PJIASES OF TIIE MOON, Ji.vr. Day. lir. m. First quarter 6 0 44 a.m. Full moon lo 5 40 j>.m. bast quarter 21 8 53 p.m. New moon 28 6 54 u.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day. 9.29 a.m.; sets, 6.27 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 0.22 a.m.; 6.41 p.m. To-morrow, 7.1 V a.m.; 7.35 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, C.35 a.m.; sets, 4.59 p.m. ARRIVALS. SATUJiBAY. AI'HIL 29. MAKAKOA, s.s. (6.35 a.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, from Lyttfllon.—l9o nasstiiEcrs. ■ OI'AWA, s.t. (7.45 a.m.), 7207 tons, Cameron, from Cardiff. ALKXANDtiIi, s.c (10.55 a.m.). 377 tons, Vickerman, from Motueka. QUEEN OF THF, SOUTH, s.s. (9.5 D.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, from Foxton. OPAU'A, t-.s. (ißidiiight), 110 tons. Nicholas, from Illenheim. Ml'l'liE, s.s. (midnight), 370 tons, Carlson, from Gisbomc. PATEENA, s.s. (9.50 p.m.), 1212 tons, Carey, from ■ Nelson and l'ictoti. l'asscimers: Saloon-Misses llliyan, Thorbiirn, Anderson, lHson, Marcliant, Giub, O'Kcllly, JfliaushJin, Freeman, Cameron, Uavics (2), Howden, Mason, liedinKiieUl, Cuiur.'inßE, ltolls, Mcailamos Kennedy. Smith and child. Campbell, Down, Thomas and child, Samlstcin.' Stewart, M'Kcnzie, Koatiiinr, Ludlow and child, Toswcll. ISurcMdn, Hush. Whitchcr, Laiif,'lands, Brooks. May, Lord, Willis, Messrs. Jones, Field, Probin, Bislcy, Kenny. Stephens, Andcn;ou. Cole. Down, Thomas. LewiBon, Fell, Ijcrrc, Ifanin'.y, Eandstcin, liightband, Fansclow, Gtnui, M'Oe. Jl'Kenzic, Canning (2), Natiiseh, Osmoml, Mainline, Turkinss, Bush. Thomnson, Mackay, Hanks, M'Hattic, Howden. Mills, liauuart, Gould, Co'.tier,. Leslie, Mills (Hon.), lHielp. May, Shind, Wade,' ■M.'Calliini, Trobyn, Ilarvcy, ll'Slianc; and 17 steerage. SUNDAY. AI'KIL 30. EiniPAKA. s.s. (2.55 a.m.), 133 tons. M'lntOEh, from Wanganui. AOHEUE, s.s. (2.55 a.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, from l'a'.ea. FALCON, auxiliary schooner (3 a.m.), a.l Evans Bay, 95 tone, Ainaworth, from Uavelocli. WHAEARUA, s.s. (7.30 a.m.), 6543 tone, Firth, from Lyttelton. STOllMIUHl), s..s. (8.45 a.m.), 217 tons. Dowell, from Wanganui. KOMATA, s.s. {9 a.m.), 1994 tons, Angus, from Wcstport. IIUIA, E.s. (9.40 a.m.). 127 tons. liurt, from Motnolia. lIAUHOTO, s.s. (1.5 a.m.), 19EB tons, Eobertsnn, from Dunedin. Passengers; Saloon— Jtisccs Itutlliin, Mrs. Andrews, Messrs. Frasor, Sculley. Weston, Williams, Thompson, AiKlrcwa, Anderson; 10 stocraee. MANAEOA, s.s. (2.30 p.m.), 122 tons. Hart, from Jlavcloek. ' . NGAUEHE, s.s. (4.30 p.m.), IC9O tons, Dilner, from Oreyinouth. POHEItUA, s.s. (4 p.m.), 1175 tons, WhiteParsons, from AVcstport. MAPOUBIKA, s.ii. (1.35 a.m.). 12C3 tons, Crawford, from Nelson and West Coast. Passengers: Saloon—Mesdames H.or.tran, GibBon and family, Tnmn, Williams. Marfden, Mer.srs. Davidson, Kudcn, OeAdee, Bayfield, Tiiffln, Nash, Williams, Lainz, Banner, Marsden; one stcsra-se. KOONYA, s.s. (Cl 5 p.m.), 1091 tons, Platts, from southern porta. MAORI, s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 3399 tons. Aldwell, from Lyttc'.ton. Passengers: Saloon—Misseo Williams, Mills, Slater, Smith, Ward. M'Donald, Christopher, Devonport, Low, Binnie, D. Bridlcy (2), Pcndcn, IHchards, Mundcy, Hope, Leach, Cuttner, Hicks, Mesdames W. G. Stead and child. Inncs, Mayo, Herdman. Kcid, Dickson, Rowland, Haiti. Ball and child, Mills. Shannon, Dull, Hicks, Sadler, Melrosc and child. Hunter, Colonel Heard, Captain Hunter. Dr. Leahy, Messrs. E. D. Bishop, Board, Innes, Burgh, Rhodes. Williams, D. N. Aclam->, Thomson. Cohen. MrU chcll, A. D. Hanlon, G. W. Davidson, Lefroch, Thompson, Fisher, Hai-gravcs, Soutlipatc (2), Aitchifon. Rowland, Croft, llain. Dash, Ju'.l, Kennedy, Hampton, Watson, Coard, liigarlsford, Crooks, W. H. Grca-r, J. B Jordan", O. Price. Atkinson, Donaldson, lVallis, A. B. Thompson, ■WacEt.ilT. AV. 0. Waltelin. Hutchinii (2), Haz'ctt. D. H. Roberts, Williams, FuHcrton, Beck, Mowhray, Mason, Cameron, BlacUniorc, Lcwin. Dall, Blair, Hall, Gear, Gcbbic, Sadler, Mclrosc, M'Donald. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, APRIL 23. . STRATHENDRICK. s.s. (6.40 a.m.). 4379 tons, Rlewart, for New Yon<. AHAJIURA, s.s. (1.10 p.m.), 1596 tons. Lambert ; for Pic.toii, Nclsan, AVcstport. and Greymoutli.—lls saloon aud 33 stecraco pas- " KAVUA, s.s. (12.20 p.m.), 2930 tens. Hutton, for AVcstport. WAIMIiA. s.s. (2.15 p.m.), 454 tons, AVildroan, for Westuort m<l Orcyinoutii. ALEXANDER, s.s. (5.5 p.m.), 577 tons, viclicrman, from Motueka. NORA NIVKN, Eteani trawler (5.40 p.m.), 56 tons, Goudlc, for Chatham Islands. WAIKAU, s.s. (8.10 p.m.), 93 tons, fchaw, for Karaiuca. MARAUOA, B.F. (11 p.m..), 2593 tons, Manning, for Lyltellon. Passenijcrs: SaloonMisses Picrcy (2), Bain. Davis, iSurse Barkas, Sadler. KiiiK, Jones. Cameron. Careton, Marshall, Nurse Jlilliunn. Mesdames Oltlridge, Colcman. James, Diiifflc. Eiibr. Harper Carclon, Marshall, ; Richardson, M'Doiißall, Ilaigli, Ifessrs. Jones, Cratesen, Oldridge. Cotton, Smith. Robinson. Walker. DiiiKlc, Grecuwood. Russell, Luttrell, Fuller, Barlow, Herman. Folton. Kubb. M'Laußhlrn, Beale. Clarlison (2), Cameron (2), AAoodaH, Morrish Spro c ?n Tklos, Becsou, O Llonncll, Just. Oornlif. White, Haukins, Richard Eon, 31'Dousall, Uaigh. SUNDAY. APRIL 30. PUTIKI, b.b. (0.25 a.m.), «9 tons, AVahl--strom, for hiounde. MANA, s.b. (11.30 p.m.), 134 tons, Dixon, for Patea. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Rosamond, Onchunsa, New Plymouth, May 1. ' , r . Rotorua, London, via.'way ports. Mav 1. Paparoa, London, via Auckland, May 1. Uarpat'us, New York, via, Auckland, May 1. Kaitoa, Pictou, May 1. Blenheim, Blenheim, May 2. Alexander, Nelson, Motueka, May 2. Mararoa, Lyttelton, May 2. AVakalu. Lyttelton. Kaikoura, May 2. ■ Tarawera, Auckland, Gisborno, Napier, May 2. Kaikoura, Lyttelton, May 2. Baupiri, Auckland, East Coast Bays. Araliura, AVest Coast, Nelson, .Picton, Ulimaroa, Sydney direct, May 3. Monowai, Auckland, Gisbornc, Kapler, May 4. Nikau. Nelson, May 4. Briez Izcl, New York, via. Auckland, May 5. ' Moana, Melbourne, via southern ports, May 5. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Rtorm, AVansanui, May 1. Aorere, Patca, May 1. Queen of the South, Foiton, May 1. Jhiia, AVanganui, May 1. Opawa, Blenheim, May 1. Kiriiiaka, AVaneanui, May 1. . Mana, Patca, May 1. Pateena, Picton, Nelson, May. 1. Maori, Lyttoltoii, May 1. KfJ'-iu, East Coast, Kanicr, May 1, Kuonya, Kew Pl.vnioitth. Westport. Greymouth, May 1. Manaroa, Motuckj, May 1. Hauroto, Napier, GUborne, Auckland, Hay 1. Rosamond, Picton, Kelson, New Plymouth, Qnchunga., May 1. Tarawera-, Lyttelton, Dunedin, May 2. Mapourika, Nelson, West Coast, May 2. ' Ripple, Napier, Oisbornc, May 2, AV'hakarua, Londun, May 2. Alexander, Kelson, Molticka, May 2. Mararoa, Lyttelton, May 2. Stormbird, AVaiißanui, May 2. Menhoini, Blenheim, May 2. Kaitoa. Nelson.- AVcst &>ast. May 2. ICamona, Grcymonlli, May 3. Mailai, San Fraucisco, via way ports. May 3. A\ r akatu, Kaikoura, Lyltolton, May 3. Kaikoura, London, May 3. Monowai. Lyttelton, Dunedin, May 4. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, May 4. Araliura. Picton, May 4. Ulimaroa, Melbourne, via southern ports, May 4. Moana, Sydney direct, May 5. Arnlnira, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, May 6. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE, MOVriIBNTS OF STEAMERS. MOANA, s.s.. left Melbourne April 26 foil llobart, Bluff. Dunedin, Lyilclton, and Wellington. Dae Wolliiipt-oii May 5. Leaves same diiy for Sydney. Due Sydney May 9. ULIMATtOA, s.?-, left Sydney April 29, tor AVc'.liiißton direct. Puo AVcllincton l,':iv 3. Leaves May 4 for Lytteltnu, Duncdih, Blull', Hobart, and Melbourne. Duo Melbourne May 13. WIMMI-IRA. s.s.. left Sydney April 26 for Auckland, Oisbornc. Napior and AVcllinston. Duo Wellington .>la.v 5. Leaves eanio d'lv for Lyttelton and Dunedin. AVAllimrOO, s.K.. lca-reu Melbourne. Mnv 3, for llobart. BliilT, Dunedin, Lyttcltdn, and AA'clliißtoii. Duo Wellington May 12. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney, May 16. OVERSEA SHIPPINC, STEAMERS TO AlllilVE. From London. PAPAROA (duo about May 1), sailed on March 6, via. Auckland. (New Zealand Shiinnns Co., iiECiila.) NIWAKU (duo about May 19), sailed on March 18. via Australia, Auckland, and . B&aicr. (Tyscr Line, azente.) I
BOTORUA (duo this morning), Bailed on March IS, via Cape Town and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) STAB OF CANADA (duo about May 26), failed on March 22, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Liue, agents.) lONIC (duo nbout May 15), Bailed on March 30, via Cape Town and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agente.) PAKEIIA (due about May 22), Eailed on April 8, via Auckland. (Shaw, Eavill, and Albion Co., agents.) STAR OF SCOTLAND (due about Juno 12), sailed on April 5, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) TURAKINA (due about May 30). sailed on April 15, via Capo Town nnd Hobart. (Now Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) MATATUA (due about Juno 8), Bailed on April 14, via Auckland. (Shaw, Bavill, and Albion Co., njents.) From Liverpool. MOKAYSHIRE (due about May 15), Bailed on March 4. via. Australian ports and Auckland. (F.-11.-S. Line, agents.) DELPHIC (duo about Hay 10), sailed on March 10, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) DRAYTON ORANGE (duo nbout Mny 22), sailed on April 1, via Cape Town. (F.-11.-3. Line, agents.) . From Montreal. INVERTAY (due about Hay 3), sailed on February 18, via Melbourne and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) . WAKANUI (due ab-jut Juno 6),' sailed on March 26. via Australia and Auckland. (New Zealand Shippiag Co., agents.) ASCOT (duo about July 26), sailed on April 23, via Australia, and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Now York. lIARPAGTJS (due about May 2), sailed on January 7, via Australia a=d Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.)- . SWANLEY (due about May 15), sailed on. February 10, via- Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) . BIUEZ IZEL (due about May 5), sailed on February 21, via Auckland (Vacuum Oil Company, agents.) STAR OP AUSTRALIA (duo about May. 18), sailed on March 8, via Australia and ' PARTIIENIA (duo about. Juno 17), sailed on March 29. via Australia and Auckland. (Daltrcty and Co., aßcnte.) MIMTRO (due about July 10), Bailed on April 18, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) From Calcutta. WAITEMATA (duo about May 16). sailed on April 10, via Singapore, Java, and Auckland. -(U.S.S. Co., agents.) SAILE3J. TO ARRIVE. DTJNCKAIG, .barque, sailed from Liverpool March 10/; (Johnston and Co.. acents.) BY TELEOKAPH. OVERSEA. MELBOURNE, April 30. Arrivcd.-Jlarjorio Craig, from ilokiaiiKa, SYDNEY, April 30.. from Bluff via "?V A.-'JHmaroa ( 3 p.m.), for New Zo.v h Sa.ilcd.-Jlorayshire, for Auckland, COASTAL. SUNDAY. APRIL 30. AUCKLAND. Arrivcd.--Wimmera (2.30 p.m.), from Syd-ney-Victoria (10.30 a.m.),- from southern Sorts; Squall, from Tolas* Bay and Gis-taiM.-Harpamie (5 !«>.), for WcUtaeton; Tarawera. r- • *n ports. ONEIITJNGA. u. a.m.), from New P l[a"lea\-Rara W a (3.30 p.m.), for New Ply moUth ' EAST CAPE. The Harnaeus passed here at 1.55 p.m., bound for Wellington. , NELSON. totrA^aX^.^fronT'UKJ! 0 - ■ . WESTI'OrtT. Un V^ d GREYMOUTII. SailedZ-Wairori (10/5 a.m.), for Sydney. LYTTELTON, Arrived.-Mararoa (12.10 p.m.), from Wellington. poHT CHAIIMEKS , Arrived.-Tokomaru (10.30 a.m.), from London, via Cape Town. KENT LEAVES LYTTELTON. duo at her destination about June 28. TJLIMAROA LEAVES SYDNEY. „,,,,. „,.,.!.,<, received by the local ofQco rlho^^'c^o'ir^ui^n^i ton early on Wednesday moraine. KOTOHTJA ARRIVES TO-DAY. MS Kotoniawill roach Wellington this tengers. MANUKA ARRIVED AT 'FHISCO. Advice received by the local agents ot tl-c Unloa Company is .to the effect that Iho H.M.S. MnmiUa. arrived at ban Francicco from Wellington, via way liorts, at 5 pm. on Thursday last. The vofscl left Wcllvigloii on April 5, aud was scheduled to arrive at the American port or. Friday. ConronueiUly, she is a diiy ahead of her time-table date. On Wcdno-dny the Manuka Itavoi on the return trip, and ia expected at Wellington on May 25. RIMUTAKA AT PLYMOUTH. Regarding the New Zealand Shipping Co.'s' Kloamcr Rimutakn. the locnl agents have been advised that t-lic vessel arrived at Plymouth on April Z7. She kit Lyttcltoii on March 18 with a full general cargo and . a number of passengers. FROM CARDIFF DIRECT. An arrival in the stream at Wellington on Saturday morning from Cnrdiff direct \vn« the New Zealand Shipping C-n.'s largo i:argo steamer Opawa. Leaving the Welsh coal port in ballast, on March 15, the vessel passed TencrilTo six days later. The south-cast trade- winds were gentle, with moderate head "seas. The Cape of Good llope va« pansed the twenty-second day out from Cardiff, tiiid the vewr! exnerienced (ho usual westerly weather, with lic!i> wiiidfi ivlien miikini; her easting. From this time until arrival ilothing unusual harseuod. The Onawa did not touch at
any port on th'o way out, tho voyaee being devoid of any unusual incident. She remains anchored in the stream awaiting orders. Captain J. J. Cameron is in command, and associated with him tho following officers :-Chiof, Mr. F. W. Somcrs-Vinaj second, Mr. O. P. Cotton-Staplcton; ihlrrt% Mr. 0. L. Spady; fourth, Mr. E. Uollandi 'chief engineer. Mr. C. Bush; cccond, llr, I G. S. Uarlwcll; third, llr. D. Gray; fonrth, Mr. A. Oowcll; llfth, Mr. 15. N. Melkloj sixth, Mr. O. R. Dod«>n; chief refrigerating engineer, Mr. W. F, Gurney; Eccond,Mr. V. V. Monigomerio; stoward-in-chargo, Mj'. S. J. Astlcy; surgeon, jSIr. U. If. Lewis, I Mr. E. N. Hall, late fccoiid ofilcer of tho Aorangi, has joined tho ATaliuri for a trip or bo, in place of second officer Davics, who has gone- to Dunediu for orders. Mr. Hall subsoduently joins the Kamona as chief offlcor. The Marine Department were advised on Saturday that the Government steamer Hinemoa had arrived at Kaipara from the Three Kings. Putlici, e.8., left Wellington early yesler> day morning for lha Sounds to load 6hcen f or' Wcatport. Owing to the Fanny having been placed on the Patent Slip at Napier, the Burn wont up to Tokomaru liny to lighter frozen meat to the Whiikalane. Therefore, tho will not be at Wellington to load for Napier until tho end of this week. Mr. Scales, third officer of tho R.M.S Aorangi, is to join the Kini aa second. Mr. Locltie, chief officer of tho Navua is. having the vessel nt Auckland thif trii), to take up farming, During Captain C. MacDouaid's absence in tho Old Country Captain King will b ( Marnib Superintendent for the Union Oompany at Duncdin. A'pariraa, s.s., has been fixed to load coal at a Welsh port, and is to eai! early this mouth for Colombo and Calcutta. She in to take the July loading berih at the latter port for Kcw Zealand, via Singapore and Sainarang. ■ -, . , • This trip up the coast from southern ports to Napier ar.d Oislioriic, tho Union Company n steamer Kowhai will not make a call at Wellington. .. Ml \, A ' Cpad, late second engineer of tho Moeraki, mat prcEtnt "standing by , , tho hamona. . From Wellington tho Kamona goes to Grcymouth to load timber for Adelaid-. uy"wedne?da ' 5 cincctcd to '"•' completed To-day tho 11.M.5. Maitai will bo plac-c under the 20-lon criuw to have her main mnst taken out. She sails for Kan Fra-i----cisco. via way ports, on Wednesday, at o p.m. Recently the schooner Amelia Sime, well known in Wellington, took 1710 facte of wheat and oatsi from Lyttcltbn to Motueka. Her previous best enrgo was 1670 snck.i. from Motueka the schoonor goes to Haw lock to load timber for Lyttcltou.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1115, 1 May 1911, Page 7
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2,334SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1115, 1 May 1911, Page 7
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