22. Hnuroto Auckland, Oisbornc, Napier, May 23.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Aorcrc, Palca, May 18. Kahu, East Coast, May 18. Queen of the South. Foxton, May 18. Iliiia, Wanp.inui.-May Iβ. Kiripaka, Wanganui. May 18. Waverley, Nelson, West Coast, May 18. Opawa, 'Blenheim. May 18. Mana, Patca, Hay 18. Nikau Kelson. Jlotueka. May 18. Mararoa, Lyttclton, May 18. Moana, southern ports, llobart, Melbourne. May 18. Arapawa, Wanganui. May 18. Komata, Wertport, May 18. Kenncny. Nelson. West Coast. May 19. Tainui. London, via way ports, May 19. Moa, Motucka, May 19. Blenheim. Blenheim, May 19. Stormhircl, Wansanui, May 19. Kapuni, I'atea, May 19. I'ateena, Picton, Xclsm. May 19. Jl.vjri, LytteHon. May 19. Victoria. I.yttelton. Duncdin. May 19. Jmlrabarah. lioatlon. May 19. Molioia, Napier, Gisbonie, Auckland, 'Aoraiißi. Sydney direct. Slay 19. Araliura, Picton, Nelson, West Coast. May 20. ' Morayshire, Lyttelton. Dinirdin. May 20. Wtiltatu, Kaikoiira, Lyttfltnn, May 22. liosamoiul, Picion, NeUon, New Plymouth, Onehunga, May 22. Manaroa. Motuck.l, May 22. Tarawcra, Napier, Cisborne, Auckland, May 11. Hippie, Kapicr, Gisliorne, May 22. Takapnua, Nelson, West Coast. May 25. Ilauroto, Lyttclton. Danedin. May 23."
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE, MOVEMENTS OP STEAMERS. VICTOKIA, s.s., left Sydney May 10, for Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington. i)ue Wellington May 15. Leaves same day for LyUelton and Dnnedin. MOKOIA, s.s.. left Melbourne May 10 for llobart, llliiff. Dunedin, Lyttclton, and Wellington. Duo Wellington May 18 (tranships to Aorangi). AOKAXOI, s.s., leaves Wellington (with transhipment:! ex Jlokoia), Way 15, for Sydney direct. Due Sydney Way 23. 'UIJM.UiOA. e.s.. left Melbourne, May 17 for Iloliai-t. Dliiir, Duncdin, Lyttclton, and Wellington. Due Wellington May 26. Leaves smiie 'lay for Sydney direct. Due Sydney May 30. 'WAIIHIMOO. s.s.. leaves Sydney May 20, for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington May 2'!. Leaves May 25, for Lyttclton, Dnncdin. Blulf, llobart, and Melbourne, bus Melbourne Jane 3. OVERSEA SHIPPING. RTEAMEIIK TO ARItIVK. From London, KHVABV (.liie about May 24), sailed on Jlairli 18. via .tiiMralia. Auckland, and .Vipier. Cl'yser Line, ngents.) STAB OF CANADA (due about May M), ■niletl on March 22. via Australia, Auckland, i'.iul Napier. tTyscr Line, .-igonls.) I'AKKHA (due about. May 2<), failed on April 8, via, Auckland. iSJiaw, .Savill, mid Albion Co.. apcnlE.l ■ STAU OF SCOTLAND (dun about June ;2i, sailed on April 5. via Australia, Auckland, nn(l Kapler. (Tyscr lano. agents.) TIH'.AKIXA (due about. May 30), failed on April 15. via. Capo Town and llobart. (Xcw /.Kilnnd Sillirpiuß Co.. ajrents.l MATATUA (due about June 8), failed on April ». via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., ascaUJ
ATIIKNIC 'due übout .Tune 13), sailed on Vni-u 57 via Cane Town and llobart. iSli-'V S-avill, I'.mt AHiiaii Co.. agents.) KAIi'UK (duo about July 131, .Killed on Vay 8. via (New Zealand Whipping (-'.)., agents.) MAKKISK (due ahout July 16), sailed on April 22. via. Australian noi'U Auckland, and Napier. (Ty=cr Line, agents.) From Liverpool. DELPHIC (due about May 23), failed on March 10, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., asonts.) DUWTOX GRANCiK (duo about May 26), failed on April 1, via Capo Town. (F.-H.-S. 'xAIKNHHIiiK (due about July 17). sailed on May 6, via Aurkland and Napier. (F.-11.-S. Line, agents.) Frcm Montreal. WAKANUI (due about .Tune 5), railed on Mircli 26, via Australia and Auckland. (New /calami .Shipping Co., nirents.) ASCOT (due about July 26), failed on April 23. via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Hew York. KWANLEV (due about May M), Eailed on February 10, via, Australia and Auckland. (A. and" A. Line, agents.) t STAR OF AWBTUAI.IA (due about May 27), failed on March 8, via Australia and "I'ACTITKNIA (due about June 17), Failed on March 29. via Australia and Auckland. (Malse-ly and Co., agents.) JITMI.'iO (duo about .Tuly 10). sailed on April 18, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) From San Francisco. MANUKA (duo about- May 20, sailed on May 7, via Papeete and Rarotonga. (U.S.S. Co., agents.! From Philadelphia, JOHN lIARDIF. (due about May Ml. Bailed on March 12, via Auckland. (Golliu and Co., agents.) From Calcutta. WAITEMATA (due to-morrow), sailed on April 10. via Singapore. Java, and Auckland. lU.S.S. Co.. agents.) SAILERS TO ARRIVE. DTJNCRAIG. barque. Bailed from Liverpool. March 10. (Johnston and Co., agents.) AUSTRALIA, Italian ship, Bailed from Marseilles April 8. (Briscoe and Co.. agents.)
Bl r TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. NEWCASTLE. May 17. Sailed.—Waihora, for Mew Zealand. SYDNEY, May 17. Sailed.— Maheno (2 p.m.). for Auckland; Star of Australia, for New Zealand. COASTAL. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Atua 'i.'!s p.m.), from Sydney and South Sea Islands. Sailed—WaUtniata (3.50 prnJ, for Wellington. new p LYIIonTn , •Irrivcd.—Harawa (5.10 a.m.), from OnehMga - WANGACTI. Arrived.-Storml'ird (9.40 a.m.). from Wellington. PATEA. Arrivpd.—Jlana (11 a.m.), from WellingFOXTON. Sailcd.-Qucen of the South (11.50 a.m.), for Wellington. . PICTOK Arrived.-F.ofanioTul (7.30 a.m.), from Wellington; Patccna (4.45, from WellingSailed—Patccna.(s.4o p.m.), for Kelson. BLENHEIM. Arrived.—Opaiva (3.30 a.m.), from Wcl-Saiied'.-Opawa (7 p.m.), for Wellington, r KKLSOS. Arrivcd.-Alcxander (5.25 a.m.), from Wellington; srapourika (4.58 a.m.), and Aikau (5 am.), from Wellington. Sailed.-Xiliau (WO p.m.). for Wellington. FAKKWEIiL.SPIT. Piherua, passed for. Wellington at 2.35 P ' m, ' WESTPOKT. .' : Sailed.-Eakanoa (0.!5 a.m.). for WellingGEEYMOUTII. Arrivcd.-Putiki (1.55 a.m.), from Wcl-"sfi-ilcd.—Policrua (0.5 a.m.), for Wellington.. . ~/ . . , ■..,• ~;,;■/,!<. I . LYTTKLTON. ~ .-.■■ Arrived.-Tarawera (9JO a.m.) and Mararoa (9 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Tarnwera, for Dunedin; >lararoa (6.39 p.m.), for WclliiigtoE, with ICO pasbongers; Cygnet, for Kail;oura. UUSKDIN. Arrived.-l'aparoa, from Wdliugton. Sfiiled.-iloltoi: , ., for Auckland. Passengers: Saloon—i'or Lyttelton—Misses Hunter, Jlnsspl, Mcsilames Bagsliaw, Hunt and child, Allen and 2 children, Forbes, Jack, sl(fsrt, Jlollard, Allen, BarlleUl, Ferguson, Aahton, Sanderson. For Wellington—ilissos HoskiiU'. Harding (I). Todd, iicusrs. Palnier, iilingham, "florry. Miller, Slaynard, Ki'L'le, Lav.s-on, Keniie;i.v. Eoyd, Taplis. For \apici , —Miss Duthic. For Glsborne—MisFC3 KobinEon. Mitsbi'll, ICroon. 'Mr." , Bernard. For Auckland-Misses Burton, Elson, Kaingcr, Jfcsdames Bell (2), Hurton, Sapior, Porter und'child, Fry. ■Mcssra. Burton, W. A. Mason, Kapler, Captain F. J. Easther. ABAWA LEAVER 810 DE JAXEIEO. Advice received by the local agents of the Shav,-. Savil! ■ and Albion Uompany states that !UI S. Arawa. cm route from Wellington to London, continued hcv voyage from Itio de Janeiro last Monday afternoon. E.VJTGATIIIA P.FPOPTi'D. On Tuesday morning the ■ Phaw, Savill, and Albion Company's steamer Eaugatira left Bio ilo Janeiro for Lom'.-on. She sailed from Wellington on April 13. EUAHIXE AKBIVES HOME. Wo'-d received yesterday by the JVv Zealand Khipnin? Company is to the offset that B.M.S. Kuahii'.o arrived at Plymouth on Tuesday morning. She cleared Wellington on March 10. TONGABIRO LEAVES LONDON. The local offlco of the New Zealand Shipping Company arc in receipt of adrics which stJtcn that E. 31.5. Tongariro cleared Londor. for Wellington, via Capo Town and liobart on Monday la»t. The vessel is omitting the at Plymouth this voyage, aild should arrive at Wellington on or about June 30. THE SYDNEY BOAT AUBIVEB.' After a passage of 3 days 22 hours from. Sydney, the Mcana dropped anchor in the stream at Wellington at 12.55 p.m., and berthed at, the Queen's Wharf No. 6 at 2.15 pm. A report of the voyage states that the Moann left Sydney Wharf at 2.30 p.m., and cleared the Heads at 3 p.m. Moderate to fresh south-east winds, ac-. companied by moderate teas, were experienced till Cape Farewell was abeam, thence light south-east winds and smooth seas until arrival in port. Imports by the Moana are as follow:— y.Q cases fruit, 175S felloes. 200 balea knnolt. 629 sacks pollard. <C 0 bags rice, 125 rolls Piper, 814 bars lead, 143 boxes, 120 cases f-trdincs. 100 cases Schnapps, 932 Eivingles, 2330 sleepers, and a quantity of sundries. Transhipments were also brought, ex Osterley, Aldenham, Seharnhorst, and Elbiug. In continuation of her running, the Moana leaves Wellington at 5 o'clock this evening for Melbourne, via southern portE.
ARRIVAL OF THE lONIC. •Shortly before 4.30 yesterday afternoon tho R. 11.5. lonic, of the Shaw, Savill Line, arrived in the stream from London, via way ports, and berthed at tho King's Wharf about 5 p.m. The Port Health Officer (Dr. Pollenl went out in the tender, and finding "all well" aboard, examined the passengers as the vessel was cominc up to her berth, thus affording an opportunity to berth the liner before dark. According to the "diary" published on board recording the happening™ each day throughout tho voyage, tho fonic cqmniencc'd her journey to New Zealand from Gravcfend at 5.37 a.m. on March 31, and arrived at Plymouth on April!. Leavinj,aßain on the fame day, live weather ma experienced to Teneri.Te. which port wai made on the morning cf April 6. Departure for O:ipc Town was taken on tho fame evening, Capo Verde bcinjt passed at 10.30 a.m. on April 5. From April 6 until April 13 moderate breezes and fine weather were experienced, I hence fresh winds t-.i Cape Town, the vcfscl iirrivinif at 9.5 p.m. o-i Vpi-il 21. On the following day the lonic cleared for llobart. From April 25 until JViy 7 fresh to moderate winds and ■;tr.?ng g.-ilc with heavy were encountered On May 8 Ilio voyage was made by hail storms. Land was -licked up on May 11, and Hohc.ri was reached nt. 10.25 p.m. on the fame day. ihe vo'sel bertliiup at 7.30 on Hie followin" mornin?. lldb.irl wn.? left behind on the mnrninir of .Mny 13, vne weather bein'- experienced to Wellington. The tol-il distance traversed was 12.883 miles, and the longest day r run (321 miles) was made on April 25. Curtain E. C. llobcrls is in command, and has the following officer.; a.'soci.iloc! with hini:-Chief. Mr. ,'■ L. Jones: first, Mr. W. Lloyd; second. Mr. J. M'Hostio: ihinl Mr ('. Alexander: fourtii, Jlr. A. F,. itowles. The chief er.pnccr is Jlr. G. ; M'Lelln)i; secoml. Mr. J. 11. Umston; third, Mr. G. H. Rutlpdco; fourth, Mr. A. J. Ireland; fifth, Mr. \V. Jlainwood; sixth, Mr.
J. 11. Davidson. Mr. H. Butler is chief refrigerating engineer, and Mr. J. Ferguson second. Mr. J. Burragc is electrician, and- Mr. D J. Watson boilermaker. Mr. A. E. Hill is wireless operator on board. Dr. G. Gordon Stuart is tho ship's surgeon, and Mr. C.i'JJ. Greenwood is purser. In addition to the list ot passqnecrs clrady puMished. tho following joined the VC3SSI en route:—From Capo Town— f-'econd class: Mr. mid Mrs. Hill, Misses Hill (2), Mrs. Hobson, Mr. J. Hill. Third claf.ii: Mr. and Mrs. Scarboro, Misses Sca-rboro (2), Messrs. Dockerty, Duncan. A. Robinsou, Scarboro. From Hobart—First clacn: Mr. and Mrs. W. Pearce. As stated previously the lonic wan fitted with wireless telegraphy when at London, , TAINUI DELAYED. SAILS AT DAYBEEAK TO-MOEEOW. Owing to tho late arrival of E.M.S. it has been found necessary to alter t-o sailing time of the Tainui, from Wellington for London, until dnybrcal: tomorrow. Passengers must embark this evening. Following is a list of the vessel's passengers:— FromWellingtou—First saloon: Mrs. 11. ■ Wilson, Messrs. S. Blacklcy, Haraish. Wilson, Masters, O. and Q. Wilson. Second saloon—Misses A. iJauncey, E. M. Luke, jr. and J. .Smith, F. and .L. Williams, Mrs. 13. Smith. Messrs. V. Johnson, P. J. O'Doniiell, J. Wallis. Thircl-clats-JHssbs L. Anderson, J. Dawson. S. Wilkinson, Mcsdames Dawson, S. Leitch. Wilkinson, Messrs. B. Aris, A. F. Cross, A. Daw-F-on, T. Ellory, 0. M'Kay, J. Percy, F. Thomson, D. Wilkinson, and J. Wilkinson, Master D. Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. BentIcy. From otlic ports:—First raloon: Misses F, and K. Harding, it. Smith, D. Thurston. 'Codhunlcr, Mesdamc3 8. Hllcry. G. C. Hamilton. Todhunter, Woatherley (Sydney); J. White (Sydney), Messrs. IT. Bechcr (Syd*. ney), W. K. Chambers, Kcv. W. L. Groves', Captain fi. C. Hamilton, C. F. Todhunter. 0. Vrio?, C. 11. Weatlierlcy (Sydney), J. White (Sydney). Second saloon: Misses G. and J. Martin, B. jl'jjeod., O. and N. T'-ap-)Wll, Jlefdamos N. ChrancllE. E. Chrhin, Dcakin (Melbourne!, C. G'. Martin, J'/iedom, aid. A. B. Monro, G. ' Trapnell. Williinii," Messrs. G. A. Bolfaur, F. K. Casscla. E. Chrisp, )f. ,Bt.s:At)»tli.'?J.rsDcakin-> (M«V; hourpo), Gnvl.-ina. Di'ir-Tjcodl'A. B. 'Monro, Hev. K. D. Itice. J. D. Stewart, W. Tliompfon (Sydney). O. Trapnell. K. Wnrrington. Third-nln;-r: Mioses 0. Baiu. E Orpper, A. Kills. ?r. Ellis, and M. Ticlwll, ilcr.dXmos Herry, Buck. Cox. A. Ellis Evmif, J. Hl'l. U. Murray, am! Tickcll. Messrs. Berry. J. Birrris;?. G. Bowman. J. G. J. liuuit, J. Cirpentor, F, C. Co.t, D. Davis3, C. Dntilil. W. Elliott. I!. Evan?, M. Fhttary, H. J. Frasp.r. M. Ga! G. Hall, It. Hinn, V,'. HoTipliiß. LearnnuHi, I. L. '•'itfh.-!l, V,'. 11. Mpliberpon. F. T. Pollard, ]!. Rcratohard. G. Tnylor, T. D. Them. E. J. Ticfcell, and W. Williams. MOEAYSniBE, FROM LITEEPOOL. ■ Tlie F.-H.-S. liner Morayshiro arrived'.at Wellington from Liverpool via ■ Cape Tosvn, Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier yesterday afternoon. Rlio loft the Homo port on March 4, and met with fine weather till off Kerguelen Islands on the night of April 10 when a sti'ont; southerly . gale was encountered. This necessitated' tho vessel being hove-to for 12 hours. She shipped largo quantities of water, and the huge rcas which broke on board fore and aft cauecd minor damage to deck fittings. A high cancerous sea was running, causing the Morayshire to roll heavily. The weather moderated as tHs voyage progressed, and Sydney «■:■-< reached on April 26. After landinv passing^'s and discharging cargo, the Morayshirt , proceeded to Newcastle to replenish bunkers, and left the latter rott on May 1, experiencing fine clear weather on the run nceross the Tasnian Ssa, arriving at Auckland on May 7. Beparture for Wellington was taken on May 13. and, after calling at Napier, the vessel arrived as stated above. The Jlorayshirp is under tho command of Cantain H. C. Howard, who has the following officers .issoei.ited with him:— Chief officers. Mr. li. M. Tukc: second, Mr. H. O. Linchliery: third, Mr. F. M'-Tannett: fourth, Mr. H. 'Walker. Mr. W. Cowan is rhief ongineer: Mr. W. C-in.ts second, Mr. W. Wnlkcr third. Mr. J. Nicol fourth, Mr. J. Torbit fifth. Mr. \V. Davis sixth. Mr. •W. Donalds™ Bell-Allmi is chief. refrlirer.itor. Mv. J. Curry chief steward, and Nurse Lewis filPwnrrV'ss, while tho ship's surgeon is Dr. W. 7!. O. Ferguson. On Saturday Uie Morayshi-o continues her voyage to Lyttelton aiul Duncdin. H.M.S. Pcsasns. F.intomc, and Sea Lark were paid off at Sydney on May. 4. tho. Pegasus being transferred to tho Australian branch of tho Navy as a drill-ship, and Die rcmaiiiitie two ships being recommissioned for further service as surveying ships on the station. The gunboat | Torch was also commissioned onco inore, < rfter two years in reserve, for service in | tho islands, under Commander Carver. \bout 450 ranks and ralings were brought out by H.M.S. F.d»ar for various shins, and she will tnko Home a similar niin-lio* rrom paid-off ships on her return to lingland. Knrow f.s., is to load at Newcastle about the end of Aie wcok for Wellington. Dun-e-Jin and the' BlufT. Captain N. ; 'Bower. of the New 'fart™*. Shipping Company's service, is spending a peck's leave at Napier. Pantain Dnvson late of the Mampouri, has nssume-1 command of the Brisbane. On Saturday morning it is proposed to •iko the .Gievmoutli Harbour Board a drod-p Maw'hera off the slip. The hulk iddM-lcv will bo the next vessel to mount iln cradle and she will he followed by the Takapuna. Mapourika, and Anhur.i. Captain Cameron (late Komata) has taken rhircp ■ of the Whanpape. and BeigWon Hate Taviuni) has joined tho Komata. 7t N otnected to dispafth the Komata fi-m WcUiiiKt:m fnr Weftport to-day. She •ctu rn\"i Sunday with :i load of for the Wellington branch of lha Wcstport Coll Co. The Tyscr liner Indrabnrah, which arrived at Wellington from Nipicr ycstordiiy nfttriioon.- will sail for London at 6 a.m. to-morrow. JWmider. p.p., is bringiUK a load of timhrr from Orcymputh to Wellington on Friday. Ulr 1! Lcwif. fourth engineer of the Maori, "isned oil the vesaol at Wellington yesterday. To-niorrow tho Anchor Line's steamer Kennedy is expected to arrive, at Wellington from l'oxtin. She Fails on tlio fame liiv for Nrlfon and West Coast ports. T!ie Waverlcy" leaves WollhigtDii on the Fame run at 5 p.m. t α-day. Shortage nt-lalnur at Auckland is s.iid to be causiiiß a delay ill connection with the of. the Del|)hic's Home carno. . The vcs:cl is expected hero next Tuesday. Auckland files to hand state that a : pc'iid'al (iverage of 1 nor cent, has been . •.'trr'rk on the Nlwarus cargi, oiviiit: to ; the vp?=cl having rprimg a leak on her . voyage from London. ; It will he next, week some time before ' the Harbour Frrtics Company's new tuc , will ho l.v.iiu'hcd. The delay has been ■ caused through tho sleni tube snstainini; (lamapo whilfl. being placed in position. | Tho name rhosen for the vceecl is Muritai. i In th? 'ist of latest charters, it is . Ktatcd that the barque Louisi Craig is to take a cargo of salt from Edithburc
(o Auckland, and back with hark. The Marjory Craig taken nroduro from Gcelone and Melbourne to Auckland. The Norwegian harquc Juno, IC6I tone ■ register, was expected to leave Delajoa. Hay on April 20 for Westport, to load a, cargo of coal for Matuni (Sow Britain). When she has completed discharge, of lior cargo of caws oil for the Vacuum Oil Co., tho French steamer lirciz Izel is to he employed on a time charter (three months or optional) out of Newcastle. Her first ' trip is to Noumea, with coal.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1130, 18 May 1911, Page 7
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3,592SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1130, 18 May 1911, Page 7
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