SECOND DAY. WOODIIEY WINS THE HANDICAP. THE ST. LEGER. DANUBE HAS AN EASY VICTORY. Beautifully iino weather prevailed for ;ho conchiding , day of (ho Wellington facing Club's autumn meeting, ami large :rowds journey ;d to Trentliam to witness :he racing. The attendance has, However, )ccn larger at previous autumn meeting!-, m<l though the sport at the fixture just xmcludod was of good quality, there was lot noticeable the same lively interest isually associated with a Thompson Hanlicap, so that (even with Saturday's 'avourable conditions) the totalisator only landled tlio sum of JCIG.S-13, as compared vith .£l6/103 for the corresponding day ast year, when, in addition, the club received a considerable return in foooknakers' fees. The total sura passed through ho machine on both days amounted to £2D,BSS, as against £25,0i3 for the two lays last year. The racing track was still suffering from ;ho heavy rains that had fallen, cud the ;oing was agaVu holding, the times being nuch the same as on the opening day. In .wo of tho events tLe fields were small, jut in all tho other races the starters ,vero numerous enough to allow of two lividc-nds being declared. Some of tho 'avolirites got homo during the day, but »kcn on the wholo backers had all the ivorst of tho argument, and for them tho noeting was one of tho most disastrous ;ver knowi at Trentliam. The principal ipon event of the day—tho Autumn Hanlicap—provided the best race of tho meeting. It was won by the Karamu candidate Woodhcy in ii clise and exciting finish. Tho Karam.i stable also annexed tho second half of tho double (Suburban Handicap) by the agency of Formby. Tho St. Lcger did not provide such an interesting contest as did last year's race. Only two 'candidates opposed Danube, and neither of them was class enough to extend the champion; whose easy victory was achiered in Hie slowest lime on record for tho ra?e. Details of the racing are as follow:— SECOND HURDLE HANDICAP., of 100 sovs. One mile and a halt. " Jlr. R. Jt'Dousall's b.g. Smiray, by Lethe-Daybreak, syrs., 10st. 131b. (F. Flynn) 1 i Mr- A. Bore's Whitestone, 9st. -lib. ■ '. 1 Mr. J. H. Prossor's Torbelle, 10st. 51b (Telford) .'. Also started: 3 Bally Shannon, <Jst. 111b. ' (C. Price). Whitestono led past the stand frou Bally Shannon and Siinray, with Tor belle- a long way behind. Bally Shannon Tan oft at the seven-furlongs post, am 1 fell over a steeplechase fence. White stone was then loading Suuray by aboir four lengths, with Torbello hdjiele-sij out of it. Whiteslono fed over tho liisl fence, but was easily beaten in the nil home by Sunray, with Torbelle a l;ai third. Time, 2min. 57 l-asec. HUTT HANDICAP, of 125 sovs. Oni mile. 1 Mrs. J. EUisi's blk. h. My Lawyer, by Blaekstone—Bminclinc, uvrs., 9st. 9ib ...(J. Bc-ale) : 3 Jlr. W. 31. Halley's Hilarian. Bst. ■ (F.'-E. Jones)- '. 5 Mr. L. Pascal's ■Bourra>quo, Sst. 111b. ...-. ..........:...(W. Oliver) i Also started: i Bracken, 9st. 71b. (I'or ter); 2 Sea Queen, 9»t. 31b. (W. 15 van) 6 St. Felix, Sst. 71b. (Jenkins). Sea Queen'first away, followed b; Bracken arid Bo'tirrasqu'e. . Bracken thei took the lead, but, before reaching tin half-milo post, he was displaced b; Hilarian and My Lawyer. The last named took tho lead three furlongs frcii home, and won very easily by twolength: from Hilarian, who was a "similar dis tance in front of Bourrasque. -ixi Queen was fourth. Time, lniin. iO 3-sscc MUEITAI HANDICAP, o£ 100 sovs Seven furlongs. 2 Mr. W. H. Gray's ch. g. Silver Bullet, by Calibre—Tapuwai, 3yrs.; 7st. 31b. (carried 7st. 101b.) (H. Gray) G Mr. H. Whitney's Turna, Vst. 111b. (L. Traill) : 1 Mr. E. J. Watt's Montiforin, Bsr. 81b. (K. Hatch) Also started: 1 Floater, Sst. 91b. (A Oliver); 8 Brown Trout, Sit. 61b.. carriei Sst. Tib. (C. Carmont); 5 Longwood, Sst Gib. (L. Wilson); 1 Deploy, Sst. Gib. (\V Price); 3 Moutoa Girl. 7st. 81b. (J -Al'l/jan); 7 Laius, 7st. ■ 7ib. (Mealier) G Odes-.i, 7st.' 2lb. (Emerson); 9 GoMei Age. Gst. 101b. carried Gst. 121b. (Monk) 11 Foreshot. Gst. 71b. (Stratford); 10 St Brandon, 6st. 71b. (Lee). From an even start, Floater and Odess: were the first to show cut, but, bel'ori the field had covered two furlongs De ploy rushed to tho front, and led pas the half-inilo post over two "lengths aheai of Silver Bullet, with the rest bunched Silver Bullet took the lead as thev caiiv into the straight with Deploy,. Moutoi Girl, Laius, Montiiomi, and Turna nips prominent of the others. Silver Bul'lc won by half a length from Turns", who wn three parts of. a length in front of. Monti form. Then came Mouloa Girl, Laius, am St. Brandon. Time, lmin. 33 S-osec. AUTUMN HANDICAP, of 325 sovs., sec ond horse to receive ' -10 sovs., and th ' third 20 sovs. from the stake. ' On mile and a quarter.2 Hon. J. D. Ormond's b. in. Woodhey, by Birkeuhead (imp.)—Goyt, Gyrs., 7st. 41b. (L. Wilson) G Mr. F. Hall's br. m. Iranui, by Soult ■ (imp.)—Tauhei, Gyrs, Sst. 71b. . ' (W. Byanl i Mr. ~T. E. Goddard's blk. g. Mulga Bill, by Merriwcc—Gipsy Queen, Gyrs., 7st. (K. M'Doiiald) Also started: 5 Merrivouia, Sst. 71b. (A Oliver); 3 Vice-Admiral, 7st. 121b. (H Uray); 1 Cheddar, Ist. 101b. (Emerson) ii Dearest, 7st. 31b. (.Meagher); 7 Kauroa Gst. 121b. (M'Mulleu);.!) i'lingot, Gst. 12ib (J. M'Lean). It was an excellent start, Vicc-Adinirai on the rails, leading round tho top tun from Mulga Bill and Kauroa. " At tin seveu-turlongs post, ICnuroa was showiii] the way to Mulga Bill, Yice-Admiral, am Cheddar, with Woodhey last. At the Haystack,' Merrivonia had run into sec ond place behind Kauroa, with l'lingot Mulga Bill, and Cheddar next, and tli' rest close up. A furlong later, and Flingot were abreast with Ir;inr,i Merrivonia, Vicc-Admiral, Mulga Bill and Woodhey in a bunch. Flingot led in to the straight, with the field closing up A pretty race home resulted in favour q Woodhey by a long neck from lianui who was half a length in front of.llulgi Bill. Then came i'lingot, Vice-Admiral and Cheddar. Time, 2min. 13 3-osec. NEW ZEALAND ST. LEGER STAKES of d4O sovs., second horse to receive 50 sovs., and tho third horse 25 sovs from the stake; a further sum of -U eovs. to be deducted from the stake and apportioned for the encourage meat of breeders. For three-year olds. One mile and three-quarters. 1 Mr. G. D. Greenwood's b. c. Danube, by Martian—Neva, Sst. 101b. (H. Gray) : 3 Mr. F. Hall's gr. c. Mii-a, by Soult (imp.)-Tauhei, Sst. lOlb. > , OV. Byan) : 2 Mr. W. Peweiie's br. c. St. Bees, by St. Ambrose (imp.)—Marlin, 13. St. 101b • (Jenkins) : These were the only starters. IJanurx led from start to finish, and won easilj by tlirco lengths from Mini, with St Bees four lengths away. Time, 3min 27seo. PACIFIC HANDICAP, of 200 sovs. Fo: two and three-year-olds. Five fur longs. i Mr. ]i. ,T. AVatt's br. c. Tfoyal Scotch, bv ltoval Artillery—Builey. Brec. 2yis., Sst. 101b (A. Oliver) : 1 Sir'Gco. Clifford's Terebintb. 7st. 91b. (Emerson) ! G Mr. J. Brett's Aloha, Gst. 71b. (J. M'Lean) : •Vlso started: 3 Formless, Mst. lib. (K Hatch); 5 Orton, 31b. (11. Gray); Avarice, Bst. Sib. (P. E. Jones); 2 Alt car 7ft. (H. AVatson); 7 Auercoed, Gst 71b.' (M'Mullen). Terebinth was first away - from Roya Scotch, and Avarice, with Orton and Alt car last. After going a furlong Eoya
icotcli look the lead, and was followed by l'ercbinth, Formless, Avarice, and Aloha, ■ioval Scotch wns not afterwards headed) imi won by pver two knglhs from Terelinl'li, who was a length and n half In rout of Aloha. Avarice was fourth, [■'oniiloss fifth, and Ortoii lust. Time, Lilti 11. 5 2-Osce. SUBURBAN HANDICAP, of 200 sovs. Six furlongs. ' lion. J. ]). (jrnioud's I), c. Formby, liy Birkonhead (iiny.)—i-Jladisla, 3yrs., Tst. Kill) (L. "Wibon) 1 13 Mr. E. J. AVatt's Wiunuera, 7st. !)lb. (Emerson) 2 1 Mr. M. T. M'Grath's Tumut, Bft. 81b. (Gray) 3 Also started: 1 Full Kate, 9st. 71b. (S. Rohl); 1 Obsono, fct. lib. (llntch); 11 Juki Lace. 9s t. (U\ J(yan); 10 Sharpshooter, Bst. Tib. (F. L'. Jones); 2 Gipsy Belle, Sst. jib. (Jenkins); G Sunburnt, Sst. lib. (\\\ Price); 5 My Lawver, Sst. Sib., inc. lUlb. penally (G. Beak); 3 Zealand rst. 41b. (M'Lcauh'S Thetis, Gst. 131b. Ice); 12 Lady Moutoa, Gst. 71b. (A. U'Mullen). My Lawyer was first away from Sharp•huoti'r, Obsono, and Tumut. Before goinj x furlong, Obsono took the lead, only to bo supplanted by Gipsy Belle, who led past the half-mile post from Obsono,' Zealand, and Formby. In another furious, Foriuby was up with Gipsy Belle, ■inel tho rest of tho field were bunched :\t their heels. Formby led up the straight with Sunburnt, Wimniora, Tumut, and My Lawyer disputing Formby won by a head from Wimniora, with Tumut' half a length away third. Then close up followed Sunburnt, Gold Lace, My Lawyer, and Full Rate. • Time, lmin. 18 3-sscc. BELMONT HANDICAP, of 100 sovs. Six furlongs. 5 Mr. J. Cress's sh. m. Lady Volley, by■Tawaha—Volley, iyrs., 7s.t. (D. Gordon) 1 2 Mr. G. D. Greenwood's Directoire, •7st. 131b :. (11. Gray) 2 3 Mr. H. W. Parata's Eongomau, 7st. 71b. (11. Young) 3 Also started: 1 Master Sylvia, Sst. 41b. (Oliver); 0 "Allurement,- Sst. 21b. (Ryan); 7 Lonastep, Sst. lib. (Traill); 4 Makara, 7st. slb.'(Mca*her); 9 Ahuapai. ~st. 211). (M'Lean); S Royal Knijrhi, Gst. 71b. (Emerson); 10 Egypt, Gst. 71b. (Stratford). Ahuapai was quickest away, while Master Sylvia was the last to move. Ahuapai led to tha straight entrance, followed by Makara, Directoire, and Longstcp. Directoire. took command when in lino for home, but she was foon aftcr_ challenged by Eongomau and lady Volley. The last-named'won by two lengths from Directoire, who was about the Kiine distance in front of Eongomau. Time, lmin. Msec. . NOTES OX THE RACING. INDIFFERENT DAY FOR BACKERS. Torbello carried nearly half tho money invested on the machine in the first race, but he ran badly, and was last the whole way, never for a second flattering hi; backers. Sunray, the first day's winner, scored cleverly after allowing Whitcstoiu to lead until over the, last fence. Lik< tho majority of his siro's stock, Sunraj is a bold jumper, and has sufficient paci to enable him to win plenty of hurdle raess.' Bally Shannon was going Vel' in second position until half the distnnci had been covered, but then, being appar ently of Ihe opinion that tho jumps wen too simple, he ran off and tackled tin big country with tho result previouslj mentioned. In (ho llutt ITandicap My Lawyer mad< tho .emainuig five candidates look se many commoners as they paraded in the binleage. J. Beale, a southern horwmai of tome note, came up specially to rid< the Eon of lilaekstone, and when back eis note:! the chaigc of jockeys, My Law yer was at once installed a warm favour ite. To say that he-won ca'sUy would In to put it mildly. Ho merely played witl the field over the fust five furlongs, nne thencamo away and won with a lot ir hand. On this form he must have beer veryunfortiinato to have been-beaten oul of a place in the Thompson, Handicap. Floater and Montifdrm, ■ who -werc bracketed on the machine, carried, mosl -money, but Sjkcr Bullet,. Jloutoa Girl, Deploy, and LongwoOel were all well supported. In order that he might havo the services of H. Gray, Silver liullet carried 71b. -over-weight,- and this made his impost lib. more than he carried on the first day when ho finished close behind tho placed lioTeos in the Silvcrstream Handicap. Gray rode- one of.his best races, and landed his mount a winner by a narrow margin from Turna, who 'appeared to meet with some interference througli the race. Deploy again showed plenty oi pace, but failed to see tho journey out as well as sha had done on the first day. All tho nctoptors lined up at the posl for tho Aulumn Handicap. Cheddar waf a pronounced favourite, while, with the exception'of Dearest, Kauroa, and Flingot, the others were fairlv evenly backed. The start, which tool: place in" front of tho stand, was an excellent one, the horses icaying the barrier in ■Uμ. The race was most interesting throughout, first one and then another of tho candidates appearing to possess winning chances. Woodhcy'; showing was a (treat improvement on her Thompson Handicap form, but it was the extra distance that suited her. In the early stages of the race she drifted bacli to last, n:id appeared to be hopelessly oul of it, b.-.t. lifter seven-furlongs had beer covered she- took hold cf tho bit, am finishing up the- straight in tine style, slit jnst'.seciired , victory in the last few strides from Iramii, who had been lmsj slalling off a challenge from.Mulga Bill Flingot wa;i going splendidly at a mile and it. appears as if he was unfortunate to bo bc.i+Eii in the Waiwetu Handicai on the opening day. Cheddar was vor\ disappointing as ho finished no neare'i than sixth. The St. I.eger wis an exercise cnntei for Danube, who, despite his infirm log had no difficulty in' leading iiis two op poncnts the whole way, and thus retaining his unbeaten three-year-old record The time for the race was the slowest, on record; Danube, Who pulled 'up lame, we; given an ovation as ho returned to weigl: in. He was allowed to pay a really goot; price. ' , Tho Chokeboro bracket—Avarice and Terebinth —carried most nione\ in the Pacific Handicap, bul Altcar was also heavily supported. The hitter's chance Was practically settled in the. draw for places, as he drew out' side position, which means several length; disadvantage at the five-furlong post on account of the angle at which tlio barrier is set. Terebinth drew No. 1 posr lion, ami Royal Scotch No. 2. Oliver on the hitter, was particularly alert ai the barrier and, though Terebinth gainec ai advantage, Koyal Scotch quickly head ed him, and easily maintained the leaei until the finish. Formless ran well foi three furlongs, but her big weight stoppce her at the finish,, and she failed to gair a place. Ortoii ran badly, and fiuishee last. ■ It was a brilliant lot of sprinters that faced the starter in the Suburban Hondi cap. Obsono and Gipsy Hello wero the favourites and, between them, carried ovei a third of the money invested. Tho race H'.w Formby in winning vein once more his last victory being as a two-year-old when'he won the North Island Challenge Stakes twelve months ago. Though he was not supported as heavily as on the first day, his win was popular, and alsc a meritorious ono considering the field behind him. Wimmera, who was the out Meier of the field and ran tho winner tc it head, returned his few supporters a handsome dividend. Had ho been able tc ce>mmenco well, ho may havo caused Formby some trouble as he was overhauling the latter very fast at the finish. Tumut, who, prior to Friday, hael not raced for a considerable time, was not long iu showing form and, after having not the best of luck through the race, he finished very close up third. Obsono and Gipsy Belle, who led at different stages, failed to maintain their advantage. With Gipsy Belle it whs apparently a matter of condition for, us on the first day, she finished absolutely last. When the Inst race came up for decision, thoio was a rush for Master Sylvia. Tho general report was that, the chestnut was unlucky on tho first day and, as Oliver had Ihe mount on Saturday, backers kept piling the money on until tho horse had over .CIOOO invested on him. Unfortunately he was caught iu tho barrier when it lifted, and lost ground there. Then', after catching his field, he met with interference, and did not afterwards havo a chance. Lady Volley, who with Silver Bullet, had finished close behind the placed horses in tho Silverstream Hack Handicap on Friday, ought to have been well supported in view of Silver Bullet's victory, but slip was only fifth favourite, and her supporters drew a good dividend.
uwners, trainers, ami jockeys had to nit up with toino annoyance on Iwlk lays of the meeting on account oi' the M-oivil Hint collected in the birdcage bobro each race. On most of the largo lourses in (lie .Dominion, this enclosure is ■eserved for owners, trainers, jockeys, and ilteudniils, and club officials. Several of ho visiting trainers are of opinion Hint hero should be some chock placed on ho spectators at 'J'rontluun to prevent hem" from wandering iu and out of the )irdcage at leisure. WINNING JOCKEYS. Winning jockeys at the meeting were: I. Gray three, i ,, . I'lyim and h. \Vilsou wo eae'li, A. Oliver, V. J'ortcr, C. Emorion. W. Young, D. Gordon, A. Ktrnlbrd, l'\ ilcaghef, J. Beale, and J. Jl'Lcau ono inch. WINNING OWNERS. Tlio following is the list of principal "inning owner?, at the Wellington liacng Club's meeting:— p Messrs. W. and G. Stead -593 Hon. J. D. Ormoud ■)!■> Mr. Tiemi rum f»» Mr. G. D. Greenwood >-U Mr. E. J. Watt 21a Mr. K, Buick • ■ 'J^ Mr. K. 51'DoiiRall » Sir George , Clifford "•] Mr. J. J. Corry •» Mrs. J. Ellis 2r Mr. 11. Whitney •••—• » Mr. V. Hall , % Mr. W. H. Gray £ Mr. C. Ross ' <;■ Mr. J. Cress '•! Mr. J. Hucldey •■• '[ Mr. T. I' , . Goddard i: - Mr. AV. Pewene ''; Mr. W. Jl. Halley 3; Mr. A. liorp M WINNING SIRES. Principal winuing sires at the Trenthani lix'ture just concluded wcro as follow:— Koval Artillery (Holchldss-Roso of 'AYellington) ■••• s<Birlicnhcad (Orine— lragedy) «.: •Vdvance (Vangimrd—Laurel) is. Jlartian (Jlarlagon-Otterden) ......... 3-: l-'inland (Bill of Portland—l'lshwife) Kit I.etho (Cndognn-Siesta) ,- \U Clauranald (St. Lcger-bcnttish Lassiv) 13c Mcrriwco (Bill of Portland-Etra Weenie) • ,- »;■ Soult (St. Simon—Bcauliarnais) IUI Quarrvman (Bill of Portland-Ma-do'wla) •• J; Blackstono (Grafton—Consistence) ... 9.: Epaulet (Jlcdallion—Diuln) '••• »• Stepuiak (Nordeufeldt-Steppe) SI
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1115, 1 May 1911, Page 2
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2,984TRENTHAM RACES. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1115, 1 May 1911, Page 2
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