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Messrs. Dalgcty and Co., Ltd., report having held their fortnightly stock sale at Waipukurau on Tuesday, when they oftercu a good yarding of sheep and cattlo fair attendance of buyers. Fat ewes, us. to IDs. 6d.; woolly lamb?, Bs. to 8;'. Cd.; ehorn lambs, fair, ss. 9d. to 6s. 3d.; cull lambs, Is Bd. to 2s. 2d. One hundred and seven bullocks from Messrs. Herrick llros.' Aporai Kstate made £5 19s. 6d. to £5 2s. Tlirce-ycar heifers, p.a., £4 lfe. Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report on their usual weekly sale at Sohvay (Masterton) hold on May 2:-\Ve olTereu :i yarding of both cattle and sheep well up to advertised numbers, which met with good competition right throughout the sale, and wo can report practically :'.. total clearance: Wo (iuoto as follows:—Shorn lambs (good duality), Bs. 2d. to Bs. 4d.; others sold at ss. 9d. to 7s. Cd.; smaller sorts brought 2s. '.A., 2?. 6d., to Sβ. 9d.; two-tooth wether.", backward condition. Bfi. lCd. to 9h. 6C1.; h.». ewes, in lamb. 9s. 3d. to 9s. 9d.: fair-con-ditioned ewes, 6s. 9d. to 7s. Bd.; boilers, from 3s. 3d. to sa. 2d.. according to condition. Cattle: Three-year-old steers, to £5 10s.; cows and calves, £3 6s. Messrs. Dalgcty and Co.. Ltd., report having hold stock sale* as undtr :-At Da:inevirke on April 23 we yarded about 13C0 sheep and 200 cattlo. There was a good attendance of buyers. We quitted practically the whole of our sheep, but cattle met witli poor demand. The following prices were realised:—Sheep: A pen of 450 wether lambs realised 7s. 9d.; others from 4s. lCd. to 6s. 6d.; mixed lambs, 4s. to ss. 'id.; fat ewes, 10s. to 10s. 6d.; four to six-tooth ewes, 63. 9o\ to 75.; sound-mouth ewes, 2s. lid.; Cown and calf, £2 ss. to £3 45.; fat cows, £4 to £6 IDs.; store cows, £2 ss. to £2 Hβ.: twelve to cishtcon-months steers. £1 17s. to £4 25.; weaners, £1; one bull, £3 2s. Pigs: Weaners, 3s. to 4s. Gd.; porkers. 15s. At Takapau on April 29 wo offered 2500 sheep for sale, but were only successful in disposing of a line of 240 mixed lambs for 3s. 5d., and twelve old rams at is. Breeding ewes were not in demand, and bidding for them wae very slack. At Woodvillc on May 1 wo offered about 1000 sheep and 50 cattle, and were successful in disposing of practically tho whole entry. Wo (iuoto —Twotooth- wethers, 11s. 6d.; breeding ewes, 4s. 9d.,-55., ss. 2d., to lie. fid.; empty ewes. 6s. 3d.; mixed lambs, 4s. lid.; fat and forward cows, £3 129. to £5; store cows, £2 155., £2 135., £2 125., and £3 25.; cows in calf, £2 10s.; two-year steers (small), £3 45.;. mixed weaners, 235. 6d. Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report:— At our Wanganui sale yesterday we had a- heavy yarding, consisting of 690 cattle and-1713 sheep, and we have to report a very dull sale, and a further all-round drop in prices. We yarded several pood lines of steers and fat and forward cows, on account of Mr. H. Y. Samicond, all of which were passed at auction, though we eventually succeeded in disposing of all the cows, and all except one line of bullocks. Sheep were very dull of sale, and price 3 were in favour of buyers. Altogether we sold 308 cattle and 633 sheep. Wo quote:—Fat bullocks, £8 10s.; fat cows, light, £5; others, £5 ss. to £6: forward bullocks. £6 55.; three and a- half-year do., £5 12s. 6d.; two and. a half-year steers. £4 165.; forward cows, £4 7s. 6d. to £4 10s.; Hereford and Shorthorn cross, mother-fed woa-ners, £1 14s. 6d.; springing cow, £3 195.; cull cows. £1 63. to £2 3s. 6d.; two-tODth wethers, 113. 6d. to 11s. 9d.; ctiJl wethers, 6s. to Bs.; f.m. ewe 3 in lamb, ss. Messrs. Dalgety and Company, Limited (Palmerston North branch) report:—At our Eaumai sale on Tuesday, May 2, a medium entry of stock came forward., all lines of which changed hands at tho fol-lowing-prices:—Cull lambs. 2s. sd. to 2s. 6d.; medium lambs, ss. to ss. 6d.; two-tooth wethers, 10s. to 11?. Cattle: Mixed weaners, 155., 245. ed.. to 255.; store cows, 30s. to £2; forward-empty cows, to £3 55.; 15-months' steers, to £2 15s. to £2 163.; two-year empty heifers, £2 165.; two and a halfyear steers, to £5. A nice lino of Jersey weane" lioifers realised £3 10s. 6d.; and bulls (same class), £2 2s. to £2-33. 64. Messrs. Abraham and Williams,. Ltd., report that at their sale at Johnsonville on \Vcdnc6day, May 3, prime heavy bullocks, on account of Mr. G. S. Moore, of Kai Iwi, made from £11 15s. to £13 2s. 6d.; other vendors. £9 15s. to £10 55.: prime heavy cows, £7'l7s. 6d. to £8 2s. 6d.; good wethers, 183. 6d.; medium wethers, IGs. <d. to 17s. £d.; best ewes,-Ms. 3d. to 155.; others, 13s. to 13s. fid.; prime shorn lambs, 12s. 3d. Messrs. Abraham and Williams report as follows regarding the stock pale at Solway on May 2:—The entry of sheep wae confined to wethers and lambs, all yarded changing hands at prices in advance of those of a week ago. Good wethers made from 11s. 7d. to 12a. 3d.; low-conditioned, email, IDs. Id. to 10s. id. ' Woolly lambs reached as hi|jh as 9s. 7d. for one particularly good lot. In cattlo the entry was comparatively small, all but one pen, however, changing hands at fully lato ruling prices. Yearling steers realised £i 12s. to £3 17s. for good Quality and good condition; good weaners, iniied sexes, up to £2 4s. 6d.

ADDISGTON MARKET. IBy Telesraph.—Press Association.) Ch.'istcliurcii, ;,lay 3. At Addington there were average entries of stool: ami a lair attendance. Jioef met with a. dull, sale at late rates. Store sheen snowed little change, young ewes being in the best demand. Fat lambs wore slow of sale in consequence of the largo proportion of unfinished lots, and prime fat sheep sold weil. Pigs and Etoro cattle were dull of sale, and dairy cows in good demand. The- yarding of store sheep was about •equal to last week's in point of numbers, ewes forming about onc-haii and the balanco being wethers and lambs. The ewes were in bettor condition than usual. There was Htt!o change in the demand, except that eves met with a more keen inquiry on account' of the competition of ono or two buyers from the south. A good qlearance was eifected at the following fates:—Two-tooth ewes, 12s. to 12s. 9d.; smaller, 9s. 6d. upwards; sound-moiith, 7s. 6(1. to 9s. lid.; six and eight-tooth (mostly from oversea), Bs. td 95.; two and fourtooths, 11s. 3d.; aged, 6s. 6d.; potters, 2s. to 4s. 6d.; aged merinos, 2s. Id.; forward lambs, Bs. to Bs. 7d.; average lots, 6s. 6d. to 7s. 6d.; ewe lambs, Bs. 6d. to 9s. 5d.; culls, 3s. to 45.; shorn lambs, sr>. 9d.; medium wethers, lCs. to 10s. 7d.; others, 9s. 3d. to 9s. 9d. There was an entry of 7393 fat lambs, and for quality and weight they were much below the average. A considerable proportion, probably 2CCO. were only forward stores, but were evidently being sent into, market on account of the shortage of feed. There has been considerable activity during the past week in the fat lamb trade, but it was not reflected in the sale, as buyers did not show any keenness to operate, and the sa!o throughout was very dull. Prime lambs kept up their value fairly well, but all other sorts, and particularly thoss in unfinished condition were much easier. There were 5649 taken by eiport buyers at 'Bs. Id. to 15s. 92 ■ extra, ,17s. to 17s. 7d.; Mi' by at Us. 6d. to 15s. 7(1.; and 1396 were passed, at Bs. 6d. to lls. 6d , and a number of lots did not elicit a bid. There was an average yarding of sheep, with a shortage of prime quality e\ves forming the bulk of the entry, arid raaiiy lots of these were of a poor class. There was an active demand for prime wethers and ewes at firmer rates, and any ewes fit for freezing' also sold readily. Aged and low-conditioned lots showed little or no change. The range of prices was:— Prime wethers, 16s. 6d. to 21s. 6d.; lighter lls. 7d. to 165.; extra- prime ewea, to 25«. 6d.; fair, 13s. 6d. to 18s. 3d.; medium lls to 135.; aged and light. 6s. to 10s. 6d There were 287 head of fat cattle penned, including a small consignment from the North Island. The yarding was composed chiefly of cows, with a few lines of itse'iil stores and heifers. Th-e sale was not very brisk, and prices, if anything, were a shade easier. The range of prices was—• Steers, £7 15s. to £12 10s.; heifers, £5 17s fid. to £9; and cows, £5 ss. to £9 95.: equal to 255. to 295. for prime, 225. to 235. 6d. for medium, and 20s. to 21s. 6(1. for cow and , inferior- beef per IGOlb. Veal calves sold at 4s. 6d. to 455., and well-grown yearlings, to £4 Bs. The North Island line of steers mado £10 to £12 ICs. There was a, small yarding of store cattle, mostly, old cows. The demand was dull, few buyers being present, yearlings making 335.; 15 to 18-montlis, £2 Bs. to £2 10s.; two-year stores, £3 16s. to £4; threeyear heifers, £4 Ids'.; and dry cows, 30s. to £4 10s. There was a gobd sale for dairy cows at £4 to £10 ss. The entry of pigs was not so large as hstweok, but was quite sufficient for requirements, the demand hping rather better than at the last rale. Choppers sold up to 605., and extra to £5 55.; heavy baccners, 455. to 505.: and lighter, 355. to 425. 6d. (equal to 33d. to «d. ner HO; large porkers, 28s. to 32?., and. lichter. 225. to 265. (cciual io 4.1 d. to 4*d. per lb.). There was a poor demand for store pigs, and Large sorts sold up'to 255.; medium, 13a! to 205.: small, 7s. to 125.; and weaners, Is. 3d. to 6s.

BTJItNSIDE STOCK REPORT. ' (By Telegraph—Press Association.) Dimedin, J[ay 3. At Burnsidc to-day 159 fat rattle were yarded. The sales opened at a- flight, advance on last week's rates, but as it progressed prices receded to previous values. .The bulk of the yarding consisted of medium quality bullocks, with odd pens of very prime bullocks, .EH to £12 10s.; extra, to £13 IDs.; medium, £8 lCs. to £!0 10s.: best, cows and heifers. .£7 10s. to £9 10s.; medium, .€5 10s. to £6 15s. Fat sheep; There was a moderate yarding of 2600/ Owing to last week's record yarding most butchers had bought, an extra supply. Good wethers held their own, but ewes declined by Is. to Is. 6rt., except for really choice pens. Best wethers, 18s. to 205.; extra, to 245.; medium, 15s. to 17?.; light, 13s. 6d. to Us. 3d.; best ewes, 15s. to 18s.; medium. 9s. 6d. to 12b. 6d.; inferior, 6s. 6d. to 9s. Fat lambs: There was a fair yarding of 1740. Tho quality on the whole was prood, but pricos declined Is. per head. Best, 12e, 6d. to 13s. 9d.; extra, to l<3. 6d.; medium, Us, to 125,; li&ht and inferior. 9a. to ICa.

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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1118, 4 May 1911, Page 8

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LIVE STOCK' SALES. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1118, 4 May 1911, Page 8

LIVE STOCK' SALES. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1118, 4 May 1911, Page 8


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