PHASES OF TIIE MOOS. APMIi. Day. hr. ra. First ouarto 6 5 25 p.m. Vull moon » 2 7 a.m. Last quarter 22 6 6 a.m. New moon 29 9 55 a.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 2.55 a.m.; sets, 4.11 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 1.32 a.m.; 1:55 p.m. To-morrow, 2.27 a.m.; 2.50 p.m. PUN. Sun rises to-day C.3Q a.m.; sets, 5.6 p.m ARRIVALS. TUKSTUY. APIIIL 25 NIKAU, s.s. (7.25 a.m.), 252 tons, Hay, from Jtotnel<a. MAIt.UtOA, s.s. a.m.), 2598 toiiE, Manning, from Lyltclton.-371 passengers. lIAL'KOTO, s.s. (10 a.m.), 1988 tons. Collins, from Auckland. Oisbornc, and Passengers: Haloon-Mirsos Hobbs, 'lindall. ; Mesdamss Buck and infant, Carroll, le Hcu Hen, l'ople, Sims, Messrs. Bald, King, Duck, Brown, Tc Hcu Hcu, Arundel, Poplc; PATEENA, s.s. (7.45 p.m.), 1212 tons, Carey, from Nelson and Picton. NUAHEJIE, s.s. (10 p.m.), 1090 tons, Dilncr, from (jreymoutli. , WAIMEA, s.s. (10.45 p.m.), 454 tone, Wildman, from Grcymouth. DEPARTURES. TUESDAY. APRIL 25 NORA • NIVEN, s.s. (6.20 a.m.), 56 tons, Eastick, for Cook Strait. AOItERE, s.s. (12.40 p.m.), 77 tons, Fisli, for Patca. WAIEAU. s.s. (4.25 p.m.), 93 tons, Shaw, for Puponga. MAN'A, s.s. (2.35 p.m.), 134 tone, Dixon, for Patea. STORMBIRD, s.s. (3.30 p.m.), 217 tons, Dowell, for Wancanui. KAIITJ, s.s. (4.5 p.m.), IS2 tons, Jones, for Napier. HUIA, s.s. (4.10 p.m.), 127 tons, Hurt, for Wanganui. KAPITI, s.s. (4.10 p.m.), 242 tons, Sawyers, for Wangaiiui. MAPOUItIKA, E.s. (4 p.m.), 1203 tons, Crawford, for Nelson, Westport, and Orcymouth. Passengcre-Saloon: For Nelson —Misses Jlarsden, Jcllie, Jlartin, Younpt, Mcsdamcs Pope, Bowdcn, Messrs. Caldwell, Bennett, Jones, Walker, M'Farlanc, Shicmold. and Rev. Kempthornc. For Westport— Misccn Power and child, Mitchell. Mcsdaracs. AtMuson, OottrcU, Kcrr, Williams, Messrs. Todil, Atkinson, Coltrell, Kcrr, Cha-DPCII, Watkins and Furncaux. For Grcymouth— Mesdamcs O'Bane, Kerr, Messrs. ll'Lcan, ICnowles, and Williams. GERTIE, s.s. (5.30 p.m.), 269 tons, Maalcy, for i'oxton. NIKAU, s.s. (0 p.m.), 245 tons. Hay. for Nelson and Motueka. lIAUROTO, s.s. (6.50 n.m.l. 1988 tons. Collins, lor Lyttnlton ajul Duncdin. OPAWA, s.s. (7 p.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas for Blenheim. BLENHEIM, s.s. (7 p.m.), 120 tons, Wateon, for Blenheim. , EIPPLE, B.a. (8 p.m.), 370 tons, Carlson, for Napier and Gisborne. INDRABAKAII, s.s. (9 p.m.), 7000 tons, HolliiiGSWortli, for Timaru. KAITOA, s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 350 tons, Graham, for Nelson and West Coast. MAKAMOA, B.s. (8.10 p.m.), 2598 tons, Miliums, for Lyttellon. Passengers: SaloonJlissea Boyco, Cleary, Wilson, HcycocK, Buckley, Shefneld, Jlorlcy, Evans, Mesdamcs von Haast, Strachan. Dunn, Crawshaw. Milcock,' Perkins, Button, Elliott. Gardner, Messrs. Strachan, Tulloch, Dunn, Milcocß, Cameron, Marc.hant. Ilutchinson. Watson, Glasgow, Langlcy. Edwards. Buchanan, I'atercoii. Perry, Howicson. Gill. Morrison, Gordon, Stedmau, lieid, Elliott, Gardner. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Wana.Ua, Wcstport. April 26. Flora, southern ports, April 26. Manaroa, Motueka, April 26. Kiripaka, Patea, April 26. Maori, Lyttclton, April 26. Avahura, West Coast, Nelson, Picton, Mokoia, Sydney direct, April 26. Putilii, Timaru, April 27. Aorcrc, Patca. April 27. Opawa, Blenheim, April 27. Ocrtic, Foxton, April 27. Blenheim. Blenheim April 27. Rtormbird, Wanganui, April 27. Kapuni, Patea, April 2'i. Kaplti, Waiwanni, April 27. Mana, Patea. April 27. Nikau, Nelson, Motueka, April 27. Jlararoa, Lyttellon. April 2i. . Kavua, Suva. Auckland, April 27. Whakarua. Lyttelton. April 27. Victoria, Duncdin, Lyttellon, April 27. Maitai, San Francisco, via, way porte, Wakatu, LyltcHon, Kaikonra. April 27. Corinna, southern ports, April 27. Monowai, Auckland, Uiebornc, Napisr, April 21 ' . Moana, Melbourne, via southern ports, Huia, Waneanui, via MotucUa, April 28. Ivlapourlka. Wo=t Coast, Nclion. Anril 29. Opawa, Cardiff, April 29. Rosamond, Onehunua, New Plymouth, April 30. , ,„ Hauroto, Duncdin, Lytlelton. April 30. Rotorua, London, via way ports, April 30. Kaikoura, Lyttclton, April 30. Ripple, Gisborne, Picton. May 1. ; Tarawcra, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, May 2. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Wanaka, Lyttelton, Timaru, April 26. Flora, Nelson, Wcstport, kreymuutb,' April 26. Manaroa, Havelock, April 26. Pateena, Picton, Nelson, April 26. Maori, Lyttelton, April 26. Ngalicrc, Grcymouth, April 27. Putiki, Grcymouth, April 27. Aorero, Patea, April 27. Waimea, Kelson, West Coast, April 27. . Opawa, Blenheim, April 27. Queen of the- South, I'oxton, April 27. Gertie, Westport, April 27. Blenheim, Blenheim, April 27. Rtormbird, Wanganui, April 27. Kiripaka.«a. April 27. Kapiti, Wanganui, April 27. Mana., Patea, April 27. Nikau, NclEon, Motueka, April 27. Mararoa, Lyttciton, April 27. Victoria, northern ports, Sydney, April 27. Ruapehu. London, via way ports, April 27. Mokoia, Melbourne, via southern ports, April 27. Corinna, Nelson, New Plymouth, Oncliutiga, April' 27.' Wakatu, Kalkourn. Lyttelton, April 28. Moaiia, Sydney direct, April 28. Monowai, Lyttclton, Dunedin, April 23. Whakarua. 'London. April 29. , Arahura, Picton, Nelson, West Coast. April 29. Hauroto, Napier, Gisboruo, Auckland, May 1. Rosamond, Picton, Nelson, Now Plymouth. Onchuncra, May 1. Tarawern., Lyttclton, Dunedin, May 2. Mapourika, Ncleoii. West Coast, May 2. Hippie, Napier, Oisbornc, May 2. Kaikoura, London, May 2. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MOERAKI, s.s., left Melbourne April 19 for Hobart, Bluff, Duncdin, Lyttolton, and Wellington. Due Wellington April 28. Leaves same, day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney May 2. MOKOIA, s.s., left Sydney April 22, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington April 26. Leaves April 27, for Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne. Due Melbourne May 6. VICTORIA, s.s., left Dunedin April 25, for Lyttelton and Wellington. Duo Wellington April 27. Leaves same day for northern ports and Sydney. Due Sydney MOANA, s.s., leaves Mclbourno April 26, for Hobart, Bluff. Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Wellington. Due Wellington May 5. Leaves same day for Sydney. Due Sydney May 9. OVERSEA SHIPPINC. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. PAPAJIOA (due about May 1), sailed on March 6, via. Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) NIWARTJ (duo about May 17), Bailed on March 18, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) ROTORUA (duo about Sunday), sailed on March 18, via Cape Town and Uobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) STAR OF CANADA (due about May 26), sailed on March 22, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) lONIC (due about May 15), sailed on March 30, via, Capo-Town'and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill and Albion Co., agents.) PAKKUA (due nbout May 22), sailed on April 8, via Auckland. (Shaw, .Snvill, and Albion Co., agents.) STAR OF SCOTLAND (duo about Juno 12), sailed on April 5, via Australia, Auckland and Napier. (Tyscr Lint', agents.) TUUAKINA (due about May 30), sailed on April 15, via Capo Town and Hob.irt. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) MATATUA (duo about Juno 8), sailed on ■\pril 14, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) From Liverpool. MORAYSIUIiE (due about Mar 14), failed on March 4. via. Australian port* and Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) DELPHIC (due about May 10), sailctl on Jlnrch 10, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co., agents.) DIiAYTON GRANGE (due about Mny 22), sailed 02 April 1, via Cape Town. (F.-H.-S. Line, agents.) From Montreal. INVKKTAY (due about May 3), Failed on February 18, via Melbourne and Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) WAKANUI Iduc about June 5), tailed on March 26. via Aiulralia. and Auckland. (Now Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Now York. JLIEPAGUS (duo about May. 4). sailed on
January 7, via Australia a-d Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) SWANLEY (due about May 15), sailed on February 10, via Australia, and Auckland. (A. and A- Line, agents.) BItIEZ IZEL (due about May 10), sailed on February 21, via Auckland (Vncuum Oil Company, agents.) STAB OF AUSTRALIA (due . about May 18), sailed on March 8, via Australia and Auckland. PABTHENIA. (duo about Juno 17), sailed on March 29. via Australia and Auckland. (Dalgety and Co., agents.) MIMIRO (due about July 15). sailed on April 10, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) From Calcutta, WAITEMATA (due about May 16), sailed ' on April 10, via Singapore, Java, and Auckland. (U.S.S. Co., agents.) From San Francisco. MAITAI (duo to-morrow), sailed on April C, via Papeete and Karotraga. (U.S.S., Co., agents.) SAILER TO ABBIVE. DUKCEAIG, barque, sailed from Liverpool March 10. (Johnston and Co., ngents.) BY TELEQIiAPH. i OVERSEA. SYDNEY, April 25. Arrived-Ullmaroa (3.30 p.m.), from WeiSailed—lnvcrtay, for Auckland. FEEMANTLE, April 25. Arrived—China, from London. MELBOURNE. April 25. \rrivcd—Kiwaru, from London. lIOBAIIT, April 25. Arrlvcd-Kotorua, from London. COASTAL. TUESDAY, AI'BIL 25 OXEHUNGA. Sailcd.-Earawa (4.30 p.m.), for New PlymoUtU - AUCKLAND.' Arrived— Navua (2.20 p.m.), from Fiji. Sailed.-Tofua (5.50 p.m.), for the Islands and Svdncy; ■':■■: "', ■■•■> (iailcd.-Monowai, for southern ports. Pas-sengcrc-Saloon: For Wellington-Misses Grey Zohrab (2), Messrs. Anderson, and rcnln - NAPIER. Arrived.-Tarawcra (1.15 p.m.), from Weilhlston' Picros. \rrivcd.—r.osamond (6.45 a.m.). from Wcl.UißtOn - MOTUEKA, Arrived.-Manaroa (7 a.m.), from Welling- - °Sailed.-Manaroa (5.15 p.m.), for WeUingtOn' ;FAREWELL SPIT. Ngaherc, pasted for Wellington at 10.35 a.m. WESTPOKT. Sailed.-Kaiapoi (7 a.m.), for Sydney; Wanaka (7JO a.m.), for Wellington. KAIKOUItA. Arrivcd.-Wakatu- (5 a.m.), from Wellingto"' LYTTELTON. Arrivcd.-Maori'(6.',s a.m.), from Welling-Arrived.-Lily, schooner, from Westport; Wakntu, from Wellington and Kaikoura. Sailed.-Flora (5.25 p.m.), for Wellington. Bailod;-Whakatano, for Napier i Kairaki, for Ticton and Greymouth. DUNEDIN.' Arrivcd.-Kotjre.Jrora ..Oamaru: Mperaki, Norfolk, for Bluff; Kotare. .for Catlins River, Rivcrton, an aailed.-Vi'ctoria, for Sydney, via way ports and Auckland., PaEsenßerß-Saaloon: For Lvttclton-Mrs. Soldi. Mr. Holdi. Joi Wellington-Misses Reid (2). Sibbald 2). bister May, Mcsdanica Sibbald, Iloonor. Reid, Mr. Kcrslake. For Napier-Mlsa Fraser, Mesdames Watt. Bear, Gray and children, I/iiiiK, Messrs. Hoy. Gray, Lainc.tor Gis-borne-Mr. Kirk. For Auckland-Misn Abcrfor'all port, Arrived.—Kia. Ora (1i.15 a.m.). from Wel-"Arrivcd.-Koonya, from West Coast. Sailcd.-Koonya, for Duncdm. MAITAI'S AEKOGBAMME. A wireless message received from B.M.S. Maitai, now en route from Han Francisco to Wellington, via way ports, elates that the vessel ia expected to reach port to-mor-row morning. lONIC LEAVES CAPE TOWN. Cable advice received by the local agents of the New Zealand Shipping Co. statca that K.M..S. lonic left Cape Town, in continuation of her voyage from London to Wellington, on Saturday last. She ia due here on May 16. HARPAGUS LEAVES SYDNEY. Information received by the loccl agents of the A. ar.d A. Lino is to Iho effect that tho llarpagus (in continuation of her journey from Ne.w York) left Sydney for Auckland on Saturday last. Tho votsc! is expected to arrive at Wellington on May 4. SURREY REPORTED. Advice received by tho local agents of tho F.-If.-S. Line intimates that the Surrey arrived at Monte Video on A.pril 24, and continued her voyage for Avonmouth on tho same day. She cleared Lyttelton on March 3, and is due at her destination about May 19. WELLINGTON-'FRISCO SERVICE. Owing to repairs to her machinery taking longer than was anticipated, the Aorangi will not leave Wellington for San Francisco on May 5. Her run is to be taken by the, whicli is due from the American port to-morrow morning. The Aorangi is scheduled to leave Wellington for San Francisco on May 31. COMING BY THE OSTERLEY. When ehc left London for Australian ports tho Orient steamer Osterley had on board the ioHowiilß New Zealand-bound ni^'cnuers:—For Nclson-Tho Veil. Archdeacon Harper. Mtes Dixon. For Wellinc-lon-Miss Bennett, Mr. li. V. Bristol, Misn Chalmers, Miss Vallance, the Misses A. and 0. Collins, Mr. J. Stark, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Woods. , The Ofslerloy s passengers arc likely to arrive at Wellington by the Ulimaroa from Sydney on May I. THE NEW LAUDEHDALE. "Fflirplay" st-ata? that oa Tuesday, Miwch 14, the s.s. Laudcrda'.c, of about 2000 lons deadweight, built to tho order of the Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand, Ltd., by the CnmpbeltowQ Shinbuilding Company, Campbeitown, and cngined by Messrs. David Rowan* and Co., tilMCOw. ran trials at Wcmyes Bay. The Lauderdale ii of tho well-deck tyne with raised quarter-dock, bridge and topgallant forecastle. She has a complete inf.tallatioß of electric light, double winche? and derricks to each hatchway, and' has been specially arranged for tho owners" New Zealand long coasting trade. After tlio trials, which were highly satisfactory, the Laudefdalo proceeded to. Liverpool tc
finish loading before clearing for the voyago out to Now Zealand. ». moan speed oX over 10i knots was easily maintained. BOTORUA BEACHES HOBABT. TWO DAYS AHEAD OF TIME. The New Zealand Shipping Co. arc in 'receipt of advice statins that B.M.S. llolorua arrived at Ilobart from London at 8 a.m. yesterday. Tho vessel is two days ahead of schcau'.o time, nnrt ia cxpcct?d to arrive at Wellington about noon on Sunday. When uho left London the Kotorua had tho following passwscrs' oa board t-Pirat saloon—Dr. J. 11. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. D. Osborne, mid Iho Misses Osborno, Mr. and Mn?. 11. Stratton Coles, Mrs. Kirliland, Mr. T. J. Donovan, Mr..K. Gillinßliain, Mr. I!. Ifazleton, M.P., Mr. J. Johnstonc, Mr. D. Kiiißßland, Mr. M. P. Parry Mr. W. A.. licdmond, M.l'. Second saloon-Dr. E. Boxer, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Darrcll, Mr. ond Mrs. R. Frogloy and pon, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thoinsor. aad Mies Thomson, Mrs. and Mm Anthony, Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. E. J. Blackshaw and family (5), Mrs. E. A. Chrislio and 2 children, Mrs. K. M. Garraway. Mrs. J. Gould, Mrs. C. lluggard, Mrs. and MSfs Pickup, Mrs. and Mlsn Steele, Mrs. A. F. Watson ond boh, Nurse E. Smythe. Mips M: A. Shcnhcrd, Miss L. Morgan, Mir? Ford, Miss Elliott, Miss Caskcr, Miss Gallamore, Miss M. S. Clark. Messrs. F. R. Atndcn. J. T. Anderson. P. Druid, A. G. Bryant. F. I. Ellis*. A. Fitzhcrbcrt, P. Folciki 0. F. Giles, J. 11. Hn!e, 0. S. Hello. 0. Ibbott.. R. Johnston, F. 11. Lour. 11. l<. Penny. \V. F. Pcrchore. W. N T . Stokes. N. Wells, A. Winter. In vim third-class there are nearly 360 passengers. On her arrival from Sydney direct, this morning, tho Moana will berth at, the Queen's Wharf No. 6 north, to land paeseugers and dischargo cargo. Indrabarah, s.p.. having completed the cMscharge of the Wellington portion of her London cargo, sailed for Tiinaru last evening. .. . . At any tiino now the Ktrathondrick Is likely to put in an appearance at Wellington. She is coming from Noumea, and is to take in 1000 tons of bunker coal. Tim vessel came to Wellington,from New York with case oil, and upon completion of discharge at the four main New Zealand norta. proceeded from Wcstport tn.Noumea phosphates for America. On Sunday mernlng the New Zealand Shipping Co.':i si comer Kaikoura ; g expected to arrive at. Wellington from Lylt-1-ton for coaling nurposca only. She sirlii for London on Tuesday next. Arahura. s.s.. left Grcyniouth for Wellington, via wav port*, at 9.30 n.iti, yesterday. She is due in port, some time to-night. ' On her recent pnjsago from Wellington to Lytteiton the New Zealand Shipping Oo.'s steamer WhoAataue took ,28. hours. This waii owing to the prevalence of foir. and the vesr-pl was accordingly kept on a course well off tho land. 11, is reported that the Union Company's steamer Whangapc is to !ond at Newcastle, and is to sail early this week for Tiniaru. Lyttelton, and Wellington. Mr. W. Hcndcr, who hat! been ashore for , sonic wcekn, has joined tho Monowal ns chief officer, in place of Mr. Davy, who has gone to Duncdin. ' On Saturday last the Kaitaniala, was to havo left Mclbounie for Edilhourg, whero she loads rait and gypsum. She then proceeds to ll.ot'avt to load timber for tho Bluff, Tiniaru, lyi'cHon, and Wellington. ])uo here about May 22 from London, the Shaw, Savill and Albion Oo.'s etenmer Pnkcha is bringing a larss number of immigrants for Australia. She will coal ac Fremantlc, Mclbounie, Sydney, and Auckland en route. No fewer tha:: five hundred empty beer casks were included in the cavgo fhintud I'rpm Wellington to Duncdin by the Jlauroto yesterday. At 7 a.m. yestcrdny th? Unlou-Company's steamer Kaiapoi left, Westporl for Sydney. Yoslsrdny tlw New Zealand trainin™ iship Amokura moved from her berth at tho Wool Wharf to an anchorage in tho Ftream, where die wil! remain for tho winter. All the extra men employed on bonrtl have been p.iid off, n.nd tho boys will commence their 'Technical Helios! work ■at once. The cteamer Gcrti? left for Foxton yesterday, hikl returns here to-morrow, proceeding thence to Wcs'port. Th? Queen ol the South, whicli Im been undergoing annual overhaul nv.A ■survey, resumes running ill tho WcHington-Foxton service at 3 p.m. to-day. Mr. J. R. Owen rejoined the Ripple as olilof officer yesterday. Mr. J. Parry, second officer, signed off tho vcssol'b articles. The Marino Department advise that tlio Government steainer llincmoa was at Ngunguru yesterday, and is now on Ucr way to Capo lirctt lighthouse. leaving Wellington yesterday for Wangnnui, ihc liuia returns via Motueka. on Friday. lluring the passage of the Mnhcno from Sydney to Aucklund last trip, a largo fourmasted siiliim ship was-passed at 8.15 a.m. on April 21. She was thought to be tho American barqucnlinc Kohala, bound from LyUcUou to Newcastle.
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Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1111, 26 April 1911, Page 9
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2,727SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 4, Issue 1111, 26 April 1911, Page 9
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